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2008-07-09 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
wow, forgot to write a recap. Crazy week at work. We crushed records at all 3 restaurants and I worked way to much. I had 3 runs, and started moving the long run up. Only 1 bike ride but it was a really good one.

I am getting back into it all this week.

2008-07-13 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Wake up gang, holidays over, fall races coming up.

Weekly Recap

2 swims, 4350
3 bikes 86, long ride was 39
3 runs, long was 6

Almost back on track. Missed one swim and shortened 1 run due to schedule juggling. Moving up to 7 mile long run tomorrow and thats kind of the jump off point for me.

I have to focus on equipment repair this week.

My watch band broke and I gotta figure out how to get a new one from timex for my running watch.

My bike has a handful of problems that need addressing. Rear derailluer seems to be having problems, may be wore out but I can't get a couple of the easy gears. My powertap wheel needs batteries and I think it may have bearing issues. Bike needs a serious cleaning. Must attack these issues this week.

Who has a race soon?
2008-07-14 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1526308

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

It's been awhile since I did a weekly recap, and I'm not sure where I've left off.  I ran the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th, and I'm rather disappointed with myself.  So I'm trying to renew my resolve (as Ken says -- holiday is over and fall races are coming up!).  I'm trying to ignore the heat and just suck it up!

So I guess I did:

4 runs, including an 8 miler (in the worst humidity I've felt this year!)

3 swims (tried to do an OWS, but thunderstorms)

2 bikes (difficult to find time since I had company most of the week -- I did escape a couple of times!)

I don't have any important races soon.  There is a local 5K this Saturday and next Saturday that I may run.  I'm thinking about the Emerald Coast Sprint Tri on Sept 6th and the Beach Blast Olympic distance on Sept 27th.  But I haven't registered yet, and I'm not sure why I'm dragging my feet...

2008-07-16 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hey all - well - I have been training and keeping up with all the stuff I usually do ....GyGy and I ran a 4 miler this past weekend and she killed it!!  Set a PR for 34:11 !!   She's rockin the running - and I am sooo very happy and proud of her ..she has made great strides in running.  I ran it as well - not so shabby - came in at 36:33 -   I knew she was gonna rock this run early on - she was in PR mode and she took off about a mile and half into the race...and never looked back....I was not in PR mode so I just ran it..I was not feelin the run that morning - I did good - but not like I could have ...but it was my wife's day...and I give her all the glory..
2008-07-17 6:48 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

He lives.  Trying to get back to training but work is being a little bit tedious.  Less than a month on the job and I have done more Honey-do's than you can shake a stick at, been TAD/TDY twice already once to New Orleans and I am currently in North Carolina for about 20 days.  So needless to say the training has been erratic at best.  I got my bike one week before I left for North Carolina and got one ride of about 30 miles in and only had to dodge one beer can, no kidding, and I have probably run 3 or 4 times but nothing of significant distance.  Last night was the first time back in the pool and I got in a little more than 2000 meters. 

Goal for the next month is to even out the training and shoot to get 2 workouts of each discipline in and slowly build up the distance.  Hopefully I will stay healthy and won't have any more issues with my toes.

2008-07-17 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1535947

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed


 Where you at in NC?  Lejune?  Good to see you postin on the forums brotha!  I hear ya on the honey do wife is trying to enjoy her summer before Fall ..she's back in school for nursin!  Meanwhile - she has been kickin all kinds of butt with running - she ran a 4 miler about 2 weekends ago and set a PR 34:11 was her time and she placed 6th ins her AG....papa's proud!!  Hope you and family are doing well...btw..welcome to NC!!...not that you have not been here before...but..I have been thru Camp Lejune many times on my to the Outer Banks.......I am from Wilmington which is right down HWY 17.....ahhh..the good ole daze!. 

2008-07-18 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hello, friends.

So, where was I?

I started a new job--my fellowship training in vascular medicine--July 1, and as it happens, I'm working with surgeons for the first two months. I'm an internist and not used to getting up as early as surgeons do, so it's been an adjustment. My training has really fallen off. I've been able to do short runs during the week, and thank goodness, I have weekends off. But I end up piling so much other stuff into the weekend that I've blown off my long rides and runs two weeks in a row. It's demoralizing. How do you fit dedicated training into the demands of real life?

Also, I find that when I'm at work doing non-patient-care things (like sitting at a computer writing notes or reading medical literature), all I can think about is getting out on my bike or running or swimming in Lake Michigan, but by the end of the day I'm too [insert adjective here: tired, hungry, unfocused, lazy]. And it's hard to get up at 4 a.m. to work out.

Boo hoo.

Anyway, the good news is I have a sprint triathlon (the Harbor Lights Triathlon in Waukegan, IL) this weekend to bolster my enthusiasm. And I'm going to swim in the lake after work today (my new office is one block from Ohio Street Beach).

I would love to hear your thoughts about incorporating quality training time into busy work and home lives. And also on how you keep from letting your guilt about blowing off training affect your overall morale. This should be fun, right?

Happy Friday!

2008-07-18 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Race coming up. Here are some of my thoughts; I won't feel bad if you don't read my too long message.

I've been trying to think about what I did wrong and what I did right at my last race so that I can make improvements. Here's what I've come up with:

Overall, the biggest mistake I made was in hydration. I have the opposite problem of Cheri's--I'm a waterholic. It nearly ruined my run. I think I could have gone faster if I didn't have a quart of water sloshing in my stomach. This time, I'm limiting myself to one bottle on the bike. I haven't decided yet whether to eat any gel at all on the bike. I think if I eat well the night before, eat a good breakfast, and maybe eat a gel a few minutes before my wave starts, I should be fine. Or maybe I will put energy drink in my bottle.

Transition setup: I kept it fairly small last time and was pleased, but I stuck my stuff too far back beside my bike, sort of under the rack where it was harder to get to. I arrived early enough to scope things out and memorized where my spot was in relation to in/out areas. I had no trouble finding my things.

The swim: I need to be at the very front of my wave. In the last race, I was near the front but still ended up having to swim over too many slower people. I think I would rather get pushed out of the way or have someone attempt to swim over me than to have to constantly stop because there's nowhere to go. However, things could be different at this race, as this swim is in Lake Michigan and the last one was in a smaller manmade lake with a zig-zag swim. The true open water might thin things out a bit. On my last race swim, I thought my pace was OK, and I was able to breathe every third stroke the whole time.

T1: I need to get my chip strap under the leg of my wetsuit. I got stuck in my suit last time. I've been practicing feet on shoes and feel pretty comfortable with that, although I jump on the bike a little tentatively. More practice on that this afternoon and tomorrow.

The bike: I hope to spend more time on the big ring. I haven't seen this course, though, so I don't know if there are any hills. And the way the weather has been the last few days, there's the potential for wind, which could be draining. I still don't have aerobars; I'd like to get a set before Accenture Chicago in late August. I'm going sockless on the bike.

T2: No problems last time. I'm good at the feet-on-shoes dismount. It's fun. Eager to do it in a race. I will put on socks for the run.

The run: Ah, my Achilles heel. I averaged 9:39 per mile last time on a 3.1-mile run. I didn't go out too fast--I couldn't because of drinking too much. For some reason, this tri has a 4-mile run. I'm hoping to average 9:00 per mile. However, if there's a headwind I have to fight on the bike, it could have an impact on my running legs.

Well, that's about it.
2008-07-20 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Sorry I ddin't see your note before your race Nat. I would agree with most of your comments. The only ones I would question are the water and the gels. I would not limit water, if your thirsty you gotta drink it or you will pay. I don't think you shoud need a gel for under 1:45 minutes. Hope it went well.

My week was weak. Marcy fell on our Tuesday run and I skipped Wednesday cause I didn't want her to have to miss the workout alone. We didn't swim all week.

4 runs, long was only 4.45 but I did get 4 runs in. 15 miles Did a virtual 5k on Friday in honor of a fellow BT'er who died this week.

3 bikes - but one was only 9 miles. Marcy cut a tire and we abandoned. Weekend rides were good and really tough.

I haven't been drinking enough water when not training. Really noticed it and am fixing it. Proper hydration is not a short term fix.

I took my tri bike to the shop yesterday to replace rear derailur and try to get power tap fixed.
Strap on helmet broke and still haven't got watch band fixed.

Starting to think October might be to soon for half iron but not sure yet.
2008-07-21 6:22 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hi, all. Had a good race on Sunday. Look for a race report soon. I would do it now but I'm on the road, and posting from my mobile phone is a little cumbersome.

One thing I realized: I'm not going to get faster on the bike if I'm neglecting riding in my training. When I have a time crunch, the first thing I sacrifice is the bike because I think I can rely on the base I've built with my commuting. But that's just not working for me. I need more long rides. Also, I really think I would benefit from aerobars. I keep putting it off, but it's a small investment compared to a new bike, which is what I really want to get.
2008-07-21 6:32 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Also, regarding water, at my last race I didn't think that overhydration was an issue. I've always been sensitive to proper hydration ever since I first got into road cycling when I was 15, and I've usually tended to err on the side of drinking a little more. But two bottles in 40 minutes overwhelmed my stomach's ability to process anything.

Yesterday I carried two bottles but drank only one, and I was happy with the results. I wasn't thirsty, and I didn't have water sloshing in my stomach.

2008-07-21 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1544802

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey Natalie!!!  Congrats on your race Sunday..I am lookin forward to the race report.  I know what you mean about over hydrating - I usually carry no more then 1 bottle on a ride - and I rarely finish it unless it's really hot...but I usually time it just right and I rarely feel dehydrated on the bike.  Keep on keepin on!!   Def get some aerobars - makes a huge difference in a ride when you can get into multiple positions and going aero also keeps the drag from getting you especially if you ar fighting a headwind....I recommend gettin some aerobars..not sure what kind as my bike came with them...I know some of the other folks in here lik Chappy and Ken will let you know what to look for ....


Edited by papahawk 2008-07-21 3:00 PM
2008-07-23 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

I'm not going to do a weekly recap for last week.  I had lots of volume, but they were mostly junk miles.  I need to start training smarter!

I'd love it if we could get a discussion going on hydration and nutrition, especially for longer tris.  A friend told me that you even need to start thinking about race day nutrition for an Olympic distance tri.  Do you agree?  I can understand the need for proper hydration (and of course that will be a problem for me), but nutrition as well??

2008-07-23 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1116072

New user
Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
By the way, here's the link to my race report. Tried to post yesterday but was having trouble. Sorry, it's not as exciting as Papahawk's race reports!
2008-07-27 7:31 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Wow, this is not a good weekly recap.

2 bikes 50 miles, long ride 27
3 runs, 14.25 miles, long run 7.6

Long bike was the only decent workout of the week. I am stuck on road bike while p3 is getting fixed and it doesn't fit me well. After I get p3 back I am gonna see about getting a longer stem for the trek.

Did get a long run in and upped distance to 7.6. it was way to slow but at least i finished.

Getting a new watch this week. not having a watch really has a bad impact on my running.

I must get back to the pool.
2008-07-28 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1563108

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Ken...your a Manatee out of ther water!!!  GET BACK IN YOUR ELEMENT!!  LOL  just kidden ya.  Well - I continue to train as best I can for now...I am takin a break from Masters this month - starting back into it next month.  I still manage to get a Masters swim session in once a week...twice if I am lucky.  I have not ridden the bike in a while....I have been hittin the cycle class in the mornings with GyGy and getting some spin time that route...if I wanna ride outside I got get on it early in the mornin...but that usually when my wife is out getting her run now..I do what I can to keep the legs movin and building endurance.  Running is getting better - ever since I PR'ed that 5k I have seemed to be getting faster on my runs - even if it's an endurance run...I am seeing the benefits now of base building.  Most of the 3 milers I run now are usually under 30 minutes - which tells me I have improved on running since I used to run about a 35-45 5k...and then with the 4 miler I ran a few weekends back 36 minutes...well...I cannot help but think I am improving or just running like a mad man now  LOL.  So - steady as she goes for me...still keeping an eye on some super sprints later this year..I am gonna for and Olympic and then the grand pooba for me - HIM.  One thing for sure I am very proud of is all this trainin has gotten me back in shape!!  I have dropped about 15 lbs total since I started training and I am proud to say I am now back into size 33 jeans! weight = 185 and my upper body is lookin leaner and when I used to surf all the wife always told me I had great shoulders....back then..well..they are back again...I can thank swimmming for that!!   She's quite happy with my new look as well...always a motivating factor in my book!  Anyway - that's it for me...hopefully next time I will have a more official recap -with some real bike mileage to log....hope you all are doing well....summer is blowin's gonna be Fall before we know it....

2008-08-10 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly recap - Best week since April. Only missed one workout and I got my butt back to the pool. 2 swims, 4 bikes, 3 runs. Bike and Run speeds were excellent.

Got my bike back, new derailler and power tap is working and got new running shoes. Switched running shoe model after 3 years. I am a little scared of this. The shoe is lighter and I feel faster in the shoe but have had some pain that I wasn't having. We shall see. I need to get new orthodics I think.
2008-08-17 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Weekly recap

1 swim 1650 37 minutes
3 bikes 95 5:06 long 53.5
4 runs 17.12 3;19 long 6

Still not good on swim. Slept in, too lazy
Bike was a good week, long ride was very fast
Run - Long run was disaster. Plan was 9 miles only made 6. Have been trying a new shoe and it just didn't workout. Ankle went crazy, could hardly walk at the end. Good news is that after icing, shocking, and advil its mostly recovered and I did 3 additional runs without issue.

Not sure about my fitness, really whipped after long bikes. We will try to get the long run back on track this week.

I think I can eclipse my full year totals from 2007 by the end of the month in all 3 sports!

Time for some fall races!

Edited by Manatee Express 2008-08-17 7:00 PM
2008-08-18 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1609095

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Weekly recap

2 swims, longest one was an hour (I think that's the longest time I've ever swam!)

3 bikes -- 82 miles, with a 56-miler on Sunday

2 runs -- 8.5 miles, not good!  My long run was rained out.

My training has really suffered the last few weeks.  I've been traveling every week for work, and the hotel gyms are just not the same as being at home.  I'm home this week, then heading to Wyoming for vacation next week (climbing the Grand Teton!!!), so my training will continue to suffer.  Keep your fingers crossed that Fay stays away from us so I can get some decent workouts in this week.

On a positive note, I finally decided to sign up for another triathlon.  It's just a sprint, but at least I'm committed.  Now if I could just make the commitment to that Oly at Mexico Beach at the end of September...

2008-08-18 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1609095

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Weekly recap = VACATION WEEK

Hey all - Papa's back in the house!!  I was on vacation last week but I managed to keep a running routine during this week.  GyGy &  I alternated morning runs all week...I did pretty good - plus being on the coast meant nice flat helped the runs for sure and the weather was spot on in the mornings.  We had one day of pourin down rain and poor GyGy got the rainy day run that morning - she sucked it up and ran in it  - she's so hardcore!!   Anyway - here's my run totals.....I have a 5k this weekend will be just doing some endurance runs this week - maybe one tempo run...but I am gonna shoot for a 25 min or less 5k this weekend..I think I can do it...I know GyGy is gonna blaze it up so I am gonna be nippin at her heels on this run...I am sure she will place in this one like the has on the the last 2 races she ran in - she place 2nd in Athena and 3rd on the 4 miler.....she is tearin up the runs lately and getting stronger and faster!!!  She really is inspiring me to push myself ....speakin of fast - did you all see the marathon womans runner gold medalist...she was from Romania I believe...she was averaging a sub 6 min mile!!!  HOLY COW...for 26.2...that's just insane!!!  But the real show stopper is Bolt - the Jamican man that is like a gazelle - he ran the 100 meter in less then 10 sec's and beat his own world record and was decelerating as he crossed the finish...truely a gifted athlete..he made it look so easy too!!  anyway - here's my totals.

 3 runs

1 = 3 miler   time:26:35 

1 = 4.6 miler  time:42:01

1 = 3 miler  time:25:54

2008-09-10 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

HEY MANATEE's..WAKE UP!! I know we are all busy and have things going on - but I miss you guy's n gal's!!!!

So - now I got your attention - how's everyone doing out there?

2008-09-15 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1116072

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed
Hey Rusty and gang!

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. We got 3 hurricanes in a row and it has made my life miserable. The storms didn't hit us so I should be happy but all each of the storms created water problems at work. I work for a company that has 2 restaurants on the water. Part of the restaurant flooded in Gus and Ike was even worse. Sounds like Cherrie is going through the same kind of crap.

Marcy and I are still aiming for an October 4th Half Ironman but I don't feel good about it. My running has been dismal and my biking only fair. Swimming is okay but not doing enough of it.

We had oritinally planned to go to New Orleans to do a time trial this weekend. Ike killed that. We got tired of the weather and drove up to Nashville to do the Music City Triathlon this weekend and the storm followed us. We had an aborted swim and then biked in gale force winds.

Congrats to rusty on a great run. Has anyone heard if Natalie did her Olympic Tri? Where is chappy?
2008-09-15 9:25 PM
in reply to: #1675749

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey Ken!!

Good to hear from ya man!!  I know the tropics have been beatin you up down there lately...glad you made it out of the bad not worry bout the lack of training - your a veteran - you'll bounce back in no time!!   Keep the faith!!   - I am still plannin on doing HIM next's my goal for long as I keep the training up and log some sprints and oly's early in the 2009 season - I see no reason why HIM could not be in my future...sounds a lil intimidating  right now - but I know I can do it.  Anyway - hope everyone else is doing allright - been real quiet on the Express lately and I just wanted to give everyone a shout...Chappy seems to have gone into hibernation - hope he is allright....have not herd from Nat in Chicago in a while either...she is prob busy with other stuff...Sledge is hangin in there ....good to hear back from ya though!!!   

2008-09-16 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1116072

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Hebron, KY
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

Hey Manatees,

      I have either fallen off of the wagon or got onto it.  Training has been lacking and that is putting it politically correct.  I don't see how you guys and gals do it as home owners.  My HONEY-DO list gains two jobs for every one that I finish.  I sure miss Okinawa as I have yet to find a riding group similar in the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati area.  Good news is that the family just signed up at the YMCA so I now have a place to swim because the thought of jumping into the Ohio River just doesn't sound that exciting.  I have been doing some running as all Marines must do but nothing significant.  I am going to get back in the saddle soon as I need to shed a couple of pounds before the really cold months get here.  Some good news is that I just went over 20 years on Sept 7 and now Uncle Sam has to pay me for the rest of my life, woo hoo.  Got a couple of job offers coming out of Charleston, South Carolina and I didn't even put a resume out there.  Have to see what happens on my upcoming promotion board when the results are published in late October/early November.  I still have every intention of meeting you guys for the Gulf Shores HIM as I have not forgotten the pot that I stirred up with PapaHawk.  You guys and gals take care and keep training.  I will see you all at the Finish Line.

2008-09-16 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1676644

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Manatee Express Mentor Group - closed

WOW - my Semper Fi brotha lives!!!  Hey Chappy - glad to hear from ya man!!  I understand about the whole fallin off the wagon deal...sometimes - other things in life take priority....I understand.  Alot of it had to be with movin stateside again and finding your groove there....that takes time too.  and the Honey-Do list...dude...that never ..never ...goes away!!! hehe and is always top priority!  I have not forgotten about GS HIM either....I am working towards it man...its a long road - but I got nuthin but time....take care my friend and drop in from time to time when you can!!


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