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2015-02-20 2:42 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Ok, so I downloaded and have been using Jeff Galloway's 5k training app. I assumed that all those 5k apps in the app store would be similar. Apparently I live under a rock, because I didn't realize that Jeff Galloway has his own run/walk method.

Now I am two weeks in (6 workouts) and I noticed while my actual time exercising is increasing the ratio of walk to run always stays the same at 1 min walk: 1 min run which was set by using the defaults in the app. I know the C25k program I was initially doing was increasing the ratio of running to walking every week.

Should I just trust in the process or should I be concerned? I actually like the app. It tells me when to run/walk and it seems well designed. It works while allowing Pandora to run in the background which helps pass the time. I struggle with running, so maybe the 1:1 ratio is more attainable? But I was hoping to be able to run a 5k at the end, not run/walk a 5k.

I hate the thought of starting over, but I am worried I made the wrong choice. Running is really really hard for me. I can do the bike and the swim, but I am when I run it's slow and painful. Until I can get this 5k thing knocked out the sprint tri isn't going to happen. I feel like if I can successfully run a 5k I will have the confidence to do a triathlon.

Has anyone done the Galloway method? Should I just go with it? Or start over on another app?

2015-02-20 4:21 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by allan_c

I have a training plan question for folks...what do you do when you miss days on your training plan? I'm headed off for two days of skiing and no I won't swim, bike, or run. Not sure whether to shift my training plan, just skip the days altogether, or something else. Any suggestions?

Do Nothing! You will be getting exercise through skiing. Just start back on the correct day you are on and do what the schedule tells you. O' ya, have fun!
2015-02-20 5:12 PM
in reply to: lauraworz

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by lauraworz

I'm 2 weeks into my training plan and I've decided to tweak my plan a little bit. I'm using the 20 week Balanced 2x/week plan but I'm really struggling with the running. Since I feel super confident on the bike, I decided to just bike once a week and run 3 times a week instead. Hopefully adding just another little run will help my endurance and leg muscles not to completely hate me the next day.

I came home from a run the other day really discouraged because I wasn't as fast as I was before the baby weight (surprise!) and my husband told me, at this point in my work out routines, "If you aren't having fun, you're not doing it right." I think that will be my mantra for the next 18 weeks. I'm not looking to go pro at this point, so my goal is to have a big ol' smile on my face as I cross the finish line.

Laura, this is nothing wrong with what you are planning to do, but let me give you another option and explain why.

I would not take away a bike session at this point, especially taking it down to 1. Your legs, while use to running from the extra time will not be as accustom to cycling and therefore not react as well when you transition to the run. The thing is that when you get off the bike having felt like you did not even ride whatever distance it was, your legs will be totally fresh and respond so much better. When people have terrible runs during a Tri it is usually due to overcooking or being underprepared on the bike the majority of the time. My suggestion would be this, just add a third run or don't go specifically by the program in reference to the run training portion. If you know from past history of run training that worked better for you in the past, then use that for the run training portion. I also can't help but wonder due to lack of prior knowledge if your lack of speed now is just your body and legs needing to get back into the swing of things and the speed will return.

Like I said, this is your plan and you know your body and past history better than me. I just wanted to give you another option and overview of this.
2015-02-20 5:45 PM
in reply to: krista-artista

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by krista-artista

Ok, so I downloaded and have been using Jeff Galloway's 5k training app. I assumed that all those 5k apps in the app store would be similar. Apparently I live under a rock, because I didn't realize that Jeff Galloway has his own run/walk method.

Now I am two weeks in (6 workouts) and I noticed while my actual time exercising is increasing the ratio of walk to run always stays the same at 1 min walk: 1 min run which was set by using the defaults in the app. I know the C25k program I was initially doing was increasing the ratio of running to walking every week.

Should I just trust in the process or should I be concerned? I actually like the app. It tells me when to run/walk and it seems well designed. It works while allowing Pandora to run in the background which helps pass the time. I struggle with running, so maybe the 1:1 ratio is more attainable? But I was hoping to be able to run a 5k at the end, not run/walk a 5k.

I hate the thought of starting over, but I am worried I made the wrong choice. Running is really really hard for me. I can do the bike and the swim, but I am when I run it's slow and painful. Until I can get this 5k thing knocked out the sprint tri isn't going to happen. I feel like if I can successfully run a 5k I will have the confidence to do a triathlon.

Has anyone done the Galloway method? Should I just go with it? Or start over on another app?

I'm not sure if you are just saying 1 minute jog / 1 minute walk because that is what it actually is or are you just not saying 1 minute walk alternated with 1 and 1/2 minutes of jogging because that is what I saw for at least one of the days in WK 2 that I looked at. I ask this because first I want to make sure that your program is actually changing days like it is supposed to. If it is and I am right about what I showed for WK 2 then yes it is going to continue to increase the run time throughout the plan. The run times will go up and the walk times will go down. I have a co-worker doing it and I know from doing a run with him last week that his that day called for a 5 minute walk to warm up, followed by a 25 minute run and he said he was in WK 7. Stay with what you got, it will get you where you are trying to go.
2015-02-20 8:25 PM
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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by krista-artista

Ok, so I downloaded and have been using Jeff Galloway's 5k training app. I assumed that all those 5k apps in the app store would be similar. Apparently I live under a rock, because I didn't realize that Jeff Galloway has his own run/walk method.

Now I am two weeks in (6 workouts) and I noticed while my actual time exercising is increasing the ratio of walk to run always stays the same at 1 min walk: 1 min run which was set by using the defaults in the app. I know the C25k program I was initially doing was increasing the ratio of running to walking every week.

Should I just trust in the process or should I be concerned? I actually like the app. It tells me when to run/walk and it seems well designed. It works while allowing Pandora to run in the background which helps pass the time. I struggle with running, so maybe the 1:1 ratio is more attainable? But I was hoping to be able to run a 5k at the end, not run/walk a 5k.

I hate the thought of starting over, but I am worried I made the wrong choice. Running is really really hard for me. I can do the bike and the swim, but I am when I run it's slow and painful. Until I can get this 5k thing knocked out the sprint tri isn't going to happen. I feel like if I can successfully run a 5k I will have the confidence to do a triathlon.

Has anyone done the Galloway method? Should I just go with it? Or start over on another app?

I'm not sure if you are just saying 1 minute jog / 1 minute walk because that is what it actually is or are you just not saying 1 minute walk alternated with 1 and 1/2 minutes of jogging because that is what I saw for at least one of the days in WK 2 that I looked at. I ask this because first I want to make sure that your program is actually changing days like it is supposed to. If it is and I am right about what I showed for WK 2 then yes it is going to continue to increase the run time throughout the plan. The run times will go up and the walk times will go down. I have a co-worker doing it and I know from doing a run with him last week that his that day called for a 5 minute walk to warm up, followed by a 25 minute run and he said he was in WK 7. Stay with what you got, it will get you where you are trying to go.

I am a HORRIBLE runner! When I started I could barely walk a mile in 30 minutes. I used the Jeff Galloway app 5k and I LOVED it! I did have to adjust it a little for me since it wanted me to put the treadmill at 6.0 for a run and I just couldn't do it that fast. I had to start out at 4.5 for a run and slowly I have built it up. Also when you use the app outside and not on the treadmill you do not have the luxury of having an actual pace you just have to run it not knowing for sure how fast you are going. Your ratio's will change, don't worry. By the end of the program you will be doing a 5k. Keep it up you will be happy with your results

Edited by Suzie471 2015-02-20 8:27 PM
2015-02-20 9:42 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Wow. Thanks Todd. It never occurred to me that the bike would have that kind of impact on running. I just assumed I've usually been a poor runner, so I'm destined to have a bad run. I wouldn't mind at all adding that second bike training back in at all. (Helps that it's my favorite.)

2015-02-21 11:23 AM
in reply to: #5078752

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
After dragging myself up in 8 degree weather to go to swim class, I was tired and late but I got there.
Then I went Mall Walking, no running allowed. First time doing it. I expected to see a lot of senior folks but surprisingly, about half the people were mom's with strollers and folks like me. I got in about 3 miles. This might be my new winter spot for group workouts. We are all either members of different gyms or not a member at all.

In case you vector my logs, I put this under running so I can track my shoes.
2015-02-21 11:36 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Lovey

After dragging myself up in 8 degree weather to go to swim class, I was tired and late but I got there.
Then I went Mall Walking, no running allowed. First time doing it. I expected to see a lot of senior folks but surprisingly, about half the people were mom's with strollers and folks like me. I got in about 3 miles. This might be my new winter spot for group workouts. We are all either members of different gyms or not a member at all.

In case you vector my logs, I put this under running so I can track my shoes.

Congrats on the dedication in getting out in the cold weather!!! My walking activities also show as running. I just make a note in the remarks area.
2015-02-21 11:52 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Short session this morning on the bike. Came down with a cold late this past week; a bit worse this am compared to yesterday; felt better after my swim yesterday. Oh well. So, kept the seat time to 20 minutes.

My hybrid still has the original tires on it and when I first put it on the trainer not only was it loud but difficult pedaling. Put a trainer tire on Thursday and this morning was the first time I've used it. What an amazing difference! Much quieter, smoother, lower gears weren't as difficult as with the original tire. I'll be interested in seeing what a long session will be like.

Only a dusting of snow overnight here; still need to clear the drive and walks; will wait a while before I start that project.

If I reading the posts about working in the training because of family and work obligations....I've been there, done that.....don't be hard on yourself if you miss a training session; the fact you are being consistent is outstanding; you can simply start up the next day with the training session scheduled. When you can say to yourself "I've tried my hardest and done the very best I can" then that's all you can do!!.... be proud of your accomplishments each and every day.

Hang in there everybody!! This is a very determined and motivated group!!!

2015-02-21 8:06 PM
in reply to: #5095021

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Hi all! Day 1 of substituting skiing for swim/bike/run...and while I haven't gotten much if an aerobic work- out I just have to say OH MY QUADS! So awesome though to be out on the mountain today
2015-02-22 7:26 AM
in reply to: Lizfuze

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Lizfuze

Originally posted by interspace8

Originally posted by libbyfhenderson

Originally posted by jennifersmith847

So I bought this day planner (cuz I'm super old school and love office supply type thingies) to chart my training plan and make sure I can get all the components in each week. I marked down weeks 1-4 (starts in March) to figure out how much vacation time I'm going to need to request. (My boss is a former triathlete and marathoner and is all in support of my taking an extra 15/30 getting back from the gym at lunch...but I know I'm going to need much more than an hour at the gym coming up and decided to take vacation hours during that time away.) It doesn't look too bad, maybe an extra 2 hours past what I'm doing now per week. I'm all pumped, right? I got this, I can do this! Then I go on to look at weeks 5-8. Holy moley. This is going to be a serious investment of time! I used to shake my head at my boss when he'd tell me about 21 milers toward the end of his last training for Chicago. "How do you find the time? How does your wife deal with you? Your kids must never see you anymore." Yeah...I guess I didn't anticipate the amount of time away from my family this endeavor would require. I hope my husband was really serious when he said he was up for tri-training. It is, afterall, my birthday I hope he can hang in there with me (and our 4 year old) for just a few months. But I am pretty nervous...

I totally understand both the planning (I have a big calendar AND a training journal, both in paper and am using the training log here. I'm a planner geek!) and the concerns about the time. I've been taking long lunch hours already, and when I add running/bike back into the mix, that will get done in the early hours. Though even with it being just the time to train for a sprint, I heard this morning the dreaded "I think you are trying to do too much." Arghhh.

During the time I've been married to my current DH, I've been much more of a couch potato than at any other time in my life, so I know he is reacting from how different it is to see me dedicating so much time to workouts and making time to get my pony ready for shows at the same time.

So, I went outside this morning, feed all the ponies and did the chores, and sounded like a cartoon character, fussing and carrying on, with no one to hear me but the critters. Then I put it in a box, and decided that just meant, at least for now, that I can't expect a lot of support from him at the moment, and that I just need to show that I CAN fit all this in, if I do it right and let some non-nourishing things go. How much will it matter if I stream TV later, or miss it all together? It won't.

So, I really appreciate you guys! Support is crucial to continuing forward!! And, at this point, I also think he's feeling a little guilty because while I'm still fat and slow, I'm lapping him on the couch ;-)

I think the support of family is KEY to all of us being able to do this. It's funny, my husband says "I'm so proud of you for doing this!..this is great!...I support you 100%!". Then he says I'm too focused on the training! LOL!

I've been trying to work the training in to my schedule as best I can without absolutely being a slave to it and never being home. My swims have been in the mornings, but I only have 25 minutes to get those in. Y doesn't open up until 5am, and I have to be all ready and on the road by 6am in order to get to work on time. After work, on the workout days, I typically get in biking or running and sometimes weights along with those. It's hard to squeeze it all in. Sundays are my days where I can get a longer workout in, so that's a no brainer It's typically swim & bike or swim & run. I have a trainer to use indoors for my bike, however to my (unpleasant) surprise, my gears aren't shifting. There is hardly any resistance. So, I have to have the bike fixed. UGH.

The swimming is still my biggest hurdle, so I'm going to try to find a coach/expert swimmer/whatever you might call it, to hopefully tell me what it is I'm doing wrong, or if I AM doing it right, and that I just need to work on endurance. I get 100 yds and then I need a good 1 minute break. Then 50 yds, and I need another break. Then 50 yds again, and I need another break. I look at all these swim distances that we're to be starting with in the infancy of training, and I appear WAY behind. And I've been at it for 4 weeks.

After the marathon was done, I thought ha, a Sprint? No problem. Bite my tongue. I was so wrong.

I must be out of it. I keep hearing everyone talking about a swim coach/expert whatever. How do you find them? I asked at my local Y if they new anyone who had even done a sprint to talk to and they had no clue. I was hoping to have a face to face conversation with someone who has been there.
The gal at the desk suggested I join the masters swim class starting next week for an hour once a week. Would this be good? Would that instructor likely be someone who could coach?

I need both a swimming evaluation and biking.

Those two are both new for me and I am very unsure about the biking part.

I have had a decent week of working out. I was a slug tonight but needed to be with the family

One big thing I did change this week is I'm taking the steps everywhere I go in the hospital. I haven't taken the elevator all week and I go to many areas in the hospital

Way to go Liz! I think our change needs to start with the small things and then it builds. I was lucky at my Y there were 2 people that could teach me swim that have done triathlons. I am getting private lessons through the Y. You could sign up for private lessons, or the Masters sounds like a good idea. I would check into local cycle shops. I have 2 in town that get groups together where you can bring in your bike and they put it on a trainer or help you put in on and then the whole group has a cycle class. When the weather is good they also do rides together(different distances and on different days) I would say start talking to the community to get plugged in to what is going on.
If your town is small see if there is a bigger town in your area that has this.
Good Luck and keep moving.

2015-02-22 7:27 AM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by allan_c

Today I realized that I am doing a 12-wk training plan, not the 22 wk one that many others on this thread are doing. Well, OK then...I guess this is going to ramp up faster than I thought! My first race of the season is mid-way between 12 and 22 weeks, so I guess I can always slow the plan down a bit if the 12 week journey seems too fast for me. I guess I am a bit scatterbrained if I didn't even realize how many weeks are in my training plan

Thanks for the description of the fist drill Nicole! I had seen that somewhere in my training plan but didn't really know what it was.

I'm glad I could help.
2015-02-22 7:35 AM
in reply to: jennifersmith847

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by jennifersmith847

Colleen: I'm so sorry about your dad. :-( It's the crappiest club to be able to claim membership to. :-(

Everyone is making so much awesome progress. I feel like we're a secret consortium of rock stars. I'm so excited to start hearing about how our TRIs went. Oh...wait. Will this forum remain open to find out? Mine happens a few months after the mentorship is over. Hmmm...Todd? Can we still use this to check in with our friends through the summer?

Anyhow...things at the pool got super meta today. What do you call it when you spend a swim session practicing for practice drills that are coming up in a few weeks? But, by the end of the 30 minutes I'd taught myself how to breathe on BOTH sides (though it's not an autopilot maneuver, I tried a few times to breathe my left armpit...i'm clearly a right side breather by preference) AND I figured out how to do one arm drills without drowning. I realized I need to work on my kick because it actually slows me down (is that common? with the float between my knees I'm almost too fast to take a decent breath. is that just the added buoyancy?)

My workout buddy spent a good 30 minutes after dinner tonight trying to convince me that I could finish a triathlon in the allotted time...tomorrow. At first it was simply nice of him to be encouraging but he got insistent and it made me think about what my goals for this triathlon are (because, I think, he's right. I'd hate everything about it and wish I was dead...probably wake up 3 days later in the hospital...but I could probably finish in 3 hours with blood streaming from my nose like a racehorse.) I'm still thinking about it. I thought I'd ask y'all. What are your goals...what do you hope training will help you achieve? Both the training process and training for the event? Some of you spelled it out in your intro, but I'm wondering if your goals have shifted since then? I started out saying I just wanted to finish...not to "race". But as this continues and I see my endurance and speed increase I think I actually want to compete in a triathlon...not just complete a triathlon. Weird.

For me I am learning to swim, learning to cycle, and learning to run. I am focusing on finishing. I am not going to bog myself down with any times or where I place. Now as I compete I think I will be trying to get past someone next to me. This race is about me and what I am capable of doing. I am enjoying this journey and each triumph that I make. I feel myself getting faster. I know that my race in August is against a lot of expereinced people and newcomers alike. It is a big event in my area so this is for me. Maybe I am still so far in the beginning that I can't think about a bigger goal.
When I train and I get tired I just keep telling myself that when I am in the race I won't be able to just stop so I keep on pushing and get my workout done. I find I have a better time or distance with this thinking.
2015-02-22 7:54 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
I haven't checked in in a few days but I am plugging right along.
Friday I had off which was great for my workout. I decided to try something new just to see how I felt. I did weights and core exercises, then swam my 700 yd, then after a few hours I did my cycle workout.

I learned something important:
1 Don't do weights before getting into the pool. My arms were really tired but more importantly I was sinking in the water. My swim coach told me I was actully heavier. It makes sense it was just something I hadn't thought about.

2 To help control my breathing while swimming hum while breathing out. It controls the exhale better and it helped to calm me down and focus on other things like my arms and relaxing.

3 I need to put my weights on a different day than my swim all together. I will look at my schedule and change that.

4 Resting more after a swim gives me a better bike workout.

5 I added some recovery poweder in my water bottle while in the pool and that helped maintain my energy without getting wiped out.

I was pleased I got my swim workout done in 40 minutes which shaved 5 minutes from wednesday and I also got in all 700 yds. On Wednesday I struggled with my workout. I think it was my cold. I have since changed medicine and I think it has helped.

I got in 6.6 miles on the bike. I was able to pedal stronger and keep my heart rate up. I am getting the hang of the bike so everyone else hang in there. If I can get it so can you. This is my 4th week of 3x biking a week.

I got in my walk/run and I was able to push my run. I am doing 5 minute walk to 2 minute run. I got my run speed up to 6.8 for the first minute then down to 5.6 the second minute then had my walk at 4.1. I am now getting in 2miles during my walk/run session.

Everyone keep up the great work and keep moving because you are beating your old self that wasn't doing what you are doing now.
2015-02-22 7:52 PM
in reply to: nekomidori

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED

You brought up a lot of good points. I thought It was important to go from bike to run as fast as I can without resting between because that will be what we are doing during our event, but, if I take more time to rest and recover between maybe I will have a better workout for each

So, thought. Are you working out multiple times a day? Swim in the morning. Bike or run in the evening? I have been doing whatever workouts that are scheduled at the same time and always after my long work days.

Honestly until it warms up I don't think I can get up any earlier and especially get in a cold pool. Maybe run and bike when it is warm out.

Sounds like people are really doing great. I have been asking around at my Y. Master swim starts next Sunday I am going to try that for any pointers, and I talked with a local bike guy that will help fit me with a bike that should work well for me.

I registered for a 5K next month and put a bike tour on my planner for May. I saw where my sprint has opened registration now. I'm a little nervous yet so didn't register

Everyone have a great week of training. You are all very inspiring.
2015-02-22 9:36 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by allan_c

Hi all! Day 1 of substituting skiing for swim/bike/run...and while I haven't gotten much if an aerobic work- out I just have to say OH MY QUADS! So awesome though to be out on the mountain today

Enjoy - I don't think I've been skiing since the 4th kid arrived. And we just got hit with powder down here
Where are you skiiing

2015-02-23 12:19 AM
in reply to: allan_c

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Felt like I had a good week. Still trying to fit workouts in with my work and husband. Managed to make it to the pool twice, ran 3 days and biked 3 days and got strength training in for 4 days. The weather just hasn't been cooperating, I just can't bring myself to run in this bitter cold weather. If it wasn't for my running group, I wouldn't be running at all outside. I'm getting tired of the treadmill and getting more tired of my bike trainer. I'm starting to wonder if we will be seeing warmer weather any time soon?

Food wise I have been doing good. Logging everything on MFP and haven't been cheating on any logs or meals. Down 1.5lbs this week and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm a great meal planner and I have everything cooked and ready in portions for my upcoming week. Althought I've been doing well, I still feel like I'm not doing enough and that I will not be ready for my first Sprint Tri in Alpirl. I'm staring to feel discourage. Not sure if it's the weather or lack of sleep on my part. I just feel tired and wondering what I should be doing different? I just want to feel more confident.
2015-02-23 8:51 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED

I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your dad. I know how painful it can be to lose a father. We know we can't keep them around forever, but it sure hurts like heck when they go. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this trying time.

I hope when you are ready to get back to training you will find your workouts provide a time of de-stressing and an opportunity to clear your mind, at least momentarily. Take care of yourself and your family first!

2015-02-23 8:58 AM
in reply to: libbyfhenderson

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by libbyfhenderson

Changing a goal?

I have been planning to aim for my very first Sprint at the end of May, but getting used to the training is taking me longer than I anticipated. (Darn aging bones, muscles and determination! )

There is another one that I have my eye on at the end of July instead -- anyone have any advice on how to tell if I am just getting chicken and hoping to push the goal farther away, or whether taking more time to be really ready makes more sense?

Right now, I'm working on my swimming (wish me luck! Swim technique class starts tonight!! ), developing a strength routine with a trainer and am getting my horse into shape for our first show in two weeks. I plan to add my bike and run/walking back in as soon as my days are a little longer (I was doing pretty well alternating run and bike days before work in the mornings all through the fall) but I'm worried that I started off so far behind that I need to take a little longer to build up a good base.

I had to drop out of marathon training in 1995 due to injury, and it has always haunted me and I don't want to go through that again!

Ideas, suggestions, thoughts, motivations?

Thanks, guys!


I think we just have to listen to our bodies. We are all going to get the pre-race jitters wondering if we really can do it; however, I think we know if we are emotionally anxious or if our bodies are screaming "DON"T DO THIS TO ME" . I am looking at a May tri for my first as well and I just haven't been thinking about putting it all together as "a whole" yet. Maybe that's an error on my part... for now I am just taking it one day, one week at a time and trying to follow my plan every week. I know as time gets closer I will start putting more thought into the actual triathlon, but trying not to for now. We wouldn't plan on climbing a 14,000 peak in Colorado next year and start worrying about whether we could or not this year - we would just get in shape and work on smaller climbs right now. I think we have to do the same with our first triathlons.

We can do it!!

2015-02-23 9:06 AM
in reply to: jennifersmith847

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED

You go girl - way to think in wanting to "compete". Everyone's goals probably shift somewhat during their training, depending on many things including life circumstances. I think it is awesome that your are feeling the bug like you are.

My underlying goal of being in the best physical and emotional shape of my life when I turn 50 has not changed and that is my drive with every workout. I am seeing and feeling the benefits of my workouts now and that is a huge incentive to keep going. I had hoped that I might complete an olympic distance by the end of this year and secondary to a job change I may not be able to get that far. May have to settle for a couple of sprints this year. Time will tell. While I am trying to give myself competitive goals, I want to be sure they are attainable as well.

Keep up the great training. Sounds like you are doing awesome.

2015-02-23 9:51 AM
in reply to: peto_primo

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by peto_primo

Originally posted by allan_c

Hi all! Day 1 of substituting skiing for swim/bike/run...and while I haven't gotten much if an aerobic work- out I just have to say OH MY QUADS! So awesome though to be out on the mountain today

Enjoy - I don't think I've been skiing since the 4th kid arrived. And we just got hit with powder down here
Where are you skiiing

We were skiing at Bretton Woods in NH...unusually good snow this winter for east coast skiing! We even had 6 inches of new powder our second day out, which also happened to be the day we put the kids in ski school for the morning. I got in 2.5 hours of hard skiing which felt like a whole days worth while the kids were in "school." My legs really did not enjoy 10 trips up the stairs to our second floor unit to unload all our gear when we got hoe, and there is no doubt that this was some good cross training!

2015-02-23 10:19 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED

Several weeks back I was feeling really tired as well. After putting some thought into my diet I decided I wasn't taking in enough calories for the increase in my exercise. I was already trying to have several snacks a day but I started making a conscientious effort to eat more snacks and more at meals. I feel the increase has really made a difference in my energy level.

I agree this weather can't be helping any of us. We have just had our worst two weeks of winter weather here in Tennessee - bad for the training and for emotional well being. I have also found that as I work on eliminating processed foods from my diet my energy level is much higher as well. It has been amazing what a difference that has made. I am not 100% Paleo, but I do much better than before. Not only have I dropped some weight but feel better as well.

2015-02-23 10:31 AM
in reply to: Gabby'smom

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Todd, (or other experienced Turtles)

I am using the zero to 1650 swim program as my swim training. Spend two weeks getting up to par to start the program and will start the second week of the program this week. Is this sufficient training for my first tri or should I be doing a more focused training? I felt like I needed a good base prior to doing anything more specific, but don't want d-day to arrive and not have trained sufficiently. I am just plugging in the days of zero to 1650 into the swim days of my training. Using a sprint plan from "Your First Triathlon" by Joe Friel.

2015-02-23 12:17 PM
in reply to: Gabby'smom

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Gabby'smom

Todd, (or other experienced Turtles)

I am using the zero to 1650 swim program as my swim training. Spend two weeks getting up to par to start the program and will start the second week of the program this week. Is this sufficient training for my first tri or should I be doing a more focused training? I felt like I needed a good base prior to doing anything more specific, but don't want d-day to arrive and not have trained sufficiently. I am just plugging in the days of zero to 1650 into the swim days of my training. Using a sprint plan from "Your First Triathlon" by Joe Friel.


The book I read when I started (Triathlon 101) said "consider the swim your warm up". The idea was if you are not a fish - be smooth and under control and comfortable coming out of the water - not wasting energy there.
I would think if your first race is a sprint (don't remember) being comfortable with 1650 or a mile would be double the distance and you should be okay coming out of the water.
2015-02-23 2:31 PM
in reply to: Gabby'smom

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Gabby'smom

Todd, (or other experienced Turtles)

I am using the zero to 1650 swim program as my swim training. Spend two weeks getting up to par to start the program and will start the second week of the program this week. Is this sufficient training for my first tri or should I be doing a more focused training? I felt like I needed a good base prior to doing anything more specific, but don't want d-day to arrive and not have trained sufficiently. I am just plugging in the days of zero to 1650 into the swim days of my training. Using a sprint plan from "Your First Triathlon" by Joe Friel.


I am following that program as well. I am on week 2. I skipped a week because due to weather my gyms were closed in the mornings.
I think this program will prepare us. After the 6 week plan, I will work in more drills. Glad to have someone along with me.
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date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
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When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
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Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
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First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
date : September 26, 2004
author : jhealy422
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For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.