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2011-05-18 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3506288

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE again -

This is a few hours later, as I see that the second post I thought I made earlier isn't here. Hmm. I guess I wrote it, and then forget to submit it, and then I disconnected, and it got jettisoned into some cyberhole somewhere.

It wasn't much. It was to the effect that seeing as how you had a wind-free ride, and seeing as how for the past few weeks you have done nothing but send us crappy weather on top of crappy weather, that maybe, FINALLY, we would get some decent weather from the west, at least in the form of minimal winds. If that's the case, i hereby thank you in advance!

2011-05-18 7:48 PM
in reply to: #3505066

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

DENISE once more -

Ha! You can't fool me! I remember full well the polar bear swim you did last winter, and I'll bet my left elbow that none of the participants at the tri-to-come have EVER done a p.b.s. You're quite the hard-core one yourself, m'am!

Just remember to get into the water as early as you can so you can get acclimated and allow that layer of water to settle between your wetsuit and your body, rising ever so steadily to about 98.6F. You'll be snug as a bug in a rug! (Or as serene as a queen in neoprene?)

2011-05-19 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

JOE, good luck on your century, and congrats on your 25th anniversary (will be celebrating mine in January), and your son's graduation.

DENISE, good luck in your sprint. During your race, you can visualize doing Ironman Texas this weekend ... the water was 80 degrees a few days ago and temps are supposed to be 70s in the AM warming to 90.


2011-05-19 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thought I'd post another swim workout for those interested (total 1900).  I really enjoyed the "speed set" in this one.

WU 400

Kick set 50 x 4

Speed set   Four 50s x 4 on 1:20 (total 800; 50 moderate, 12.5 fast/37.5 slow, 25 fast/25 slow, 50 fast).

Pull set 100 x 4 on 2:30 (alternating breathing every 3 for 25/every 5 for 25)

CD 100


2011-05-19 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

STEVE, how is the physio coming? My right hip pain has been progressively feeling better, and is just about pain free at this point (we'll see how that goes after my next run).  I am so right sided dominant that I felt like things were really tightening on my right side, especially with the increased swimming.  I've been making a conscious effort to pul harder on my left, change my standing position, how I cross my legs at work, stepping off on the left to begin with, etc. and am feeling more "balanced" ... if you understand what I'm saying. 


2011-05-19 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3507007

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I only stretch about 10 minutes after my runs.  I go through about 4-5 stretches (achillies, quad, hamstring, back or 2d hamstring, shins).  When I had pain in my calf (discussed in a prior post) I chalked it up to a deep cramp.  What helped was having my wife massage it real deep (almost to the point where the massage hurt), taking a few days rest, some Advil, and better hydration.  (On the hydration front, I've become a big fan of Accelerade/Endurox R4 and think it really helps.)  I would add that on the few occasions when I did a bike-run brick, the muscles/feelings of the run felt much different (i.e. I could feel it in different places and in different ways) than when I just ran.  I'm hoping/assuming that will go away as I continue working out.

Best of luck,


Edited by CTYoung 2011-05-19 11:07 AM

2011-05-19 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3507007

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'm probably the last person you should take advise from regarding calf issues (seeing that I'm currently in a similar calf injury situation).  Steve offered some good treatment advise earlier in the thread so you might want to check those posts.  Personally I had chronic issues with both my calves when I 1st started my run training.  The advise I got was to start incorporating calf raises to strengthen the muscles.  I did them religiously and the problems went away.  With my increased load in SBR training I stopped doing them and guess what happened?  Calf issue 8 days prior to my 1st race of the season.  Check out the following video, details when you should do then and actually how to do them:

Good luck getting your calves fixed and with your century ride this weekend.

JoeK - 2011-05-18 8:31 PM


The second issue is with my left calf.  A couple of weeks ago I was running an easy morning run and I felt a slight twitch which I didn't think much of since I was at the end of my run.  The next day I was planning my first brick with a 45m ride and a 15min run.  However, I only made it 2 blocks into the run before my calf starting bothering me so I walked home and took a couple weeks off ( I also celebrated some life events such as a 25th anniversary and a son graduating from college).  Yesterday I did my first slow run and at a half mile my calf started to get tight so I stopped and stretched.  I continued doing a run walk and as long as I had a short stride life was good.  However, today I can feel a slight tightness especially when I do a lunge.  Not sure if this a pull or just a case of not stretching out.  The condense version of the question is how long do you normally stretch after a run?

Any insights would be appreciated. Good news is that my first metric century is Saturday.







2011-05-19 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Jeff / Canon


Thanks for your insights.....hadn't really gave  nutriention much consideration during my runs nor lifting. Typically, I only lift during the Nov-Jan timeframe. I am starting to think hydration and stretching may be at the root cause since this started in the  the morning with only a cup of coffee in me.  I did get a massage and yes it was painful.  Interesting that she noted that my right calf was more knotted than my left which is the calf I am having a problem with.  She also noted that most of my "knots" were more on the outside of my gastrocnemius (sp) in the belly area of the muscle and not in the "traditional" areas (not sure if that is good or bad).  It was also recommended a longer cool down prior to stretching. So it looks like I have a bit more trial and error to undertake till I find out what works. Hopefully I will get it figured out prior to June 5th (first tri this year -olympic distance)


2011-05-19 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hey gang -

I get so disgusted and discouraged at times. I had to get in a 2 hr bike ride today, so I decided to go on a beautiful rural route through some farm land...pretty remote and nothing around but cows, barns and wheat. I've never gone this route without my husband, but I thought "'s deserted out there. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Well, things didn't turn out so great. I mean....I'm OK, it's just that I had the heck scared out of me. I was about 1.5hrs into my ride, heading home and an SUV full of young men passed by me going very slow with their windows rolled down. One of them threw a beer bottle out of the window and onto some grass on the side of the road. He then hung half his body out the window and said something like "What you doing out here?" His eyes were glassy and he had a blank, almost menacing look on his face. I suddenly felt like prey. I didn't answer, but just concentrated on pedaling hard to get to civilization quicker. The vehicle passed me and went to the four-way stop ahead. I was praying that they would turn and go on with their day, but they just sat there at the intersection. There were no other vehicles around as far as I could see.

I thought about turning around, but that would look like I was obviously intimidated and they might find it amusing to step-up their intimidation efforts as a result. I eased the pepper spray out of my bento box and slipped it into my bike shorts as I approached the intersection. To make matters worse there was a large pothole between the edge of the road and their vehicle, which would necessitate me passing by them even closer than I initially thought I'd have to. I made my mind up that I wouldn't even look at them and just push past them as fast as I could.

When I approached their vehicle the guy in the right backseat started to open his door (which would have cut me off), so I quickly switched tacks and passed them on the left as there was no traffic. This must have surprised them because the others started screaming at me out the window "Hey where you going! You too good to talk to us? B*%ch!!!" I turned right with only a half mile to go until I was in a housing subdivision...I just prayed that I could make it there in time. Sure enough they pulled up beside me and started the harassment again. Name calling, crude talking....threatening. I just kept my head forward and said nothing. Then at the last minute I hit the breaks and turned-into the housing addition. I pulled into the first driveway that had an adult in it and explained what was happening. They let me stay there until the vehicle disappeared.

I'm just disgusted. I am out trying to have fun and take care of my health, minding my own business, and these thugs have to mess with me. What is in people's heads that would make them do something so stupid? Frown


2011-05-20 12:45 AM
in reply to: #3509205

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Wow Trina, that is so scary.  I had a hard time reading it. Living it must have been worse.  I think you handled it in an incredibly smart way.  Did you have your cell phone with you?  That might have helped to report it.  Other than that, I can't think of anything to have done differently.  I'm glad that they didn't harm you physically.  I hadn't thought about it before, but I will pray for each member of our group that training goes well - no hurt harm or danger whether from other people, cars, dogs or whatever. 

My wife and I wish you the best in your training and that you will continue to have God's protection.  Don't give up training, they win if you do.  Continue to train smart.


Edited by CTYoung 2011-05-20 1:09 AM
2011-05-20 5:44 AM
in reply to: #3506445

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Long day and night away yesterday, the same again today. I hope to be here later tonight, however. See you then!

(And you're all playing together nicely in my absence!)

2011-05-20 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Trina, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you. I hate the fact that we all need to be concerned about people like that. I live in a nice subdivision but as noted above, am still leary of running by myself, especially early in the morning or after dark.  And I do carry pepper spray with me as well. I had someone follow me home one morning when I was running about 8 am on a weekend. We close to a culdesac and I was almost home when I realized this van that I'd seen turn around past my street was right behind me. Rather than go into my house, I carefully ran the rest of the way around the culdesac until they turned around and ended up leaving. My husband and sons were upset that I hadn't just run in the house but I didn't want them to see which house was mine, for fear they might come back later. For Christmas, my husband gave me a personal alarm that is very loud and at least makes me FEEL safer! If your husband is anything like mine, that will be your last solo bike ride for awhile. Undecided


2011-05-20 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3509205

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Youth, immaturity, testosterone and alcohol just don't mix well together.  Sorry that happened to you Trina.  There are 2 things I won't leave home without when I ride:  My RoadID and cell phone.  Cell phone for calls to wife to pick me up, 9-1-1 or taking pictures (hopefully only of mother nature).

kickitinok - 2011-05-19 11:23 PM

Hey gang -

I get so disgusted and discouraged at times. I had to get in a 2 hr bike ride today, so I decided to go on a beautiful rural route through some farm land...pretty remote and nothing around but cows, barns and wheat. I've never gone this route without my husband, but I thought "'s deserted out there. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Well, things didn't turn out so great. I mean....I'm OK, it's just that I had the heck scared out of me. I was about 1.5hrs into my ride, heading home and an SUV full of young men passed by me going very slow with their windows rolled down. One of them threw a beer bottle out of the window and onto some grass on the side of the road. He then hung half his body out the window and said something like "What you doing out here?" His eyes were glassy and he had a blank, almost menacing look on his face. I suddenly felt like prey. I didn't answer, but just concentrated on pedaling hard to get to civilization quicker. The vehicle passed me and went to the four-way stop ahead. I was praying that they would turn and go on with their day, but they just sat there at the intersection. There were no other vehicles around as far as I could see.

I thought about turning around, but that would look like I was obviously intimidated and they might find it amusing to step-up their intimidation efforts as a result. I eased the pepper spray out of my bento box and slipped it into my bike shorts as I approached the intersection. To make matters worse there was a large pothole between the edge of the road and their vehicle, which would necessitate me passing by them even closer than I initially thought I'd have to. I made my mind up that I wouldn't even look at them and just push past them as fast as I could.

When I approached their vehicle the guy in the right backseat started to open his door (which would have cut me off), so I quickly switched tacks and passed them on the left as there was no traffic. This must have surprised them because the others started screaming at me out the window "Hey where you going! You too good to talk to us? B*%ch!!!" I turned right with only a half mile to go until I was in a housing subdivision...I just prayed that I could make it there in time. Sure enough they pulled up beside me and started the harassment again. Name calling, crude talking....threatening. I just kept my head forward and said nothing. Then at the last minute I hit the breaks and turned-into the housing addition. I pulled into the first driveway that had an adult in it and explained what was happening. They let me stay there until the vehicle disappeared.

I'm just disgusted. I am out trying to have fun and take care of my health, minding my own business, and these thugs have to mess with me. What is in people's heads that would make them do something so stupid? Frown


2011-05-20 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thanks for the prayers and support, folks. I did have my cell phone on me, but for some reason it seemed like it would have been a futile effort to call the cops. I all happened so quickly and with them beside me on the road I didn't want to take the chance of enraging them by whipping out my phone. Not to mention I sometimes swerve a bit when one of my hands are off the handlebars for any amount of time. I think I did the right thing by keeping my cool and making sure my pepper spray was handy.

Lisa - My husband and son have both grounded me from lengthy solo rides. In my husband's case because he rides with me, I accepted, but in my son's....I told him that he'd just have to take up cycling and go with me if he wanted me to remain safe Wink I think he's actually considering it! Happy about that!

I think I became so discouraged yesterday because cycling is already a moderately dangerous activity due to traffic hazards. But to have someone go out of their way to mess with you while riding your bike is just so uncalled for. I just wanted to yell at them "Would you want someone speaking to your mother or sister or daughter this way?!" 

Anyway, I'm over it. Time to move on to positive things. I'm getting excited (and pretty nervous) about my first Oly in 9 days! I started my packing list last night. It's going to be a whirlwind couple of weeks for my husband and I since we are first driving to Austin and staying 4 days for my Oly, then driving back to OKC for one night to unload bikes and load the RV generator, then heading to Ft. Smith Arkansas to camp at a live music festival in the beautiful Ozarks for 5 days. I love it when spring arrives! 

Anyone racing this weekend?

2011-05-20 7:35 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


What an awful experience.  I would never image something like that happening.  Thanks for sharing since I will now think twice about not going out with my wife on her rides.  I always equated mace with dogs but I am sure it would of worked on teenagers just as well.  Smart thinking.  You are right, best to put it behind you. Enjoy your race and vacation. 


2011-05-20 9:12 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Thought I would share this with the group.  For some reason writing out my thoughts helps me think better.  Not really a race report... more of a race reflection.


It’s been 6 days since the FIT and I’ve had an opportunity to reflect on the race with some clarity.  My initial thoughts were emotional in nature and I felt a deep sense of disappointment.  I had a goal of setting a PR by completing the race in the mid 2:40’s.  Given my training tests the expectation was not unreasonable.  My fitness on the bike and run were much better leading into the race from a year ago and my swim was OK.  However, the reality was I DNF’ed, a 1st for me.   Ironically, as disappointing as the results were as I look back I ended up learning more from this race than I have from all my other races combined.  What initially looked like a failure actually turned out to be a worthwhile learning experience.  Things that I have taken away from the race include:

Beware of PR Goal Setting:   Generally I think it’s great to set goals and strive to achieve those goals.  However, in this particular case the conditions were such that a PR just wasn’t in the cards.  In retrospect I should of accepted that fact rather than starting the race with the allusion of PR’ing.  I had the capability but:

1Injury.  The right calf injury was such that I was able to train normally in the water and on the bike but running was a different story.  I don’t think I lost a ton of fitness by not being able to run for 8 days prior to the race but mentally it created a great deal of self doubt.  I had no idea if the calf was going to trouble me on the beach run from swim to bike, on the bike itself, or at mile 1, 3 or 5 during the run.  My hopes were that I wouldn’t have leg issues but honestly I didn’t know what was going to happen.  As it turned out it prematurely ended my day.

2Swim Race Conditions.  It was rough in the Gulf. I had a very difficult time sighting and actually got bopped in the head by a race course kayaker who was trying to tell me I was going off course (she apologized).  When I exited the water and saw that I was 7 minutes down on last year’s time my spirits spiraled downward.  Honestly I didn’t expect to swim faster than last year but going from 32 minutes to 39 minutes was depressing.  My thoughts running up the beach to T1 were, how in the heck I’m I going to make that up?  As it turned out I had a decent bike where I made up all of the lost time and I thought the bike effort set me up to run well. 

3Run Conditions.  To make matters worse the run course was switched from a road/asphalt run into a beach run.  Furthermore, it happened to be high tide so there were numerous situations where the waves created areas where you had to run thru water that was ankle deep or make the course longer by running around them.  I recall running through the 1st couple of these, feeling water logged shoes/socks, and actually feeling anger.  I even expressed my anger to a fellow racer telling her “this sucks” as we ran side by side.  She agreed which at least made me feel a little better.  It wasn’t long after that conversation that I tried to jump over one of these inlets and that ended my day.  Sharp pain in the calf and I was done.

Mental Fortitude.  For the life of me I still have not mastered how to think clearly while under stress.  This happens to me occasionally in training situations and is exacerbated during a race.  HR gets elevated and the brain leaves the building.  No kidding, that is what happens.  I can’t tell you the countless hours I have spent in the pool thinking steady pace, relaxed breathing pattern and I can guarantee over 1500 meters my swim time will be 1:58-2:05/100.  My only thoughts during the swim in this race were to “hurry up and get to the next buoy”.  Not a single thought about my stroke mechanics the entire 39 minutes.  My sincere hope is that is a result of a lack of racing experience and it will be cured by simply racing more often.  I do spent time thinking about race plans and race execution.  Now I need to get better at following them.

Other tidbits:

Race Day Arrival Time.  My arrival time was a bit late and as a result I was rushing to setup in transition.  This also meant that my bike was stuck in the middle on the rack with little room for me to layout gear.  Just added more stress to the situation.  Totally avoidable.

Swim Positioning.  I breathe on my right while racing and have a tendency to drift left.  Made a bad decision to stay right of the field to potentially compensate for left drifting.  Not a good decision.  I’ll never be a FOP swimmer so I think it may be wiser to stay left of the field in the future.  Perhaps this will make sighting easier.

Picking Races.  If I’m going to do races in bodies of water like the Gulf of Mexico I need to practice OWS’s.  Had 3 planned OWS’s but only did one of them.  In addition, no more races with beach runs over 5K in my future.

Stretching/Weight Training:  Need to incorporate this into the plan.  I'm not a spring chicken anymore.  Need to carve out time for this.

Nutrition: I've lost some of my nutritional disciple.  I raced a bit heavy.  I think with all the exercise that I do I'll often use that as an excuse to eat poorly.  Not saying that I can't treat myself but I don't need to do that every single day.  Most times if I just eat right when I'm hungry everything will take care of itself.  The occasional peak on the scale will serve as a good reminder.


Edited by junthank 2011-05-20 9:59 PM

2011-05-21 1:23 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

For those mornings when we don't want to get up and train - a little motivation (from a Jordan/Nike commercial)

Maybe it’s my fault.

Maybe I led you to believe it was easy, when it wasn’t.

Maybe I made you think my highlights started at the free throw line, and not in the gym.

Maybe I made you think that every shot I took was a game winner.

That my game was built on flash and not fire.

Maybe it’s my fault that you didn’t see that failure gave me strength.

That my pain was my motivation.

Maybe I led you to believe that basketball was a god-given gift and not something I worked for – every single day of my life.

Maybe I destroyed the game.


Or, maybe you are just making excuses.

2011-05-21 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Thanks for the "Good luck" message.  I couldn't reply on your page - I think because I'm not a "friend".

Anyway, thanks - I just want the wind to not be too bad.


2011-05-21 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3510388

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
kickitinok - 2011-05-20 2:42 PM


Anyway, I'm over it. Time to move on to positive things. I'm getting excited (and pretty nervous) about my first Oly in 9 days! I started my packing list last night. It's going to be a whirlwind couple of weeks for my husband and I since we are first driving to Austin and staying 4 days for my Oly, then driving back to OKC for one night to unload bikes and load the RV generator, then heading to Ft. Smith Arkansas to camp at a live music festival in the beautiful Ozarks for 5 days. I love it when spring arrives! 


Sorry about your yucky experience biking but great that you've got so much fun stuff ahead.  Great that you have the music festival after the Oly, so you can relax and enjoy it.  Have a lot of fun!  Will you be in touch with us or will we have to wait 'til you get back to hear all about the Oly and your trip?


2011-05-21 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3435045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


Nice report.  Whenever I have a bad race, I figure I'm due a good one.  Onward!


2011-05-21 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3511170

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
LadyNorth - 2011-05-20 10:23 AM
kickitinok - 2011-05-20 2:42 PM

 Sorry about your yucky experience biking but great that you've got so much fun stuff ahead.  Great that you have the music festival after the Oly, so you can relax and enjoy it.  Have a lot of fun!  Will you be in touch with us or will we have to wait 'til you get back to hear all about the Oly and your trip?



Denise - I will have access to my laptop and the internet after the Oly, so I may be able to poke my head in and give very quick report before we head to The Red Fez for celebrating later that evening. 

I'm trying to think of a race strategy for the Oly distance. With the sprint distances I go as fast as I can during the bike and swim because my run is so slow. But with the Oly that's probably not a good idea.....will need to slow it down a bit, especially on the swim. I wish my coach would weigh-in on this for me, but alas he's scarce as usual. 

Btw: I told my coach that I wanted to go with a less expensive coaching package...from the $149/month plan to the $99/month plan. So far I haven't noticed one bit of difference in the quantity or quality of coaching I receive from him. Wink Hmmm....

Edited by kickitinok 2011-05-21 3:11 PM

2011-05-21 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!
Jeff - Good to see that you've gotten more perspective on what happened that day. I've felt that anger you were talking about feeling on the beach, except mine was when I was cresting a really steep hill during my 10K last week. I was not happy, nor was I having fun. Also relate to not thinking while under stress - my race swims are mindless and this is not a good thing. The only way I can think to actually get better at this is not only race more, but to find a group of people that will do open water swims with you on a regular basis. My local tri club has group open water swims, but not nearly enough. I might start asking if any members want to meet me on the weekends for "scrimmages." Maybe you could do the same? 
2011-05-21 5:09 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Crystal Coast
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

First metric century down!!!! Yea.  Ave. 17.4Tongue out not what I had hoped (18) but I did lose focus on nutrition and bonked mainly because of my inexperience riding in close quarters and drafting which caused me not to take in to much mainly for fear of taking out other riders if I swerved.  Overall it was fun and drafting sure does help, averaging + 19 the first thirty.  Of course then came the rolling hills which I have minimal (none) training with since elevation changes of more than 5 feet do not exist out here. But there is always our token bridge.


2011-05-21 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3435045

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!

Hi there everyone, Steve invited me to join the group and I am super excited to be part.  Here is a little introduction.

PS - Steve Bradley is the BEST MENTOR EVER.  Just had to get that out there.

NAME: Mandy Farrar/manfarr1974

STORY: I am heading into my 3rd year of triathlon.  I started triathlon after 3 years of running marathons (I have done 5 to date).  I was kind of burned out on running and decided to try a sprint triathlon.  I didn't train at all, I almost drowned on the swim, but I loved it.  That year I did a few more sprints (that I trained for) and ended the year with an Oly distance.  Last year I did my first Half Ironman, along with a marathon and a bunch of sprint distance and one Oly distance Tri.

This year I am doing my first Ironman - Ironman Lake Placid - on July 24th.  I have a HIM (Quassy) in a few weeks.  I haven't really planned anything post IM, but have my eye on Pumpkinman HIM in Sept and maybe a fall marathon.  

I really like longer distance events, but I am not speedy. I call myself a back of middle of packer for the most part.  Sometimes I am in the middle of the middle pack, and on a good day when the fast people don't show up, I am in the front of the middle of the pack. 

FAMILY: I live in a small town in Maine called Caratunk (population 60).  I love where I live, in the summer, it is the epicenter of whitewater rafting in Maine, in the winter, it is very quiet and snowy.  I live there with my man John & some transient raft guide friends who pass through town. We very much miss our 10 year old Bernese Mountain Dog, Bailey, who we had to say goodbye to this week.  I mention this because he is & always will be part of our family.   We miss him so much.

CURRENT TRAINING: Ironman Lake Placid BABY!! That is my A+++ race this year.  I am going to scout it out in June.  On June 6 I am doing Rev3 Quassy Half, it should be a good test of where my fitness is.  I live 75 minutes from the closest pool and have made the drive weekly all winter to try to improve.  In the summer, I have a lot of lakes I can swim in, but right now the water is 47 degrees.  BRR  SO I make the drive. Hopefully the sun will come out and I will get into the open water before my first triathlon. Undecided

WEIGHTLOSS: This winter I have dropped about 15lbs. I would like to get down about 5 more to really be at ideal race weight, but am not as committed to it as I probably should be. I like ice cream, pizza, and beer. 

SO that is me in a nutshell.  Um, I am short and spunky too.


2011-05-21 6:30 PM
in reply to: #3510749

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Subject: RE: BigSkiesMentorGroup - COMPLETE!


I'm sorry the past few days have found me seriously overcommitted elsewhere (all good, but exhausting), and I'm hoping to get all caught up tonight. MANDY is here, snd she gave me a very nice prop....but now I have to work harder to do justice to you folks! Um, bear with me?

For now --
I did a sprint duathlon (2km - 23.8km - 5km) this morning, and it went well. Well, my performance was fine, but sorenesses/injuries less so. Here are the preliminary results:

R1 - 8:38 (4:19/km, 7:12/mile; 16/44 o.a.)
T1 - 1:15
B -- 40:09 (35.5kmh, 21.6mph; 8/44 o.a.)
T2 - 1:35
R2 - 22:27 (4:30/km, 7:22/mile; 12/44 o.a.)

1/1 - M60-64
10/44 - overall

AND, I will really try to produce a timely race report! Honest! (Yeah, yeah, i know I said that two weks ago and still haven't delivered....but I'm thinking about it. Honest!)

I shall return!

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