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2011-05-14 11:06 PM
in reply to: #3435045

winnipeg, MB
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Nice to see some of you are racing. I'm still anxious waiting for the 29th. (my first try a tri)

Today was the first day in almost a week that it was not freezing cold out. Actually very warm today  at 18 celsius (64 farenheit).

I went for a bike ride and it was nice but very windy. We have sunny days ahead so I'm going to stop  the spinning classes.

I have not much to add at this time. Most of my training was indoors this week. I'm a little bit worry about the next two weeks because there will be 3 days on each that I won't be able to train at all due to work.

Maybe I could go to the Y before work. Even one hour will be better than nothing.

2011-05-15 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3499424

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thanks Veronica.  It's was disappointing but I'm over it now.  Time to move on.  I can't wait to race again.

Good luck with your race today.  Hopefully the masses of people will be behind you (and the winds if they happen to be blowing)!!

AKtri - 2011-05-14 9:45 PM

Oh! Sorry to hear about your race. I was really hoping the calf pain was one of those taper things. You are smart to take some time off, heal it up and finish up your summer with some good events.

I'm starting to get nervous about my event tomorrow, it is an all women sprint triathlon with over 1500 women. I have to take my gear to transition tonight. It's windy out and not sure what it will look like in the morning, neither the transition area or the weather. It is a pool swim so dont have to worry about choppy water or a beach run.

2011-05-15 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3499694

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
junthank - 2011-05-15 8:12 AM

It's was disappointing but I'm over it now.  Time to move on.  I can't wait to race again.

Great attitude!!

2011-05-15 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3499424

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

AKtri - 2011-05-14 8:45 PM

I'm starting to get nervous about my event tomorrow, it is an all women sprint triathlon with over 1500 women. I have to take my gear to transition tonight. It's windy out and not sure what it will look like in the morning, neither the transition area or the weather. It is a pool swim so dont have to worry about choppy water or a beach run.

I've only done races with 300+ at the most, but I also am doing a large, womens' sprint later this summer in Mpls.  and will love to hear what you think of such a large race.

How the heck can you have a pool swim with so many people????  Won't it take all day???  I've done a pool tri but with a lot fewer people.  They had 8 lanes and 2-4 people/lane and about 8 waves and that took quite awhile.


2011-05-15 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Howdy everyone - 10K just sucked yesterday. I didn't sleep well as we took our RV to cut out having to get up at 5am and drive to the race site. Must have eaten something the night before because I had serious GI issues when I went to bed Friday night and upon waking Saturday morning. I spent the entire race hoping I wouldn't throw up or poop my pants. The wind was gusting to 25mph...overcast. Of course, I over dressed and chose the wrong lenses for my glasses. 

The setting was cool (Guthrie, OK was originally the capitol of Oklahoma until some crazy redneck stole the state symbol and moved it to OKC) so the downtown area is very ornate and almost Victorian-looking. It was a benefit run for a no-kill dog sanctuary called "See Spot Run" (the race, not the sanctuary). Some people ran with their was hilarious. Until I got Chihuhua'd, Basset Hound'd and Schnauzer'd. I thought getting strollered was bad - imagine being outran by a Chihuahua. Seriously though...I couldn't stop laughing the first mile because the dogs were hilarious. Luckily, none of the dogs wanted to race the 10K distance so I didn't get passed by anymore of them after the 1.5 mile mark. Tongue out

Oh, I forgot to mention all the HILLS. I didn't do my homework when I picked this race, so I was unaware that it was all hills. Hill after hill after hill. At one point after I crested a particularly steep hill a race volunteer said "That was a pretty tough hill, huh?" to which I responded "Who was the sadist that picked the race course?!" He just laughed. I wasn't laughing. I had no idea we had so many hills in the flatlands of Oklahoma! I was certainly severely fatigued after the race. Came home, bathed and crawled into bed and slept. Still tired today. It must be my GI problems as I've ran a 10K before and didn't have any ill after effects.

Denise - I will let you know how my first Oly goes. It's a huge one. Over 3000 racing! I probably should have picked a smaller race for my first Oly, but the race is in Austin, TX and sounds like so much fun! Looking forward to hanging out in one of the coolest cities in the SW part of the US.

Steve - Thanks for the advice on not tackling all my swimming flaws at once. My coach said the same thing, and I'm going to heed that advice. Oh, and I don't have any elbow aches so I think your post was meant for someone else. (Thank goodness I have no elbow back is enough.)

Hope everyone had a better race experience than I did this weekend. Mine did little to boost my confidence going into my first Oly, but I do know for a fact that there are NO HILLS during the run portion of my Oly. Thank goodness!

Edited by kickitinok 2011-05-15 1:35 PM
2011-05-15 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Forgot: My sweet, dear hubby gave me a new saddle for Mom's Day - a Terry Butterfly. I tried it out Thursday and it feels pretty darn good! So far I feel comfortable recommending it to other women. Give me another couple of months and I'll give a definitive thumbs up or down. 

I had to do something as I lost so much weight my bum started getting bony and my saddle was killing me. So glad I found one that I think is going to work.

2011-05-15 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3499401

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Obviously, I'm sorry your race didn't work according to plan and hope. And as much as I'm sorry that you had to bail a mile into the run, I'm sure you did the absolute right thing ---- and I hope you feel that way today, too. Your stated need to "get this fixed" sounds full of firm reslove, and with luck and discipline it might just be a matter of time and rest, is all.

Looking through my log for '09, I bailed on a duathlon on July 12 due to calf problems that were incurred during speed work on the 8th, which itself was the day after a brisk 10.2km run on the 7th. I noted sorenesss with both the gastocnemius and soleus of the right calf after the speedwork run, and early on the morning of the race I tried a run from home that became too "sharp" within about 200m to risk doing the race.

I then didn't run until the 20th, and that was just 21 minutes for 4.1km. Afte that -- nothing until the 26th, and I took that extended break just to make sure I was sound for the New York City Triathlon (see below for the story behind me doing that race). I found I had lost some fitness during the layoff (one run in 18 days), as my run time at NYCT was 49:02.....but after that I quickly ramped up the mileage again and was fine.

I've made no note of therapy duringt he recovery, but I'd bet a small amount that I did at least two A.R.T. sessions. Doing NYC Tri was important and fraught with worry because.....

My daughter, who lives in NYC, gifted me with the race. She signed up in the brief window (12 minutes, I think) of on-line availability, and that was my Xmas present. Then, on June 13, I crashed and separated my shoulder -- a Grade Four separation with little hope of being ready for July 26 -- two doctors initially told me I would be race-ready by early or mid August, if I took it easy and didn't push things. I told Jane that and she was upset, but of course understood it perfectly. But lo and behold, my recovery went quicker than hoped for, and I did my first full swim on July 19, so the run on the 20th was just to make sure I could handle that, too.......and proceed with plans to do NYCT. That happened, and so the story ended happily, and Jane's gift to me was fully used and appreciated!

ANYHOW, that was my timeline for my own calf woes, and I hope yours is no worse. A foam roller or The Stick might help, as well as borderline torture at the hands of a good A.R.T. person. Please keep me apprised as to how the calf is feeling, Jeff!

2011-05-15 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3499339

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

------------------------------------------------------------ DENISE'S DICTUM ------------------------------------------

The purchase of sunscreen shall be followed immediately by many days of overcast or otherwise inclement weather.

(No, it's not at the level yet of Murphy's Law, but I plan to push it REAL hard! )

2011-05-15 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3500015

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Cool beans! Two weeks to the day until your first triathlon! So, by about 336 hours from now we can expect your first race report. Halleloo!

(And even though I have been a very bad boy and still not written up mine from EIGHT DAYS AGO, you are required by law to submit all of your reports in a timely and punctual fashion! )

2011-05-15 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3499424

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!



2011-05-15 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3500656

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

VERONICA again -

And I too will be most interested to see how they worked 1500 swimmers into a pool. Yikes!!

2011-05-15 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3499366

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Yo! Glad you're still part of the scene here!

You too, plagued by weather woes? This must be the situation everywhere east of the Rockies, it seems. I guess I ought to look at the past few weeks of weather maps and see how the Jet Stream has undulated across the continent; that would be quite illuminating, I think!

June 4, though, ought to give you a decent shot at a few decent rides. That;'s not too much to ask of the weather gods, is it? A few rideable days over a three week period, in late May and into early June? How difficult can that be for even a weather-god-in-training??

2011-05-15 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3500008

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


As much as it's unfortunate that the race didn't go as you elast you didn't have any G-I blow-ups that people would be talking about on the various forums. (And I'm thinking of "Poopman" from IMFL this past November; know that story?)

So, hills and wind and wind and hills and wind-enhanced hill climbs? Sounds like a blast! As for not doing the homework, though -- tsk, tsk! FWIW, my rule of thumb for triathlons is to -- if at all possible -- drive the bike and ride the run sourses beforehand. I have been very good about the former over the years, but only on a few occasions have I dont the latter. Howefer, I at least try to drive the run course, at the very least.

I'm glad the elbow problem is not yours. Whew!

Quick story about trying to do too many swim improvements at once;
Two days before NYC Tri in '05 I had a one-on-one with swim guru Doug Stern, in which he pointed out about seven areas I should work on. Race day came, and with it the huge tidal curent in the Hudson that can make swim times ridiculously fast (some pros and elites do the 1500m in uncer 10 minutes!!). I was psyched for a fast swim myself, but in my infinite wisdom I tried to implement ALL SEVEN of Doug's suggestions from the moment my wave started. During the swim I felt "clunky", like nothing was in synch......and I was flabbergasted to get out of the water and see my swim time as 30 minutes -- about what I do on a good day in a lake WITHOUT a monster tide at my back!
So, lesson learned -- trying to affect change all at once only makes things dramatically worse. DOH!

(Happy ending, though, came in NYC Tri in '09, when I just did my thing and finished the swim in 19:21. Gotta love that tidal current enough to just let in work its magic as much as possible!!)

2011-05-15 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3500673

New user
Swansea, IL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
I haven't really missed anything - read the forum every day.  Just haven't had much to report yet.  Rained out again today.  Will run in morning before work.  Mentioned when I signed up that I had recently purchased a 2008 Cervelo.  Unfortunately, the seatpost was jammed down into the frame and I couldn't adjust properly.  LBS experts could do nothing that wouldn't likely crack the frame, so I ended up buying a Specialized frame and my "new" bike is in process of being built up.  Transferring everything from Cervelo to new frame/fork.  Frame is comparable, I think...just not as pretty (gold vs. bright yellow).  Should be ready in next few days and I'm really Jonesing to get it out on the road.
2011-05-15 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3500015

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

TRINA again --

You and about sixty zillion other women love the Terry Butterfly! That was a huge evolutionary step when it debuted maybe in '01 or '02, and it sure ahs stood the test of time. I don't pay much attention to women's saddles*, but I'm not aware of any saddle that has usurped it. I hope it provides you with all the creature comforts you so richly deserve!

*I don't pay much attention to men's saddles, either, it seems. When I got my current bike in '08 I immediately had the stock saddle removed in favor of my old one, from '01. The other day, when I had my fit tweaked a bit, the bike guy pointed out to me how compressed it is on the left side. You'd think i might have noticed that on my own, but no. (Or maybe I saw something....but figured it was just a trick of the light? No? You're not buying that excuse??)

2011-05-15 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3500708

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Ack! Too bad about the Cervelo! My first was a P2K from '01, aluminum, and the seatpost developed a crack, down low, in July '08. It immediately became a perfomance problem, riding "slushy" and with some noise, too, on climbs. Eventually it would've become a hazard, so in mid-season it just made sense to bite the bullet an dbuy a new bike. Gulp! I got a P2C, carbon, and it is great. I hope your Specialized serves you just as well, and it should -- they have terrific reputations!

2011-05-15 10:33 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Steve - Not buying your trick of the light saddle story. I'm thinking you just hate change and prefer to ride lopsided. Bet that gave you some interesting back, hip and leg issues...

If I tried to correct all of my swimming form issues at once, I'd surely sink like a rock. Or I'd stay in one place churning water like an eggbeater. I will do my "thing" come race day, but I am going to start working on the crossover and kick immediately. Hopefully one or the other will improve a bit before the race.

No, I haven't heard of Poopman, do tell! 

2011-05-16 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Sorry to hear this weekend's races didn't go off as planned and that many of you are plagued with weather issues.  Thursday we had a near record high of 93 degrees, the previous record was 94 ... but a cool front blew in and we have had beautiful weather since ... blue skies, a bit breezy with lows in the 50s and highs in the low 80s.  Ironman Texas is next weekend and and this would have been the perfect weekend for that (as good as it gets for May in Texas).  This week the highs aren't supposed to get out of the 80s, so hoping those 90+ days with 90% humidity stay away until after IM Texas. 


2011-05-16 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3435045

New user

Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

I just wanted to give a quick race report from the Trirock Annapolis Sprint I did on Saturday.  I had an absolute BLAST doing this race.  I enjoyed this race so much more than Cascade Lake.  The amount of bands they had playing, the people out supporting, the total atmosphere was amazing.  If anyone has done the Richmond Marathon / half marathon it will really remind you of that. 

Going into this race my goal was to just do better in all areas than I did last year.  I knew my transitions were going to be better this year since my son wasn't going to be there this time.  Last time when he was there during the transitions he wanted to give me hugs and kisses and flowers that he picked for me. 

I had a hard time getting to sleep Friday night.  The person I made arrangements with to pick up my son from daycare bailed on me at the last minute.  I was so keyed up physically with trying to drive over 3 hours to get to daycare in time and then drive back south to get the race packet, then getting everything ready for race day and for my parents to get to my place I didn't get to sleep until 1:07am (last time I looked at the clock) and my alarm went off at 3:10am.  Needless to say I was less than pleased to find out that even though it said numerous times on the website that there was no race day packet pick up that they in deed did have it. 

I was afraid that the swim was going to be slower than the tri I did last.  The Chesapeake Bay was choppy and there were boats going by close enough to create waves.  I'm not sure how I did it but I shaved 2 minutes off of my time from last year!  I'm sure a lot of it has to do with not having to mess around with the wet suit like I did last year but even with the choppy water and swimming agianst the current I was able to complete it in about 12 minutes.  I do have to say that I did waste about 1 minute waiting in line at the dock to get out.  They only had 4 ladders on the floating dock for people to use to get out.  You weren't able to hoist yourself up onto the dock either.  You had to wait for a ladder, otherwise I would have just done it myself.  

My transition from the bike to the swim was the longest at almost 3min.  I didn't have my glasses after the swim, and didn't put contacts in that morning either, so it took me a bit to find my bike again.  they had moved the trailer that I was using as my land mark.  The roads were a little slick from the rain but I was glad that I did all the hill work during my lunches.  The hills on the course were a piece of cake!  I still worked hard because of all the people on the course and not being able to keep the speed/pace that I wanted to but I was really pleased with the outcome.  I kind of feel guilty now for not trying/pushing harder on the bike portion but next time LOL!  I lost a little bit of time at the end of the bike.  It wasn't clear where the turn to the transition area was.  The cop that was suppose to be directing the bike traffic was texting on his phone when we came into the area.  We were suppose to turn left but instead we went straight.  He caught the girl infront of me at the last minute.  She turned left but turned so sharp that she fell.  I was turining right after her and almost hit her with my front tire as she slid but was able to redirect to go straight and avoid crashign into the people standing on the sidewalk and antoher biker who had gone straight to avoid our mess.  Luckily, everyone was fine, no injuries or road rash, and we all got back on and finished.

The run was the most fun for me.  I was feeling a little tired on this portion but once I got into my groove it was easy.  I ended up talking to some people along the way back and we were all encouraging each other...the perfect atmosphere for me! 

The icing on the cake was when I was coming close to the finish line the I had just passed two people and the spectators were really rooting for me.  They were telling me to keep the pace up and that I had these two on my tail...really rooting for me.  Then they called my name as I crossed the finish line!  I love hearing that LOL!

This race was just so great.  They had bands playing on boats in the water so you had some music to hear while swimming.  A couple of bands playing on the bike route and running route.  The volunteers had SO much energy and were so encouraging it was just a great experience!

The only two things that I did not like was the no race day packet pick up and the fact that they only had 15 port-o-potties for all the athletes.  There were over 800 athletes there!!!    Those two things are not going to prevent me from doing it again next year though.  I can't wait!!





2011-05-16 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

First, congrats to Shemmer - your report is very encouraging.

Second, I did my first "brick" - well kind of.  I've been able to run my >5k, ride my >14 miles and swim >800 yards so I wanted to do something to kick my training up a notch.  This morning I rode a short loop (@2.7 mi) then hopped off my bike put on my running shoes (@ a 3 min transition) and then ran my 5k (my scheduled workout for this morning)  Best part, I still did sub 10 min miles on my run.  The only problem was that my lower back started to hurt a bit.  I'm not sure if that was the cycling shorts w/ pad or something else. 

That being said, I think from here out I will always finish my ride with a short run or start my run with a short ride. 

Off to work now...

2011-05-16 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3501235

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Great job on the race!  It sounds like fun!


Nice job on your brick!  They are never much fun but are a necessary evil.


Are you coming to Austin for CapTex?  I'm in for the Aqua-Bike this year.  Doc says no running, so I can't do the full Oly but I really like this race.  It's very well organized and run well for the large # of participants.  This will be my 5th or 6th year at CapTex.  (It helps that it's in my backyard.)

2011-05-16 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3501235

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


So.......did you have fun?

Jeezum, you nearly came off the page with all your exuberance! I've read a lot of race reports in my time, but not one quite as jubilant as yours. Well, you only have 363 more days until you get to do it again; that should just fly by!

With luck they will have the day-of pick-up option next year, but often for races of that size it just sin't feasible to try to service so many people who would opt for that instead of day-before. One thing to keep in mind is the hidden option of a secret email to the race director, and many RDs will do this for select cases with much merit -- such as your childcare situation. It will be worth the try, and the worst you can be told is uh-uh.

As for port-a-potties.....that ratio is about standard. That's one of the reasons I get to any race site as early as I can -- just to beat the crush for the port-a-potties. Alas and woe, though, my antiquated constitution is such that an early visit won't sustain me until the race is over, but if you have a reliable constitution then an early arrival should work fine.

That swim-exit scene would make me nuts. I'm not sure how I could accept that sort of wait for too long, and I suspect that amny people will grouse to the RD about it. Whether he can make some changes for next year is another matter, but I'm sure if he can he will, just because that won't go over well with alot of competitive people whose weakness is the swim and need every second post-swim to make up lost ground.

Your own swim improvement from Cascade is huge, and in what sounds like fairly lousy conditions. And when you refer to wetsuit hassles last year, does that mean you didn't wear one at Annapolis? Yikes, if that's the case, as the water must've been quite frigid. Mercy!

Great work on the bike, and isn't it sweet when extra measures (your lunch hour rides) bear fruit?? And that's a kinda funny story about the traffic officer who almost messed up some of you. I did a race in NJ a few years ago where the maps showed the run course going the opposite way from how the bikes came back into the park and transition....but as I was finishing my ride there were several young studs tearing up the run, heading in the direction we were coming from. I thought that was odd, and when I got on the run I was sent the way I had seen in looking at trhe maps beforehand. It turns out that a police officer was pressed into duty to monitor the critical first turn on the run, and had misunderstood, and sent the best athletes the wrong way. That was a race in which I placed 10th overall.....but if you factored in the six guys that were led astray, I would've been 16th. Needless to say, they were all quite agitated by that kerfuffle!

Nice account of the run, right down to having people cheering for you AND hearing your name called. I did a race last year in which the answer announced my name and then said ".....and all the way from Ontario, Canada!!".......and I punped my fist just becasue....and the photographer caught me douing that. It looked quite geeky, and I'm telling myself no more displays of mindless enthusiasm. That photo ranks up there in geekiness with the several in which I have been caught clicking on my watch as I cross the finish line. In an effort to prevent any more of THOSE, I'm refraining from watch-work until I come to a full stop, and then a couple seconds more!

I will mention this to the group at large, but the general rule is that the most important time for a decent sleep is two nights before, as opposed to the night before. So for a Sunday race, try really hard to sleep well on Friday night; Saturday night is far less important.

Let us know when the race photos come up so we can see your ebullience for yourself! I'm very happy for you that your race was such a success, and hope that the next ones can come close enough to it to make you just about as enthusiastic.


2011-05-16 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3501729

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
cornchexs - 2011-05-15 12:53 PM


Great job on the race!  It sounds like fun!


Nice job on your brick!  They are never much fun but are a necessary evil.


Are you coming to Austin for CapTex?  I'm in for the Aqua-Bike this year.  Doc says no running, so I can't do the full Oly but I really like this race.  It's very well organized and run well for the large # of participants.  This will be my 5th or 6th year at CapTex.  (It helps that it's in my backyard.)


George -

Yes, I am doing Cap Tex later this month. My first Oly! I'm so happy to hear another positive report about the race, as there have been plenty of negative comments about it. Something about packet pickup, late swim start and numerous loops on the bike. For some reason people seem to get cranky if the bike's not an out-and-back. My coach told me that many races are going the multi loop route to make the race easier to marshall, as well as spectator friendly. I'm curious as to how it's going to pan-out with thousands of people all on a 6 mile loop at the same time. How did you like it?

2011-05-16 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

The Women’s Triathlon that I participated in yesterday is a great event!  This is an event with a lot of enthusiasm and support for each triathlete. I’m working on my race report but if you are interested here is an article in our local newspaper and I was quoted. I didn’t win but got in the paper!  There is a potluck banquet tonight so they don’t post everyones results until after the banquet so I don’t know standings but they did send my preliminary results and I am pretty happy with those. Only one problem (see below), even with that I think I managed to make the top 100 and that’s pretty good in my book. I promise to follow up with a race event report soon but thought I would respond to your posts.

Denise - I think you will love the atmosphere of an all womens triathlon. Several years ago I did the Danskin Triathlon in Seattle and I believe it was about 3000 women, same supportive, enthusiastic crowd.

For this Alaska Gold Nugget Women’s Triathlon they have this pool swim stuff down to a science! The short story is it is a long day for those in charge of the pool and below is the long story.

The swim is 500 yards in a 50 meter pool. So they move the bulkheads to the center with a small opening for warm-ups. This allows for (2) 25 yard pools with 8 lanes across. They seed the first 50 triathletes with the first 32 starting on the gun and they get to split a lane. When those top 32 are all out of the pool the next 32 triathletes start and they continue to split the lane up through number 150 with another swimming entering the water as each swimmer exits. Numbers 50 up through 150 are for people who pay extra for a lane and some of the volunteers. After number 150 the triathletes start circle swimming entering as a swimmer exits.  Oh, also after number 150 the numbers are randomly assigned to the triathlete, so swim times may vary. Each swimmer has a volunteer lap counter/timer and that volunteer puts a board in the water to let the swimmer know that it is their last lap and then to stop. (This is the tricky part because some of us that do flip turns, don’t see the sign because we are already going into our turn. Yep! That’s me. Due to my inability to count my own laps or to see the yellow board during a flip turn, I swam an extra lap before saying okay this has to be enough, looking up and seeing them wave the stop board! I think the volunteer doesn’t realize it needs to be submersed in the water.)

Actually there are a lot of tricks to this pool swim, they also try to match up swimmer ability though it doesn’t always work out as hoped. This year they tried to have lanes designated slow(more than 15 minutes), medium(10-15 minutes) and fast(under 10 minutes). As you can tell with this range, there are backstrokers, breaststokers, sidestrokers, doggiepaddlers, you name it, they get through the 500 yards. So during the circle swim there is some passing necessary and quite often some frustration but you know its coming and prepare for it going in. Don’t expect a PR swim. So, the triathlon started at 9:10am and I believe swimming was finished by about 4:30pm. Yes long day!

I was number 626 and got into the pool about 12:10pm. A friend was number 1381 and we watched her run into the finish at 5:15pm! Also had a couple of friends in that first seeded group and they finished before 10:30am.  

Edited by AKtri 2011-05-16 4:03 PM
2011-05-16 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3435045


Western Colorado
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
 The "Icks" report,

So I tried the "Icks" workout Steve posted awhile back, only I did a much shorter version.  I did a bike, run, bike, run, bike.  Bike segments were 15 minutes (on the trainer) and the run segments were 1 mile on a sandy, hilly trail.  I think this would definitely be a good way to get more accustomed to running off the bike.  I'll have to do more of these, but it will take a while to build up to the work out you posted, that's lots of B's and R's! 



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