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2010-06-03 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2899356

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

thall0672 - 2010-06-03 2:50 PM SteveB: I attempted sighting at the pool today the way you suggested (holding my chin at 90 degree angle from body line when breathing to the right). Unless I'm doing it incorrectly, I don't seem to be able to really sight well this way. At the most, I was only able to see what was just to the right of the front wall. I seemed to have better luck by sighting while my face was in the water, but tilting my chin up so that my goggles were just to the surface of the water so I could see everything in front. If I do this every 4th stroke or so, I think I could stay on track. I'll be trying it out tomorrow in open water. Tracey

Tracey-  I don't know if this helps at all - when I sight, I tend to take my breath from the side like normal, then instead of looking back down, I look forward, then down.  I think it is kind of like you are describing, and with practice you can do it quickly and not lose your rhythm. 

STEVE B - did you get my note on the Pirate race day places to stay and stuff?

2010-06-03 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Shaun - good luck this weekend!  Hope you do great!

Bike update:  $12 fix.  Turns out I braked so hard, I popped the axle out of position on the front fork.   Bike shop guy looked at the wheel and fork and couldn't see anything wrong - so he hit wheel hard with the heel of his hand, and it popped back in place.  He said something to the effect of, "wow, you must have braked like crazy!"  I laughed and said, "Yep...and now I need a new helmet!"  $12 was to true the wheel.

Shoulder is feeling better - less sore today - will likely do some trainer/brick work after work today.  Still very little range of motion (scabbing and such), but the muscles are better. 

It's amazing how much finding out the bike is OK has improved my spirits.  Head is much clearer than before as well - that's probably helping too.  Looking forward to getting back on the horse as it were this weekend!
2010-06-03 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2899356

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Good try on that; it isn't easy. Leave it for now, and go with whatever works best for you, even if it means disrupting your alignment and balance for a few seconds. I will try to find time next weekend to show you what I mean, okay?

2010-06-03 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2899511

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes, i did, thank you. However, i haven't done anything about it, for the moment being content with what I have. I still need to book Friday night, and will likely do that in Myles Standish State Park and just hope that there is not some grad-related bush party scheduled for the campground!

In my younger days (like, even two years ago!) I was great at booking places early, figuring I could always cancel if I couldn't di the race. And then it turned out that a passed-on race was over and done with.........and nexct credit card bill had a charge for a room I never used. OOPS! Since then I have become kind of shy about booking early, or carrying multiple bookings. having said that, though, I still have two nights of Timberman lodging at the Red Roof Inn in Loudon (I don't think I cancelled that...... ), plus a second night for Musselman lodging (I only need one night now), plus.......I think there is one more. Oops-oops?

2010-06-03 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2899660

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


WHEW!!!!! GREAT news on the bike! And I, like you, felt SO much better when I learned that there was nothing wrong with it, aside from cosmetic issues. And also like you, there was the issue of a new helmet.

If you want to compare war wounds, there are some photos on page 157 of the other mentor group (stevebradley'smentorgroup). These were taken about 8 hours after the crash, and we had just returned from a looooong afternoon at the hospital. The road rash is obvious, but not the separated shoulder. (I was advised to go without a sling.) The one where I'm flashing some upper thigh is me just laughin' to keep from cryin'. (The thigh rash went higher, but I couldn't get the shorts that high!) And the jersey was not the one I crashed in, but one I changed into when I got home right after the crash.

The shoulder kept me from "real" swimming for about five weeks, but even though i wanted to hit the pool and do some sculling and kicking, the rash prevented that for three weeks. That is how long it took to mostly dry up and heal and not run the risk of causing people in the pool to run away screaming. I felt kind of like a leper for a while!

Again, that is fabulous that your bike is just about perfect. Pretty resilient things, I guess, eh?

2010-06-03 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2899837

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

BRICK IDEAS, part one

I mentioned to Kasia that I just bought two British triathlon magazines, and each has articles on bricks. I will get the info from both to you all in pieces, especially this first one, which is called "Essential Bricks". This is in "220 Triathlon", which is the oldest of the Brit tri mags, and the author is Andy Bullock, who was the 220 Coach of the Year in 2008.

This article has plans for 12 bricks, three each for Sprint, Olympic, Middle (half-iron) and Long (iron). For each of those four distances there are three bricks - one each for beginer, intermediate, and advanced triathletes. For now, with Kasia, Shaun, Tracey, and Mandy all racing soon, I will give the info for Sprint-Beginner, Sprint-Intermediate, and Olympic-Beginner.

Session --- Run off the bike. When returning from one of your bike sessions, and before you sit down for your tea, put on your running shoes and head off for 10-15mins. Short and sweet and can beinckuded in all distances.
Time taken For Session --- 10-15mins plus bike ride.
Benefit of Session --- Undertaken on a regular/weekly basis, your legs will soon be accustomed to running off the bike.

Session --- After a bike session, 10mins hard, 10mins harder. This session is similar to the beginner's but, as your legs are used to running off a bike, push them a little harder. Hold a good, strong posture when running hard.
Time Taken For The Session --- 20mins plus bike ride.
Benefits of Session --- Gets your body and mind used to running at pace off the bike.

Session --- 60-90mins bike into 30min run.
Time Taken For Session --- 2-2:30hrs (including 15min warm-up and 15min cool-down).
Benefit of Session --- Running for a longer duration off the bike will help you experience this before the race. Do this once or maybe twice before racing, and make sure you relax and keep your feet light when running.

These show you that bricks are not exactly rocket science, and that for the shorter distances there is no need for big bricks. As I post the ones for longer distances and advanced athletes, they become more convoluted -- but simple ones can also work well.

I will try to do these reguklarly over the next week, maybe three on every other day. Someday remind me if they don't appear, please! (The best-laid plans.......)

2010-06-03 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2899869

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


The Olympic-Beginner one is what you might aspire to in a perfect world, but I wouldn't shoot for it yet, As I siad a day or two ago, keep your focus on getting as close to 10km in your regular stand-alone runs, and keep tis one in deep reserve just in case a week out from LL2L you are ready for it.

Do the Sprint-Beginner first, and then try the Sprint-Intermediate. That ought to be a good bridge leading into another leap -- but maybe just up to 25mins, not 30 or more, for the run part.

2010-06-03 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2898361

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-03 8:53 AM


It has been years since I was at Fenway as well. But the last time was memorable, as I got there early with my kids to watch b.p. We were on the third-base side, where the Angels were doing their thing, right in the front row (that was for b.p.; our actual game seats were much further back), and Chad Curtis picked up a ball and tossed in to Jane, who was thrilled. We then went down to the Angels dugout to watch them file in and head to the locker room to get into their game uniforms, and the great Rod Carew, who was at that time a coach, rolled a ball across the top of the dugout right to Peter!

That was all very cool..........but it made me feel bad. I mean, I went to dozens and dozens and dozens of Sox games as a kid, and NEVER got a ball, not even close. I dutifully brought my glove everytime, and nothing ever came close. And my stupid kids, not even hard-core Red Sox fans, show up at the their second or third game and each get a ball virtually GIVEN to them. What's that about, anyhow? They were cute and I wasn't? BAH!

That's a great story Steve. You didn't get a ball as a kid, but hopefully you were able to enjoy it via your kids!

2010-06-03 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I FINALLY got some bike shoes today (after the debacle of having ordered some first through my LBS, then an online company, and not being informed for days and days that the shoes were out of stock...)

I practiced clipping in and out for a while in my backyard. After a few minutes I was getting pretty good at it! Then I took the bike out to the quiet roads around my house and practiced there. I'm feeling pretty confident, although I just know there's going to be a time when I forget that I'm clipped in when I'm stopping and topple over...

I'm quite surprised how easy it is to clip out.

I can really tell how much additional power you get from being clipped in, even from just pedaling around the neighborhood. I have a ride tomorrow so we'll see how being clipped in translates to additional speed...

2010-06-03 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2899869

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-03 6:31 PM

BRICK IDEAS, part one

I mentioned to Kasia that I just bought two British triathlon magazines, and each has articles on bricks. I will get the info from both to you all in pieces, especially this first one, which is called "Essential Bricks". This is in "220 Triathlon", which is the oldest of the Brit tri mags, and the author is Andy Bullock, who was the 220 Coach of the Year in 2008.

This article has plans for 12 bricks, three each for Sprint, Olympic, Middle (half-iron) and Long (iron). For each of those four distances there are three bricks - one each for beginer, intermediate, and advanced triathletes. For now, with Kasia, Shaun, Tracey, and Mandy all racing soon, I will give the info for Sprint-Beginner, Sprint-Intermediate, and Olympic-Beginner.

Session --- Run off the bike. When returning from one of your bike sessions, and before you sit down for your tea, put on your running shoes and head off for 10-15mins. Short and sweet and can beinckuded in all distances.
Time taken For Session --- 10-15mins plus bike ride.
Benefit of Session --- Undertaken on a regular/weekly basis, your legs will soon be accustomed to running off the bike.

Session --- After a bike session, 10mins hard, 10mins harder. This session is similar to the beginner's but, as your legs are used to running off a bike, push them a little harder. Hold a good, strong posture when running hard.
Time Taken For The Session --- 20mins plus bike ride.
Benefits of Session --- Gets your body and mind used to running at pace off the bike.

Session --- 60-90mins bike into 30min run.
Time Taken For Session --- 2-2:30hrs (including 15min warm-up and 15min cool-down).
Benefit of Session --- Running for a longer duration off the bike will help you experience this before the race. Do this once or maybe twice before racing, and make sure you relax and keep your feet light when running.

These show you that bricks are not exactly rocket science, and that for the shorter distances there is no need for big bricks. As I post the ones for longer distances and advanced athletes, they become more convoluted -- but simple ones can also work well.

I will try to do these reguklarly over the next week, maybe three on every other day. Someday remind me if they don't appear, please! (The best-laid plans.......)

Thanks for the brick info Steve. I've been doing the bike/run bricks for about 4 weeks now and can really see an improvement in my leg endurance after the ride.

2010-06-03 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2899660

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-06-03 4:50 PM

Shaun - good luck this weekend!  Hope you do great!

Bike update:  $12 fix.  Turns out I braked so hard, I popped the axle out of position on the front fork.   Bike shop guy looked at the wheel and fork and couldn't see anything wrong - so he hit wheel hard with the heel of his hand, and it popped back in place.  He said something to the effect of, "wow, you must have braked like crazy!"  I laughed and said, "Yep...and now I need a new helmet!"  $12 was to true the wheel.

Shoulder is feeling better - less sore today - will likely do some trainer/brick work after work today.  Still very little range of motion (scabbing and such), but the muscles are better. 

It's amazing how much finding out the bike is OK has improved my spirits.  Head is much clearer than before as well - that's probably helping too.  Looking forward to getting back on the horse as it were this weekend!

So glad to hear it's not an expensive repair. And very glad that you're feeling better!

2010-06-03 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2899511

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-06-03 3:50 PM

thall0672 - 2010-06-03 2:50 PM SteveB: I attempted sighting at the pool today the way you suggested (holding my chin at 90 degree angle from body line when breathing to the right). Unless I'm doing it incorrectly, I don't seem to be able to really sight well this way. At the most, I was only able to see what was just to the right of the front wall. I seemed to have better luck by sighting while my face was in the water, but tilting my chin up so that my goggles were just to the surface of the water so I could see everything in front. If I do this every 4th stroke or so, I think I could stay on track. I'll be trying it out tomorrow in open water. Tracey

Tracey-  I don't know if this helps at all - when I sight, I tend to take my breath from the side like normal, then instead of looking back down, I look forward, then down.  I think it is kind of like you are describing, and with practice you can do it quickly and not lose your rhythm. 

STEVE B - did you get my note on the Pirate race day places to stay and stuff?

Thanks Mandy. Now that I think of it, I might have been doing more what you describe.

2010-06-03 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2899660

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-06-03 4:50 PM Shaun - good luck this weekend!  Hope you do great!

Bike update:  $12 fix.  Turns out I braked so hard, I popped the axle out of position on the front fork.   Bike shop guy looked at the wheel and fork and couldn't see anything wrong - so he hit wheel hard with the heel of his hand, and it popped back in place.  He said something to the effect of, "wow, you must have braked like crazy!"  I laughed and said, "Yep...and now I need a new helmet!"  $12 was to true the wheel.

Shoulder is feeling better - less sore today - will likely do some trainer/brick work after work today.  Still very little range of motion (scabbing and such), but the muscles are better. 

It's amazing how much finding out the bike is OK has improved my spirits.  Head is much clearer than before as well - that's probably helping too.  Looking forward to getting back on the horse as it were this weekend!

Yeah! So happy to hear the bike is OK!  And you too ofcourse!  I hope that shoulder continues to feel better.


2010-06-03 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Love the Fenway story Steve B.  Yesterday was my first Fenway visit!  Crazy right?  I wish I could show you guys the seats we had.  It was pretty awesome, I can tell I could easily get addicted to going if it were closer (and cheaper! $8 for a beer! $6 for a big pretzel!)

I am pretty psyched that I got to see Papelbon pitch, even if it was only an inning.  Jason Varitek is still one of my favorite players, I don't care what anyone says.

Seriously, what is the thing with the bazillion sausage sellers outside of Fenway?  I have never seen so much sausage being sold.

And thanks for the info on bricks, good stuff.  So what about HIM?  I need to start gearing up some more, this lack of running thing has thrown me for a bit of a loop and I feel so disjointed with my training right now.  Bike swim tomorrow!


2010-06-03 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2899973

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-06-03 7:47 PM I FINALLY got some bike shoes today (after the debacle of having ordered some first through my LBS, then an online company, and not being informed for days and days that the shoes were out of stock...) I practiced clipping in and out for a while in my backyard. After a few minutes I was getting pretty good at it! Then I took the bike out to the quiet roads around my house and practiced there. I'm feeling pretty confident, although I just know there's going to be a time when I forget that I'm clipped in when I'm stopping and topple over... I'm quite surprised how easy it is to clip out. I can really tell how much additional power you get from being clipped in, even from just pedaling around the neighborhood. I have a ride tomorrow so we'll see how being clipped in translates to additional speed...

Seriously, I was shocked at the difference the clips made for me.  Good luck tomorrow!
2010-06-03 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Well it is now official.

According to the 3 sonographers (who knew they were called that???) and the on site Doctor, I have a direct hernia on my right side and an in-direct on my left side. Now in a week or so I should hear from the surgeon and see what he has to say. Then probably over to the sports medicine people. I know surgery is the only fix, I just want the input of someone who works with athlete's and knows if one of the 4 or 5 possible fixes is best for someone who swims, bikes and runs.

I do appreciate Anne and Denise's questioning and motherly thoughts, but I am going to push through it and react when I get more dis-comfort. That's all I have at most now anyways and I was told not to stop training. In fact, right after I spoke with my mother and she says she agrees with my desire to still do them at a restrained pace knowing I am doing them to practice the paces (no pun intended), learn from them and come back next year more focused on them.

My plan is to treat them as long bricks/icks and enjoy the atmosphere as well as figure out the whole race day thing. Get a better idea what is going on and what makes sense to me, what doesn't and go from there. No pushing it.

So it really looks like my 2010 triathlon year will potentially be over before it even starts.

Oh well, such is life. I'd rather have this then something like a torn MCL or ACL or any number of other injuries which you potentially never truly come back from.

2010-06-03 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Have a great race.  I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time and learn a lot.
2010-06-03 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Only 1 of the 5 Minnesota kids made it to the semi-finals of the National Spelling Bee.  But I'll be cheering her on tomorrow.  If she drops out early,  I'll cheer for one of the states you guys are from - Texas, Maine, Calif, Colo, etc
2010-06-03 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2900119

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-03 8:57 PM Well it is now official.

According to the 3 sonographers (who knew they were called that???) and the on site Doctor, I have a direct hernia on my right side and an in-direct on my left side. Now in a week or so I should hear from the surgeon and see what he has to say. Then probably over to the sports medicine people. I know surgery is the only fix, I just want the input of someone who works with athlete's and knows if one of the 4 or 5 possible fixes is best for someone who swims, bikes and runs.

I do appreciate Anne and Denise's questioning and motherly thoughts, but I am going to push through it and react when I get more dis-comfort. That's all I have at most now anyways and I was told not to stop training. In fact, right after I spoke with my mother and she says she agrees with my desire to still do them at a restrained pace knowing I am doing them to practice the paces (no pun intended), learn from them and come back next year more focused on them.

My plan is to treat them as long bricks/icks and enjoy the atmosphere as well as figure out the whole race day thing. Get a better idea what is going on and what makes sense to me, what doesn't and go from there. No pushing it.

So it really looks like my 2010 triathlon year will potentially be over before it even starts.

Oh well, such is life. I'd rather have this then something like a torn MCL or ACL or any number of other injuries which you potentially never truly come back from.

Hope you have a great time this weekend.   It's good that you got the results back before the race, and can go into it with some piece of mind, knowing exactly what the situation is.   I'm really excited to see how you do in your swim!  
2010-06-03 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I looked at your accident pictures - I wish I hadn't.
2010-06-03 9:57 PM
in reply to: #2900273

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Um ---- sorry?

If it makes you feel any better, it looks worse than it was --- although that's in the sense that Shaun mentions above, in that at least it is one of those things you recover from. The separated shoulder was the biggest worry, and also the head -- not the banged-up part, but the psychological aspect. To that end, i competed in a duathlon eight days later, mostly just to feel that I was "back in the saddle", but also to try to jump-start the road to psychological recovery. Pleased to say, it worked!

The picture of me "hoisting my hem" is still idiotic, and although I said it was laughin' just to keep from cryin', I wonder if I was a bit drugged by pain-killers. Beyond that, there is the comparison with a line I love from T.C. Boyle, which he refers to someone as "Grinning like a mule with a mouth full of briers."

Momma said there'd be days like that!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-06-03 10:00 PM

2010-06-03 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2900302

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

DENISE again -

And it's official -- I'm rooting for the Minnesota kid! (Because it's good of you to go for one of the group's state's reps, if yours drops out early.)

2010-06-03 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2900119

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm kind of confused by your latest, as there seems to be some hope for continued training, but you kind of end up saying that the 2010 season might be over before it's almost begun. Is one of your next moves to try to find a sports doc about this?

You're very right in your final paragraph, however, that the fix for this will likley be a good one with no future problems. When I tore my meniscus in '06 I was worried like you cannot believe that that was the end, right there. And even now, whenever I feel anything remotely amiss in that same general area, I feel like I'm aging about ten years in fear and trepidation alone.

You're also right that there is a lot to figure out in the early stages of triathloning. In effect, it took me many races before I was actually ready to race, and so whatever you do/learn/experience now will help you when the pieces finally begin to click in place for you. (And hopefully that will happen for you quicker than it happened for me!)

I truly appreciate your up-frontness about all of this, largely because it doesn't leave me wondering and worrying what is going on. I wish I knew something about hernias, however, as I feel as if I'm about eight steps behind you on the learning curve -- and not closing the gap at all.

As always -- keep us posted as you see fit!

2010-06-03 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2900307

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-03 9:59 PM DENISE again - And it's official -- I'm rooting for the Minnesota kid! (Because it's good of you to go for one of the group's state's reps, if yours drops out early.)

Better not make that official - There's one from Toronto. (There's several from outside the States - Japan even)
Texas has 1(Lisa), California has 4(SteveA), Colorado has 2(Kasia), Mass has 1 (Tracey)
Sorry Mandy, Mark, and Shaun - none made semis from your states
I'm sure I forgot somebody

I'm up late waiting for daughter to get in from Madison so I'm just killing time looking up stuff

Edited by LadyNorth 2010-06-03 11:06 PM
2010-06-04 6:47 AM
in reply to: #2900383

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Nope, I've made up my mind -- it's the Minnesota kid I favor. I guess I could go for the Massachusetts one, seeing as how I was born and bred there, but that was then and this is now.....and it's the one from MN who I hope is the last standing by correctly spelling erythrocruorin (or likely something 15 times more difficult).

I was always a very good speller and the possessor of a strong vocabulary, but each year the National Spelling Bee just blows me out of the water. At some point early in the competition, the various startegies I have (beyond mere rote learning) are no longer sufficient for the words presented to the kids. I just sit there with my mouth open, squirming away with the rest of the world. "Compelling viewing"? "An edge-of-your-seat experience"? All that and more!

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