Nibbins Notes – pages 8 to present post
Looks like the party is over early tonight - all of the little Nibbins are tired after posting nearly 14 pages in one day - OMG does this group have energy or what?
Here is my 3rd and final nibbins notes for 11/20/07 - :-)
Hector – described his first encounter with his new wetsuit – LOL, needless to say he got lots of advice on how to make sure it slides on easily, including PAM, body glide and turkey grease????? So, how did it go? He missed the party tonight – so I’m wondering if he got stuck or something - LOL
Donto – “Work is a distraction” - yep, that sums it all up! Soooooo, how’d ya sleep after that late in the day Red Bull?? He made some serious progress toward his goal!! ( oh, and I neglected to mention earlier that he got some new toys – tri toys, that is)
Cat – taking in last minute advice about whether or not accessories are necessary or just a distraction away from the boobs – LOL – She found her fish nets!!!!! (and they weren’t in her car – lol)
Max – checked in HI!!! Oh, and he has a great new idea for a daily update :-). I’m also thinking he could come up with 1001 uses for leaf mulch!
Brynn – stopped by looking for volunteers to help with her yard work – apparently she’s been procrastinating ;-). Max sounded like he might be willing to help out – well if he could use the vaccum mulchy thing that she doesn’t own yet (but is trying to talk her husband in to buying) at 3 am - LOL
Dee – made a fabulous suggestion for Cat’s sig line – LOLOL. She also makes up stories when the real stories aren’t as interesting as she hoped ;-) – apparently they are called ‘concepts’
Kendra – points out that our conversations are NOT irrelevant, after all “We are serious about our PAM spray and turkeys!!!” ROTFLMAO
Scott – is beginning to believe that he has a realistic chance of finishing the CIM in < 4:00 – Go Scott!
Judi – is in need of a time machine to fast forward through the next couple of days! Hang in there Judi!
Pam – checked in from the “Land of Tempting Junk food” – sounds like she could use some moral support!
Mila – poor princess, her son broke his finger at BB practice and she spent the evening in the ER – hopefully she at least had some cheesecake ;-)
Sharon – Hope she had a great day off!
Jeni – Looks like she must be busy – I know she’s getting in some great workouts!
Tammy – ahhh, in Costa Rica – am I jealous or what??
Discussion Topics
The 3 basic food groups:
1) Sugar
2) Caffeine
3) Chocolate
+ red meat and french fries/wedges/baked potato....
Hollywood Tape –
Edited by lastcall2003 2007-11-20 11:31 PM