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2008-04-02 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Taos, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Good morning, everyone.  Nice job on the race, Mo.  Amy, you'll do great!  You're so ready.  Ken, I still need to watch that video.  Terry, how is your week going? 

I'm in Steamboat through tomorrow for work - fancy schmancy hotel and lots of snow.  Time to go try to get a bike workout in at the "spa".

2008-04-02 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Hi guys!  Here I am... whew!  Made over hump day

It's been another rough week at work and therefore with workouts.  Yuck!  How work gets in the way of life!?!?!

Amy, I'm glad to know you are in sunny Florida!  Did you get your wet suit and/or tri suit?  You are going to have a blast.  You'll be addicted forever.  As my mom says, "Just enjoy the day."  How have your swims and rides been?

Sandi, thanks for checking on me.  I'm hanging in there, but need to quickly get ready for starting my official training plan.  I'll be in NY next week.  Don't think I'll get the swims in.  Already off to a bad start.  How are you doing this week?

Mo, glad to know you have Ironman races in your future.  I don't know that I ever need to go there, but I sure do admire those who do!

Ken, how is your studying going?

2008-04-02 8:08 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Found out today that

* the water in Clermont is BROWN and should not be swallowed?

* that you cannot see your hand in front of you while in it?

* that you will be brown under your tri suit after swimming in it?

*that you cannot rent or even hardly purchase tri wet suits in this part of southern fla cause it's too warm and everyone orders them online?

Learned all of this at a cool bike shop owned by a USAT certified coach who has raced IM in my town! She was very sweet.

I will get to Clermont early and see if I can rent one?? or buy one? Or else I am swimming in my pretty new tri suit and swimming freaking fast so that I can get out of the water that is in the 70's ? yikes! I did not come to Florida to be cold!  But, what can you do???? Also bought a pink race  belt for number,  pink race quick laces and pink socks so even if I come in DFL I will still look totally cute!!

2008-04-02 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

AWESOME... pretty in pink!

Hmmmm... brown murky water.... I can relate.  One of the Sprints in the Atlanta area has a pretty yucky lake.  In fact, last year the water was pretty low due to the drought, so they would not let anyone get in the water to warm up prior to the race.  It was a mental challenge just to start the swim.  It was my third race, but my fastest swim probably because I was trying to getting out of the water as fast as possible.  You'll be okay... just don't think about it too much.  LOL!

2008-04-02 10:44 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

always good advice not to swallow the water.  However, don't feel to grose, the water is under 80 degrees so no ameoba activity.  (in case you heard about those incidents last year)  Also, the water color stems (no pun intended) from the cypress trees that surround the lake.  That's what gives it that nice red/brown tone.  Glad you're getting "suited up."  Even if you end up without a wetsuit, the water won't be too bad.  (by the time you get out, you will be used to it)

like mom says, just enjoy the day !!!

2008-04-04 6:17 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Day off for drive up to Clermont (2 hours? longer than it will take me to finish race!). Going to pack my bag, head to store for bagels and take kids to a different beach down the road- a little bit more wild in nature- on the channel between two islands that leads from bay to gulf- hopefully we will see dolphins since it's early! Will stay there for about 2 hours- till 10, and then come back here to head up to RaceTown!

I feel pretty good- nervous, NO DOUBT. But I keep telling myself that the physical part of this race is already in the bank, so all that's left is my mental game, and if I let that go, I'm self-sabotaging. The plan is for my husband, niece and 6 yo to stay here- my parents and my 9 yo are coming with- my son wanted to do the Kids Tri, and I will let him, but I'm not paying $40 till he sees the lake. I have a feeling that a boy who has grown up in crystal clear lakes doesn't have the mental game at age 9 to swim in a brown one. But he may surprise me, I guess. He can decide.

I will likely check back on BT before I go, but thanks to EVERYONE for all of your assistance, words of encouragement and technical advice. You guys are GREAT.  I bet there's never been anyone to post so much bellyaching over such a short race! I will be back tomorrow after the race, which is at 7:30- and of course I will log on to post all the details!

2008-04-04 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Amy, I cannot wait to hear the report!  GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-04-05 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I won.

There were no age groups. I was 1st place overall among the women. I am still wondering if there was not some mistake?? 67 women. 141 total racers; 29 men beat me, so I guess I was 30th overall.

I'm still in shock.

Will post times and splits later- race time was 53:27.

Did I mention I'm still in shock? And that the lake was total darkness like being blind when you put your face under? I have a lot of work to do on a longer open water swim.  But I bought a wetsuit at the expo afterwards and will be ready to go as soon as the ice melts off my lake. Okay, maybe not that quick. 

2008-04-06 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Congratulations Amy!  How exciting!!!!!!  A star is among us

Did you have a ball?  Can't wait to hear the details.  Did your son do the kids race?


2008-04-06 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Race report is up on my log. Yes, my son did the kids' tri- which he loved. He has a lot of issues with perfectionism and competion and comparing himself negatively to others, so I kept telling him heading into the race- "This is for fun, neither one of us has a chance of winning. Just let it go" (which turned out to be not exactly true) He came in 8th out of 9th in his age group and was a little bummed with that-- but we kept telling him that all the other kids are from Florida (they were) and have been riding and running all winter while he's been skiing. He ended up happy.
2008-04-07 9:20 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Taos, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Oh my god, Amy!  That's awesome!!!  Not that I'm entirely surprised

That's so inspiring.  Between that and hanging out w Ricardo this weekend who hadn't missed a workout in... six weeks I think.  Hmm, guess I've got to get my a** in gear!

2008-04-07 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Am, that's so cool. Congratulations. And now i can say i know a triathlon champion.
2008-04-08 12:11 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Whats up super star ???!!!!!!   How exciting !!!   congratulations.  Like Sandi said, not that I'm entirely surprised.  I'm going to read your race report right now.


2008-04-08 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

If any of you have pictures you want to be on the website, send them to my personal e-mail address  [email protected].  I'm making a pictures page of clients and friends.

racing pics are best, but I'll review fun training pics as well.  Terry, the pic you have as your avatar would be great.  Amy if you have any from this weekend, that would be good too.  Mo, how about that Marathon from last week?

 If you don't have any now, but get some good ones this season, send them to me at any time.  I will change it pretty frequently.

Thanks guys.

2008-04-09 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

I will send a few on when I get home this weekend, Ken. They are not very close up, but better than nothing. The race pics from are up- bib number 667- you can't get them to download (well, not unless you've got a spare $200-300 ) but at least you can see me racing! I will probably buy one or two. Is that vain?

2008-04-12 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Good Lord!


Page two just will not do!


What is everyone doing this weekend? I was a bad inspirer over vacation, but I am back and back in teh game, on every front. I'm stepping up the heretofore lacking core/strength and nutrition efforts between now and the end of May in a little personal "Marvelous by Memorial Day" challenge I'm giving myself. I will be checking in with you all to make sure you are still alive and kicking. 

2008-04-13 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Amy, glad to hear you traveled back safe and sound.

heads up to everyone today for those checking in...   you can catch the Ironman Arizona on starting 12pm pacific time.  (2007 highlights will be shown at 11am pacific time)

I have a couple friends racing, so cheer on:

#1152 - Matt Backus

#228 - Beenjamin proko

as for the pro men I'm rooting for TJ tulochson and for rthe women we want hilary biscay.  (or heather golnick since she's from Florida and nice)

2008-04-14 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Long Beach
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Hello All,

Congrats on the Tri win, I'M JEALOUS!!! I'm back on with everyone and the site as well. With work (thank God it is my final week with this group, you have no idea how bad it is...) and my health, I had to slow down. I got a nasty case of bronchitis three weeks ago and then had a relapse last week. More anti-biotics and additional meds to get me in shape quick. My doc says I should still be OK to race on Sunday.

Friends and family will be there to watch me and I'm getting a little nervous, but more excited then freaked. It is my first, my goal is to survive it.

Log is up to date with my training and I am trying to catch up a little with my traininig from last week.

Talk to you soon,

2008-04-14 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

John, welcome back!  I'm glad we'll now get the full report on your race

Amy, loved the pictures of you and your son!  Are you home now?  Please, bad inspirer?  I don't know anyone else who who do what you did over your vacation.  That IS VERY inspiring!

Sandi, how are you doing?

Mo, what about you?  How is our brother on the other side of the world?

Ken, I caught the Clearwater HIM on TV Saturday afternoon.  Do you know Andy Potts?  He won last year and lives in Colorado Springs.  It was a great finish for the men's race.

I have been sucking in the triathlon training area.  UGH!  Last week was supposed to be my first official training week, but instead I was in NYC with my running clothes that never left my bag.     I have run twice though since returning and looked at the pool.  LOL  does that count????


2008-04-14 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

john, welcome back !!!!

Well, in preperation for the XTERRA in 2 weeks I hit the mountain bike trails today for the first time.  Fun as hell, but man I'm rusty on my technical skills !!  Only one slight bust though, nothing serious.  got lost, but just asked a few people to fidn my way back.

 Terry, I'm glad your back on.  I know you've been crazy busy.

I don't know Andy Potts.  He's a stud though.  I wish I could have watched the 70.3 championship, but decided to go snowboarding instead.  good decision because I got some new freinds out of it. 

2008-04-15 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Taos, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Hi all. sorry I've been neglecting you!  Crazy, crazy. 

John, welcome back!  Don't try to catch up on last week's training, just start today.

Terry, same thing!  Forget about last week, last month; just start today and look forward.

I've got to catch up on Amy's World.

Ken, how technical do those bike courses get?  My friend wants me to do an adventure race w him, but neither of us really mountain bike!


2008-04-15 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Amy, it depends on the course.  Most general races such as a triathlon or adventure race(from what I know) have a relatively easy course technically.  It will still be challanging, but most race directors understand there is a wide spread ability level on the mountain bike and they don't want anyone to get hurt.

if you have a chance to get involved with adventure racing, I would jump all over it.  That is something that I have not done but plan to do in the distant future.

2008-04-16 2:01 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!
Hey guys, glad to see everyone's training well. Sorry been away for a long long time. Still training and went for a race last sunday, but not been hitting my target milage.

John, great to see you back. Good luck for the race, should be loadsa fun!

Ken, check out sabah adventure challenge. Tempted?

Alright, i'll try to write more when i can, and also fill up my training laog.

Have fun people.

2008-04-16 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1117000

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Taos, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Hey, Mo.  How's it going?  I'm pretty excited that I managed to get such a long run in Sunday, still feeling reasonably good.  Maybe there's hope yet!  So, that's almost my race distance (with a little extra terrain thrown in), and got my swim distance Monday - soooo slow, though!  The bike... I guess I should be able to do it.  I think that Skinny Tire day was 44 miles.   So, I think in the next few weeks I'll try to do it all within 48 hrs.   Have to get the distance part down now, cause things are gonna get busy really fast!

I'm so glad you guys are still out there!    Have a good Thursday.

2008-04-18 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1117000

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Williamson, GA
Subject: RE: Ken Axford's Group - closed and killin it!!!

Happy Friday everybody!  Woo hoo!

I have finally been in the pool and on my bike (not on the trainer) this week.  Sad, I know!  The good news is that I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable I felt with both.  Thankfully, I don't feel like I am starting from scratch like I was last year.

John, best of luck in your race this weekend!!!  I can't wait to hear the reports.  Enjoy the day!

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