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2009-03-31 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2051048

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-03-31 11:57 AM

Hey hey

So a long tough week goes by and I finally get back on the bike. Last week we had an audit here at work and that meant some very late nights followed by 7am starts to do my teaching duties.

I was completely burnt out by Friday and then had a wonderful weekend of playing with the kids and eating out with the wife.

Sounds like a very difficult week. It's great to have you back.

Got back on the trainer last night and my legs felt terrible but I pushed through with 40k.

40K on the trainer. Well done!

Early morning runs are going to be hard to come by for a while as I have a semester of teaching in front of me and I have to be in before 7am to set up but I will try to maintain a base at least.

Wow, 7AM is an early start and makes it very hard to do anything in the morning. Any chance of getting a little free time during the day? For an athlete as good as you, it should be easier to maintain, but hopefully you will be able to get a little bit of training squeezed in. I was wondering, what do you teach?


2009-03-31 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

You know getting time during the day may be the way to go. There are showers here at work so a lunchtime run should keep me in trim.

I am teaching the last section of the radiation therapy course that we give to our physics and physician residents. I am doing brachytherapy which is the use of radioactive materials directly for therapy (insertions).


2009-03-31 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Kelly, you definately win the award for craziest run of the week, Anthony, you get a close runner up for your deer sightings.  Sudsy pants is just too funny!!  Great job to the both of you for your perseverence through some bad weather- your dedication cannot be questioned!

Julian, nice to have you back.  7 am start time sucks but it is doable.  I work at 7 3 days a week and 7:30 the other two and have a 30 min commute.  I have to get up at 4:30 to get anything done though.  I am lucky that I dont have evening commitments which allow me to be in bed well before 10 pm.  I can only get about an hour of work out in but it is still better than waiting until after work for me.  I am not disciplined enough to work out after work.  If I decide to train for anything more than a 1/2 marathon, I think it would be very difficult.

   I officially signed up for the Mussleman  Sprint - It is a long way off but I wanted to offer my dad's place at the lake for a get together before or after the race if you like.  He is on the west side of Seneca about 20-30 min from Geneva.

OH, on a happy note, I had my fastest 5K time today in a LONG time ( after 30 min of intervals on the trainer)- hope that means good things for my race on sun!

Keep on training folks!


2009-03-31 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hi, guys!!  Julian, glad to hear from you!!  Good luck with the crazy schedule. (BTW, as the musician among scientists here, I feel very privileged to be among such smarty-pants!!)

So, after a month of workouts with exactly one day off, I am officially tired!! Here are my March totals compared to my Feb. totals---crazy!!

March's totals:
Bike:20h 21m 48s  - 128.83 Mi
Run:13h 32m 46s  - 82.62 Mi
Swim:9h 11m  - 21850 Yd

February's totals:
Bike:10h 25m 17s
Run:6h 38m 06s  - 41.5 Mi
Swim:6h 18m  - 16900 Yd

 I was scheduled for a 45 min. easy run today, and squeezed out 36, but it was not pretty.  I had to go super slow to keep my HR in check.  I am taking the day off tomorrow, even though my plan has me scheduled for an hour run.  I really think that run on Sunday took it out of me!!  I also have a very tight left leg.  I was actually hoping that someone (Paula maybe?) might be able to suggest a stretch for the muscle/tendon(??) that is on the outside of the bottom part of the leg attaching to the outer part of the ankle.  I don't know what it is called, but, man, it is tight.  It hurts more toward the ankle as opposed to toward the knee (and I use the word hurt very lightly, more of a tightness.).

I feel a little guilty about my day off tomorrow. I feel like I always am skimping on running days, but for me that is definitely the hardest to recover from.

Paula, it would be great to get together!!  I'm trying to convince my husband to do the sprint, so we might even pawn the kids off on gramma and grampa and come by ourselves for the weekend!

2009-04-01 3:53 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Kelly, No wonder you are tired- big difference in training from one month to another.  It sounds like you are talking about the Peroneal muscles in your leg.  The move the ankle outwards (eversion).  Its an odd muscle group to feel tight but maybe you twisted your ankle a little on your sudsy run! It's difficult to describe things so bear with me- Point your foot down like pressing on the gas then turn your toes inward- that should stretch a little.  Sometimes just a good calf stretch with your toes turned in and out helps too.  Hope that helps a little bit.  Tell your hubby he really needs to do the sprint so I dont feel like a schmuck being the only short distance person!  It would be a really nice get away for you guys!  There are a million bed and breakfasts along the lake too.  I would offer my dad's but it is just a little trailer and the sleeping accomodations are not the best.  It will be great to actually get to meet you guys though!

 I just got an email from my gym appologizing for "finding out the way you did that we are closing"  I am not sure what that means- Hopefully they will still be open this morning as I am on my way to swim! I only had 2 months left on my membership and they are trying to find a place that we can go but this is not a good time to loose my pool!!!  Details to follow.  Better be just an april fools joke but I doubt it.


2009-04-01 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2052248

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-03-31 6:30 PM

You know getting time during the day may be the way to go. There are showers here at work so a lunchtime run should keep me in trim.

Showers at work is great. Plus, since you cover ground so quickly, you can get a lot more running miles in during a short lunch than I can

I am teaching the last section of the radiation therapy course that we give to our physics and physician residents. I am doing brachytherapy which is the use of radioactive materials directly for therapy (insertions).

Interesting stuff. One of my brothers had the radioctive seeds for his prostate with very good results.

2009-04-01 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2052412

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-03-31 7:52 PM

I officially signed up for the Mussleman  Sprint - It is a long way off but I wanted to offer my dad's place at the lake for a get together before or after the race if you like.  He is on the west side of Seneca about 20-30 min from Geneva.

That is so cool that you signed up for Musselman! Should be a great time!

OH, on a happy note, I had my fastest 5K time today in a LONG time ( after 30 min of intervals on the trainer)- hope that means good things for my race on sun!

That was an excellent run. I have to tell you, I am jealous that you have a race this weekend. You are gonna rock!


2009-04-01 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2052464

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-03-31 8:19 PM

Hi, guys!!  Julian, glad to hear from you!!  Good luck with the crazy schedule. (BTW, as the musician among scientists here, I feel very privileged to be among such smarty-pants!!)

So, after a month of workouts with exactly one day off, I am officially tired!! Here are my March totals compared to my Feb. totals---crazy!!

March's totals:
Bike:20h 21m 48s  - 128.83 Mi
Run:13h 32m 46s  - 82.62 Mi
Swim:9h 11m  - 21850 Yd

February's totals:
Bike:10h 25m 17s
Run:6h 38m 06s  - 41.5 Mi
Swim:6h 18m  - 16900 Yd

 I was scheduled for a 45 min. easy run today, and squeezed out 36, but it was not pretty.  I had to go super slow to keep my HR in check.  I am taking the day off tomorrow, even though my plan has me scheduled for an hour run.

I think it is a good idea to take a day off. Having difficulty keeping your heart rate in check very likely means that you need the rest. 

I really think that run on Sunday took it out of me!!  I also have a very tight left leg.  I was actually hoping that someone (Paula maybe?) might be able to suggest a stretch for the muscle/tendon(??) that is on the outside of the bottom part of the leg attaching to the outer part of the ankle.  I don't know what it is called, but, man, it is tight.  It hurts more toward the ankle as opposed to toward the knee (and I use the word hurt very lightly, more of a tightness.).

I think you got excellent advice from Paula, and I am going to try stretching like she described as well. I sometimes get some pain in that same area, but only in my right leg. I attribute it to running on roads with a camber. Whenever I can I run in the middle of the road where it is flatter.

I feel a little guilty about my day off tomorrow. I feel like I always am skimping on running days, but for me that is definitely the hardest to recover from.

Don't feel guilty! Rest and recovery are important! Where have I heard that before?


Edited by amschrod 2009-04-01 6:41 PM
2009-04-01 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

So it wasn't a silly April Fools joke, my gym just closed it's doors with no warning. Oddly enough they took money from people yesterday for a year long membership!!  I only had 2 months left and only paid $99 for a year but I am still not happy!  I lost my pool- small as it was, it was still a place to swim.  Of course I still went this morning and it was dark and locked up at 5:30 am.  Well, nothing is open at that time but Walmart so I had to kill a little time before I went to work.    Rumor has it the YMCA will give us 60 days free- that would be the best option for me since they have a pool and a tri club.  I was very upset to not be able to swim today- really needed one more good one before sunday's tri.  I also had a horribly long day at work and ate really crappy!

hope everyone else had a better day!


2009-04-01 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

That sucks about the gym, Paula.  I can't believe they would do that with no notice at all!!  At least if you switch to the Y, you'll have a regular size pool!!  Thanks, too, for the stretches.  I have sprained my left ankle pretty badly twice in my life, and I think it stems from that.  Definitely didn't twist it on my sudsy run!!

I did end up taking the day off today, and I'm glad I did.  I think I will feel much better for tomorrow's training.  Thanks for the wisdom and encouragement, Anthony.

2009-04-02 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2055801

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-04-01 8:32 PM

So it wasn't a silly April Fools joke, my gym just closed it's doors with no warning. Oddly enough they took money from people yesterday for a year long membership!!  I only had 2 months left and only paid $99 for a year but I am still not happy!  I lost my pool- small as it was, it was still a place to swim.  Of course I still went this morning and it was dark and locked up at 5:30 am.  Well, nothing is open at that time but Walmart so I had to kill a little time before I went to work.    Rumor has it the YMCA will give us 60 days free- that would be the best option for me since they have a pool and a tri club.  I was very upset to not be able to swim today- really needed one more good one before sunday's tri.  I also had a horribly long day at work and ate really crappy!

Well, that stinks that they just closed like that. I wouldn't worry about missing one swim workout; you have done some nice swimming the last few weeks, so you will be just fine!


2009-04-03 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2058836

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Hey everyone! Hope you all have a good weekend.

And especially for Paula: Best of luck with your race this weekend. You are going to do great.



2009-04-03 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

THanks for the supportive words- I think I will need them.  I did a brick today and was SLOW going!  I felt so good on tuesday but today killed me.  I rode outside for about 11.5 miles (sun race distance) but the wind was CRAZY hard, then ran 3.1- it was super slow going unlike the other day.  It was certainly humbling if nothing else.  I went to the YMCA today- they are giving people from my gym free time until 5/31- PERFECT!  They have a 4 lane and a 6 lane pool  of normal length too!  It is not the nicest place but F-R-E-E works for me.  If there is time, I hope to swim a little tomorrow morning since I missed one this week.  My family comes in tomorrow for a week.  It will be hectic but should be a good time.

Have a great weekend everyone.  I will give full details of Tri #2 on sunday.


2009-04-04 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Good luck, Paula!!!

2009-04-05 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Just a quick note, I will give full details when I am not so sleepy.
Race went well, it was hot out, I thought I would be a little faster but I still mananged a 3rd in my age group so I will take it!
2009-04-06 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2064354

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Roadtoad22 - 2009-04-05 9:02 PM Just a quick note, I will give full details when I am not so sleepy.
Race went well, it was hot out, I thought I would be a little faster but I still mananged a 3rd in my age group so I will take it!


Third in your age group in only your second race. That is fantastic! Congratulations!

You should be very proud. I am looking forward to hearing more.


2009-04-06 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2056170

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
kcovert1 - 2009-04-01 10:47 PM

I did end up taking the day off today, and I'm glad I did.  I think I will feel much better for tomorrow's training.  Thanks for the wisdom and encouragement, Anthony.

I replied to this post the other day, but it seems to have disappeared after the site upgrade. So, in case you didn't see it: You are very welcome, and I am glad if I can be of some small help. You provide me with lots of encoragement and motivation as well, so thanks!!

2009-04-06 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Congrats, Paula!!  You rock!!
2009-04-06 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hi, guys.

I did a 10-mile run yesterday, and had some, shall we say, GI issues.  I ate a caffeinated gel before I left, than used GU2O for the run, so I'm not sure if it was the drink or the gu.  I'm hoping it was the caffeine in the gu, which makes the most sense, since generally I don't use that much caffeine. Needless to say, I've got to start paying more attention to what might be causing this, because I don't want that to happen on race day!

I have a recovery week, kind of, this week.  Easy during the first half, than a long ride and long run at the end of the week.  It will be nice to go easy for a few days.

Happy training!
2009-04-07 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2066717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

kcovert1 - 2009-04-06 7:53 PM Hi, guys.

I did a 10-mile run yesterday, and had some, shall we say, GI issues.  I ate a caffeinated gel before I left, than used GU2O for the run, so I'm not sure if it was the drink or the gu.  I'm hoping it was the caffeine in the gu, which makes the most sense, since generally I don't use that much caffeine. Needless to say, I've got to start paying more attention to what might be causing this, because I don't want that to happen on race day!

"GI issues" on a run are no fun at all. You are probably right about the caffeine, and you are definitely right about working it out now. You have plenty of time, so I am sure you will find what works best for you. Nice run, BTW!

I have a recovery week, kind of, this week.  Easy during the first half, than a long ride and long run at the end of the week.  It will be nice to go easy for a few days.

Sounds like a fun week. Hopefully this cold and wind will leave us, and we can have nice long rides outside this weekend.


Edited by amschrod 2009-04-07 1:35 PM
2009-04-07 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2068666

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Hey everyone, I looked a little closer at the results from Paula's race on Sunday, and she really had a great race. Her AG was well represented with 19 entrants, plus Women 35-39 is always a competitive age group, and she came in third. That is awesome!! Great job in all 3, plus excellent transitions as well.

Definitely worth one more shout out:


2009-04-08 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL

Another great race Paula, in the upper end of a strong age group is always good

Also I noticed we have been archived with the new site, hey ho I will still post here

2009-04-08 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2071374

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Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
jpjewels - 2009-04-08 1:55 PM

Also I noticed we have been archived with the new site, hey ho I will still post here

Yes, it looks like we are archived now, but I will continue to post here as well.

So Julian, you have the next race, and it is less than 2 weeks away! Have you looked any further into a wetsuit? If you can, try it out before race day, because there is definitely a different feel. I like swimming in a wetsuit, because it  helps my hips float so my body position is better. It almost feels as though I am swimming downhill. BTW, I have a Promotion sleeveless, and I have been very happy with it, plus you can't beat the price. They make a seperate sleeve top that you wear under it, and I got that just for Alcatraz, and it worked pretty well.

2009-04-08 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Wilmington NC
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
Phew,  I thought I lost you guys- couldnt figure out how to post on the archived site- there was no "reply"box  But I logged in and here you are...

Things have been crazy around here with my family in town for the week.  My nutrition, sleep and training have suffered tremendously but it is good to see them.  Thanks for everyone's support and congrats for my last race.  I had a good time and was pleased overall but there is still so much work to be done.  The bike seems to be my weakest link.  Just cant figure out how fast I can go.  The course was pretty technical, lots of turns which I am not the greatest on but I think it will all come together in time.  I was pretty tired on the run but managed to do OK for me.  Next one is May 3rd- first open water swim- and 750 not the 300 pool  that will be interesting.  Wetsuits are legal but I dont have one. Is it really worth it?  Seems like the transition time would be greater than the benefit from the bouancy- any thoughts?  I dont think the water will be too cold- lake is only 9 feet deep but we havent had a warm spring so far to help warm it up.  I know the Seneca will be chilly in july-   Any imput on the subject would be great. What kind do you guys wear- long sleeve etc...? I have a surf wet suit but dont think that would be good.  Being a short, not so slim person, its difficult to find something to fit my girth and not have the crotch down to my knees.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hope everyone's training is going well!
2009-04-08 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1856717

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: Amschrod's Group - FULL
I have a new Quintana Roo full wetsuit that I got for Christmas.  I still haven't gotten it wet.  For the last two seasons I used a Neosport sleeveless (Ebay for about $100) which I really's just too big now. (not such a bad problem, I guess.)  I love swimming in a wetsuit and much prefer it to swimming without.  Of course, I am a southern girl living in upstate NY,  so it's really more because of water temps than anything else.  I WILL NOT swim in cold water without one!!  I do think, though, that I swim faster and more comfortably when I have one on.  Yes, it makes T1 a bit longer, but totally worth it, if you ask me.

For my first tri I borrowed a shorty and even that helped.  Paula, you might try your surfing one in the pool and see how it feels.  It might work for you.  And since you are doing so well and seem like triathlons are going to become a habit, it might be worth the extra bucks just to buy one.  I don't think you would regret it.
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