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2007-06-22 11:58 AM
in reply to: #855882

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Thanks David - I appreciate the help and I'll let you know how it goes this weekend.

2007-06-24 7:33 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Howdt folks, thanks for al lthe help. I got my rear end handed to me this weekend, but it was a lot of fun and I learned a bunch. My race report is up, but I have no idea how to post a link to it. Back to training tomorrow.
2007-06-24 7:40 AM
in reply to: #857314

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Timo - 2007-06-24 7:33 AM Howdt folks, thanks for al lthe help. I got my rear end handed to me this weekend, but it was a lot of fun and I learned a bunch. My race report is up, but I have no idea how to post a link to it. Back to training tomorrow.

Great job Tim.  I put a comment on your report.  

BTW, he didn't get his "rear end handed to him", he posted some really fast times!  Take a look at his report here(Tim, to create this link, just copy the URL, highlight the word, click the button that looks like chain link and then past the URL)

2007-06-24 9:07 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Tim--enjoyed the race report! Very nice job out there!

I'd like to talk a bit today about overtraining syndrome. Been reading about it and researching other long distance women athlete's logs, and this is what I discovered: it is a real phenomenon and dangerous! It sneaks up on you and then you don't even know what's happening before you are in trouble. One woman's log reads like this: she was running and for no reason whatsoever just stopped, took a pee, and looked around. She's a teacher in BC and very intelligent and called it an "ADD moment--duh!". I know just what she's talking about! I would be soaking in epsom salts, and just stay in there for like 2 hours just because I didn't feel like moving. Or I'd sit in front of the computer just staring and reading whatever for HOURS. And not feel particularly motivated to go 2 feet to the bed and lay there. This woman was suffering from insomnia, too! She got acupuncture, which helped a lot! And her acupuncture person said "your spirit left your body due to the stress in there". BINGO! EXACTLY! That's just how it feels! Your spirit just plain wants to go out in the ethers. And it feels like you might faint. And it happens when driving. BAD, BAD, BAD! I suppose you are sitting there rather still, and your body just wants to SLEEP, but you've already done a double frap mocha to stay alert, and your heart rate goes haywire, and the blood leaves your brain, you have a rush of something and your hands go numb as the spots form before your eyes. NOT GOOD! Very, very scary. We won't even talk about how the old ticker feels at that point. Or the asthmatic lungs. Or the stomach/diaphragm area. YUCK!

Another lady on the above lady's log commented and she, too, was ANEMIC. Very common in women athletes, but can happen to men, too. So watch it! But I think guys eat the bloody steaks more than us women. We'd rather have the lean chicken breast or fish....and we bleed every stinking month. Anyway, I feel better after some doses of iron, and will definitely be checking into the salt deal and getting some gatorade endurance, etc. My dad used to take salt pills, so I'm guessing they would be good for me, too. I look just like him, but he died when I was a kid.

And then, there's the little tidbit about how increased sexual activity helps with overtraining syndrome!! Not kidding! Very interesting! The relaxation plus happy neurotransmitter production is part of the cure! (so I went on me luck! There was an actual ironman dude on there in Sun Prarie, WI......ya never know......I emailed him but he's probably at High Cliff this weekend!) Hah! Bet you never thought some chick on here would discuss THAT with you guys!!! But you all might as well make your wives happy Or girlfriends.....especially girlfriends who overtrain, too!

The only other thing is to take a couple weeks off, not completely off, just decreased intensity. So, I'm doing that, too. But it did say you can achieve some great results with some training at those times. I suppose because of the mental deal of doing something your poor body does NOT feel like doing--sort of like pushing yourself to go another 6 miles in a marathon when you are at your wall! And the total RUSH from actually accomplishing it! I did that yesterday--just did not feel up to walking, much less a 7 mile run. So I made myself do intervals with water breaks in between and some bike miles in between to sort of rest. And that worked. Then I felt pretty good and even drove the kids to walmart. No dizzy fainting spells--yah!! I almost feel normal today, but I can tell by my poop that the iron got absorbed yesterday, so that's likely a big part of it!!! (too much information? sorry....) Just trying to help!

2007-06-24 9:34 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


 Question on the 10% rule...

Because of moving this weekend, I missed a few training sessions.  Namely a swim, my long bike and a short bike.  Obviously if I follow my scheduled training next week I will be WAY over 10% increase.  Is this really as big of a deal with cycling and swimming as with running?  I made sure I got all my runs in and also spent at least 24 hours in 3 days moving/organzing/unpacking.


2007-06-25 9:00 AM
in reply to: #857970

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-06-24 9:34 PM


Question on the 10% rule...

Because of moving this weekend, I missed a few training sessions. Namely a swim, my long bike and a short bike. Obviously if I follow my scheduled training next week I will be WAY over 10% increase. Is this really as big of a deal with cycling and swimming as with running? I made sure I got all my runs in and also spent at least 24 hours in 3 days moving/organzing/unpacking.


You're right: the 10% rule is definitely more important for running than swimming and cycling.   And thus, I'd say you can follow your scheduled training, however you should probably be sure to get good rest and recover before and after your long bike this week.

2007-06-25 12:04 PM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I'm still alive, and had a great time! Gave me a good idea of how Semptember 9th will be. I have to continue to increase my volume, but it's looking promising.

2007-06-25 12:18 PM
in reply to: #858874

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-06-25 12:04 PM I'm still alive, and had a great time! Gave me a good idea of how Semptember 9th will be. I have to continue to increase my volume, but it's looking promising. MT

Congratulations on a great race, Matt.  All your splits are awesome.  I put a comment on your race report .  Thanks for sharing.

BTW, I think it's so cool that you go to meet the Hoyts.  I really hope I get the opportunity some day.  


2007-06-25 1:25 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

One more question, this time about cycling shoes.  I bought a pair of used shoes on ebay sometime back and since riding sockless I noticed that there is a small square cut out of the instead near my big toe.  It is annoying since it rubs on my big toe.  Today I realized that there are vents on the bottom of the shoe that line up with the hole in the insert.  Is this common?  Will it hurt if I replace the insert?

Thanks - Ken

2007-06-25 1:39 PM
in reply to: #859078

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-06-25 1:25 PM

One more question, this time about cycling shoes. I bought a pair of used shoes on ebay sometime back and since riding sockless I noticed that there is a small square cut out of the instead near my big toe. It is annoying since it rubs on my big toe. Today I realized that there are vents on the bottom of the shoe that line up with the hole in the insert. Is this common? Will it hurt if I replace the insert?

Thanks - Ken

I'm not 100% sure, but these vents are probably just for ventilation.  If you don't care about that, then no problem.  The hole is not big enough that your toe would be hitting the pavement when you walk in your shoes, is it?


2007-06-25 3:15 PM
in reply to: #859117

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-06-25 1:39 PM
kproudfoot - 2007-06-25 1:25 PM

One more question, this time about cycling shoes. I bought a pair of used shoes on ebay sometime back and since riding sockless I noticed that there is a small square cut out of the instead near my big toe. It is annoying since it rubs on my big toe. Today I realized that there are vents on the bottom of the shoe that line up with the hole in the insert. Is this common? Will it hurt if I replace the insert?

Thanks - Ken

I'm not 100% sure, but these vents are probably just for ventilation.  If you don't care about that, then no problem.  The hole is not big enough that your toe would be hitting the pavement when you walk in your shoes, is it?


No, just little vents, maybe 1/2" square.  It is just annoying.

2007-06-26 9:04 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey Dave,

How's it going for YOU? When's your next race? Whatcha got cooking as far as research? Cuz you are just as addicted to research as me, I in a slump? or just not posting your workouts? I'm in a weird mood today, so ya'll never know just what I might type.....
2007-06-26 9:49 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Miler--just got an email from the bluff busters who did High Cliff, and they said the lake there had a virus that just affects fish, but you should hose down your wetsuit so as not to infect another lake for your next OWS. And maybe you already knew that........I posted a comment on your race report, too, btw. Great Job! You must be feeling better about IMMOO after that!

2007-06-26 9:52 AM
in reply to: #860444

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-26 9:04 AM Hey Dave, How's it going for YOU? When's your next race? Whatcha got cooking as far as research? Cuz you are just as addicted to research as me, I in a slump? or just not posting your workouts? I'm in a weird mood today, so ya'll never know just what I might type.....

Thanks for the concern, Pene.  I'm sorry I haven't been logging.  I use my Polar S625x HRM and it comes with some decent software that lets me download my recorded workouts.  I use that as my log b/c I don't have to manually enter every workout.  Yes, I'm lazy!

My training has been going well.  I ran 10.5 miles this morning for my long run, and I did about 70 miles on Saturday and 36 on Sunday.  This are all slow, Z2 workouts as I'm trying to build my base for my next A race = Timberman HIM in New Hampshire on Aug. 19th. I'm also doing an OLY on July 8th here in the DFW Metroplex.  Thanks for asking.

As far as research goes, here is a decent article on OverTraining. 


2007-06-26 10:08 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


 Glad to hear training is going well.  I was wondering about your logs to but remember you said you had the polar software that you used so I figured you were being lazy.

I think I am going to try and make the Disco Pretri on Sunday for some OWS practice.  But now I need to plan the rest of my weekend with the crappy weather we are having.  I need to get a long bike (2.5 hrs) and Long run (85min) in on Saturday and Sunday.  Typically I do a bike on Saturday and Run on Sunday.  I am thinking about running on Saturday and then doing the bike on Sunday at the Disco Pretri but it looks like the bike portion is alot shorter than that, do you think you are locked into those time or since it is a public park/route you can just ride it over and over again?  After missing last weekends long ride I hate to miss another one with my HIM 3 months (or less) away.

BTW, I signed up for the Ironhead oly today so I am locked in.  I really wanted to do the Disco but missed the discount period and the Ironhead race is $40 cheaper.

Let me know if you want to get together some weekend for a long bike ride.  You mentioned you know of some longer loops I could try.


2007-06-26 10:30 AM
in reply to: #860610

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Man, I'm sick of the rain too.  You never know if you're going to be able to get in a key workout or not.  It's quite frustrating!

I'm glad you'll be at the Disco PreTri.  Should be fun, and yes I'm sure you'll be able to bike and/or run as much as you want.  

Since the weather as been so hit or miss, I'd might try to get in your long ride on Saturday if it's nice, in case it pours on Sunday.  Otherwise, if it's raining, but not lightening, on Saturday, you can still run in the rain, and then try to ride long on Sunday at the PreTri.  Just a thought.


BTW, I signed up for the Ironhead oly today so I am locked in.  I really wanted to do the Disco but missed the discount period and the Ironhead race is $40 cheaper.

Awesome!  I would have loved to have raced with you at Disco, but I totally understand about the race fees.  I probably would have done Jack's race if I didn't get in on the discount.  The race fees really start to add up when OLY's are close to ~100 and my HIMs are ~$200!  


Let me know if you want to get together some weekend for a long bike ride.  You mentioned you know of some longer loops I could try.

Yes, let's definitely ride together soon.  This weekend, I might try to do the Firecracker rally down in Stephenville.  It's almost 2 hr drive so I'm still on the fence, but the roads are supposed to be smooth, and I love riding in new areas.  We could carpool if you wanted to go.  Otherwise, what about tomorrow (Wed) or Thursday evening?  We could meet at Rockledge or Murrell Park, and go for 1.5 - 2hrs. I'd show you the nice roads I ride on north of Flower Mound.

Also, I'm still thinking about organizing a fun brick workout some weekend morning, but it'll probably be towards the end of July as we have the Disco and Ironhead races coming up. 





2007-06-26 10:32 AM
in reply to: #801094

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New user
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
If I quit responding to this thread, everyone become very concerned. I have gotten the disease of the fish from Lake Winnabego. Thanks for the update, I always take a shower with my wetsuit after the race. It's a good bonding experience.
2007-06-26 12:16 PM
in reply to: #860688

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-06-26 10:30 AM Man, I'm sick of the rain too.  You never know if you're going to be able to get in a key workout or not.  It's quite frustrating!

I'm glad you'll be at the Disco PreTri.  Should be fun, and yes I'm sure you'll be able to bike and/or run as much as you want.  

Since the weather as been so hit or miss, I'd might try to get in your long ride on Saturday if it's nice, in case it pours on Sunday.  Otherwise, if it's raining, but not lightening, on Saturday, you can still run in the rain, and then try to ride long on Sunday at the PreTri.  Just a thought.

 That was my idea, but like have a second opinion.

BTW, I signed up for the Ironhead oly today so I am locked in.  I really wanted to do the Disco but missed the discount period and the Ironhead race is $40 cheaper.

Awesome!  I would have loved to have raced with you at Disco, but I totally understand about the race fees.  I probably would have done Jack's race if I didn't get in on the discount.  The race fees really start to add up when OLY's are close to ~100 and my HIMs are ~$200!  

 It looks like the disco will have a good BT showing.  I would have thought about doing the sprint with the discount as well as they ironhead race but I do quarterly reporting for my company and since this is quarter end I never know when a Saturday or Sunday workday will showup and don't won't to lose the money all together.

Let me know if you want to get together some weekend for a long bike ride.  You mentioned you know of some longer loops I could try.

Yes, let's definitely ride together soon.  This weekend, I might try to do the Firecracker rally down in Stephenville.  It's almost 2 hr drive so I'm still on the fence, but the roads are supposed to be smooth, and I love riding in new areas.  We could carpool if you wanted to go.  Otherwise, what about tomorrow (Wed) or Thursday evening?  We could meet at Rockledge or Murrell Park, and go for 1.5 - 2hrs. I'd show you the nice roads I ride on north of Flower Mound.

Also, I'm still thinking about organizing a fun brick workout some weekend morning, but it'll probably be towards the end of July as we have the Disco and Ironhead races coming up. 





I would love to go Saturday but don't know if the wife will go for it.  She does not like me dropping surprises on her but if she will go for it (without it costing me too much grief or $$) I will let you know.  How far do you plan on riding?  I probably won't be able to make it this week since again the me not letting my wife know in advance, next week is really bad also since it is the beginning of the month (man I hate being an accountant).  I think I will be on the trainer next week but hopefully not.  Definately let me know about the brick workout I would be in for that escially before the Praireman.
2007-06-26 12:32 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Dave, BTW, be glad your wife like to train, it should allow you more freedom to do races/rallys.

  My wife can't stand the fact that I have to race and train.  She thinks I should just go to the gym 30 minutes a day 3 times a week and be happy with that.  I would probably do a few races/rallys a month if she didn't mind and if I was single I would be somewhere every weekend.


2007-06-26 12:48 PM
in reply to: #860997

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-06-26 12:32 PM

Dave, BTW, be glad your wife like to train, it should allow you more freedom to do races/rallys.

My wife can't stand the fact that I have to race and train. She thinks I should just go to the gym 30 minutes a day 3 times a week and be happy with that. I would probably do a few races/rallys a month if she didn't mind and if I was single I would be somewhere every weekend.


Believe me, not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for Sarah and her support in all my endeavors. I couldn't do it without her.

I'm sorry your wife isn't more supportive. I've known other people whose spouses are similar to yours, so you're obviously not alone, but I know it must be difficult.

I think you mentioned to me before that you've tried explaining to her that triathlon is a lot better and even cheaper than other hobbies/passions such as golf or just drinking/partying, right!?

Obviously, it's a little tough for me to relate to your situation, but all I might say is to strive to schedule some alone time with your wife. (You might already be doing this, though.) Sarah and I schedule at least one dinner date a week, and I try my hardest not to talk about triathlon during it. I also tuck her into bed every night and we'll talk for about 10 minutes or so before she falls asleep. These are special, albeit brief, moments in our hectic lives.

BTW, if the weather holds out on Saturday and I decide the Firecracker is worth the 2 hr drive, then I'm actually going to try to do about 5 hrs = 62 mile rally (or maybe the race) and then ride the 26 mile route alone afterwards. If you come, it might actually be better to take 2 cars, then we could ride the 62 together, and you could leave afterwards. OR, you're more than welcome to ride the whole way with me.

PM me and we can talk about it!

Edited by dgillen 2007-06-26 12:51 PM
2007-06-26 1:04 PM
in reply to: #861026

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
dgillen - 2007-06-26 12:48 PM
kproudfoot - 2007-06-26 12:32 PM

Dave, BTW, be glad your wife like to train, it should allow you more freedom to do races/rallys.

My wife can't stand the fact that I have to race and train. She thinks I should just go to the gym 30 minutes a day 3 times a week and be happy with that. I would probably do a few races/rallys a month if she didn't mind and if I was single I would be somewhere every weekend.


Believe me, not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for Sarah and her support in all my endeavors. I couldn't do it without her.

I'm sorry your wife isn't more supportive. I've known other people whose spouses are similar to yours, so you're obviously not alone, but I know it must be difficult.

I think you mentioned to me before that you've tried explaining to her that triathlon is a lot better and even cheaper than other hobbies/passions such as golf or just drinking/partying, right!?

Obviously, it's a little tough for me to relate to your situation, but all I might say is to strive to schedule some alone time with your wife. (You might already be doing this, though.) Sarah and I schedule at least one dinner date a week, and I try my hardest not to talk about triathlon during it. I also tuck her into bed every night and we'll talk for about 10 minutes or so before she falls asleep. These are special, albeit brief, moments in our hectic lives.

BTW, if the weather holds out on Saturday and I decide the Firecracker is worth the 2 hr drive, then I'm actually going to try to do about 5 hrs = 62 mile rally (or maybe the race) and then ride the 26 mile route alone afterwards. If you come, it might actually be better to take 2 cars, then we could ride the 62 together, and you could leave afterwards. OR, you're more than welcome to ride the whole way with me.

PM me and we can talk about it!

Yeah, we talked alot about it espcially how it is cheaper than other activities.  She was actually doing better until I swam with fit2train on Mothers Day.  I tried to explain to her my OW fears and that I would be home early but she is still not over that.  I my mind I don't take much "together" time away.  I swim early (like 4:30am) or at lunch, run 2 days a week at lunch.  The only time I do anything to take away time is 1 night a week cycling after work and usually saturday morning for along ride (I try to get up early so she is still sleeping).  I do a long run on Sunday but try to get home before she wakes up.  If I have 8 hrs training planned I would say only 2 to 3 are taken away from family time.  I think she gets more aggravated by me talking about it.  I have explained to her that I like to talk and if it wasn' t about triathlon it would be about something else.  We have also discussed how she will go out with friends at least once a week for drinks and be gone for 3 to 4 hours. 

It is hard to do alone/date type stuff with a 3.5 yr old but we do have some friends that will baby sit for us so we do get out together sometimes, plus we would almost prefer hanging out with out son. 

I think it will get better once if finish my HIM and winter rolls around and I can curtail my training some for the winter.  I do want to do another ultra but running did not seem to bother her as much.

2007-06-26 1:05 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I was the wife who stayed at home with the babies while my ex was at the bars night after night after night.....(not sure just HOW we ended up with THREE kids, but ya know, somehow we did...) So, I'm with Dave--just mention to her that it could be a lot worse! And I had the ex that USED to be a superdude--100's of miles on his mountain bike every week, even in winter, and he did the Bix 7 with only 2 practice runs and finished upper MOP, and swam like a fish, too. Then for some BIZARRE and inexplicable reason, he STOPPED. Just stopped all exercise. And took up drinking, drugs, bars, etc. I still think that is the whole reason for the alcoholism and subsequent divorce. So, guys---DON'T stop! And let your women know my little story!

Miler--funny, funny. Actually, I didn't know you could take the wetsuit in the shower--the soap won't do anything funky to it? Mine just plain is starting to have an odor all it's own. A sort of sweaty, neoprene-y, fishy, algae-like's my new perfume called Au D' OWS. Very sexy. Will be marketing it soon.......maybe add the secret ingredient, Body Glide.....
2007-06-26 1:16 PM
in reply to: #861056

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-06-26 12:32 PM

I think she gets more aggravated by me talking about it.

My wife doesn't get aggravated per se, but rather bored of all my racing/training talk.

Our first "date" was a half-marathon, her first, and we went out to dinner before hand.  I had about 6-7 races under my belt and felt more experienced, so despite barely knowing her, all I did all dinner and evening was talk about the upcoming race; giving her pointers, tips, etc.

Later she told me that all she heard that evening was "Race-Race-Race-Blah-Blah-Blah"!   It's now a long running joke that whenever I starting talking about triathlon or training too much, she'll just utter: "Race-Race-Race-Blah-Blah-Blah"!

2007-06-26 1:27 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
My wife definately does the race-race-race-blah-blah-blah thing.  I will tell her something and then when I actually go to do it she asks what I am doing.  I tell her I told her about it and she tries to tell me I didn't.  Most of the time it is pretty funny though.  Aggravated was probably too harsh a word.
2007-06-26 3:32 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Somerset, England
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hi all,
Not been up with the forum for a few days but couldn't resist chipping in on spouse stresses. Mine is the same, she is all for the positive aspects of me wanting to remain fit but finds the 'orientation' of life towards this tedious and also gets bored with all of the talk etc. Just try imposing an athletes diet on your other half. Very contentious and I wouldn't recommend raising the subject of 5 meals (albeit small) meals a day! I did find that high mileage weeks began to rule both of our lives but I did take her away for weekends for my 20 mile plus long runs - she rode a MTB and the dog tagged along. What more could she ask for (oh, and she acted as the support team supply energy drink etc!)!!! I'm 'lucky' in being away from home during the week so I try and limit my training to a long run over the weekend which is manageable.

I am lucky that she is happy to support me because it wouldn't be possible without her tolerance. I keep telling her that she wouldn't like me if I turned into a fat git and its alot cheaper in terms of time and cost to being a golf addict!!!
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