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2009-07-11 5:54 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
How is everyone? Ginny, how is the masters swim group going? Jo, how is the leg?

We're home- we actually came home Tuesday night, late. I was not feeling well, we were freezing and starving (we were staying with my ex-step-mom and she is a really terrible cook). We ended up having more fun at home- just went to the pool each day. Hope all is well with you guys!

2009-07-13 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Things are going well here.  Didn't make it to swim this morning, was up late last night after being out on a friends boat all day.  Bad sunburn.  I should know better by now.  But plan on going on Wednesday and Friday this week.  And I did do a little OWS around the boat. 

Jo I saw your blog about the wedding, sounds like you did a great job holding it together and making it through.  Good for you.  Saw your pictures too, you looked great!  

I went out for a bike ride with friends this past weekend.  Great ride out for breakfast at the Dutch Kitchen, unfortunately it started raining, lightning and thundering and we had to get a ride home.    Got to borrow an actual road bike, man is that seat hard on the butt!  Cool  Also one of the guys who was riding with us has done several long distance races and other cycling races so he was trying to give me pointers for the tri.  One thing he mentioned to me was I was keeping the bike in a high gear so as not to have to pedal as fast, but still going fast.  He told me to keep it in a lower gear and to keep my cadance between 80 - 100 per minute.  To me it seems like the more times I'm pumping my legs the more that would tire me out as opposed to harder resistance but less times around.  Any comments?  Should I be listening to him?  He said it was easier on your knees and would save my knees for the run. 

Also another friend has a racing bike (what she called it) that was her sons she said I could borrow.  I'm supposed to go over and check it out sometime this week.  My biggest concern is that it has clip on pedals.  Don't I have to get special shoes for that?  Not sure I want to spend the money on the shoes for something I may not do again.  Plus that's something else to figure out how to do in the next 2 weeks.

Welcome back Anne, sorry it wasn't a good time away, but it's always nice to come home.

Talk w/you all soon.

2009-07-13 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ginny,  your bike buddy is right (theoretically at least).  I still tend to ride with low cadence (84 average last outing) but I am trying hard to get it to 90rpm.  I do go faster in the bigger gears but I am getting better.  It saves wear and tear on your legs because you don't have all that resistance so it turns in to an aerobic activity instead of anerobic.  There is a good book called "cycling for women" by selene yaeger.  It helped me to understand because I had never biked before. 

You definitely need special shoes for a clip in bike.  I have my hybrid that has cages on the pedals you can borrow for the tri.  I found a pair of cheap bike shoes for my old pedals at an REI garage sale.  Do you guys have REI?  There are sometimes shoes on the classifieds here on BT too.  Its a good place to check.

Less than 2 weeks!  I wonder if I could just yoga my way through seeing I haven't trained in FOREVER!!!  I have 3 days off so maybe I'll mosey back out on my bike or into the pool.  Maybe.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!   Thanks for being my support the past few months.  I really appreciate everything you guys have done to keep me sane. 

2009-07-13 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Thanks Jo, I'll stop worrying about getting a bike to use and just count on you to bring me one.  I really appreciate it.  The idea of having my feet stuck to my pedals really made me nervous.  The whole biking part is my most nervous part.  (Although I haven't run much lately either, probably ought to start doing that again. )  I'm thinking of this whole thing as just a good learning experience and not worried about my time.  I'm mostly going to meet you and Anne.  It's a social event.

I'm going to be up at Portage Quarry this weekend, Anne.  Have you heard of it?  It's in Bowling Green, probably not too far from you.  We have a dive club picnic and camp out etc.  I'll be diving of course, but plan on getting in at least one OWS along the beach.  I'm going to take along the outfit I'm planning on wearing for the tri and make sure I don't have any chafing issues etc.    I can't believe it's less than 2 week now!
2009-07-13 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I am going to be really stupid here but bear with this Michigander.  What exactly are quarries and why does Ohio have so many? 

Ginny, you will be more prepared than you think.  This is going to be fun.  I hope to get clearance to run tomorrow.  Unfortunately I haven't done any swimming or biking lately either. 

2009-07-14 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Quarries (at least here in Ohio) are huge holes in the ground where they have dug out limestone or some other type of stone.  They seem to generally be fairly close to a major highway because they dug out the stone to use to build the highway.  Once they are done mining them they fill up with water and because the sides are all rock and very little mud they are generally fairly clear.  Some of them around Ohio go down 50 - 70 feet.   They get extremely cold below the thermacline. 

Why do we have so many of them?  That's a good question, I have no idea.  Wonder why Ohio needed them more than other states?  Maybe we are just a limestone full state and ship it off to other states?

Fingers crossed on the clearance to run :D

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-07-14 7:34 AM

2009-07-14 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
i'm so behind.....

Jo- hope you get cleared to run. Take it easy!

Our quarry was pretty warm last year. It's sort of on the edge of our suburb, not much beyond it except for fields. Yep, its an old limestone quarry but not near a highway.

Ginny- beware too when borrowing bikes of the size of the frame. The friends' son's road bike might be too big for you. Do not get clip in pedals just for one race. Borrow jo's with the cage pedals. All the biking advice your friend was giving was good. You are just trying to get through your first race- pedal wherever you feel comfortable!

We spent Sunday night through Monday night at various hospitals. Soph (our two year old) broke her humerus (upper arm bone) right above the elbow; had emergency surgery at 630 am yesterday morning. she should get the pins out friday and a cast on then too. Rough couple of days.

Today is the big 20 week ultrasound- will update later and hope to read all the wedding stuff then on jo's traning log...
2009-07-14 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
So sorry to hear about your daughter.  I'm sure it's been a horrible couple of days.  Hope that her dealing with the cast won't be too much of an issue.  Good luck with the ultrasound. 

I guess I gave way more information about the quarries than I needed to.  I don't expect Centennial to feel cold because we won't be down below the thermacline.  That's usually around 10-15 feet. The top layer usually is very warm,  in the summer at least.  When I dive in Portage this weekend I'll be wearing a 7 mil wet suit because we'll be down around 30 feet or so.  It goes to around 60 degrees when you hit the thermacline and I get cold easily.  Plus with diving you float way more than you kick and you don't really build up a lot of body heat.   (There I go again giving way more info than you needed.

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-07-14 10:22 AM
2009-07-14 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ann, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's arm.  Good thing is with kid's bone they heal so much easier than our old calcified bones.  Sending good vibes for her and for you U/S.  Please keep us updated.  Good luck!  

Next silly question for Ginny and I love all the info you give so please don't apologize.  What the heck do you dive for in a quarry?  Are there fish?  Are there shipwrecks (I know that would be silly but the promise of a Johnny Depp would be the only way you would get me to dive)?  Seriously though, I am used to great lakes and I know lots of people who dive the for the ship wrecks in Lake Superior. 

The bike I am bringing will fit you, no problem.  It has hybrid tires.  It is a mountain bike so its heavy but its a pretty good bike and it will get you through this tri.  You can play around with my road bike and the shoes the night before and get a little experience to see if its something you want to invest in.  I am 5'6 1/2" so we should be around the same size bike.  I have size 8 1/2 or 9 shoes.  At least you can try it out even if it isn't perfectly fit for you. 

I am a no go on the running.  He said 2 more weeks minimum.  He said this injury will take 4-6 weeeks minimum to heal.  He said I could start running no sooner than 2 weeks.  I asked him about the tri and he advised me to wait the full 2 weeks and if I didn't and did permanent damage he would smugly tell me that I went against doctor's orders.  I will be there either way, even if I can only swim and bike.

2009-07-14 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2285061

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
So sorry about the no running.  I went out for a slow run today...I may end up walking some of the tri with you.  We'll still have a blast just getting together and goofing off.  I can't wait to check out both of your bikes.  When I was running on the trail today I kept trying to see what brand of bike everyone was on, etc.  They probably thought I was pervert staring at their legs.  (Well the guys probably liked it)  I hope I don't like your bike too much, I would hate to have to go out and buy a new one heheh

There is not much to see in a quarry you're right.  The one's that we dive in they purposely sink things like planes, trucks, old boats, etc just for you to have something to see.  There are fish also.  Blue gills, catfish etc.  Actually diving in quarries in Ohio just plain sucks, especially compared to the blue warm water in the caribbean.  We usually only go to the quarries once or twice during the summer and it's always when it's a group of people.  It's good practice...and it's a social thing.  Can't pass up the BBQ's and the getting together with friends.  Haven't had any practice since last fall in Bahamas and need to practice my skills some before NC in August.    I've never been in any of the Great Lakes, although I have friends who have.  I hear it's cold and dark. 
2009-07-14 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2285157

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

scubagrrl - 2009-07-14 5:05 PM So sorry about the no running.  I went out for a slow run today...I may end up walking some of the tri with you.  We'll still have a blast just getting together and goofing off.  I can't wait to check out both of your bikes.  When I was running on the trail today I kept trying to see what brand of bike everyone was on, etc.  They probably thought I was pervert staring at their legs.  (Well the guys probably liked it). 

Walking/running slow at most tri's has the advantage of watching the male eye candy as they pass you.  Unfortunately, we won't have eye candy for my slow walk.  I just have to say THANK YOU to you and Ann for your support.  We are going to have such a blast!  

2009-07-14 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
From doing the race last year, let me assure you there will be lots of slow runners/walkers/people doing the run a bit, walk a lot.

The baby is all good, looks great, and is another girl.

The child with the cast is going stir crazy, so we are off for a walk in her stroller so she can at least shout toddler speak abuse at random strangers.
2009-07-15 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Congratulations Ann!  Another girl is so cool.  Do you have any boys?  Trust me after going through this wedding as the mother of a groom, I would much rather have girls.  Its so much easier.  It was such a strange set of emotions, losing a son.  I have a new found respect for my MIL.  I have decided after this that MIL's get a bad rap.  We're not all evil, some of us are a product of disrespectful DIL's. 

2009-07-15 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Congratulations Anne.  This will make 3 girls right?  I have 3 myself.  Just wait until they are all teenagers, wow!

2009-07-16 7:01 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
yep, 3 girls. We're excited- plus we already have all the girl stuff!

Soph gets pins out, cast on tomorrow. SHE IS NOT SLEEPING WELL...which means the adults are really struggling around here.
2009-07-16 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Hugs to mom and dad.  I know a sick and cranky kid makes life very rough.  Hope the pin removal goes easily and life gets back to "somewhat" normal.

MTA:  More hugs to you Anne,  read your blog every day.  Insurance companies are a PITA!

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-07-16 9:19 AM

2009-07-16 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I'm working on a list of stuff to bring next week and as I put it together and read more here I'm having more and more questions.  (Geez what did I get myself into?)  I figured I might as well post them now as I know next week will be busy for everyone. 

1.  I keep reading about a belt to put on my number to wear on the bike?  Do I need to buy one or can I just have a shirt that I throw on over top of my "swim attire" with my number already pinned to it.  (Would put this on for the run also, right?)

2.  Should I bring gatorade or something similiar in my water bottle?  I have a few gels left from my 1/2 mary, should I carry them along just in case?  Is nutrition an issue in  just a sprint?

3.  I am so in love with my Garmin on the run, I hate to think of not wearing it.  Is it safe, sitting on the bike waiting for me or should I just forget it and wear my waterproof watch, and suck it up?

4.  What is your favorite kind of wine?  Red, white, sweet, dry? 

5.  I keep hearing mention of the swim being a time trial start.  Does that mean there will be groups of us who say we can swim "X" time going together?  Do I have to figure out what my 100 yard time is? 

6.  Shoes for swimming, I have neoprene botties from diving, but I'm thinking that would cause some drag.  Do people wear flip flops or just run barefoot or what?

7.  I read I should bring Duct tape and all kinds of things to mark my spot?  Any suggestions of stuff I should or shouldn't bring this first time?

8.  See question number 4

9.  I need to purchase a new bike helmet this week.  Mine is really old and actually has a slight cut in the top.  I'm sure it wouldn't be approved.  Are the ones I can pick up at Walmart for under $20 ok?  Isn't there some type of standard rating I'm supposed to look for?

10.  See question number 4 

Thanks guys, I'm very excited about this and so glad I'm finally going to do it.   

2009-07-16 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2288916

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

scubagrrl - 2009-07-16 9:13 AM I'm working on a list of stuff to bring next week and as I put it together and read more here I'm having more and more questions.  (Geez what did I get myself into?)  I figured I might as well post them now as I know next week will be busy for everyone. 

1.  I keep reading about a belt to put on my number to wear on the bike?  Do I need to buy one or can I just have a shirt that I throw on over top of my "swim attire" with my number already pinned to it.  (Would put this on for the run also, right?)numbers have to be on for the run.  My tri attire is my swim attire.  You can pin it to you for the swim but it will cause drag.  If you can get a shirt on and have the number pinned on it would work.  I am not coordinated enough to try and maneuver a shirt over my tri suit.  A belt costs about $5 at your local running store or sports store. 

2.  Should I bring gatorade or something similiar in my water bottle?  I have a few gels left from my 1/2 mary, should I carry them along just in case?  Is nutrition an issue in  just a sprint?You can bring whatever you want.  It is a short time, probably 1.5 hours tops so whatever you would need for a run that long is what you should plan on bringing.  I usually just bring h20 on the bike and have a gel about 4 miles before the run with some water.  If its hot, i'd consider gatorade but only if you are used to drinking it.  There is usually one water stop on the run. 

3.  I am so in love with my Garmin on the run, I hate to think of not wearing it.  Is it safe, sitting on the bike waiting for me or should I just forget it and wear my waterproof watch, and suck it up?  It should be safe on the bike but no guarantees.  Its a 5k so I would not take the chance with an expensive garmin. 

4.  What is your favorite kind of wine?  Red, white, sweet, dry?  red, dry, preferrably cabernet or shiraz. 

5.  I keep hearing mention of the swim being a time trial start.  Does that mean there will be groups of us who say we can swim "X" time going together?  Do I have to figure out what my 100 yard time is?  TT start is usually a person or small group running into the water to start their swim every 5 seconds or so.  Its nice because you don't have the mosh pit to deal with that happens with an in water start.   Your time is accurate too as there is usually a chip pad for the run into the water.  In water starts go strictly by gun time. 

6.  Shoes for swimming, I have neoprene botties from diving, but I'm thinking that would cause some drag.  Do people wear flip flops or just run barefoot or what?No shoes for swimming.  I don't think they are even allowed.  It might get you dq'd

7.  I read I should bring Duct tape and all kinds of things to mark my spot?  Any suggestions of stuff I should or shouldn't bring this first time?I would bring sidewalk chalk to mark your spot with your name and a big arrow.  I usually just look for a landmark that I will notice and set my bike up so I remember.

8.  See question number 4  Definitely red.

9.  I need to purchase a new bike helmet this week.  Mine is really old and actually has a slight cut in the top.  I'm sure it wouldn't be approved.  Are the ones I can pick up at Walmart for under $20 ok?  Isn't there some type of standard rating I'm supposed to look for? your head just needs to be covered with a helmet.  They don't pre-approve them.  Just make sure its safe for your noggin for your own protection.  No standards, seen people in snowboard helmets, seizure helmets, even football helmets. 

10.  See question number 4  still red.

Thanks guys, I'm very excited about this and so glad I'm finally going to do it.   

2009-07-17 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
1. I keep reading about a belt to put on my number to wear on the bike? Do I need to buy one or can I just have a shirt that I throw on over top of my "swim attire" with my number already pinned to it. (Would put this on for the run also, right?) EASY PEASY- all you need is a length of elastic from a fabric store, sew the ends so it makes a belt you can whip over/stretch over your head as you transition from bike to run, and you pin your number to it the night before. DONE. This is what I used in both my races last year, even though I could borrow my husband's run belt.

2. Should I bring gatorade or something similiar in my water bottle? I have a few gels left from my 1/2 mary, should I carry them along just in case? Is nutrition an issue in just a sprint? Bring a gel to stick in your bike jersey - take the gel about 4 miles before the end of the bike (so halfway through loop #2 on the bike course). You have a bike jersey, right? If not, I have some for borrowing. I would recommend swim attire (I do a sports bra and bike shorts OR racing suit and bike shorts), then toss on a bike jersey, then for the run grab a hat or visor and your number pinned on a run belt.

3. I am so in love with my Garmin on the run, I hate to think of not wearing it. Is it safe, sitting on the bike waiting for me or should I just forget it and wear my waterproof watch, and suck it up? I have seen people with their Garmins during races. I will say this- there are no guarantees at any race. I would leave it at home. Plus, seriously, I forget to even use my watch in races.

4. What is your favorite kind of wine? Red, white, sweet, dry? sweet white, but i can't drink

5. I keep hearing mention of the swim being a time trial start. Does that mean there will be groups of us who say we can swim "X" time going together? Do I have to figure out what my 100 yard time is? HERE IS HOW THE SWIM WORKS AT THIS RACE: When everyone gets herded to the hills for the start, you will be told to get into three groups: People that swim the 400 FAST, like 9 minutes and under; middle of the packers (me); and then slow peeps. There are areas all along the hills for lining up. They will start the first fast people, and truly it is individual- you wait, walk out to the stairs, wait in line, and when you get down the the steps into the water, someone says GO and you cross the mat and you are off swimming.

6. Shoes for swimming, I have neoprene botties from diving, but I'm thinking that would cause some drag. Do people wear flip flops or just run barefoot or what? Barefoot, hon. You will get DQ'd at this race for anything on your feet for the swim, and last year it was NOT wet suit legal.

7. I read I should bring Duct tape and all kinds of things to mark my spot? Any suggestions of stuff I should or shouldn't bring this first time? Marking your spot is up to you. Racks are assigned by age group. I have never marked my spot.

8. See question number 4

9. I need to purchase a new bike helmet this week. Mine is really old and actually has a slight cut in the top. I'm sure it wouldn't be approved. Are the ones I can pick up at Walmart for under $20 ok? Isn't there some type of standard rating I'm supposed to look for? I wouldn't spend a ton on it either at this point. Just make sure you adjust it to properly fit your head. It can't be loose or anything.

10. See question number 4

Thanks guys, I'm very excited about this and so glad I'm finally going to do it.
2009-07-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I'll leave the Garmin at home...go get a race belt (or maybe make my own depends on how the week is going), and possibly some body glide, although I've never used it before.

I do not have a cycling jersey, but the tech shirt I'm wearing is pretty tight and I can stick my gu under it as I jump on the bike.  I did buy a new bicycle helmet so I should be good to go. 

I see the rookie clinic is at 4 pm so I want to get there by then...what time are you thinking about getting there Jo? 

I'll send you both PM's with my cell phone so we can coordinate arrivals etc.

See you guys soon!
2009-07-20 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Ginny, you can BORROW a race belt from us. Mike has a real one, and I have my homemade one.

We also have Body glide- you can borrow mine, you know it has just been on girly skin and has not been used since my last race last year in September when I had to lube my whole body to get into my wetsuit.

I will send you guys a PM with directions from the hotel to my house, and from the hotel to the race site, and from the race site to my house- you can use mapquest, or a Garmin, but i'll send directions just in case.
packet pick / up then rookie clinic is what I did last year- highly recommend the rookie clinic.

Dinner- here- what time? 6:30? Does that give everyone enough time? And, what do you guys like to eat pre-race? We were thinking of grilling chicken (does everyone eat chicken? jo i know you have mentioned veggie dogs before, let me know if you are full vegan or if you just do not eat red meat, or processed foods). Also let me know food allergies. We'll have pasta (whole grain pasta, of course). Mike's favorite pre race meal is plain pasta topped with parmesan cheese and bread and meatballs. Ick, right? I will have veggies, salad, fruit- all things to choose from, you can eat everything or just your pre-race faves. Let me know!

I'm volunteering for the race, but Mike will stay home with the kiddos. Getting excited!!!

2009-07-21 6:17 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ginny, I plan on checking in to the hotel around 3pm and then going over for the clinic.  I figure with my lack of training, I can use all the help I can get. 

Ann, dinner around 6:30pm is great.  Do NOT do anything veggie or special for me.  I am very flexible. I will eat chicken if I feel the need for protein.  I am not religious or anything about the veggie thing.  I just stay away from meat as much as possible, which is 95% of the time, so this can be my 5%, no worries.  Please do not go to any extra trouble.  What would you like me to bring?  Do not say nothing-not an option.

Ginny-I have Shiraz and the corkscrew already packed.  Will you drink Shiraz?  I've never tried this type so no guarantees if you are a wine snob.  I also have body glide and will probably not use it.  I usually only use it with my wetsuit. 

Okay girls I am freaked out about this quarry thing.  I was cheering a tri this past weekend and one of the girls with me did this tri last year.  She said her experience was okay but the whole swimming in the quarry thing was icky.   Talk to me.  Me no like icky water.  What should I be prepared for?  Can you see in this water, is it clear, is it brown, does it taste funny, is there seaweed? I am going to try my legs on Thursday and see how they do with a run (don't tattle on me, okay). 

So excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A couple more days!!!   I told you guys one of my office mates is doing this too, didn't I?  She and her hubby are staying at a different hotel ($139/night, damn I didn't know Toledo was so high end).

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-07-21 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Got an email from the Race this morning.  Count down has begun.  I'm really excited.

Thanks both of you for everything you're letting me borrow.  I couldnt' do it without you.  I wasn't sure about the body glide, I hadn't ever bought any before, but kept reading about where I would want it.  Not sure I'd know I even needed it until I was already running and then it's too late anyhow.  I'll definitely want to borrow the belt also Anne.   And I can't wait to check out the bike Jo, I sure hope I don't like it too much, might have to go home and buy one Wink

Shiraz sounds great.  I may bring a Zinfandel along also (not a white zin)  I'm definitely not a wine snob, just enjoy good wine and good friends.

Anne, I also will eat anything you put in front of me.  Are you sure you're going to feel up to preparing all of that with your little one still in the cast etc?  I hate for you to go to too much trouble.  And definitely let me contribute something.  Tell me what to bring.

I'll plan on being there around 3:00 at the race site packet pick up area.  I figure we'll get our packets, do the rookie clinic and worry about checking in either before dinner or later that night.  

I'm looking forward to this, not only to say I did a tri, but to meet you guys.  I envy you Jo with having friends in your neighborhood to do races with and you Anne for having a husband who does it also. Most of the time I go to races and stand around by myself.  Go home afterwards by myself and celebrate by myself.  This is going to be so nice to have you guys to share the whole experience with.  

(Jo, be careful trying out that run.  but Iknow what you mean...I tried it out a few days earlier than I was suppose to also. )

2009-07-22 9:58 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
seriously? who said the water is icky? i hate to call BS, but I have swum in way worse in triathlons, and just for OWS practice. the water was cool, clear, and honestly gorgeous. and, there are so many racers you SHOULD be too busy passing people and sighting to worry about looking down, or the view. At least the water TASTES good, that I remember. Maybe your friend is used to pools?

geez, i have to let you bring something? fine, then you suggest it. here is what we are planning on :

grilled chicken
pasta (whole grain)
big mixed salad with assorted dressings
grilled veggie kabobs
something light for dessert

if one of you wants to bring fruit, great. if one of you just wants to bring wine, that is good too.

i'm excited for the race, i keep TRYING to volunteer, but no one is responding to my emails, os I might just get to go and cheer everyone on. hopefully you both love this race as much as I do and want to come back next year. I'm already recruiting people to start training in january with me.... most of them think i am crazy but i'll pull them along anyway.

MIKE announced yesterday that he and a tri friend want to do their first Ironman distance race at Cedar Point Fall 2010. I told him absolutely not. I'm having a baby, and I plan on racing next year, which means he -at the MOST- can do Half ironman distance training so that there is still time for ME to train. The subject is supposedly not closed and man am I steamed. His friend is going to get a big old tongue lashing next time I see him.

pm will get to you both soon with my directions- hopefully tonight. mike wants to do HIS directions too. SIGH.

Ginny, THIS Is why yes, it is fun to have close friends who do races, or husbands, but it is also equally frustrating. I do these things for fun; Mike is more competitive and it consumes more of his time.
2009-07-22 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
There is a multi grain bread that I like I get from Kroger.  (Not whole wheat though)  I can pick it up to have along with the pasta if that sounds ok? 

And of course I'm bringing some of my favorite wine also.

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-07-22 1:20 PM
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