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2012-02-02 9:54 PM
in reply to: #4026446

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

BernardDogs - 2012-02-02 4:23 PM Where is everyone today?

For me it's been hotels, airports and airplanes.

After a few realy long work days on the road I refused to get out of bed and hit the hotel treadmill at 6:00 am.  No training today, no excuse, I was tired.  I feel very guilty since it's only February 2nd and I've already missed a day.

Tomorrow I'll be back home and will attempt my first real run since the calf injury.

Train on,


2012-02-03 6:03 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Good morning peeps! Yesterday's workouts must have really exhausted me. I hit my alarm off and promptly fell right back to sleep. The good kind of exhaustion.

But I'm flexing some time and will be home this afternoon, so I'll get in a recovery run before the pool tonight.

I've got a lunch date on campus with my older daughter. She has "something to tell me" that "is not at all bad" but wants to tell me in person. Should be fun.
2012-02-03 8:26 AM
in reply to: #4026977

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Morning, tri trainers!

Yesterday was a busy day start to finish. Troy, good job in the pool. Aren't you training for a 1/2 Ironman? Craig, traveling definitely puts a damper on workouts. You'll enjoy being home and getting back on the plan. 

It was in the upper 50s yesterday and sunny so a bike ride was a must. I did an 18.4 mile ride in an hour and 10 minutes which puts me right at 16mph. It was a good challenging ride. Happy to see the average speed go up just a little more.

Today looks like it will consist of a 3.25 to 3.5 mile run. I want to try and get under a 9 minute mile. That would be exciting and a great way to start the weekend!

Hit it hard!!!

Edited by ahutson 2012-02-03 8:45 AM
2012-02-03 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning.  The improvements are sounding great.  

Craig.  Traveling can certainly be difficult.  Try not to get too worried about a missed day or two.  Improvements come from consistency over a looooong period of time.  

Troy:  Good luck with your daughter.  Those are the days that I equally dread and look forward to as my daughter grows.

Ashley:  Fantastic improvement on the bike.  Keep riding hard.  

I had a trainer session last night.  My legs have been feeling really heavy at the end of the sessions lately.  I think because the program I am doing is ramping up in intensity.  Drinking plenty of fluid and getting enough calories, but the legs are heavy.  I'm looking forward to changing it up a bit and running more soon.  I hope everyone is healthy and happy.  

2012-02-03 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4027214

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
ahutson - 2012-02-03 9:26 AM

Morning, tri trainers!

Yesterday was a busy day start to finish. Troy, good job in the pool. Aren't you training for a 1/2 Ironman? 

I actually haven't registered for my first Tri  yet ... I've got some sprints and olys to choose from in June. If I don't qualify for the National Championships, I'll race the sprint there ... if I do qualify, I'll do the Oly there (we're hosting them again in my hometown). If I like my summer performances, I'll see if I get into shape for a HIM for the fall. Otherwise, I'll volunteer at IMLP in order to register for IMLP 2013.

I'm not worried about the run, as my regular mileage will almost always have me able to run a half marathon ... my bike fitness should be fine in the fall, as I ride long just about every weekend with friends. Last night's swim was encouraging, and I'd have to think I could handle the HIM distance. Then it's just the simple matter of putting them all together, right? 

2012-02-03 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4027603

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Troy- thats exciting stuff. I have 51 days to race day and I'm pumped! 

I am shooting for 4-5 Sprints.I would like to finish out the summer with an Oly thon. My wife's pregnancy will o fcourse dictate all of this. Next summer, do Olys and end the summer with a 1/2 IM. Summer after that, do a few 1/2s end with a full!! Those are my long term goals. 

I'll be thinking about you at lunch! I hope you can share the big news with us!! 

2012-02-03 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

I had a list of what I thought the lunchtime discussion would be. A change in major (doubtful, as she is very dialed in to pre-med), a boyfriend, or that she would be pledging a sorority (I'm not a fan). As it turns out, she wanted to let me know, in person, that she's dating a longtime friend who is 4 years older than her. (he's 22, she's 18) Clearly, the news was on my list of what to expect, so it didn't really throw me. And it's been VERY obvious this guy has been into her for a very long time. He's a very nice guy.

I played it cool ... she's a great judge of character.


And I can totally beat this guy in a race.

2012-02-03 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Bad couple days at work - had beautiful weather Wednesday but got stuck at work 14 hours and crashed hard when I got home - Wednesday is tyiclaly yoga day for me but I missed class and was too shot to run when I finallly got home.  Thursday wasn't much better - terrible sleep - bad day at work - got dressed to run, sat on the couch and promptly fell asleep.

Today went right from work to the pool - logged a 1950M swim ... did the first 400m in 7:40 and did the last 400M in 8:16 so I think my swim - despite not logging many laps (yet) isn't far off from the rest of my competition (Clydesdales) in Supersprints, Sprints, or Olympics ...

My biggest concern leading into the season is the bike - and my deal on a new road bike just fell through - do you guys train on your TT bike or just use road bikes?  I have a couple century rides planned and was hoping to use a road bike to get my legs ready for a HIM but maybe I should just ride my TT bike and be happy with that - I am torn ...

I use  Training Peaks to logg all my workouts and I haven't figured out how to upload them here yet ...

Looks like I am way behind a bunch of you guys but these were my January totals:

Run: 67.43 miles

Bike: 50.5 miles (I only rode the bike outside 3 times in January)

Swim: 3300 meters (I only hit the pool twice in January

I don't log my Yoga or strength training other than to say the time I took to complete the workouts.  As it gets warmer I will focus more on a stricter diet and get away from weight training almost completely to focus on the SBR ...


2012-02-03 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Question about Half Marathon nutrition ...

I have two halfs one in late March and one in May ... using both as prep for a September HIM ...

My goal with the first is to run the distance - hopefully at a steady pace and see what I need as far as nutrition goes.  The goal with the second is with the warmer weather see if I can improve on the first and get my nutrition plan down.

Right now I do my long run - 10 miles every Saturday - I have been fairly consistent for the past three weeks clocking in at around an hour and 34 minutes.  This week the plan is to make the long run 12 miles and do that for the next few weeks (with three shorter runs during the week).  On my long runs now I take a caffeine infused Gu 15 minutes before the run and take a 10oz water bottle with me.  It's been cold and I usually only sip around 4 ounces during the run. 

Should I be doing anything dofferently now that will better prepare me for the actual event?  I plan to start in the 9:30 or so pace corral and shoot for a sub 2 hour time.  Pacing will be important for me as I often go out too fast in races.  Race nutrition is new to me as I usually don't bother with anything but my water bottle. 

Closer to the HIM I plan to pick your brains on what to eat post swim, while on the bike, (do I pee on my bike? - I have read this alot and can't see myself peeing on myself or my bike), how much should I be drinking/eating on a 56m bike to still have energy for a 13 mile run?  When you do bricks leading up to the event how much distance is the right amount to test with? 

Sorry I am a mess today - work stress - not getting the deal on the bike I was going for - and some nagging questions about training made for a swim where I pretty much questioned myself and abilities the entire time.


2012-02-03 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Had recovery miles planned for today ... and I just ran 5 of them nice and sloooowwww. I'll head to the pool in about half an hour.

Paul: For a half marathon, I'll bring two Gu with me and take one around mile 7 or 8 (around 45 minutes into the race) ... depending on where the water stop is. I'll have another one for mile 11 if I feel like I need it, but don't often take it. Sometimes half just so I can be sure I don't bonk while pushing it in for the finish. If I'm not running it as a race, but just to finish, I probably wouldn't take any Gu at all. I do a carbo load for the 24 hours prior to any half marathon or marathon. I can explain it in more detail later, but won't have time to do so right now. It involves a 3 mile depletion run in the morning, followed by a carbo load based on body weight. That'll usually have me well stocked for 13.1 or 26.2 and I just have to top off along the way. Google the "Aussie Carbo Load" and you'll probably find plenty to read.

Be sure to try it out for a practice run first. I load with a product called Ultra Fuel.

2012-02-03 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Troy, I also have plans to volunteer at IMLP this year with the hopes of registering for 2013. Did you register to volunteer yet? Let me know what job you plan on doing. Maybe we can meet up. 

2012-02-03 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4028630

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Tim ... I did register, but can't recall specifically what the assignment is. It had a sort of "catch all" assignment like "anything he needs you to do".  I have an e-mail somewhere confirming it.

I also have a campsite reserved for Fri, Sat, Sun nights at the State Park near there ... I think 8 miles out of town. A few other BTers are going to be staying there as well. I'm site #41 and there were still a few left in the near vicinity. We're planning a bike ride around the course for Saturday. It would certainly be good to meet up, have a beer, get a run in ... etc. Not necessarily in that order.
2012-02-03 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Tim ... are you registering for 2013?

2012-02-03 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Troy-Glad things went ok with your daughter.

Big Paul-I don't have an answer but my advice is to read a lot of race reports.

I might volunteer at IMLP also, I have a couple of times before but the last few years it hasn't worked out. I'd like to do it sometime but I won't be ready for 2013. Maybe 2014 but it depends on how other things are in my life. Up until a few years ago I lived about an hour from Lake Placid and IMLP was the reason I got into this sport in the first place. I just fell in love with the idea of doing something so awesome.

2012-02-04 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey peeps ...

I can still tell I finished the week with two draining swim workouts. It's a good feeling, but I am really feeling it. I want to run long tomorrow, so I'll probably just spin my wheels today. Found a documentary on Pete Rose to watch on Netflix and a 90 minute workout on TrainerRoad that should be a good balance between challenge and mindlessness.

So I'm off to set up the trainer.

2012-02-04 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Sounds like a great gathering at IMLP.  I would like to get in on that.  I will, however, be racing the day before.  Will be looking at 2013 to volunteer, and then 2014 for first IM.  

Troy,  you mentioned that you have not signed up for your first tri yet.  There is a really laid back tri in Stowe on May 20th.  It is a 500m pool swim, 13.xx mile bike and 3.1 run.  Very fun.  That might be close to the Vt City marathon though.  But I wanted to let you know about it.  

I hope everyone has a great weekend of training.  

2012-02-04 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Thanks for that heads up, Scott ... is there a risk of it selling out? If my marathon training goes well and I have a shot at a PR, I might not want to do that ... but I don't want to rule it out. I'd probably make a decision in April once I see how my training is going.
2012-02-04 1:00 PM
in reply to: #4029357

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Afternoon, tri trainers!

It's Saturday. No customers to call on. Wife is on overnight call at the hospital.....the world is my oyster. 

It is raining here so I hit the Y for a run. I have been averaging about 6.67 miles per hour on my runs. Treadmills are good because you pick a setting and push yourself a little. I set it on 6.8 mph and did a 5K. That is right at a 8:50 mile. It felt good. I'd like to do a sub 9 mile outside. I don't feel as good mentally about a treadmill sub 9 mile- all flat all the time. 

It would be fun to volunteer for an Ironman.  We have one coming to Louisville in August but it is right around my wife's due date. The only thing I will be volunteering for is help around the house!! 

What is everyone doing today?

2012-02-04 3:19 PM
in reply to: #4028680

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
BernardDogs - 2012-02-03 7:51 PM

Tim ... are you registering for 2013?

Troy, I'm not 100% certain yet. I am planning on doing the Tinman 70.3 in June. I want to see how I handle that before going for a full IM. Not quite sure if I am ready to make the jump to that distance yet. I will be staying at the Wilmington KOA which is right around the corner from that campground you are talking about. I think anyway. Is it located on Route 86? Regardless, we will have to try to meet up. 

2012-02-04 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Just registered for the 2012 Tupper Lake Tinman. My first HIM!! 
2012-02-04 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

2012-02-04 7:04 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Well, I finally make it back home on Thursday night and boy is the weather perfect for training.

Yesterday, I decided to try my first real run since the calf injury. Unfortunately, I only made it about 7 minutes before I felt stat to have a problem so I shut the running down and walked the rest. This thing is really starting to p*%s me off. Any advise on when and how much to start back running is appreciated. I really want to register for the Super Seal Oly on March 18th but I'm not sure I'll be up to the 10k run by then if this calf persists.

Today I went on a 1:50 mountain bike rides with some killer climbs (total climb 1800ft.). I had planned to get on the road bike but got the invitation from a good friend for the mountain bike and I knew I'd have a lot of fun. Hopefully time in the saddle is all good whether road or mountain.

On the fun side, my new/used wet suit was waiting for me when I got home and since I saved so much on the suit I decided to buy some aerobars for the bike. I got them installed this afternoon.

Tomorrow is my long swim day but may have to make it a brick to try out the bars.

I wish I could also volunteer for Lake Placid.  It would be fun to meet everybody.

There shouldn't be to many people out training tomorrow so enjoy the solitude and train well.



2012-02-04 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4029622

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

BernardDogs - 2012-02-04 2:56 PM For the next time you don't feel like running:[/QUOTE]


Thanks for the share!

I wish I'd watched this before I shared my little calf pitty party Cry I was having.

This put things back into prespective.


2012-02-04 7:55 PM
in reply to: #4029788

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Thanks, Troy. I am from South Carolina and went to college right up the road from T.L. Hannah where Ben went. There are many good stories that come out of that area. Do you remember the movie that came out with Cuba Gooding Jr called Radio? Same high school. Anderson, SC is an awesome place. I cried watching the video for Ben and because I am not living in SC!!!

2012-02-04 8:14 PM
in reply to: #4029750

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
craiger951 - 2012-02-04 8:04 PM Well, I finally make it back home on Thursday night and boy is the weather perfect for training.

Yesterday, I decided to try my first real run since the calf injury. Unfortunately, I only made it about 7 minutes before I felt stat to have a problem so I shut the running down and walked the rest. This thing is really starting to p*%s me off. Any advise on when and how much to start back running is appreciated. I really want to register for the Super Seal Oly on March 18th but I'm not sure I'll be up to the 10k run by then if this calf persists.

Today I went on a 1:50 mountain bike rides with some killer climbs (total climb 1800ft.). I had planned to get on the road bike but got the invitation from a good friend for the mountain bike and I knew I'd have a lot of fun. Hopefully time in the saddle is all good whether road or mountain.

On the fun side, my new/used wet suit was waiting for me when I got home and since I saved so much on the suit I decided to buy some aerobars for the bike. I got them installed this afternoon.

Tomorrow is my long swim day but may have to make it a brick to try out the bars.

I wish I could also volunteer for Lake Placid.  It would be fun to meet everybody.

There shouldn't be to many people out training tomorrow so enjoy the solitude and train well.



A couple things come to mind.  

1.  A foam roller.  I don't know if you are already doing it, but it can be very helpful.

2.  Epsom Salts bath.  Very relaxing for the muscles.

3.  Start back slow.  Try a run/ walk combination.  Walk 1 minute/ run 1 minute.  Adjust as you need to.

4.  Massage/Acupuncture.  I am one.  I have seen and worked on these kinds of problems with myself and others.  It works.  

5.  Lots and I mean lots of water.  Make sure you are peeing clear all the time.  Hydration can go a long way to moisten and nourish tendons and muscles.  

I may think of more.  The first 1,2,3, and 5 are a must.  You do those, you may not need to other therapy.  

Train in your other disciplines.  You won't lose as much as you think in the run, and it will come back quickly.

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