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2013-03-10 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Not a lot of time right now...more detail later...but I BUSTED IT OUT!!!

10 minute swim = 325 meters and NO panic issues!

30 minute bike = 15 miles

20 minite run = 2.39 miles (8:21 pace!!!)

I feel SO good!  Very happy, very accomplished!

2013-03-10 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4653628

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 10:17 AM

Not a lot of time right now...more detail later...but I BUSTED IT OUT!!!

10 minute swim = 325 meters and NO panic issues!

30 minute bike = 15 miles

20 minite run = 2.39 miles (8:21 pace!!!)

I feel SO good!  Very happy, very accomplished!

Way to go JAX!!!!   :-)   so happy for you!  

2013-03-10 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4653634

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
oriolepwr - 2013-03-10 10:36 AM

DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 10:17 AM

Not a lot of time right now...more detail later...but I BUSTED IT OUT!!!

10 minute swim = 325 meters and NO panic issues!

30 minute bike = 15 miles

20 minite run = 2.39 miles (8:21 pace!!!)

I feel SO good!  Very happy, very accomplished!

Way to go JAX!!!!   :-)   so happy for you!  

X2 way to go Jax!
2013-03-10 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4653628

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 10:17 AM

Not a lot of time right now...more detail later...but I BUSTED IT OUT!!!

10 minute swim = 325 meters and NO panic issues!

30 minute bike = 15 miles

20 minite run = 2.39 miles (8:21 pace!!!)

I feel SO good!  Very happy, very accomplished!

LOVE it, Jax!! I'm so happy for you. It's more fun when people are actually racing!!

2013-03-11 8:20 AM
in reply to: #4653628

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 10:17 AM

Not a lot of time right now...more detail later...but I BUSTED IT OUT!!!

10 minute swim = 325 meters and NO panic issues!

30 minute bike = 15 miles

20 minite run = 2.39 miles (8:21 pace!!!)

I feel SO good!  Very happy, very accomplished!

Those are GREAT times!! Way to go!

2013-03-11 9:14 AM
in reply to: #4653628

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 9:17 AM

Not a lot of time right now...more detail later...but I BUSTED IT OUT!!!

10 minute swim = 325 meters and NO panic issues!

30 minute bike = 15 miles

20 minite run = 2.39 miles (8:21 pace!!!)

I feel SO good!  Very happy, very accomplished!

Yeah you bet you busted it out! The bar is set. The switch is flipped!

2013-03-11 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4653628

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-10 11:17 AM

Not a lot of time right now...more detail later...but I BUSTED IT OUT!!!

10 minute swim = 325 meters and NO panic issues!

30 minute bike = 15 miles

20 minite run = 2.39 miles (8:21 pace!!!)

I feel SO good!  Very happy, very accomplished!


Did you EVER! Way to go!

2013-03-11 12:12 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Thanks for the props everyone.  I feel really good about the race.  A bit more detail by event...

SWIM...really, it was no problem, I'm happy to say. I didn't really even feel panic rising. A few times I had thoughts about not liking the swim and questioned why I do this to myself, but mainly I focused on the task at hand and just kept plugging away. I was able to keep to the 2/4 breathing pattern almost the entire swim.  A few times I snuck an extra breath in, but not many. I think I can say, with a fair amount of confidence, that I'm past the panic issues and now I can try to improve my times. My intructor and CH both tell me my form looks good and there aren't a lot of issues there to correct. I think my slow speed has more to do with the breathing situation and getting myself comfortable with the idea of going anaeorbic in the water.  So, new things to think about as I continue to train.

BIKE...really interesting. They had it set up so that the competition was based solely on the distance you biked.  They did not factor in tension or gears at all. So, best strategy was to turn the tension as low as you could without bouncing all over the spin room and flat a$$ fly.  I discovered in this race that I can spin pretty well!  I went farther than CH, who was on the bike right next to me!  Ladies and gentleman, the ONLY thing I've ever been able to beat CH at is Scrabble, so that's quite an accomplishment!  It was strange, though, racing in such a way that is so polar opposite of every training technique I've ever known.  I guess part of the fun of doing an indoor event, huh?  Anyway, I worked hard and feel good about what I did, and also gained a little confidence here too.

RUN...oddly, I feel the least good about the run.  Oh, it was fine...wound up with an 8:36 pace.  (My math was wrong yesterday)  I'm just a bit frustrated b/c I know I could have run closer to an 8:00 pace if I were outside.  I was just afraid to run much faster on the treadmill.  I think I was afraid I'd trip and fall and hurt myself.  So, I held back some.  I don't regret that, b/c it was an honest fear and I am clumsy, so I don't think it was unreqsonable.  Just a bit frustrating.  Still, a great run, esxpecially after working my arse off on the bike.

Sooooo...a great race!!  I am anxiously awaing the results to be posted.  Just dying to know how I did in my age group.  Of course I'll be at the back end of the swim, but I really could have made some ground on the bike and run, so I can't wait to see how I did.

Still flying high!!  Have a good week!


2013-03-13 6:40 AM
in reply to: #4655104

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-11 1:12 PM

Thanks for the props everyone.  I feel really good about the race.  A bit more detail by event...

SWIM...really, it was no problem, I'm happy to say. I didn't really even feel panic rising. A few times I had thoughts about not liking the swim and questioned why I do this to myself, but mainly I focused on the task at hand and just kept plugging away. I was able to keep to the 2/4 breathing pattern almost the entire swim.  A few times I snuck an extra breath in, but not many. I think I can say, with a fair amount of confidence, that I'm past the panic issues and now I can try to improve my times. My intructor and CH both tell me my form looks good and there aren't a lot of issues there to correct. I think my slow speed has more to do with the breathing situation and getting myself comfortable with the idea of going anaeorbic in the water.  So, new things to think about as I continue to train.

BIKE...really interesting. They had it set up so that the competition was based solely on the distance you biked.  They did not factor in tension or gears at all. So, best strategy was to turn the tension as low as you could without bouncing all over the spin room and flat a$$ fly.  I discovered in this race that I can spin pretty well!  I went farther than CH, who was on the bike right next to me!  Ladies and gentleman, the ONLY thing I've ever been able to beat CH at is Scrabble, so that's quite an accomplishment!  It was strange, though, racing in such a way that is so polar opposite of every training technique I've ever known.  I guess part of the fun of doing an indoor event, huh?  Anyway, I worked hard and feel good about what I did, and also gained a little confidence here too.

RUN...oddly, I feel the least good about the run.  Oh, it was fine...wound up with an 8:36 pace.  (My math was wrong yesterday)  I'm just a bit frustrated b/c I know I could have run closer to an 8:00 pace if I were outside.  I was just afraid to run much faster on the treadmill.  I think I was afraid I'd trip and fall and hurt myself.  So, I held back some.  I don't regret that, b/c it was an honest fear and I am clumsy, so I don't think it was unreqsonable.  Just a bit frustrating.  Still, a great run, esxpecially after working my arse off on the bike.

Sooooo...a great race!!  I am anxiously awaing the results to be posted.  Just dying to know how I did in my age group.  Of course I'll be at the back end of the swim, but I really could have made some ground on the bike and run, so I can't wait to see how I did.

Still flying high!!  Have a good week!


Sounds like a lot of fun! I've never done an indoor one but I'd like to tri it. Congrats on beating ch on at least one leg! My dh and I are doing the same event in April, his first, but he will probably smoke me. I try not to focus on that, but man it's hard when he trains about 1/3 of the time I do!Great kick off to your season!
2013-03-13 6:46 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Does anyone else feel like training is a roller coaster ride?

My mood is seriously affected by how good or bad each workout goes!

Monday I was practically in tears over my non-existent run (non-existent cause every step was painful and uncoordinated and after 0.5 mile I just gave up).

Then yesterday, got on the treadmill, didn't feel too bad, and managed to bust out my fastest 5k time ever! Totally shocked!How long will it take before the good runs outnumber the bad in any given week? Cause that's the day I'm really looking forward to!
2013-03-13 7:58 AM
in reply to: #4657737

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Ybeal - 2013-03-13 6:46 AM Does anyone else feel like training is a roller coaster ride?

My mood is seriously affected by how good or bad each workout goes!

Monday I was practically in tears over my non-existent run (non-existent cause every step was painful and uncoordinated and after 0.5 mile I just gave up).

Then yesterday, got on the treadmill, didn't feel too bad, and managed to bust out my fastest 5k time ever! Totally shocked!How long will it take before the good runs outnumber the bad in any given week? Cause that's the day I'm really looking forward to!

I know exactly how you feel! Fortunately I had a great run last night. I don't even want to talk about the HOUR it took me to ride 10 miles last Saturday on the bike :/ or the 5 lbs I have put on since working out consistently and eating pretty clean 90% of the time...

BUT I am going to continue to put one foot in front of the other & do what i know is best for my body, health, & training and trust the results I want to see will come!!

(edited to add- if I do not start seeing the results I am looking for- I will adjust my plan - I'm just not quitting)

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-03-13 10:19 AM

2013-03-13 10:01 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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New user

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Talk about Arrrrgh!

So I had two Dr's appts last week -- here are the results:

1) My opthalmologist tells me I have Posterior Vitreous Separation, a common eye problem for people with severe myopia who have attained my age (60).  It usually resolves without symptoms but I have flashes and floaters so have been told not to exercise (except swimming), play golf (not the same thing), lift heavy objects or READ! until my next appt -- April 4 (which will leave about 8 weeks before my Oly on June 1 (Bass Lake if anyone is interested in a beautiful setting);

2) the next day my Physio -- perversely -- told me that the four week layoff was just what the Dr. ordered :-).  It will allow him to fix my left foot which has been compromised due to overcompensation for an old injury to my right knee.  He told me I have the tightest calf muscles he's ever seen (not a good thing apparently). When his tiny massage therapist began massaging my calves (for the first time in my life) I nearly shot through the ceiling ("I'm barely touching you", she said). 

Worse: my physio said that only 20% of people on this earth should be running barefoot (my choice of footwear (okay, Vibrams) since last year when I took up running after a 33 year hiatus).  According to him I'm not one of them.   Sigh.

Last (and probably least), I'm slowly putting weight back on.  Can't wait until April 4.

Thanks to all on this forum for at least allowing me to think about triathloning.



2013-03-13 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4658029

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
WilliamSSmith - 2013-03-13 10:01 AM

Talk about Arrrrgh!

So I had two Dr's appts last week -- here are the results:

1) My opthalmologist tells me I have Posterior Vitreous Separation, a common eye problem for people with severe myopia who have attained my age (60).  It usually resolves without symptoms but I have flashes and floaters so have been told not to exercise (except swimming), play golf (not the same thing), lift heavy objects or READ! until my next appt -- April 4 (which will leave about 8 weeks before my Oly on June 1 (Bass Lake if anyone is interested in a beautiful setting);

2) the next day my Physio -- perversely -- told me that the four week layoff was just what the Dr. ordered :-).  It will allow him to fix my left foot which has been compromised due to overcompensation for an old injury to my right knee.  He told me I have the tightest calf muscles he's ever seen (not a good thing apparently). When his tiny massage therapist began massaging my calves (for the first time in my life) I nearly shot through the ceiling ("I'm barely touching you", she said). 

Worse: my physio said that only 20% of people on this earth should be running barefoot (my choice of footwear (okay, Vibrams) since last year when I took up running after a 33 year hiatus).  According to him I'm not one of them.   Sigh.

Last (and probably least), I'm slowly putting weight back on.  Can't wait until April 4.

Thanks to all on this forum for at least allowing me to think about triathloning.



So Sorry Bill! BUT- April 4th will be here before you know it and you can get back with your program!

In the mean time- if you do  end up doing some reading look into Foam Rollering -it is a massage technique that may help with your tight muscles. 

2013-03-13 11:34 AM
in reply to: #4657813

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-13 7:58 AM

BUT I am going to continue to put one foot in front of the other & do what i know is best for my body, health, & training and trust the results I want to see will come!!

(edited to add- if I do not start seeing the results I am looking for- I will adjust my plan - I'm just not quitting)

Melody- I love your attitude. You know it's impossible to fail when you approach life this way.

2013-03-13 11:37 AM
in reply to: #4658029

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
WilliamSSmith - 2013-03-13 10:01 AM

Talk about Arrrrgh!

Bill- Sorry to hear about all the issues. It will get better. I am having to take some time off, as well, and I know how you feel about wanting to jump back in. I hope you stick around with the group while you are healing!

2013-03-13 11:47 AM
in reply to: #4657737

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Ybeal - 2013-03-13 6:46 AM Does anyone else feel like training is a roller coaster ride?

My mood is seriously affected by how good or bad each workout goes! 

Yvonne - You summed up my last few weeks!! I AM CRAZY OVER HERE!! I am now limited to 3 hours per week of light intensity training...apparently I'm an all or nothing type person, because knowing I have a limit has made me do NOTHING! And (let me preface this with I understand many of you are going to tell me to shut the bleep up for saying this...and I get that....but it's still KILLING me) I am supposed to gain about 10 pounds in the next month or two. All this so I can be made to suffer through sleepless nights, menacing screams, and rotten diapers.  I'm kidding, of course!! Kids are the best!!

OK...I'm done. My life is pretty charmed if this is all I have to complain about. I'll get to the stats shortly...really!!

2013-03-13 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
2013-03-13 6:58 PM
in reply to: #4658029

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
WilliamSSmith - 2013-03-13 11:01 AM

Talk about Arrrrgh!

So I had two Dr's appts last week -- here are the results:

1) My opthalmologist tells me I have Posterior Vitreous Separation, a common eye problem for people with severe myopia who have attained my age (60).  It usually resolves without symptoms but I have flashes and floaters so have been told not to exercise (except swimming), play golf (not the same thing), lift heavy objects or READ! until my next appt -- April 4 (which will leave about 8 weeks before my Oly on June 1 (Bass Lake if anyone is interested in a beautiful setting);

2) the next day my Physio -- perversely -- told me that the four week layoff was just what the Dr. ordered :-).  It will allow him to fix my left foot which has been compromised due to overcompensation for an old injury to my right knee.  He told me I have the tightest calf muscles he's ever seen (not a good thing apparently). When his tiny massage therapist began massaging my calves (for the first time in my life) I nearly shot through the ceiling ("I'm barely touching you", she said). 

Worse: my physio said that only 20% of people on this earth should be running barefoot (my choice of footwear (okay, Vibrams) since last year when I took up running after a 33 year hiatus).  According to him I'm not one of them.   Sigh.

Last (and probably least), I'm slowly putting weight back on.  Can't wait until April 4.

Thanks to all on this forum for at least allowing me to think about triathloning.



Man thats some rough news! Hang in there. Having extremely tight calves myself I can tell you that with the right massage therapist, and a lot of teeth gritting, it will be worth it. I can't believe all the issues my tight calves have caused. If you can find someone who specializes in trigger point massage therapy, it's the most effective IMO. Today I went and he said that my muscles seem to finally be recovering and getting healthy as they no longer feel stringy..which I guess is good LOL!

Have you ever tried shoes like the brooks pure flow, they might be a better choice.
2013-03-13 8:19 PM
in reply to: #4657737

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-13 6:46 AM

Does anyone else feel like training is a roller coaster ride?

My mood is seriously affected by how good or bad each workout goes!

Monday I was practically in tears over my non-existent run (non-existent cause every step was painful and uncoordinated and after 0.5 mile I just gave up).

Then yesterday, got on the treadmill, didn't feel too bad, and managed to bust out my fastest 5k time ever! Totally shocked!How long will it take before the good runs outnumber the bad in any given week? Cause that's the day I'm really looking forward to!

Yep, try to look at a week or two rolling average vs. workout by workout also try to look at why a workout didn't work and change things up to address those issues.

That said, when I shut down an 8 mile run after two miles, I try to convince myself that the risk of injury isn't worth it. One shortened workout vs. weeks of missed work outcs is an easy choice.
2013-03-13 8:21 PM
in reply to: #4657813

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-13 7:58 AM

Ybeal - 2013-03-13 6:46 AM Does anyone else feel like training is a roller coaster ride?

My mood is seriously affected by how good or bad each workout goes!

Monday I was practically in tears over my non-existent run (non-existent cause every step was painful and uncoordinated and after 0.5 mile I just gave up).

Then yesterday, got on the treadmill, didn't feel too bad, and managed to bust out my fastest 5k time ever! Totally shocked!How long will it take before the good runs outnumber the bad in any given week? Cause that's the day I'm really looking forward to!

I know exactly how you feel! Fortunately I had a great run last night. I don't even want to talk about the HOUR it took me to ride 10 miles last Saturday on the bike :/ or the 5 lbs I have put on since working out consistently and eating pretty clean 90% of the time...

BUT I am going to continue to put one foot in front of the other & do what i know is best for my body, health, & training and trust the results I want to see will come!!

(edited to add- if I do not start seeing the results I am looking for- I will adjust my plan - I'm just not quitting)

Muscle weighs more than fat. I go by how many notches I cinch on my belt more than weight, but I do watch the weight too. And, my weight is not going in the right direction.
2013-03-13 8:57 PM
in reply to: #4658192

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New user

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I have a foam roller so will check out the foam roller website. Also thanks for the tip about the shoes - I'll check them out.

2013-03-13 8:57 PM
in reply to: #4658192

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New user

Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I have a foam roller so will check out the foam roller website. Also thanks for the tip about the shoes - I'll check them out.
2013-03-14 9:05 AM
in reply to: #4658185

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-03-13 12:34 PM
Meljoypip - 2013-03-13 7:58 AM

BUT I am going to continue to put one foot in front of the other & do what i know is best for my body, health, & training and trust the results I want to see will come!!

(edited to add- if I do not start seeing the results I am looking for- I will adjust my plan - I'm just not quitting)

Melody- I love your attitude. You know it's impossible to fail when you approach life this way.


2013-03-14 9:07 AM
in reply to: #4658029

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
WilliamSSmith - 2013-03-13 11:01 AM

Talk about Arrrrgh!

So I had two Dr's appts last week -- here are the results:

1) My opthalmologist tells me I have Posterior Vitreous Separation, a common eye problem for people with severe myopia who have attained my age (60).  It usually resolves without symptoms but I have flashes and floaters so have been told not to exercise (except swimming), play golf (not the same thing), lift heavy objects or READ! until my next appt -- April 4 (which will leave about 8 weeks before my Oly on June 1 (Bass Lake if anyone is interested in a beautiful setting);

2) the next day my Physio -- perversely -- told me that the four week layoff was just what the Dr. ordered :-).  It will allow him to fix my left foot which has been compromised due to overcompensation for an old injury to my right knee.  He told me I have the tightest calf muscles he's ever seen (not a good thing apparently). When his tiny massage therapist began massaging my calves (for the first time in my life) I nearly shot through the ceiling ("I'm barely touching you", she said). 

Worse: my physio said that only 20% of people on this earth should be running barefoot (my choice of footwear (okay, Vibrams) since last year when I took up running after a 33 year hiatus).  According to him I'm not one of them.   Sigh.

Last (and probably least), I'm slowly putting weight back on.  Can't wait until April 4.

Thanks to all on this forum for at least allowing me to think about triathloning.



Ugh.  Hang in there.  Will the doc allow you to walk?  Just to keep yourself sane?  And a YES YES to the foam roller.  Really, really helps.  Mean time, try to enjoy the down time.  Just get outside and enjoy spring...if it ever gets here...with some light walking if the doc will let you.

2013-03-14 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4648749

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

March Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Jax               3405          83.46          24.17         10:15:37   **Awesome**

Dave               0           138.00          8.00          09:41:15   Sittin' pretty

Yvonne           500          31.90          30.09        09:04:44   Look at you!! So impressed!!

TJ                2843          98.46           12.67         08:33:02   Very solid

Mike                0               0              30.50        05:59:30   Hope you don't mind sharing bold

Joe               4500        10.21           20.00         05:26:14   Heck of a comeback

Melody             0           10.00            9.01          03:15:43  So glad you're back

Sarah              0            32.00            3.52         02:40:06   Blah

Charlie             0            14.67           6.20          02:06:11   Hanging in there? 

Tom                 0              8.16             0             00:30:00  How are your travels?

Bill                   Injured Reserve

Chrispy            Ski Bum      


Upcoming races:

3/16 - shramrock 8k  in virginia beach - Yvonne

3/23 - NC Half Marathon - Yvonne

Let's be thinking about Yvonne. She has been working SO hard lately and has some really big races coming up!!

Edited by Sarah73 2013-03-14 9:38 AM
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