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2010-05-27 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
AWWWW....@ Noel, don't be showing me cute little picks of those monsters!  How am I supposed to plan the destruction of their home when they look so itty bitty fuzzy wuzzy cute and adorable...I must picture them as the enemy and the enemy deserves no mercy.  Unless they are teeny tiny balls of cuteness like that picture!  Laughing

So the weekend will be kinda boring and kinda quiet...the hubby works and the kid and I are on our own on Monday, maybe we'll bbq...but...I will be in HAVASU this Wed, for the first trip of the season!!!  Sea-doos are washed and ready for the water and its been way tooooo hella long (like last october!) since I've been there!!! 

I'll work out this weekend as usual but I will NOT be running in Havasu since its bloody hot there, however, I am going to take my googles (oh eww, I'll be able to see the fish) and I'll put in a proper ows ( and in my head an ows with dangerous fish is totally going to justify my favorite pizza place up there.) (and a shaved ice!).Tongue out


2010-05-27 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2887260

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

my favorite pizza place

2010-05-27 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2887328

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
cjhild - 2010-05-27 7:06 PM

my favorite pizza place


OMG!!! YES!!  Love that place!  Its like tradition...I don't go to Havasu and not get Mudsharks!

2010-05-27 11:12 PM
in reply to: #2887338

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED


Well played.  My fav is the teriyaki chicken, enjoy!
2010-05-27 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Brian- I found your running mojo and I'm going to borrow it for a while.  I promise I'll return it...eventually!!! 

I had a decent run this evening.  My first good workout since Saturday. 

As for this weekend, I asked told my dh that we'd be doing a practice tri at the resevoir on Saturday.  With my parents in town, we have a built in babysitter!!!  Now-I need to get up and not sleep in!

The rest of the weekend will have my usual workout plan.  No big cookouts or anything, just relaxing. 

Be safe everyone!

2010-05-28 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I don't think I'm going to meet my goals for the week...I took the last two days off  Embarassed!!  I know I shouldn't have, but the rest has been soooo awesome!  I'm planning to try to make it up this weekend.  No major plans for the long weekend, we are going to a cookout Sunday, so the diet will be blown out of the water!  I'm going to make the Margarita Cheesecake that's in the "BT recipe book" in the nutritional forum...that sooooooo shouldn't be on here, but since it is, I'm pretending it's healthy!  

2010-05-29 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Yeah, I hear ya Crisi.  My diet was blown before the week even started.  On Thursday night I drank FIVE beers (had a meeting w/ drinking co-workers/friends and then watched the Suns get our hearts broken w/ a buddy).  Then last night the wife wanted ice cream and I got one.  It was a small chocolate ice cream w/ one Reese's PB cup mix in. 

But I'm not allowing those two things to bring me down... just keeping at the grind.  We all need to reward ourselves w/ rest or something good to eat (or drink) now and again.  For me, its just getting back on it right away instead of allowing those rewards meals to turn into reward days or weeks or months.
2010-05-30 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
All this talk about Memorial Day weekend weight gain.  It is Sunday and I have lost 5 pounds since Thursday night.
let me help everyone here do the same.
OK, do just like I did.  You get the flu on Thursday night.  You spend most of Friday losing all your cookies.  I did not even work out and lost 3 of the 5 pounds on Friday.  Then on Saturday you continue to lay around the house and not eat because you feel so beat up that you are scarred to death to put anything into your stomach.
I feel better and am confident that I will find the 5 I lost but its a start.
The only challenge in this method is locating the flu virus to catch.
Have A Great Holiday Everyone.
I was supposed ot be in Buffalo for my wife's 26.2 Marathon this weekend but am home with our son recovering from flu while she parties and runs.
Take Care
2010-05-31 12:14 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Tom, I hope you are feeling better man! Sounds like a rough weekend!

BTW, I am drunk for the first time in a long while.  Had six beers and a shot of whiskey while out with the wife at a concert tonight.  I hope it doesn't hurt my training and weight loss goals... but right now I feel great as I type this. 
2010-05-31 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Done!!!  1 month of all colored pink boxes!  I thought this last week was never going to end. 

@ Tom...hope you're feeling better today. 
@ Nole and Crissy...I hear you on the diets this weekend!  Carne asada, guacamole, and fresh lemonade!  I'll have to get back on track on Tuesday because I fully intend on having leftovers today.  So Tuesday I will be uber well behaved because with Havasu only a few days away...well, lets just say I don't want to count calories there!  I'm thinking I should avoid the scale for a few days once I get back until I'm back on the plan for a couple of days.

Have a nice holiday!

2010-06-01 12:00 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
So here's the totals for May for s/b/r for me. 

Too bad the swim is the shortest part of the race.


1h 01m  - 10 Mi
Run:6h 32m 42s  - 25.42 Mi
Swim:18h 43m  - 52700 Yd

2010-06-01 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Here are my May totals.  Not impressive but June will be a good month.
My diet score for May from 1 to 10 (1 being all-out glutony) was about a 4.  It was 4 only because of drinking 2 Sobe's a day (sugar killer) and snacks.  I am striving for a 6 - 7 for June.  Cutting Sobe's out all together and reducing the late-night snacks.  My next tri is June 13th.  Another sprint although all outdoor.  This will be my first open-water swim.
May's totals:
Bike:7h 03m 45s  - 116.7 Mi
Run:4h 11m 09s  - 22.5 Mi
Swim:3h 37m 05s  - 9600 Yd
Walking:1h 00m

Edited by Tkimble01 2010-06-01 9:11 AM
2010-06-01 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
May's totals:
Bike:5h 48m 25s  - 69.34 Mi
Run:9h 33m 35s  - 33.55 Mi
Swim:6h 04m 09s  - 7500 M

Here's my May totals.  Definitly not a great month!  I only averaged 5 hours a week...definitly have to step up my training.  I'm working on June goals and I'll post those in a bit!
2010-06-01 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Morning all, welcome back to the grind!  

It sounds like my weekend was on par with everyone elses, some drinks, too much food with some workouts sprinkled in.  I tried to make the best choices possible, having chicken when everyone else was having burgers, snacking on carrots and hummus when the Doritos were right next door, and I employed the never fail drink-water-drink method which made my buzz elusive, but was able to enjoy and feel great the next morning.  I took advantage of the weather and biked my a$$ off this weekend, putting in 100 miles over 4 rides Friday through Monday.  I really needed that and the weather and scenery at the shore were fantastic, not to mention flat roads and plenty of bikini's to peek at along the way! All that said, I had a great time, spend quality time with the family and came out the other side no worse for wear.  

Here is how my May ended up....  
May's totals:
Bike:13h 16m 52s  - 208.52 Mi
Run:6h 06m 10s  - 43.65 Mi
Swim:7h 20m 14s  - 16990.4 Yd

That knee injury really hampered my running totals, but I'll make up for it in June. 

What is everyone up to this week?  

Does anyone have any specific goals they want to set for the month of June?  

2010-06-01 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Yeah, so the drinking and eating this weekend (I actually started on Thursday... ugh!) finally caught up to me.  I weighed in on Thursday morning at 214, on Saturday at 212, on Sunday 211, on Monday 212 and today back to 214!  So essentially I lost and gained back 3 lbs in the span of 6 days! 

I'm trying really hard not be discouraged by it because I did have a lot of fun.  Caught a buzz on Thursday night and got pretty much fully drunk on Sunday night for the first time in a long while.  I'm focusing on getting back on my game as quick as possible.

Here's where I was at for May.  The most consistent working out of my life and I feel pretty good about it!
May's totals:
Bike:18h 20m 34s  - 291.04 Mi
Run:8h 40m 40s  - 51.53 Mi
Swim:8h 01m 45s  - 20500 M



For June, I am just looking at crushing both my races.  My B race is a duathlon (3.1 run- 18 bike- 3.1 run) this Saturday and my A race is an Olympic Tri in 3.5 weeks.  I'm really hoping my training will pay off at those two events!

Edited by n.k 2010-06-01 10:56 AM
2010-06-01 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Bike:4h 31m 03s  - 64.1 Mi
Run:4h 21m 49s  - 22.89 Mi
Swim:2h 05m 12s  - 5300 Yd

Brutal!  Without a race staring me in the face I bag a lot of training days.  June will be prep for my race in San Diego on the 27th.

2010-06-01 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2894097

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
cjhild - 2010-06-01 12:42 PM  Without a race staring me in the face I bag a lot of training days.  June will be prep for my race in San Diego on the 27th.

That's why I register early and often!
2010-06-01 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Here are my numbers...  I only had 3 days off for the month!  I surprised myself!

Monthly totals:

S:  15750.00 M - 5h 42m 49s
B:  86.01 Mi - 8h 55m 08s
R:  70.09 Mi - 10h 28m 26s
Str:  2h 00m
Sp:  1h 00m

Signed up for another race- Wendy's International Sprint: 800m swim, 18.6 mi bike, 5k run at the same location as the one that was cancelled.  Luckily, I'm familiar with the area and this is a longer distance race that the one originally signed up for (and 2 weeks sooner)!   I'm more nervous about the transitions just because I have never been in an actual race with so many people around...  The first race is for experience- the rest are for conquering!!!
2010-06-01 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
how did I get red?  kinda cool!
2010-06-01 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
My goal for this week is to survive Havasu and keep on logging those running miles!  Its getting a tad bit easier for every run, its time for me to really make an effort to keep it up and finally own that . 

Second goal is to get on that bike and for goodness' sake ride it!! Anywhere, for however long, but to just get on and ride it more.

Third is to keep counting calories and keep watching the scale go down and not freak if its only going down a least its going down.

I do have a question though, I can't tell if all the working out is just catching up with me lately or if sometimes I haven't eaten enough and don't have enough fuel, or if the recent addition of jogging in the last couple of weeks is the culprit but I really don't have a ton of energy right now.  Is it the first all pink month and I just need a break or the pounding of the running taking its toll on everything?  Yesterday's swim was just a slog from start to finish.  I got in and my upperbody/arms/shoulders immediately complained and my legs about quit when I had a few kick sets with fins.  I just never got it in gear really and I was so busy thinking about it, I lost count several times (I normally never lose count as the ocd freak in me would have a heart attack). 

I really just noticed this in the last 2 weeks or so which happens to coincide with the return to running saga, but I have noticed on days when my calories are really low or not very "good" calories that I have no "go".  Just wondering what the culprit is and what I can do to avoid/fix the problem.  For the record, I've been swimming for about a year, taekwondo for aobut 1 1/2 yrs but just started in January with the whole goal to do a triathlon one day about 5 months of mostly consistent exercise (with the exception of March, that was my sad month) and 5 months of really putting effort into working out. 

Hopefully, this is just a "hump" I can work through or something I can tweak.  One other thing worth noting...since watching calories, I noticed that on the carb/fat/protein ratio, I am kinda consistently low on the protein since I've been trying to cut the amount of red meat that I eat and maybe I'm not replacing it with enough protein rich stuff?  My carbs are the highest, then fats, and then protein almost everyday.  Maybe I need to replace a meal with a protein shake/smoothie thing?  I can only stomach chicken 2 maybe 3 times a week and I can choke down cottage cheese if I absolutely have to but the texture of it kills me.

2010-06-02 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
OK, I'm done playing with my avatar pic for now.  The photogs at my last race got some awesome shots of me that I don't actually want to barf when I look at them, however he also wants close to $60 to download them... NO THANKS! 

Robin...  Congrats on finding a new race.  Trust in the training you've put in already and you will be fine, even though the race is 2 weeks sooner.

Ronda, I have struggled with this too.  In my experience, it is a game of trial and error.  Somedays I have no energy and am hungry all the time, others is exactly the opposite.  Nutrition, rest, weather all play a huge factor.  However in your "peachy" situation I think your body is begging for a rest.  As my sister in law would say, Chillax for a day or two, or plan an easy week for yourself see how you feel. There is a discussion going on on the main triathlon talk board about always being hungry.  might be worth reading through to see what peoples experiences are. 

I've decided my sole goal for June is to make this the highest volume bike month EVER!  I'm at 48 miles for this week already and haven't put in my long ride yet.  My injury is solidly behind me and I'm ready to rock! 


2010-06-03 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
My Month:

May's totals:
Bike:19h 31m 27s  - 333.97 Mi
Run:9h 23m 30s  - 59.34 Mi
Swim:4h 58m 41s  - 13401.05 Yd

2010-06-05 3:32 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

I'm back!  Took 2 full days off of nothingness while I was in Havasu...I did some swimming but not anything serious..mostly just playing around trying not to think of all the creepy fish in there with me.  I brought my googles so I could really swim but in the end, I just left them off and opened my eyes under water figuring the blurrier my vision was, the less aquatic wildlife I'd see and the less I'd freak out! 

I discovered my kid got my husband's swimming genes  Frown and she is getting signed up for swimming lessons because I just could not figure out how to explain to her how she needed to move her body in a way she'd swimming lessons it is with someone who knows how to make it kid friendly and has the patience to teach.

I ate too much pizza at Mudsharks, got rid of some unsightly tan lines on my arms, zipped up and down the river on my ski, swam in Copper Canyon, and came home ready to re-tackle this triathlon thing. 

This week, I'll be really buckling down on figuring out the calories in vs out and making better choices at what to actually make those calories.  I ordered 2 new swim suits and somehow goofed on the size and ordered them in the next size down.  I can get them on and prolly wear them, but I'd prefer not to feel like I'm about to bust out at the seams so my goal for June is to get into those suits comfortably.  I'm guessing 8-10lbs lighter would be about right for those.

Have a great weekend!


2010-06-05 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hello all
Tried my new Volt Sleeveless wetsuit out this morning (6AM) at the local swim mud hole.  I really like it but for some reason my legs tire quickly.  I think it is because of the elasticity of the legs in the suit.  It felt like I was working out with one of those rubber bands around my legs.  I am going back to the lake this afternoon to give it another try.  I think it just takes some getting used to.  Next weekend is my last sprint before I start Olys. I don't think I am going to wear the wetsuit though.  It may not be worth wearing it for a 500 yard swim versusu the time to get it off.  Any thoughts on this?  Also, this really sucks.  my son was sick.  Then I got the flu.  Now my wife is sick.  I think we are playing musical chairs with sickness here.

Also.  I am going to take the plunge and sign up for either the Wilmington, NC  or Augusta, GA HIM.  Augusta is in September on our way to Hilton Head for vacation so I'd have some good recoup time.  The Wilmington is in November which would give me more time to practice not drowning.  The Wilmington is called the Beach to Battleship.  You actually swim out to the USS north Carolina Battleship.  That seems like it would be really cool.  Both swims are with current which is also great.  The Augusta will be really hot and the Wilmington will be much coller in November.  Anyone ever do either?  Antone interested in doing one of them?

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


2010-06-05 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

The weather in Ohio has been like an obstacle course.  You have to dodge the thunderstorms! I had transition training and a long ride planned, but now I need to figure out what I am going to do...

Which brings me to a question:  What do you do when you have a long run or bike planned and thunderstorms or heavy rain ruin the day?  Do you go inside and workout or take some extra rest?  Just curious.  I'm trying to determine what I'm going to do. Thunderstorms are forecasted for the entire day.

I received official confirmation that my tri on 6/26 is cancelled.  I scheduled one for 6/13 and now I have a head cold.  Luckily, it's not a chest cold or the flu (sorry Tom).  Maybe the dear Lord is trying to tell me something!!!!! 

Have a great weekend everyone.  Get some extra workouts in for me.  I'll be building an ark!

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