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2009-07-22 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Anne, I will bring fruit. 

That is good news about the quarry.  My friend did this as her 2nd tri last year.  Her 1st tri was in a lake I consider icky so when she said that I was freaked.  Maybe she has the 2 tri's confused. 

I am so looking forward to this.  If you don't know, both Ginny and I are coming alone so we are going to share a room.  My husband, the most supportive husband ever, is driving down on Sunday morning to tend to all our bike/gear needs.  He is a great bike slave.  He tries to be at all my events. 

My officemate and her husband are staying at the Wydham.  This is her 3rd time doing this tri. 

This is going to be awesome.  Just promise me that you will all be at the finish line still when I finally cross.  I'll be slow but I am okay with that because that means more people will be cheering for me. 

2009-07-23 5:54 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
bread sounds great, Ginny!

I got your pm- I will work on several sets of directions today to get them out to you.

I seem to have very little time right now for the computer....I am still not sure if that is a good thing or not.

2009-07-24 6:34 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
excited for tomorrow!!!!

can not guarantee my children will be anything but awful; the eldest is in A MOOD after being at Grandma's and having no rules for a week, and the youngest may have been switched at birth with a crack baby, she is that wound up and insane.

I'm going to clean for you, somewhat. at least get the tumbleweeds of dog fur off the floor. OH, I have two dogs, one is a 100 pound rott/lab mix, that is Stormy. He thinks he is a lap dog. the other, chewie, is 70 pounds if irritating mutt. Please let me know if you do not like dogs, as I can put them away. Otherwise, prepare to be pestered.

PM'd directions and our home phone number to you both!
2009-07-25 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

So EXCITED!!!!!!! 

Ann, please do not go to any trouble.  I can't speak for Ginny but I have a dog and a cat, tumbleweeds are a way of life.  As far as kids, the terrible two's for my kids extended and are now the terrible twenties.  I'd like to think they grow out of their Sybil/Exorcist behavior but I'm still waiting for that moment.  I'll feel right at home with "children gone wild".  I don't know what its like to be in a sane environment (I live in a teenage-infested home). 

I am so EXCITED!!!! oops, said that already.  I am, not for the tri, but to meet you guys and just have a great weekend.  BTW, who ordered this rain?   Please make it go away.  I hope its not raining down south, where y'all are.   

One thing I have to request:  NO LAUGHING AT ME, only with me!!!  I have not trained in almost 2 months. I have had the very occasional bike ride and very occasional swim and absolutely no running.  Look at my logs, they are pitiful, truly pitiful.  I was going to play with all 3 disciplines this morning and woke up with the worst cramps of my life (literally, almost as bad as labor), and for no reason-not that time of the month.  So I am doing the tri totally cold and untrained.  NO LAUGHING!!!  I will crawl across that finish line dead last if I have to.   I expect you all to be waiting there, even if everyone else is gone.  I know I ask a lot, but that is what girlfriends are for, to be bras for each other and give support.  SO when you see my cellulite, and my large bozies, and my bat wing arms shoved into a tri suit, NO LAUGHING!!!  When you see it all jiggling like a bowl full of jelly, NO LAUGHING!   When you see me floating on my back to rest during the swim, NO LAUGHING!  When you see my long transitions, NO LAUGHING!! When you see me unable to clip out of my right pedal and fall off the bike, with it still attached to my foot, NO LAUGHING!!  When you see me walking at a snails pace, NO LAUGHING!!   When I finish DFL, after the 300lb 85 year old with the walker doing her first tri, NO LAUGHING!!!! 

Okay so that is a lot to expect.  Just keep the snorting when you are doubled over in laughter to a minimum, please.  Alright, a little snort-laughter is probably okay, just don't wet your pants.  Okay, if you wet your pants because you are laughing so hard at me, just bring a change of clothes.  Lets just all laugh together.   You know this is going to be a riot and more fun than I've ever had at a tri.   I am so EXCITED!!!!!

2009-07-26 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
TODAY was the big tri!

Congratulations to Jo- who did the race with no training after coming off of an injury.

Congratulations to Ginny- who put up a fantastic time- no SERIOUSLY, FANTASTIC- for her first tri, especially since it was on a borrowed mountainbike.

I was very impressed- I'm very much a turtle compared to you two. You both kicked butt on the bike! Wish I had seen both of you finish, but at least I got there for Jo's.

Congratulations, again. Maybe next year (or the year after) we can plan a race where I can come without the distractions of small children.

Take a couple days off to rest- then what? Jo, are you still thinking Half Mary in September?
2009-07-26 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I had a great time and I am so glad that I did it!  I definitely want to plan on doing the same one again next year, especially if you can do it also Anne!  I'll make it a goal to have a decent road bike by then.

Thank you both for your support and encouragement.  I have to admit that after my injury in the half I was very down and was ready to give up any kind of competing.  I was feeling very sorry for myself and didn't even feel I should be posting anymore.  Glad you guys kept after me, as you pulled me out of my slump. 

Thank you Anne and Mike and girls for a wonderful dinner and beautiful pictures that Abby made!  Thank you Jo for being a wonderful roommate and the use of your bike.  And for standing with me before the swim and reminding me to breath!  I was so nervous, but having you there made things much more relaxing! 

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-07-26 2:11 PM

2009-07-26 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
OH Ginny, it's funny you brought up the bikes. As I was waiting for you two to change clothes and go into breakfast, a guy approached me and wanted to talk bikes. His wife had done a few races and he was wanting to get her a decent bike this winter, and was wondering about used bikes. So I told him what I rode on last year, and that Mike got me a used road bike and what it cost versus new. Ginny, that might be the way to go- or, just get a not-super-pricey road bike to start on for a few years. Remember- it's the engine that counts. Your time today was so good- you are a NATURAL at this sport. And, I, am always going to be a natural turtle.

We're keeping the forum going, for sure. Jo, you let us know how that calf is after the race today. I hope you are stretching a lot. Mike wants to know what is up with your bike? And he said check your fork for damage from that reflector. That's my mike, he is fretting over your bike...

It was so nice to have you all here. And, I'm anticipating a much bigger party next year the night before the race. As I verbally recruit people, I'm going to start making a list of names of my pals to send info and training plans to in January. I will need lots of help as I have committed to a friend to Bike-To-The-Bay, which is a 150 mile 2 day ride. OUCH. I'm hoping to do a different level, if they offer 100, or something less.
2009-07-26 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

What a great weekend!!! 

I was able to make it to my neice's wedding shower before JoBro concert tonight.  Ginny, I don't know about you but my hunger kicked in.  I am having hummus and chips for dinner because of lack of time for anything else.  Yumm, salt.

We definitely need to make this an annual event.  I would even be motivated if I knew that I was coming down to do it with you two.  I had so much fun.  The clicking on my bike and my Clicker club that I ended up riding with was a riot.  The run was fun and I met that other injured girl who was an ER nurse from Ann Arbor, doing it with 6 other nurses.  The swim wasn't so bad and it was nice to wait with Ginny.  She kept my nerves at bay. 

Thanks to both of you!  You have renewed my motivation to continue but to do fun events, no competing. 

Thank Mike for putting up with a houseful of women.  I will have my hubby look at the fork.  Nice thing with the Trek is I have a 5 year warranty that will replace anything damaged or worn out.  They even told me just to break something when it starts looking old to get new before the warranty wears out.  I am blaming the reflector for causing a lot of drag and that is why my bike time was slower.  At least, that is my story and I'm sticking to it.

You guys are the BEST!!!!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you! 

2009-07-27 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
How are you two today? Sore? Jo, how is the calf?

Get those fluids in!

I bet you slept well last night. Congratulations again to you both!
2009-07-27 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I'm not too bad.  A little stiff and tired feeling.  I was really tired driving home yesterday and thought I'm going to take a nap when I get home.  But once I got home and called Jim and got all excited again there was no way I could sleep.  Adrenelin really kicked in and I mowed my grass and did some laundry.  Finally around 9, I decided if I was going to get up early and swim I had better get to bed.  Laid there and tried to relax...did finally fall asleep. 

This morning though at 5 am, my body was not ready to get up and that swim was forgotten.   I'm hoping to get into a Yoga class today at lunch to do some stretching and just give my body a break.

I'm with you on buying a used bike, Anne.  I think that's probably a good way for me to go.  The only problem is I don't even know what I'm looking for.  I'll spend some time this winter getting more familiar with bikes and terminology etc.  Will just keep riding on my mountain bike for now and then maybe next spring I'll know enough to know what I'm looking for.  I have 3 vacations to make sure I can pay for between now and March so I'd better not make any major purchases right now. 

I definitely want to do this again next year. I'm going to stick with the Masters class and maybe compete a little in the pool this winter. 

Jo, how was the concert?  I DVR'ed Army Wives last night and will be checking it out tonight, maybe with a glass  of wine
2009-07-27 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I am being lazy, so referring you both to my blog for responses to concert and after tri events. 

I am not sore at all but I did not push hard.  I am so geeked for next year already.  I want to start training today.  Okay, so maybe I do like doing tri's, just a little.    It was such a great day! 

Ginny, we'll talk bikes over the winter.  I have learned a ton.  I have learned a lot about the women's specific designs too which all the bike shop geeks tend to not know because that is not their sales targets.  Not to say that men, might be the the bigger fish to land, but yes, that is what I am saying. 

I was so happy that the calf was good.  Now I just have to see if I can rebuild that endurance. 

I am so happy you guys are my friends.  We are going to have so much fun there next year, as long as Ann doesn't get herself knocked up again. 

2009-07-27 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Oh, ha ha ha. September 18th is the day that will ensure that I will NOT be pregnant for next year's tri season.

Talking bikes is a good way to spend the winter. Between Jo, and Mike, we'll get you pointed in the right direction.

Everyone here was lazy except for me- I'm an organizing machine, thanks to the pregnancy. Abby started art camp at the museum today. Jo, she has said 3 times (3 TIMES) how cool my friend is who brought her the giant seek and find book. She and I love doing seek and finds- and have several computer games dedicated to that. THank you again- and thanks for the baby clothes. Ginny, that wine is calling me, and unfortunately I might have to give in and open it. Or- hold off until December when I can drink a lot more of it than a quarter of a glass.

A day off is good, girls, after a race. Take advantage of it!!!!
2009-07-27 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ann, I hope that Sophie can enjoy that seek and find book too.  My kids loved that when they were toddlers on up.  It is a great way to do quiet things, especially with her broken wing.  Please thank Abby again for the lovely pictures.  They were placed on the fridge today for all to enjoy.  It was very sweet of her to share her art. 

Okay, I miss you guys already.  Do you have facebooks, either of you?  If so add me in as a friend.  I need more than this.  I want you guys to live closer so we can train together.

So is Sept. 18 V-Day, is Mike getting clipped?  That is the best gift a guy can give his wife! 




2009-07-27 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Anne that wine tastes terrible, you don't want any of it. As a matter of fact just throw it out, oh wait let me come up and get it from you and take it off your hands    I hope it isn't too much of a temptation, I definitely wouldn't want it to be an issue.  We just enjoy making and bottling it ourselves and I love being able to customize it with labels. 

I do have facebook jo, I found you through your email and just did a friends request. I don't post a lot to mine, don't really want the whole world knowing what I'm doing, but do love to check in on all of my other friends and send PM's.

I agree, we need to be able to train together, too bad we're so far away.  I spent all day today reading BT and pretty much got no work done with that and telling everyone about my weekend.  I am so disappointed that you really can't see my body marking much anymore....I was wanting people to be asking me about it. 

Well off to check out Army Wives. 

Edited by scubagrrl 2009-07-27 5:32 PM
2009-07-29 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
tried to go to OWS last night, but we got thundered out. Here's hoping for tomorrow night. I did ride on the trainers tonight and boy is my belly getting big. Then did some modified core work, and am now focused less on just working out, and more on getting ready for the big day in 17 weeks. Geez. That is not so far away!

Facebook- okay, I do not have your email addresses, so I will PM you my email address so you can find me on FB. I'm on there a couple of times a day.

Sophie got banned from the seek and find book by her big sister due to massive amounts of scribbling and ticking off the 7 year old.

My neighbor is an awesome baker, OMG, she made these soft old fashioned sugar cookies with homemade vanilla die for. We had to go ask for seconds!

jo, like your new picture!!!
2009-07-31 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ann, I am still waiting for you email address. 

2009-08-03 6:31 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

YEAH!!!!!!!  We are all friends now on facebook. 

2009-08-03 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I don't post a whole lot of tri-related stuff over on FB; mainly because most of my friends are non-exercisers.

Soph gets her cast off tomorrow; Abs started her second session of swim lessons this morning. There were only 3 in her class, the instructor is AWESOME and he took them into the lap lanes for the whole lesson. She is really showing backstroke promise, which cracks me up because I can swim fly further than I can backstroke, I am like a stuck turtle when I try it. Anyway, I swam laps for about 25 minutes and then sat out and watched her. We stuck Sophie in the Y childcare while Abs swam because Soph freaks out and wants to go in the pool if she even sees it; she can not get back into the pool until a week from today. Pins and cast out tomorrow, hoping x-rays show everything is sufficiently healed that we are done and then we just wait 5 days for the pinholes to heal enough that she can get wet without risking infection.

I have to go referee the children....hope everyone is doing well and training well!

OH, mike's cervelo p2 is here. He rode for 2.5 hours yesterday, loves the bike, so much faster. He has Sylvania this weekend. Saturday he is volunteering for the kids tri, taking Abs up to watch it. She wants to do the race next year and I think she will be ready (earliest you can start this race is 7). Jo, are you coming to watch any of your greyhounds? know you said Trish was racing. Mike is doing the OLY, I will miss the race- have to head to Cinci for my nephew's birthday.
2009-08-05 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I am so happy for Mike.  You should post a pic, I love bike porn. 

I'm sure mom and Sophie are happy the cast is gone. YEAH!!

No, I don't plan on coming on Sunday, not at this point.  Good luck to Mike!  Have fun at your birthday party!

Where's Ginny?  I know she was at a reunion but I think she must be back. Oh GINNY, WHERE ARE YOU???? 

2009-08-06 5:55 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I'm sure Ginny will be back soon.

Missing running, went for a very long 2 mile walk last night and part of it was my old running route. Sad. On the schedule today- bike on the trainers in the basement. We have the day off and plan on doing nothing! Abs has had swim lessons all week, and Sophie is struggling with her arm.

Good job on your HM training, jo. Checked out your logs today. Keep it up, and watch out for bats!
2009-08-06 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2331062

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Enjoy the day off.  Have fun on the trainer.  Is that possible?  Fun and trainer in the same sentence seems a little silly.  Anyway enjoy whatever DVD you end up watching. 

Thanks for the inspire.  I am trying to ease back.  I am still a little freaked that I have an HM in 6 1/2 weeks.  I will run/walk it if I have to.  A friend of mine is doing it too so we are trying to push each other.  Unfortunately or fortunately, I feel like I can't back out because she is counting on me to be there.  Its probably a good thing.  I'd become a slug if I didn't get motivation from somewhere and we all have different things that motivate us. 

My team bike shop is looking for a line of bikes to sell so I was telling them about Mike's experience with the guys down the road from them.   I'm sure glad he finally got his bike.  Who knows, maybe I'll have to drive down on Sunday and check it out. 

2009-08-06 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
I'm back from the family reunion.  Got in last night.  I did get to do quite a bit of hiking, but not much swimming.  The pool was olympic size, but no lap lane, and by the time we got done with our early morning hikes and then lunch, there were kids in it every where.  I did a couple of laps, but nothing I would consider actually working out.  Oh well I'm home now and it's time to get back to the routine. 

Jo, that Woodstock 3 day run sounds like a lot of fun.  And you've got the half coming up soon in Dayton, you're going to rock!  Glad you're back training and having fun. 

Anne thanks for the inspire, I really look forward to them and there have been a few times that I was down and your (and Jo's) inspires really lifted me.  It's nice to feel like someone out there knows when you're slacking and gives you an emotional boost.

I am comtemplating "MAYBE" doing another tri before the end of the season.  There are 2 in September that are fairly close to me that both have mountain bike divisions, and fit into my schedule as far as all of the other things we have planned.    Just knowing that I might do another one gives me the motivation to keep swimming on a regular basis and keep up my running. 

Well back to trying to catch up on email etc.  Talk w/you all soon. 
2009-08-07 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

Ginny, nice to see you back.  We missed you! 

Sounds like we've got you hooked on tri's.  Anne, our plan worked, muuhaha!

I, too, love the inspires we send each other.  It really does help motivate me through the day.  Thanks to both of you.  You two are the greatest.  I love my mentor group.

Wish Mike well for Sunday.  I know he is going to kick butt on his new P2.  I'm so excited for him (fellow bike geek here). 

Sounds like some double chocolate cookies were exactly what Sophie needed to feel better. Ah, the magic of chocolate, she has learned young.  I hope you have a wonderful time at you nephew's B-Day party.  Enjoy the change of pace and family. 

Have a rockin' weekend!! 

2009-08-07 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED
Everyone have a good weekend!!

I'm finally feeling "back" to normal, meeting my exercise goals, and boy am I ready for school to start for the oldest kid. August 26 can not come soon enough.

Mike works this morning, then has this afternoon off for a nice long ride, so Jo I will get pics then. I'm sad I will miss his first race with the P2! I hope your friend Trish enjoys the race.

I'm trying to put together a relay team for sprint distance, Maumee Bay, next year. I'm volunteering to do any of the legs, probably will end up swimming by default. I think I have my neighbor roped into doing the run. That will probably be me first race, then I'll do the all women's tri and something else. This is all assuming things go well with the new baby.

Have to go heard the children to the market. Glad you are back Ginny!
2009-08-08 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1861022

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group- CLOSED

I had someone contact me about selling my tri bike.  It is hard to part with it, with the thoughts that someday I may want an aero bike, and its awfully nice.  I am sucking it up and priced it at $1000 (I paid $1700 in October 2008).  Its hard to part with one of the stable.  Mike would understand.  Please pass this on to him. 

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