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2010-06-16 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2923159

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Just an ice cream? That's hardly fair to you! I think to make it closer to an even deal it should be an ice cream AND a banana split AND a frappe-of-your-choice AND either a rootbeer float or a strawberry sundae. Deal? (Hey, at least none on that list count as either meat or potatoes!).

I guess the chosen ice cream spot should be Keith Jordan's own establishment, which is somewhere along 106 -- maybe about 2-3 miles south of the turn from Leavitt Road. By the way, that will be wiating for you after you finish -- cups of Jordan's Ice Cream!

Beth has a point, but at least Beth was there to make the point, so her point is kind of nullified. She was with you for boat safety, and as long as she is good in a boat, I think a swim such as you described it is (almost) perfectly fine.

I'm NOT bragging here, to be sure, but my entire OWS career has been solo -- which goes against virtually every book and magazine article that talks above OWS. In my younger days I swam in many doozy situations, and in hindsight that was plain dumb. I still do it solo, but at least I avoid the days when the water is especially wild. Now, i may take a risk if at one of my places there are people at the beach there, and if at the other place there are canoes and kayaks and dragon boats on the water, but I've grown at least old enough and wide enough to eschew swims that most people wouldn't consider for a moment.

With boat support in the form of a capable person in a solid boat, it is in your best interests to tackle ragged water from time to time. Amazingly, maybe, of my 80 or so triathlons only a handful have had wild water -- but at least I felt mentally ready for them. Does that justify doing them in training? Um, I say yes, but curiously it might be people like us, who aren't water-shy, who possibly need them less than a person who has some level of fear or worry about swimming. I'm not sure I believe that, and will have to think about it longer.

How is Senor Calf doing?

2010-06-16 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2925321

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-16 11:28 AM

Best Solution #1 is to fight a hard wind -- the harder the wind, the better the simulation! Periodically get into your one of your toughest gearings and plow away. Now, that will best simulate gradually climbing up a long grade, which for you and Timberman sprint is close to as tough as it will get (Mandy has the larger horror show of the Marsh Hill Monstah!). Your goal is to get into a gearing where you are working hard, but it is under control -- maybe just barely, but at least there. And under control means where your pedaling is quite even, with as little choppiness in your pedal strke as you can manage. If you are fortunate to find a stiff wind that is also wuite steady, then that's a time to work the other way -- small ring up front, one of the bigger cogs in back, and work on a brisk spin. You don't want your feet and legs to look all whirling like those of cartoon characters, but if you csn do ~90rpm in this gearing, you've got it.

Thanks Steve for this info. Can I just clarify the paragraph above? So what I think you're saying is, when there's a hard, intermittent wind, I should ride into the wind on the toughest gear combination I can handle while still maintaining control (in other words, not slowing down to the point where I'm in danger of toppling over...) And when there is a steady, continuous wind, I should ride into the wind using the easier gearing getting to around 90 rmps. Do I have it? Thanks!

2010-06-16 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Okay, I ordered the Newtons! I got the Distance model. I will take your advice and ease into them slowly. I've read rave reviews of the shoes on various web sites, but many of the reviews do warn that you need to start out with very short runs and gradually increase your time in them.

Does it make sense to perhaps start out with 10 minutes or so, then switch to my old running shoes for the rest of the run, and gradually increase the time in the Newtons at each run?

I will set my expectations low for what the shoes may do for my neuroma, but will keep my fingers crossed that I get the same results as you!

By the way, the shoes are ugly! They need to get some better colors.

2010-06-16 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2926408

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


24/268?!? Welcome to The Bigs!! That is super fine, and just supports what I suspect about you -- that the bike can be yours if you want it to be.

For me in my aqbk year the mendset was -- What's the worst that can happen? I might cramp, probably in the calf, and then I'll have to deal with that. I may run out of steam, and have to soft-pedal for a while. I'll feel a burn, probably in my quads, and figure out if it happens how I will deal with it. And? And? And?

I really couldn't come up with much to add on to those "ands", and as the other three possibilities didn't sound too awful, I just went in pushing the limits. And because it became sustained, I learned what riding hard actually feels like. I might've thought I had ridden hard at avrious time previously, but I learned it wasn't at all like what it truned out to be in a race setting. Of course, after that the trick was to figure out how to dial back the bike intensity so I could run off the bike!! (But that's for another time.....)

I would support the plan to focus on one speed effort in any given "B" or "C" race, and given your stacked cycling and your semi-sparse swimming over the past couple of months, the only safe place to put your big effort at Guelph is on the bike. When I have gone through dry periods with not much swimming, the absolute last thing I can do is go fast when I return to the water. Each year along about late July I have a swim "breakthrough", and I firmly believe that is just the result of the ton of OWS I do come summer. Most weeks it's 5 or 6 days, which is double or more than what I do in the pool each week during the off season.

The running form matter is contentious. My sports doc, who was a national-class runner in his prime and who still travels as team doctor for many international events, has told me that we run the way we do for a reason, and that it isn't wise to try to change our mechanics once we hit our 40s. He wasn't saying it wasn't possible to implement changes, to reinvent the wheel, but that it might not even work and could lead to a litany of injuries. The latter happened to me in '08 and to a lesser extent in early '09, but I stuck with it and the result is new mechanics that work quite well -- probably better than the old mechanics! Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones, is all.

So, as for all of that, I'm not sure how to advise you. I came out the other side a better runner, but there were many, many times I seriously questioned whether I should've tried to change anything at all. Tough call, Anne!

Good plan for Gulliver tomorrow -- enjoy!

2010-06-16 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2926704

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Okay then, i will follow your lead and not be at all nervous about the Celtics. As the WBZ commentators said, they suffered blowouts against both Cleveland and Orlando, and came back just fine. Yeah!! Amnd they'll do it tomorrow night! Yeah!!!

2010-06-16 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2919880

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
I am still majorly playing catch-up with the posts but have a quick question since I need to make a decision about wearing a wetsuit soon for my Oly tri in a week and change.

Water temp is supposed to be low 70s by race day. I think I'm definitely forgoing the full suit since I didn't like how heavy my arms felt in the sprint. But I don't think I'm brave enough to go wetsuit-less. That, and I could use the extra flotation/time-booster that a wetsuit provides. But I'm a cheapskate.

Any suggestions?

2010-06-16 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2925146

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


About a week ago I started having asmall problem with my posts here. It is tough to describbe accurately, but the screen is often skittery -- when I try to scroll down, it often "bump" rather than "flows". A larger problem is that soemtimes my typing will have a serious lag effect, meaning that the letters don't appear on the screen for several seconds after I have typed them. Realted to this is that when I use the backspace key to erase stuff, it doesn't "zip" like it used to, but takes it's own sweet time -- kind of one letter at a time.

Right now it is mostly okay, but all of the above would deteriorate if I made this a long post. (Towards the end of the long post just made to Anne, the problem was highly annoying!)

Soooo.......Any ideas as to what is happening, and how to remedy it? Any savvy computer geeks out there??

2010-06-16 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2926725

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, I've always been a fool who separates easily from his money, so if you are trying to be frugal I'm not the one to ask! (Shaun can tell you just how "supportive" I am of his efforts to buy tri toys!)

But seeing as how you asked.....

I say that now is the PERFECT time to rent a sleeveless and see how that compares to a fullsuit. I say perfect because you have 1500 meters in front of you, and you will almost certainly swim better/easier for that distance when clad in neoprene -- some neoprene, ANY neoprene! If the temps hold in the 70s then that will not be a factor, but over 1500 meters that buoyancy will indeed help and just lead to you feeling fresher for the bike -- you know, the bike that starts off with about 12 miles of mostly climbing? Fresher will be gooder, for sure!

And, yes, I know, I know ---- I still owe you a PM!!!!

2010-06-16 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2926678

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

TRACEY again -

Way to bite the bullet on the Newtons!!

I think the Distance model is still unisex coloring -- greenish for both genders? I'd like to say it's a cute green, but can't in all honesty say that. About all I can say is that in time (indeterminate....) you won't even notice that color. (Or, more frightening maybe, you'll accept it as part of your fashion motif!)

The first ones I had were Distance S, which are yellow. The there have been four of five Distance, all the same green, and also five Gravity, which have Dynamic Camoflaging Abilities -- first orange/yellow, then red, now blue.

Anyhow, embrace the green -- it just might be You!!

As for usage, I would say that for the first two or three runs do them just "pure" -- Newtons only. That will eliminate any static from your other shoes, and give you an accurate idea of how they are suiting you. Maybe try 10 minutes first time and if all is peachy you might want to carry on for another minute or two. Then maybe a repeat next time, and for the third between 15 and 20 minutes. Or something like that. Roughly. Give or take.

But let me know when they arrive, okay?

2010-06-16 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2926678

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
thall0672 - 2010-06-16 5:57 PM SteveB: Okay, I ordered the Newtons! I got the Distance model. I will take your advice and ease into them slowly. I've read rave reviews of the shoes on various web sites, but many of the reviews do warn that you need to start out with very short runs and gradually increase your time in them. Does it make sense to perhaps start out with 10 minutes or so, then switch to my old running shoes for the rest of the run, and gradually increase the time in the Newtons at each run? I will set my expectations low for what the shoes may do for my neuroma, but will keep my fingers crossed that I get the same results as you! By the way, the shoes are ugly! They need to get some better colors.

Tracey - you are a TRIATHLETE now - you don't care what something looks like, just what it can do to make you better.Wink
2010-06-16 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2926784

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


So that explains why so often on course I am a fashion disaster?

(But it doesn't explain why off course I'm just about the same! )

2010-06-16 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2926833

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Capstone photo captured our images at our races......and they are still holding them hostage!

I really expected Escape to be up by today, with Pirate tomorrow, but I'm going to have to delay my disappointment with my photos for at least another day or two, it seems. How can I be fully disgusted with myself it there ain't nothin' to see? Jeezum!

Sox are doing okay, up 4-2 in the 4th. Pedroia is having a good night, and they sure need him to hit more consistently better. I'm not used to seeing him at .253 or whatever it was a day or two ago!

I saw a photo of a plaque that read "Management reserves the right to refuse service to any fans of the Yankees or Lakers." Truer sentiments have never been expressed!

2010-06-17 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2922831

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Thanks SteveB and Mandy for the info about the LSD and volunteering for IM's. Didn't know volunteering would help you get a spot. That's one way to make sure you have volunteer's!


Thanks for the info. The HIM distance is definitely on my schedule for next year. Welland sounds like a nice easy one to start with since the swim is an enclosed waterway and the bike/run are flat. If I am going to do a 70.3 race distance, I want to do a branded race at least once. I want to be a part of the excitement and rush and see the pros race. Steelhead is probably the closest one for me.

What do you think of doing Steelhead next year? I'd be able to offer some free pre and post race accomadations on the east side of MI within a 3-4 hour drive of the race site. With the cost of entry I'd even be game for car pooling and splitting a hotel room.
2010-06-17 6:29 AM
in reply to: #2926841

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-16 8:47 PM


Capstone photo captured our images at our races......and they are still holding them hostage!

I really expected Escape to be up by today, with Pirate tomorrow, but I'm going to have to delay my disappointment with my photos for at least another day or two, it seems. How can I be fully disgusted with myself it there ain't nothin' to see? Jeezum!

Sox are doing okay, up 4-2 in the 4th. Pedroia is having a good night, and they sure need him to hit more consistently better. I'm not used to seeing him at .253 or whatever it was a day or two ago!

I saw a photo of a plaque that read "Management reserves the right to refuse service to any fans of the Yankees or Lakers." Truer sentiments have never been expressed!

Ya I've been looking for the pics. At first I tried to smile every time I saw a camera but after a while I forgot to look for them...

And speaking of Boston sports, I saw a story on New England Cable News last night about a bar in Santa Monica for Boston sports fans. It looked like a typical bar to me (except that it's a Boston sports bar in California!), but what I really liked was their cool t-shirt. Love the logo on the back! I might have to pick one up:

2010-06-17 6:44 AM
in reply to: #2923724

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Great sounding workouts!

In response to your cleat position post. There definitely is a too far forward and a too far back position but what that is I have no idea. Initially with my tri shoes I was too far back causing early onset numbness in the forefoot. I moved the cleats forward by about 1/4-3/8" and things got buch better. I still have the numbness a bit after 30 miles but wiggling the toes helps. I think I tend to keep my toes in one position and just pedal away which might be part of my problem. Now that I'm at least weekly riding 40+ miles I am thinking it might be wise to get a set of more road specific pedals/cleats for the tri bike vs the Crank Brothers Eggbeaters that I am using due to a) familiarity and b) cost. The big difference is the Eggbeaters have no platform to them which might be causing my discomfort.

A better tri shoe with a stiffer sole might be good as well but those are not cheap.
2010-06-17 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2924223

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I've found it great so far (well other than reading it sitting on the couch eating Doritos...). Unfortunately, the time I sit down to read for the most part is right before bed as I am getting ready to fall asleep so I don't necessarily retain it all.

The main highlight for me right now is that I need to track what I eat and see if I am actually where he thinks I should be. I see the way he breaks it down into periodizations playing a role in my training for next year. I should try and get into this year but we'll see. The other thing that makes a lot of sense is to get the carbs and protein and kind of let the fat be. Don't really try and get the amount you need, but get some.

Could you imagine the size of the book if this were combined with Friel's Bible and Fitzgerald's plans???

2010-06-17 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2926841

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-16 8:47 PM MANDY and TRACEY _ Capstone photo captured our images at our races......and they are still holding them hostage!

HA! They are supposed to go up today!  You will get an email sometime today that notifies you that the pictures are up.  One thing with Capstone, check the "no name" area - I find that they often put a lot of pictures in there that they could have sorted as the numbers are obvious.  They do take pretty good shots.

Speaking of which, I am trying to figure out how to post one that mom took of us Steve.  I wish BT would let you post from your computer instead of uploading somewhere then pasting the HTML code.  Or am I an idiot and there is an easier way?

AND I HAVE Charmichael's book!  I found it last night, my buddy Beth gave it to me last year!


2010-06-17 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2927251

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-17 7:57 AM Anne,

Could you imagine the size of the book if this were combined with Friel's Bible and Fitzgerald's plans???

That thought is terrifying.  Between those two books I am way overwhelmed, adding a third? Eye yi yi!  So I pick at them and use them as encyclopedias kind of. 

2010-06-17 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2926725

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2010-06-16 7:22 PM I am still majorly playing catch-up with the posts but have a quick question since I need to make a decision about wearing a wetsuit soon for my Oly tri in a week and change.

Water temp is supposed to be low 70s by race day. I think I'm definitely forgoing the full suit since I didn't like how heavy my arms felt in the sprint. But I don't think I'm brave enough to go wetsuit-less. That, and I could use the extra flotation/time-booster that a wetsuit provides. But I'm a cheapskate.

Any suggestions?


Um. Well, I guess the only suggestion I have is to either wear the wetsuit you have for flotation and deal with the arms, borrow one that is sleeveless, rent one, or deal with it without the suit.

I would wear the suit because I like the flotation.  A lot.

Those are your options as I see them! Good luck!

2010-06-17 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2924229

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I don't think I really made mention of the calf until the other day. I was hoping it was tight from the race and would work its way out. After about the first mile of running it seems to loosen up and not be as bad. Shin really isn't bad.

I have been looking at my shoes to try and figure out my foot strike. This is what I've noticed:
- Heel - all the way around wore down say from mid way between where my arch is (neutral to high arch) the very back of my heel there is wear. Doesn't look deep but has worn smooth.
- Very little if anything under the big toe
- Definite wear under ball of foot.  Not deep but worn smooth. From inside to outside on both shoes.
- Have not noticed anything directly under the toes.
- Sitting level the shoes do not seem to lean one way or the other. (New Balance 893's I believe which when I looked them up were classified as neutral shoes).

I think the wear pattern may be skewed a bit. There has been a change in my running style there is no question as I basically went from not being a runner to putting on 15+ miles a week comfortably. I know I was heel striking to begin with. Then the more I looked at Chi and Newtons and watching my running, I know I've changed. Looking from above it looks like my kneed is over my arch at impact. I believe that at one point my knee was almost over my heel at strike.

The week after Welland I plan on going into a local running store and see what they propose to put me into based on wear, desire to go midfoot and desire for sockless 5k - 10k distances. These shoes have about 250 miles on them.

As for the tri in Carleton Place...Are you thinking of doing it? That's the day after you get back from Timberman scouting isn't it? My thoughts are I won't know until I see how I feel after Welland, I anticipate people will want a night out on the town on the Saturday night with me and the price looks a little steep once you add in all their add ons (~$100 for sprint or oly). Also the zebra mussels don't make it sound more appealing to me. However, one of my friends from Carleton will be doing the Try-A-Tri that day I believe....
2010-06-17 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Anyone racing this weekend?

2010-06-17 7:20 AM
in reply to: #2927283

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Bummer about the calf.  Good luck.  I have found that using The Stick and Foam Roller and ice have helped me.  Definitely check your gait, or get it checked - that was primarily what was causing my problems we think.

2010-06-17 7:22 AM
in reply to: #2926740

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SteveB is very "supportive" in supporting the decisions to buy tri toys. How do you think I really ended up with my Cervelo? Now I'm looking at race wheels and he is not helping me stay close to my money. Heck, I'm going to be in his neck of the woods soon and instead of suggesting lets do some training together he suggests I (maybe we) go race.

As for the wetsuit I tend to agree with SteveB and Mandy. Get the sleeveless and give it a try. My logic behind this is:
- you know you don't like sleeved so try a sleeveless and see if you like it better
- renting is not too expensive
- maybe you'll get one you really like or really don't like so if/when you decide to buy one later on you will have an idea of what you do or do no like
- in a 1500 m swim the buoyancy and sleekness in the water will only help you go faster with less effort
- if the first 12 miles are climbing on the bike exerting less energy on the swim will only help you out

I do understand the need to stay tighter to my money (hell I'm looking at buying a house/condo this year.... and Steve's helping me find many many tri toys to get), but I know I would be looking to use a wetsuit for an oly or any distance longer than that. Sprint, not so much. Also if you think you are going to be doing tri's for a few years getting a feel for what you like and what you don't know in a suit will help your decision later.

Hope this helped a bit and I'm not turing into a SteveB Junior.
2010-06-17 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2927284

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-06-17 8:14 AM Anyone racing this weekend?

Racing to the door Friday afternoon!!!
2010-06-17 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2927284

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Yes'm! Anne is! She is doing the Swim/Bike at Guelph Lake 1 Triathlon, Guelph, ON, on Sunday. I don't think I know her specific start time, but the distances are 1.5km swim and 42km bike. There are good maps at the website at

Just for the record, there are three different multisport series in Ontario -- Somersault Promotions, Multisport Canada, and Trisport Canada. Somersault is in my neck of the woods, eastern Ontario, and of the three it is the more low-budget one. It gets the best eastern Ontario racers, of course, but its drawbacks are the timing issue (which I think I mentioned to you) and the fact that many of the races feature multiple loops of everything. (To do the 1500m of an oly swim, that's usually three loops of the 500m course used for the sprint!)

Multisport Canada is mostly in central Ontario, and works really hard to put on good events. The RD, John Salt, probably dosn't sleep much, or at the very least schemes constantly while sleeping! He just always seems to be working at tweaking his races to make them better.

Also in central Ontario is the venerable one, Trisport. This sereis attracts the most serious heavy-hitters in the province, and overall attendance is higher at trisport than Multisport. I'm sure that the two co-exist well with each other, and as neither is suffering it shows that there is a very active base of athletes from which to draw. The two most prestigious triathlons in Ontario - Peterborough and Muskoka* - are run by Trisport.

*This Muskoka is different than the newish Muskoka 70.3, altthough both are run by the same people. But this Muskoka is one of those alluring "hybrid" distnces -- 2000m swim, 55km bike, 15km run.

And why am I telling you this? I have no idea!!!

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