BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!! Rss Feed  
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2011-02-14 10:38 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
1. I want a puppy!!
2. Hilde, hilarious picture.
3. I really want to come to the Indy Tri. I just have to take care of a couple of things.  I had another race planned on that day and told two of my friends I was doing it with them. So, I have to gracefully get out of that.  I think it should be fine.  It's a local race that is every year.  I also have to talk to my fiance about it, because I would probably have to hijack his truck to drive down there.  I'd be worried about driving my little Cavelier that far.  But, it sounds like it will be super fun!  And $60 is cheap for a tri around here. They are always $100-$115.  
I will give a definite answer soon.  But, signs point to yes! 

2011-02-14 11:49 AM
in reply to: #3354067

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
It's coming together!!!  Let's see who we have so far:

Wilson, (of course, wouldn't be the same without him!)
Me, Hilde
Jordan (hopefully)
Alex (wrking on it)
Tammy Turtle
Tammy Tucker (possible, not sure yet)
Marsha (possible?)

I'm not sure all the MMMers check over here, guess I should leave a message for everyone?
2011-02-14 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
It's me butting into your group again.  Question for anyone out there:  Twice now when I've done longer distance races (one was an olympic tri and another - recently - was a 1/2 marathon) as soon as I cross the finish line I start to feel sick -- seriously sick to my stomach (no vomiting yet though) and dizzy like I'm gonna  pass out.  I walk for a bit and then have sat down and put my head down lower than my chest - that usually helps.  I'm sure it has something to do with the lactic acid but how do I avoid it?  On my recent half marathon, I did a run:walk (2:1) so it wasn't like I was going all out for 13 miles and then boom I stopped.  I don't get it.  Any thoughts?
2011-02-14 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3354687

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Peggy, I bet Janet has an answer for you since she's done so much long distance running... could be your nutrition, not enough maybe??  That or maybe not enough training for the distance, although it looked like you were doing fine with that... hopefully someone else will have some ideas for you....
2011-02-14 5:38 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
The longest distance I've ever done is a half marathon so I'm no expert. But I would definitely consider your nutrition. What do you consume during your race? Maybe you need more cals. 
2011-02-14 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3355066

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Peggy, you're not PREGNANT are you?  That would certainly cause some pukish feelings!!  (just kidding...)

2011-02-14 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
In case you can't read it, the front says, "I'm not scared of a little whip and chain... I TRI !" 
Down at the bottom it says, " I *heart* BT"


Back says, "I am one of the few, the proud, and the diverse...  I .... am an MMM'er ...
And in the bottom right corner it says , "Swim Bike Run"

So I designed this on the Cafe Press website and then they said they couldn't use the design because it was violent and offensive... like WTF????I'm thinking, then WHY do you have those graphics as options???  AND they were going to cost about $26 each.... kinda spensy...  So if you guys like it, or want to shoot ideas at me, let me know, I'll tweak it and shop it down to our local T-shirt guy.  He doesn't like to do really small orders, but I'll see what his minimum would be and what they would cost... red is optional, I just thought it went with the blood and stuff....
2011-02-14 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3354687

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Peggy, just another thought - that's pretty much how I felt the few times I got dehydrated and/or over-heated. Are either of those a possibility? And for nutrition, are you consuming a couple hundred calories/hour? Getting some electrolytes?And yes, Hilde, I'm planning to come to Indy. Are you planning to fly up on Friday?
2011-02-14 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3355143

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Oh no, we are road tripping it baby!  But planning on arriving Friday...  in time for packet pickup... and will leave out early Sunday morning because we want to hit Graceland in Memphis, tacky I know, but I just REALLY wanna go!
2011-02-14 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3353420

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Jordan, I'm becoming to predictable ...huh....I may need to change that up a bit!  I don't want to become boring!
2011-02-14 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3353474

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
jordiebrigs - 2011-02-13 11:21 PM I have a question.
Do you think it would be ok to do a sprint tri one weekend before doing an international distance?  It would be my first international distance. I think I would like the idea of having a sort of practice the weekend before, but I'm not sure about my soreness level. 

So Jordan, I don't have experience at longer I can't comment there.  But your main goal is to complete the longer distance as a race.  I'd NOT take the chance of not being ready for that race...what if you got injured, went too hard and was too sore to recover properly...etc.  I'd concentrate on the longer distance and do a shorter tri later on when it's not competing with your real goal.  Just my thoughts .

2011-02-14 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I am IN for INDY! Yay! I'm quite excited. 
I love the shirt Hilde. What does that say about us if that's too violent? Hmmm. lol. I think they must just have really strict standards.  
2011-02-14 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3355278

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
wsilverthorne - 2011-02-14 8:33 PM
jordiebrigs - 2011-02-13 11:21 PM I have a question.
Do you think it would be ok to do a sprint tri one weekend before doing an international distance?  It would be my first international distance. I think I would like the idea of having a sort of practice the weekend before, but I'm not sure about my soreness level. 

So Jordan, I don't have experience at longer I can't comment there.  But your main goal is to complete the longer distance as a race.  I'd NOT take the chance of not being ready for that race...what if you got injured, went too hard and was too sore to recover properly...etc.  I'd concentrate on the longer distance and do a shorter tri later on when it's not competing with your real goal.  Just my thoughts .

 Oh. Well. The shorter distance I was talking about was the Indy Tri. I have an international distance the next weekend. I may do the sprint for that if I'm not feeling ready. Like always, I'm nervous about the swim. But, I figure what the hay. When's the next chance I will get to meet you guys.
2011-02-14 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3354260

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-02-14 12:49 PM It's coming together!!!  Let's see who we have so far:

Wilson, (of course, wouldn't be the same without him!)
Me, Hilde
Jordan (hopefully)
Alex (wrking on it)
Tammy Turtle
Tammy Tucker (possible, not sure yet)
Marsha (possible?)

I'm not sure all the MMMers check over here, guess I should leave a message for everyone?

That sounds AWESOME....ALL MY GIRLS.....ALL TO ME!!! HAHA.  The girl's princess beds are spoken for so far...Hilde and her daughter...I have a full and a twin bunk up top.....and a full size futon left lots of couches and floor space!!!  I may have an air mattress too....have to look.  We're gunna have so much fun!!!  Could be like a big sleep over where we can tell ghost stories and get scared!!!  LMAO....or Hilde and Marsha could scare us all with their "weird things"????  And Turtle is a sleeper in that arena....HELL, YOU ALL AREN'T QUITE RIGHT!!!!  GOOD THING I CAN BRING ORDER TO IT ALL...KEEP IT PURE, HONEST AND SAFE!!!! LMAO!  Hilde mentioned going out Friday night for a meal....sounds like a plan to me...carb loading anyone???  I was thinking beer and pizza...hahah.....nah...just would be way too heavy.
2011-02-14 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3355286

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
jordiebrigs - 2011-02-14 9:39 PM
wsilverthorne - 2011-02-14 8:33 PM
jordiebrigs - 2011-02-13 11:21 PM I have a question.
Do you think it would be ok to do a sprint tri one weekend before doing an international distance?  It would be my first international distance. I think I would like the idea of having a sort of practice the weekend before, but I'm not sure about my soreness level. 

So Jordan, I don't have experience at longer I can't comment there.  But your main goal is to complete the longer distance as a race.  I'd NOT take the chance of not being ready for that race...what if you got injured, went too hard and was too sore to recover properly...etc.  I'd concentrate on the longer distance and do a shorter tri later on when it's not competing with your real goal.  Just my thoughts .

 Oh. Well. The shorter distance I was talking about was the Indy Tri. I have an international distance the next weekend. I may do the sprint for that if I'm not feeling ready. Like always, I'm nervous about the swim. But, I figure what the hay. When's the next chance I will get to meet you guys.

I take all that gotta come race your A$$ off in Indy!!!!  We'll have a blast!!!  The swim in indy isn't bad at all...600ish yards....two buoys... the worst part is coming back to the beach...the sun is right in your eyes - hard to see shore and the markers.  The swim start is staggered..a person every 2 out pretty well.  Yeah, glad you are IN!!!!

Edited by wsilverthorne 2011-02-14 8:51 PM
2011-02-14 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3355139

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hilde, I love the T-shirt - way cool.  I can't believe they wont make it...maybe a phone call to them to put it in context???? 

Peggy, you gunna come up and join the party?????

How cool would it be to have a fun bike ride Sunday morning.....all together in one big pack!!!! 

2011-02-14 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hey, Wilson. Can I get a bed? That would be awesome. That's so nice of you and your wife to offer your home.
2011-02-14 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3355301

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!! got it!!!!  Consider the room booked!  Laughing  When else can you have a bunch of online friends party for the weekend and actually meet each other!!!  My wife thinks I'm crazy....she's just gunna have fun making fun of me...haha...she's not right!

Edited by wsilverthorne 2011-02-14 8:55 PM
2011-02-14 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hilde, there you go sleeping again...when the midnight crew is hard at work...You're gunna have to do a new tally for the MMM weekend....Jordie is IN!!!  
2011-02-14 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Thanks Wilson!  You're alright, no matter what Hilde says about you.
2011-02-14 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I laughed mightily at the T-shirt, Hilde: thanks for my one chuckle of the day!

And yeah, gang, I'm wrking on the Indy tri weekend-- will let you know ASAP... it sounds like an utter blast for sure! (Hey Wilson and Jordie-- any chance either of you will come up/down to Chi-town for the tri there? It's a huge keg o' tri madness!

MMMers are awesome. I'm just sayin'.

2011-02-14 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3355349

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
wrkinprogress - 2011-02-14 9:33 PM I laughed mightily at the T-shirt, Hilde: thanks for my one chuckle of the day!

And yeah, gang, I'm wrking on the Indy tri weekend-- will let you know ASAP... it sounds like an utter blast for sure! (Hey Wilson and Jordie-- any chance either of you will come up/down to Chi-town for the tri there? It's a huge keg o' tri madness!

MMMers are awesome. I'm just sayin'.

That's an idea.  I don't have a tri for August. And I could do the Oly there instead of June. I think I would feel more confident about that.  Consider this a strong probably.   
2011-02-14 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hey, Wilson, could I have one of those beds? I don't mind the top bunk. In fact, I rather like being on top ;-)
2011-02-14 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3355396

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
tstl - 2011-02-14 10:25 PM Hey, Wilson, could I have one of those beds? I don't mind the top bunk. In fact, I rather like being on top ;-)

I think cafepress has a shirt for that.  Tongue out 
2011-02-15 5:35 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Geez you guys, my phone was blowing up all night (I was at clinical and unable to check my emails).  No wonder my left boob was vibrating all night...
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