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2010-03-28 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Welcome to our group!!!!  You will like it here.  Most of us deal with balancing kids, jobs, lives.  We have had a range of life experiences.   Please let us know how we can support you.  We'll be your greatest cheerleaders, I promise! 

2010-03-28 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Welcome to the team Sharyn.

I did a 10 mile training run this morning in prep for my third half marathon. I trained on my own before but this time around I am training with a group as you know.
I always took walk breaks and my last HM in January, I took three, the first at the half way point.

Today, we ran 10 miles with NO walk breaks!! It was such an accomplished feeling. Then we walked a mile to cool down. Half mile to starbucks for coffee and sandwich and half mile back to the car.

My two goals for this race is:
1. no walking
2. hit 3 hours

2010-03-28 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Sharyn, Welcome!

We lost 3 people from January, so when Jo asked if Sharyn could come, I said sure!

*side note to everyone- April is upon us, new mentor groups will be starting. I will continue this one until DECEMBER 2010, promise (that is what I did last year). We will move to the forum called MENTOR PROGRAM ARCHIVES so please do not panic and remember you can always private message me if you can't find our forum*

I may also be bringing in another new person- I have a friend from my daughter's class who is starting to train for the all women's tri that Jo, Ginny, and I will be doing August 1st.

I hope everyone had a great weekend- Jo, I hope you feel better. Me and Jo seem to be on FIRE with the running! I get so inspired reading your training logs, Jo (doesn't hurt that when you talk about your running buddy Anne I go what, we ran together?!). I had a fantastic run Friday night- a fast 3.65 miles! Today was my 6 mile run- it just topped raining at 5:00. Which means I ran, in the rain, during naptime. My goal was just to finish- everything went wrong that could go wrong, and I had to run down a very spooky road (Seriously, it's like the perfect habitat for Serial Killers)- but I finished! My kids and hubby were waiting at the front door for me and he already had the shower started (takes forever to get hot).

A lot of us are about a month out from our big running races! I am getting really excited about the marathon relay. Is everyone else getting excited????

Back to Sharyn- my husband had plantar fasciatis 2 summers ago.....main that hurts! and the foot injury- YIKES. Welcome back to running! I say pick a tri and train for it.....this year. You have plenty of time to train. Do a 5k this late spring/early summer to build your confidence- and find a tri to do in the fall, a nice small sprint or a women's only sprint. You can do it!
2010-03-28 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

AWESOME run today!!!!!!! 10 miles!!!! And your goals for the HM sound fantastic and very doable.
2010-03-28 6:35 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-29 9:42 AM
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2010-03-29 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2600896

Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hello everyone, I am finally back from a week of relaxing and diving in Utila, Honduras.  I ate way too much and tried too convince myself that diving burns a lot of calories...the scale this morning disagreed!  So it's time to get focused again and start working out regularly again.

Lovey - Your schedule sounds extremely hectic.  I am very impressed you can fit in any training at all with all of that going on.  I still have trouble fitting in training and all of my kids are grown.  Give yourself a pat on the back for doing what you can.  Remember to pamper yourself at times too.

It sounds like everyone is doing quite a bit of running this month.  I hope to get in a few runs before the end of this month to try to hit my 30 mile goal. 

Sharon welcome to the group.  This is a very supportive and relaxed group.  I joined last year and was very anxious about my first tri.  Anne and Jogo were very supportive and really helped me to relax and just have fun at it.  Now I can't wait to do another one.

Everyone have a great week! 
2010-03-29 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2600896

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
March is coming to an end. Are we planning another challenge for April? Suggestions?

2010-03-29 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2755123

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Lovey - 2010-03-29 11:36 AM March is coming to an end. Are we planning another challenge for April? Suggestions? Lovey

Can we do something with biking?  I need to get my butt back in the saddle.  Open to any and all suggestions as to how to motivate me to want to get on the bike again.  Mentally, I've become a runner and let my inner triathlete run away.  However, I do have 4 events that I am signed up for that actually use a bike or make me swim.     I don't want to do them.  I just want to run.  Has anyone ever DNS'd an event that they were signed up for?  Is the guilt overwhelming or do you just say screw it, if you don't want to then don't do it?

2010-03-29 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2600896

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
RUN TOTALS: GOAL 75 miles (minimum of 50 miles)
Week One 3/01 to 3/07/10 - 18 miles (running balance: 18 miles)
Week One 3/08 to 3/14/10 – 15.85 miles (running balance: 33.95 miles)
Week One 3/15 to 3/21/10 – 4.5 miles (running balance: 38.45 miles) – FAMILY MATTERS
Week One 3/22 to 3/28/10 – 24.38 miles (running balance: 62.83 miles)
Week One 3/29 to 3/31/10 – plan to do a 5 mile run tomorrow

I was on track to complete 80 miles but family matters came up and so I had the cut 12 miles off my schedule for that week. Things happen, family comes first.

PUSH UP CHALLENGE: GOAL 100 pushups in a set
Week One 3/01 to 3/07/10 – max pushups in a set 15; total pushups 42
Week One 3/08 to 3/14/10 – none, I was completely unfocused on it this week
Week One 3/15 to 3/21/10 – none, I was completely unfocused on it this week
Week One 3/22 to 3/28/10 – I did this one day in my sculpting class but I forgot how many.
Week One 3/29 to 3/31/10 –

Sorry to say but I fell off the wagon with this challenge. I can do more pushups than when I started but I am no where near even doing 50 consecutively.

APRIL CHALLENGE - I am ok with a biking focused challenge or even a swimming focused one.
We can go by distance or time.


Edited by Lovey 2010-03-29 11:19 AM
2010-03-29 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-29 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

The weather should be breaking for most of us- if you can't get on the roads, get on a bike @ your gym, or get on your trainers in the basement.

Jo- have you already registered for events??? But you love your bike! Your pretty bike!!!!

I have a very angry baby on my hands but plan on a ride today with the kiddos in the basement....

2010-03-29 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
What about an April Century Ride Challenge?

Get in 100 miles (individually) in the mont of April? I'm in.

Or, you can go halvsies (50 miles in the month of April).
2010-03-29 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-29 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hi Sharyn   For us challenges, usually have just consisted of logging your bike (or whatever the challenge event may be) into your training log and once a week Anne or someone will go to everyones training logs and add up our totals.  Its a lot of fun. 

I'm all in on the bike challenge!  I need the motivation to get out there and go for a ride.  Running is so easy, just throw your shoes in the car and your ready to go!  And I feel confident that I can swim the distance.  I am not a confident biker, and need to get in the practice. 

My tri event is coming up!  April 25th.  Even crazier, I am moving across the country on May 1st!!!  So life is hectic to say the least.  But exciting, none the less.  As far as training goes, I have been struggling with my back.  I have to be extremely careful and make sure not to push it.  But for the month of April, I am also going to push jumping back into my training plan.  I'm afraid I abandoned it mid-February.  So better late than never, I am going to try to follow the plan for the month I have left until my tri.
2010-03-29 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2755806

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2010-03-29 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I like it!

Two questions:

1. Is it only a century (100 miles) option or do we have the option of a metric century (62miles) instead of just half? If you want to stick to just one option, I’m okay with that too.

2. Can we use the same rules as the March Ironman Challenge when we do spin classes?
30 minute spin class = 8 miles
45 minute spin class = 12 miles

First we had an Ironman challenge to cover all disciplines, then we ran in March, will ride in April showers and so I guess we will swim our way into May. Sorry, in a rhyming mood.


Edited by Lovey 2010-03-29 3:11 PM
2010-03-29 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2755687

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2010-03-29 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-29 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hi Ladies,

I'm still alive. Welcome Sharyn!

Ginny--Wow! Diving in Honduras. I don't even know what to say about that! Haven't been anywhere outside the country, much less diving. Good for you! What do you do for a living? Is that how you get to travel?

Lovey--you are a MACHINE! I will have to get a miracle 11 more miles in 2 days to meet my minimum 60 mile run goal this month. We'll see if life gets in the way or if I can pull it off.

I'm in for the 100 mile bike in April. Don't really love biking as much as running (or run/walking like I do) and swimming. So, will be a good challenge and still get a pile of run in before the May 2 half marathon.

Sprained my ankle Saturday on the way to the Y to run on the indoor track, but I ran my 10 miles any way. I didn't swell up like I figured I would (thank you ice, self adjusting, MSM and pineapple) and I'm not walking too funny so guess I'll live.

Anne, how is the sugar free diet going? I'm trying to stay off flour, but ended up making a hotdish with noodles tonight for supper, so will probably feel it tomorrow. I DO feel better off the's hard

Laura-- sent off your t-shirt today. It's blue and doesn't look too dorky, so that's a plus. Good luck with your move. You can log it under weight lifting! (yes, I am the ultimate optimist who always sees the glass is more full than not)

Jo--Glad to hear you are loving the run. I hear you. Not too hot about the bike these days myself. And putting on and off a wetsuit seems like too much bother so I really hope the water is warm enough to go without one in June. I have not showed up for more than one event.....yes, I felt guilty or disappointed or icky about it. But, tri's are supposed to be fun and not a complete drag. I think, personally, you should push yourself through this one and then let yourself focus on the run for a year. Why not? The only thing about triathletes is you generally don't suffer as many injuries as pure runners because of the cross training. I think the bike and swim help the run (and the run helps the bike and swim, etc.....) Anne, what do you say???

Nice to have your enthusiasm in the group, Sharyn.
2010-03-30 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-30 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I think I'll be out on the challenge for biking for April.  I am still trying to get my running back up to a respectable level and I want to devote all the time I have to that. 

Phoenix I love the shoes, you'll have to let me know how they work for you.  One of the women that was diving with us was wearing them all of the time.  She said they are absolutely the best shoes ever.  She does not run, but said she had been having all kinds of foot/ankle problems for years and finally heard about these shoes.  She said it has made so much difference and she does not have those problems any more.  She could have been a paid spokesperson for them she was so excited about them and how good they were.  Made me want to go out and get a pair.

My dbf and I do at least one dive trip and one ski trip every year.  They just happened to fall close to each other this year (within 2 months).  I won't be vacationing again for quite a while, I need to save some money for a while.  It's going to be a long rest of the year  

Jo you are too hard on yourself.  I understand how you feel guilty about not doing an event, I felt that way just backing down on what I had set up for myself at the first of the year.  but if it's not fun to do it any more, why do it?  Maybe it's time to do something else or go back to what you do love?  (The running?)  I know that's what I'm doing, it was becoming a chore, so I'm just doing the one tri with you guys and focusing my energy on other things and other people this year. ;-)
(although if I could get a new bike I might change my mind hehehe )

Everyone have a great day.  I am off to run in the sunshine!

2010-03-30 5:47 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Hey Ginny!  Glad you had a great time diving.  If you ever need a tri bike, I will have one for sale and I know it would fit you. 

I am registered (paid and non-refundable) for 4 events.  The 1st one is a great tri with a short swim that I'll probably do so that I don't have to do something that I don't want to do on that same day (its my excuse).  The 2nd one is an all girl's duathlon and that one might go.  I am having my daughter's graduation party the day before so I'm not sure I'll be okay for that one.  The next one is our tri and that one I wouldn't miss because I get to hang with you and Anne.  The one after that is iffy.  It is an olympic du in sylvania.  2 out of 4 isn't bad, right?  I am just so cheap and hate to waste money.  I might be able to rationalize the extra expense of gas would be saved.  That's significant, right?  Work with me here. 

I am in for the bike.  I need to get my arse on the bike.  I am the lead cyclist for the Martian Marathon on April 10th so there is 26.2 miles.  We don't care what speed, right?  I figure I can ride 26.2 miles faster than someone runs,at least I hope so.

2010-03-30 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Welcome back, Ginny! Oh that trip sounds amazing....

I am butthole deep in cupcakes, birthday , and easter. The fact that I am fitting in workouts is amazing. My oldest turns 8 on Thursday; tonight was her birthday party, Thursday I take cupcakes to school and then we have the family party; and Friday family starts arriving for Easter Weekend.

Interval workout early this morning- way too dark, and scary. Did not like it!

I have to go put some very tired kiddos to bed and then pour myself a big glass of wine.....

JO- You signed up for an Oly @ Sylvania? Of course I am now wondering if I could do that with you.....HA. No, I'll just cheer you on!

Like everyone said- you have to do what you love. None of us has enough spare time to do something we don't like to do!

I'm so looking forward to the All Womens' Tri- my favorite race by far!

Pick a distance-
Half Century (50 miles)
Century (100 miles)
Double Century (200 miles!)

Post your progress each Monday.
Do your best- remember life gets in the way so you can always move down (or up) distance.

I will post the end totals for our March Run Challenge- Sharyn, we had a group goal of 200 cumulative miles and we smashed it!

For those of you with older kids, thank goodness you missed the Zhu Zhu pets. Apparently these are little plastic hamsters that act like real hamsters and definitely a gift you give someone's kid if you hate them.
2010-03-30 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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