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2012-02-22 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Ahh, sorry for being MIA lately.  Things have been really stressful at work, and I just haven't had the chance to log in here.   Hopefully everyone's training is going well.

Workouts have been going well!  I've finally updated my log so it doesn't look like I'm a complete slacker anymore Wink  I find when I'm stressed, I do a lot of yoga and skip my lifting and running workouts.  But I'm doing well on all fronts, workout-wise, so that's good.


What hasn't been going well has been the weather!  We haven't had any snow at all that's stuck all month, so I've only practiced the twice I went in January Frown  My longest ski to date has been the 8.5-miler I did at the end of January, when I thought I had 5 weeks left to train.  Now the race is this weekend and I haven't been able to hit the trails in 5 weeks!

I've been able to do regular long runs on the weekends from 10-13 miles, so I'm sure I can go the 14-mile distance.  However, I haven't been able to practice how to negotiate the downhills and uphills (I live in Chicago, so it's a 2+ hour drive north to get any hill practice, and that's only when the weather cooperates).  

Since I'm just getting over this running injury and am enjoying being able to do long runs again, I'm *seriously* considering just dropping out of the ski race.  The last thing I want is to twist a knee or something and be out of running for another season, especially since I just registered for the Chicago Marathon in the fall).  The reason I entered this ski race was because I wasn't able to run and thought it would be fun way to cross train.  Now that I can run, it seems silly to risk injury due to lack of practice!

In any case, I have until Saturday morning to decide.  I'm leaving tomorrow morning with some friends to head up there.  Worst case scenario, I'll end up just being their sherpa, and hanging out in a cabin away from the city for a long weekend.  


I'll try to catch up on posts once I get back (not sure if we'll have internet in our cabin), just so I'm up to date with how everyone's doing!

2012-02-22 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4059643

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
mndymond - 2012-02-21 9:57 PM

Okay guys! QOTW: What are you most excited and nervous about for any upcoming race(s) in your schedule?

My "most excited": Well...I'm most excited for IM France...but that isn't for another 15 months...but I guess I'm excited for this indoor tri I have in 6 weeks...since it's pretty much my 5-6 time doing it because I've been at this darn university so long. I'm excited to see if I can win this year! Haha. I got beat out by 1 min last year. We will see....

My "most nervous": I'm quite nervous about being able to train properly for my 70.3 this year due to my rotations. In theory getting it done should be too bad....but reality might have a different plan in the next 24 weeks. We will see! 

Mine are a bit flimsy...but at the moment those are my race plans! Haha. I'm on a bit of a "make it up as I go" race schedule due to rotations and unknown call!


Most excited:  Chicago Marathon.  I'm just excited to be running regularly again!  I gotta keep up with the lifting and yoga, since that's been what's gotten me back!

Most nervous:  Well, I would say the Korte (ski race) next week, except that I'm most likely dropping out, so there's not much to be nervous about if all I'm doing is spectating and cheering on friends.  

Depending on how training goes, I may try to shoot for a late-season half ironman in early September.  If I do, then that'll probably qualify as my "most nervous" since I'd have to negotiate it just right in order to do it properly while still being able to get back into marathon training after!

2012-02-22 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4059643

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
mndymond - 2012-02-21 9:57 PM

Okay guys! QOTW: What are you most excited and nervous about for any upcoming race(s) in your schedule?

My "most excited": Well...I'm most excited for IM France...but that isn't for another 15 months...but I guess I'm excited for this indoor tri I have in 6 weeks...since it's pretty much my 5-6 time doing it because I've been at this darn university so long. I'm excited to see if I can win this year! Haha. I got beat out by 1 min last year. We will see....

My "most nervous": I'm quite nervous about being able to train properly for my 70.3 this year due to my rotations. In theory getting it done should be too bad....but reality might have a different plan in the next 24 weeks. We will see! 

Mine are a bit flimsy...but at the moment those are my race plans! Haha. I'm on a bit of a "make it up as I go" race schedule due to rotations and unknown call!

Most excited: The Go! Saint Louis Half Marathon, I've run this race many times and find it to be an overall fun race to run with great crowd support.  My training hasn't been as on par as I would like it to be, but I still have some time so hopefully not only will I have fun running it but I will have a great race!

Most nervous: Branson 70.3.  I'm nervous mostly because I have only done one other triathlon and am still learning a lot about the sport.  I plan on doing two other triathlons (one olympic and one sprint) this summer before that race, so hopefully that will make me feel more prepared, but right now (especially because official training hasn't started) I'm kind of freaking out and worried it was too-lofty of a goal.  I'm pretty driven and hard headed so I'm sure I'll get the training done and will be well prepared, but for now, I'm nervous!

2012-02-22 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

1 week without working out..still sick but getting better. Hopefully back in full force on the weekend.

2012-02-22 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

I don't have any firm plans for races yet. I'm toying with a HM in May, but I'd actually need to get somer running in sometime soon for that to happen! There's a local sprint tri in my town the end of August that I'd like to finally feel confident enough to do. Being in my small hometown is more intimidating than going away for an event. So I guess that one makes me the most nervous.

2012-02-22 11:14 PM
in reply to: #4059643

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Ahhh training is going on schedule for me, it's steady so no huge s/b/r lately but keeping on track. Did the hypothermic half marathon 2 weeks ago, wanted to hit under 2hr mark but was close with a 2hr02min33 seconds....I'm still happy with it as the weather was -16 (-20 with the windchill!!) and 4min 15 seconds faster then my first half marathon in September!  I have another half comming up end of April so we'll see if I'll do it then!

my most excited race- great white north Half IM- Just excited to say i've done it, seems like a fun distance !

My most nervous- Ironman Penticton...this is a crazy goal for me, but i'm determined to do it! I couldnt even swim 2 years ago and I still struggle with it, I just want to be able to swim and feel comfortable with it. I've come a long way and excited to see where I'll be in 6months from now when IM is here!


2012-02-23 5:35 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

I'm most nervous about the run.  It's the part of the training that I'm struggling with the most.  Just seems to never line up well with my schedule/ the weather/ my daughters naps...

I'm excited that my swimming is coming along better than I thought and when I went riding with my husband on Monday he said I was going way faster than usual- so the bike training must be helping too.

I also just got the wetsuit I ordered and it fits great.  I got a cute tri top too!  Way too much retail therapy going on here since my job has been really stressful!  Oh and I have my eye on a new mountain bike (mine is 12 years old - I'm curious what a full suspension rides like.)


Rydergal you are crazy running a half marathon that cold- way to go!  Please tell me that is Celsius...

Edited by Moonrocket 2012-02-23 5:38 PM
2012-02-23 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4061320

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
hexbinary - 2012-02-22 4:28 PM

1 week without working out..still sick but getting better. Hopefully back in full force on the weekend.

Sucks the crud is hanging around that long.  Hope you're back to normal soon!

2012-02-23 8:36 PM
in reply to: #4060634

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
amhale2000 - 2012-02-22 11:37 AM
mndymond - 2012-02-21 9:57 PM

Okay guys! QOTW: What are you most excited and nervous about for any upcoming race(s) in your schedule?

My "most excited": Well...I'm most excited for IM France...but that isn't for another 15 months...but I guess I'm excited for this indoor tri I have in 6 weeks...since it's pretty much my 5-6 time doing it because I've been at this darn university so long. I'm excited to see if I can win this year! Haha. I got beat out by 1 min last year. We will see....

My "most nervous": I'm quite nervous about being able to train properly for my 70.3 this year due to my rotations. In theory getting it done should be too bad....but reality might have a different plan in the next 24 weeks. We will see! 

Mine are a bit flimsy...but at the moment those are my race plans! Haha. I'm on a bit of a "make it up as I go" race schedule due to rotations and unknown call!

Most excited: The Go! Saint Louis Half Marathon, I've run this race many times and find it to be an overall fun race to run with great crowd support.  My training hasn't been as on par as I would like it to be, but I still have some time so hopefully not only will I have fun running it but I will have a great race!

Most nervous: Branson 70.3.  I'm nervous mostly because I have only done one other triathlon and am still learning a lot about the sport.  I plan on doing two other triathlons (one olympic and one sprint) this summer before that race, so hopefully that will make me feel more prepared, but right now (especially because official training hasn't started) I'm kind of freaking out and worried it was too-lofty of a goal.  I'm pretty driven and hard headed so I'm sure I'll get the training done and will be well prepared, but for now, I'm nervous!

Not to make you any more nervous about Branson, but I have had a couple of friends do that race in the past few years and all I've heard is that it is a very tough course.  For one of them it was his first HIM distance so it's definitely a doable goal for you.  Just train hills, hills, and more hills.  Both bike and run.

2012-02-23 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4061745

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
rydergal - 2012-02-22 11:14 PM

Ahhh training is going on schedule for me, it's steady so no huge s/b/r lately but keeping on track. Did the hypothermic half marathon 2 weeks ago, wanted to hit under 2hr mark but was close with a 2hr02min33 seconds....I'm still happy with it as the weather was -16 (-20 with the windchill!!) and 4min 15 seconds faster then my first half marathon in September!  I have another half comming up end of April so we'll see if I'll do it then!

my most excited race- great white north Half IM- Just excited to say i've done it, seems like a fun distance !

My most nervous- Ironman Penticton...this is a crazy goal for me, but i'm determined to do it! I couldnt even swim 2 years ago and I still struggle with it, I just want to be able to swim and feel comfortable with it. I've come a long way and excited to see where I'll be in 6months from now when IM is here!


Congrats on the half marathon finish.  That is crazy cold! I bet you see an even greater improvement come April

2012-02-23 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

So as far as the question of the week is concerned I think right now I'm just excited for the first race of the year, which is the hollywood half marathon in early April.  I'm really just ready to race again and I've also had a pretty solid couple of months of training so the race will be sort of a measuring stick to see where my fitness is at.

I don't think I'm really nervous for any of my races right now. They are all distances I've done in the past.  But I'm sure if I make it to the start line of the Chicago marathon well trained and healthy and think I have a legitimate shot at qualifying for
Boston I'm sure I'll be all sorts of nervous beforehand

2012-02-23 9:14 PM
in reply to: #4061745

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
rydergal - 2012-02-22 10:14 PM

Ahhh training is going on schedule for me, it's steady so no huge s/b/r lately but keeping on track. Did the hypothermic half marathon 2 weeks ago, wanted to hit under 2hr mark but was close with a 2hr02min33 seconds....I'm still happy with it as the weather was -16 (-20 with the windchill!!) and 4min 15 seconds faster then my first half marathon in September!  I have another half comming up end of April so we'll see if I'll do it then!

my most excited race- great white north Half IM- Just excited to say i've done it, seems like a fun distance !

My most nervous- Ironman Penticton...this is a crazy goal for me, but i'm determined to do it! I couldnt even swim 2 years ago and I still struggle with it, I just want to be able to swim and feel comfortable with it. I've come a long way and excited to see where I'll be in 6months from now when IM is here!


I can relate to you. Haha. You just caught that stupid cold weekend we got...that came out of freaking no where too! Ridiculous. This weekend looks a bit crappy too...I guess we shouldn't could be -40....

Nice work finishing! Its always great to get faster and being that close to your goal is great considering the conditions!

6 mo. lots of time to get ready for IM Canada!

2012-02-23 9:18 PM
in reply to: #4063473

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Moonrocket - 2012-02-23 4:35 PM

I'm most nervous about the run.  It's the part of the training that I'm struggling with the most.  Just seems to never line up well with my schedule/ the weather/ my daughters naps...

I'm excited that my swimming is coming along better than I thought and when I went riding with my husband on Monday he said I was going way faster than usual- so the bike training must be helping too.

I also just got the wetsuit I ordered and it fits great.  I got a cute tri top too!  Way too much retail therapy going on here since my job has been really stressful!  Oh and I have my eye on a new mountain bike (mine is 12 years old - I'm curious what a full suspension rides like.)


Rydergal you are crazy running a half marathon that cold- way to go!  Please tell me that is Celsius...

Retail therapy is the best. Haha. It would be better for me if I had my own money to spend...but what can I do?? Haha. 

Glad the swimming is coming along!

2012-02-23 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

And it is my bedtime. Need to get up to run really early tomorrow....ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 0445. I'm slowly working my way down towards 0345. 

Hope you all have a good Friday! I'm on call on Sat so I might not be around till Sun!

2012-02-23 9:51 PM
in reply to: #4063765

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

wow! that is dedication!!! I have to get up at 430am for my job sometimes and there is no way i could get up earlier to work out....but gotta do what you gotta do! good job Melissa!

yep it was -16 degrees celsius!

does anyone use a Tacx Flow trainer?? I just got mine and am having trouble getting the cadence sensor to work and get my HR monitor to be recognized by the power head. Just wondering if there is any tricks??

2012-02-24 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
Somehow I have hurt my hip. Two days ago at the end of my 5k run it was feeling sore but then it was fine. Today I was shopping (day off work - Mommy time!!) and by the end of the day I could barely walk. It feels like it's having trouble bearing my weight. When I.m off it it's fine, only when I'm walking. No idea how I did this.

2012-02-24 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
After a week out of the gym, I just did a killer 1 hour leg workout. I barely walked out of the gym. Was planning on going to do running cardio tonight..but i dunno..we'll have to see.
2012-02-26 9:20 PM
in reply to: #4063808

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
rydergal - 2012-02-23 8:51 PM

wow! that is dedication!!! I have to get up at 430am for my job sometimes and there is no way i could get up earlier to work out....but gotta do what you gotta do! good job Melissa!

yep it was -16 degrees celsius!

does anyone use a Tacx Flow trainer?? I just got mine and am having trouble getting the cadence sensor to work and get my HR monitor to be recognized by the power head. Just wondering if there is any tricks??

Sorry I don't know anything about Tacx Flow. 

Ya...Friday was a long day....haha. 

2012-02-26 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4065085

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

christiekate - 2012-02-24 1:52 PM Somehow I have hurt my hip. Two days ago at the end of my 5k run it was feeling sore but then it was fine. Today I was shopping (day off work - Mommy time!!) and by the end of the day I could barely walk. It feels like it's having trouble bearing my weight. When I.m off it it's fine, only when I'm walking. No idea how I did this.

Might be trochanteric bursitis, glut. medius tear...or something of the like. 

Hope it is feeling better!

2012-02-26 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4065197

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

hexbinary - 2012-02-24 2:37 PM After a week out of the gym, I just did a killer 1 hour leg workout. I barely walked out of the gym. Was planning on going to do running cardio tonight..but i dunno..we'll have to see.

Hope your legs wern't too sore!

2012-02-26 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3945488

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

Sounds like everyone had similar things to be excited/nervous about!

QOTW: What nutrition do you use while racing/training? What have you found out the hard way doesn't work?

I'm personally partial to GU Brew orange and GU gus orange flavor as well. I also tend to use Carb-Boom raspberry choc, and raspberry. I also use bananas, gummies and animal crackers.

Found out the hard way: well I've never really used anything that I used for nutrition while training that went badly...but one day I made a pita for lunch and put raw onions in....that didn't go well for the rest of the afternoon during my run....the burning...the burning....

2012-02-27 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4063699

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
disturbed275 - 2012-02-23 8:36 PM
amhale2000 - 2012-02-22 11:37 AM
mndymond - 2012-02-21 9:57 PM

Okay guys! QOTW: What are you most excited and nervous about for any upcoming race(s) in your schedule?

My "most excited": Well...I'm most excited for IM France...but that isn't for another 15 months...but I guess I'm excited for this indoor tri I have in 6 weeks...since it's pretty much my 5-6 time doing it because I've been at this darn university so long. I'm excited to see if I can win this year! Haha. I got beat out by 1 min last year. We will see....

My "most nervous": I'm quite nervous about being able to train properly for my 70.3 this year due to my rotations. In theory getting it done should be too bad....but reality might have a different plan in the next 24 weeks. We will see! 

Mine are a bit flimsy...but at the moment those are my race plans! Haha. I'm on a bit of a "make it up as I go" race schedule due to rotations and unknown call!

Most excited: The Go! Saint Louis Half Marathon, I've run this race many times and find it to be an overall fun race to run with great crowd support.  My training hasn't been as on par as I would like it to be, but I still have some time so hopefully not only will I have fun running it but I will have a great race!

Most nervous: Branson 70.3.  I'm nervous mostly because I have only done one other triathlon and am still learning a lot about the sport.  I plan on doing two other triathlons (one olympic and one sprint) this summer before that race, so hopefully that will make me feel more prepared, but right now (especially because official training hasn't started) I'm kind of freaking out and worried it was too-lofty of a goal.  I'm pretty driven and hard headed so I'm sure I'll get the training done and will be well prepared, but for now, I'm nervous!

Not to make you any more nervous about Branson, but I have had a couple of friends do that race in the past few years and all I've heard is that it is a very tough course.  For one of them it was his first HIM distance so it's definitely a doable goal for you.  Just train hills, hills, and more hills.  Both bike and run.

Yes, that's what I'm most nervous about, all of the hills!  However since this is my first HIM I wanted to choose a race that was close to home and so I could drive and it won't to cost a ton of money to get there (flight, shipping my bike) and was near the end of the summer so I'd have more time to train on hills.  Hopefully having enough time outside on hills this summer will prepare me so that it isn't an awful experience on race day!

2012-02-27 2:13 PM
in reply to: #4067613

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
mndymond - 2012-02-26 11:21 PM

christiekate - 2012-02-24 1:52 PM Somehow I have hurt my hip. Two days ago at the end of my 5k run it was feeling sore but then it was fine. Today I was shopping (day off work - Mommy time!!) and by the end of the day I could barely walk. It feels like it's having trouble bearing my weight. When I.m off it it's fine, only when I'm walking. No idea how I did this.

Might be trochanteric bursitis, glut. medius tear...or something of the like. 

Hope it is feeling better!

Wow. Your dx sounds much cooler than mine. I was thinking piriformis syndrome.
2012-02-27 8:56 PM
in reply to: #4068928

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!
christiekate - 2012-02-27 1:13 PM
mndymond - 2012-02-26 11:21 PM

christiekate - 2012-02-24 1:52 PM Somehow I have hurt my hip. Two days ago at the end of my 5k run it was feeling sore but then it was fine. Today I was shopping (day off work - Mommy time!!) and by the end of the day I could barely walk. It feels like it's having trouble bearing my weight. When I.m off it it's fine, only when I'm walking. No idea how I did this.

Might be trochanteric bursitis, glut. medius tear...or something of the like. 

Hope it is feeling better!

Wow. Your dx sounds much cooler than mine. I was thinking piriformis syndrome.
It's possible. Depends what you mean by "hip". Piriformis is typically a bit more chronic but can contribute to the onset of a more acute presentation of trochanteric bursitis or a muscle tear. Piriformis syndrome is a bit more "butt" or low back compared to hip. But that's me wing picky because the number of people who have told me their hip hurts when it's really their low back haha.
2012-02-28 11:09 AM
in reply to: #4069686

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Subject: RE: Mndymond and Disturbed275's Awesome SBR Mentor group---Full!

I know - it's hard to differentiate between, hip, butt, back and leg. I think the pain is originating right smack dab in the middle of my butt cheek. Like if I stand and put my hand behind me and put my fingers under the bottom of my bottom, like I'm going to lift my cheek, the pain is right where the heel of my hand hits. It feels like it's deep inside the tissue. But when it hurts when I'm running or walking it radiates out to my hip and down my leg. And it does feel like my leg is going to give out. It doesn't but it feels like it will.


I will also add I had this happened with all three of my pregnancies. It was one of the first signs I was pregnant, weird hip/butt pain where I would stumble because my leg got weak. It was especially bad on stairs. Then after the babies were born the pain went away.


So what should I do? On Sunday I managed to run through it. I took a few walk breaks and it would hurt when I walked and when I started running again but if I ignored it it got better, until the next walk break.

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