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2010-03-30 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I had a great run on Sunday. Sunday afternoon, my right knee was feeling really stiff. It felt like a knot that wouldn't go away. I massaged it and took ibuprofen before going to bed. It felt ok until Monday afternoon but went away an hour later.

I felt the stiffness before I swam this morning and more later after my workout. Its like knot on from the middle of the knee to the outside. I wrapped it today and it felt better with it on. I took a light jog this evening around the house and it felt ok.

I went to my 6:30p running tonight and the first few steps felt fine on the flat surface, then it was downhill. My knee started hurting and hurt with each step. I turned back a quarter mile into my training run.

I think it might be my ITB. I have 4 weeks until my race. I have an appt setup for Thursday morning.

I just hope she doesn't say I can't run my race. How long does ITB issues take to heal?


2010-03-30 7:26 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-30 7:44 PM
in reply to: #2759007

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hey Sharyn...medium knot like my knees are not locking in place like a normal working knee should. I pland to ice it tonight, massage it a little and take some ibuprofen.

2010-03-30 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-30 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Ooh, Poop, Lovey It stinks to be injured this close to our events. My ankle and knee and neck and elbow that I hurt falling are all healing remarkably well. May I suggest, keep icing, take 6000 mg of MSM a day for the next 10 days at least, eat some fresh pineapple, get a massage and REST for a bit. Also, limit the bread and sugar as they are inflammation producing. That's what I am doing and it seems to be working well. But typically, all strains and sprains take about 6 weeks to heal completely. Personally, I'm gonna run through the pain but be extra careful of my form.

About the 5 fingers....they definitely need to be worn such that you build up to running a lot in them. Just wearing them all day is enough for now and I feel it in strange places. My toes are very weak. I must not have been toeing off at all when walking and running. I'll get there, but I'm taking it slow. I figure you build up to barefoot running in tiny increments. They are comfortable once you get them on. I ordered the socks to go with them because it is still pretty cold here and the shoes are not the warmest things. They will be great once it gets real hot though.

I doubt I'll get another run in tomorrow as I have a massage tomorrow and don't want to undo that. So, My total for the month is 52 run miles. That's not the 60+ I wanted, but it is double what I ran in February, so I'm okay with it.

I did the 100 pushup challenge twice. I did them girl-style and in sets of 15 and then the last 10. I figured I'd let myself take 10 second breaks between sets because I let myself have walk breaks during the run and that works for me. Maybe eventually I'll do them without breaks.
2010-03-30 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
"May I suggest, keep icing, take 6000 mg of MSM a day for the next 10 days at least, eat some fresh pineapple, get a massage and REST for a bit. Also, limit the bread and sugar as they are inflammation producing. "

Now you tell me after I just ate 1.5 homemade snickerdoodles!

dumb question: what's MSM and what does it do?

I was planning on going to Vitamin World or GNC tomorrow to get some glucosamine and chondroitin. I've never taken them but after people, including doctors, recommended them, I decided to give them a try.


2010-03-31 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-03-31 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-04-01 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2600896

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Holy Crap Sharon!  12.5 miles in 31 minutes.  You are Lance!  I am slow on the bike.  My fastest documented time is 16.1 mph. 

It is funny how little things derail our workouts.

I am taking next week off work and spending a few days in Chicago with my 18 year old daughter.  I haven't had a vacation in 2 years.  I am so looking forward to time off from work.  Unfortunately, I feel like I could work day and night to get to next week.  I have 3 huge projects that have to be done and I have Easter at my house.  I have fit my trainer workouts in because I pre-pay for them and am too cheap to skip and waste that money.  My running partner is out of town so I've been really bad and haven't run since Saturday.  I am hoping to run tonight.  I have a 5k on Saturday.  My trainer challenged me last night to do sub 30 and I negotiated up to try for sub 31. 

My computer is infected or something too.  I spent all night on tech support and then they transferred me to software support who wanted $200 to help me.  For that money, I'll take it to a U.S. store and speak with someone I can understand.  The hardware guy, who was on the phone with me for an hour was very polite but the woman they transferred me to was harsh and just wanted me to give her money.  Gotta love DELL tech support.  Nothing got fixed, I wasted my evening. 

Edited by jogo 2010-04-01 6:24 AM
2010-04-01 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
pffffft on Dell.

Today is my oldest child's 8th birthday. (sigh)

Cupcakes decorated; Mike is coming home after he goes to have lunch with Abs and take in the cupcakes- so I can run. 4 miler scheduled today, and it is so gorgeous out!

Jo, forget the run partner, you can NOT lose this weather! Get out there today, it will be good stress relief for you.
Please tell me you are not going to the AWFUL trainer, this is a different one but same place?

Sharon, good job fitting a workout in yesterday. This is one of those weeks where I just want to hit my 3 scheduled runs. Anything else is bonus. Yesterday was spent doing laundry, baking cupcakes, cleaning up after the party, and trying to get 2 kids to nap (which they eventually did, at opposite times).

It's APRIL! Today starts our bike challenge! Remember, you can do:
half century (50 miles cumulative)
Century (100 miles cumulative)
Double Century (200 miles cumulative)

For you spinners, see Lovey's earlier post- use the same guidelines for mileage that we used in the Feb IM challenge.

I will post our results from our March challenge (individual and group) in the next few days- gives some people time to catch up on training logs.

Sharon, most of us post here a few times a week- so don't freak if you come here several times a day and it seems quiet. We're just not a daily group.

FINALLY- APRIL- watch the forum titles, they should be starting up a new round of mentor groups. We'll get moved to the archives, and I will keep this one going until December 2010. HOWEVER< if you need something different- a more intense group, or more competition, or a different focus, or just want to change it up- feel free to move mentor groups. No one will be upset!

ps- phoenix- i had some stray skittles as I was decorating cupcakes and now I am chugging water to get it out of my system, it's killing my head. So- that is my update on the sugar avoidance nutrition plan. I feel so much better when I am avoiding it!
2010-04-01 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2600896

Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey, MSM is a natural substance found in fruits and vegetables that works like a natural anti-inflammatory. It stands for methylsulfonylmethane and you would have to eat bushels of veggies to get the therapeutic dose which is 6000mg a day. I love the stuff and seldom have to take it more than a couple days to fix whatever I broke. It is safe and does not hurt the digestive system or liver and does not interact badly with any meds except blood thinners. Don't take MSM if you are on coumadin. (and if you are, then you are likely NOT a runner and are heading into the realm of medicare). Even if you have a sulfur allergy, you can take the stuff.

Anne--I ate toast today (forgive me mother for I have sinned).

I may not make my triathlon in June. It is the next morning after my brother's wedding 4.5 hours away and it dawned on me that we might not feel like driving after a celebration (I haven't been drunk since I was 18, but nothing keeping hubby from having a few and I wouldn't want him to drive, and I might not feel like it that late either.....sigh...) Inner dilemma....

2010-04-01 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2761999

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Edited by Sharyn5 2010-04-01 10:15 AM
2010-04-01 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2762356

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2010-04-01 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I saw my ortho and PT this morning.

My ortho said:
1. there is no tear or mechanical issues
2. pain behind the kneecap was due to overuse making downhill and downstairs a little painful. It a nuisance pain that occurs often in runners.
3. I can still run but take advil an hour before my run
4. ice after each run
5. start taking 1500 mg daily of glucosamine
6. shorten my run if need be at least for a week.
7. go see a PT for specific exercises

* no real opinion on MSM but it can't hurt.

The PT said that with the longer distance, I put more strain on my muscles because thay are exceptionally tight. I couldn't even bend my egs the way she wanted me too. She gave me some exercises to do. She suggested that I go to my run early, warmup and stretch before I run with the group and then TAKE the time to REALLY stretch.

I have a 5 miler tonight and 10 miles on Saturday. I will see how it goes. If I need to cut it short, I will. Two groups run tonight so I will run with the one that has the least challenging (read not hilly) route.

2010-04-01 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-04-01 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

SO happy to hear it was not an IT band issue. Those can be a long recovery. Sounds like your doctor put you on the right track to heal. I hope your 5 miler goes well tonight- good choice going for the not hilly route!

GORGEOUS weather here, managed to fit in 4 miler when both kids finally napped and the husband took the afternoon off. Not used to the heat!!!! Normally it is rainy, cold, and gray on my daughter's birthday.

Off now to make all her favorites for dinner and family time.

2010-04-02 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-04-02 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2765653

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Hey Sharon, enjoy your vacation!!  I am on vacation for a whole week for the 1st time since my oldest daughter's wedding June 2 years ago.  I'm going to Chicago for Monday-Thursday with my 18 year old.  SHOPPING!!!!!! PLAYS!!!!!! FOOD!!!!!! Not necessarily in that order.

It is not bad to take days off and listen to your body.  Just try to limit those off days to no more than a stretch of 4 in a row unless you are sick.  4 is a generous number but our muscles have memory fibers so we really don't start losing fitness for 5 days, some will even say a week.  Take what you need to rest and then restart slowly.  Don't try to make up missed workouts.  That will set you up for crashing because you are overtraining. 

Enjoy the sleepover.  My kids are all adults (in age, not necessarily in actions). I miss making their friends chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast after a sleepover (my specialty and all the kids came to expect them).  Happy Easter!!

2010-04-02 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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2010-04-03 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Sharyn, it's a long month. You have plenty of time.

Phoenix- arrrrrgh- easter candy! My mother brought 2 dark chocolate opera cream eggs that I can only get in my hometown (Cincinnati) and said, "These are worth a migraine." I am so ill.....

Hosting dinner tomorrow. Off to put kids to bed and then make up easter baskets and stuff plastic eggs for 2 easter egg hunts. Wish me luck. Tomorrow is a SCHEDULED day off.

Sharyn, hope you rested up.

Everyone else- I promise I will post last month's totals soon.
2010-04-03 10:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I did a 5k today.  It was a nice course, a little asphalt, a little trail, a little road.  It was almost a PR for me, 4 seconds higher.  Oh well.  It was beautiful.  Put on by a church group, about  200 people.  I took 13th of 25 in the 40-49 year olds.  MOP is okay with me. 

I have to tell you all how silly my computer issue was.  After 6 hours on the phone with techs who barely spoke English.  I got a very nice young man from India who asked me to check the date on my computer.  It had changed to June 6, 2075.  He had me fix the date and that solved everything.  It took all of 10 minutes on the phone with the "senior tech" to figure out what his flunkies couldn't.  I told him he needs to share that trick with his coworkers.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.  I just finished baskets (for my 18, 20, 21 and his wife and 26 year old).  The baskets  for the 18 and 20 year old are well hidden because they are both out so I had access to the whole house.  It will take them forever to find them in the morning.  I love that they still want me to do that (at least the 20 year old does, the 18 year old is waiting for the day that I let her have instant gratification).

2010-04-05 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Happy Monday!

After a full week of birthday stuff, then family, and Easter, I'm exhausted. Today we are doing NOTHING as I try to get the house back in order. And play outside. Have to do that! We leave Wednesday afternoon for Pokagon State Park in Indiana for a much needed 3 day vacation. A perfect example of vacation on the cheap- buy one night, get one free. My oldest is on Spring break this week.

RUN TOTALS for the March Challenge:
Congratulations, Everyone! Individual run totals:

anne 39.39
enkidu 26.54
Jo 50.16
kziemer 23.94
Lovey 63.08
movingsouth 7.85
phoenix 52.0
run2pray 12.35
scubagrl 32.67

group total: 307.98 miles!

we smashed our 200 mile goal. GREAT JOB!

This month a lot of us are closing in on races. Getting excited! I'll post our updates next week after our first full week into the April challenge- remember, this month we're bike focused for the challenge. Half century, Century, or Double Century challenge. I'm riding today- hoping it can be outside, but considering I have 3 kids to juggle, I'll probably hit the trainer for half an hour or so. Everyone have a good Monday!

Jo- congrats on your 5k this weekend!
2010-04-05 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Edited by Sharyn5 2010-04-05 4:15 PM
2010-04-05 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
My Easter weekend was great.

7 am -9 mile run (no knee pain)
10am - lacrosse practice
12:30 - martial arts practice
2:00p - martial arts belt testing
Then off to shopat Walmart and then home to cook dinner for us and our 3 guests. My son and my friends son decided to play treadmill bowling until he fell face down on the treadmill and bruised his face. They were told to leave it alone but kids seem to thik they know better. Thankfully, he wasn't seriuosly hurt even though he said his life flashed before his eyes.

7am - slept thru sunrise service
10:45 - church with all the once a year patrons
1:00p - Easter egg hunt
We got home around three, I prep the meat, then did 2 hours of yard work, then cooked some brown stew chicken, Kale and Rice an Peas. we caribbeam folks must have our rice and peas.

my yard is starting to look good.

2010-04-05 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2600896

Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey- that sounds so good!!!!

I haven't had proper rice and peas since December 1995. I spent a week in the Bahamas with a boy, and we avoided anything touristy.....ah, memories.

18 minute ride today, told myself, as the baby screamed, to just make it to 5 miles. By the time she was really screaming, I was flying on the trainer, just trying to get to 5 miles. SIGH.

Off to bed.....vacation for me starts Wednesday!!!!!!
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