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2013-06-22 12:31 PM
in reply to: rustymom

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I'm so jealous of you all - I want to train!!! I have been running some and I am not sure what being on a mountain does to the GPS app but my runkeeper said I ran 4.16 miles in 24.50 minutes this morning for a pace of 5.58 per mile lol well it's a dream anyway:-) I have been run/ walking every morning I'm on a mountain so some areas are just too steep to run- but not at 6 mins a mile for sure. I did hike up a mountain about 2 miles yesterday and was running around on a scavenger hunt with a bunch of teens at 11:00 last night - I miss my bike though and no swimming in the lake. Charlie - Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!!! What awesome motivation to swim!! Michelle- another 10 minutes- I think. You. Will do it!! !Alex- iron- im glad you wrote that, I wonder if that is what is going on with me- I am back in the room now because my heart was racing :/. - I wil get it checked when I get home. Andrea- good for you on the swim!! I wish I was that fast! !I miss you guys!! I want some training motivation and speed gains to rub off on me!! ! I'm on an iPad so expect this to be all squished together- sorry!!

2013-06-22 6:49 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

So glad to hear all of the updates!! Melody, there must be some free speed up there on that mountain!!  Good to hear from Alex again, she kind of comes and goes, much like some type of tri-ghost!  Good to hear you've been diagnosed, but not good that you are anemic.  Get that fixed up girl! 

So we had roofers at our house today, and they will come back and finish on Monday, so fingers crossed it doesn't rain between now and then!!  The pounding was horrific so hubby and I got out of town.  Hubs has decided he wants a tri bike (to those of you who have not been privy to my husband's impulsivity, he bought a cheapie bike from REI years ago, rode it a couple of times, sold it for next to nothing.  Bought a 29er type bike for trail riding, I think he took it to the trails twice, it sits in the spare room.  Decided he wanted to do tris, bought a nice entry level Jamis tri bike and rode it about 2 blocks, freaked out that the steering was so twitchy, we ended up selling it at a loss.  Decided he really did want to bike ride, bought a really nice Felt carbon bike, rode it maybe 30 miles total, told me he "didn't like that kind of riding" and sold it for next to nothing.  Bought another road bike, this time a Trek, and he has put some miles on it, but has never liked it as much as he did the Felt.)  So now he wants to sell the Trek and get a tri bike, so we drove to Austin to visit the multitude of bike shops down there just to get a feel for prices and such.  Luckily (?) there was nothing in his size, so we didn't even get a test ride.  The one sales guy we talked to the longest really pushed him being on a road bike and adding aerobars... whatever.  In any case, since he wants to dump a bunch of $$$ into some kind of bike AGAIN, he was feeling like he should share the joy and pressured me to buy something, so I did!  Had to order my size, but it will be here in about a week!!  Giro Air Attack, the new and non-geeky aero helmet!!  They had matte black in my size, but I'm not into that, and decided white would probably be more visible out on the road and probably cooler than black.  Oh, also picked up a pair of arm coolers... they look exactly like arm warmers!  But have SPF50 on them, so any little bit to keep that melanoma at bay...  Now to order some Hildebeast decals for the new helmet!


2013-06-22 6:58 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

So glad to hear all of the updates!! Melody, there must be some free speed up there on that mountain!!  Good to hear from Alex again, she kind of comes and goes, much like some type of tri-ghost!  Good to hear you've been diagnosed, but not good that you are anemic.  Get that fixed up girl! 

So we had roofers at our house today, and they will come back and finish on Monday, so fingers crossed it doesn't rain between now and then!!  The pounding was horrific so hubby and I got out of town.  Hubs has decided he wants a tri bike (to those of you who have not been privy to my husband's impulsivity, he bought a cheapie bike from REI years ago, rode it a couple of times, sold it for next to nothing.  Bought a 29er type bike for trail riding, I think he took it to the trails twice, it sits in the spare room.  Decided he wanted to do tris, bought a nice entry level Jamis tri bike and rode it about 2 blocks, freaked out that the steering was so twitchy, we ended up selling it at a loss.  Decided he really did want to bike ride, bought a really nice Felt carbon bike, rode it maybe 30 miles total, told me he "didn't like that kind of riding" and sold it for next to nothing.  Bought another road bike, this time a Trek, and he has put some miles on it, but has never liked it as much as he did the Felt.)  So now he wants to sell the Trek and get a tri bike, so we drove to Austin to visit the multitude of bike shops down there just to get a feel for prices and such.  Luckily (?) there was nothing in his size, so we didn't even get a test ride.  The one sales guy we talked to the longest really pushed him being on a road bike and adding aerobars... whatever.  In any case, since he wants to dump a bunch of $$$ into some kind of bike AGAIN, he was feeling like he should share the joy and pressured me to buy something, so I did!  Had to order my size, but it will be here in about a week!!  Giro Air Attack, the new and non-geeky aero helmet!!  They had matte black in my size, but I'm not into that, and decided white would probably be more visible out on the road and probably cooler than black.  Oh, also picked up a pair of arm coolers... they look exactly like arm warmers!  But have SPF50 on them, so any little bit to keep that melanoma at bay...  Now to order some Hildebeast decals for the new helmet!


I've got my eye on that same helmet for next season. I might look at a tri bike next year and will get the attack at the same time. Let us know how the helmet works out.
2013-06-23 6:40 AM
in reply to: Jigger

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Alex, I hope you can get the anemia under control. I'm guessing once you get that sorted out, you'll feel like a new woman. And I certainly hope there are no underlying issues causing it.

Andrea, I would definitely take satisfaction in being one of the fastest swimmers in your tri group - that's awesome!

Hilde, that is one sweet-looking helmet. I do wonder about ventilation on those things though. I'm interested in hearing how you like it.

Hope all you beasties are having a wonderful weekend.
2013-06-23 7:25 AM
in reply to: arquillo

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
The helmet is supposed to have decent ventilation in spite of how it looks.  There's a suspension system inside so that there is space between the top of your head and the helmet so air can pass through and out the back.  I don't honestly notice much ventilation from my normal helmets, I'm always a sweat-headed mess after a ride, so I'm not too worried about it.  Got the decals ordered, in silver so they'll match the helmet!  I'll post pics once I've got it together. 
2013-06-23 6:46 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
@Hilde, i think your hubby needs an intervention! you must've lost a couple of good bike's worth with all the buying and selling.

2013-06-24 3:47 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by oldSAP

@Hilde, i think your hubby needs an intervention!

No doubt! You are a good wife Hilde!
BTW, what size does he ride? and do you ship to Ohio? .... just thinking ahead
2013-06-24 5:22 PM
in reply to: arquillo

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by arquillo
Originally posted by oldSAP @Hilde, i think your hubby needs an intervention!
No doubt! You are a good wife Hilde! BTW, what size does he ride? and do you ship to Ohio? .... just thinking ahead

X2 and do you ship to Ohio Alabama?

I'm home!!!!! Exhausted and I want my bike back!!

Hiked to the mountain summit (about 2 miles up) yesterday with a couple of college girls and ran all the way down (except where it was too treacherous) it was awesome and one of the highlights of my week.

GLAD to be home!!!!

2013-06-24 6:48 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Meljoypip

Originally posted by arquillo
Originally posted by oldSAP @Hilde, i think your hubby needs an intervention!
No doubt! You are a good wife Hilde! BTW, what size does he ride? and do you ship to Ohio? .... just thinking ahead

X2 and do you ship to Ohio Alabama?

I'm home!!!!! Exhausted and I want my bike back!!

Hiked to the mountain summit (about 2 miles up) yesterday with a couple of college girls and ran all the way down (except where it was too treacherous) it was awesome and one of the highlights of my week.

GLAD to be home!!!!

hahaha good one ladies
2013-06-25 5:44 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

He rides a 56 or 58, probably too tall for y'all... and for right now he's settled on keeping the road bike and he put aerobars on it.  I've encouraged him to go get it fit since all they did was a pretty basic fit at the store.  We'll see where it goes, ha ha!  He DOES need an intervention!!!  I won't even go into the GOLF CLUBS saga, pretty much the same deal but WORSE!

2013-06-25 3:33 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Miles City, Montana
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Well, for goodness sake, I think I am jinxed this summer! You all will think I must have some narcisstic issues after this one -- so I crashed and burned (literally) on my first real run last Thursday. I was planning a 5 mile run and was two miles in and just good and warmed up and had started to pick up the pace. I run at 5:30 am and because of no traffic, I run in the street wherever possible. There is road construction and a temporary road sign set up. I clear the metal legs of the road sign, but trip over the sandbag holding the sign. Crash and burn .... skid across the asphalt. Take serious chunks out of my palm and thumb and one elbow, skin both knees, but seriously road rash my left knee and shin. OUCH and Double OUCH! I turned around, walked and then jogged back home.

I tried, I really did - I scrubbed it out, I used all the home remedies I could find to keep it clean and uninfected, but by Sunday afternoon it was an oozing, weeping, throbbing, swollen mess. Into the ER and find out I have cellulitis (skin infection) throughout my calf and into my foot. 3 rounds of IV antibiotics and 10 days of oral antibiotics. I now have a lovely medicated wrap that looks and feels like a cast with red and swollen toes sticking out the end. I went back to my surgeon to have him check everything out and he told me it was the same category as a 3rd degree burn. No swimming until this is completely healed which he predicted would be at least 4 weeks.

I can honestly say I have never had so many major medical setbacks in my athletic life. I have been one to "tough it out" and keep going until things get better. After my surgery, I was bummed out, but I could still see a possibility of doing a race this summer and keeping my fitness up. Now, I am not just bummed, I am genuinely peeved.

Sorry for the picture attached - it is gross - but this was taken Saturday before it really got bad.

(IMG_20130622_102558_241 (2).jpg)

IMG_20130622_102558_241 (2).jpg (53KB - 11 downloads)

2013-06-25 3:56 PM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Janette!!! OMG!!!! Ouch!  Frown

Well, that totally sucks!

BUT!!!!!! It is just one season- and there WILL BE more, many more. So increase your core strength & do other proactive things and KNOW that you WILL get back with it next year.

One of the girls (she is very athletic) I hiked to the summit with said she was on a really strong antibiotic for cellulitis, that it was pretty serious.

Take care of yourself!!!

I am so sorry!!!!

2013-06-25 3:58 PM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Also- Janette- the picture will not open- is it Jpeg?
2013-06-25 5:15 PM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Oh, OUCH! That just looks painful, Janette-- at least the rest of you is OK, which is the main thing! Rest assured, there WILL be other races and other seasons (take it from someone whose season got derailed due to a bike crash a couple of years ago)-- just heal, first and foremost. You can also work on all sorts of useful stuff like core strength and conditioning, if that's any consolation... (OK, I know it's not, but it's all I got!)

Chuckle-- nice description of me as a tri-ghost, Hilde! It's true: my schedule gets wonky on a semi-regular basis... Thanks for all the good wishes about the anemia, everyone-- I'm on iron pills right now, and experts say it should take 1-3 months to clear up (just in time for my Ironman! ). In the meantime, I'm doing what training I can, adapting as needed to keep my HR in a relatively sane region. More tests and a visit with the allergist next week, so we'll see what transpires. Gotta say, though, that if I end up feeling like a new woman, I'll take it-- there really is only so much feeling wound down I can take before getting really bored with it...

Hope the roofing gets done without interruption, Hilde, and if your hubby does decide to go on another bike-trial-binge, *I* ride a 58! *said winningly*

Hope everyone's enjoying their weeks so far! Go, Beasties, go!


2013-06-25 7:01 PM
in reply to: jaykayjay

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
that's a BIG wound. those types are the ones that heal the longest. take care.
2013-06-26 8:38 AM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Oh man Janette, you can't catch a break this summer!!!  Cellulitis IS serious, I had it after I was done with chemo for breast cancer, appeared out of the blue, no wound like you have... 4 days in the hospital with IV antibiotics.  I know that has to be painful, any wound that "weeps" may not look to be too bad, but they are PAINFUL... And 4 weeks off does put a serious dent in your race plans... I'm thinking you could still do something late season.  And I totally get the falling in the dark while running... haven't done it in awhile, but last year I tripped over a raised seam in the road that I obviously didn't see and face planted into the road, saw stars!  I think it's even scarier when you are alone in the dark, even if you are close to home... and of course a little grateful that no one saw you!!  Feel better, it WILL get better....

So new news on the hubby bike saga... he was pretty much set on keeping his roadie and putting aerobars on it, he wanted the kind with the pads that spring up and out of the way.  But I told him I had found a bike store we didn't know about up in Waco (about 45 minutes north of us) that carried Felt and Cannondale.  So we drove up there and sure enough they also had Giant and Cervelo, some really nice bikes, all priced at MSRP.  I was pushing him towards the Felt B16 or S32 (since he is notorious for starting something and then letting it go 2 weeks later).  They had a 2012 B12 on sale, only too small for him (and too big for me   ), so he was leaning towards the B16, which is kinda ugly this year, matte black with some white.  BUT, they had size 56 and 58 in stock, just not put together, so we left and they said they'd call when they had them ready for him to try out.  So we went and had some lunch and headed home.  He was determined to find another 2012 B12 in his size somewhere, and he did, in Connecticut only to find that dealers cannot ship Felt bikes, you gotta buy them from the store, so back to square one.  In the meantime I was searching and found that Austin Tricyclist (which we had visited last Saturday) had a 2012 Cervelo P2 marked down in a tri package, so he called and found out they would sell him the bike for $2250 , last year's MSRP was $2800.  By this time it was 4 pm. so we jumped in the car and drove over an hour down there and came home with it... I'm a little pissed that he has a better bike than me!  And has never even DONE a tri... it IS a gorgeous bike, I gotta say.... he is one happy camper, we'll see how he feels once he gets on it and finds out that, noooo, it doesn't go by itself, you still gotta pedal!  In any case, I scored some badly needed new bike shoes (that unfortunately have BLUE accents on them, they don't match the bike!!!!!) and got 15% off. 


2013-06-26 11:49 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
I need a nap after reading your story! The bad part he's got a better bike than you--makes perfect sense to me?!
2013-06-26 11:49 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Edited by joes 2013-06-26 11:49 AM
2013-06-26 12:39 PM
in reply to: joes

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
OMG, Hilde!! Your husband is psyched!!! That is one beautiful bike! If that doesn't get him out there riding, nothing will!
2013-06-26 6:04 PM
in reply to: kpringle

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Janette, I sure hope the cellulitis clears up quickly. That is some painful stuff. I just read an article in Inside Triathlon about turning an injury into an opportunity to concentrate on the things we neglect like core strength, overall strength training,etc until we can train in our three disciplines again GET WELL SOON!

Hilde, that is one SWEET tri bike your husband scored at a discounted price! I sure hope he gets bit by the bug and does it justice by racking up some mileage on it!

Howdy everyone! It's been whirlwind crazy here in the boondocks! My regular job has slowed down, so I'm taking on PRN work with another company in a skilled nursing facility, which makes an already crazy schedule even crazier! This week is an emphasis on running, so my poor tri bike is weeping in the garage. Today is my rest day and I'm taking advantage of it to give our stinky dogs baths and nail trimmings! I may even weed my poor flower beds. Then again I may finish washing the dogs then watch Criminal Minds on ION Television till an early bedtime! Happy Training Beasties!
2013-06-26 6:12 PM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
drooling over here just looking at that shiny new P2.

2013-06-26 9:32 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Sweet bike. I was at the local LBS drooling over a s-works Shiv Di2. I was picking up a trunk bike carrier for the car. Picked up a Yakima King Joe 3 carrier. Just looked at the Shiv and wished maybe in the spring.
Leaving in two days for the July 1 race.
2013-06-26 9:58 PM
in reply to: oldSAP

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

Originally posted by oldSAP drooling over here just looking at that shiny new P2.

X2 Very nice!!!

Wishing it was not taking me ANOTHER week to get back in the swing of things!!! Frown Looks like it will be Saturday before I get my bike back...

2013-06-27 6:39 AM
in reply to: Meljoypip

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!

So this is why the bike "saga" frustrates me.... Hubs came home for lunch and since I had cut my morning ride short, I thought it would be perfect to pick up some extra mileage by asking him if he was going to ride when he got off work, which he said he was.  So I asked did he want to do a short one or did he want to do it by himself (perfectly understandable when you're getting used to a new bike and want to experiment with stuff) and he said yes, he was going by himself.  No problem... then he asked how far I was talking about, I told him 13 miles and told him the route which he is familiar with and he said okay, around 6.  So I'm dressed and ready to go by the time he gets home, I had made sure his aero water bottle was set up for him and waited for him to get changed and ready to go.  We get out in the driveway, and for some reason he can't get his first foot clipped into the pedal, now the pedals, shoes and cleats are NOT new, he's had them for awhile, Speedplays.  So he gets frustrated because he knows he looks like an idiot and tells me, "Just go."  And after almost 30 years of marriage I know not to even say anything so I took off and did a very nice 13 miles that felt damned good considering it was 98 degrees out there!  Come home, put up my stuff, log my ride on BT and sit down in the living room to watch the premeir of Big Brother, my summer trash TV fave.  And he says, "Do you have the receipt to the bike, I'm taking it back."  WTF, WTF, WTF????  He just cannot handle the whole cockpit part of the bike, doesn't like that the brakes are in a different place than the shifters, the handling is twitchy, same ol' blah blah blah as the last time he HAD to have a tri bike.  I will say, that he is nursing a pretty wrecked up shoulder, should probably be having surgery but he is trying to avoid that, so the weight on the aerobars was painful for him.  I get that part... of course the tri store is not happy with him wanting to bring back the clearance bike they finally sold, but said they would.  Then comes the brilliant idea, "What if I put a road bike handlebar and shifters on it?  I really like the bike?"  I told him people do it, not sure they do it with a freaking Cervelo, but they do it.... so we're going to talk to the LBS today to see if they can switch out the tri cockpit for a roadie set up and then give ME the SWEET carbon 3T cockpit (that's a win for me for sure!).  Either way it's gonna end up costing more than if he had just gotten a really nice road bike in the first place.... All this and he hasn't even done a race yet! 

Aren't I the most patient and sweet wife EVER????

2013-06-27 7:29 AM
in reply to: Hildebeast

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: HILDEBEAST'S Mentor Group, CLOSED!
Originally posted by Hildebeast

  Then comes the brilliant idea, "What if I put a road bike handlebar and shifters on it?  I really like the bike?"  I told him people do it, not sure they do it with a freaking Cervelo, but they do it.... so we're going to talk to the LBS today to see if they can switch out the tri cockpit for a roadie set up and then give ME the SWEET carbon 3T cockpit (that's a win for me for sure!).  Either way it's gonna end up costing more than if he had just gotten a really nice road bike in the first place.... All this and he hasn't even done a race yet! 

Aren't I the most patient and sweet wife EVER????

Hilde - I'd be careful with doing that if he has a shoulder issue. With the angle difference between a tri-bike and a road bike geometry, he still might find using drops uncomfortable on the Cervelo (not to mention if he has any sort of pot belly). I believe someone asked the question of whether it was possible to do this on BT some time ago so you might want to look up the replies.

This also comes from the voice of experience: You can tell him that it is okay to suck at something (or be worse than his wife at it) when he is just starting out. It simply gives him much more room for improvement!
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