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2010-06-09 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2910762

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-09 8:27 AM STEVE - Thinking of you with the following, which is in a column by Steve Trew called "Awesome Sessions" in the British tri mag "220 Triathlon": "Greg Welch used to have a big training day when he was preparing for an Ironman: 'I'd ride 100 miles on the bike and finish up by the running track, then my track session was 10x1 mile, five-minute mile pace, with a 60-second stand or jog recovery. There were always a few guys who'd come along and prepare for this to beat me. A few of them could stay with me for four or five of the reps, maybe get in front on a couple, but no one ever beat me on the ten overall.' " With your love of speedwork, and your belief that it has a role in iron-training, you might approve Welchy's attitude there! And for homework, search out Greg Welch and read abouit what led to his retirement. (With your awareness of heart rate zones, you'll also "appreciate" that!) If you can't find it, I'll tell you about it later.

I thought that was it.  Ventricular Tachycardia - I read about that in one of the recent editions of Triathlete or Triathlon magazines.  Seems it can be caused by abnormalities in the heart, or brought on by stress, lack of sleep, stimulants such as coffee, etc.  Anyway, the heart speeds up, and beats so quickly that it is unable to actually pump blood, causing light headedness, asthma-like effects, loss of consciousness, etc. 

Scary stuff! 

Now I'm gonna freak out at the start of my runs!  Sometimes on runs (I've never noticed on a bike ride - but then I don't really check my rate on rides like I do on runds), my HRM will show a HR over 200 bpm, even though I'm just warming up and feel fine.  I think it's just poor connectivity as I'm not sweating enough yet for moisture to be on the strap and conduct.  I'll stop, wet the strap, and it'll return to normal.  But, between being worried about sharks in the ocean, cars on the bike, now this...I'm gonna start stressing...which can lead to Ventricular Tachycardia...

2010-06-09 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2912043

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad to be useful. It's all part of my on-going plan to Justify My Existence!

Several years ago i had an episode almost exactly like yours, going through at least three tubes in the process. It turns out there wasn't any rim tape, even though the previous installation had worked fine. When I took it back to the LBS they were apologetic, and just shrugged helplessly when I asked why the inflation worked for them but not for me.

It turns out that one of the very few mechanical things I can do is installing rim tape. It takes a bit of wrestling is all, and the following key hint --- first thing is to line up the holes for the valve, and hold this spot by sticking a screwdriver into both the tape hole and the wheel hole. If you don't do this, you will wrestle for a minute or so and finally get the rim tape all on....and then realize that the hole in the tape is not over the hole in the wheel. Oops!*

Also, try to get it in there evenly, that is, without one part of the tape riding up too high on the wall of the wheel. However, this is less important than getting the two holes lined up close to perfectly! And make sure the tape is designed to fit your wheel size (700cc or 650cc).

Finally, I think cloth tape is more expensive than plastic, but I've been told plastic works best. Whatever the bike shop recommends, though, i guess go for it.

Finally-finally, let me know what you find with the water test, whether it was one sharp or abrasive area or several. (Equal opportunity destroyers....) Just curious!

*The ONE time I did this, i couldn't budge the tape at all, so used an exacto knife to cut it and then had to go back to the LBS for another tape. (Blush.) It was then I was told about the screwdriver trick.

2010-06-09 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2912125

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Ack! I didn't mean to freak you on that! I'm sure his case is rarer than rare, especially at the level it got to and held at - was it 273 or something. And during a swim, too, if I remember correctly, and possibly even an ocean swim. I might be wrong about that, but to have my HR reach that level in ANY water body would be terrifying.

In my HRM days, i too would sometimes start an effort and the reading would be impossibly high, but after a minute or less it would settle back where it belonged. Please don't worry about V.T.!!

2010-06-09 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2912143

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thanks for all your input!

There is one hole on each tube, all in the same place, about 1.5 feet from the valve - I looked on the wheel and don't see anything really, except one possible spot that is hard to the mold wasn't perfect or something??? That tape would cover....The hole is like a pin hole.....and there is nothing in the tire. 

SO thanks for the instructions on the tape, sounds like I am going to need it!  I hope that is what it is!

Just saying, that was pretty frustrating.  But I am much better at getting a flat changed now.


2010-06-09 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
WOW, it is so hard to be away from this group for a few days because there is always so much catching up to do!

MARK, so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

SHAUN, congratulations triathlete!!  Sounds like you had a great race despite the hernias.  Imagine if you would have been 100% ... unstoppable, it sounds like.

DENISE, nice job on the windy ride and sounds like you are really starting to get more comfortable with reaching around.

KASIA, you said you like "crunchy" treats ... I'm the same way.  Have you tried the Clif Mojo bars.  I think those are my favorite!  I'm going to work on using the gels but I'm pretty picky about the consistency of things, so we'll see how that works.

ANNE, STEVE A, MANDY ... hoping you all get over your injuries sooner than later!  STEVE A, glad the bike repairs weren't too extensive/expensive.

STEVE B, TRACY, and MANDY ... good luck on your races this weekend!! Woohoo!!

TRACY, what kind of saddle did you get?

We had a great time in the Ozarks.  Got two 4 mile runs in on the hills and one open water swim with my daughter's best friend.  I couldn't believe how much easier the OWS was when the visibility was greater than 6", which is how my OWS have been to date.  Visibility was at least 20 feet, and the water temp was perfect, around 80 degrees.  Took the kids out for some tubing and water skiing.  All in all a great trip.  Just reinforces the idea that I need to find a more recreational friendly place to live.  It's so hard to come back and it's like a sauna here right now. Frown

2010-06-09 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2907532

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Mason City, IA
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-08 7:24 AM

I'm still alive all...Left calf and shin were tight yesterday but all good today. Will be out for a mountain bike ride today.

I'm way behind (as in page 218 currently) getting caught up on everything here...Man we are a yacky bunch!

Here are the race results:

To beat SteveB to the chase, here are links to my race results and the photos that are up so far of myself:

End of swim:
(nice sun tan eh??)

(what a nice fancy jacket?? Don't care it kept me warm. Glad I had it though. I had ordered one of e-bay that the seller lost. Now I have a nice new PI jacket coming...albeit a little late. Glad I wore it though to keep the body temp up. I even had my leggings just in case I wanted them)

There will be more pics coming...

Nice Shaun

2010-06-10 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2909495

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-08 8:24 AM

I'm still alive all...Left calf and shin were tight yesterday but all good today. Will be out for a mountain bike ride today.

I'm way behind (as in page 218 currently) getting caught up on everything here...Man we are a yacky bunch!

Here are the race results:

To beat SteveB to the chase, here are links to my race results and the photos that are up so far of myself:

End of swim:
(nice sun tan eh??)

(what a nice fancy jacket?? Don't care it kept me warm. Glad I had it though. I had ordered one of e-bay that the seller lost. Now I have a nice new PI jacket coming...albeit a little late. Glad I wore it though to keep the body temp up. I even had my leggings just in case I wanted them)

There will be more pics coming...

Here are the rest of the pics I found.



Tracey, it was cold. Low 60's at 8am. I was one of the only people I saw wearing a jacket on the ride. I am glad I did though just to stay warm.
2010-06-10 7:21 AM
in reply to: #2909606

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thanks for the comments about the photos. I guess I could have clarified a bit better I was not in a wetsuit.

I'm already debating if I want to use one at Welland or not. I've only tried my wetsuit on once and I have not swam in it so I have no idea how to take it off while wet. Well, I can visualize it but that only gets one so far.

I may look fresh after the swim, I certainly don't recall feeling that way. As for relaxed on the bike, that was around mile 6 I believe (where photos were taken). By then I had calmed down a bit and the leap frog game was over on the bike. So I was at the point where I was just trying to stay consistent and keep the rpm up.  Speaking of which, I'm thinking a cadence sensor would be nice so I can understand more regularly if I really tend to mash or not.

See my previous post for run and finish photos.

Groin has not changed since before the race. However, I went for a run last night and my left lower calf/upper achilles was sore and my right mid upper shin (note this is lower than upper mid, yet close). Now the calf has tightened up and is sore to walk. No pain at rest.
2010-06-10 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2910719

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I'll have to look that route up on a map (Gat hills). Beautiful scenery that is for sure!

Sounds quite interesting and probably a killer compared to what I am used to riding on and running on. However, the masochist in me says I have 2 weeks off in July and this sounds like a challenge I need!!

Or another idea is to maybe meet up somewhere with Anne, Ken, and yourself for some sort of ride as I do plan on being in Ontario over at least part of those 2 weeks. Even the hills I know of in Niagara would be able to kick my behind all over the place.
2010-06-10 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2912180

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Good work on boldly going forward with your mobility on the bike. Nose-scratching is often valuable, as is ;icking a bit of bug out from between your front teeth. And pretty soon you'll be able to do something like re-arrange the scrunchy holding your hair in place --- or the equivalent if you don't use scrunchies.

But beyond all that cosmetic stuff, the whole goal is to feel confident/competent enough to be able to reach for things such as water bottles and various edibles so that you don't become dehydrated or calorie-deficient during a race or longish ride, right? Well, I think yesterday's ride was a great Next Step in that process!

2010-06-10 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2912685

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Great run and finish photos, too! It looks like the other guy finishing beat you by a hair, but you're the one who looks strong, maybe even ready for a second lap of the course. Nice stride, good posture -- you look terrific!

Removing a wet wetsuit is far easier than donning a wetsuit when either it or you is already wet. The benefits of Pam and/or BodyGlide make removal quite simple, but short of being fully and profusely greased, neither of those products help much in getting on a wet suit on a wet body. So, if you just spray your lower legs with Pam (or use BG on them), and maybe do the same around your wrists, and if you use your arms to pry down on both sides of each leg, it'll all happen quickly once you get to the knees and beyond.

The temps at Welland should be okay for no wetsuit; they have to be better than at Hawk Island. If you can get some wetsuit practice in before Welland it should make your good swim even better, but there's also no doubt that a wetsuit adds bunches of seconds to T1.

When are your dates for being in Ontario? Will Welland be the start of your stay, the mid-point, or the end?

2010-06-10 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2912934

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hernia update:

I got the letter in the mail (not even a frickin I feel used and abused) that the surgeon recommends getting both surgically repaired.

Big surprise from a surgeon...

So my game plan is to call and talk to an assistant about timing, concerns and anything else I should know. As well I will be asking for a referral to a sports doctor to discuss further with someone who caters to active individuals. Also to figure out the best solution fo the 5 or so available.
2010-06-10 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2912260

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


There can't be too many places that are more recreationally-friendly than where you were in the Ozarks, right? How far is it from Houston.....and how often can you use it? Every other weekend between April and October sounds just about right to me!

When you talk about swim visibility, you are talking about depth, yes? That measn the waters you swim in regularly are, um, murky? I too like having water-with-a-view, it keeps my mind occupied to see the sights beneath me!

I taight for 19 years on the Akwesasne Mohawk Reserve, and one of our former teachers was Huron or Algonquin, and grew up believing that swimming in lakes was not good because you could see the faces of your dead ancestors looking up at you from the bottom. He really believed this, and got quite freaked when he learned how much open water swimming I do. (Fortunatley, all I see are things such as carp and perch!)

2010-06-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2911902

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-06-09 5:44 PM Hey guys-

I have a question.

The third time, I almost threw the tire across the road, but then I figured I would just have to go get it.


Great response!!! I'd be out there taking the tire off the rim and hucking the entire tire across the road...back and forth a few times. The wheel is worth too much money, but I'd be almost tempted to do that as well!!!

You and SteveB have pretty much covered everything I would do...Rim tape sounds like an issue. Kind of surprising you've made it this long with no issues. Short term fix could be to use multiple layers of masking tape or one layer of electrical tape.
2010-06-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2912957

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I finally got in touch with Windham Way ("I figured you'd call back."), and I'm staying put in the Super 8. It is graduation at Windham H.S., and she could only offer me what she was offering the grandparents and all, which is $95. Plus, she has no cancellation policy -- "You give me your card number and I deposit is right away and that's how it works." Oh well.

Does Westbrook work for you and dinner? If not, I can make it to wherever you'll be. Just point me in the right direction and set a time for me, and I'll be there!

2010-06-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
With some talk of saddles on here, I bought one that does not fit my seat clamp. Between the angle of the rails to the saddle top and the angle adjustment on the clamp, the seat is angled to far up in the front for me. Not to mention hitting a bump will affect its angle more.

So if anyone wants to try out a Selle San Marco Azoto Trigel saddle let me know. More aimed at tri bikes where the pelvis is rotated forward though so may not work on a road bike as well.

I had a San Marco X0 which was alright. With how much I like my Fizik Gobi on my mtb, I looked for and found a cheap Fizik Arione Tri that is now on my bike. So far it has been quite nice to me and I do recommend it. My avg speed went from 18.5 mph for 1.5 hours to 20.0 mph (with lower resistance tires as well) for 2 hours.

Also I have a Profile Design Hammer stem. I believe it is a 110mm x 10 degree rise. 1 1/8" steerer and 31.8 clamp. I got a little e-bay happy and bit before I truly realized the handlebar diameter.

2010-06-10 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2912977

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Fie. It's raining now, just as i was about to head off on a short but brisk ride. I want to get that in there before the weekend, but not at the expense of soggying the bike. Will it clear, or will it not??

Last run was done yesterday, 10.7km at about 10km pace. That followed by two days a 7km run I did off the bike.....and why I chose those two distances this week i don't really know. The smarter thing might've been some short and fast work, but I opted for stuff that suggest this weekend will have an oly for me, which it doesn't. Ah, they seemed like good ideas at the time.....

As have my recent OWS, all more oly/HIM-distance than what this weekend's races call for -- both swims at 0.3/mile. I guess it's in my head that I should be getting ready now for stuff later in the season.......but I'm not sure there was much of ANYTHING in my head when I settled on those distances.

I'm swimming OWS later today; will I do short and fast, or do longer at cruise-mode? Tough call!!

2010-06-10 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2913021

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Your saddle situation is sounding better and better. The places you can go now!

How are you doing today? You mentioned yesterday to Denise that nervousness are setting in, and I just hope that's not getting the best of you. I will try to help as much as possible Saturday morning, and unless something untoward happens, i will be on-site at about 6:15, maybe earlier. I will get my space organized, and then I can be available to you, for whatever you need, from whenever you arrive.

Also on my agenda for tomorrow (!!!!!! ) is doing packet pick-up at the bandstand from 4-7. I still have to figure out where all of this is, relative to everything else -- bandstand, pasta feed, etc. I've just been lazy with it, and I guess that's a necessary thing for to-do today.

Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected. You know the course, you've done the work, and now it's just you having fun on Saturday morning. Piece of cake!!

2010-06-10 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2913040

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


TRACEY (and me)

Escape the Cape Triathlon
Onset, MA

9am start, Satrdday the 12th

MANDY (and me)

Pirate Triathlon
Point Sebago, ME

9am start, Sunday the 13th


2010-06-10 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2913123

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-10 11:08 AM RACES THIS WEEKEND -- June 12&13 TRACEY (and me) Escape the Cape Triathlon 0.3/10/3.1 Onset, MA 9am start, Satrdday the 12th MANDY (and me) Pirate Triathlon 0.3/14/3 Point Sebago, ME 9am start, Sunday the 13th Arrrrrgh!

Good luck guys!!!

I'm going to be away for the most of the weekend with limited to no internet access. Sending mojo your way and hopefully not my hungover feelings I'm sure to have on Saturday!! (out of town weddings...always more of a hangover)
2010-06-10 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2912260

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-06-09 9:26 PM

WOW, it is so hard to be away from this group for a few days because there is always so much catching up to do!

MARK, so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

SHAUN, congratulations triathlete!!  Sounds like you had a great race despite the hernias.  Imagine if you would have been 100% ... unstoppable, it sounds like.

DENISE, nice job on the windy ride and sounds like you are really starting to get more comfortable with reaching around.

KASIA, you said you like "crunchy" treats ... I'm the same way.  Have you tried the Clif Mojo bars.  I think those are my favorite!  I'm going to work on using the gels but I'm pretty picky about the consistency of things, so we'll see how that works.

ANNE, STEVE A, MANDY ... hoping you all get over your injuries sooner than later!  STEVE A, glad the bike repairs weren't too extensive/expensive.

STEVE B, TRACY, and MANDY ... good luck on your races this weekend!! Woohoo!!

TRACY, what kind of saddle did you get?

We had a great time in the Ozarks.  Got two 4 mile runs in on the hills and one open water swim with my daughter's best friend.  I couldn't believe how much easier the OWS was when the visibility was greater than 6", which is how my OWS have been to date.  Visibility was at least 20 feet, and the water temp was perfect, around 80 degrees.  Took the kids out for some tubing and water skiing.  All in all a great trip.  Just reinforces the idea that I need to find a more recreational friendly place to live.  It's so hard to come back and it's like a sauna here right now. Frown



I can't really figure out from looking at the seat what the brand/type is. (Still not all that familiar with biking stuff!) If you PM me your email address, I'll send you some pics from my phone and you might be able to figure it out! If you have any discomfort at all with your current saddle, I would definitely recommend this one. I rode again today with no padding and had no pain.


2010-06-10 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2913040

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-10 10:33 AM


Your saddle situation is sounding better and better. The places you can go now!

How are you doing today? You mentioned yesterday to Denise that nervousness are setting in, and I just hope that's not getting the best of you. I will try to help as much as possible Saturday morning, and unless something untoward happens, i will be on-site at about 6:15, maybe earlier. I will get my space organized, and then I can be available to you, for whatever you need, from whenever you arrive.

Also on my agenda for tomorrow (!!!!!! ) is doing packet pick-up at the bandstand from 4-7. I still have to figure out where all of this is, relative to everything else -- bandstand, pasta feed, etc. I've just been lazy with it, and I guess that's a necessary thing for to-do today.

Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected. You know the course, you've done the work, and now it's just you having fun on Saturday morning. Piece of cake!!

Hey Steve:

Thanks for the words of encouragement!

Going from Myles Standish to Onset Beach will probably take you up route 58 then to 495, which will take you either to 28S which is a straight shot to Onset, or you'll go 495 to 25 toward the Cape, and it's the 1st exit off 25 (which will also take you to 28S actually, just closer to Onset). From 28 you take a right onto Depot Street. At the 3-way intersection just a bit down the road (maybe 1/3 mile?) you bear left to take you onto Onset Ave. I would say it's about 2 or 3 miles down and I'm sure at that point you'll start seeing lots of signs. If for some reason you need directions just give me a call. Now that I think of it, Myles Standish is huge, so depending on what side you're on, your directions might actually take you to Route 3. Are you using a GPS? Tell me again what part you're camping at?

The plan is still for me and the family to show up around 6:00 for the pasta feed.

Still feeling a little nervous, but I'm feeling MUCH better now after this morning's OWS at the course. Donna and I got there around 10:00 in showery and cold conditions (maybe 58 degrees?) There just happened to be two guys from Max Performance in the water at the swim start. They had just gotten finished marking where the race buoys are going to be with little white buoys. (I guess the actual big buoys for the race will be in place by 3:00 tomorrow). As soon as they saw the two crazy chicks going into the freezing water they knew we had to be doing the race. We chatted with them for a few minutes so that was good. It was SO much better having the buoys there to sight, even though they were small and hard to see. I don't know what the heck happened but I looked down at my watch when I came out of the water at the other end it said 11:42. That's about 2 minutes per 100 yards, which is at least 32 seconds better per 100 yards than I've ever done in the pool. First of all, I kinda freaked out again about putting my face in the water like I did the first time. It was so overcast today that there was absolutely NO visibility in the water so I was getting that claustrophobic feeling again. So I swam "water polo style" once again, probably about 75% of the time. There must have been a current pushing me along because despite the head position I was really motoring. Despite the setback of the face in the water thing, I still felt so relieved coming out of there because that was the first time on the course I completed the entire thing without having to stop and tread water for whatever reason (getting freaked out by seaweed, not being able to breathe, or just being scared). Of course, I had the whole bay to myself. I wish I had asked the guys if they knew around how many would be in the newbie wave. But as I said before I plan to put myself at the back and to the side to avoid the sloshing as much as possible.

So ya, feeling a little less anxious now. My only goal on Saturday (and for all the races this year, actually), is just to finish, and to finish feeling positive (and NOT finishing last would be a good one too!)

2010-06-10 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hi all. I have a couple of last-minute questions before my race on Saturday.

Would it be weird to show up at the race with my wet suit already on, or do most people put them on closer to race start? I'm just asking because getting my suit on is an all-out effort. I know my arms will need to be marked. My suit is full-sleeve, but peeling down the top and taking my arms out for that is no big deal. It's the lower body part that's the hardest to pull on.

Secondly, what is this horrible-sounding "swimming over" I keep hearing about that happens at the wave start?? Please don't tell me that involves actually having someone literally swim over you...? If it does, how the heck do you get out of it if you have a big person swimming on top of you, pushing you down into the water? First of all, I don't even understand how it's possible to swim over somebody. I mean, wouldn't you kind of have to leap over and on top of someone's legs? I'm planning on staying to the side and back of my wave (newbie) so hopefully there will be small chance of this happening, but can someone explain this to me?



2010-06-10 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2559115

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Hope you all have a good time at your races this weekend and maybe even get some PB's.    It sounds like you are going to have so much fun.   I know I can count on Mandy having a big smile in all of her pictures.   Smile

I think it is so cool that you two get to race with our mentor.   You are going to learn so much.   I always love it when I finally get to meet someone face to face - creates a whole knew dynamic in the relationship.   

I hope everyone's bodies behave.   I'm sure they will - they seem to rise to the challenge when necessary.  

Will be thinking of you, with envy and can't wait to hear all about your experiences. 
2010-06-10 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2914045

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I'm hustling to get out on a ride, so just a few quick responses for now.

-- I was going to ask whether youare yellow cap or pink cap, but you answered it by saying that you're in the newbie wave -- pink cap it is!
-- Another super fine job on your swim-on-site, and good for talking to the Max guys!
-- 'Swimming over" has happened to my just once, and that's in about 80 races. I will bet your the ights to my third-born( ) that it will not happen to you on saturday! It is what you suspect it to be, but that just won't happen in a newbie wave. The worst that will happen is you will "bounce" off people at the first hint of contact, and it will work that way with everyone else, too. It will be a gentle Caromfest, is all!
-- You don't want to show up in your wetsuit, and we can talk about options tomorrow night. Will spousal unit be there to help, if needed? If not, Donna (right name?) could help, or any other woman. I'm not mentioning myself in case that would be uncomfortable for you, but if that doesn't apply then I will offer my assistance as well. Mostly, you will get very uncomfortable standing around in it for so long, I think.
-- Apropos all that, they may also want to mark your calves and/or thighs. This might be in the big athlete's guide......that I haven't read straight through yet.

I'll be back. Gotta go ride now!

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