BT Development Mentor Program Archives » GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-06-08 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2907473

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-08 4:46 AM STEVE - Glad you're back, and relieved to know that all systems are functioning according to wishes and plans. Whew! It sound slide Encinal Canyon shares a limb on the same side of the family tree as Silverman, so if you do that roue and other of its brethren between now and then, you'll cruise the bike in November. As for you and Vineman, I figure you have very little to do to be ready for that bike. After all, it was only about 5-6 weeks ago that you did 112 miles under duress at IMSG, so the fitness is certainly there. All you need to do is tweak it, refine it, build it up, add some speed to it.....and Vineman should be yours. From when i seriously contemplated doing Vineman iron-distance in '05, I remember the course as being a big loop (double for the iron) that has one kind of taxing climb, but then a lot of rollers -- certainly not at all like SG! I imagine the course hasn't changed since then, and with the half being just one loop, then that means only one climb, and that means you'll find it all very tackleable. How is your hamstring feeling, anyhow? I remember well the constant refrain throughout March and April about your hammy bothering you, but all you mention about Sunday's brick is that in the three hours after the bike your legs had stiffened -- but no bad stuff about the hamstring! Is it possible that the post-SG recovery plan has worked its wonders on it? Halleloo!

Hey Steve,
Swim didn't happen - goggles fell out of my backpack in my office where I change after work - got to the pool, realized they were lost and didn't swim.  We'll regroup on that tomorrow.

So far the hamstring is doing OK - although running has not been a regular thing the last couple of weeks.  But when I have run,  starting with the trail run 2-weeks ago, it hasn't given me much trouble.  So, I'm cautiously optimistic that it's healed.  I'll make sure to stretch and warm up adequately before running though, so as not to re-injure it.  I just need to make sure I take good care of it in the coming weeks as I ramp the mileage back up.

As for Vineman - from what I can see, it's gentle rollers, and one sharp, yet short climb - chalk hill.  Like you said, not too worried about the swim or bike - just need to get the run mileage up.

2010-06-08 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2903259

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Doing my own catching up here. Very sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I hope everyone is doing ok.
2010-06-08 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2903466

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-06 1:45 PM Losing my father was tough, adn when my mother died it was just all so final. (I'm an only child.) Lynn's dad died in March, and her mom is struggling. 


Like you, I am an only child. As I get older (and as such my parents, both in their late 50's now), and my father's side not having exaclty the longest life expectancy and his own health problems, this all is becoming a bit more real. Not that he is near death poor health. The topic is still concerning to me being an only child and quite close to both my parents.
2010-06-08 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2907723

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-08 9:31 AM


Just so you know, as long as the weather is decent Friday night I will be staying at Myles Standish. I talked to someone who told me that the Barrett Pond Loop is the nicest and quietest, but going to, it looks as if most sites are taken for Friday night. The next option will be Fearing Pond Loop, which seems to have lots of availability.

What's the forecast looking like? I guess I'd better check that out!

And remind me to PM you my contact info, which will mostly be in the form of Lynn's cell phone #; hopefully, I'll remember to bring her phone with me! I guess as an absolute emergency contingency plan we could set a meeting point for the where the past feed is, and I will be there in a bright yellow running cap with NEWTON written on it in red letters. That cap, plus my 6'2", makes me kind of hard to miss.

But that's just a tentative-tentative for now. Are you still thinking about some sort of ride and/or swim beforehand? I am happy with ANYthing, and so do whatever works best for you and your family!


Weather for both Friday and Saturday is looking good. Thursday we're supposed to get lots of rain but it should be out of here by Friday. I will PM you my phone # (guess I should have done that in my last message!)

If worse comes to worse and you forget the cell or we can't reach each other for whatever reason, let's plan to meet at the pasta feed area around 6pm on Friday? Does that work? My husband and son may be tagging along so you'll see a 30s-ish couple with a 3 year old son (well my husband is 40 but he'd probably like to still think of himself as being in his 30's!) Sounds like I should be able to locate you though!

I'm actually thinking of NOT doing anything on Friday right now. Only because I've been feeling kind of tired this week after my workouts, and I've already got a swim, bike and run (abbreviated) scheduled for Thursday with Donna, my training partner. I've taken the day off work on Friday, so I'm planning on spending the day resting, getting my stuff ready for Saturday, and whatever else I can do to be prepared!

2010-06-08 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2908780

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SHAUN!  Great pictures - you look strong coming out of the water!  AND I am also an only child, so I hear you and STEVE B on that stuff.

STEVE B!! I forgot what I was going to tell you.  Ummmm...HI!  I get to see you in person this weekend

STEVE A - Sounds like things are OK and that you have a great focus for Vineman! Your rides sound awesome.  Easy on that hammie!

TRACEY! - sounds like the new saddle is working for you, that is awesome.  I am also working on my upstroke with pedaling, and envisioning it helps me too.

KASIA - Ghost pedaling! Ha! I love it. 

Just back from a 22 miler with a good 3 mile climb (9% grade for 1.5 miles of it (that is what the sign says anyway), I would guess 5% for the rest)  NOW dinner! 

2010-06-08 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2906774

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SAquavia - 2010-06-07 8:08 PM

latestarter - 2010-06-07 2:26 PM
thall0672 - 2010-06-06 3:38 PM Anyone ever heard of "train gain"? I think this is happening to me! I hope it doesn't sound like an excuse for overeating, but since I started training for tris I'm just soooo hungry all the time. I've gained about 8 or 10 pounds since last fall when I started my training. I can attribute a few pounds of that to holiday overeating for sure, but most of it has come on since the beginning of the year. My nutritionist told me this can be common in women. Men respond to training by becoming lean and losing weight, but women respond by getting hungrier, holding on to every last ounce of body fat, and sometimes gaining weight. She says it's evolutionary: men are designed to be lean and strong to be able to chase down prey, and women are designed to keep their body fat so they can bear offspring. Makes total sense, but it's so frustrating! My nutritionist put my on a plan of around 1800 calories a day, which is supposed to provide enough energy to train and also support gradual weight loss (I'd really like to take off 20 pounds or so). But most days I'm just starving. I haven't lost any weight since I first started the plan in April. In fact, I've gained a couple. I'm going to start tracking my protein intake and see if I need to increase it. She recommends 75-100g per day for me and I've kind of just assumed I'm getting enough, but maybe not.

That sucks!    You might be interested in checking out my log today.   I had my RMR tested and a bike LT test.    Your nutritionist says some interesting stuff.  The kinesiologist said that the reason we get hungry is often a combination of training at an intensity too high for our current fitness level and not eating enough.    If we train too hard, we burn more carbs.   Body won't even touch the fat.  

For my current height and weight I will now be eating 2150 per day and losing 1/4 pound per week.   That is assuming that my 2150 calories are "quality" carriers - no crackers, white breads, processed foods, etc.  

I'm going to have to start tracking my food as well - no more winging it. 

Chiming in from the Peanut Gallery:
1)  Throw out the scale - muscle weighs more than fat - many people are losing fat, gaining muscle, and in turn, either treading water on weight, or maybe gaining some.  Better to use a tape measure around your critical measurements (calves, thighs, hips, waist, arms, etc.) and monitor inches.  I found in my IMSG training that I lost a lot of weight in the first few months, and then plateaued, even though I was still getting smaller. 
2)  I'd have to disagree with the kineseologist.  From what I've read and been taught, you'd have to be working REALLY hard, Z4 and Z5 type efforts, to be burning pure sugar (carbs).  What's more likely to be happening is that you are burning a higher percentage of sugar (carbs) than fat at the higher intensities.  But, more is often more.  Look at it this way.  If in an hour of a solid workout, you burn 1,000 calories of which 25% are fat, you burned 250 fat calories.  If in the same hour, you work really hard and burn 1,200 calories, but only 22% of them are fat, you still burned 264 fat calories.  They are a smaller percentage of calories burned, but still more fat than at the lower intensity.  Typically, a Z2 HR effort will burn the highest percentage of calories from fat.  But while the higher Z2 or Z3 will burn a lower percentage, the fact you are burning so many more total calories means you are likely burning more total fat calories as well. 

But I hear you.  It's HARD to lose the weight when you're training, because you're hungry all the time and all you want to do is eat.  I'm on day one of watching the calories again, and I'm already dying!  LOL. 

I might try switching to the tape measure technique for tracking progress. I can get a little obsessive about the number on the scale and start weighing myself too much.

2010-06-08 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2907521

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-08 8:14 AM


Your post was full of fine news!

Really nicely done on the simulated OWS in the pool, and noticing the drop of the legs each time you sight. Yes, the buoys at Escape will be further away, but they're also gonna be big suckers -- more sunstamntial than a towel and a cone! But the important thing is that you're getting used to what your body is doing as you sight, and in time you will refine this to be as economical as possible.

It's great to hear that you have adjust to the "clipless" system so well, and that you're experiencing some of the benefits of being more rigid down there. And the 7- to 9-o'clock pull back sensation means that yet another something is working well for you in your pedaling mechanics, so that is also a big positive.

And the saddle! I love those stories about transformations in people's lives in getting The Perfect Saddle! There are accounts of people who have gone through 3, 4, 5 saddles before finding the perfect one, but you found yours on the second try, yes? As I think about this, it is more of a female problem than a male problem. Or maybe men just don't talk about it. (Typical, eh? ) I'm just thinking of posts I've read over the years from people who had troble getting comfortable, and is it true that they were all authored by women? Hmmm.

ANYHOW, you've got your dream saddle now, and that's all that matters!

(Just a side note --- When I got my new bike in July '08, although it was still a Cervelo I didn't like the new saddle at all, so I had it swtiched out in favor of my old saddle. I had forgotten then until just now.....even though it's not like it wa ancient history! So here I am, on a newish bike, but with a saddle from '01 and cleats from '00. Oh my!

My saddle's so awesome that I went for a ride today with non-padded shorts and felt fine. Woo hoo!

2010-06-08 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2907532

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-08 8:24 AM

I'm still alive all...Left calf and shin were tight yesterday but all good today. Will be out for a mountain bike ride today.

I'm way behind (as in page 218 currently) getting caught up on everything here...Man we are a yacky bunch!

Here are the race results:

To beat SteveB to the chase, here are links to my race results and the photos that are up so far of myself:

End of swim:
(nice sun tan eh??)

(what a nice fancy jacket?? Don't care it kept me warm. Glad I had it though. I had ordered one of e-bay that the seller lost. Now I have a nice new PI jacket coming...albeit a little late. Glad I wore it though to keep the body temp up. I even had my leggings just in case I wanted them)

There will be more pics coming...

Great pics Shaun. Looks like it was a little chilly for your race?

2010-06-08 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2909495

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Great photos, and the thing that is now even more impressive about your swim time is that you did it without a wetsuit. Holy! I must've missed that in your race report, or just assumed you were wetsuited. Holy-moly!!

Actually, that was on my to-do for tomorrow -- ferret out your race photos! But, yes, you beat me to it; you know me too well!

Also in the swim photos is you looking very fresh, like it was nothing at all. And in the bike photos, you look very relaxed. This too is good!

Can I trust that run photos will be along shortly?

Finally, how our your symptoms? Ddid the race worsen that at all, or just pretty much what you've come to expect with any meaningful exertion?

2010-06-08 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2908660

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Chalk Hill --- that's it! It all comes back to me now! I was able to remember the Russian River (that is it, isn't it?) and that they do something like close the dam to limit flow during the race, but I remember zero-zilcho about the run. And two transition zones....or is that just for the full?

That is indeed very encouraging about the hamstring. Now is a great time to go into preventatative/maintenance mode..........but having said that, I've got to admit that I'm atrocious about that detail. As soon as an injury is cured, I tend to forget all about it, and take no steps that might prevent it from returning. Lazy, lazy, lazy......

I get ragged on for having a very, very messy car, and my daughter figures I'm always ready to outfit two or three other people, but I can't tell you the times I've shown up for a workout....and realized I've forgotten something....and then dug around in the back of the car and found a substitute item. Which reminds me --- I need to throw a few swim caps and a couple of extra goggles back there! Oh, yeah -- water bottles, too!

2010-06-08 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2909013

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Okay, then! Nothing on Friday can work for me, too! I will probably check into the campground and head over to drive the bike course and maybe ride the run course. And then I'll look for you and your 36 (as in THIRTY-SIX) year-old husband, plus the kiddo!

If you change your mind about doing something late Friday afternoon, just let me know by Thursday evening, okay? And we'll firm up things again along about then anyhow, I guess.

Wakefield is doing all right tonight! I was wondering if his career with the Red Sox was on its last legs, but if he can just keep up like this.....

And in 23 minutes --- CELTICS!!!!!!!!

2010-06-08 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2909634

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


And a HI back at you!

We also need to work on some plans for Saturday evening. PIrate doesn't host a pasta feed, does it?

One more M60-64! (Or am I just imagining that? No, I think I actually saw it on the list!)

2010-06-08 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2909641

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Did you get blown all over creation this morning. The winds were nasty out of the north until about 2:30 here, so hopefully they departed Muskoka a couple or three hours before that and spared you an especially grueling ride. My ride was wretched, but at least by the time I swam at about 3, it had pretty much settled down to a gentle zephyr.

2010-06-08 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2907667

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-06-08 9:15 AM
latestarter - 2010-06-07 5:26 PM
thall0672 - 2010-06-06 3:38 PM Anyone ever heard of "train gain"? I think this is happening to me! I hope it doesn't sound like an excuse for overeating, but since I started training for tris I'm just soooo hungry all the time. I've gained about 8 or 10 pounds since last fall when I started my training. I can attribute a few pounds of that to holiday overeating for sure, but most of it has come on since the beginning of the year. My nutritionist told me this can be common in women. Men respond to training by becoming lean and losing weight, but women respond by getting hungrier, holding on to every last ounce of body fat, and sometimes gaining weight. She says it's evolutionary: men are designed to be lean and strong to be able to chase down prey, and women are designed to keep their body fat so they can bear offspring. Makes total sense, but it's so frustrating! My nutritionist put my on a plan of around 1800 calories a day, which is supposed to provide enough energy to train and also support gradual weight loss (I'd really like to take off 20 pounds or so). But most days I'm just starving. I haven't lost any weight since I first started the plan in April. In fact, I've gained a couple. I'm going to start tracking my protein intake and see if I need to increase it. She recommends 75-100g per day for me and I've kind of just assumed I'm getting enough, but maybe not.

That sucks!    You might be interested in checking out my log today.   I had my RMR tested and a bike LT test.    Your nutritionist says some interesting stuff.  The kinesiologist said that the reason we get hungry is often a combination of training at an intensity too high for our current fitness level and not eating enough.    If we train too hard, we burn more carbs.   Body won't even touch the fat.  

For my current height and weight I will now be eating 2150 per day and losing 1/4 pound per week.   That is assuming that my 2150 calories are "quality" carriers - no crackers, white breads, processed foods, etc.  

I'm going to have to start tracking my food as well - no more winging it. 
Anne: It's interesting what your kinesiologist says about training and burning carbs. I feel like there's different information all the time from every expert or article. And add to that the fact that everybody is different as far as their intake needs, metabolisms, etc. It gets confusing to know what advice to follow!

You are SO right.   That is why I got my RMR tested to take the guesswork out of it.   You have to do what works for you.  
2010-06-08 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2909641

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again --

Just got the email that Pirate has only 10 spots left. May no less than 70% of them be from the M60-64 cohort group!

2010-06-08 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2909667

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-08 8:55 PM MANDY again -- Just got the email that Pirate has only 10 spots left. May no less than 70% of them be from the M60-64 cohort group!

WOOT!  I hope so!  I am not surprised the race is almost full, but I am surprised that it took so long.  I can't wait!

SO Sat night - I will PM you my cell (if you remember Lynn's?) - what kind of grub are ya looking for? There are a few options depending on where you ended up deciding to stay. 



2010-06-08 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2909645

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-08 8:43 PM ANNE - Did you get blown all over creation this morning. The winds were nasty out of the north until about 2:30 here, so hopefully they departed Muskoka a couple or three hours before that and spared you an especially grueling ride. My ride was wretched, but at least by the time I swam at about 3, it had pretty much settled down to a gentle zephyr.

The winds didn't kill but my cassette just about did.   Laughing   Had a really great ride today using my new HR zones and doing my first real interval/race pace training of the season.    However, I still didn't quite get my Avg. HR into Zone 3 - almost though. 

Decided to put my race wheels on last night and realized I had the older 11-23 cassette on them and couldn't remember what tool to use to change it.   It was getting late so I decided, what's the big deal I will switch to the 11-27 when I get home.   OMG, when I hit the first hill which is about 5km out, I swear I didn't think I would get up it.   I CANNOT believe the difference between the 2 cassettes.    There was some wind but not terrible - 20km/hr switching from cross to head wind. The cross winds pushed me around quite abit - I usually won't use the Zipps with over 15km/hr winds but they had forecasted 5 yesterday.

I have lots to tell you but am pretty tired.    Had a good ride - decided I had better make the first half a w/u ride or I was going to kill my legs and had a 22.7 avg speed to turn around and then re-set my computer for the return ride and averaged 25.8 into the headwind.   I seemed to be getting used to the cassette by this point. 

I did what you told me on the hill climbing and had GREAT success - I was going up hills into the wind and keeping speed at 27 - 32 km/hr.   

Off to bed - talk you to tomorrow.  Smile
2010-06-09 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2909690

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


That's a very impressive pace to ride at on a 23! And you're right, that the differences are pretty significant going form 23 to 25, and then from 25 to 27; to make the jump from a 27 to a 23 is enormous.

I know all of this, but tend to forget it. So when I struggled some the other day with the 23 on the really steep part and then bopped into the 25 and was fine.....I was pleasantly surprised, yet shouldn't be.

It was a bit humbling to get home and count the teeth and realize I was in a 25-11 instead of a 23-11. I mean, there I was on the ride climbing so well, and feeling great that I was doing so well in what I THOUGHT was a 21 with the 23 as a bail-out......and then discovering that it was really a 23 with the 25 as the bail-out. Hell's bells!!

Just curious as to the rim depth of your Zipps. At your size you must get pushed around quite a bit by stiff crosswinds if the Zipps are anything much deeper than what --- 40? Mine are, um, er.......60? And I feel a good blast at times that can grab my attention, and I'm 6'2" and 170 or so! (But maybe part of what I'm feeling is less the wheels than me, myself; I guess I provide more of a wind-target than the wheels!)

I just checked -- mine are Hed Jet 60. (See? I knew all along! )

2010-06-09 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2910264

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

My crash last June (Saturday will be the one-year anniversary; how sweet!) was with my training wheels, and even though nothing happened to them, I was VERY gald the race wheels weren't on. That just would've been something else to worry about post-crash, nd in fact it is likley that they would've sustained some damage that might not happen to sturdy, run-of-the-mill training wheels.

I can often be very lazy about changing out my race wheels, and historically that happens more commonly as any given season progresses. I used to rationalize/justify it by figuring I was racing so often that why should I bother, but since last June I have tried to use them once just before a race, and then remove them after the race before my next training ride. (Sounding all self-righteous there, I have to admit that even late last season I got a bit slack about removing them promptly. Like I've said before, i'm a slow learner!)

Are carbon-fiber wheels more delicate than basic wheels? Well, I'm sure they are --- but how much so?

2010-06-09 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Sorry about your mother-in-law.  I'm sure it's been a very stressful time for your family.

2010-06-09 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

What a great race you had - you should be very proud.  For some reason, your photos don't come up for me.  I'll work on it - I've been having some trouble with computer settings that I need t resolve.  Hope you are feeling well.


2010-06-09 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2909689

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I seem to be committed to changing over to the Windham Way, but they never answer the phone, and they haven't returned my calls. That might not beall their fault, however, as I'm often out or on the internet, and we don't have an answering machine. (I know, I know, it's so Stone Age of us!) I will give them until tomorrow to answer the phone for me, and if they haven't done it by then I will stick with the Super 8 (?) in Westbrook (?).


2010-06-09 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2910602

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

MANDY again -

As for eats, I'm not all that fussy. I'm always good for spaghetti and meatballs and a basic tomato sauce, and a meal that has worked well for me before several races is the seasoned chicken breasts and rice pilaf and cole slaw and fresh bread from Denny's, of all places. Whatever works for you is fine for me.....but I guess that depends if it's in Windham or Westbrook, huh?

I'm sending mojo to Windham Way for them to pick up the phone when it rings!!

2010-06-09 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2909491

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm sorry about your computer problems.......but we have so many of our own that it is kind of reassuring whenever I learn of someone else in the same boat. Misery loves company, I guess!

(Still, I hope your computer gets a decent second-wind soon.)

2010-06-09 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Training weight loss: 
I am able to lose my winter weight in the spring but only with a great deal of suffering.  Not so much hunger as craving.  I am constantly hungry for foods I shouldn't eat.  And now I'm going to rant.  The one dinner restaurant in town does have some chicken and fish - BUT every potentially healthy protein is either deep-fried or in a rich sauce like Alfredo - I get really tired of the salad bar
I allow myself 200-300 calories a day for a treat like chocolate or ice cream.  If I didn't do that, I wouldn't be able to stick to it.

It's super windy today and I'm scheduled for 1 hr bike and I need to get out there and do it.  My 2 tris this spring have been really windy and I know I need to do some windy riding.  It seems like you guys are riding in windy conditions a lot so I'll try to be inspired by you.

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