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2011-02-18 6:48 AM
in reply to: #3360580

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Nicole83 - 2011-02-17 4:13 PM
jford2309 - 2011-02-17 4:35 PM I could very easily be talked out of my runthis afternoon.

Isn't it funny how quickly one can go from can't wait to train to not wanting to train?

P.S. I will run, but I think it will turn into one of those mental toughness runs.

Play the "20 minutes game."

As in, you only have to do it for 20 minutes.  If you're still miserable after then you can stop.

Chances are, you won't be.  You will like it and you will finish.

I play this game with myself all the time.

That, or play the "if you do it you can have an ice cold beer when you're done" game.  That one works wonders as well. 

For me the numbers game is always played while I swim.  I always try and break the lap count into numbers I can manage mentally.  However, I find when I swim I so easily lose count of my laps.  I will be on a lap and keep saying in my head that's 29, that's 29 and then I have a Homer Simpson moment and I'm now thinking was I just on 28, 29 or 30. 

At this point I just round down and assume that I'm not as far as I think I am.

2011-02-18 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3361203

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
For me the numbers game is always played while I swim.  I always try and break the lap count into numbers I can manage mentally.  However, I find when I swim I so easily lose count of my laps.  I will be on a lap and keep saying in my head that's 29, that's 29 and then I have a Homer Simpson moment and I'm now thinking was I just on 28, 29 or 30. 

At this point I just round down and assume that I'm not as far as I think I am.

The most I count to in the pool is 5.  every 5 laps I turn a kickboard 1/4 turn.  Now if I could only remember which way it was pointing when I started...

Edited by peterssonb 2011-02-18 7:12 AM
2011-02-18 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Felt completely drained after swim yesterday am, easy jog with the track team in the afternoon, then a 45 min trainer ride (while watching Thumbelina with daughters).  Took time to sit in a tub of cold water and 2 bags of ice for 30 minutes.  That always hurts for 10 minutes, then feels so good after.

Good run on a golf course in the light of the 5 am full moon this morning.  1 hour, 7+miles.

Hope everyone is ready for a good weekend
2011-02-18 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Thank god.  I need a day of sleeping past 6 a.m. 

Anyone have any fun weekend plans?
2011-02-18 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Thank you all, I made it through my run. 4 miles in 34:02. I was happy with that one! It still amazes that after taking a 3 month break, running only when I wanted to, it seems like it is not taking as long to get my speed back and it feels like I am almost faster!

Something to be said for recovery huh?
2011-02-18 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3361323

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
My life is officially over starting tomorrow.  I moonlight as a sideline reporter for a local radio station covering high school boys basketball.  I have a city championship game on Sat, then the tourney starts on Tuesday.  This means 5am workouts, full days at the job that pays the bills, then basketball games every evening until 11pm.....until March 16th!!!  18 hour days for 3.5 weeks sound great, eh?

2011-02-18 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3361382

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
harberc - 2011-02-18 8:39 AM My life is officially over starting tomorrow.  I moonlight as a sideline reporter for a local radio station covering high school boys basketball.  I have a city championship game on Sat, then the tourney starts on Tuesday.  This means 5am workouts, full days at the job that pays the bills, then basketball games every evening until 11pm.....until March 16th!!!  18 hour days for 3.5 weeks sound great, eh?

sounds good to me, at least you aren't covering shuffleboard or something!  It could be an exciting gig!
2011-02-18 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3361409

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Oh, it is a great gig.  Been doing it for 15 years and I do football too.  It keeps me close to the games that I played and loved when I was that age.  It also doesn't hurt that central Ohio basketball and football are some of the best in the country too.  Loads of D1 talent pour out of here every year.
2011-02-18 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3361323

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Nicole83 - 2011-02-18 8:12 AM It's FRRRRIIIIDDDDAAAAYYYYYYYYY!

Thank god.  I need a day of sleeping past 6 a.m. 

Anyone have any fun weekend plans?

Dumping the kids at my sister in law at 7 am and running a 5 miler with early Saturday with my wife.  Spent last year's race on the sideline with a torn up knee so I'm itching to go - first race of 2011 (love the nervous energy on the starting line of any race).  We're both shooting for PRs in this one so keep your fingers crossed because it could impact date night later that evening!
2011-02-18 4:43 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Nice week everyone!  I feel like I'm lagging behind or something.  It's not my fault, I'm following someone else's instructions now, and I'm trying really hard not to question everything.

I have my very first cycling time trial tomorrow.  I believe it's about 12 miles.  I'm scared, the big boys show up for this, and they group us all together.  Luckily because I signed up early, I got one of the later start times, 10:46.  SHould be pretty warm here by then.  Cross your fingers I don't get run over!

And, the better news, the date is confirmed for Sunday.  But I'm more nervous about the race right now. lol.

I'm sure I'll be back to log my time tomorrow.  I'm not really sure what my goal should even be.   ???

2011-02-19 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Could tell last night that I would not be feeling up to an early 1:45 min bike.  Rationalized with myself that an orienteering race with my daughter would be a good replacement.  We are heading out to a state forest to get lost in the woods for a few hours.  We are looking forward to our first race of the year too!

I am thinking that I will get the bike in later today.  AMC has been showing Shawshank Redemption everyday.  One of those movies I can watch everytime it is on cable - even though I own the dvd and never play it.

have a good weekend!

2011-02-19 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3362785

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
peterssonb - 2011-02-19 6:58 AM Could tell last night that I would not be feeling up to an early 1:45 min bike.  Rationalized with myself that an orienteering race with my daughter would be a good replacement.  We are heading out to a state forest to get lost in the woods for a few hours.  We are looking forward to our first race of the year too!

I am thinking that I will get the bike in later today.  AMC has been showing Shawshank Redemption everyday.  One of those movies I can watch everytime it is on cable - even though I own the dvd and never play it.

have a good weekend!

As much as I love Andy Dufrense, the warden steals the movie - pure evil!
2011-02-20 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Fun video...

In honesty, I've thought about the HR monitor once or twice, but never tried it.  Definitly more beer than sports drink, and absolutly no Coach Troy.
2011-02-21 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Taking and unprecedented 2nd day off in a row.  This one is scheduled though.

Monthly totals  (Goal) -S:3.5      B:170      R:60

S - 7.1 miles
B - 120
R - 47

May end up a few miles short on bike.  A good week should get me there...
2011-02-21 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Yesterday's 10K trail run was one of the hardest courses I have ever run for some reason. The terrain was all over the place and it was unseasonably warm for Memphis. 73 degrees at race time! I had to walk through a water stop (which bummed me out) but I was able to finish in 57 minutes and hold a 9:15 ish pace. The last 100 yrds or so, I saw the clock closing in on 57 minutes and I emptied the tank and sprinted the last bit. Garmin showed during that stretch I was at a 5:27 minute. I got through the finishi line and not sure why they do this, but the people taking your chip are way too close for you to stop, I almost toppled over!

I had a blast, but man, tough race.
2011-02-21 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3364872

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Saturday I nailed my 5 miler.

The winds were crazy at times (50 mph gusts), but overall the conditions were good.

OK - the first two miles were ridiculously fast (the Eminem before the race got me too pumped up). 

When I saw the spilt at Mile 1 (6:36), I got scared and knew something had to give.  Mile 2 (6:56) I was hanging on, but pushing Z5 and knew that it could not be sustained.  Mile 3 (7:35) was almost all uphill, but it gave me time to regroup.  Mile 4 (7:20) was on a somewhat muddy trail, glad to see the pick up in pace.  Mile 5 (7:16) I was holding on for dear life.  I knew the final number was gonna be good, but how good? 

Well I left it all out there. Official chip time 35:50; pace 7:10: #10/108 in my AG.

Training for a HIM, I never really stopped to consider whether I was gaining speed. Well, holy crap, I guess I answered that one myself.  Last 5 miler I ran was pre-knee surgey in November 2009 and PR'd it at 8:02 pace. 

I had set a goal of sub 7:40 for this race.  Maybe I don't give myself enough credit, who knows.  But, it was a good day.

2011-02-22 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Wow very cool race reports James and Joe.

I am SO freaking slow, you two just made me realize that. 
2011-02-22 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3355991

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
harberc - 2011-02-15 8:20 AM I spent Valentines day in the pool and on the treadmill.  Thank God my wife and I don't really celebrate that holiday.  She's the coolest chick on the planet for putting up with me and this training plan!

I gotta get a girl like that. Mine just laughs and says.. Good luck or something else derogitory or unsupporting....

I hit the pool Friday night. Confirmed... can't swim worth a bleepity bleep... But did laps with my kickboard and some swim lessons. Maybe it will all fall into place come time :/  Hopefull it will be like riding a bike...
2011-02-22 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Hey Ford, I just saw your new avatar.. DUDE put a shirt on - your KILLIN ME!!!


2011-02-22 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3367158

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
mwhitlatch - 2011-02-22 12:19 PM Hey Ford, I just saw your new avatar.. DUDE put a shirt on - your KILLIN ME!!!


That's not me in that picture!  Wink

I am in a recovery week. Last year during my recovery weeks, I would manage to complete the workout, but I would do it at a recovery pace. This year I am doing it right. So high effort, just a lower amount of time.

I can't race for the season to start!
2011-02-22 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3367260

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

That's not me in that picture!  Wink


Wait I minute... I knew it! you took my avatar!

2011-02-23 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey gang!  Sorry I'm behind on here, been ridiculously busy the past week.  Nice races you guys!  Mine was pretty killer too.   Averaged 18.6 mph!  Fastest ever! 

I may be quiet the rest of the week, I'm going down to FL for a long training weekend, just for fun.   Hopefully I'll make up my short bike miles for the month.

Happy training everyone!

2011-02-24 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3368715

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Morning ya'll!  I just found out that my April race (first tri ever) has a couple of significant hills on the bike portion.  I have not trained much outside this year in the tundra of Ohio and I'm not really sure what I can do on the stationary bike to get me ready.  I do random hills on it, but is that going to be enough for me to not embarass myself come race day?
2011-02-24 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3370167

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
harberc - 2011-02-24 8:45 AM Morning ya'll!  I just found out that my April race (first tri ever) has a couple of significant hills on the bike portion.  I have not trained much outside this year in the tundra of Ohio and I'm not really sure what I can do on the stationary bike to get me ready.  I do random hills on it, but is that going to be enough for me to not embarass myself come race day?

It might be tough if all you are using is a stationary bike, but the good news is you still have time. I would look into getting a trainer for your bike and lose the stationary one.
2011-02-24 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Definite;y invest in a trainer.  However, until then, maybe you can do some sets of higher resistance/lower cadence? Warm up, then tighten your resistance so your rpm are about 60-70s.  Do maybe 4x5 minutes with 5 minutes rest between (rest is not complete rest, just lose the resistance, but keep pedaling).  Stay seated though, don't stand and climb.

Also maybe some strength training maybe help you as well.  If you have a gym membership, the leg press is good for cycling.  Don't kill yourself with it, just add in once or twice a week. 

I wouldn't worry about it too much.  I'd bet it's not going to be anything you can't handle.  Just get in some good time on the bike, and you'll be fine. The miles are what are going to help you.

And just keep in mind at the race the difference between what you've been doing and where you are, and don't kill yourself on every climb or you will wear yourself out real quick.

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