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2007-05-15 7:28 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I'm definitely in....You all inspire me!

Thanks for the info on keeping my head in the game at the finish line and on the race belt.

I'm so excited! - I started a thread for the race that's coming up here in Crystal River and didn't really know what I was doing or where to look to see if people responded.  I just figured it out that people have written back to me on my training log and realized that there will be maybe 5-6 BTr's here for the race in 2 weeks.  Can't wait to meet some folks.  Too bad you all live so far away (. 

2007-05-15 9:19 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I'm definitely in.
2007-05-16 6:25 AM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Count me in too. I'm still a month out from my first tri-June 23rd.
2007-05-16 6:51 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
2007-05-18 7:15 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

URGENT! - Help! Oh crud, I'm tapering down to my first race next weekend (5/26) and wouldn't you know it, I started to get a cold bug yesterday that's going around.  Most people are getting hit for about 6 weeks with this nasty thing.  I'm also crushed at work for the next 2 days so can't take time off to rest.  Yesterday is the only workout I've actually missed (it was a 30-min trainer ride).  I ran today and did okay but I can tell my chest is getting tighter and filling up and my nose ran the whole way and my body feels fatigued.  I haven't been getting 8 hrs of sleep.  My plan is to listen to my body and do my best to get in my workouts, but, if I'm really fatigued, forego the workout to rest.  After Saturday I should be able to do whatever I need to do to rest so I can plan my workouts even during the day if I need to.  Does that sound like a plan?  Anybody have any experience with this or have a different idea???  What a bummer!!!  (My friend who is going to run it has the same thing).  CRAP!

2007-05-18 8:31 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Rest. Fluids. Vitamins. Then more rest. Lots of OJ. Maybe a little ibuprofin. Some people love echinecha (sp?) or zinc. I stick to OJ. Try to rest as much as possible. Sometimes, with a day or two of rest and decreased activity, I can ward that kind of thing off.

2007-05-19 12:08 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I just now read your race results and summary for the Half Iron you did in Los Colinas! (I know it's been almost a month) It was inspiring, really! I usually look at your training and think - Damn, this guy is an animal. Now, I know you are a little nuts! But in a good way.
I haven't even run my first tri, but after I read your race summary I'm thinking that I can do an oly in the fall and shoot for a Half Iron next year, if I stick with a consistent plan.
What is wrong with me?!! I'll be 55 years old before my first tri on June 23rd and I'm thinking about doing a Half Iron Triathlon in a year. Whatever you're on is contagious! You and the other fanatics will be the ones I blame when I lay in pain on the cot getting my massage after my 2nd or 3rd tri!!
I truly appreciated your writeup. Awesome!
PS - I did the swim/bike brick this afternoon. Took me 5 minutes from the time I got out of the pool to the time I started peddling. Too much time, but it involved walking from pool to opening a locker, changing from swim suit to shorts and shirt and putting on sock/shoes. I need to practice. It gave me a feeling of what to do. I need to go to watch a tri. Maybe tomorrow in Norfolk.

Edited by colwins440 2007-05-19 3:23 PM
2007-05-19 8:51 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I just wanted to say hi to everyone since I've been MIA for a while. Life kinda happened early in April which threw me off and I almost just gave up the whole thing. But I'm trying to stay with it and get back into a routine. So far, so good. Does anyone know how to treat shin splints though? its only on my left leg. I'm icing and resting between runs, but that's about it. Any suggestions?
Hope everyone is doing well!
2007-05-21 6:14 AM
in reply to: #800574

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
M -

Glad to have you back. I hope everything's ok.

I have bad shin splints as well. I just read this article, and the stretch discussed at the end feels pretty good. I hope it helps. Plus, I ice and take ibuprofen.
2007-05-21 6:51 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Question for the group - what kind of gels do you use, and where do you get them?

I'm in a gel-deficient area. The only place I can get them close to my house is GNC, and all they have is PowerBar vanilla. The gels definitely help with the workout - I could tell about half way through my first run using one - but it tastes like I'm eating a tub of vanilla sugar frosting. It doesn't sit all that well, and I think it's due to the taste. If there's a general consensus on the brand, I'll order some over the internet. Thanks!
2007-05-21 8:10 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Welcome back M! - Jeez, I wish I had your running times - they look great.  Glad to have you back.

Tony - there are some good articles on our BT website about how to lay out a transition area.  I tried it and although my times weren't what I would like them to be in my "practice tri" I'm sure that the layout helped.  I can't remember exactly where I found them but if I locate them I'll try to attach them in here somehow so you can see them.

Hey everyone - I've been laying low since Thursday when I started to get a cold (the bug is going around big time here).  I'm trying to heed advice to just rest (seems all my body wants to do is sleep) and drink lots of fluids and take vitamins but I'm feeling like my muscles are wasting away by doing nothing.  I'm on the verge of getting better or worse-I can't tell.  Today I might try a real easy trainer ride and then a brief pool workout depending on how I feel.  If you have any other suggestions, let me know.  Its getting down to the wire for my first tri this weekend.  I'll be totally bummed if I can't do it or at least do it as well as I was hoping to.

2007-05-21 8:41 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
About those gels - go to the Nutritional Cafe thread and there is a forum called "Assorted Gels."  In there is a website where you can get 24 assorted gels for $19.95.  I could kick myself, about a month ago I bought a 6-pk of Power Bar gels at Big Lots for $2.00 to try out.  They were yucky but I figured all the rest probably were too (and after trying a few, they all seem pretty yucky).  I went back to Big Lots and they had thrown them all away!!!  She said she would have given them to me.  I was ready to go dumpster diving but she said the trash had already been picked up.  I keep going back to see if they get more (she said they might) but so far not luck. 
2007-05-22 7:11 AM
in reply to: #809308

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Thanks. That would be great. I still can't quite get it in my head how I'm going to change from swimming to biking gear. I suppose the swim suit must be waterproof? I can't imagine swimming, then wearing a wet swimming suit for 2 more events. I think the chafing would be really bad. I know we've discussed this in previous threads. I need to go back a few pages and read what was said.
2007-05-22 8:29 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I got a tri suit for my first triathlon, it worked great.  It is a pair of shorts, similar to biking shorts but with a much smaller pad.  I wore them for all three events.  They dried w/in 5 minutes of getting out of the water from the swim and were comfortable for the entire race.  There is a pretty big range of prices but I got one of the cheaper pairs at about $50 or $60. 
2007-05-22 8:45 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I also got a pair of tri shorts and a tri top.  You're right, they dry very quickly and didn't chafe at all.  The top is nice too cuz it has a couple of small pockets were you can put a gel for your bike ride.  Everything is very "tight" and doesn't leave much to the imagination but its a lot easier than trying to put on a pair of shorts over a wet suit.  It would be worth going to a running and/or tri shop and trying on a few pairs.
2007-05-22 8:40 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I am signing up for an Oly in September. The website says we have to present our Snell or ANSI helmet for inspection. My old helmet bit the dust, and I need a new one. But, all the ones I can find are CPCS certified. I can not find a single one that is SNELL or ANSI. Anyone know what I should do?

2007-05-23 10:39 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Tony - 2 words - tri suit.  Swim, bike and run in the same one.  The only things you might put on wet are socks and maybe your shirt - that is if you don't wear it in the pool, too.  Everyone is doing it.  Yes, tri gear is tight, but so are you, right?

Here's what I do - swim in a tri suit and tri top (separates for some events, unitard for others, depends on distance and how I'm feeling).  I slip into socks, shoes, helmet and sunglasses for the ride (I've abandonded the gloves).  At T2 it's off with the lid and on with a cap as well as slipping out of my cycling shoes and into my running shoes.  I still tie them, though.  I also use a race belt with the number pre-attached.  This eliminates the pinning to the shirt and allows for flexibility in the transistions.  Some events require you to wear your number during the ride, others don't.  I'm going to practice running w/o socks this summer and eventually will abandon those, too.

Aside: As long as your helmet is "certified" by someone and/or is a well known brand (bell, Giro, etc.,) basically if you bought it at a bike shop, it'll pass inspection.

Does tri gear leave little to the imagination?  Yes; but since everyone else is wearing the same type of gear, there's very little gawking.  Oh, never a speedo, though you'll see plenty of those out there, too.

2007-05-26 5:21 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey - I did it! ... and, I even got a 2nd place finish in the 50-54 age group.  Amazing! )  Of course, there were only 3 or 4 of us but like the 3rd place finisher said, "I also beat all the women who didn't come today!"  Good point.  It was an awesome race and I'm looking at which one to make #2.  I'd like to do the entire series but the next one is in only 1 month and I really feel like mentally I need longer than that to prepare.  I'm thinking of doing the twilight sprint in the same venue in the end of July and then the Cooter (yes, that's the name of it) Tri in a neighboring town in October.  I figure 3 races for my 1st year would be good.  I actually beat the time I was hoping for by about 12 minutes so I'm pleased (final time 1:33:44).

How do the times and stuff get on my log?  When they post the race results do they automatically upload onto it?  (I wrote down my race thoughts just on my training log while they were fresh and can transfer them over if that's what happens). 

I met some BTers from other parts of Florida so that was pretty cool too.  Thank you all for your encouragement and help.  I know if it wasn't for this website I would not have continued my journey thus far.  THANKS!

2007-05-26 8:35 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
tbryant: congratulations on an awesome race. Enjoy the feeling.
2007-05-27 8:56 AM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I've been driving for a couple of days from Fort Monroe, VA to home. I think I'm more sore from driving than I get from working out. 22 hours of driving time is not good for my old joints.
Tara---congratulations on a great first triathlon. You've inspired me.
2007-05-27 11:37 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Way to go, Tara!

2007-05-29 7:31 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Tara, that's fantastic.  Congratulations!  Great time.  Glad to see that you are already looking for your next race.
2007-05-31 7:28 AM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I need help.
I have a little over 3 weeks left before my first tri, and I'm going to use the "700 Yard Introductory Workouts" swimming plan 3 times per week to improve my stroke. The problem is .... I don't fully understand what the writer/coach wants me to do. Example-"200, alternate kick/swim by 50. Kick on your side." Does this mean that I swim the first length without kicking and the next length by only kicking? And how do I "kick on my side"? That sounds like the side stroke, but does it mean that I do the side stroke without using my arms? I am a novice swimmer and understand only the basic stuff.

2007-05-31 8:18 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hi guys!

Thanks for all your congrats.  I'm hoping to do a Twilight Run the end of July but am nursing another injury.  Gonna get it checked out tomorrow but think it might be a stress fx.  Meanwhile, I've taken a few days for rest and hope to get in the pool today.  I talked to a friend this weekend who is an Ironman racer and asked him about how to increase my time to be competitive and he said, "One word - BIKE!"  He said that the run (at my age!) can be stressful (which I'm experiencing) and that you can gain more strength and speed by spending more time on the bike.  Do you experienced folks agree?

Tony - I think the alternating "kick/swim" thing is to alternate between swim and kick with a kickboard.  I'm not sure what the "kick on your side" thing is unless it's like in the Total Immersion drills where you lay on your side in the water, extend your arm and kick.  If you can pick the book up at the library or something it will explain it better.  Other than that, I'm clueless.  I bet Doug or Kirk will know...

2007-05-31 8:40 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Nope, I don't know anything about "standard" swimming any more.  I'm a TI guy now.

Speed increases on the bike seems logical.

I tried sending this last night but it obviously didn't work, so here it is again.

Hey gang, I have some TI observations which y'all may have already discovered.  I find that the longer I can go without breathing, the better it gets.  I'm pushing myself to increase from a 3 stroke breather to 5, and maybe more.  I think you get a greater benefit from being in the water in your "vessel" longer.  Also, I had a great little swim workout this evening using the fistgloves for every stroke.  I found that I didn't struggle as much as I used to when using them.

Anyone else have similar TI experiences?  I now have two more people who want to begin TI.  I'm loaning my book out tonight and the DVD a bit later, when it'll be more meaningful.  Thanks again, Tara.


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