BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013 Rss Feed  
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2012-04-03 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Pam, thank you for the info I appreciate it.

. I do have an Adamo seat and it does help just not in the cease part.

2012-04-04 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4128314

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

After skipping over the girllie parts, I'm back in for the swim/bike/run parts.

Did you say you've tried body glide and still have chaffing in the crease.  There is a product called bag balm that does wonderful things for irritated skin.  I've gotten off the bike, cursing, applied the balm and been happilly back on the bike the next day.  You might try putting on some of the bag balm after the ' what ever ' and before the ride.

Triathletes on BT can talk about anything.


2012-04-04 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Love our uncensored body parts discussions

Glad to see our group is so chatty and everybody is staying so busy! I have a couple of pages to catch up on later today...

Well, I'm on day 26 of my juice fast (read: feels like freaking forever since I've had food), and I'm down 23.8 lbs (!!!!!) and last time I measured about 3-4 days ago, 4.5 inches off my waist. I, in my infinite quest for UNreasonable endurance, decided to actually go 40 days instead of 30. OY. But, I know the results will be so so worth it! My awesome husband is juicing with me still, this is his third week. He will probably stop after this week, but he's not definite on that yet..

And... I swam 1600 yards today without one stop! That's pretty big for me. Yeah, I'm still slow, but I swam the whole thing! I kept pushing my break back and got to 800, then remembered how John (jslacker) swam 900 yards without stopping, and had to beat him. Yeah, this was a couple of seasons ago when he JUST started swimming, but who cares, i still beat him on that day

Billy, you still juicin'? Congrats on great weight loss! Louisville should be scared of you now!
2012-04-04 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Still modified juicing, eating 1 meal, mostly veggies, per day.  Down 9.5 pounds so far.
2012-04-06 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Way to go on that weight loss Billy!

I have to brag as I had an awesome bike ride yesterday.  I try to ride with this group every Thursday and it is suppose to be a nice relaxing ride but they always seem to smoke me everytime, (in my opinion it is not a relaxing ride as I am pushing it the entire time).  Granted I got smoked again but my pace had increased!  Now if I can keep increasing my pace I will be good.

 I ride my road bike with this group as there is a downhill section that scares the daylights out of me and I don't trust myself on my tri bike with it just yet.

2012-04-06 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4133623

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I still prefer to ride my roadie when I'm riding with a group.  I have greater steering control, faster reaction time on the breaks, and have better visability.  All contribute to a safer experience for self and others.

Happy Friday, any one standing on the startline this weekend

2012-04-06 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
If I ride my Tri bike in a big group I always either pull or I am off the back slightly. Causes you to work harder but I don't get a draft in a race so don't get spoiled. If its a group ride from a LBS - always ask before if it's cool to ride a tribike with them. Some roadies hate us. And then we roll up on a road bike and do our best to crush them. LOL.
2012-04-06 12:08 PM
in reply to: #4134152

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Nothing quite like listening to a roadies lament about triathletes.  Then crush them on the climb and drop on the sprint to the city line sign.  Even my roadie has areo bars.   But I stay on the hoods unless I'm pulling away off the front or bridging a gap alone.  Anytime I suspect I'm going to encounter another rider or vehicle traffic, I play it safe. 

2012-04-06 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I agree with Bryan 100% on the group rides, either I pull or I bring up the rear, can't draft in a race and I feel like I am cheating myself if I draft on rides. 

I am doing the Oak Barrel Half Mary with my daughter and son n law in Tenn. tomorrow.

2012-04-06 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4134414

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
elcaminobill - 2012-04-06 1:57 PM

I agree with Bryan 100% on the group rides, either I pull or I bring up the rear, can't draft in a race and I feel like I am cheating myself if I draft on rides. 

I am doing the Oak Barrel Half Mary with my daughter and son n law in Tenn. tomorrow.


Good luck tomorrow and have fun!

2012-04-06 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Hey Billy - can't wait for the race report! Start fast and the speed up.

2012-04-07 10:31 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Columbus, IN
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Race Report?  What's that?  LOL

I'm sure Billy had a great race...can't wait to hear about it!  

Edited by amyleigh 2012-04-07 10:32 PM
2012-04-08 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Happy Easter, everyone!!!
2012-04-08 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Happy Easter!!


2012-04-08 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Happy Easter to All!!!

Sorry its been a while. Life has been busy.

Bryan I ran a 10 miler last month and a 15K last week!!! Race reports??? Hmmmm...ok The 15 K last week was a hilly run called the Boston Marathon Tune Up Run. It was great fun. I ran the first 7 miles with a guy who was 75 and has been to Kona 4 times. Last year in his qualifier he was DQ'd because he got a drafting penalty and didnt hear the race official...I think he is slightly hard of hearing.He runs with great form...he was amazing!

Hope both Billy and Gary had great races!!!!

I have reading to catch up on!!!!



2012-04-08 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Mav - I updated your finish lines. You are all RockStars

2012-04-08 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Yesterday I did a 45 mile bike ride, took a nap then ran a 4.1 mile race. Would you call that run a brick? I doubt it since the run happen 4 hours after the bike ride.

The race was at 4 pm and it was brutal as it was hot and very hilly. Very disappointed in myself as I had to walk some and lost 3rd place by 10 seconds. I have no one to blame but me.

Happy Easter everyone!

2012-04-08 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Kathy - no blame - maybe a lesson but no blame. Remember this is for fun. None of us will make a living doing this - its fun. Sure it's fun to podium - I've done it once in my Tri career but I love the party of the race. We celebrate what others think is nuts. Keep em guessing!!! Finish line updated
2012-04-09 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Congrats on the finish lines over the Easter weekend.  I took it easy this week and will next week as well before I start "official" training for IMAZ.  It was nice to not really have any plans but to just go out and do what I felt like doing.

BTW, I have updated my blog ( with the last 3 races I've done.

2012-04-10 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4138025

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

My masters swim group, lane leader has a new Garmin 910.  Oh e oh e oh. thats the state of the art  GPS watch that counts laps.  Can you see where this is going.  The leaders pulled up 50 short in this mornings 400TT.  Arrrrrrrrrr.  Coach was not happy with us.  Lets make that a 2x400TT.  ohhhhhhh.   That was so much fun, lets do it again. Not.  Make me wonder just how fast do I need to swim to lead this lane.  1:30 per hundski?  Thats a good goal to have.

Let's go running.  6x happy hill repeats for lunch. woot woot.

32 mile group ride tonight.

2012-04-10 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Washington DC
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I did my third and final indoor tri of the series, and while my swim didn't improve, I did better on both the bike and the run, so I'm happy about that.


On the downside though, my doctor confirmed I do have PF,  so I'm going to a podiatrist Thursday.  I'm hoping that will help, but pain kind of comes and goes, but it's enough to make me reconsider doing the 5k this weekend. My primary doc wants me to stay off of roads/sidewalks when running and I don't want to cause any more issues.

I've been having some sciatic pain for the last month or so and it seems likely that it's caused by piriformis syndrome since if I do trigger point exercises that seems to help it. Both of those are issues on my left side, so I'm thinking they are in some way related but we'll see.

Have any of your dealt with that?

2012-04-10 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

I am back.  Great race this weekend.  Daughters first HM and I got to do it with her,  great day!

Race report is in race reports under Oak Barrel Half Marathon.

2012-04-11 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I am on my recovery week. Ironic since there was not much to recover from in the last few weeks, but what the hey!  Did a kickboxing class for the first time in 6 months after experiencing some lower back pain after running and cycling, guess my abs were going soft.  Kickboxing was my life before I started training tris...  Suffice to say I can barely move on land or in water.  PLanned another class for Friday.  Hopefully I can get back to where I can walk after doing these classes.  My goal is getting to doing them three times a week again in addition to the tri stuff.  Hope you all are having a great start to your week
2012-04-11 8:46 PM
in reply to: #4140729

Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Fit4Infinity - 2012-04-10 11:48 AM

My masters swim group, lane leader has a new Garmin 910.  Oh e oh e oh. thats the state of the art  GPS watch that counts laps.  Can you see where this is going.  The leaders pulled up 50 short in this mornings 400TT.  Arrrrrrrrrr.  Coach was not happy with us.  Lets make that a 2x400TT.  ohhhhhhh.   That was so much fun, lets do it again. Not.  Make me wonder just how fast do I need to swim to lead this lane.  1:30 per hundski?  Thats a good goal to have.

Let's go running.  6x happy hill repeats for lunch. woot woot.

32 mile group ride tonight.

Oh this made me laugh after my turtle swim today

2012-04-12 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

At the Doc today.  Achilles tendonitis.  Two words I had hoped to never hear addressed to me.  Bummer.  Only three weeks to my first maraton, and no running.  He didn't rule out the marathon though, so I still have hope.  Cross training here I come. 

Anyone have any experience dealing with AT? 

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