BT Development Mentor Program Archives » crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now Rss Feed  
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2009-02-18 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Beach day is almost here Your invited!

Edited by amy mutz 2009-02-19 7:46 AM



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beachedit.jpg (29KB - 38 downloads)

2009-02-19 5:58 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Today I have the courage to be totally honest with myself.

Who ever wants to be totally honest?  It's very, very hard!  I know there are things I could do to race better (lose 5 lbs, be more disciplined with my biking, etc.), but do I want to go through the effort?  If I were honest, I'd have to determine which is more important -- to race better or to continue living like I do.  I'll have to ponder this one.

2009-02-19 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it.

It is a new day...make the best of each opportunity, you will grow from it.

Have a great day!


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2009-02-20 5:27 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Today I have the courage to correct erroneous beliefs and assumptions.

In my case, my body is much stronger than my mind.  But quite often my mind wins over my body.  I wrongly believe that something is too hard, or too long, or too uncomfortable, so I am tempted to quit.  A friend suggested that I come up with a mantra for those times -- something like "I am strong" or "I can overcome this".  I haven't come up with the perfect mantra yet, but I have used that thought process.

2009-02-21 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

We had a great time visiting my daughter in New York last weekend.  Got in Friday around noon, got checked into our hotel which was great, met our daughter, went out to eat and then to her show, which was great. Saturday morning, my husband and I got up, went to Ground Zero and St. Paul's Church (which was our favorite part of the trip, other than seeing our daughter); the Statute of Liberty and Ellis Island; the Empire State Building (so we could see the skyline at night) and the New York Skyride; and then to dinner.  Sunday we went to Top of the Rock (so we could see the skyline at daylight); toured the NBC Studios; and saw our daughter's matinee; and then took her out to eat.  Monday we went to the Sports Museum of America, so we could bring back something for you 10 year old; met our daughter and boyfriend for brunch; and then walked around Central Park (which was the closest I got to running there!).  Then to the airport that evening for our flight out. Tuesday night was my son's first baseball game (which they won 16-8).  Wednesday night was spent making a costume that my son told me he needed for the next day!!  UGH!!  Thursday was my first evening to chill and Friday we had to go for Mexican food since it had been two weeks since we'd had a margarita!  Now it's back to business!!

2009-02-21 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

If anyone is interested, her is the link to an interview my daughter did a couple of weeks ago (note her comment on chips and salsa):

As well as one of the reviews written about her show:



2009-02-24 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Lisa - you have to be so proud!!! I looked at the wright-ups...that is so cool. You have a very talented and beautiful daughter.

Welcome back, we missed you
2009-02-25 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

This video explains what I believe to be true.

I believe that ever race we do, whether it is a mini, sprint, oly, half or full is an personal TRIumph!!!! It is a great witness to other that you can accomplish great things if you have perserverance...I'm proud of everyone here that puts forth an effort to change and transform themselves.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
2009-02-25 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1857670

Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
hi everyone,  we are back from arizona but, the wheels have totaly fallen off my plans for a number of reasons i offer no excuses. but i am letting myself down big time. on jan 24 a good friend of mine died, the computer crashed and wiped  out0 my email and all of my web ,memberships ( have re registered here this am. my acct was still in tact here i just couldnt access it. i found a lump in my chest that is being addressed , and my youngest daughter has been diagnosed with an eye problem that she has apparently had since birth and i wasn't aware of. ( she cant focus out of her left eye) please pass the guilt. insteawd of sticking with my program to releive the stress everything stopped. i keep telling my self that god only gives me what i can handle but my anxiety level is the worst it has ever been. i have set a goal to begin workouts again monday morning. i have downscaled my goal for thias yeay to a sprint the end of june.  the 1/2 IM i had in mind is probably not going to happen as a major sponor pulled out a few weeks ago and there is major infighting among the organizers. my options are few for 1/2 IM because they are mostly full by the end of jan out here. today i am just trying to breathe and nopt worry about the future or the past just today and accomplish the samall goals i have set out for myself today.   take care all. cath
2009-02-25 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1981156

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Ok Cath....#1 is to take care of daughter and self, you should "not" feel any quilt whatsoever!!!
Just try to take some deep breaths and re-group, do what you can and don't worry about the leftovers.

Please let us know what you find out about your lump, and your daughters eye!!! I will put you and her on my prayer list. Let me know is there is anything I could help you with.

Check back in soon and let us know what is going on...

Love from Indiana,
2009-02-25 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1980211

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2009-02-24 7:30 PM Lisa - you have to be so proud!!! I looked at the wright-ups...that is so cool. You have a very talented and beautiful daughter. Welcome back, we missed you Amy

Thanks, we had a great time visiting with her. I'm just glad that the airfare isn't too much so I can get up to visit her every few months. Helen's step-daughter is also an actress but living and working in London, which would be really tough. Luckily with e-mail, facebook, and free unlimited long distance, it's easy to stay in touch.

2009-02-25 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1981156

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Cath, glad to have you check back in again. Sometimes life throws a kink into our well intentioned plans. Just remember, we are all doing this for fun and fitness, and try not to let the guilt get in the way. You have more important priorities right now to deal with, so don't let training (or the lack of) add to your stress. We're there for you, and will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers!!
2009-02-25 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
2009-02-25 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Cath...Sending a (((BIG HUG))) your way. Take care of yourself and please let us know when you find out anything. We are here for you...
2009-02-27 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Went to the doctor...he was glad I have been feeling better, but axed my long walks...NO, he said, you can walk max of 3 miles in a day and jog 1/2 mile of that, not much bike, and all the swim I want. He said you are recovering, you are "not" recovered, your body is still repairing itself from the damage you did patient and I will see you in two weeks.............hmmm Patients is a virtue...right!? Hmmmm PARTY POOPER!!!

I will check with everyones logs many people do we have left here???? Four?
2009-02-27 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1986675

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2009-02-27 5:15 PM Went to the doctor...he was glad I have been feeling better, but axed my long walks...NO, he said, you can walk max of 3 miles in a day and jog 1/2 mile of that, not much bike, and all the swim I want. He said you are recovering, you are "not" recovered, your body is still repairing itself from the damage you did patient and I will see you in two weeks.............hmmm Patients is a virtue...right!? Hmmmm PARTY POOPER!!! I will check with everyones logs many people do we have left here???? Four?

Hey everyone,

I'm around... just barely lurking.  Work has been hell on earth and then to add all the stress from daily life... I am just about at my wits end.  I'm glad to see some chatter going on.  It is nice.  I'm going to try to relax... first time I have had any chance this week.  Catch everyone later!

2009-03-03 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1857670

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now
Just wanted everyone to know where things stand right now. I'm not feeling well again. I will be taking a leave of absence from BT for the next 4 weeks because I don't feel I can give to everyone like I should...I'm going to just concentrate on myself right now, work is getting busier, and I will be going to Houston for a week to watch my daughter run at University of Houston for the college indoor track Nationals....they are ranked number 7th in the nation, so I'm very excited about going.
So I hope to check back in April to find you all having a great time training and preparing for your races.

Love from Indiana,
2009-03-03 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1993521

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2009-03-03 7:57 AM Just wanted everyone to know where things stand right now. I'm not feeling well again. I will be taking a leave of absence from BT for the next 4 weeks because I don't feel I can give to everyone like I should...I'm going to just concentrate on myself right now, work is getting busier, and I will be going to Houston for a week to watch my daughter run at University of Houston for the college indoor track Nationals....they are ranked number 7th in the nation, so I'm very excited about going. So I hope to check back in April to find you all having a great time training and preparing for your races. Love from Indiana, Amy

Good luck Amy.  We will all keep you in our thoughts!  Take care and have fun on your trip.

As for me, I have come down with a cold... so I am off training for at least today and tomorrow.  I hate spring cold season!!

2009-03-03 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1993521

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

amy mutz - 2009-03-03 6:57 AM Just wanted everyone to know where things stand right now. I'm not feeling well again. I will be taking a leave of absence from BT for the next 4 weeks because I don't feel I can give to everyone like I should...I'm going to just concentrate on myself right now, work is getting busier, and I will be going to Houston for a week to watch my daughter run at University of Houston for the college indoor track Nationals....they are ranked number 7th in the nation, so I'm very excited about going. So I hope to check back in April to find you all having a great time training and preparing for your races. Love from Indiana, Amy

I totally get it Amy, take a break for yourself.  I let myself get one step away from a mental/physical over the last couple of weeks.  Enjoy the time with your daughter and we will catch up later... Be well my friend, Emerson

2009-03-03 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1995707

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: crea0029/etknowles's group - CLOSED for now

Hello everyone, thanks for all the inspires and stop bys.  But being a mentor I have been off in space somewhere... obviously the events at Citi and in the markets have been pretty stressful and have taken virtually all my energy.  I use everything I have to breathe confidence in the families I serve and at the end of the day I am pretty drained.  I am not at liberty to discuss the details from the Citi side but it is a bit challenging these days.  If you would have told me two years ago, when the stock as 57 and we were a global powerhouse, that we would be 1/3 owned by the U. S. Government and trading at about the value of a cheese coney, I would have told you who were nuts... well, here we are...

I am moving myself back into grove.  I will be back soon.

Again, thanks for all the kind stop bys....


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