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2009-02-21 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Got in a 10 mile run Saturday afternoon, legs sure are sore now.

2009-02-21 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Got in a 10 mile run Saturday afternoon, legs sure are sore now.
2009-02-22 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Pam, how's the hip?

How's everyone else?  I feel like crud, my daughter had softball all day yesterday so I had to miss my long ride.  Now I feel really guilty, I know I need to spend the time in the saddle and the weather has been so nice.  I have to find a way to make it up. 

2009-02-22 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1975719

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I just worked 2 consecutive night shifts. I feel so out of it today. These nights really make it hard to jump back into a normal schedule. I'm trying to work up the motivation to work out today, but I don't know if it will happen. I'm off tomorrow and the plan is to swim and run. I'm ready for warm weather so I can finally start riding outdoors! Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
2009-02-22 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Didn't get in my 30 mile bike rode today like I wanted ... it was a little chilly today and my legs were more sore than I thought they would be from yesterday's run ... so instead I just went to the YMCA and worked on the Elliptical Trainer for an hour and six  minutes .... then a good stretch and soak in the jacuzzi.
2009-02-22 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I got in my 30 mile bike ride today. More wind. Lots and lots of wind. Today was one of those days when I was glad my ride was over. Going to the ortho tomorrow. I get to tell him my ankle is still stiff and now my hip hurts like a bad mofo. Should be a fun appointment. sigh

2009-02-23 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1976287

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
good luck at your appointment. hope you hear good news!
2009-02-23 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1976767

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
nicoley81 - 2009-02-23 9:11 AM

good luck at your appointment. hope you hear good news!

Thanks. Ortho said it is a strained hip flexor. Nothing to be done but stretching, massage, ultrasound and time to heal. It could have been so much worse.

2009-02-23 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Good news on the hip flexor (I guess that would qualify as good news vs. what you thought the problem might be....)

Got in 1800 yd swim workout tonight, followed by an hour on the Elliptical .... legs just didn't feel ready for running tonight.

2009-02-24 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
What a day! Started by going to work at 5:15 - 9am, quick strength workout, 1 hour massage on the hip flexor (ahhhhh), 35 mile bike ride complete with a flat that I fixed myself on the side of the road then back to work at 4:15 to teach a class. I am beat!

2009-02-24 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Heya, gang!  Sorry I've been MIA.  Went down hard last week with the flu.  I'm just now resurfacing.  I was completely bummed I had to miss a race that I had been looking forward to for the entire month.  Now it looks like it will be a nice long wait until race season really gets going in May.  I'm not sure if I can hold out that long!

Hope everyone's training is going well!

2009-02-25 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Glas to hear you are back and feeling better, that bug that's been going around is really a nasty one.
2009-02-25 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: Got in 5.51 Miles of Running
Got in a total of 5.51 miles running this evening - 4.26 outside and then 1.25 miles inside the YMCA on the treadmill.
2009-02-26 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: Got Body Measurements Done Today

Didn't get in a workout tonight, instead was at Meredith College in Raleigh having my Resting Metabolic Rate measured, bodyfat% measured hydrostatically, and having a swim analysis and video taping.

My RMR is about 2100 calories per 24 hr period, so the lab told me I should eat at least 2100 calories a day just to keep my body functioning at optimum levels and that if I went below this that it would acutally cause my metabolism to slow down.

My BF% was 22% with calipers and 21% measured hydrostatically.

They set my goal at 15% and my personal goal was 10%.  At 10% I would weigh 218 lbs, so my listed goal weight of 215 lbs. was right on target.

They had a scale that listed BF% as Excellent, Good, Moderate, Overweight, and Severaly Overweight.  I fell into the Moderate range, which isn't too bad considering that I still weigh 251 lbs.  It was a lot better than what my BMI number says, which is Severly Obese.

I knew that wasn't the case because I knew I had more muscle mass then the average person ... but I still have a way to go.  This broke down to 196 lbs. of lean mass and 56 lbs. of fat.

My swim analysis showed that I have a pretty good recovery and catch, good high elbows and everything and that I have good hip rotation ... but when I pull I tend to keep my arms out too wide .. that I need to pull more down my center line ... I need to kick smaller, keep feet closer together, and more consistantly ... I seem to stop kicking when I roll onto my left side to catch with my right arm.

Also my hips are sinking too much, need to work on leveling those out.  Was told doing lots of kick drills with fins would help me a lot ...  once they edit out the dead spots they will burn it to DVD and send me a copy.  Once I get it I'll post the video for others to critique as well.

Edited by klowman 2009-02-26 8:39 PM
2009-02-27 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Sounds like a very productive day, Kevin. I wish we had something like that around here (at an affordable price).

Weather forecasters are calling for lots of rain this weekend in these here parts. Me and my trainer are gonna be friends again I guess.

What plans do y'all have for the weekend?
2009-02-27 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1985454

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
we're supposed to get rain here too. i was able to enjoy the weather and run outside yesterday. today ran 5.25 miles and took an hour long body pump class. does anyone else have a class like this at their gym? i can only take it once a week, but it's a great workout and i'm definitely still feeling it 3 days later! hoping to get in a swim workout and time on the trainer this weekend as well. hope everyone has a nice weekend.

2009-02-27 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1985454

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-02-27 10:29 AM Sounds like a very productive day, Kevin. I wish we had something like that around here (at an affordable price). Weather forecasters are calling for lots of rain this weekend in these here parts. Me and my trainer are gonna be friends again I guess. What plans do y'all have for the weekend?

After one fluke day of beautiful weather we're back to the end of winter doldrums.  Rain/snow today and cold the rest of the weekend.  I'm thinking treadmill tonight, trainer tomorrow and pool on Sunday.  I finally feel almost 100% back to normal so I'm really looking forward to some quality training hours.

2009-02-27 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1985454

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-02-27 10:29 AM Sounds like a very productive day, Kevin. I wish we had something like that around here (at an affordable price). Weather forecasters are calling for lots of rain this weekend in these here parts. Me and my trainer are gonna be friends again I guess. What plans do y'all have for the weekend?

I was wanting to get in lots of biking but it is raining here as well ... probably just some running and swimming.

About the hydrostatic and RMR testing ... you can Google "body fat and hydrostatic" and also your city and state and you may find a place nearby.  Another good way is to search all the nearby colleges and universities.  Most that have some sort of Sports or Health Science major program will have these sort of testing labs.

That is how I found out about Meredith College in Raleigh, and luckily the professors there are also triathletes.

I bought the package of hydrostatic and caliper BF testing and RMR testing for $85.  Just to do BF% with hydrostatic is $30.  The underwater swim video taping was another $85.  I know Raleigh is a long drive for you, but if there is absolutely nothing else close around ... it is only $30 or $85 for the whole package ... plus they are triathletes as well and love to answer your training questions.

The one lady, Chris Newport, actually talked to me right there at the pool after the taping and gave me some pointers and told me some things I was doing wrong, and what drills I needed to work on and then even had me practice a couple of the drills a few times while she watched me and corrected my form.  It was very nice and should really help a lot.  I asked her and she said she swims about 1:20 per 100 meters ... and the guy, Chris Eshbach I think swims just under a minute per 100 meters.

Chris Eschback has even been to Kona 4 times.

If you want, I can email them and ask them if they know of any colleges or testing labs near where you live, that's Greenville, SC correct?

Here is the link to their webpage:


Edited by klowman 2009-02-27 8:48 PM
2009-02-27 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Very cool, Kevin. Yes. I am in Greenville, SC. And I don't mind driving to say Clemson or even Columbia. Raleigh is a furr piece for me. i need something that I could drive to, have the stuff done, and make it home during school hours.

ANy e-mailing you could do would be much appreciated.
2009-03-01 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
It's snowing here! Yay! Excitement.

2009-03-02 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1989964

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-03-01 6:21 PM It's snowing here! Yay! Excitement.


Lots of snow here in Kernersville, NC as well - got about 6 inches here in the Triad area.  Work was closed today so got a free day off from work ... won't be getting much running or biking in today, that is unless the YMCA is open later.

Then maybe I can get in a treadmill run or something, but it is pretty outside.  Took some pocs earlier, might try to post some of them.

2009-03-02 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: Snow Pics!!

Here are some pics from out of my front and back door.  Too cold to actually go outside right now!










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2009-03-02 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1991357

New user
Subject: RE: Snow Pics!!
those pics are great! we got about 6 inches here too. i'm headed to the gym for a swim. i'm hoping the snow will keep most people away.
2009-03-02 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Lucky us!  We missed all that snow!  Instead it's just really cold.  Only 25* today.  I am so ready for winter to be over.  It looks like it might warm up enough in the middle of the week to get outside for a bike ride.  Until then it's the trainer and the treadmill.
2009-03-03 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I have always loved the Winter.......However, now that I am training for tri's I am really becoming more of a Spring/Summer person.  I am sick of all the cold, it keeps me from riding my bike.
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