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2010-05-17 6:16 AM
in reply to: #2862484

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-05-17 6:58 AM
Two types of ravioli, eggplant parm, peppers and sausage with ziti, their awesome baked rolls, and salad. Yum.

Are you kidding?  That sounds awesome!  I got a couple of dry bagels, some watery gatoraide, and a banana!  Sign me up for next year!

Hope that neuroma  settles down for you.



2010-05-17 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2855611

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-13 7:56 AM SHAUN - In our nutrition discussions, this is shaping up to be of epic proportions -- LGS (Last Geek Standing). Which of us will be the first to throw up his hands and scream "It doesn't matter what I consume!!" "I don't care about magnesium!" "What goes in, comes out!" ?? Before I swim today, then , it'll be a bowl of Frosted Flakes, three slabs of Bazooka bubble gum, some Wise potato chips, and a Hires root beer. I mean, that's about all I ate when I was a kid, and I never slowed down then!


How'd that swim go for you??

Mine yesterday was cut a bit short. I was hitting my times but having been up since 3:20am and got into the pool at 5:45pm all I wanted to do was have a hot shower and go to bed.

Whichever one of us is the LGS, I know I've learned something and am enjoying it. In fact, I am reading through Hobson's book a bit faster as I want to get into Carmicheal's Food for Fitness. Speaking of which the more I read of Hobson's the more I definitely recognize that the writing style of Friel is so much better for beginners books. The nice part about Hobson is they have a good amount of talk about technique and look at training a bit differently. It's about finishing well not just finishing, like Friel.

So sorry to hear about your Bruins. I really was wanting to see them beat Philly (why is it people either hate Philly sports teams or love them?). Now the Habs have a big pill to swallow it looks like after loosing 6-0 last night.

Also my apologizes go out to the Sox however, having a teams to cheer for is a nice thing in this city. I could not imagine what downtown Detroit would be like if none of the teams had stadiums down there.
2010-05-17 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2862484

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Good assessment! And I will try to remind you before Escape --- it's Motrin time!

On my wall I have a list (it's more like a long scroll) of all the races I have done, and later I will go through it race by race and try to remember how many of my races had post-race offerings that rivalled yours yesterday. I can't give you a number right now, but offhand it's very to say ---- not many, if any!

That is incredibly generous, and assuming that the race fee was very reasonable, it's hard to imagine the race itself making any money. Or Bertuccis. Something had to give somewhere - either the race paid Bertucci's a king's ransom to feed you all so exquisitely, or Bertucci's has an enormous heart and provided that stuff just to be gracious and wonderful. Yummilicious!

2010-05-17 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Congratulations  Tracey an Mandy  I think I know what the Bias roll Is but I will wait for the full explanation
2010-05-17 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2862507

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad you're back; I was getting worried about you!

You know, I didn't even realize the Flyers series had started last night. I just assumed that the league would alternate days, so when I saw the Chicago game in the afternoon I figured Philly-Montreal for tonight. Shucks. I'm sorry I missed it! I have developed a real dislike for the Canadiens, largely because of their fans. It was probably lost to you all down there, but there has been rioting in Montreal after both of their recent sereis -- over Washington, over Pittsburgh. They were amazing victories, to be sure, but do they justify rioting?? Geez, at least save that for something like winning the Stanley Cup!

Decades ago, as in the early- and mid-seventies, I really liked the Flyers. While living in Maine I would sometimes be able to pick up their radio broadcasts, and they had a great pair of announcers -- Gene Hart and Larry Zeidel. Both of them were "homers", and thta's always fun, but Zeidel was a real hoot. He was a careeer minor-league thug, but when put in front of a microphone he was very entertaining. No necessarily brilliant or overwhelmingly articulate, but just plain old entertaining. And those broadcasts were sponsored by Krispy Kreme cookies and cakes -- a company that is still in business.

One more thing -- I think that maybe Lauren Hart, the singer who begins "God Bless America" before they show Kate Smith on the big screen, is Gene Hart's daughter. I think I have read that somewhere, but forgot it until I saw her doing it before game six. I'll have to Google that. She performed okay, I guss, but not like Kate! (However, she is vastly cuter than Kate! ) (But then again, so am I.) (I hope! )

Moving on!

The new issue of Triathlete has an article on magnesium, and I will try to summarize it here, soon. I am still possessed with thoughts of magnesium, thanks to our discussions here, so that article was very timely. The other day I was remembering a product that was available a few years ago -- a small bottle, a vial almost, that could be added to a drink or just swigged from straight, and it was loaded with magnesium. I can't remember its name, but I think it had part of the word magnesium in it. I would like to somehow find out what the magnesium levels in it were. Maybe I still have a vial or two kicking around -- expiration date 5/04 or so!

Those late swims after early wake-ups are killers. For a few years I would be awake at 5am for work, and then swim from 8-9 in the evening. Was my heart in it? No. Mind? No. Body? NO!! I mean, I did those workouts religiously, but it was all duty and no love.

Of course, in the past few years of 99% midday swims, I STILL haven't become the swimmer of my dreams, but at least I enjoy it a little bit more than back in my own personal Paleozoic. And on this note, I am swimming in the pool about noon, then lifting, and then MAYBE trying an OWS from the waters below Hog's Back, out of the Rideau Canoe Club. The water temp was about 60.5 on Friday, but if it's warm today I might give it a go. With Columbia on Sunday it would be good to get in open water at least once before then. or so I tell myself! Doh?

2010-05-17 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2856264

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Ran into some of your Kansas Jayhawks on Thursday. I was doing some judging/volunteer work at the Michigan Formula SAE competition, which is a collegiate engineering design competition where the students design, build and race an open wheel race car. I worked on this as a student and now that I live 2 hours from the Michigan event, I've been going back and helping out for a few years now. The excitement level from 750 or so early 20 year olds who have been working on something for 9 months to 4 years is awesome.

I judged the Jayhawks in part of the competition and was very impressed with them. Very well done and polished. Great bunch of kids. I know they also made the design semi-finals which is always a big deal there.

2010-05-17 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2862536

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Another congrats going to Mandy and Tracey!!

May not have been a PR day, but nevertheless good job!

Sorry to hear about no sticker Mandy. After reading your blog about it and how excited you were about it I sure hope you are not too dissappointed. Should we have SteveB e-mail the RD's for you and have them make a special batch for this years participants?

2010-05-17 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2862624

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Blais Roll = Blazeman!


Yeah, that must've caused some consternation at the Sugarloaf finish line ---- but good for you for doing it!

2010-05-17 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2862672

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Vineman. (Vineman, where are you? Steve AquaviNEMANa?)

2010-05-17 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2861545

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-16 1:03 PM ANNE again - For Muskoka, is that "next Monday", as in the 24th? Drats. That's the day after Columbia! (Otherwise, I'd wheedle and ask if I could join you!)

DRATS x 3!!!!   I would have liked that very much.   Yes, we are heading up early morning on the 24th and riding in the afternoon.   Hopefully traffic won't be too bad on the route.   I think most people will be on the main road heading south.   Trisport shows the elevation on their course map.   Don't know why they don't do that for all the races.   It doesn't look too bad to me really, but I'm not the best map reader.  

Since we are in the area, we are going to ride the half iron route on Tuesday morning.   I keep hearing all these stories about how tough it is, so I need to see for myself.    I do know it is harder than Peterborough, just based on past results of people who do both races every year.    Peterborough seems to have average speeds about 1.5 to 2km faster than Muskoka, so I'm thinking it can't be THAT much harder.  

Last year the changed the Peterborough route to go west to Pontypool (turn around point) due to construction issues, I believe but it looks like they have changed it back to the usual route.   We have ridden both as training rides and I prefer the normal route going east.   It is prettier with more hills but I'm thinking I might not like the west wind that usually happens.  At least I know I can work hard against it knowing I don't have to run.    

Going to get some cycling on the flats today, here in Windsor area.   If the weather stays decent, we will get another ride in tomorrow morning before heading back home.

Nothing rare to report in the birdwatching yesterday.   Pretty bad really, but the trails are such a great place to spend walking for hours.    Despite the lack of rare sightings, I still get excited spotting even the most common birds - White Crowned sparrows, Cooper's Hawksk; Magnolia, Yellow and Yellow Rumped Warblers; Indigo Buntings; Swainso'ns Thrush; female Grosbeaks, tons of Baltimore Orioles and Gray Catbirds.

Enjoy your swim today.   Can't wait to hear about OWS.   I am planning one for Thusday if the weather holds.   Have no idea of the water temp, so it might be a short one.  

2010-05-17 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TRACY AND MANDY, on your races.    Well done despite the obstacles. 

TRACEY - SteveB is so right about most people picking the easiest possible route to PR on.   There is a 10km race here in Toronto in the spring that is ENTIRELY downhill that people use for that purpose.   To me it would sort of feel like cheating, reallly.   And being able to race an event knowing BEFOREHAND the pains that you may have to suffer through (neuroma) shows signs of true toughness.   Much different from racing through something that occurs unexpectedly during a race.    Although that shows mental toughness too, it is somehow easier to deal with.  

MANDY - Same comment to you re the mental toughness.   To go into that race with your calf issue, and having just come off that crazy trainer ride, is simply amazing to me.   WELL DONE!!  

2010-05-17 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2862672

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-17 9:01 AM MANDY - Blais Roll = Blazeman! Duh! Yeah, that must've caused some consternation at the Sugarloaf finish line ---- but good for you for doing it!

Yup - I rolled for Jon Blais!  On longish courses I do.  Some of his writings were floating in my head during the race, this one especially:

More than your neighbors.
Unleash yourself upon the world and go places.
Go now.
Giggle, no, laugh.
No...stay out past dark,
And bark at the moon like the wild dog that you are.
Understand that this is not a dress rehearsal.
This is it...your life.
Face your fears and live your dreams.
Take it all in.
Yes, every chance that you get...
Come close.
And by all means, whatever you do...
Get it on film.

~ Jon Blais, "The Blazeman"

SO for those that might not know - to learn more about his story, go HERE - the video on the page is worth the watch. 

Mandy's print version is: In 2005 a young triathlete who was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig's disease) was exteremely frustrated wtih the lack of research (the treatment today is the same as Lou Gerhig received).  He became a "warrior" for ALS, trying to raise awareness and increase research funding.  He completed IM Kona 5 mos after being diagnosed - saying, "I am going to finish if I have to roll across that line" (loose quote...close though) and he did just that.  The next year, he watched the race from a wheelchair and his friend did the Blais roll.  Jon died in 2007.  Now many pros, (Chrissie Wellington, Leanda Cave, Matty Reid...a few others) and age groupers roll across the finish line to honor Jon and to raise awareness of ALS.  I don't think I raised any awareness though, no one asked why I did it - and it is more of a tri thing...but since I had him in my head, I just did it.


2010-05-17 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2862762

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Edited by midlifeinsanity 2010-05-29 10:08 PM
2010-05-17 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2862687

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


One of the things that keeps me from signing up for Muskoka70.3 is that the bike is 94km instead of the normal 90km. That's enough of a differnece to make it kind of inaccurate for comparison purposes with other HIM performances. Silly of me, maybe, but there it is.

Similarly, a new race in MD, HalffullTriathlon, has the 56 mile bike and the 13.1 mile run, just like a half-iron, but the swim in 0.9km instead of the 1.2 mile. 0.3km isn't much, but again -- enough to throw off my comparisons.

That is not to say that I will never do either, but if I'm going to train for those distances, i'd like them to be "accurate". Of course, thre are no guarantees of that, anyhow. My second iron, which was The Canadian, ended up being about 2km (or was it 2 miles?) longer on the run. So my 11:54 or whatever for that wouldabeencouldabeen about 11:45, or less. THEN it got turned around on me at The Canadian Half-Iron in '07, where I was thrilled to see a p.r. of 5:07 ----- only to learn later that the run was UNDERmeasured by about a km. So, there went that p.r. GRRRR!

As for the Toronto downhill 10km -- no way could I do that and consider it a vaild p.r. It would be an asterisk p.r. at best -- like Barry Bonds' home run record!

I saw the new/old map for Peterborough just the other day! I too wondered about winds, especially ones out of the northwest which would give one a headwind for virtaully all of the final 28 miles of riding. Gulp. I guess the strategy would be to do the front half in something like big ring and the 13-cog --- enough to provide some decent resistance to hammer against, but not enough to shred the legs before the turnaround!

Don't get your hopes up that I will be in the Rideau River River today. It would be nice....maybe....but.........

Edited by stevebradley 2010-05-17 9:15 AM
2010-05-17 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2862840

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

Just changed the "19-cog" to "13-cog" in the previous post. (It only took me 20 minutes to realize my silliness!)

2010-05-17 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2862714

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Very sorry to hear about your knee. I do hope for you with rest and not too much extra attention from the Doc's it gets better. You've been very good about seeing a PT and praciticing yoga that I'm sure this is even more dissappointing.

I envy you in the aquabikes! Those I could do no problem but knowing I have to run for a tri (and I don't particularly like running) will have me holding back on the bike.

Hope you enjoy riding around Windsor. It'd be nice to get over and meet you and Ken (it is Ken right? Sorry if not), but between work and training, I'm pretty wiped out and looking forward to any time I can get to sit around. Maybe next time you guys head down this way I could take a day off and join you. I'm planning on being on vacation the first 2 weeks of July and probably between Detroit and Niagra so maybe we could meet up sometime in there.

2010-05-17 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2857702

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG T-minus 3 weeks less a day from Hawk Island Tri....

Am I ready for this??? *insert thoughts of wonder about what did I get myself into, how am I going to not race everyone I can see and blow up? when am I going to OWS? i need to figure out how to eat a bike/run....*

Yowzers this is coming fast!!
2010-05-17 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2862562

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Didn't mean to make you concerned.

Work was busy last week. Then Thursday an Friday I was volunteering at a collegiate design competition (design and build an open wheeled race car) which took place about a 2 hour drive from home. Then worked the weekend and actually had to work, no internet surfacing those days! I'm back now but busy at work so I might just be trying to keep up with everything that is going on.

2010-05-17 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2861633

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-05-16 12:06 PM Tracey - congrats on the 5K - a finish is a finish!  Getting out there is the hardest part.  And that is super cool you found someone new to train with!


I love the Sugarloaf Marathon, I can't wait to run it healthy.  No frills, super small, but very well run.  Met lots of nice folks along the way.

Quick and dirty - my time is around 4:30ish (4:35) by my watch, but this race wasn't chip timed and by the time I looked up at the clock (I had to get past these two girls I was playing "pass" with at the finish so I wasn't looking at the sign. Duh)  Plus, I did the Blais roll across the finish, which really threw them for a loop.  Waiting for the "official" time.  And they had to ask for my number, since it wasn't chip timed, and the roll screwed that up for them...ha

Good run overall, I walked at the last 5-6 water stops for a minute each stop.  Given my injury, and the fact I haven't run much really for about 3-4 weeks, I am happy with my time.  Miles 13-16 were kind of dark.  The first 11 miles are hills, pretty good climbs actually, and I went out too fast, running 9:00-9:10's for the first 11-12 miles.  When I am healthy and fully trained, I think that will work, but I felt it a bit and started to cut it back a little late, and I felt crappy for a few miles.  Miles 16-20 were good, I was on a pace to finish @4:20 but then my calf woke up and had other ideas.  I kept at it and find it weird that my hardest miles were 13-15, but I think I slowed down enough to recover and push through OK.

The worst news? NO STICKERS THIS YEAR!!!!  But the medals are really cool.  I will get a picture up when I get a chance.

I didn't make my calf worse, but I kind of made it angry. 

AND my friend Steve W BQ'ed for the first time ever with a 3:31.  My buddy Beth finished in 3:50.  Good runs overall!

Nap time!


Congrats Mandy!  Great time - especially given the calf. 
2010-05-17 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2861552

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-05-16 10:09 AM Totally crapped out on the 5k today, I'm afraid! I could give lots of excuses (the killer hill, my neuroma, etc) but I'll spare you! So I didn't beat my best 5k time of 37:00. Today was more like 40 and change. I had to stop and walk quite a few times. And to top it off, my iPod stopped working half way through the race. Granted, I didn't choose the best course to beat my best 5k, given that it was so full of hills. But now I'm determined to meet this goal, so I'm on the search for another 5k to do! On a good note, I met a woman after the race who is also doing Escape the Cape next month. And this will be her first tri too. We're planning on doing some training together. Tracey

Great job Tracey!  Congrats on a good race.
2010-05-17 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey all!

OK, I think I'm back!  I think....

1-hour ride on Saturday - actually enjoyed riding the bike this time.  Helped that it was flat and an actual road I was riding on instead of the trainer.  Decided to bag the brick though. 

Sunday - hiked for 5 miles with Maggie at Griffith Park.  Lots of uphill and downhill, and great, wide dirt trails. I broke away a few times to run a bit with mixed results.  Still getting winded pretty easily when running, but the body seemed to respond for the first time to actual exertion.

Goal is to actually start training this week.  Swim today to start.  Lots of meetings today to sit in and try to look interested...I think I'll actually just work up the workout schedule leading into Vineman.  LOL.

2010-05-17 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2862840

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-17 10:01 AM ANNE - One of the things that keeps me from signing up for Muskoka70.3 is that the bike is 94km instead of the normal 90km. That's enough of a differnece to make it kind of inaccurate for comparison purposes with other HIM performances. Silly of me, maybe, but there it is. 

I HATE it when the courses are inaccurate, even though I've been told many times that you really shouldn't even try to compare results from race to race because there are so many other variables that are beyond our control.  I understand that because I have had races where I actually did outperform the previous year's event, but it was not reflected in the numbers. 

When the distances are incorrect, I just go home and plunk the actual numbers into the computer and calculate the correct stats.    It took me a while to catch on to these inaccuracies, but when all of a sudden you see that someone's swim pace goes from their normal 2.15 to 1.75, you know something is wrong.     

At least that explains why I don't see that much difference in the Muskoka and Peterbrough bike results.   I just checked out the 70.3 elevation chart and it is WAY, WAY, hillier with more elevation than Peterborough.   I almost laughed when I saw the chart.   It is just, up, down, up, down, up, down for the entire route from the looks of it.   

I saw the new/old map for Peterborough just the other day! I too wondered about winds, especially ones out of the northwest which would give one a headwind for virtaully all of the final 28 miles of riding. Gulp. I guess the strategy would be to do the front half in something like big ring and the 13-cog --- enough to provide some decent resistance to hammer against, but not enough to shred the legs before the turnaround! Don't get your hopes up that I will be in the Rideau River River today. It would be nice....maybe....but.........

OK, I saw your post where you changed  it to the 19-cog, but I don't know which one that is?   Are we talking the 2nd largest?    I say that because I was thinking that if that's the way the wind blows that day then I would want to be spinning a bit easier and higher cadence on the first half and save my legs for the ride into the wind?   Or am I all screwed up?   


Did you get into the river?   I'm getting into Guelph Lake no matter what on Thursday - temp is supposed to be 26 and sunny.    Smile
2010-05-17 4:33 PM
in reply to: #2864053

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

HEY, ANNE!!!!!!!

C'mon in, the water's swell!!!!

Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-HOO!

It was REALLY nice, I'd say 62-65 range, and even the cold spots wern't all that cold, or all that extensive - a patch here, a patch there. I swam for 31 minutes, coulda done more. THE WATER IS SWELL!!!!!!!!

Moreover, the air is nice and toasty -- maybe about 75 when I was in. So, in the sun and with warm air, that means that the hands are not sweeping through cold air and getting chilled every recovery stroke. Also, not even an iota of an "ice-cream headache", even with just one latex cap on.

This is the earliest I have ever gotten into "real" water, with maybe one year around the 27th or so, and most years into the first wek of June; last year it was about June 10! The only drawback is that thr Rideau Canoe Club has not laid out its lengthy (~ 1.5km) line of buoys, so I didn't have much to sight on. But I'm not complaining!!

Sooooooo.......I'm free of the pool for the next FIVE MONTHS, unless I just feel that what I'm planning to do is best done in the pool (or, in the event of an electrical storm or wild water).

This will maybe change my Columbia plans, opting to leave very early Saturday morning so as to (a) get in an OWS of Friday (along with Weds and Thurs), and (b) save a night of motel money.

I hope you can get into your own swimming hole soon. Which is where?

2010-05-17 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2864053

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

I guess thta's one of the good things about being Garmanized, that you have a mostly-accurate record of distance and time. For me, it is really just a "sense" of how I was doing and the time I did it in, along with what you suggest --- comparing times for individuals between one race and the next.

Where have you seen an elevation chart for Peterborough? I've seen the ones for both Muskokas, but unless I am partially addled at the moment, I can't remember having seen one for P'boro.

It will be very interesting to here how you find the Muskoka course. I think I have heard that there are no murderous hills, just endless rollers on which it is generally hard to get into a rhythm. I woder if people who have done both Muskoka70.3 and Ironman Wisconsin find them similar; I have heard about the same story about endless rollers at IMMOO.

As for cogs, the 19 will likely be your third largest. I'm assuming you're in an 11-23 for training, and if thta's the case then your three biggest cogs have 23, 21, and 19 teeth. Were I to do Peterborough, and if the wind was clipping along pretty good out of the west, I would want to do the "out" half right at the edge of having good resistance and feeling that I am "pushing" the heavy gearing too much. I think that would be my big ring with the 19, but maybe even the 21. It would be awfully tempting to just fly with the 23, but that might be too much, given the 28 miles or so coming back into that wind. Of course, i would hope for either minimal wind or a wind out of the east......but they don't call them "prevailing westerlies" up here for nothing!

You mentioned the other day that Ken is wondering about giving up running as well; does that mean you'll both be aqbking at Peterborough and Muskoka.......and beyond? Just curious!

2010-05-17 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
TRACEY - congrats again on an awesome race.  We will all remind you to drug up next time.  Such pushers we are!

ANNE - So sorry to hear about your knee, it has to be so frustrating.  But you have a great attitude - keeping up with the PT will help you get back that much quicker.  And Aquabikes will be a blast!

SHAUN - YES you are ready!  Even more so in 3 weeks.  Keep up the hard work, you are going to do awesome.

STEVE A - SO glad to hear you are back!  Ease into it.  VINEMAN!


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