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2010-05-17 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2863422

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You're getting there -- really, you are. Have faith in the process, and also in your own desire and determination. You're doing everything right at the moment, DEFINITELY including the hike with Maggie. I'm sure you've read that that sort of thing is very beneficial - soemthing seemingly completely different, but nevertheless working the body. You're just in the process now of restoring balance into your life, but finding the perfect place for the fulcrum is a little bit difficult. You'll get there, to be sure!

I'm mostly concerned about you sitting in meetings trying to look interested, or attentive........or even awake? Did you succeed with that lofty goal??

2010-05-17 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2864231

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


One-for-two in the Google dep't today. Lauren Hart IS the daughter of the late, great Flyers' announcer Gene Hart, but I could find no references to the little vials of magnesium that I used in maybe '04 or '05. Moreover, I could find none in my armory of triathlon gear........although I still must have one SOMEwhere. (Scary thought, just where it might be! )

2010-05-17 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2864244

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

Go to and check out Carbo-Pro. Go ahead - I dare you. I even double-dog dare you!

2010-05-17 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2864250

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN once more -

Also at, although of course that will be for CDN distribution.

2010-05-17 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2864231

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-17 2:56 PM STEVE - You're getting there -- really, you are. Have faith in the process, and also in your own desire and determination. You're doing everything right at the moment, DEFINITELY including the hike with Maggie. I'm sure you've read that that sort of thing is very beneficial - soemthing seemingly completely different, but nevertheless working the body. You're just in the process now of restoring balance into your life, but finding the perfect place for the fulcrum is a little bit difficult. You'll get there, to be sure! I'm mostly concerned about you sitting in meetings trying to look interested, or attentive........or even awake? Did you succeed with that lofty goal??, not really.  LOL.  I did, however, map out my game plan for training, with detailed workouts for the next 4 weeks. 

I think I have my plan in place.  Goal is to essentially go back to Week 10 of my IMSG training program and "rebuild" heading into Vineman, and treat Vineman as a training race for Silverman.  Training starts this week with 9 hours of work, and I "peak" 4 weeks out from the race at 12 hours per week (4 hour long ride, 2 hour long run).  As you can see, aside from swim days, each day has some sort of brick, even if they are short bricks.  And, the short bricks mid-week are really focused on running with some intensity off the bike, and then dialing back to a Z2 type pace.  I'm going to try to attach the file...hopefully that works. 

My only real concern with the schedule is that the vacation forces a 3-week taper, where I'll be limited to swim and run - but that should be OK, as I'll have plenty of brick work leading into that, and the course is relatively flat. 

The other goal was to come out of Vineman somewhat fresh, treating it as a long brick day, and leaving myself with 13 more build/peak weeks before a 3-week Silverman taper.  The vacation should let me get in good swims and runs, so I'm not shocking the system too much on the half.


Vineman Training Plan.xlsx (14KB - 39 downloads)
2010-05-17 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2862762

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-05-17 9:36 AM

stevebradley - 2010-05-17 9:01 AM MANDY - Blais Roll = Blazeman! Duh! Yeah, that must've caused some consternation at the Sugarloaf finish line ---- but good for you for doing it!

Yup - I rolled for Jon Blais!  On longish courses I do.  Some of his writings were floating in my head during the race, this one especially:

More than your neighbors.
Unleash yourself upon the world and go places.
Go now.
Giggle, no, laugh.
No...stay out past dark,
And bark at the moon like the wild dog that you are.
Understand that this is not a dress rehearsal.
This is it...your life.
Face your fears and live your dreams.
Take it all in.
Yes, every chance that you get...
Come close.
And by all means, whatever you do...
Get it on film.

~ Jon Blais, "The Blazeman"

SO for those that might not know - to learn more about his story, go HERE - the video on the page is worth the watch. 

Mandy's print version is: In 2005 a young triathlete who was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig's disease) was exteremely frustrated wtih the lack of research (the treatment today is the same as Lou Gerhig received).  He became a "warrior" for ALS, trying to raise awareness and increase research funding.  He completed IM Kona 5 mos after being diagnosed - saying, "I am going to finish if I have to roll across that line" (loose quote...close though) and he did just that.  The next year, he watched the race from a wheelchair and his friend did the Blais roll.  Jon died in 2007.  Now many pros, (Chrissie Wellington, Leanda Cave, Matty Reid...a few others) and age groupers roll across the finish line to honor Jon and to raise awareness of ALS.  I don't think I raised any awareness though, no one asked why I did it - and it is more of a tri thing...but since I had him in my head, I just did it.



Love it. Great story Mandy.

2010-05-17 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2862840

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-05-17 10:01 AM


One of the things that keeps me from signing up for Muskoka70.3 is that the bike is 94km instead of the normal 90km. That's enough of a differnece to make it kind of inaccurate for comparison purposes with other HIM performances. Silly of me, maybe, but there it is.

Similarly, a new race in MD, HalffullTriathlon, has the 56 mile bike and the 13.1 mile run, just like a half-iron, but the swim in 0.9km instead of the 1.2 mile. 0.3km isn't much, but again -- enough to throw off my comparisons.

That is not to say that I will never do either, but if I'm going to train for those distances, i'd like them to be "accurate". Of course, thre are no guarantees of that, anyhow. My second iron, which was The Canadian, ended up being about 2km (or was it 2 miles?) longer on the run. So my 11:54 or whatever for that wouldabeencouldabeen about 11:45, or less. THEN it got turned around on me at The Canadian Half-Iron in '07, where I was thrilled to see a p.r. of 5:07 ----- only to learn later that the run was UNDERmeasured by about a km. So, there went that p.r. GRRRR!

As for the Toronto downhill 10km -- no way could I do that and consider it a vaild p.r. It would be an asterisk p.r. at best -- like Barry Bonds' home run record!

I saw the new/old map for Peterborough just the other day! I too wondered about winds, especially ones out of the northwest which would give one a headwind for virtaully all of the final 28 miles of riding. Gulp. I guess the strategy would be to do the front half in something like big ring and the 13-cog --- enough to provide some decent resistance to hammer against, but not enough to shred the legs before the turnaround!

Don't get your hopes up that I will be in the Rideau River River today. It would be nice....maybe....but.........


This post reminds me of how I often wonder why sprint distance races are not standardized. I mean, I guess some races are meant to be more "beginner" than others, hence the shorter swim and bike segments. But if you're like me and just starting out, it would be nice to get some kind of baseline to work from to see how you progress as you do more and more sprints.

2010-05-17 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

So I was just looking at the reviews on of the 5k I did on Sunday, and there were quite a few complaints that the course was actually between 3.3 and 3.4 miles long, instead of the standard 3.1m of a 5k. So... I guess this really was not the best race for me to choose to make a 5k PR!

I wonder what my time would have been if it was 3.1m. I'm too tired to do the math right now...


2010-05-17 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2864607

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Okay, I have just spent about 20 minutes going over the results for the race and crunching some numbers.
Here's what I know:
1) The results now list the mileage at 3.3 miles.
2) I don't agree with that (see below).
3) At any given 5km in the universe, there will be MANT more runners who go sub-20 than just the EIGHT at Manomartian!!!!
4) We know your finish time was 40:52 -- that's a given.
5) Your pace is listed as 12:24.
6) A pace of 12:24 does NOT jive with 3.1 miles.....or even 3.3 miles.
7) Someone finishing a race in 40:52 would be at a 12:38 pace for 3.3 miles.
8) Someone finishing a race in 40:52 would be at a 12:01 pace for 3.4 miles.
9) IF it was 3.3 miles, then that is an extra .2 miles.....and a 12:38 pace is worth 758 seconds/mile.....and 2/10 of 758 is 152 seconds.....which is 2:32....which would bring your true 5km (3.1 miles) time down to 38:20.
10) IF it was 3.4 miles, then that is an extra .3 miles....and a 12:01 pace is worth 721 seconds/mile.....and 3/10 of 721 is 216 seconds....which is 3:36.....which would bring your true 5km time down to 37:16.

  • 11) My mind has kind of turned to mush now, so I will leave this and return later. HOWEVER, my guess is that the race was really about 3.33 miles ---- and even though about 30 minutes ago I thought I had a sound reason for figuring this, right now I can't remember it!!
    12) NO DOUBT -- you ran an overlong race! Very large congratulations of doing it so well, and toughing through that extra distance with a twangy, twictchy neuroma. You're a tough cookie, Tracey!

    2010-05-17 9:33 PM
    in reply to: #2864580

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    TRACEY -

    Moving on to standardized sprint distances.....

    "True" distances:
    Sprint ----- 750meter/20km/5km or .45 mile/12 miles/ 3.1 miles
    Olympic --- 1500meter/40km/10km or .9 mile/ 24 miles/ 6.2 miles
    Half-Iron -- 2000meter/90km/21.1km or 1.2 miles/ 56 miles/ 13.1 miles
    Iron ------- 4000meter/180km/42.2km or 2.4 miles/112 miles/ 26.2 miles

    Virtually every iron is at those distances.
    Most half-irons comply with the above, but there are about 5-8% that don't (that's a rough guess).
    If an olympic race does NOT meet the above distances, it is considered "intermediate" of "international". (My Columbia, this Sunday, ghas a 25-mile bike, so isn't a true "olympic". And the Mass. State Tri, put on by Max Performance [Escape...], has a 19-mile bike, so it too is either intermediate or international.) If the races that roughly hover around the olympic distance, probably less half of them are true olympic distance.
    At the roughly-sprint level, races can be all over the place -- as you have discovered! Here are some "sprints" I am looking at for this year:
    Escape --- .3/10/3.1
    Pirate ---- .3/14/3
    Tupper Lake --- .5/18.7/6.2
    Mini-Mussel --- .5/16/3.1
    Crystal Lake --- .5/18/3

    Yes, it does make it hard to compare one to another, doesn't it?! The only things you can do are (a) keep doing at least one race year after year after year, and/or (b) compare your paces from one race to the next.

    BUT, clearly from the above examples, comparative paces don't work becasue the effort to do an 18-mile bike (and a hilly one at both Tupper and Crystal) is much different than a falt 10 miles, such as at Escape. And that Tupper run -- that's an olympic run, a full 10km, and yet they have always referred to that race as a sprint!! Anyhow, for me and everyone else, the pace for a 10km will be hugely different than my pace for a 5km, so......

    Having soiad all that, it doesn't really answer your question, and all I can really say is that race directors end up with distnaces into which they can effectively squeeze a course. People training for an iron rightfully expect (and deserve!) exactitude....but after that it becomes as I just said -- find a swim and a bike and a run route, and measure them, and see what comes up!

    Frustrating, yes, but in time you'll just shrug and think "So it goes...."

    2010-05-17 10:42 PM
    in reply to: #2864728

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


    Another crushing loss for the Sox. I left when they were down 6-2, came back in the top of the 9th with them AHEAD, 9-7, and Youk up with two outs and men on the corners....and he struck out.

    Then the Yanks come up against Paplebon, and proceed to hit TWO two-run homers, and win 11-9.

    I feel sick.......

    2010-05-17 11:19 PM
    in reply to: #2864824

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    ANNE -

    Lynn's at a conference in Montreal....and it's 12:13am....and I'm at loose below I have assembled a list of my first LOCAL open water swims since I started this silliness back in '00. (The list excludes the ones that were associated with early-in-the-season races in more southerly locales!)
    '00 -- ? (maybe about June 21)
    '01 -- 28 May
    '02 -- 6 June
    '03 -- 26 June (This reflects my first season with Coach Erik, and if he was setting pool workouts for me, that's where I went!)
    '04 -- 4 June
    '05 -- 7 June
    '06 -- 28 may
    '07 -- 6 June
    '08 -- 11 June
    '09 -- 11 June
    '10 -- 17 MAY!!!!!!!!

    And that's the truth!

    2010-05-18 1:14 AM
    in reply to: #2857986

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    , Louisiana
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    lufferly - 2010-05-13 8:42 PM MANDY and TRACY, good luck on your races this weekend.  Positive mojo headed your way!

    STEVE B and TRACY, good job on the bricks this week!

    KASIA, hope the snow has let up for you and the water begins to warm.  Is there snow melt that flows into that particular lake from the mountains?

    Hope everyone has had a great week and is looking forward to the weekend!  I know I am!!



    Snow is melted (woo hoo), but everything out here is snow melt since we're essentially at the base of the mountains. Luckily the reservoir for this Sunday's sprint is somewhat small, so it'll warm up pretty quickly, at least that what I keep telling myself. RD sent out the latest info about water temp:
    57 on Friday
    58 today
    expected to be 62-63 by race day

    2010-05-18 1:15 AM
    in reply to: #2857702

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    , Louisiana
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    thall0672 - 2010-05-13 5:01 PM I'm bummed to report that now that I finally got around to trying on my new wetsuit, it doesn't fit. And come to find out that the place I ordered from will only offer exchanges on sale merchandise (which my wetsuit was). That in itself was not a big deal because they ( had plenty of other suits to choose from. But the guy I talked to on the phone said the only way to process the exchange was for me to ship back the wetsuit first, then they'll process my new order. So... at the UPS Store today I realized that the package won't arrive there until next Thursday (unless I wanted to spend like a hundred bucks for expedited shipping). So it will be at least that long before my new order goes in. So it's now looking like my new wetsuit won't arrive until around 10 days before my race on June 12th. Assuming (hoping) the new one fits, that doesn't allow me a ton of time for practicing open water swims. But I guess if I can fit at least one in, it'll be better than none at all... Tracey


    HUGE bummer about the wetsuit. I hope you get your second suit in time!

    2010-05-18 1:21 AM
    in reply to: #2858367

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    , Louisiana
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Great job on the marathon and you really are one happy swimmer/biker/runner. You have a huge grin in every single one of those shots from Polar Bear. Awesome pics!

    2010-05-18 1:31 AM
    in reply to: #2859457

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    , Louisiana
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    latestarter - 2010-05-14 12:42 PM Hey everyone,

    Been away for a few days but have enjoyed catching up on the posts.   Too many to comment on right now, but I must say that I LOVE your pictures Mandy.   What a smile you have.  You light up the world.   I'll be praying for you this weekend.

    Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend.

    Although I know I will be OK in a couple of days, I feel like I am in mourning today, having decided to give up on the running this season - despite all my best efforts to do things correctly, there is definitely something wrong.  Not getting worse, but not getting better.   Cannot run at all without sharp pain.   However, I can swim and bike with no problems and yoga is good except trying to sit on knees.   I cannot compress my right knee totally.   

    Just need a couple of days to be sad and refocus.   Still planning on doing some aqua/bike races.  

    Have a great weekend.


    So sorry to hear about the injury keeping you from running (for now, like Steve and Mark say). And you've been so good about keeping yourself healthy. On the bright side, the swimming and biking is unaffected. Heal up quick!


    Edited by augeremt 2010-05-18 1:32 AM

    2010-05-18 1:40 AM
    in reply to: #2861552

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    , Louisiana
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Congrats on the hilly 5k finish! And an added bonus is finding a new training partner

    2010-05-18 1:41 AM
    in reply to: #2861633

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    , Louisiana
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    manfarr1974 - 2010-05-16 1:06 PM Tracey - congrats on the 5K - a finish is a finish!  Getting out there is the hardest part.  And that is super cool you found someone new to train with!


    I love the Sugarloaf Marathon, I can't wait to run it healthy.  No frills, super small, but very well run.  Met lots of nice folks along the way.

    Quick and dirty - my time is around 4:30ish (4:35) by my watch, but this race wasn't chip timed and by the time I looked up at the clock (I had to get past these two girls I was playing "pass" with at the finish so I wasn't looking at the sign. Duh)  Plus, I did the Blais roll across the finish, which really threw them for a loop.  Waiting for the "official" time.  And they had to ask for my number, since it wasn't chip timed, and the roll screwed that up for them...ha

    Good run overall, I walked at the last 5-6 water stops for a minute each stop.  Given my injury, and the fact I haven't run much really for about 3-4 weeks, I am happy with my time.  Miles 13-16 were kind of dark.  The first 11 miles are hills, pretty good climbs actually, and I went out too fast, running 9:00-9:10's for the first 11-12 miles.  When I am healthy and fully trained, I think that will work, but I felt it a bit and started to cut it back a little late, and I felt crappy for a few miles.  Miles 16-20 were good, I was on a pace to finish @4:20 but then my calf woke up and had other ideas.  I kept at it and find it weird that my hardest miles were 13-15, but I think I slowed down enough to recover and push through OK.

    The worst news? NO STICKERS THIS YEAR!!!!  But the medals are really cool.  I will get a picture up when I get a chance.

    I didn't make my calf worse, but I kind of made it angry. 

    AND my friend Steve W BQ'ed for the first time ever with a 3:31.  My buddy Beth finished in 3:50.  Good runs overall!

    Nap time!



    I'm impressed by your ability to run this marathon without having run for about a month beforehand. Great job!


    Edited by augeremt 2010-05-18 1:49 AM
    2010-05-18 6:21 AM
    in reply to: #2864244

    New user
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    stevebradley - 2010-05-17 6:03 PM SHAUN - One-for-two in the Google dep't today. Lauren Hart IS the daughter of the late, great Flyers' announcer Gene Hart, but I could find no references to the little vials of magnesium that I used in maybe '04 or '05. Moreover, I could find none in my armory of triathlon gear........although I still must have one SOMEwhere. (Scary thought, just where it might be! )


    Since you are daring me, I'll throw this one out at you. Have you checked your car lately? Wink

    You can be certain I'll be checking out Carbopro...With 2 jugs of Gu set to arrive tomorrow though I think I'll be set for this year. Next spring the fun will start again!
    2010-05-18 6:37 AM
    in reply to: #2864936

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    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


    I don't think I ever did comment on your photos of Polar Bear. You look like your having more fun than you know what to do with!

    Hope your recovery is going well.

    2010-05-18 6:41 AM
    in reply to: #2864689

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    Extreme Veteran
    Carver, Massachusetts
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    stevebradley - 2010-05-17 10:09 PM


    Okay, I have just spent about 20 minutes going over the results for the race and crunching some numbers.
    Here's what I know:
    1) The results now list the mileage at 3.3 miles.
    2) I don't agree with that (see below).
    3) At any given 5km in the universe, there will be MANT more runners who go sub-20 than just the EIGHT at Manomartian!!!!
    4) We know your finish time was 40:52 -- that's a given.
    5) Your pace is listed as 12:24.
    6) A pace of 12:24 does NOT jive with 3.1 miles.....or even 3.3 miles.
    7) Someone finishing a race in 40:52 would be at a 12:38 pace for 3.3 miles.
    8) Someone finishing a race in 40:52 would be at a 12:01 pace for 3.4 miles.
    9) IF it was 3.3 miles, then that is an extra .2 miles.....and a 12:38 pace is worth 758 seconds/mile.....and 2/10 of 758 is 152 seconds.....which is 2:32....which would bring your true 5km (3.1 miles) time down to 38:20.
    10) IF it was 3.4 miles, then that is an extra .3 miles....and a 12:01 pace is worth 721 seconds/mile.....and 3/10 of 721 is 216 seconds....which is 3:36.....which would bring your true 5km time down to 37:16.

  • 11) My mind has kind of turned to mush now, so I will leave this and return later. HOWEVER, my guess is that the race was really about 3.33 miles ---- and even though about 30 minutes ago I thought I had a sound reason for figuring this, right now I can't remember it!!
    12) NO DOUBT -- you ran an overlong race! Very large congratulations of doing it so well, and toughing through that extra distance with a twangy, twictchy neuroma. You're a tough cookie, Tracey!

    Thanks Steve for looking at these numbers!

    I exchanged some emails with my new training partner I met at the race, and she told me that she thought there was something screwy with the race timing for sure. I also saw a similar comment on So that, combined with the extra distance, means that I didn't do as poorly as I thought I did for a 5k.

    I'm going to try to vindicate myself today and run a 5k course here around my house. If I can finish in under 37:00, then I'll consider that having set my PR! I'm scrubbing the Manomartian race from the records!


    2010-05-18 6:44 AM
    in reply to: #2864824

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    Extreme Veteran
    Carver, Massachusetts
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    stevebradley - 2010-05-17 11:42 PM


    Another crushing loss for the Sox. I left when they were down 6-2, came back in the top of the 9th with them AHEAD, 9-7, and Youk up with two outs and men on the corners....and he struck out.

    Then the Yanks come up against Paplebon, and proceed to hit TWO two-run homers, and win 11-9.

    I feel sick.......

    Would it be terrible to admit that I've stopped watching the games, because I'm tired of the disappointment??

    2010-05-18 7:35 AM
    in reply to: #2864866

    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    stevebradley - 2010-05-18 12:19 AM ANNE - Lynn's at a conference in Montreal....and it's 12:13am....and I'm at loose below I have assembled a list of my first LOCAL open water swims since I started this silliness back in '00. (The list excludes the ones that were associated with early-in-the-season races in more southerly locales!) '00 -- ? (maybe about June 21) '01 -- 28 May '02 -- 6 June '03 -- 26 June (This reflects my first season with Coach Erik, and if he was setting pool workouts for me, that's where I went!) '04 -- 4 June '05 -- 7 June '06 -- 28 may '07 -- 6 June '08 -- 11 June '09 -- 11 June '10 -- 17 MAY!!!!!!!! And that's the truth!

    You got me wondering...................      Last thing I should be doing this morning is playing on the computer.  Laughing

    Learned to swim in '05 so spent my time in pool, and I think I got into Lake Ontario the 1st week of Aug w/o wetsuit and it was fine.  

    June 3rd - '06 (Balsam Lake) rented a wetsuit for the weekend to try out
    May 13th - '07
    May 26th - '08
    May 23rd - '09 (Lake Whittaker)
    May 18th - this week.   

    Looks like you took the plunge earlier than me in '06 and this year.    Laughing

    My first swim of the year is usually in Guelph Lake, (large man made reservoir).   It can be bitter cold taking like 10minutes for the face to get used to the water, but I have a feeling Thursday should be good.   At least the air temp will be warm.   Supposed to feel like 29*.  

    2010-05-18 9:08 AM
    in reply to: #2559115

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    Extreme Veteran
    Carver, Massachusetts
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

    Woo hoo! Vindication!

    I just ran 5k in 36:28, beating my best of 37:00. Race or not, this is now my PR. I have now washed off the stink of Manomartian!

    Now, let's see if I can duplicate that in a tri...


    2010-05-18 3:19 PM
    in reply to: #2865342

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    Caratunk, Maine
    Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
    thall0672 - 2010-05-18 10:08 AMWoo hoo! Vindication!I just ran 5k in 36:28, beating my best of 37:00. Race or not, this is now my PR. I have now washed off the stink of Manomartian!Now, let's see if I can duplicate that in a tri...Tracey
    WAHOO! Congrats Tracey! That is awesome.
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