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2008-02-25 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Morning All!

Swim is done this morning and I have a bike scheduled for after work.  Next I need to look at this weeks schedule and see what needs to move around to make sure life happens.

Mental games...oh yeah, I have plenty of those too.   Just get to that lightpost oops sorry not that one the next one...wrong again.  Keep moving. heh!  My brain and body hate me.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

2008-02-25 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Hell week has ended!

I’m glad last week was a rest week. All week I had consultants from Sweden, Norway and Germany. Now they have returned and it’s time to take a break. I was only able to update my blog through my cell phone browser, which is why they are so short. I did manage to squeeze in some training, but work has taken up way to much last week.
Isabella is a little sick today, so I stayed home, I have a lot to catch up.
Week started disastrous! I’m a blood donor, but was refused due to a low blood percentage. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so “slow” lately, especially on my runs. I don’t feel like I’m getting forward in my training. I’ve scheduled an appointment with my doctor next week; hopefully I’ll get a prescription on a lot of EPO :-) That should take care of it. I had to go there anyway due to a new clearance for commercial diving.
I better get more serious about nutrition, also gained a couple of pounds lately. I could use some extra pounds - of muscle, but all I gain is sitting directly on the belly.
Inspired of you – Jette did change her front tire on her commuter bike this weekend. It needed a new tube. She has to learn to do it on her race bike as well, even though she thinks she’ll never flat.
This week is swim focused in my plan, but still I can only go to the pool 3 times this week. And tonight will be a short session, as we are having a board meeting in the local triclub. I have been chosen as assistant chairman and have become responsible for our training weekend in April.
I also use “self mental training”, the other day while running up the last steep hill, I suddenly felt like walking. I had to say to myself: “Hans – you fat tub of lard, get you’re a$$ moving” Nobody calls me that, so I had to run all the way home. See, it works.

2008-02-25 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Hans, I love it! That totally cracks me up; "You fat tub of lard". I'm there, too.

My mind is an absolute monkey-freak, always jumping here and there and never resting, making chimp faces and doing that chimp laugh stuff at me . I am more adept at sabotaging my nutrition than the old Kirstie Allie (much to my shame). My eating psychology is just bizarre, and when I get sidetracked by a candy bar or something, I'll feel like such a 'decroded piece of crap' as Napoleon Dynamite would say, that I'll then go to Burger King to self-medicate. It's like this pretty much every day. Despite this freakish behavior, I have managed to drop to 25% body fat (that sounds gross). I'm one of these people who have a LeanBodyMass higher than my BF%, so can hide the fat very well. People often ask if I lift or used to play football, etc. That's fine, but when I get myself believeing that I don't "look" too fat even at 25%, it can also be an instrument of self-sabotage......"Well, I don't look so bad despite everything, so why not enjoy a double-cheeseburger value meal?"

Yep, I'm a classic stress-emotional eater. I even have Dr Phil's book on weight loss, but haven't read it yet (in the two years I've owned it).

Anyway.........I'm thinking that Bali is a pretty 'sexy' venue for a triathlon, and I really don't want to go down there as a pasty 25% BF mid-40s guy. That isn't sexy at all. I really would like to prform well and look good doing Bali is my inspiration to trim waaaaay down........gotta be sexy ... but just for my wife, of course
2008-02-25 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Funny Hans

 EPO huh, although if you are too low to donate, they may never catch you. 

One time when I was donating, it registered 49% - hey, I was barely legal!!!!!! 

2008-02-26 4:23 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME


I am in week 3 of a 20 week training plan- I just noticed that while I am on vacation, I will be in weeks 8 and 9, and week 8 is a recovery week with a kick back of distances. I am sort of bummed out, because even though I know how important recovery weeks are, I would prefer to train harder while I have the time to do so. I know I should not skip the recovery week, and I won't, but can anyone suggest a way to rearrange so that I can have 2 regular weeks while on vacation and do the recovery week before I go or after I return? 

2008-02-26 5:32 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
I would finagle it to do the recovery week after you get know how stressful it is when you return from a hiatus, and if you bust your butt for 2 weeks while you're gone, you'll need it.  Does your plan build for 3 weeks and then step back for one?  Without seeing the plan, and given that I hire a coach to do all this for me  , I'd have to know more about the specifc weeks to make a suggestion (like are you in base/build and where it falls in relation to your first race). 

2008-02-26 7:02 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
So for everyone trying to lose weight, how is it going?  If you've lost, please share how you've done it...if not, maybe you want to fess up as to why   Just some accountability.  Also, I just read about an interesting way to lose weight on the runners world website.  Sounds like fun to me anyway!  Look here
2008-02-26 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME


You make me laugh.  Bali is definitely a sexy venue and your wife certainly should be the motivator for the sexy you but don't you know we all enjoy eye candy at the races. LOL

Oh my....Exh B is Mr. Baseball (with talent) in our house and he's been begging since last years tournament for a Big Barrell Bat.  Well he's still begging and I thought for Easter I might get him one.  I went on line last night and HOLY SMOKES those things are expensive.  I could buy a wetsuit, wireless computer for my bike, coach sessions for three months, shoes for a year for what some of those things cost.  So what's the difference between the ones that cost $89 vs $399? Not that it really matters there is no way I'm spending $399 on a bat. I think I max out at $130 and hubby probably at $100.

Keep up the good work.


2008-02-26 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Weight -- mine is down about 4 from January. I am pleased with that, since I think I look like perhaps more than for is gone. Why is it not more? I am a self-sabatoger, and mostly surrounded by people who don't mind eating whatever they please. Wait....who's the sabotager? Maybe it's not me....looking forward to spring and summer so more fresh produce can come into my's slim pickins' in the hinterlands by March.....
2008-02-26 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1235392

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Mimir98 - 2008-02-26 5:32 AM I would finagle it to do the recovery week after you get know how stressful it is when you return from a hiatus, and if you bust your butt for 2 weeks while you're gone, you'll need it.  Does your plan build for 3 weeks and then step back for one?  Without seeing the plan, and given that I hire a coach to do all this for me  , I'd have to know more about the specifc weeks to make a suggestion (like are you in base/build and where it falls in relation to your first race). 

 It's a 20 week plan- so are weeks 8 and 9 still in base/build? I think......The thing with my trainer is that she is NOT a triathlete- she is a personal trainer and a swimmer, but as far as tri questions...that's not her area of expertise.

2008-02-26 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1235447

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
If you've lost, please share how you've done it...

When I started trying to get into shape last April 2007, I weighed 220 (6'1'' tall). Over the next six months I ramped up my exercise but didn't do any dieting. I lost about 15 lbs quickly down to 205 but stayed at that level for about three months. So I went on a low calorie / low fat diet counting all calories for a month trying to eat about 1000 under what I burned. In that month (January 2008), I lost about 15 lbs down to 190. In February, I've tried to eat as much low cal/fat foods as possible, the one's I like, but not strictly and have lost another 8 lbs down to 182. So, I'm down 38 lbs total so far.

2008-02-26 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME


Thanks for the article.  I actually kept digging and got lost a while in the other articles.  Here's one that concerns me but one I will definitely keep in mind.  My coach always tells me the off season isn't the stop season.  Seems there's more at stake than I thought.  What happens when I significantly change my training miles after IM training.  Scary..

Think Twice About Reducing Your Weekly Mileage Or Taking A Long Layoff

2008-02-26 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1235635

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
tri-chic - 2008-02-26 7:49 AM


Thanks for the article. I actually kept digging and got lost a while in the other articles. Here's one that concerns me but one I will definitely keep in mind. My coach always tells me the off season isn't the stop season. Seems there's more at stake than I thought. What happens when I significantly change my training miles after IM training. Scary..

Think Twice About Reducing Your Weekly Mileage Or Taking A Long Layoff


I have not read the article (YET), but check my logs from Oct, Nov, and then Nov - Now and you will see the frustration. I pretty much took Nov off and started (very) slowly in December. Not sure what all physically, but I went up about 13-15 pounds during a 10 week window.

Ok, I perused the article, and no wonder I didn't start dropping some of the weight until I started pushing 20 miles a week again.  interesting!! 

Edited by peto_primo 2008-02-26 11:28 AM
2008-02-26 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Great job Steve and Amy!  Steve, that's alot of weight - good for you  

My coach also encouraged us that the off season is more of a pre-season...but, after keeping my eye on the Ironman for a YEAR, I was ready for the anti-Ironman in november and december   I didn't NOT workout, just did what I felt like and went heavier on the strength work.  It was a great and very necessary mental break for me.  I think I gained a few lbs over nov/dec but nothing that made me fret.  They will be gone by my first race as I continue to ramp the training and keep the clean foods coming in.

Amy-I am currently in week 9 of my training...The first three weeks were Base 1, week 1 (10 hours), Base 2, week 2 (12 hours) and Base 3, week 4 (7 hours)...we skipped week 3...The next 3 weeks were base 2, weeks 1 (10:30) ,2 (12:30) and 4 (7 hours) , again skipping week 3.    Weeks 7, 8, 9 are as follows: Base 3, week 1 (11:15), Base 3, week 2 (13:20) and Base 3, week 4 (7 hours), again skipping week 3.    Week 10 and 11  and 12, I will repeat Base 3 sequence from the previous weeks, do a 3 week build (weeks 13,14,15) and then a peak week -16, right before my first race....

 So, looking at that, I would figure you have a similar schedule, but you don't skip the base week 3, which would add up to 20 weeks ( I think)...So perhaps you can finagle that way?  skip one of the weeks?  just be sure not keep stepping up without taking a step down. 

Does that help at all??   See, being a trainer, that's why I had to keep my coach   So much thought!  One day, when I have more time, I would love to become a tri coach...until then, tell me what to do and I'll do it

2008-02-26 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1235447

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Mimir98 - 2008-02-26 6:02 AM So for everyone trying to lose weight, how is it going?  If you've lost, please share how you've done it...
Weight -- one of the reasons I've gotten involved with this.  After having settled at a comfortable 125 lbs for my 5 ft 7 in height, I got pregnant.  Twice.  Lost the whole 40+ pounds after child #1, and lost the 18 or so pounds that I gained with #2.  Then, a couple of years after child #2, my father passed away from lung cancer at the same time as I was getting my teaching certificate (and simultaneously teaching over an hour away from where I live).  Can you say STRESS??  I'm not a stress eater, but after that intense stress went away, I did start eating.   And drinking maybe a little more Sam Adams than is prudent.  Also didn't step on the scale for a while. 

Finally, after I couldn't get into most of my pants anymore, I did step on the scale.  142.  Ouch.  For my height, that's still a healthy weight, but given my proportions, I was starting to look like a fat bug with long, spindly limbs.  And one of my students thought that I was pregnant.  Ouch again. 

I stopped going to Starbucks so often (4 packages of sugar in the raw does add the calories to even a regular cup of coffee.)  I've been working on cutting back/out the Sams and other alchoholic beverages.  (Only 1 glass of wine last night, to wind down with.  Training is also helping to deal with the stress that led to relaxing with Sam).  I'm finding that as I'm getting more into the training, I want to eat better -- more salads and fruits and vegetables.  I also drink mainly water and coffee and rarely have candy or sweets.  (Exceptions are made for Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies, however   )

I'll admit that I'm atypical -- I spent most of my childhood looking like I was anorexic (I wasn't -- I knew I was skinny, but just couldn't put any weight on.)  At this point, 130 is a pretty good weight for me; I'd just like the tummy to firm up a little bit.

2008-02-26 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1236403

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
jacsuza - 2008-02-26 12:06 PM

I'd just like the tummy to firm up a little bit.

If you come up with a solution for that, my wife would like to know (once she is done feeding #4 sometime next year)  

2008-02-27 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Where'd everyone go?

Had a decent temp run yesterday, but today the legs are feeling it!  Going to lift with my wife tonight and hit the trainer.  I get to sub on a VB team tomorrow night, hopefully I can stick to playing left handed Innocent.

With that thrown in, not quite sure how to schedule my long run of the week in, supposed to go 8 or 9 miles and want to do it before the weekend.  Saturday they are calling for mid 60's so would like to do 2 1/2 on the bike outside, either with a group in the morning or during JJ's nap time in the afternoon, guess that all depends on what the family priorities are.

Have a great hump day and keep progressing towards your goals!! 

2008-02-27 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Looks like a quiet day on the forum!  I have been going here and there, so not much chance to pop in...getting ready to go to a pasta dinner at the Aquatic Center for the kick off of the Junior Olympics, which start tomorrow.  It'll be some long days at the pool!  We are CHILLY here today - around 61 right now, WINDY, and temps that are supposed to fall into the 40's with a very cold wind chill.  I am not happy, but it may mean I can have a pretty decent run tomorrow! 
2008-02-27 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I am pretty sure I can no longer be cyber-friends with Mimi. Please note that she is saying she is cold at 61- we are going to have a HIGH temperature of 7 degrees tomorrow. No, that is not a typo. DOES ANYONE BEGIN TO SEE WHY I LOATHE MARCH AND APRIL IN THE MOUNTAINS????? I can generally haul myself through March if I am going away for 2 weeks in April. Last year, we came home from Florida on April 14 and there was a foot of fresh snow falling from the sky the next morning. Can you say "I'm dreaming of a white Easter?????"  BUT I DIGRESS...(and of course I'm only kidding, Mimi [though not about the projected temperature here, only about taking it out on you.... ]

 I am a little bit derailed this week- lots going on at work, eating not very well, weather bringing me down. I am going to just set myself right around and attempt to finish out this week with a bang.... on my way to go swim in a bit....I owe the Swimming Rocks Team 2400 more for February. Not sure if I can pull it off in one hour but I am going TO FREAKING TRY!!!!!!! If not, I still have the evening of February 29 which will also count towards the challenge but may be too late if the runners pull ahead of the swimmers. So, that being said, I am now JUMPING UP AND OUT of my nasty mood, going to down a big bottle of water and putting on my swim face. I wil turn this week right side up yet. After my swimmy I'm sure I'll be wiped out and then I plan to get up in the am and get in a quick 3 miles on the treadmill.  And then I will commence a most productive Thursday.




Edited by aquinn 2008-02-27 5:28 PM
2008-02-27 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME


Cool   YOU CAN DO IT  Cool

2008-02-27 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1239893

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Cool   YES YOU CAN!  Cool

2008-02-27 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME


and where does everyone get those cute smileys with sunglasses on?????  these are the only ones I know how to do

2008-02-27 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1240148

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Mimir98 - 2008-02-27 7:04 PM

and where does everyone get those cute smileys with sunglasses on?????  these are the only ones I know how to do

I quoted Scott's message and edited it.  I'd love to know how to do it too.
2008-02-27 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

As a matter of fact, I DID DO IT.

All 2400 (including a continuous 1300, a major record for me, making a grand total of 11,000 yards for the month of February!!!!

 And it feels gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.

  Thanks to the Mimir98 cheerleaders!!!!!!! 

2008-02-27 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Ok, a question for the ladies of the group:

What do you wear on race day?  Specifically, I need to figure out how to keep the "girls" from jiggling during the bike and run.  (I HATE jiggling -- I'm about a c-cup.)  Do you wear the support bra under the swimsuit or tri top or whatever?  Do you swim in the tri top?  I'm guessing that you really can't add the support bra after the race is started.  What are my options? 

 Thanks alot -- I'm probably going shopping on Saturday if needs be.  There's a tri-fest in town with a big expo and I may be able to get a deal there.

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