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2010-04-12 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
I usually don't swim on Mondays (is that a Bob Geldof song?) but decided to this morning since I'm off of work with the kids. Turned into a nice swim - a bit longer and faster paced than what I had been doing. I think this thread has inspired me!!

2010-04-12 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2463034

Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Looks like everyone is getting in some good training!! Thanks for the responses about NYC marathon---I am going to go for it!! As for my training this weekend--Yikes! I ran on Saturday for the 60 minutes. I'm really struggling with the knee and hip thing going on. I am going to the chiro, rolling, icing ice and not pushing speed, but I am still hurting. Oh, I also had custom orthotics made. I am no longer suffering from plantar fascitis ( I think) but my hip, knee, calves prob. has not improved. Not sure where to turn to next. I am thinking about an orthopedist-know anyone good in the Basking Ridge NJ area. As for Sunday--went on a much to leisurely bike ride with a friend in the late afternoon and spent too much time talking. Sat. evening wedding was fun. I'm trying to keep the balance of a social life and training which is not always easy.
2010-04-12 3:23 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Nice easy swim with a run to follow this evening after a 30 mile ride on Saturday and 4 mile NYRR race on Sunday in Central Park. Weather just perfect for training though I needed more clothes on the ride. I love being the underdressed guy on the group ride in 40 degrees! Still it was good incentive to get moving and get warm.

Got to give a shout to halfironmike on such a fast Olympic time - absolutely smoked it, well done!!

Glad to see everyone getting some good training in and sharing their experiences.
2010-04-12 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
halfironmike...I would like to read your race report.  What race is it...or where do I find it?
2010-04-12 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Thanks for the shout, Simon!  Sam - here's my RR: Superseal Triathlon.  Opted NOT to do the Half-Iron between Oceanside and Boston.  Would like to do it some day (looks like a real challenge with the double surf entry and sand run), but as long as I have a qualifier, I think I have to go to Boston.
2010-04-12 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
HALFIRONMIKE...YOU DA' MAN!  Thanks for tapping me into your race account.  Fantastic!  Loved it. 

And you it's time to think BeanTown! 

2010-04-12 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
hey all, this is one for the record books...

swapped my bike/swim for a bike/run today.  nj crew can verify a beautiful day today.

so im on a nice long hill climb in the swamp (for u NJ crew) village rd ..,,,going slow. (9-10mph) and I hear the long horn....(not the toot-toot, im passing).

i wave the guy buy and he SIDESWIPES me....hits my left arm w his mirror....i recall looking at the undercarriage of the lexis as:
1) im horizontal on road. teeth chatter. wierd, but they didnt bleed.  ok cool
2) head/helmet bounces on street. pretty cool, but the SCRAPING sound of helmet skidding on road, wow.  I also remember feeling that my head felt pretty cradled, so hat's (or helmets) off to Bell...
3) rolling to the one was behind us cause i would have been f***ed if there was a car there...

i actually yelled at the older gentleman (i feel bad bout that) cause he said he was just released from the hospital and had a leg spasm as he passed me.

folks, i was "on bike (non aero)" then on road in 1 second.  please be careful.

my whole left side is cut up....arm shoulder (really ouch), forearm, hip, cuts and raspberrys on left leg......ouch. 

I finished the ride, did the brick, and made my lunch date. HTFU
2010-04-13 6:10 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Glad to hear you escaped that with only cuts and scrapes. Sounds like a close one. I wouldn't feel bad about yelling at that old guy either.  He should really thank his  lucky stars that he didn't hit someone with a temper about that kind of thing (like me) who would have had a fist spasm onto his face, or worse, put you into the hospital with serious injuries. 

It's amazing (and scary) how many idiots are out there behind the wheel.

Edited by MikeJ 2010-04-13 6:13 AM
2010-04-13 6:51 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
John- For cryin' outloud.  Thank goodness you are ok.  I'm sorry that happened to you.  It's amazing that you finished your workout, but I'm thinking the run gave you some time to settle back down a bit.  Sheesh!
2010-04-13 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2463034

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

John:  That sounds terrifying.  Thank goodness your helmet was sound (please get a new one ASAP after that impact).  A friend of mine had a harsh introduction to the pavement on Easter.  She is still in an acute care rehab facility with several hours of therapy per day.  It will be weeks until they have her start walking again.  I know you are ware of how lucky you were, and I'm glad you weren't seriously injured.

Regarding the driver:  I think your response was understandable.  Call me cranky, but I would have called the police.  Anyone released from the hospital with a spasm in their driving leg should have been put in a taxi.  He has no business on the road, and is lucky he didn't kill you.

Last:  How is your beautiful bike?  You make no mention of her condition.  Very insensitive.

2010-04-13 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
John - glad to hear you're ok. Don't know how I'd react. Probably same. But important that you are ok. Could have been alot worse. ditto on that comment to get a new helmet. Think that thing has seen better days anyway.

Jackie No Fear - glad you're concerned about the bike. Cervelo's need sympathy too.

Looking forward to reading the race reports.

I got in a swim and a ride yesterday. "Ran" this morning. In quotes because I've been having my issues, so it's been a slow walk/run. But I'm putting in the time anyway. I go to the sports med doc tomorrow to find out more.

2010-04-13 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Hey all, thanks for the kind words.  I woke up this am so all is good.

My poor bike needs new tape on the left hand/bullhorn, and its pretty scratched up, but otherwise OK.

Going to head out soon on a ride, then swim.  Maybe. 

Walt, funny about that helmet - it's an old one I am using since I lost my nice new helmet at the last race I did last season.  The RD has it and we're still trying to connect so I can get it.  Agree it's going to the trash heap...
2010-04-13 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2463034

Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Soo scary!! I'm always concerned about people talking on the cell phone. I'm glad you're OK John. Hey, you didn't skip a beat and you were able to finish your workout. Hope you're not too sore.
2010-04-13 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2786923

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

Ouch John that's a scary experience! Well done for bouncing back and being so resilient and finishing the workout. I hope the injuries clear up soon. Like you said 1 minute you're riding happily and the next your on the ground in a daze. Thank goodness you were properly equipped and no car was coming along behind you. In your bike shoes I'd have found it hard not to yell as well, these things happen so quickly in the moment. Can happen any time to anyone.

(I managed to be in a mini-mini crash at 6 AM this morning on the GWB - no comparison in impact to yours John. At that time in the morning I counted that there was me and just 2 others on the bridge, and this 1 guy came round a bend near the stansions section right into me. I saw him coming, we both stopped and got away with minor scrapes. He was very apologetic and we both said "You Ok?" etc. Irony is at the weekend that bridge is *packed* with runners, tourists, cyclists but we collided at a time it's virtually empty. Weird.)

You can never be too careful....

2010-04-13 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Scary situation for sure.  Glad to hear you're ok!
2010-04-13 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Wow, crazy...great hearing you're alright, crashes are always so scary because one little change--another car being there, you landing a bit different, something--pole, rail, hydrant, etc--in the way of your fall.  Thank god you went down relatively easy.  Oh, glad to hear the bike is in decent shape too, once the wounds heal that's the biggest concern.  And well done getting back at it despite the injuries, shows great resolve...I'm impressed!

2010-04-13 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
I don't mean to brag, but I missed another swim workout yesterday.
2010-04-13 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Mike, you arrogant bastard.  (Insert sassy, sarcastic...Dwight from "The Office" tone here)
"Oooo, look at MEEEeee, I missed another workout." 
Yeah, it's not like we couldn't miss swim workouts if we wanted to.  Just because you missed a workout, it doesn't mean you have to talk it all up and rub it in like your all that and a baga' chips.
Sheesh!  Get it together man.  We have feelings you know.  Man...where is the sensitivity?


Dude, you can do it.  Get chlorinated and feel better.  Smile

Just a little attempt at humor to try to lighten your spirits.

2010-04-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
You cracked me the office for that matter.

Anybody have any thoughts or recommendations for helping me get motivated to actually go to the pool at 6am after blowing off swimming all winter?   I just can't seem to manage it.  I dont have this problem with the bike or run.

Thanks in advance.
2010-04-14 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
From the Ironman website: Timberman is sold out.  Meh - that's what I get for dilly-dallying.  Oh well, this is a race that is definitely in the plans for some time in the future.  I'll be rooting you all on from afar and will go race in Lake Stevens again.  Good luck with your training and I'll keep an eye on this board.  I'll be looking forward to the race reviews!
2010-04-14 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
halfironmike- Sorry you didn't get it, but thanks for your inspiration through your example and your input.  Certainly feel free to check in and weigh in. 

For Boston...May your feet be light, your path be clear, and the wind be at your back.

Rock it out.


2010-04-14 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
messages for the Mikes...

First of all, I can't believe it took this long for T-man to sell out. Last year, wasn't it by December or so? Anyway, sorry you didn't get in, but my instinct says you weren't entirely sold on it anyway, or else you'd have signed up. Sounds like you got a backup plan so that's good. I'll be pm'ing you in a couple weeks about my trip to San Diego.

Motivation to swim??? Hmmmm...would a cattle prod help? A taser? You got a bunch of your compatriots here on this thread, and i don't think we want to see any more of these "missed another workout" posts. Are you following a training plan? Then follow it. No excuses anymore. For your next swim, just take the first step. Get yourself up out of bed and get over to the pool. If you still don't feel up to swimming, then you're allowed to go home.
2010-04-14 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2790606

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
MikeJ - do you have to swim at 6 AM? Maybe you'd feel better starting out swimming in the evenings and then if/when you're "feeling" it a bit more switch back to the mornings? Maybe that would help get you over the hump. Only reason I get up that early to swim is I just have to, it's the only time my local pool is extended fully to 50M & with my low swimming ability (a buddy of mine still tells me I swim like a stone) I need a much swim time as I can get Smile.
2010-04-14 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
John - That is so scary - I am so happy that you are OK (and your bike is too!)  I had a scary moment this weekend when a driver ran a stop sign (I didn't have one, I was on the main road, they were entering traffic.  Well, I was the traffic at 6am) I was able to stop and avoid an issue, but it is only because I didn't like the way the car was approaching the stop sign so I was ready.  Your story gave me the heebie jeebies.  So glad things turned out OK.

Mike J - If it makes you feel better, the pool is 75 minutes away from me and I haven't swum much either (like 2x/month)- which really freaks me out to be honest.  I am trying not to think about it because I plan on getting into open water - once the ice is off the lake.  I guess I could swim around the edges of the ice, it is semi-open.  Tongue out I checked the temp, 38 cut-off is ice on the lake and under 45 degrees.  SO I don't have an answer for you, on the whole motivation thing, except to say if you are more motivated in open water, then maybe you will be OK for Timberman if you train swim-heavy (one of the BT plans has a swim-heavy program) once you can get out there.  That is my plan.


2010-04-15 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2792611

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Mandy - you'd swim in 45 degree water???? Wow!! That's gotta be motivation enough right there. That's cold!!

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