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2010-06-05 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2902358

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey Robin
It is raining here in the Akron area also.  My take on the rest is to rest when you can.  I am finding that 5 - 7 days of working out each week is a little too much and when I get some rest I do much better when I get back to it.  I guess I have decided not to sweat the small stuff and take advantage of a rainy day to catch up, slow down and throw the schedule out.  I realized this when one day this past week I came home form work and Kelly, Jake and myself just decided to dilly dally around (eat @ Bob Evans, go to Lowes, sit on the deck, watch a little TV, play with Jake, etc).  I was starting to forget what that was like and it felt great.
Hope this helps.
By the way when you used the Volt for the first time did your legs tire at first?  I am not sure if it was because I started out too fast or because of the wetsuit.

2010-06-05 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
yeah.  I tried to do my long run (60-70 min) on the dreadmill today and could only do a 5k.  Now I'm flu-achy.  You didn't give me the flu germs over the thread, did you??? Wink

The first time I used the volt it was sooooooooooo cold all I could do was make sure my arms were still moving.  My legs were nice and warm and I didn't want to disturb them by kicking.  The second time they felt fine.  I don't think I use my legs much while doing an OWS.  I'm sure you tried this already, but make sure to have the suit pulled up as far as it can go by the crotch/family jewels (whatever you call them).  That will give your legs more movement.  Also, use some glide behind your knees to prevent chafing. 

Hope it helps.  I'm going to cover up under lots of blankies and pass out.
2010-06-07 12:30 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Robyn and Tom, Hope you guys are feeling better! 

Ok so I totally lounged around Saturday, hung out with the family and some friends and went to bed early instead of doing the elliptical or crunches or anything.  Woke up way refreshed on Sunday and hung out with my kid watching movies and coloring.  When the husband got home I decided it had cooled off enough to run and that I better go since I haven't run since last Monday.

I took a little bit different route and it added another 1/4 mile for a total of 3.75 miles.  Farthest I've ever gone!  Time was slower than I expected, I really didn't think I was that pokey but the watch doesn't lie time I'll have to move a little faster.  I am happy though that I ran 1.5 miles straight at the end of the run no less!  That's the longest run interval I've ever done outside (and I had more gas in the tank to keep going, but I was at my house, it was the end of the run!). 

I'm starting to get a handle on the mental aspect of the running.  That's prolly my biggest obstacle.  I don't think I can, so I don't.  Well, I'm starting to KNOW I can and its making each run better and better.  I kind of even think I could run the whole distance since my walking breaks are never more than a minute, usually less.  I think I like to know though that I can walk and mentally "breathe". 

It was like runner Sunday in my neighborhood tonite, everyone it seemed was out and running and I was the slowest one!  I try not to let it bother me but it kinda does.  I have a question this stage in my little running adventure I am trying to go longer intervals without walking rather than shorter runs with more walk breaks....however, when I run for longer periods with less walking vs shorter runs with more walks, the latter is sometimes faster.  Should I keep on focusing on going the distance and the speed will come eventually or should I walk more so the runs in between are faster?  I'm kinda leaning towards building up and going the distance because I feel like the speed will come as I get comfortable and more fit, plus I still have so much extra weight I feel like just losing weight should help the speed. 

I'm really starting to kind of, a little teensy bit, enjoy this running thing.  When I was in Havasu, I was actually sorry I didn't bring my shoes, because the weather was beautiful at night and I totally could have ran.

Have a good week!
2010-06-07 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Happy Monday all!

Tom: Make sure you pull the wetsuit all the way up, I mean really get that thing up into your crotch/and or shoulders.  I bet your legs felt constrained because it wasn't up all the way.  Happened to me the 1st time in my suit, in the shoulders too.  The next time I took my time and really focused on getting it on properly and had no problems. If I were you, I would wear the wetsuit in your sprint, for nothing more than to practice with it during transition, it will also make you faster. B2B sounds like an amazing event, however Augusta is an Ironman branded event.  I don't think you can go wrong either way, nice prediciment to be in.  Congrats on pulling the trgger on the 70.3.  Enjoy the, "Oh $hit, what did I just do" feeling you get right after you hit submit on the registration form.  I love that feeling! 

Robin, I've gotten sick twice the week before races, I took the extra time to rest, forced myself to rest, and went into the race feeling great and having good races.  Hang in there, rest up and I'm sure you'll be fine for this weekend.

Ronda: You definitly earned your Mudsharks!  I hope you enjoyed it, now back to work!   Can I tell you I used to hate running, i mean really HATED it!  I used to only run after lifting, for 20min max and it was the worst part of my day.  I would usually blow it off.  I realized I needed to run more for weight maitnance and if I wanted to do this whole triathalon thing.  I red an article on this guy David Goggins (look him up, he's amazing)  and he says, "Running is running, it hurts, but that's all it does. the most difficult part of training is training your mind.  You build callusus on your feet to endure the road.  You build calluses on your mind to endure the pain.  There is only one way to do that, you have to get out and run."  Changed my life.....  

Try this your next run.  leave the watch at home, go run.  Run as slow as you need to to be able to maintain a conversational pace.  Run the whole time.  Run for time not distance.  If you start getting winded or feel you are running out of juice, run slower.  just run, smile while you are running, relax and try to enjoy it.  Running is so much more enjoyable when you can block out pace, distance, time, or any of the factors that can stress you out.  Give it a shot.    

Bike Month for me continues.  I went out on a 50 miler on Saturday afternoon, not going to lie, the last 10 miles sucked.  Made me realize why June is bike month.  I'm going to do the same route this weekend, maybe try to get anextra 10 out.  

Outside of Robin and Tom resting to shake the flu, Ronda running, what is everyone else up to this week?  My goal is once again to complete every workout on my plan, that means a 9.5hr week, and I'm shot from last week...  Fun Fun Fun!  

2010-06-07 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2904886

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

what is everyone else up to this week?

Hey guys, been pretty busy lately with end of the year school stuff for me and the kids, end of softball, etc, etc, etc.

I have been focusing on my running lately, trying to get some consistency going there.  I feel like it is going well so far, no injuries yet, I seem to get hurt pretty easy with my running.  Overall just trying to ramp up my training for my next races in late June and July.

I am sure those of you living in humid locales will call me weak, but it was 50% humidity this morning on my run and it was horrendous.  The reason I live in the SoCal desert is so that I do not have to deal with humidity, that and bugs.  I salute those of you who have humidity all the time. 
2010-06-07 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone.  I had a good weekend by surprising my wife and taking the family on a little weekend get-away to Portland (God bless Priceline!).  I originally was going to do a duathlon on Saturday, but my wife has had a horrendous time at work the past few weeks and I figure giving her some r & r is a good thing, especially because baby #2 is due in 2.5 months.

Because of that, I wasn't able to get in all my biking miles last week.  But it was my first time not meeting my weekly workout quota in 16 weeks, so whatever! I tried really hard to keep my diet on track while on our get away, but eating out every meal is very tough!  I ended up eating on the road at Taco Bell Friday night, eating nachos for lunch on Saturday, eating at a frozen yogurt place Saturday night, and eating 3 slices of pizza on Sunday.  But all the other meals were 'healthy' out to eat foods, so that's not bad.  And I think spiking the calories can be helpful some times, because I've lost 3 lbs since Friday morning's weigh in!  (Thought we did walk about 5 miles in downtown Portland, plus I got in 30 mins on the elliptical and 40 mins on the treadmill at the hotel this weekend.)

Anyways, this is my last week before my taper.  And I'm really excited about my A (and first tri) race in 3 weeks!

I'm thinking of signing up for another Oly tri in mid July and then a half marathon in the beginning of August so that I keep on track up until when my daughter is born.  Advise: do you guys think I can do a half marathon in early August?  My longest run to date is 8 miles.

Hope you guys are all kicking in your training and having a good start to the week!

Edited by n.k 2010-06-07 1:14 PM

2010-06-07 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2905712

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
n.k - 2010-06-07 2:12 PM Advise: do you guys think I can do a half marathon in early August?  My longest run to date is 8 miles.

YES! I've heard, and beleive if you can run 8 you can run 13. I would give yourself a plan though to increase milage wisely. I think I can help, what is the date of the Oly and the 1/2 marry? 

Edited by mchubri` 2010-06-07 2:23 PM
2010-06-07 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2905987

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Thanks Brian!

I'm finishing my 2x balanced 16 week program (with three extra weeks added to the front) in time for my first triathlon.  Not sure what I'm going to do training plan wise after that.

Olympic Pacific Crest Tri: June 27th
Olympic Deschutes Dash Tri: July 17th
Haulin' Aspen Half Marathon: August 8th
2010-06-07 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
hello team!!

I am finally back.  I was travelling for the last 2 weeks in Guatemala and got hit by an erupting volcano spewing ashes all over the city, tropical storm agatha and a huge sink hole (seriously, you can google it!!!)

training was a mess, I tried a couple of times, but work just got in the way

I am back though, went to my master swim tonight and we have switched to a 50 yd pool outside and the extra yardage and lack of training seriously hit me, it was tough.  It did feel good to be back

Will be missing out on my next sprint because of unexpected travel, so I am trying to stay positive and keep up with my training

glad to see everyone is all right and ramping up on their training.

question, i developped some slight pain in the back of my knee, any thoughts?  i am pretty sure it was the bike fit, i tried raising the seat a little bit.

take care
2010-06-08 1:59 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Gerado, wow that's one crazy trip you took!
@ Brian, thanks for the advice, tomorrow I'm going to try just running with no watch or plan.  Can I look up my miles after I get back or does that take away the run to just run idea?

Today I had to go to war at the pool with a lane mate.  He was such a a-hole I tried to pee on him.Innocent  I'm a bad person, I know but he soooo deserved it. 

My penance was to go back and swim another 2000 on top of the earlier 4000. 


2010-06-08 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2907390

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Swimfreak17 - 2010-06-08 2:59 AM @ Gerado, wow that's one crazy trip you took!
@ Brian, thanks for the advice, tomorrow I'm going to try just running with no watch or plan.  Can I look up my miles after I get back or does that take away the run to just run idea?

Today I had to go to war at the pool with a lane mate.  He was such a a-hole I tried to pee on him.Innocent  I'm a bad person, I know but he soooo deserved it. 

My penance was to go back and swim another 2000 on top of the earlier 4000. 


You need to elaborate on this story... Please!

You can absolutely look up the miles! 

Edited by mchubri` 2010-06-08 1:50 PM

2010-06-08 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2908294

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
mchubri` - 2010-06-08 9:43 AM

You need to elaborate on this story... Please!

I read it in her logs and it is really, really funny!
2010-06-08 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I just realized that I haven't posted in a bit!!!  It's been a CRAZY couple of weeks!!!!  It all started a couple of Saturday's ago when I got the bright idea that I was going to swim 1500 meters no matter how long it took an hour and 13 minutes.  Then it took me almost a week to be able to move my neck!!!  No neck movement = no swim and no bike!!!  Bum Leg = No running!!! Duh...I have to figure this stuff out!!!

Finally got the neck moving again (thanks to Ron...the guy at the massage place!) and then a gland/lymph node...something in the front of my neck was so swollen I lost my jaw was strange!  Two more days off trying to get better.  I think it was just a sinus thing...who knows!  

I am feeling better now and I even did my first run in a while yesterday!!!  I felt so good.  I just did the Couch to 5K week 4 with my group, but I so wanted to just take off and keep running!!!  I have missed it so badly.  I have a LOT to do to catch up with my training!!!  

 On another note, I volunteered at a Triathlon on Sunday.  This was the first triathlon I've seen and boy was it scary!!!!  Just looking at the water made my heart pound!!!  I was also directing the end of the bike ride to get people to slow and dismount.  One of the "elite" guys tried to do the fancy ride on one pedal for the last few yards for easy dismount...and something didn't go right!  I watched a VERY expensive Cervelo with HED tires fly through the air one way and the rider fly the other way!!!  It was horrible!  Compound that with how rude the spectators were to me and some of the athletes...I don't think I'll ever volunteer again!  As for the triathlon....I am now scared out of my mind...but I still plan to do it!!!!

I've decided to make my training goals a little more realistic and started one of the Sprint Training plans today...if I do more good, but I need to concentrate on getting ready for September!!!   
2010-06-08 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2905712

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
n.k - 2010-06-07 2:12 PM  Advise: do you guys think I can do a half marathon in early August?  My longest run to date is 8 miles.

Check out Hal Hidgon's can start at the 8 mile Sunday and work from there.  I think you would definitely be ready!!
2010-06-08 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

@ Brian...I don't normally resort to peeing on people when they upset me but boy did this guy have it coming...he actually knocked my googles off at one point.  It was very satisfying in a gross way.

@ Crissy...when you swam did you let your head relax and hang naturally or do you look ahead to the wall when you swim?  Sometimes if you are looking too far ahead it can cause neck pain.  Some people say to try and look at your toes when you swim to keep your head down but that's too far to the other extreme for me...I think if you just let your head kinda relax into place its more natural...leaves me looking at the bottom of the pool and forward a couple of feet.

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday, I rode my horse, I'm headed out the door to taekwondo, and hopefully I'll have enough energy left after class to go out and run a upper arms and shoulders are a little pissed at me for the extra swim.


2010-06-08 11:07 PM
in reply to: #2909788

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Swimfreak17 - 2010-06-08 9:59 PM

@ Brian...I don't normally resort to peeing on people when they upset me but boy did this guy have it coming...he actually knocked my googles off at one point.  It was very satisfying in a gross way.

@ Crissy...when you swam did you let your head relax and hang naturally or do you look ahead to the wall when you swim?  Sometimes if you are looking too far ahead it can cause neck pain.  Some people say to try and look at your toes when you swim to keep your head down but that's too far to the other extreme for me...I think if you just let your head kinda relax into place its more natural...leaves me looking at the bottom of the pool and forward a couple of feet.

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday, I rode my horse, I'm headed out the door to taekwondo, and hopefully I'll have enough energy left after class to go out and run a upper arms and shoulders are a little pissed at me for the extra swim.



2010-06-08 11:11 PM
in reply to: #2909703

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
crisi13 - 2010-06-08 9:12 PM I just realized that I haven't posted in a bit!!!  It's been a CRAZY couple of weeks!!!!  It all started a couple of Saturday's ago when I got the bright idea that I was going to swim 1500 meters no matter how long it took an hour and 13 minutes.  Then it took me almost a week to be able to move my neck!!!  No neck movement = no swim and no bike!!!  Bum Leg = No running!!! Duh...I have to figure this stuff out!!!

Finally got the neck moving again (thanks to Ron...the guy at the massage place!) and then a gland/lymph node...something in the front of my neck was so swollen I lost my jaw was strange!  Two more days off trying to get better.  I think it was just a sinus thing...who knows!  

I am feeling better now and I even did my first run in a while yesterday!!!  I felt so good.  I just did the Couch to 5K week 4 with my group, but I so wanted to just take off and keep running!!!  I have missed it so badly.  I have a LOT to do to catch up with my training!!!  

 On another note, I volunteered at a Triathlon on Sunday.  This was the first triathlon I've seen and boy was it scary!!!!  Just looking at the water made my heart pound!!!  I was also directing the end of the bike ride to get people to slow and dismount.  One of the "elite" guys tried to do the fancy ride on one pedal for the last few yards for easy dismount...and something didn't go right!  I watched a VERY expensive Cervelo with HED tires fly through the air one way and the rider fly the other way!!!  It was horrible!  Compound that with how rude the spectators were to me and some of the athletes...I don't think I'll ever volunteer again!  As for the triathlon....I am now scared out of my mind...but I still plan to do it!!!!

I've decided to make my training goals a little more realistic and started one of the Sprint Training plans today...if I do more good, but I need to concentrate on getting ready for September!!!   

Chrissy, Glad to hear you are feeling better and even more happy to hear you are running again! 

I can't beleive athletes and spectators were rude, what were they saying?  No matter how winded I am, I say thank you to every vol I encounter on the course.  It is courtesy!  Crazy story about the Cervelo guy, was he ok?

What Sprint plan did you pick up?  Was it one here from BT?  I registered my brother for his 1st Sprint today and I need to get him on a plan.  He doesn't have access to a pool, so I need to figure out how to get him in the water. 
2010-06-09 12:27 AM
in reply to: #2909948

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
mchubri` - 2010-06-08 11:07 PM upper arms and shoulders are a little pissed at me for the extra swim.



Caught that huh?  Wink  I keep posting about peeing in my logs too...I need to get my mind out of the toilet!

Lesson learned tonite...running after taekwondo kinda sucks.

Edited by Swimfreak17 2010-06-09 12:29 AM
2010-06-09 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@Brian- Once I got to the race site Sunday morning, my first task was handing out chips.  The lady in charge was very strict on how we handed out chips.  She would not accept body marking (since she'd seen a lot of them messed up in the past) so she required the athlete to have their bib, helmet tag or bike tag with them to pick up their chip.  There were A LOT of athletes that got really pissed that they had to go back to get one of those items when they already had the numbers on their body.  I saw both sides of the coin, but there was no reason for them to get mad at me about it!  *Side Note: one thing I did learn was to get there and get your chip early.  We opened at 6, the race started at 8, I had people showing up at 750 to get their chip and getting mad about having to go get the required info and saying I was going to make them miss the start.  Seriously...I didn't wait until the last minute to give them their chip.  Whatever...

After the chip table, I was assigned to work the end of the bike course.  The setup for it was HORRIBLE, but again I'm just a volunteer...I didn't design the course.  About 6-7 feet before the actual dismount line, they had cones set up in an S-pattern and it was narrow.  This was designed to slow riders down before they had to dismount.  The spectators were screaming at me about the course set up.  It turned into a total disaster and at one point I had spectators out moving cones around.  Then I had spectators screaming at cyclists to "Slow Down...Dismount ahead" well what do you think the cyclist heard?  That's right, then I had cyclists coming to abrupt stops to dismount 6 feet or more before the actual dismount line.  Needless to say...I WILL NEVER VOLUNTEER AGAIN!!!!!  And I will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS go out of my way to be VERY VERY VERY nice to the volunteers!!!!!

As for Cervelo guy, I haven't heard yet!  I'm sure this is all WAY more than you wanted to know, but I'm still frustrated by how the day went!!!

As for the training plan, I picked the Sprint Basic, 12 Week, HR bases plan from this site.   

@Ronda - I tried the toes thing today (I read that on this site last night) and I did a little better.  I don't think that's where my problem is though.  It's how I'm breathing, my husband says I throw my head to the side.  I'm trying to learn to rotate now!!!  I did do 800 meters this morning in a little over 30 minutes and it was one of my best swims so far.  I'm getting there!!!

Edited by crisi13 2010-06-09 7:54 PM
2010-06-09 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Wow, Crisi!  You're brave.  I think your experience would make me more nervous before racing!  I was considering volunteering... however....   um...  we'll see.  At least they didn't throw rotten tomatoes at you! 

It's been another one of those weeks, folks.  Been battling a bad cold, but thank the good great Lord, I've been able to work out.  I'm hoping to be healthy enough tomorrow to get a decent swim in (not too much, though). 

My race is Sunday and I haven't been panicing yet--I've been too distracted.  Obviously, I've been nursing this cold, but also the dh is out of town, so I have 2 kids to keep busy with school out, been having to do all my workouts at the gym (because of the dh out of town), etc...  it will hit me tomorrow when Steve comes home.  Ack!  Nevermind.  It's hitting me now!

So--  nerdy question to the professionals who have at least 1 race under their belts---  1.  How dorky is it to ride with your race belt on as opposed to putting it on in T2?  My opinion is, if I throw everything on in T1, I only have to change my shoes in T2...  and 2.  is there anything else I'm forgetting or are there any "inside tips" that I should know (besides get there early, get there early, get there early)? 

2010-06-10 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2912320

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-06-09 10:05 PM Wow, Crisi!  You're brave.  I think your experience would make me more nervous before racing!  I was considering volunteering... however....   um...  we'll see.  At least they didn't throw rotten tomatoes at you! 

It's been another one of those weeks, folks.  Been battling a bad cold, but thank the good great Lord, I've been able to work out.  I'm hoping to be healthy enough tomorrow to get a decent swim in (not too much, though). 

My race is Sunday and I haven't been panicing yet--I've been too distracted.  Obviously, I've been nursing this cold, but also the dh is out of town, so I have 2 kids to keep busy with school out, been having to do all my workouts at the gym (because of the dh out of town), etc...  it will hit me tomorrow when Steve comes home.  Ack!  Nevermind.  It's hitting me now!

So--  nerdy question to the professionals who have at least 1 race under their belts---  1.  How dorky is it to ride with your race belt on as opposed to putting it on in T2?  My opinion is, if I throw everything on in T1, I only have to change my shoes in T2...  and 2.  is there anything else I'm forgetting or are there any "inside tips" that I should know (besides get there early, get there early, get there early)? 


I keep thinking DH meand Damn Husband, what does it mean? 

I think the majority of racers put their race belt on in T1, I know I do, just turn it around to the back while on the bike.  My 1st race I planned to put it on in T2 and realized I forgot it until I had already exited transition.  Lesson learned, it hangs over my helmet in T1 and I put it on right away.

2010-06-10 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2912201

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
crisi13 - 2010-06-09 8:50 PM @Brian- Once I got to the race site Sunday morning, my first task was handing out chips.  The lady in charge was very strict on how we handed out chips.  She would not accept body marking (since she'd seen a lot of them messed up in the past) so she required the athlete to have their bib, helmet tag or bike tag with them to pick up their chip.  There were A LOT of athletes that got really pissed that they had to go back to get one of those items when they already had the numbers on their body.  I saw both sides of the coin, but there was no reason for them to get mad at me about it!  *Side Note: one thing I did learn was to get there and get your chip early.  We opened at 6, the race started at 8, I had people showing up at 750 to get their chip and getting mad about having to go get the required info and saying I was going to make them miss the start.  Seriously...I didn't wait until the last minute to give them their chip.  Whatever...

After the chip table, I was assigned to work the end of the bike course.  The setup for it was HORRIBLE, but again I'm just a volunteer...I didn't design the course.  About 6-7 feet before the actual dismount line, they had cones set up in an S-pattern and it was narrow.  This was designed to slow riders down before they had to dismount.  The spectators were screaming at me about the course set up.  It turned into a total disaster and at one point I had spectators out moving cones around.  Then I had spectators screaming at cyclists to "Slow Down...Dismount ahead" well what do you think the cyclist heard?  That's right, then I had cyclists coming to abrupt stops to dismount 6 feet or more before the actual dismount line.  Needless to say...I WILL NEVER VOLUNTEER AGAIN!!!!!  And I will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS go out of my way to be VERY VERY VERY nice to the volunteers!!!!!

As for Cervelo guy, I haven't heard yet!  I'm sure this is all WAY more than you wanted to know, but I'm still frustrated by how the day went!!!

As for the training plan, I picked the Sprint Basic, 12 Week, HR bases plan from this site.   

@Ronda - I tried the toes thing today (I read that on this site last night) and I did a little better.  I don't think that's where my problem is though.  It's how I'm breathing, my husband says I throw my head to the side.  I'm trying to learn to rotate now!!!  I did do 800 meters this morning in a little over 30 minutes and it was one of my best swims so far.  I'm getting there!!!

What a $hitty experience, I am really sorry all that happened to you!  It speaks volumes about the race organizer/orginazation rather than the volunteers!  I wouldn't let this deterr you from doing it again.  Shelve this one away as a bad experience, maybe never work with that particular race director again.  
2010-06-10 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
You're close Brian.  It's DEAR husband.  Although some days....  Wink  just kidding.  He's great.
2010-06-10 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2912893

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

I keep thinking DH meand Damn Husband, what does it mean? 

If I ever use...that is what it means!!!!  Tongue out
2010-06-11 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Hey all, work got crazy the past few days, sorry I haven't checked in. Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I have about 5hrs of training planned around a family photo shoot and a boys night in tomorrow, mommy is going out with the girls, and I also have some house stuff to do this weekend. Busy busy! Also my knee started to bother me again today, just as mu running mojo made a return, so frustrating! Stay active, train hard and eat clean! Have a great weekend! -Brian
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