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2009-03-21 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2029414

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-20 6:07 AM

Anthony- I understood your question just fine!  It is weird that it doesnt hurt- its just really tight-  It does loosen up with time and once I figured out it was the soleus not the gastroc it seems to respond better to some stretching- doesnt hurt or feel tight at all this morning ).  This is when I tell my patients to keep stretching the heck out of it  even if it doesnt hurt anymore because it will turn into chronic achillies tendonitis. I play beach volleyball on the weekends and I will make sure I stretch really well- that's when things can go really wrong and snap the achillies- it takes a lot of force but it is a devistating injury.

I think I have a bit of chronic achilles tendonitis because they feel a little tight when I first get up in the morning, but then feel better when I walk around a little. I am pretty good about stretching, but I will try to be more consistent, plus I ordered "the stick" yesterday. When you said beach volleyball and snapping achilles it made me think of Misty May-Treanor and her injury on "Dancing with the Stars". When I saw her tear her achilles it made me sick to my stomach and it is definitely something I would like to avoid!

I chose to sleep in instead of getting my 2nd swim of the week in ( slept in post st patty's day too!).   Will try for after work but not sure if there is old lady bob in the pool class at that time.

Sometimes you just gotta sleep! I have to admit, it took me a minute to figure out "old lady bob in the pool class". At first I was wondering why an old lady was named bob, and what she was doing in the pool, and then I realized the old ladies were bobbing up and down in the pool. I'm a little slow sometimes

HOpefully the job front will pick up- the boatbuilding industry has been hit very hard here.  He was lucky to have a job for this long.  He still could but he would have to drive nearly 2 hours each way so that doesnt really work for us..

Best of luck to you two!

2009-03-21 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2029641

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-20 9:34 AM

Hi, guys!  Sorry I've been out of it lately.  Ryan has been sick the past 2 days, so I had to totally rework my work schedule, which has been a bit stressful.  I'm not sure if I will get my workout in today or not.  I might have to go to the pool late.  It's frustrating that the hardest part of training is the scheduling as opposed to the desire or capability of doing the workouts!.


Hopefully Ryan is feeling better. My youngest was hit with the flu pretty bad this week. I know what you mean about the scheduling. It would be cool if we could get paid to train instead of having to go to work, woudn't it?

I am almost over my cold.  Just a little bit of congestion hanging on, but nothing I can't work through.

If you go for a ride in the chilly weather it will really help you blow a lot of the gunk out of there

2009-03-21 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

The sun finally came out for 2 days in a row!  I went to the mountain bike trails with my husband- he test rode a $2000 new bike while I ran the trails.  I was really slow but it felt good to run on the trails.  Cross country was always more pleasurable than track for me.  My calf was a little tight but it loosened up and I had no trouble powering up the hills- I even stretched well before and after- feels fine now too!- Anthony- you shouldnt admit to watching Dancing with the Stars on a public forum - the'll take your "Man Card"(just kidding!!)  Tearing an achillies is a HORRIBLE injury- I didnt know that Misty May had that injury- bummer!!   Being in the bike shop for over an hour yesterday and close to that today ( my husband gets a bit chatty with the owner)  made me want a mountain bike too.  I know I do not possess the skills need to be good at it but being on the trails and seeing everyone else have fun makes me want one too.  I will just settle for the road bike for now though- on a side note- the expensive test drive model did NOT come home with us!

We plan to ride some distance tomorrow- maybe 30 miles or so. I havent gone over 18 yet but feel like I  will be able to handle it- Hopefully the wind will stay calm.

Hope everyone is staying healthy- I stil have my cough but it might be alergies now- the pollen is coming out- tis the season.


2009-03-21 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony,  I'm such a wuss...I still haven't gotten outside yet.  It has been chilly here though!! 

Ryan is definitely on the mend, just a nasty cough, but no fever.  Noah and I also have the crud, but I feel fine.

I was able to get in 3 hours on the trainer today.  I did 2 while Noah napped and an hour after the boys were in bed. I think I might need to get a different saddle, though.  My parts are sore!!!  I'm definitely going to wait until I can get outside, maybe next weekend!!

I have a long run on the schedule for tomorrow.  It should be nice, and I get to try out my new FuelBelt.  I've been using a running camelback for my long runs, but I really don't like it anymore. When I renewed my USAT membership I got 30% of all fuelbelts, so I went ahead and got one.  I'll let you know how it worked out.

Have a great night, everyone!!

Julian....where are you?

2009-03-22 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Kelly- 3hours on the trainer?  Now I know you are not human- more of a saint!  How on earth did you do that? Did you watch a movie?  Extensive I tunes library?  I am in awe of you!  That is discipine.  We are off for a long ride in a few minutes but it will not be 3 hours long!  I am pretty sure my parts wouldnt handle that either!  We have the championship tourney for volleyball today too- Gotta have some legs left so we can finally bring home a trophy. 

have a great Sunday!


2009-03-22 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Definitely not a saint!!  I did it in two sessions--one 2-hour and then another hour later.  I watched LOST (love that show, and I've been missing it on Wed. when I go to Masters swim), and the 2007 Kona race on .  For the hour, I put in a movie and watched half.

I am very sore today.  I didn't feel like I was working super hard, so I'm kind of surprised at how sore and tired I am.  I have a long run scheduled, and I am now starting to understand what a crazy thing I have undertaken in committing to a half-iron!!!

2009-03-22 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Dont think of yourself as crazy- just a person who likes a challenge!  You guys have inspired me to think that maybe next season I can do a HIM.  Fall 2010 sounds nice. Plenty of time to read up on it and get used to the whole tri thing before I make that big of a training commitment.  After my 30 mile ride today- I know what hard work I will have in front of me.  Why does it have to be windy???  Guess that's what you get for riding near the beach.   Outdoors beats the trainer anyday though.  I might have to hook my trainer up in the computer room- would be much easier to catch up on the whole season of Lost (havent watched one episode yet!).MIght actually look forward to riding then!

Keep up all the good work.  It will pay off!!  I am happy that I will be there to see you guys!  I just have to get my vacation request back before I sign up for the mussleman.  My Sprint will be nothing compared to your HIM though!


2009-03-23 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2032116

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-21 6:43 PM

The sun finally came out for 2 days in a row!  I went to the mountain bike trails with my husband- he test rode a $2000 new bike while I ran the trails.  I was really slow but it felt good to run on the trails.  Cross country was always more pleasurable than track for me.  My calf was a little tight but it loosened up and I had no trouble powering up the hills- I even stretched well before and after- feels fine now too!

Trail running is great! I do a duathlon every year that's road bike, but trail runs up in the Shawangunk mountains, and I just love running on those trails. I wish there were some trails for me close to home. Good to hear your calf is coming along nicely.

Anthony- you shouldnt admit to watching Dancing with the Stars on a public forum - the'll take your "Man Card"(just kidding!!)  Tearing an achillies is a HORRIBLE injury- I didnt know that Misty May had that injury- bummer!!

It really was awful when she tore her achilles. They had video and when they showed it you could hear the pop when she tore it.

Being in the bike shop for over an hour yesterday and close to that today ( my husband gets a bit chatty with the owner)  made me want a mountain bike too.  I know I do not possess the skills need to be good at it but being on the trails and seeing everyone else have fun makes me want one too.  I will just settle for the road bike for now though- on a side note- the expensive test drive model did NOT come home with us!

Mountain biking does look like a lot of fun. Hmmmm, maybe an Xterra tri someday.....

We plan to ride some distance tomorrow- maybe 30 miles or so. I havent gone over 18 yet but feel like I  will be able to handle it- Hopefully the wind will stay calm.

I see in your log you successfully completed your 30 mile ride, and on a windy day too. Congratulations on a nice milestone!


2009-03-23 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2032296

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-21 9:11 PM

Anthony,  I'm such a wuss...I still haven't gotten outside yet.  It has been chilly here though!! 

Ryan is definitely on the mend, just a nasty cough, but no fever.  Noah and I also have the crud, but I feel fine.

I was able to get in 3 hours on the trainer today.  I did 2 while Noah napped and an hour after the boys were in bed. I think I might need to get a different saddle, though.  My parts are sore!!!  I'm definitely going to wait until I can get outside, maybe next weekend!!

3 hours on the trainer make you definitely NOT a wuss! That is very impressive! Good idea waiting until you get outside. I have heard of people having trouble with their saddles on the trainer because you don't move around as much as you do when you are outside. You also see plenty of threads on tri talk about finding the right saddle. I have a Koobi tri saddle, and it works great for me. It feels like it's not even there if that makes sense.

I have a long run on the schedule for tomorrow.  It should be nice, and I get to try out my new FuelBelt.  I've been using a running camelback for my long runs, but I really don't like it anymore. When I renewed my USAT membership I got 30% of all fuelbelts, so I went ahead and got one.  I'll let you know how it worked out.

Great long run yesterday! How did you like the fuel belt? I have one and find it works very well.

2009-03-23 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2032643

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-22 8:29 AM

Kelly- 3hours on the trainer?  Now I know you are not human- more of a saint!  How on earth did you do that? Did you watch a movie?  Extensive I tunes library?  I am in awe of you!  That is discipine.  We are off for a long ride in a few minutes but it will not be 3 hours long!  I am pretty sure my parts wouldnt handle that either!  We have the championship tourney for volleyball today too- Gotta have some legs left so we can finally bring home a trophy.

So, how was the volleyball?


2009-03-23 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2032697

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-22 9:41 AM

Definitely not a saint!!  I did it in two sessions--one 2-hour and then another hour later.  I watched LOST (love that show, and I've been missing it on Wed. when I go to Masters swim), and the 2007 Kona race on .  For the hour, I put in a movie and watched half

I saw your thread about crying while watching IM on TV, and I have to admit there are some times that I get a little choked up as well. Watching the pros is good, but I really like seeing the "human interest" stories about regular people.

I am very sore today.  I didn't feel like I was working super hard, so I'm kind of surprised at how sore and tired I am.  I have a long run scheduled, and I am now starting to understand what a crazy thing I have undertaken in committing to a half-iron!!

I know what you mean about it seeming a little crazy at times, especially when very few people understand it. But, I have to tell you, the feeling of accomplishment when you cross that finish line is pretty darned good!



2009-03-24 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

HOw's the week going so far everyone?  Weather is turning warmer but rainy until at least monday- SOOOO unacceptable.  My training is going well.  Long swim on monday, bike trainer this morning and some abs, I meet with my swim coach tomorrow. 

Hope all is well with everyone

Anthony- Volleyball- we won the regular season but lost in the first round of the tourney- we were horrible.  At least we got one trophy!  The first in the 2 years I have played.2 weeks off then we start again.


2009-03-24 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2038007

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-24 8:30 PM

HOw's the week going so far everyone?  Weather is turning warmer but rainy until at least monday- SOOOO unacceptable.  My training is going well.  Long swim on monday, bike trainer this morning and some abs, I meet with my swim coach tomorrow.

Your swimming has been looking good. It will be interesting to see what the coach has to say.

Anthony- Volleyball- we won the regular season but lost in the first round of the tourney- we were horrible.  At least we got one trophy!  The first in the 2 years I have played.2 weeks off then we start again.

Congratulations on winning the regular season! 2 weeks is a pretty short time off.

2009-03-24 10:21 PM
in reply to: #2038319

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

So, I am in the 3rd week of my HIM training, and I like how it has been going so far. I wanted to see if I could jump right into a lot of cycling, so I road over 70 miles each of the first 2 weeks.  I was slower than I would like, but I had no problem with the volume, so that is great! I am shooting for over 80 miles this week.

I wish it would warm up a little. Low 20's this morning for my run, and I took a quick ride at lunchtime, and it only got up into the 40's. Supposed to be about 25 tomorrow AM for my ride, so I may do the trainer.

Kelly, more specifically about my training, going by Friel, I am in a base phase, adding a little volume and intensity each week for 3 weeks, and then next week will be a recovery week.  Then I will have another 3 weeks starting at a higher level and increasing each week, again followed by a recovery week. BTW, I saw you did a long run the day after a long ride and you said you were a little sore. For me, personally, I like doing a long run on Saturday followed by a long ride on Sunday. (Sat and Sun because those are the days I have the most time). The first 5-10 miles of my ride are fairly easy and feel like a nice recovery for my legs from the run. Like I said, that is what seems to work well for me, so I'm not sure how it might work for other people.

Paula, it was very windy on my ride today, so I tried to get a feel for what I do in the wind, and I also found myself going into a harder gear and mashing a little. I think it's like climbing a tough hill where you can't really keep your cadence up so you have to power through. The good news is that it really tones your legs!


2009-03-27 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hi, guys!!  I'm about to head out for a is beautiful here today.  I thought about taking Buttercup out on her first outdoor ride, but I really need to run, and my husband reminded me that the streets have not been cleaned yet.  It will happen, though, and very soon, I think!!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Anthony, I totally agree with the idea of the long bike after the long run, but it is really more of a scheduling thing with me than anything. I just have more time on sat. than on Sun.  I also think it's good for me to run on tired legs, since that is what I'll be doing on race day.

2009-03-27 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2044254

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-27 1:32 PM

Hi, guys!!  I'm about to head out for a is beautiful here today.  I thought about taking Buttercup out on her first outdoor ride, but I really need to run, and my husband reminded me that the streets have not been cleaned yet.  It will happen, though, and very soon, I think!!

It's beautiful here too. It really feels like Spring is in the air. Great day for a run!

Anthony, I totally agree with the idea of the long bike after the long run, but it is really more of a scheduling thing with me than anything. I just have more time on sat. than on Sun.  I also think it's good for me to run on tired legs, since that is what I'll be doing on race day.

Yes, you have to do what works in your schedule. I do my long run on Sat. and my long ride on Sun., and I would like to spread them out in the week, but it's just not possible. 

 Your legs just might be a bit tired for the run on race day


2009-03-27 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2044459

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

So, anybody have anything exciting on tap for the weekend? I decided to not do the duathlon on Sunday because it just doesn't fit in with my training.

I am at the end of 3 weeks of building my volume, and this weekend will be pretty big. 10 mile run Saturday followed by a swim, and then a 40-45 mile bike on Sunday. I am looking forward to pushing myself pretty hard, and then following it up with a recovery week.

Have a great weekend!


Edited by amschrod 2009-03-27 2:01 PM
2009-03-28 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

We finally got a little spring weather here too.  The have promised rain all week but only got 1 day of it.  Was supposed to be a wash out today but only a sprinkle so far.  My ride this morning was good.  Did some speed intervals around the loop at the mall- good idea for a controlled environment- no traffic at 6:30 am!  The YMCA tri club  ride was there as well as the Try Sports peeps.  We then went over to ride the bike course for next sunday's tri.  Glad I went with them- feels good to ride with other people- I go much faster when I am in a group.  I am a little worried about the drafting thing though.  Sometimes I wanted to go faster but then couldnt actually make the pass  in a quick fashion- old man kept speeding up!  I dont want to do anything illegal.  OH- I did make the classic rookie blunder.  We were waiting for a few people to  get ready, rest of us talking in the parking lot.  I was just standing there and all the sudden- leaning tower of pisa- right over on my right side.  I hadn't cliped out on that side yet.  I felt like a complete moron.  Here I am with all these accomplished athletes, really pricy bikes, nice gear and over I go. 

On another note- I just got the Thule Spare Me rack for my spare tire. My bike barely fits on it!!  I know I am short but really- the  top tube isnt quite long enough to accomodate the saddles it is supposed to fit on.  My hubby squished them in a bit and its better but still.  I know I am short but really- even my bike is too small to fit on a rack????  I nearly bought at cheap mt bike yesterday too- but NOOOOO a 15 is too big! I think I am doomed to get a pink huffy with princesses on it- the only ones that will fit me are made for 10 year olds! 

Sorry for the rant-  Have a great weekend


2009-03-29 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Paula, sounds like you had a great ride!  What a good idea to head to the mall for speed work.

I had a crazy day yesterday.  It was beautiful here, and I didn't get outside at all.  I was on the trainer by 7:20 a.m. for about an hour, and then off to the Dr.--Ryan twisted his foot at swim on Friday and still couldn't put any weight on it, and Noah was up almost all night with an ear ache.  The foot is fine, but still tender, and Noah had a raging ear infection--that's better too, thanks to antibiotics. Then I had to go down to Ithaca to grade two recitals and make up two lessons that I missed on Tuesday, because Noah was sick!!  I left a little after 11 am and didn't get home until 9 pm.  Then it was right back on the trainer. I lasted about 1:15 before I was done.  My plan called for 3 hours, but it just wasn't going to happen!!

Today is a new day, though, and I will hopefully get a 2-hour run in this afternoon.

Have a great Sunday!

2009-03-29 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2045709

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-28 12:47 PM

We finally got a little spring weather here too.  The have promised rain all week but only got 1 day of it.  Was supposed to be a wash out today but only a sprinkle so far.  My ride this morning was good.  Did some speed intervals around the loop at the mall- good idea for a controlled environment- no traffic at 6:30 am!  The YMCA tri club  ride was there as well as the Try Sports peeps.  We then went over to ride the bike course for next sunday's tri.  Glad I went with them- feels good to ride with other people- I go much faster when I am in a group.  I am a little worried about the drafting thing though.  Sometimes I wanted to go faster but then couldnt actually make the pass  in a quick fashion- old man kept speeding up!  I dont want to do anything illegal.

Sounds like a great ride and a lot of fun! Passing can be a little tricky sometimes. During a race I sometimes wait a little until I get to a spot where I know I can accelerate faster than the person I'm behind, like coming out of a turn or something. Also, during a race according to USAT rules when you are passing someone they are supposed to hang back and allow you to pass, not speed up like the old man. BTW, by old, do you mean like 50 or so


OH- I did make the classic rookie blunder.  We were waiting for a few people to  get ready, rest of us talking in the parking lot.  I was just standing there and all the sudden- leaning tower of pisa- right over on my right side.  I hadn't cliped out on that side yet.  I felt like a complete moron.  Here I am with all these accomplished athletes, really pricy bikes, nice gear and over I go.

Don't worry about it! All of those "accomplished athletes" have done the same thing more than once.

On another note- I just got the Thule Spare Me rack for my spare tire. My bike barely fits on it!!  I know I am short but really- the  top tube isnt quite long enough to accomodate the saddles it is supposed to fit on.  My hubby squished them in a bit and its better but still.  I know I am short but really- even my bike is too small to fit on a rack????  I nearly bought at cheap mt bike yesterday too- but NOOOOO a 15 is too big! I think I am doomed to get a pink huffy with princesses on it- the only ones that will fit me are made for 10 year olds!

Pink bikes with princesses are cool. If I could find a bike like that for my wife, I might be able to get her to ride

2009-03-29 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2046825

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-29 10:31 AM

I had a crazy day yesterday.  It was beautiful here, and I didn't get outside at all.  I was on the trainer by 7:20 a.m. for about an hour, and then off to the Dr.--Ryan twisted his foot at swim on Friday and still couldn't put any weight on it, and Noah was up almost all night with an ear ache.  The foot is fine, but still tender, and Noah had a raging ear infection--that's better too, thanks to antibiotics. Then I had to go down to Ithaca to grade two recitals and make up two lessons that I missed on Tuesday, because Noah was sick!!  I left a little after 11 am and didn't get home until 9 pm.  Then it was right back on the trainer. I lasted about 1:15 before I was done.  My plan called for 3 hours, but it just wasn't going to happen!!

Busy, busy, busy! You were still able to get in good workout. 2:15 on the trainer with a day like that is mighty impressive!

Today is a new day, though, and I will hopefully get a 2-hour run in this afternoon.

Great attitude!

2009-03-29 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2047030

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

I finished 3 pretty big weeks of training today, and I am very pleased with how it went. My swimming is as good as I could hope considering how little I swam over the Winter. My cycling was great. I went from hardly anything to 237 miles in the last 3 weeks, including 2 rides over 40 miles, and I was definitely riding better today. My running has been solid which I expected since that was my focus the past few months. I thought i might have a little trouble with all the cycling I added so quickly, but I felt good running. Now I have a recovery week, which I am looking forward to mostly because I will get a little more sleep.

My ride today was great! It was raining pretty hard at times, but it warmed up into the upper 40's so I was pretty comfortable. I was feeling very lucky today because I live in an area that's really great for riding. Well maintained country roads that have very little traffic on the weekends, great scenery, and good hills to challenge me. Today I saw a weird deer that was mostly white with some brown spots, sort of like a pinto horse. I had to google "white deer", and it turns out it's an uncommon mutation called a piebald deer. Wish I could have taken a picture.

Keep up the great work everyone!


2009-03-29 8:30 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Anthony, nice ride today!!  It should be warming up enough that I can get my buttercup outside soon!

I had what I can only call an epic run today.  I was scheduled for 2 hours, so I set off with a new audiobook on my iPod (I liked running to a book, btw.).  ABout an hour into my run, the wind picked up and it began to rain a cold, drenching rain.  Of course, I was about as far as I could be from home, so I had no choice but to keep at it.  I was running on a paved trail that I had never been on, and then, all of a sudden, the paving ended.  A few yards ahead, I saw that it picked up again, so I just kept at it, but my beautiful new Mizunos got so muddy I had to stop and scrape the mud off the bottom.  I was low on running clothes so I was wearing a pair of cotton capri workout pants, and, apparently, the last time they were washed all of the soap had not been rinsed out.  When I was almost home, I looked down and noticed that my pants were all sudsy!!  I have no idea how long they had been like that.  I got home 3 minutes short of my two hours, freezing, wet, sudsy, and totally beat.  I ran 11.75 miles, which I was a bit disappointed in, but considering the conditions, I'll take it.

This is going to be a crazy week.  I'm playing with the Syracuse Symphony this week and my husband will be out of town Wed-Sat, so who knows what the week will look like training-wise.  I can't wait for summer!!

2009-03-31 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey hey

So a long tough week goes by and I finally get back on the bike. Last week we had an audit here at work and that meant some very late nights followed by 7am starts to do my teaching duties.

I was completely burnt out by Friday and then had a wonderful weekend of playing with the kids and eating out with the wife.

Got back on the trainer last night and my legs felt terrible but I pushed through with 40k. 

Early morning runs are going to be hard to come by for a while as I have a semester of teaching in front of me and I have to be in before 7am to set up but I will try to maintain a base at least.


2009-03-31 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2047636

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-29 9:30 PM

Anthony, nice ride today!!  It should be warming up enough that I can get my buttercup outside soon!

Thank you. I really enjoyed it. I would have liked to have kept going, but I had to get home.

I had what I can only call an epic run today.  I was scheduled for 2 hours, so I set off with a new audiobook on my iPod (I liked running to a book, btw.).  ABout an hour into my run, the wind picked up and it began to rain a cold, drenching rain.  Of course, I was about as far as I could be from home, so I had no choice but to keep at it.  I was running on a paved trail that I had never been on, and then, all of a sudden, the paving ended.  A few yards ahead, I saw that it picked up again, so I just kept at it, but my beautiful new Mizunos got so muddy I had to stop and scrape the mud off the bottom.  I was low on running clothes so I was wearing a pair of cotton capri workout pants, and, apparently, the last time they were washed all of the soap had not been rinsed out.  When I was almost home, I looked down and noticed that my pants were all sudsy!!  I have no idea how long they had been like that.

Sudsy pnts is just too funny! When it was really pouring during my ride on Sunday, I was thinking if I had some shampoo and soap, I could shower and work out at the same time 

I got home 3 minutes short of my two hours, freezing, wet, sudsy, and totally beat.  I ran 11.75 miles, which I was a bit disappointed in, but considering the conditions, I'll take it.

That was a great run, and you should be proud of yourself. You are definitely hard core! Just think, if you ever do a race in bad weather, you will be able to laugh while a lot of other people will be moaning.

This is going to be a crazy week.  I'm playing with the Syracuse Symphony this week and my husband will be out of town Wed-Sat, so who knows what the week will look like training-wise.  I can't wait for summer!!

Wow, you sure are busy! Don't forget to sleep at least a little


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