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2010-07-18 6:05 AM
in reply to: #2987476

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
flip18436572 - 2010-07-17 9:16 PM
acv -
Well I'm off for a little night time jog at the track.

Do you usually run at the track?  I only run on the street, just curious.

It is at a track. It's a half mile track so it makes it easy to count laps. Sometimes the lights are on for the baseball field or hockey rink but sometimes I just jog in the moon light.

2010-07-18 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2987483

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

DaisyzMom - 2010-07-17 9:21 PM Sitting in the hotel with my Mother in law.  I'm really nervous about tomorrow.  My first experience with bike racks, and boy, not exactly what I was expecting!  I think I have a good rack, but we will see.  The swim times are seeded by your 100 yard pace, and I'm only 88 (out of 481) I'm totally nervous that I did something wrong.  But I provided results to back it up. 

Getting ready to go get a shower and some shut eye.  Any bike rack advice, please feel free to share! 

Nervous Nellie!

Geez Carly it's tough keeping up with your race schedule!Laughing

Good luck with the racks I guess by now you have figured them out - let us know how it went.

2010-07-18 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Second Oly of the year was this morning and the race did not go well, MY FIRST DNF!!! . Had a very bad swim (1500yds in 44minutes). the water was about 85 degrees and very dirty, not just murky, but stuff floating in it dirty!!! the bike was extremely hilly and very technical, should have taken my road bike instead. 

I got to transition and got setup, everything was good but forgot to use my GU before the swim, completely spaced it off. got about 3/4 through the swim before it registered why i was really suffering. Started cramping in the water and had no energy, stroke was suffering, cadence and breathing were way off, it started to come down to just not drowning. I finally got out of the water and it was a 45 degree climb up over 20 feet of sand to T1 (calves cramped big time), I mean who thought this up? I got to my bike, got my helmet on, had to sit down to put my shoes on, never done that before, but couldn't stand. I drank some water and Gatorade and felt better. got the bike ready and headed for the bike start but was getting passed right and left by people, felt like i was running in place. 

Finally got on the bike and started, there was a climb immediately out of transition so had to get clipped in and started, was painful after enduring the swim i had. Once on the course i took it slow so i could get my GU pack down, get some water and Gatorade in, things felt better so picked up the pace a little. At about 1.5 miles into it the course went across the dam and then turned and started climbing. I felt my legs start to lock up, then suddenly it felt as if I had been punched in the gut and gotten poked or something was wringing out my stomach. leaned over the top tube hoping to throw up, I couldn't force myself to and my body just refused to cooperate. knelt down in the grass and tried to get things to settle down, but my legs were shaking uncontrollably now, along with my stomach cramps. Another rider stopped, who happened to be a Dr. as well stopped along with the SAG and made them take me to medical. 

This is my first DNF, and not at all happy about it. Its not about the $$$ its about quitting and giving up. I assume they all did what was best for me, but still not happy about not finishing. They didn't find any problems at medical, just hurt pride and a slightly dented ego. The pride will be restored at the next triathlon and the dent in the ego will buff right out Laughing. What makes it even worse, I know your thinking this can get worse?, heck yeah it can, because the captain of our cycling team and team coach were volunteers at the event and got to see me get hauled into medical, pretty sure i am going to pay for that in our weekly hill climbing funfest this Thursday night.

I have had a lot on my mind lately but hate to make excuses or justify a crappy performance so I will use this a lesson and take away what i can, purge the rest from my memory and will come back stronger and faster at the next one, I have a score to settle. Apparently the course thought it got to do the beating, I am the only one doing the beating here!

Now that all that is out of the way, do any of you use Hammer products, specifically HEED energy drink and the Hammer gels? I have heard great things about them but wanted to get some input from all of you since we are at about the same level regarding triathlon, cycling, swimming and running, except you Brian, but still very much want to know what you think Smile
2010-07-18 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Dave - Sorry that you had a DNF.  They completely suck!  Plan your revenge and take it out on the next course. 

AFM - I had a very different experience today.  I got my revenge(and yes Dave, it'll feel SWEET!).  I'm going to try and do a detailed race report if I can figure it out.  Started 88th in the swim, and I was very nervous about it, but not near as nervous as number 1, who's never done a tri before.  We were seeded by estimated swim times based on your 100 yard pace, and I ended up fine, I even passed 4 people on the swim.  Bike went really well and I ran the whole 5K!  I had a goal time of 1:45 and finished with 1:40:31 on the clock.  Woo Hoo!  I was excited!  And then about 15 minutes later, I realized that the finish clock was running the whole time, and I didn't start until 16:10 into the race, yeah!  1:24:21!!!!  I beat my gol time by over 20 minutes.  I can't wait to see the break down. 

Bike rack -  I chose to hook my brakes over the bar and pop my front tire up.  The guy across from me was setting everything up and I wasn't sure which way to do it, so I asked him what I should do, he gave me this look like?  WTH?  and then simply said, "I'd do it the way I did..."  like, what did you think I was going to say?  And the more I thought about it, of course he's going to reccommend the way he did it, or he would have done it the other way.  My brain wasn't functioning very fast today!
2010-07-18 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2988173

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
DaisyzMom - 2010-07-18 2:22 PM Dave - Sorry that you had a DNF.  They completely suck!  Plan your revenge and take it out on the next course. 

AFM - I had a very different experience today.  I got my revenge(and yes Dave, it'll feel SWEET!).  I'm going to try and do a detailed race report if I can figure it out.  Started 88th in the swim, and I was very nervous about it, but not near as nervous as number 1, who's never done a tri before.  We were seeded by estimated swim times based on your 100 yard pace, and I ended up fine, I even passed 4 people on the swim.  Bike went really well and I ran the whole 5K!  I had a goal time of 1:45 and finished with 1:40:31 on the clock.  Woo Hoo!  I was excited!  And then about 15 minutes later, I realized that the finish clock was running the whole time, and I didn't start until 16:10 into the race, yeah!  1:24:21!!!!  I beat my gol time by over 20 minutes.  I can't wait to see the break down. 

Bike rack -  I chose to hook my brakes over the bar and pop my front tire up.  The guy across from me was setting everything up and I wasn't sure which way to do it, so I asked him what I should do, he gave me this look like?  WTH?  and then simply said, "I'd do it the way I did..."  like, what did you think I was going to say?  And the more I thought about it, of course he's going to reccommend the way he did it, or he would have done it the other way.  My brain wasn't functioning very fast today!

Very nice job, excellent time and sounds like you had a great experience. No huge grates in the bike course this time, a definite plus. I will definitely make the next one pay, but your day was excellent, very good race and you should be proud, cant wait to see the report.  
2010-07-18 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

Alright, I have a swim question. 

Since I now know how important getting the right seed time is...if I have a 100 yard pace of 1:30, and I can swim that pace for at least a half mile, what should my estimated 400m seed time be?  I have it at 8 minutes now, but I'm thinking I should pick something faster, like 7:30.  What do you think.  I need to change it by the 31st.


2010-07-18 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
I would guess you could do a 400 meter in much less than 8 if you can do a 100 in 1:30 that would be approximately 6 minutes.
2010-07-18 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2988162

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Dave,  Sorry to about your oly race.   Stop beating yourself, just mark on the calender your next race and shoot for a PR.  As for the Hammer product.  I take Heed, gel & perpetuem, & endupolytes pills.  I take Heed for my shorter distance workout (20 miles or less) and sprint distance tri.  I takeGel  (stawberry/banana)  before a race, nothing more on a sprint tri, on oly (I've only done one) I take it at the end of the bike and half way on the run.  I started taking perpetuem at the beginning of the year, when I was doing 3 hr plus bike rides.  I did have it with me on my oly tri.  I also take endupoluytes pills on my long bike rides and oly tri.  I do like the product  it doesnt upset my stomach everything been positive using it.
2010-07-18 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2988267

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Good job on your race.  Looks like you had a good time. 

I was told that your 100 yard pace should be around 8-15 second  faster than your 100 meter. Also depend if you will be swimming in 50 meter or 25 meter pool.  If you have a strong filip turn or not.  If you can hold a 1:30 - 100yard pace for at least half a mile.  I think a 7:30 time is good.  I would  rather be placed slow and pass people than to be pass at all.

2010-07-19 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2988660

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
utahrunner - 2010-07-18 9:53 PM Carly,
Good job on your race.  Looks like you had a good time. 

I was told that your 100 yard pace should be around 8-15 second  faster than your 100 meter. Also depend if you will be swimming in 50 meter or 25 meter pool.  If you have a strong filip turn or not.  If you can hold a 1:30 - 100yard pace for at least half a mile.  I think a 7:30 time is good.  I would  rather be placed slow and pass people than to be pass at all.

That's funny, I think I'd rather be passed than have to deal with that cluster of people to pass again!
2010-07-19 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

So sorry to hear about your DNF, Dave.  It sounds like your body was just having a really off day and it caught up to you - it just sucks that it had to happen on a race day.  Don't read too much into it - shake it off and get back out there - the sooner, the better.  Get your revenge!

2010-07-19 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

Great race, Carly!  That is a HUGE improvement.  It does sound like you shold have been seeded a little faster on the swim, but passing four people isn't too much of a hassle.  Pool swims can just be a mess, but next time you can start with a faster group.  Great job!!!

2010-07-19 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2988173

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
DaisyzMom - 2010-07-18 3:22 PM Dave - Sorry that you had a DNF.  They completely suck!  Plan your revenge and take it out on the next course. 

AFM - I had a very different experience today.  I got my revenge(and yes Dave, it'll feel SWEET!).  I'm going to try and do a detailed race report if I can figure it out.  Started 88th in the swim, and I was very nervous about it, but not near as nervous as number 1, who's never done a tri before.  We were seeded by estimated swim times based on your 100 yard pace, and I ended up fine, I even passed 4 people on the swim.  Bike went really well and I ran the whole 5K!  I had a goal time of 1:45 and finished with 1:40:31 on the clock.  Woo Hoo!  I was excited!  And then about 15 minutes later, I realized that the finish clock was running the whole time, and I didn't start until 16:10 into the race, yeah!  1:24:21!!!!  I beat my gol time by over 20 minutes.  I can't wait to see the break down. 

Bike rack -  I chose to hook my brakes over the bar and pop my front tire up.  The guy across from me was setting everything up and I wasn't sure which way to do it, so I asked him what I should do, he gave me this look like?  WTH?  and then simply said, "I'd do it the way I did..."  like, what did you think I was going to say?  And the more I thought about it, of course he's going to reccommend the way he did it, or he would have done it the other way.  My brain wasn't functioning very fast today!

The races I've done around here (run by the same company) are very specific about the way your bike is racked. They want the nose of the saddle hooked over the bar of the rack. So you have to tilt your bike on an angle and slide it under the top bar of the rack. It slows things down a little but thats how they want it.

If possible it's nice to have the bike pointed in the direction you want to go. It makes things a little faster you just grab your bike and go. 

WOW great job on that race!
2010-07-19 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2988162

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
dmwill37 - 2010-07-18 3:09 PM Second Oly of the year was this morning and the race did not go well, MY FIRST DNF!!! . Had a very bad swim (1500yds in 44minutes). the water was about 85 degrees and very dirty, not just murky, but stuff floating in it dirty!!! the bike was extremely hilly and very technical, should have taken my road bike instead. 

I got to transition and got setup, everything was good but forgot to use my GU before the swim, completely spaced it off. got about 3/4 through the swim before it registered why i was really suffering. Started cramping in the water and had no energy, stroke was suffering, cadence and breathing were way off, it started to come down to just not drowning. I finally got out of the water and it was a 45 degree climb up over 20 feet of sand to T1 (calves cramped big time), I mean who thought this up? I got to my bike, got my helmet on, had to sit down to put my shoes on, never done that before, but couldn't stand. I drank some water and Gatorade and felt better. got the bike ready and headed for the bike start but was getting passed right and left by people, felt like i was running in place. 

Finally got on the bike and started, there was a climb immediately out of transition so had to get clipped in and started, was painful after enduring the swim i had. Once on the course i took it slow so i could get my GU pack down, get some water and Gatorade in, things felt better so picked up the pace a little. At about 1.5 miles into it the course went across the dam and then turned and started climbing. I felt my legs start to lock up, then suddenly it felt as if I had been punched in the gut and gotten poked or something was wringing out my stomach. leaned over the top tube hoping to throw up, I couldn't force myself to and my body just refused to cooperate. knelt down in the grass and tried to get things to settle down, but my legs were shaking uncontrollably now, along with my stomach cramps. Another rider stopped, who happened to be a Dr. as well stopped along with the SAG and made them take me to medical. 

This is my first DNF, and not at all happy about it. Its not about the $$$ its about quitting and giving up. I assume they all did what was best for me, but still not happy about not finishing. They didn't find any problems at medical, just hurt pride and a slightly dented ego. The pride will be restored at the next triathlon and the dent in the ego will buff right out Laughing. What makes it even worse, I know your thinking this can get worse?, heck yeah it can, because the captain of our cycling team and team coach were volunteers at the event and got to see me get hauled into medical, pretty sure i am going to pay for that in our weekly hill climbing funfest this Thursday night.

I have had a lot on my mind lately but hate to make excuses or justify a crappy performance so I will use this a lesson and take away what i can, purge the rest from my memory and will come back stronger and faster at the next one, I have a score to settle. Apparently the course thought it got to do the beating, I am the only one doing the beating here!

Now that all that is out of the way, do any of you use Hammer products, specifically HEED energy drink and the Hammer gels? I have heard great things about them but wanted to get some input from all of you since we are at about the same level regarding triathlon, cycling, swimming and running, except you Brian, but still very much want to know what you think Smile


Sorry Dave that’s a rough way to end a race.

Do you think the water temperature was a factor? 85 is pretty warm. That’s like bath tub water well to me at least Embarassed. We never see temps out of the 70's. That would take a toll on me right off the bat.

The few hammer products I've used (gels mostly) have been excellent. I've been reviewing there website and I’m seriously considering ordering some of their products. Unfortunately no one around here sells them so I have to get them online. The top of my list is the recoverrite product. I’m getting a little tired of low fat chocolate milk as my recovery drink I thought I might mix it up a little.

2010-07-19 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Hammer Products -  The LBS is switching over to almost all hammer and way less GU.  I haven't tried it yet, but got a sample at the race this weekend.  I had weird allergies, so I'm always afraid to try new stuff.  (I'm allergic to colors, mainly red...

Swimtime -  I decided to go with 6:58 for now.  I will probably swim it before the 31st to check, but for now that's my decision.  It'll put me ahead of the 7 minute people, and after reading reviews from last years race reports, apparently, 8 minutes was the standard answer.
2010-07-19 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2989943

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
DaisyzMom - 2010-07-19 11:58 AM Hammer Products -  The LBS is switching over to almost all hammer and way less GU.  I haven't tried it yet, but got a sample at the race this weekend.  I had weird allergies, so I'm always afraid to try new stuff.  (I'm allergic to colors, mainly red...

Swimtime -  I decided to go with 6:58 for now.  I will probably swim it before the 31st to check, but for now that's my decision.  It'll put me ahead of the 7 minute people, and after reading reviews from last years race reports, apparently, 8 minutes was the standard answer.

I know several shops around here are offering exclusively Hammer products. Also, like you, i know a lot of people are allergic to "Red 40" which with a lot of other man made things is very bad for you. I have read several things and included links below if anyone else in interested, but I am going to start using the Hammer HEED today and go with that for a week to see how my body reacts. If nothing negative comes from that I will then start introducing the Hammer Gels into my regime for another week to week and a half. The plan is then to proceed with starting the endurolytes and potentially some other products.

2010-07-19 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Ok, race report should be up (if I did it right!)

Not much going on there, but I did finish 4th place Athena, missed the podium by less than 2 minutes.  Why does my strong suit have to be the shortest part?!? 

Need to check the weather, maybe I should do the group ride tonight! 
2010-07-22 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Vacations and training?

Life goes on even if you are training for triathlons right? Sunday we are leaving for another family camping trip this time with the extended family for a week. I hope to be able to get a couple runs in. I can't take my bike so I won't be biking. Possibly I would be able to get a swim in. But all training plans are tentative and subject to change.

Do you try to do some training during your vacations or do you just take it as a full recovery week? 

2010-07-22 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2996971

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
We take long weekends here and there.  I try to at the very least run.  I'm not comfortable to go biking on my own, but I've been calling ahead to local bike shops in the area and trying to get in on group rides.  It's been fun and a great experience for me to ride with different people.  (read...make new friends!)
2010-07-22 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2996992

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
DaisyzMom - 2010-07-22 9:46 AM We take long weekends here and there.  I try to at the very least run.  I'm not comfortable to go biking on my own, but I've been calling ahead to local bike shops in the area and trying to get in on group rides.  It's been fun and a great experience for me to ride with different people.  (read...make new friends!)

Thats pretty cool Carly - I never thought about calling the LBS in the area where you are vacationing at and going out on a groups ride.
2010-07-22 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2997070

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
acv - 2010-07-22 9:00 AM
DaisyzMom - 2010-07-22 9:46 AM We take long weekends here and there.  I try to at the very least run.  I'm not comfortable to go biking on my own, but I've been calling ahead to local bike shops in the area and trying to get in on group rides.  It's been fun and a great experience for me to ride with different people.  (read...make new friends!)

Thats pretty cool Carly - I never thought about calling the LBS in the area where you are vacationing at and going out on a groups ride.

I have tried to do this in other states when visiting family, but the timing has not ever worked out.  I usually end up riding on my own in places I have never been and hope for the best.

2010-07-22 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2996971

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

acv - 2010-07-22 6:42 AM Vacations and training?

Life goes on even if you are training for triathlons right? Sunday we are leaving for another family camping trip this time with the extended family for a week. I hope to be able to get a couple runs in. I can't take my bike so I won't be biking. Possibly I would be able to get a swim in. But all training plans are tentative and subject to change.

Do you try to do some training during your vacations or do you just take it as a full recovery week? 

I always plan to up the running during times when I'm away (especially camping).  If it's a hotel stay, I use the gym facilities at the hotel, even the pool if it is a decent length.  I always go into it knowing there will be some training hit (shorter workouts, exercise bikes, small pools, etc.), but I try to mitigate it as much as possible.

2010-07-22 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
After testing a few pools and hot tubs I usually do not use hotel pools.  I will try and find a YMCA pool to use, because I know that they work hard to exceed the standards required by law.
2010-07-28 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Ok, group!  I have a question.  How the heck long is it going to take to get up to speed on this cycling stuff. 

I went on a group ride tonight, and they just destroy me on the hills.  Granted, these people have been riding way longer than me, and most of them are in fantastic shape...but seriously, it's destroying my ego a bunch!!!  Just when I think I'm getting a little better (13 minutes faster tonight than on Saturday), I get passed by EVERYONE! On every hill!!!
2010-07-29 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3011127

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

DaisyzMom - 2010-07-28 6:12 PM Ok, group!  I have a question.  How the heck long is it going to take to get up to speed on this cycling stuff. 

I went on a group ride tonight, and they just destroy me on the hills.  Granted, these people have been riding way longer than me, and most of them are in fantastic shape...but seriously, it's destroying my ego a bunch!!!  Just when I think I'm getting a little better (13 minutes faster tonight than on Saturday), I get passed by EVERYONE! On every hill!!!

Carly - Don't get discouraged.  Group rides (especially with riders stronger than you are) are a great way to improve.  Keep showing up and try to keep up for as long as you can.  You'll find yourself hanging with the group longer and longer each time.  The longer people have been riding, the stronger they tend to be.  The more miles you have in the saddle, and the more experience you get with gear changes, cadences, etc., the faster you will get, especially on hills.  On a more personal level, keep logging your rides in your training log. 

Even though you'll see faster riders at group rides and events, you can look at your training history and see your improvement.  One feature I like is the route manager.  When you enter a specific route and save it, you'll then be able to  select it from the dropdown when you enter your training.  You can then click on the route history button to see how you have performed on that particular ride (the feature can also be used for run, swim, and brick routes) each time you have done it.  This is a good way to demonstrate to yourself that you have improved.

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