BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Hashers and Mashers - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-03-06 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Hashers and Mashers combined February totals:

    Swim                    Bike                   Run                        Total                                                    

41,266 yards        1,149.90 miles     330.71 miles         146hrs  51min  33sec

Edited by Sarah73 2013-03-06 9:17 AM

2013-03-06 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4648329

User image

Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

March Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Dave               0             66.00            0             04:00:00  An impressive early lead 

Jax               1000          17.23          12.07          03:58:01   Always near the top

TJ                1094         34.05            8.59          03:38:20   Some bold for you

Sarah              0            32.00            3.52          02:40:06  

Yvonne            0             3.00           11.00          02:33:05   Working hard...nice!

Mike                0               0             13.00         02:22:00   Great to see you back

Charlie             0            14.67           3.10          01:31:03   Glad you're back, too! 

Joe                  0               0               5.00          00:52:21   Our struggles make us stronger

Melody             0               0               3.40          00:41:00   Hope you come back to us

Tom                 0              8.16             0             00:30:00   Travel

Chrispy        Sorry mate! No credit for skiing Cry  Have fun!!      


Upcoming races:

3/10 - Life Time Fitness Indoor Mini Sprint Tri - Jax - Let's not forget Jax this weekend!

3/16 - shramrock 8k  in virginia beach - Yvonne

3/23 - NC Half Marathon - Yvonne

2013-03-06 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Hello!! I am back!! getting a 'little' more organized with figuring out what I am doing.

I signed up for a 5k March 23 and a Sprint Triathlon June 1st!

I had a laugh this morning I posted a picture of Christy Wellington busting through an Ironman banner for inspiration on my facebook with the caption 'Dream Big'. People started commenting like crazy thinking I had signed up for an Ironman. Not yet folks. 

I have been working out- just not logging here- but will start.

I have NOT been swimming. (which scares me to death- I like to be prepared!!)But, I am a fairly strong swimmer and hope to be in a pool by the end of the week. I had to guess at a swim time to sign up for the Tri (which I hated to do) but everything is filling up in this area so I wanted to get registered. I put 11.5 for 1/3 mile...Does that sound average? If I find it is way off next week I will see if it is possible to change.

It is about 45f today, but suppose to be 70+ on Saturday so I hope to get a 15-20 mile bike ride in. I have done several 10m and under but nothing more than that. I have been invited on some longer rides- and endurance wise I think I will be fine BUT I don't know how to change my tire yet or fix a chain that comes off (will be working ion this weekend- I'm watching videos). I have three boys so anything that has needed to be done like that in the past 20+ years they have taken care of.

SO Brand NEWby here. But I am learning. And determined.

Reading the book Triathlon for Every Woman. Super funny book. Very inspiring for anyone who is not naturally the athletic type. And tons of practical advice for anyone new- especially someone with a ton of questions like me.

2013-03-06 5:43 PM
in reply to: #4648870

User image

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-06 2:46 PM

Hello!! I am back!! getting a 'little' more organized with figuring out what I am doing.

I signed up for a 5k March 23 and a Sprint Triathlon June 1st!

I had a laugh this morning I posted a picture of Christy Wellington busting through an Ironman banner for inspiration on my facebook with the caption 'Dream Big'. People started commenting like crazy thinking I had signed up for an Ironman. Not yet folks. 

I have been working out- just not logging here- but will start.

I have NOT been swimming. (which scares me to death- I like to be prepared!!)But, I am a fairly strong swimmer and hope to be in a pool by the end of the week. I had to guess at a swim time to sign up for the Tri (which I hated to do) but everything is filling up in this area so I wanted to get registered. I put 11.5 for 1/3 mile...Does that sound average? If I find it is way off next week I will see if it is possible to change.

It is about 45f today, but suppose to be 70+ on Saturday so I hope to get a 15-20 mile bike ride in. I have done several 10m and under but nothing more than that. I have been invited on some longer rides- and endurance wise I think I will be fine BUT I don't know how to change my tire yet or fix a chain that comes off (will be working ion this weekend- I'm watching videos). I have three boys so anything that has needed to be done like that in the past 20+ years they have taken care of.

SO Brand NEWby here. But I am learning. And determined.

Reading the book Triathlon for Every Woman. Super funny book. Very inspiring for anyone who is not naturally the athletic type. And tons of practical advice for anyone new- especially someone with a ton of questions like me.

Welcome back! I'm going to check out that book!

2013-03-06 5:45 PM
in reply to: #4648006

User image

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-05 9:47 PM
jmholzman - 2013-03-05 9:38 PM

I'm in a funk.


I had the stomach flu for a week.  

Went for a run on Sunday and was excited to get back into the swing of things on Monday with a swim and a bike ride.

Showed up for Masters in the morning to see a sign on the door saying classes were cancelled at the last minute, one coach was sick and other was unavailable.  Night class was still on so I was hoping to make it to that.  Still might fit in swim and bike ride if I could get out of work early.

Couldn't get out of work early, and couldn't get in bike ride.  Great, another day of rest after a full week of rest.

Tuesday wanted to run but after 4 hours of sleep (kids might be getting sick again - awesome) couldn't muster it, besides which work kept me busy.

Might be able to run during lunch tomorrow, but if I don't get it in during lunch I won't have time for anything else at any point.  So even though tomorrow is swim and bike day, neither are going to happen.  Neither will have happened for over a week and a half at this point.

Thursday it's looking like I may be able to get two solid workouts of my choice in, so that's good.

Friday I can at least run, maybe bike or swim.  But the way my month is shaping up so far I doubt it (yeah I'm feeling very Eeyore).

Next week I'm travelling all week, but I'll be doing physical labor with a lot of PT so that's good but none of it is tri-specific so I still need to fit in my tri workouts.  I don't know how this will work.  If all goes well I'll get all the swim/bike/run in I want I'll just be tired from work work.  But the family will not be there so I don't have much excuse to not take all the time in the world.

Meanwhile the tri is 4/14.  That's a month away, but at this point I feel like I haven't worked out in a month and after this work trip it feels like I've got a week until the tri.  Not accurate, but it just feels like I don't have as much time left to kill it as I'd like.


Alright, that's done with.  Going to do what I can to focus on the training from here on out, one day at a time.  The reality is I was doing very well before this stomach flu.  I got derailed for a little bit, but I'm still in good shape and I have plenty of time.

C'mon Eeyore...pull yourself out of your funk.  Getting sidetracked sucks.  But, it happens to the best of us.  Life happens, even to triathletes.  Sometimes life/work/family gets in the way of our training.  So, we muddle through as best as we can until the storm passes and then hit it hard when it's clear.  Do it...wait 'til it clears and then hit it hard. what you can do and trust in the training you've already done.'s a long time until 4/14.  That's the date of my A race too.  We're going to kill it together!!

x2 - trust in the training you've done so far, I've seen those numbers in Sarah's tally, you're still hitting it.  Don't get too discouraged when life gets in the way, get in what you can and stay focused! You're going to rock it!

2013-03-06 5:49 PM
in reply to: #4648368

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-03-06 10:16 AM

Hashers and Mashers combined February totals:

    Swim                    Bike                   Run                        Total                                                    

41,266 yards        1,149.90 miles     330.71 miles         146hrs  51min  33sec


WOW, check US out! We are impressive !

2013-03-06 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4648870

User image

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-06 2:46 PM

Hello!! I am back!! getting a 'little' more organized with figuring out what I am doing.

I signed up for a 5k March 23 and a Sprint Triathlon June 1st!

I had a laugh this morning I posted a picture of Christy Wellington busting through an Ironman banner for inspiration on my facebook with the caption 'Dream Big'. People started commenting like crazy thinking I had signed up for an Ironman. Not yet folks. 

I have been working out- just not logging here- but will start.

I have NOT been swimming. (which scares me to death- I like to be prepared!!)But, I am a fairly strong swimmer and hope to be in a pool by the end of the week. I had to guess at a swim time to sign up for the Tri (which I hated to do) but everything is filling up in this area so I wanted to get registered. I put 11.5 for 1/3 mile...Does that sound average? If I find it is way off next week I will see if it is possible to change.

It is about 45f today, but suppose to be 70+ on Saturday so I hope to get a 15-20 mile bike ride in. I have done several 10m and under but nothing more than that. I have been invited on some longer rides- and endurance wise I think I will be fine BUT I don't know how to change my tire yet or fix a chain that comes off (will be working ion this weekend- I'm watching videos). I have three boys so anything that has needed to be done like that in the past 20+ years they have taken care of.

SO Brand NEWby here. But I am learning. And determined.

Reading the book Triathlon for Every Woman. Super funny book. Very inspiring for anyone who is not naturally the athletic type. And tons of practical advice for anyone new- especially someone with a ton of questions like me.

Glad you're back Melody and looking forward to sharing the journey with you!   Jax

2013-03-06 6:53 PM
in reply to: #4571585

User image

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

I really can't wait until the weather warms up enough to get OUTSIDE on the bike and off the trainer!  I feel like I'm working SO hard and the speed on the darn thing is just not there.  It varies sometimes even day to day, when the bike comes on and off the trainer to get CH's bike on the trainer.  Sometimes I ride in the exact same gear and do the same workout, but it's showing significantly slower speeds and the gears feel harder.  So, I'm trying to stay focused on working as hard as I can and trusting that when I get on the road the work will have paid off.  Hmmm...we'll see.

Swimming is going well.  Still getting used to the rhythm of the new 2/4 stroke breathing pattern.  Eventually I'd like to get comfortable with breathing ever 4, but it's definitely a work in progress.  Anxious for the indoor tri on Sunday to see if I'm able to contain my panic again.  Someone in a Facebook Tri group I'm in posted an article about linking triathlon swim panic attacks to deaths from cardiac episodes during the race.  Probably wasn't so smart of me to read that article.  When I swam on Monday, I really had to talk myself out of thinking about that article and wondering if my heart would explode on Sunday.  Geez...the head games I play with myself! 

Hope everyone is having a good week!   Jax

2013-03-06 7:46 PM
in reply to: #4649289

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-06 5:45 PM

DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-05 9:47 PM
jmholzman - 2013-03-05 9:38 PM

I'm in a funk.


I had the stomach flu for a week.  

Went for a run on Sunday and was excited to get back into the swing of things on Monday with a swim and a bike ride.

Showed up for Masters in the morning to see a sign on the door saying classes were cancelled at the last minute, one coach was sick and other was unavailable.  Night class was still on so I was hoping to make it to that.  Still might fit in swim and bike ride if I could get out of work early.

Couldn't get out of work early, and couldn't get in bike ride.  Great, another day of rest after a full week of rest.

Tuesday wanted to run but after 4 hours of sleep (kids might be getting sick again - awesome) couldn't muster it, besides which work kept me busy.

Might be able to run during lunch tomorrow, but if I don't get it in during lunch I won't have time for anything else at any point.  So even though tomorrow is swim and bike day, neither are going to happen.  Neither will have happened for over a week and a half at this point.

Thursday it's looking like I may be able to get two solid workouts of my choice in, so that's good.

Friday I can at least run, maybe bike or swim.  But the way my month is shaping up so far I doubt it (yeah I'm feeling very Eeyore).

Next week I'm travelling all week, but I'll be doing physical labor with a lot of PT so that's good but none of it is tri-specific so I still need to fit in my tri workouts.  I don't know how this will work.  If all goes well I'll get all the swim/bike/run in I want I'll just be tired from work work.  But the family will not be there so I don't have much excuse to not take all the time in the world.

Meanwhile the tri is 4/14.  That's a month away, but at this point I feel like I haven't worked out in a month and after this work trip it feels like I've got a week until the tri.  Not accurate, but it just feels like I don't have as much time left to kill it as I'd like.


Alright, that's done with.  Going to do what I can to focus on the training from here on out, one day at a time.  The reality is I was doing very well before this stomach flu.  I got derailed for a little bit, but I'm still in good shape and I have plenty of time.

C'mon Eeyore...pull yourself out of your funk.  Getting sidetracked sucks.  But, it happens to the best of us.  Life happens, even to triathletes.  Sometimes life/work/family gets in the way of our training.  So, we muddle through as best as we can until the storm passes and then hit it hard when it's clear.  Do it...wait 'til it clears and then hit it hard. what you can do and trust in the training you've already done.'s a long time until 4/14.  That's the date of my A race too.  We're going to kill it together!!

x2 - trust in the training you've done so far, I've seen those numbers in Sarah's tally, you're still hitting it.  Don't get too discouraged when life gets in the way, get in what you can and stay focused! You're going to rock it!

X3 - try to keep it in perspective and fun. If life gets in the way, adjust your goal and instead of shooting for a time, aim to have fun.
2013-03-06 7:47 PM
in reply to: #4649287

User image

St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-06 5:43 PM

Meljoypip - 2013-03-06 2:46 PM

Hello!! I am back!! getting a 'little' more organized with figuring out what I am doing.

I signed up for a 5k March 23 and a Sprint Triathlon June 1st!

I had a laugh this morning I posted a picture of Christy Wellington busting through an Ironman banner for inspiration on my facebook with the caption 'Dream Big'. People started commenting like crazy thinking I had signed up for an Ironman. Not yet folks. 

I have been working out- just not logging here- but will start.

I have NOT been swimming. (which scares me to death- I like to be prepared!!)But, I am a fairly strong swimmer and hope to be in a pool by the end of the week. I had to guess at a swim time to sign up for the Tri (which I hated to do) but everything is filling up in this area so I wanted to get registered. I put 11.5 for 1/3 mile...Does that sound average? If I find it is way off next week I will see if it is possible to change.

It is about 45f today, but suppose to be 70+ on Saturday so I hope to get a 15-20 mile bike ride in. I have done several 10m and under but nothing more than that. I have been invited on some longer rides- and endurance wise I think I will be fine BUT I don't know how to change my tire yet or fix a chain that comes off (will be working ion this weekend- I'm watching videos). I have three boys so anything that has needed to be done like that in the past 20+ years they have taken care of.

SO Brand NEWby here. But I am learning. And determined.

Reading the book Triathlon for Every Woman. Super funny book. Very inspiring for anyone who is not naturally the athletic type. And tons of practical advice for anyone new- especially someone with a ton of questions like me.

Welcome back! I'm going to check out that book!

Welcome back! I haven't read the book but follow Meredith's blog and she is awesome. Down to earth and honest about the trials and tribulations about endurance sports and life.
2013-03-06 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4648749

User image

St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Sarah73 - 2013-03-06 12:38 PM

March Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Dave               0             66.00            0             04:00:00  An impressive early lead 

Jax               1000          17.23          12.07          03:58:01   Always near the top

TJ                1094         34.05            8.59          03:38:20   Some bold for you

Sarah              0            32.00            3.52          02:40:06  

Yvonne            0             3.00           11.00          02:33:05   Working hard...nice!

Mike                0               0             13.00         02:22:00   Great to see you back

Charlie             0            14.67           3.10          01:31:03   Glad you're back, too! 

Joe                  0               0               5.00          00:52:21   Our struggles make us stronger

Melody             0               0               3.40          00:41:00   Hope you come back to us

Tom                 0              8.16             0             00:30:00   Travel

Chrispy        Sorry mate! No credit for skiing Cry  Have fun!!      


Upcoming races:

3/10 - Life Time Fitness Indoor Mini Sprint Tri - Jax - Let's not forget Jax this weekend!

3/16 - shramrock 8k  in virginia beach - Yvonne

3/23 - NC Half Marathon - Yvonne

Glad to be back. Had a funny experience at the doctors office and wrote about it in my blog if anyone needs a laugh. Short version, the nurse called me crazy multiple times for doing endurance sports. I'm still cracking up about it.

2013-03-06 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4649289

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-06 5:45 PM
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-05 9:47 PM
jmholzman - 2013-03-05 9:38 PM

I'm in a funk.


I had the stomach flu for a week.  

Went for a run on Sunday and was excited to get back into the swing of things on Monday with a swim and a bike ride.

Showed up for Masters in the morning to see a sign on the door saying classes were cancelled at the last minute, one coach was sick and other was unavailable.  Night class was still on so I was hoping to make it to that.  Still might fit in swim and bike ride if I could get out of work early.

Couldn't get out of work early, and couldn't get in bike ride.  Great, another day of rest after a full week of rest.

Tuesday wanted to run but after 4 hours of sleep (kids might be getting sick again - awesome) couldn't muster it, besides which work kept me busy.

Might be able to run during lunch tomorrow, but if I don't get it in during lunch I won't have time for anything else at any point.  So even though tomorrow is swim and bike day, neither are going to happen.  Neither will have happened for over a week and a half at this point.

Thursday it's looking like I may be able to get two solid workouts of my choice in, so that's good.

Friday I can at least run, maybe bike or swim.  But the way my month is shaping up so far I doubt it (yeah I'm feeling very Eeyore).

Next week I'm travelling all week, but I'll be doing physical labor with a lot of PT so that's good but none of it is tri-specific so I still need to fit in my tri workouts.  I don't know how this will work.  If all goes well I'll get all the swim/bike/run in I want I'll just be tired from work work.  But the family will not be there so I don't have much excuse to not take all the time in the world.

Meanwhile the tri is 4/14.  That's a month away, but at this point I feel like I haven't worked out in a month and after this work trip it feels like I've got a week until the tri.  Not accurate, but it just feels like I don't have as much time left to kill it as I'd like.


Alright, that's done with.  Going to do what I can to focus on the training from here on out, one day at a time.  The reality is I was doing very well before this stomach flu.  I got derailed for a little bit, but I'm still in good shape and I have plenty of time.

C'mon Eeyore...pull yourself out of your funk.  Getting sidetracked sucks.  But, it happens to the best of us.  Life happens, even to triathletes.  Sometimes life/work/family gets in the way of our training.  So, we muddle through as best as we can until the storm passes and then hit it hard when it's clear.  Do it...wait 'til it clears and then hit it hard. what you can do and trust in the training you've already done.'s a long time until 4/14.  That's the date of my A race too.  We're going to kill it together!!

x2 - trust in the training you've done so far, I've seen those numbers in Sarah's tally, you're still hitting it.  Don't get too discouraged when life gets in the way, get in what you can and stay focused! You're going to rock it!

X4  (was 3 but Mike beat me to it)

Joe No worries, you have been training well.      Training typically weeks should be something like  Two weeks pushing greater time/distance/effort   then one week scaled back to absorb  then back at it.     When I'm seriously training what I will do is not plan in a rest day at all.  cause I know "life" will get in the way.   So when it happens, just roll with it.     Sometimes  its not life getting in the way of a day.   Its a week.       So in this case this past week was your "absorb training"  week.     Again  you have been training well.     Just get back at it as soon as you can!

Edited by oriolepwr 2013-03-06 7:51 PM
2013-03-06 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4649405

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
ransick - 2013-03-06 7:50 PM
Sarah73 - 2013-03-06 12:38 PM

March Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Dave               0             66.00            0             04:00:00  An impressive early lead 

Jax               1000          17.23          12.07          03:58:01   Always near the top

TJ                1094         34.05            8.59          03:38:20   Some bold for you

Sarah              0            32.00            3.52          02:40:06  

Yvonne            0             3.00           11.00          02:33:05   Working hard...nice!

Mike                0               0             13.00         02:22:00   Great to see you back

Charlie             0            14.67           3.10          01:31:03   Glad you're back, too! 

Joe                  0               0               5.00          00:52:21   Our struggles make us stronger

Melody             0               0               3.40          00:41:00   Hope you come back to us

Tom                 0              8.16             0             00:30:00   Travel

Chrispy        Sorry mate! No credit for skiing Cry  Have fun!!      


Upcoming races:

3/10 - Life Time Fitness Indoor Mini Sprint Tri - Jax - Let's not forget Jax this weekend!

3/16 - shramrock 8k  in virginia beach - Yvonne

3/23 - NC Half Marathon - Yvonne

Glad to be back. Had a funny experience at the doctors office and wrote about it in my blog if anyone needs a laugh. Short version, the nurse called me crazy multiple times for doing endurance sports. I'm still cracking up about it.

Mike I did read your blog!  good stuff.  and yes  YOU are crazy!  ;-)

2013-03-06 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4649351

User image

St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-06 6:53 PM

I really can't wait until the weather warms up enough to get OUTSIDE on the bike and off the trainer!  I feel like I'm working SO hard and the speed on the darn thing is just not there.  It varies sometimes even day to day, when the bike comes on and off the trainer to get CH's bike on the trainer.  Sometimes I ride in the exact same gear and do the same workout, but it's showing significantly slower speeds and the gears feel harder.  So, I'm trying to stay focused on working as hard as I can and trusting that when I get on the road the work will have paid off.  Hmmm...we'll see.

Swimming is going well.  Still getting used to the rhythm of the new 2/4 stroke breathing pattern.  Eventually I'd like to get comfortable with breathing ever 4, but it's definitely a work in progress.  Anxious for the indoor tri on Sunday to see if I'm able to contain my panic again.  Someone in a Facebook Tri group I'm in posted an article about linking triathlon swim panic attacks to deaths from cardiac episodes during the race.  Probably wasn't so smart of me to read that article.  When I swam on Monday, I really had to talk myself out of thinking about that article and wondering if my heart would explode on Sunday.  Geez...the head games I play with myself! 

Hope everyone is having a good week!   Jax

Don't worry about bike speed on the trainer. Go by RPE or HR and you'll be impressed with your speed come spring.

Don't worry about cardiac arrest either. If you run the numbers, you are more likely to die by many more things than swimming in a tri. Tri deaths just make for good sensational news. Look at the bright side too. I'd rather die doing something I love than sitting on the couch :-). I've freaked out on swims before and planned off it. When it happens, I stop and tread water, spin in a 360 circle to take in the sights, smile because I'm doing something way outside my comfort zone, then continue at an easier pace.

You might consider working more on bi-lateral breathing. When I started swimming four years ago, I only breathed on one side. After the first year I started working on bi-lateral breathing and it was awkward at first, but after a while of doing things like breathing on one side on the way down the lane and the opposite side on the way back, I got to the point that I no longer remember my preferred side. Bi-lateral breathing really pays off in certain circumstances like bright sun on one side, big waves on one side, heavy traffics on one side, and courses looping to the left or right.
2013-03-06 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4649403

User image

Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed


Glad to be back. Had a funny experience at the doctors office and wrote about it in my blog if anyone needs a laugh. Short version, the nurse called me crazy multiple times for doing endurance sports. I'm still cracking up about it.

Great blog post! And the snow is beautiful!!


Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I think I am a little out of my league here but I bet I learn a thing or two!!

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-03-06 8:42 PM
2013-03-06 9:59 PM
in reply to: #4571585

User image

Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Thanks for the perspective, all.  I'm getting back on track, and while I'm not going to get the hours for March that I was hoping for I'm still confident about my plan, and I'm sticking to it.  Sorry if I sounded like a downer, just wanted to vent.  I had a great tempo run today, 3 miles at a 7:10 pace.

The other thing I'm trying to bear in mind is that the bigger picture is my 70.3 in the fall, and I've still got plenty of time on that one.  And I still think I've got good training under my belt and enough time left to put together a solid race in April.  Work and home life came together one right after the other to produce some obstacles to my training, but I'm getting it back on track.

2013-03-07 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4649531

User image

Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-03-06 9:59 PM

Thanks for the perspective, all.  I'm getting back on track, and while I'm not going to get the hours for March that I was hoping for I'm still confident about my plan, and I'm sticking to it.  Sorry if I sounded like a downer, just wanted to vent.  I had a great tempo run today, 3 miles at a 7:10 pace.

The other thing I'm trying to bear in mind is that the bigger picture is my 70.3 in the fall, and I've still got plenty of time on that one.  And I still think I've got good training under my belt and enough time left to put together a solid race in April.  Work and home life came together one right after the other to produce some obstacles to my training, but I'm getting it back on track.

3 miles at 7:10p is AWESOME!! 

2013-03-07 2:40 PM
in reply to: #4649891

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-07 8:43 AM

jmholzman - 2013-03-06 9:59 PM

Thanks for the perspective, all.  I'm getting back on track, and while I'm not going to get the hours for March that I was hoping for I'm still confident about my plan, and I'm sticking to it.  Sorry if I sounded like a downer, just wanted to vent.  I had a great tempo run today, 3 miles at a 7:10 pace.

The other thing I'm trying to bear in mind is that the bigger picture is my 70.3 in the fall, and I've still got plenty of time on that one.  And I still think I've got good training under my belt and enough time left to put together a solid race in April.  Work and home life came together one right after the other to produce some obstacles to my training, but I'm getting it back on track.

3 miles at 7:10p is AWESOME!! 

X2 that's a smokin fast pace for many of us! There will always be someone slower than us and someone faster than us.
2013-03-08 11:50 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

10 miles today, woo hoo! Yes, not my best run, it hurt, but I did it, and that's something.


Happy weekend everyone!

2013-03-08 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4651999

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-08 11:50 AM

10 miles today, woo hoo! Yes, not my best run, it hurt, but I did it, and that's something.


Happy weekend everyone!

That's awesome! Can't wait till I can run that far!!

My running buddy for my upcoming first 5K  backed out on me last night, Thankfully my son agreed to run it with me. He is a sprinter and did 5:54 in the 1600 at track last week when he really does not train at all (VERY small school, no real track coach). Oh to be 15. Anyway if he would train a little I feel like he has a chance to win his age division. Looked online for pictures of the ATR last year and this race is HUGH. Glad I will have someone to start out with, though I do not expect him to stay with me

TGIF 2 more hours for me at work and I plan to take my run I did not make this morning

2013-03-08 1:31 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Nice work Yvonne! 10 was a huge mental obstacle for me last year. It was the my farthest run until my HM. You so got this thing!

2013-03-08 7:51 PM
in reply to: #4651999

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-08 11:50 AM

10 miles today, woo hoo! Yes, not my best run, it hurt, but I did it, and that's something.


Happy weekend everyone!

Awesome long run!
2013-03-10 5:13 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Off to the races!  Will check in later today with how it goes!  Jax
2013-03-10 7:21 AM
in reply to: #4653477

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 6:13 AMOff to the races!  Will check in later today with how it goes!  Jax
Hash and mash it Jax!Good luck!!
2013-03-10 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4653477

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 5:13 AM Off to the races!  Will check in later today with how it goes!  Jax

We're all thinking about you, Jax. Can't wait to hear how it went!

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