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2007-06-19 8:33 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I ordered the BiSaddle from and even talked to the inventor himself! He's a nice fellow named Jim and even takes the orders over the phone. A lot of the police on bikes have switched to his saddle design for comfort and health reasons. Ordered one for my stepdad who has hemorrhoids and prostate issues. Ordered one for my tribike, too! I have the Easy Seat, which is similar on my mountain bike, and I love it, but this one is more adjustable and looks even more comfortable!

2007-06-19 8:52 AM
in reply to: #850102

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hi Armydad - I just bought and installed the Terry Fly Tri Gel saddle and I love it! With my old saddle any little bump felt like someone kicked me square in the crotch, hard. Now I don't have those problems. I only have about 70 miles on it so far, but I would have to say it was worth every penny of the $100 price tag.
2007-06-20 10:43 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Apparently my kick in the crotch comment was so bad, that no one has wanted to post anything for over a day! Today was my Fantasy Fitness Challenge at work and my team ended up winning a day off. My event was the 1.5 mile run and I did it in 9:54, a full minute faster than I ever have before. I think my time last year at this time was 12:50 and so you can see the improvement.
2007-06-20 10:49 AM
in reply to: #852197

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-06-20 10:43 AM Apparently my kick in the crotch comment was so bad, that no one has wanted to post anything for over a day! Today was my Fantasy Fitness Challenge at work and my team ended up winning a day off. My event was the 1.5 mile run and I did it in 9:54, a full minute faster than I ever have before. I think my time last year at this time was 12:50 and so you can see the improvement.

Great job, Tim.  1 minute off your 1.5 mile PR is incredible.  Plus a day off work!!! Man, I wish my work had something like that!  Although, I have been known to call in sick once in a blue moon so I could fit in a long training day!

2007-06-20 11:03 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

I keep mentioning recovery and recovering well after your toughest workouts, but what do I really mean by this.  Well, it starts with a recovery shake/meal.  Try to get in some good high glycemic carbs and some protein within 15-30 minutes following your tough workouts.  Also be sure to stretch well as your muscles are nice and warm now. 

Another one of my favorite recovery techniques is too lie on the couch or floor with my feet elevated for 10-15 minutes to let all the "bad" blood flow back into the heart to get "refreshed"!  During this time, I'll take my stick and massage my quads.  By massaging away from the knee and towards the pelvis, I again an helping move the blood back to my heart!

Occasionally after an especially tough workout, I'll take some ibuprofen and ice my legs to reduce the inflammation.   Most importantly, REST.  Take a nap if you have time.  You're body wants and needs rest.  Try to stay off your feet as much as possible.  I know this isn't always feasible, but try to plan around it.  Save your grocery or mall shopping or any other busy errands for another time, not right after your tough weekend training session.

One last comment:  One of the biggest difference between pros and age groupers (AG) is that they have so much more time to rest and recovery.   They don't have full time jobs.  If they run or ride long in the AM, they can go home and take a 2 hr nap!  We don't have that luxury! 

If any of you have some good recovery tips, please share! 

2007-06-20 11:43 AM
in reply to: #852260

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I go one step further and use leeches on my feet to remove the bad blood entirely.

2007-06-20 12:36 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JBrashear--Me, too! Of course, I do that on a full moon while riding on my broomstick and cackling! And don't forget to eat worms.......preferably fried with a hint of lemon

No seriously, I way overdid it last week and my adrenals told me to knock it off. So, I'm being totally good and resting the last 4 days! The inflammation hasn't even totally left my poor body yet. But I'm sleeping more and may be up for some training tomorrow. We'll see. Have to stop feeling like I'm going to pass out first. (I did faint a few months back and so now I really do pay attention to that feeling. Woke up on the floor one night after I had gotten up to get a drink of water! That was interesting!) A few years back my adrenals were in trouble and I had to take dexamethasone injections in my legs for a year and a half. I injected the meds into my quadriceps muscles almost daily. So now that I'm biking more, that leftover medicine gets out of my fat stores and into my bloodstream and I get side effects like feeling all fainty. And others as well. Perhaps that's part of why the bike is my least favorite thing of the three......I'm looking forward to the day when all the fat stores have depleted themselves of the meds and I no longer have any issues that way

Tim--I"m pretty sure your comment had nothing to do with a quiet day on here. We just get busy some times or have nothing worthwhile to contribute (me!) I'm not doing much these days
2007-06-20 2:20 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
So it's probably been a full month since I've been able to get to look at BT at all, which at least broke my addiction a little bit. I started a new full time job, which didn't allow me internet access for the first month. Ahhh, and otherwise I get home and train for 4 straight hours before passing out. I have to catch up on my logging, and I'm going to enter it into BT so you can all see. I completed the QC Triathlon last saturday, I got a disappointing 7th in my AG, but I'm chalking that up to high volume and little speed work. I have my first HIM this weekend, woo hoo. I hope everyone has been doing well, I apologize for my lack of support. I wish I had your guys' phone numbers, I could have at least called you all from work haha. Thanks for the weightgaining tips, I apreciate it a lot and am planning to start my 6 meals a day tomorrow. Thanks guys, and now that I have connection expect me to be a regular contributer again. DG GROUP!

2007-06-20 2:59 PM
in reply to: #852828

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Miler - 2007-06-20 2:20 PM

So it's probably been a full month since I've been able to get to look at BT at all, which at least broke my addiction a little bit. I started a new full time job, which didn't allow me internet access for the first month. Ahhh, and otherwise I get home and train for 4 straight hours before passing out. I have to catch up on my logging, and I'm going to enter it into BT so you can all see. I completed the QC Triathlon last saturday, I got a disappointing 7th in my AG, but I'm chalking that up to high volume and little speed work. I have my first HIM this weekend, woo hoo. I hope everyone has been doing well, I apologize for my lack of support. I wish I had your guys' phone numbers, I could have at least called you all from work haha. Thanks for the weightgaining tips, I apreciate it a lot and am planning to start my 6 meals a day tomorrow. Thanks guys, and now that I have connection expect me to be a regular contributer again. DG GROUP!


Congratulations on your tri, that is really great! Sound like all that hard work is paying off, good luck this Saturday.
2007-06-20 4:08 PM
in reply to: #852828

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-06-20 2:20 PM So it's probably been a full month since I've been able to get to look at BT at all, which at least broke my addiction a little bit. I started a new full time job, which didn't allow me internet access for the first month. Ahhh, and otherwise I get home and train for 4 straight hours before passing out. I have to catch up on my logging, and I'm going to enter it into BT so you can all see. I completed the QC Triathlon last saturday, I got a disappointing 7th in my AG, but I'm chalking that up to high volume and little speed work. I have my first HIM this weekend, woo hoo. I hope everyone has been doing well, I apologize for my lack of support. I wish I had your guys' phone numbers, I could have at least called you all from work haha. Thanks for the weightgaining tips, I apreciate it a lot and am planning to start my 6 meals a day tomorrow. Thanks guys, and now that I have connection expect me to be a regular contributer again. DG GROUP! MT

Good to have you back, Matt.  We were beginning to wonder.  No worries, however.  Work and training obviously come before BT!

Good luck with you HIM this weekend.  If you have time, enter a race report and/or post here so we all can know how it went.



2007-06-20 4:49 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey Matt,

Glad to hear you are okay! I think 7th in your age group is fantastic!! And I can't imagine training 4 hours a day! No wonder you practically pass out. Please be very careful not to harm yourself--eat well, get a massage now and then, and try hard to get some sleep!

I just had my sister work on me--she's a massage therapist--and she right away said, "I think you are anemic"! Duh! Makes perfect sense! I feel all light headed and weak, have been craving spinach and raisins (not my usual food choices) and even ate a steak the other day (not a big meat eater). I've been growing muscle, literally, so what do I expect? It needs more iron to transport all that oxygen I make go through my system with all this tri stuff! I'll be taking bunches of liquid iron starting today and will let you all know if it does the trick! Maybe we all should be getting our iron levels tested? We are laying down more capillary beds with increased cardiovascular training, and growing muscle. Anyone ever read anything about increased iron levels necessary in athletes? Or do most athletes just naturally eat bloody steaks? I'm not into bloody anything--my meat has to be practically charcoal before I want it. Lesson learned!!

2007-06-20 5:03 PM
in reply to: #853192

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-20 4:49 PM Hey Matt, Glad to hear you are okay! I think 7th in your age group is fantastic!! And I can't imagine training 4 hours a day! No wonder you practically pass out. Please be very careful not to harm yourself--eat well, get a massage now and then, and try hard to get some sleep! I just had my sister work on me--she's a massage therapist--and she right away said, "I think you are anemic"! Duh! Makes perfect sense! I feel all light headed and weak, have been craving spinach and raisins (not my usual food choices) and even ate a steak the other day (not a big meat eater). I've been growing muscle, literally, so what do I expect? It needs more iron to transport all that oxygen I make go through my system with all this tri stuff! I'll be taking bunches of liquid iron starting today and will let you all know if it does the trick! Maybe we all should be getting our iron levels tested? We are laying down more capillary beds with increased cardiovascular training, and growing muscle. Anyone ever read anything about increased iron levels necessary in athletes? Or do most athletes just naturally eat bloody steaks? I'm not into bloody anything--my meat has to be practically charcoal before I want it. Lesson learned!!

I did a little searching on this for you and found this decent article about Athletes and Iron Deficiency.  It cautions to "Never use iron supplements unless under the supervision of your doctor, as too much iron can cause irreversible damage and a higher risk of cancer and heart disease."

I know you are a doctor, but I just was a little concerned when you mentioned "bunches of liquid iron".

2007-06-20 6:35 PM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Okay Kids, the logs are updated back to the middle of May. I'm sure I'll have much to hear about how much I swim, I've started to attack that now.
2007-06-20 8:08 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks, David! The article confirmed my suspicions--high iron turnover in endurance athletes due to increased capillary bed formation, foot strike, and sweating, plus training at high intensity! Seems to really fit, and then I don't eat the meat like I should, plus I am female and have always had trouble with anemia. My pregnancies were really bad that way--the midwife kept frowning at my hemoglobin levels, and no amount of iron pills helped until I found the liquid iron for my last child. That did the trick, and only a little bit of it. So don't worry, I won't go crazy with it, and I do have a hemoglobin tester, but I need to order something for it, just have been putting that off. I'll get the supplies and start monitoring my iron levels faithfully again! I'm starting to feel better. Have been getting more sleep, haven't done a thing exercise wise since Saturday, have had a couple massages and epsom salt baths, and have really been doing the Paleo Diet! Lots of fresh fruit, spinach and other salads, meat and the carbs are more complex like raisin bran. (okay, I had a cookie today, too) I think it's rather interesting what your body will crave when you need something! Tomorrow is Universal Chiropractors' Day Off (or at least in Wisconsin all the DC's take Thursdays off), so I'll hit my big numbers at least and see how I feel on the weekend for some more training.

Or maybe I'll try the leeches
2007-06-21 10:14 AM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Okay this goes out to all you nutrition savy people. For my long rides I've been working a gel (100cal) every 30 minutes, along with the water that goes with it. After my 3rd Gel, halfway (For 3hrs HIM safe time), I wait 15 minutes and take a few sips of Gatorade evey 30 minutes. This give me something to do every 15 minutes. I think that's somewhere in the range of 600-800 calories, which doesn't sound like enough? I have used this in my long bike rides, and I seem to be okay (I should probably drink a bit more water...) My question is, should I try to get a few more calories on the bike, and if so, what can I really carry with me on the bike?

Thanks guys,
2007-06-21 10:29 AM
in reply to: #854001

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-06-21 10:14 AM Okay this goes out to all you nutrition savy people. For my long rides I've been working a gel (100cal) every 30 minutes, along with the water that goes with it. After my 3rd Gel, halfway (For 3hrs HIM safe time), I wait 15 minutes and take a few sips of Gatorade evey 30 minutes. This give me something to do every 15 minutes. I think that's somewhere in the range of 600-800 calories, which doesn't sound like enough? I have used this in my long bike rides, and I seem to be okay (I should probably drink a bit more water...) My question is, should I try to get a few more calories on the bike, and if so, what can I really carry with me on the bike? Thanks guys, MT

Matt, yes you should definitely try to take in more calories on the bike, especially at your age and metabolism level!  You should also probably think in terms of calories/hr.   For someone your age, you might be able to handle 500 cal/hr on the bike, but I wouldn't make the jump to that level right away if you've only been doing about 200/hr. 

I'd try to up your caloric intake to 300-400 per hr on the bike.   If you prefer pain water to Gatorade, this would be 3-4 gels/hr.  If you drink can drink a bottle (20oz) of Gatorade, this could substitute for a gel as it would provide about 125 calories as well as some sodium.

Speaking of sodium, you'll to find away to take it as well.  Most gels, save the new PowerBar gels, don't have much sodium.  You should probably shoot for 600-800 mg / hr on the bike.  Gatorade has a little sodium, Gatorade Endurance has more is better for long course athletes.  You could also try salt pills or some other sports drink that has more sodium.  

The best advice I can give you is to experiment with different gels/drinks and nutritional plans in training, not during a race.  Come race day (for your A race) you should already have a good nutritional plan dialed in and know that it works.   Nutrition and hydration is VERY IMPORTANT for long course!  Treat it seriously!

Hydration is even more important that nutrition.  A very rough ball park figure is 24-32oz/hr on the bike, but you really should do your own sweat rate test to determine how much you sweat and thus how much you should be drinking!


2007-06-21 10:30 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I am planning on getting most of my nutrition on the bike since I don't want to carry stuff when I run.  I don't know how much yet but I will definately use gels and uncrustables on the bike plus gatorade.  I figure I can get about 300 calories per hour with one gel and one uncrustable plus whatever gatorade I drink.  On the run just a few gels, maybe 3 or 4, plus gatorade.  With all that I would get about 900 calories on the bike and 400 on the run plus maybe a gel when I am in T1 would get me to about 1500 calories plus what I drink, probably a few hundred more.  Hopefully this will be enough to keep me from bonking.   Alot of it depends on your size, sweat rate though.  I am 205-210 and sweat like crazy so I probably need a little more than average.
2007-06-21 6:06 PM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hi everyone. I have missed an entire week or more of training. While I was on vacation my right hand employee was involved in a car accident and my left hand employee went in for a hernia sugery and this has put me behind the eight ball, I own a small business. Although I had anticipated the surgery the accident took me by surprise. No training and not much time for anything but catching up with work has been a real drag. I can feel the laziness catching up with me. Hopefully by the end of this week I will be somewhat caught up and can get back to some training. It's a little depressing when you can't get in a workoput after being in a good routine.
2007-06-22 5:27 AM
in reply to: #855111

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
A 20 minute run can do wonders for making you feel better and be honest; everyone can find a spare 20 minutes in their schedule.
2007-06-22 7:28 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
KP--I totally understand about the self-employment thing. It is really hard for me as well to do all this. I have no real support system here. No babysitter for evenings or weekends unless I fight tooth and nail for one--usually has to be like for a seminar to keep my license before someone will reluctantly step up to the plate and accept babysitting for 3 kids. Monday and Tuesday my regular babysitter for the daytime was off because her mother died, and even though she was old and had been sick a long time, she wanted a few days off to deal with it. So I had my kids to a daycare center in town, and because I'm not going to have them there full time, it cost me $12 an hour for my 3 kids! I pay my receptionist about that, too, so you know I wasn't making anything those two days, as far as profit.....And then the daycare center had me pick them up at 3 pm for some odd reason (too many kids per worker or whatever) so I had three extremely energetic kids after naps and snacks running (literally) up and down my hall in the office those last 2.5 hours. Luckily, most of my patients are parents, too..........

Sometimes life comes up and bites you in the shorts. And challenges you. Just HOW BAD do you want all this tri stuff???? Let's see what he'll do when we throw in THIS! Hah! Well, he didn't quit, okay, guess we'll go try to sabotage some other dude! I swear it works that way!

It's okay to take a little time off. But you will feel so much better and have some stress relief if you take a bit of time for your HEALTH and go train for even 30 minutes every other day. Hang in there, I'm pulling for you!!

David--what do you think of Endurolytes? Do those have enough salt in them? Been pondering that salt deal and wondering if for those longer all day rides, if something like beef sticks would work? Or is that ridiculous? I mean, chips are sort of not the easiest things to eat on the bike. But you could easily chew on a stick of jerky for quite awhile. And since it's IMMOO--I'll feel like I fit right in with the cows chewing cud
2007-06-22 9:09 AM
in reply to: #855111

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

kp41 - 2007-06-21 6:06 PM Hi everyone. I have missed an entire week or more of training. While I was on vacation my right hand employee was involved in a car accident and my left hand employee went in for a hernia sugery and this has put me behind the eight ball, I own a small business. Although I had anticipated the surgery the accident took me by surprise. No training and not much time for anything but catching up with work has been a real drag. I can feel the laziness catching up with me. Hopefully by the end of this week I will be somewhat caught up and can get back to some training. It's a little depressing when you can't get in a workoput after being in a good routine.

I feel for you, Kevin.  I've pretty much accepted that fact that I have an addiction to exercise and when I don't get something in for a few days I get cranky; just ask my wife!  So, I know what you're going thru.  

Tim had a good idea about try just to get in a 20-30 minute run whenever you can.  Even if it's slow and not optimal, at least it'll be something and you'll feel a lot better afterwards.  

Plus, you're still going to try to do the Muncie Endurathon in 3 weeks, right!?  That should get you motivated.  Don't worry if you're a little under-trained for it due to your situation at work.  Just think of it as a motivator or spark to get you back on track!

Good luck, and keep us informed. 

2007-06-22 9:21 AM
in reply to: #855459

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-22 7:28 AM  David--what do you think of Endurolytes? Do those have enough salt in them? Been pondering that salt deal and wondering if for those longer all day rides, if something like beef sticks would work? Or is that ridiculous? I mean, chips are sort of not the easiest things to eat on the bike. But you could easily chew on a stick of jerky for quite awhile. And since it's IMMOO--I'll feel like I fit right in with the cows chewing cud

I've tried Endurolytes and for me personally I don't think they have enough sodium at only 100mg per pill (right?)  Unlike the sweat rate test, you can't really measure your sodium loss easily.  But, if you you're caked in dried, crusty salt after a long hot workout, like me, then the sodium content in your sweat is probably high, and you'll need plenty of sodium to replace it.  I personally shoot for about 1000 mg/hr, but I'd recommend most people start with 600-800 mg/hr if they're going long!

I'm not sure about beef sticks.  They might have too much protein which is harder to digest under stress. I'd try Lava Salts pills as they have 255 mg/pill.   Also, you typically get some sodium from your sports drink, but regular Gatorade doesn't have enough either.  However, Gatorade Endurance has 200 mg/ 8oz and that is great!  Also, PowerBar's sports drink has more sodium that most.  Cytomax doesn't have much though. 

Above all, experiment with different products in training and find what works best.  Then stick with it on race day!  This experimentation takes time, so don't wait until 2 weeks before your A race to start it!  Start now on your long rides/runs!

I'm still experimenting and I've been going long for 2 years now! 

2007-06-22 10:09 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
OK, I need some help on race logistics for my tri tomorrow, here are the details:

registration is between 1100 and 1500
check in at transition area for all waves is from 1500 - 1545
The first wave starts at 1600 (I think I'll be in this one)
The event is a 25 minute drive from my house


Do I bring all my stuff with me to register at 1100 and then put it in the transition area and hang out until the start?

What do they mean "check in at transition area for all waves is from 1500 - 1545"?

When do I get body marked?

Should I just drive there at 1100 to register and then come back home until it's closer to race time?

What the heck do you eat during the day to prepare for a 1600 start? I know how to do breakfast, but lunch?
2007-06-22 10:16 AM
in reply to: #855633

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I love Gatorade Endurance and used it when trainng for my marathon with great results, but of course the military grocery store has stopped selling it over here. I just ordered some online at performance bike since they have all their nutrition stuff on sale right now.

I also picked up a product over here called saltstick caps (they sell them in the US also) and am going to start with them next week. Here is the run down on them:

Vit D 2.5 microgram (I think)
Sodium 215 mg
Calcium 22 mg
Magnesium 11 mg
Potassium 63 mg
2007-06-22 11:11 AM
in reply to: #855738

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-06-22 10:09 AM OK, I need some help on race logistics for my tri tomorrow, here are the details: registration is between 1100 and 1500 check in at transition area for all waves is from 1500 - 1545 The first wave starts at 1600 (I think I'll be in this one) The event is a 25 minute drive from my house Questions:

This sounds different from most races here in the States, but I'll give my educated guesses/advice! I'm assuming registration is similar to what we tend to call packet pickup here. This is where you pay your entry fee (if you haven't already), pick up your T-shirt and other goodies, along with your race bib number, bike number, and maybe a helmet sticker. I'm assuming they will not let you into the transition area during registration.

Do I bring all my stuff with me to register at 1100 and then put it in the transition area and hang out until the start?

See below. They probably won't let you into transition until 1500.

What do they mean "check in at transition area for all waves is from 1500 - 1545"?

This probably means that the transition area will open at 1500 and you can bring your bikes/gear in at the time and setup your own area. It will probably close then at 1545.

When do I get body marked?

Not quite sure, but don't worry about it. You'll see everyone getting it done. Probably before entering transition.

Should I just drive there at 1100 to register and then come back home until it's closer to race time?

If you've already paid and have a confirmed spot in the race, then I see little benefit to getting there much before 1500. However, I would try to be there then so I could be one of the first into the transition area so could rack your bike in the most favorable spot (assuming it's first come/first serve and not assigned)

What the heck do you eat during the day to prepare for a 1600 start? I know how to do breakfast, but lunch?

Just try to not have anything too much fat, fiber, or protein. Shoot for normal size lunch with a fair amount of carbs. You should be done eating your lunch at about 1300. Keep sipping on your Gatorade Endurance up to race start time, though!

Edited by dgillen 2007-06-22 11:12 AM
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