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2010-07-29 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3011127

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
DaisyzMom - 2010-07-28 8:12 PM Ok, group!  I have a question.  How the heck long is it going to take to get up to speed on this cycling stuff. 

I went on a group ride tonight, and they just destroy me on the hills.  Granted, these people have been riding way longer than me, and most of them are in fantastic shape...but seriously, it's destroying my ego a bunch!!!  Just when I think I'm getting a little better (13 minutes faster tonight than on Saturday), I get passed by EVERYONE! On every hill!!!

Carly, don't get discouraged, your time is considerably faster which is a good thing, but you know your climbing is not where you want it to be, so focus on your weakness, set a realistic short term and long term goal, then turn it into a strength. It could be a lot of factors outside of your fitness or desire. for instance the type of bike you ride and or bike components, your pedaling cadence. I as well do a few group rides a week, one with my multi sport team, and a couple others with my bike racing team. I have been riding for over 4 years, and avg 19mph, but get dropped on the hills of every one of these rides. Some of the things I do that keep me from getting discouraged when riding are below, but I hate hills, so I intentionally take one day of the week to ride them (hills = 300ft + vertical climbing) and yes we have them in Kansas and Missouri Laughing. They hurt, my legs burn, my lungs scream, and I go through about 3000 to 4000 calories on one of these training rides, but I am getting better, I am getting faster and I am not as fearful of them when I get to a hilly section. It will take time, but it will also take a lot of work and desire to not let the hill win! 
1. Don't look at the top of the hill, look at the bottom, and keep your breathing constant (in through the nose and out
through the mouth).
2. Pedal in circles, down with one leg while pulling up with the other. if you have a trainer put your bike on it and practice riding with only one leg, it really works
3. Maintain a cadence on the bike, it will have a tendency to get too low. I maintain 85rpm, so shift to the gear that allows you to maintain this. by doing this you will be able to maintain your breathing, and limit the pain. If you don't have a cadence sensor with your bike computer, get one, it is an invaluable training tool.
4. When you are about 85% to 90% up the hill shift down to a harder gear and drive it to the top, this will build speed so you can fly down the other side and prepare for the next hill. When you crest the hill, shift to your big ring on the front and smallest on the rear, don't quit pedaling and don't lose track of your cadence and breathing. your legs will recover, but most importantly you will only have to pedal half the next hill due to being able to ride half way up the next one.
5. Pick one person on your ride and pace off them, don't try to beat them up the hills, but simply try to stay with them, don't let them get beyond a certain distance ahead of you. Don't pick the slowest person, pick someone who will push you or force you to push yourself and once you can stay with them, pick someone else. 
6. Try to stay seated in the saddle, standing will only hurt more, and wastes a lot of energy. if you  need to stand occasionally to stretch your legs or to increase your speed and cadence, but one thing I do it so ensure I am allowing my legs to extend and contract fully (dance on the pedals). This allows you to flush the lactic acid and get plenty of oxygen in them. 

I said it before, but understand it is going to hurt and your legs and lungs will burn! However, if you keep at it, it will feel great when you get to help someone out that is struggling on the hills in a few weeks or months. One last thing, I do a couple things personally. Firstly, I think of my buddies little girl, who is beating cancer. I think if she can endure the pain, and get past her obstacles, I surely can get over this little hill, and surely my 1 or 2 minutes of pain cannot compare to what she has had to go through. Obviously, we all have something personal that drives us, but I look at my "Livestrong" band and remember her and all the others I have lost! The second is I listen to music prior to the ride (Eminem - "Till I Collapse") and as I feel myself wanting to quit I hear the music in my head pushing me on. The above two really work together, but it keeps me focused on the task and pushes me ahead regardless of the physical or mental situation. 

On another note, check this link out,

2010-07-30 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Ok, I promise I won't be discouraged!  Frustrated, maybe, But it'll just push me to work harder!  Thanks for all the advice.  I will read that a few more times and take it all in.

Sidenote: I love Eminem!  Although, and I'm scared to admit this, but Britney Spears' Toxic is my 'girl' power song! 
2010-07-31 10:00 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
RAGRBAI 2010 is in the books and what a blast.  We put in over 500 miles even though the route said 442.  We were over 550.  Dipped tires in both rivers and only minimal problems.  If you ever get the chance, do it!!!!

Edited by flip18436572 2010-08-02 6:56 AM
2010-08-02 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Ok, got a little bit of encouragement tonight!  Thanks for the advice on the hills, it's getting a little better!  I made it up a hill aptly named 'SOB' and I wasn't the last one up!!!  Of course, my cycling buddies were behind me yelling up encouragement, but there were other people behind them too!

Also, someone fell over at the top of the hill, and it wasn't me!!!! 

2010-08-03 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3016219

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

flip18436572 - 2010-07-31 8:00 PM RAGRBAI 2010 is in the books and what a blast.  We put in over 500 miles even though the route said 442.  We were over 550.  Dipped tires in both rivers and only minimal problems.  If you ever get the chance, do it!!!!

Awesome job!  Congratulations on completing a really big event!!

2010-08-03 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3019838

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

DaisyzMom - 2010-08-02 6:58 PM Ok, got a little bit of encouragement tonight!  Thanks for the advice on the hills, it's getting a little better!  I made it up a hill aptly named 'SOB' and I wasn't the last one up!!!  Of course, my cycling buddies were behind me yelling up encouragement, but there were other people behind them too!

Also, someone fell over at the top of the hill, and it wasn't me!!!! 

Way to go, Carly!! Keep working!!!

2010-08-03 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Anyone in the northeast Iowa area and want a hill workout, go to Graf, IA and just east on the county road is a hill called Potter's hill.  Over 75% of the RAGBRAI riders walked the hill.  There were four of us in our small family group that day and we all made it up riding.  My heart rate was over 160, and my quads were burning, but it was a great workout.  Everyone that kept going were getting help by those that were walking as they yelled and cheered us on, knowing how bad we were hurting.  My slowest MPH was 4.2 going up that hill.  They said the 19% grade at the steepest part, but it was tough all the way for the entire mile up the hill.
2010-08-03 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3019838

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Outstanding job Carly! way to teach that hill a lesson! I would like to think that i played a little part in your success, but honestly it was 100% you overcoming your weakness and being strong enough to not quit and give up! Sounds like you ride with a great group, and have some tremendous friends. Let us know how the next ride goes, and we are all proud of you, excellent job!!! 
2010-08-03 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3020446

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Sounds like a good time Laughing, I didn't get to do RAGBRAI this year due to my grandmothers health. Sounds like I missed a really good challenge and plan on being there next year. 
2010-08-05 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
So for the last two month even tuesday morning I been doing track workout and I been getting better (stronger & more endurance).  The last four session after the workout my left foot at the arches hurts to the point I cant put any pressure.  It last for  a day or two, but I notice that if I wear my running shoe (I'm at work) my foot doesn't hurt that much,  but it still hurt.  So I'm thinking that I should get support on my work shoe as my work shoe are flat.    Sorry I haven't done any long runs (I run about 5-7 mile @ track workout) as I been waking up late and it too hot to run in my area.  So I can't tell if my foot would hurt on long runs or not.  Is this normal for track/hard running? 

Also I ask a fellow tri member about my foot and she mention that I should get new shoe as my shoe have at least 400 mile! 

So is it a foot problem (a flat foot), old shoe, or lack of condition on my feet to handle that much pounding that causes this pain.
2010-08-05 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3025581

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

utahrunner - 2010-08-05 11:11 AM So for the last two month even tuesday morning I been doing track workout and I been getting better (stronger & more endurance).  The last four session after the workout my left foot at the arches hurts to the point I cant put any pressure.  It last for  a day or two, but I notice that if I wear my running shoe (I'm at work) my foot doesn't hurt that much,  but it still hurt.  So I'm thinking that I should get support on my work shoe as my work shoe are flat.    Sorry I haven't done any long runs (I run about 5-7 mile @ track workout) as I been waking up late and it too hot to run in my area.  So I can't tell if my foot would hurt on long runs or not.  Is this normal for track/hard running? 

Also I ask a fellow tri member about my foot and she mention that I should get new shoe as my shoe have at least 400 mile! 

So is it a foot problem (a flat foot), old shoe, or lack of condition on my feet to handle that much pounding that causes this pain.

400 miles might be beyond the limit for your shoes.  I usually only get about 250-300 on mine before I get aches and pains that indicate I need to switch them out.  The issue might also be the speed work you are doing (5-7 miles is a lot for a track workout).  Unfortunately for me, when I try to do speedwork, I tend to get hurt.  Hopefully, you're not in the same boat.  Either way, I would recommend that you get fitted for the proper shoes at a running store (if you haven't already).  They can watch your gait and mechanics and get you in the right type of shoes for your needs.  That alone may alleviate the pains.  However, if they persist, see a doctor.  You may be over doing it, or you may need to get a custom orthotic made for the foot that is giving you issues.  Hopefully, you can run pain-free soon!

2010-08-06 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3025907

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

I am going to get new shoe today.  Hope this will help with my foot issue. Thanks.

2010-08-06 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3027213

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Do you go to a running shoe store?  Or do you just buy shoes?  I used to just buy shoes, and some would work good and others not so good.  I went to a running shoe store and they looked at the way I walked and then jogged and gave me four different shoes to try for my style of running.  It made all the difference in the world for my feet.  That and after 250 miles, they are no longer a running shoe.
2010-08-06 9:53 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Ok, so I just read the post that the mentor program is over. 

I really like this group, and just wanted to say GREAT BIG HUGE THANKS to Brian for all the advice, inspires and encouragement to help me go from sitting in my living room thinking what I can do beyond enjoying spinning class to actually having completed sprint triathlons this year!

Thanks to the other active members in the group, Adam, Dave, Jflip and Sterling for sharing in the experiences, chiming in and being a great group of motivators too!!!

And while I'm posting, I was originally coming on to ask a question...

As you all can tell, I get these crazy ideas in my head and go for it.  I have lots of stuff in the basement from ideas I've had in the past.  Compound bow for competitive archery, golf clubs, elliptical machine.....the list goes on....

BUT, one of the girls I road ride with suggested I should get a cross bike.  The season is coming up and my cycling 'coach' says I can be ready to go this season.  What do y'all think.  He has a bike he'll sell me with one season on it for half price, and he'll get is all converted over for me. (Change tires, seat, seat post, and make the bars more female frame friendly...) Crazy idea, or just one more step into the crazy world of competitive cycling? 

2010-08-07 7:33 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
If you have the chance, I say go for it.  I would like to try it, but buying another bike is out for me.  That and there are not too many cyclocross events close enough to me.
2010-08-07 9:46 AM
in reply to: #3028960

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Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
flip18436572 - 2010-08-07 8:33 AM If you have the chance, I say go for it.  I would like to try it, but buying another bike is out for me.  That and there are not too many cyclocross events close enough to me.

Not that I have a ton of extra cash laying around, but I can make it work.  It's a great deal on the bike and I'm pretty sure they race at least twice a month, and pretty close to home too!

2010-08-07 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3029034

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Go for it!!  Sounds like it should happen for you.
2010-08-07 7:27 PM
in reply to: #3028800

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
DaisyzMom - 2010-08-06 9:53 PM Ok, so I just read the post that the mentor program is over. 

I really like this group, and just wanted to say GREAT BIG HUGE THANKS to Brian for all the advice, inspires and encouragement to help me go from sitting in my living room thinking what I can do beyond enjoying spinning class to actually having completed sprint triathlons this year!

Thanks to the other active members in the group, Adam, Dave, Jflip and Sterling for sharing in the experiences, chiming in and being a great group of motivators too!!!

And while I'm posting, I was originally coming on to ask a question...

As you all can tell, I get these crazy ideas in my head and go for it.  I have lots of stuff in the basement from ideas I've had in the past.  Compound bow for competitive archery, golf clubs, elliptical machine.....the list goes on....

BUT, one of the girls I road ride with suggested I should get a cross bike.  The season is coming up and my cycling 'coach' says I can be ready to go this season.  What do y'all think.  He has a bike he'll sell me with one season on it for half price, and he'll get is all converted over for me. (Change tires, seat, seat post, and make the bars more female frame friendly...) Crazy idea, or just one more step into the crazy world of competitive cycling? 

Do it!!!! No such thing as a crazy idea when it comes to bikes, at least for me ( i own 5 plus a frameset!) I do cyclocross as well, its a great way to stay in shape and stay competitive! Its way different than triathlons or road racing, a lot of sprint style riding, dismounting etc. just say yes and remember, you only live once!

As for the mentor program being over, guess it had to happen, but i as well appreciate the advice, inspires and great input from you all. Also, my BT membership expires in a few days, and I am not able to renew it right now so wanted to say if anyone needs anything, or just wants to keep in touch you can reach me at [email protected]
2010-08-09 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to everyone in the group.  I have really enjoyed the experience of being a mentor.  Of course, even though the program has 'officially' ended, our relationship doesn't need to end here.  I will keep an eye on our thread as it remains on this page as well as in the archive forum, and will respond to questions and comments that you have going forward.  Of course, I will keep all of you in my friends list and will keep checking in on your training and races.  Feel free to send me a PM as well if you have a question or would like my input on something.  Once again, I have had a tremendous experience with being a part of the program, and your interest and input have made it what I hope was a great experience for the other members.  Thanks again!!! 

2010-08-10 5:40 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!
Ok, so somewhere I missed the post that this was closing.

Should I continue to put things in my training logs, or should I just start tracking those elsewhere?

I still have events coming up, and would like to keep this going.  It was nice reading about others and their accomplishments.
2010-08-10 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3033698

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

flip18436572 - 2010-08-10 3:40 AM Ok, so somewhere I missed the post that this was closing.

Should I continue to put things in my training logs, or should I just start tracking those elsewhere?

I still have events coming up, and would like to keep this going.  It was nice reading about others and their accomplishments.

Of course you should continue to use your training logs.    We'll all still be able to check on each other, and as I mentioned before, your training log provides a great record of your training history and progress!! 

2010-08-10 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

Another note for Dave...  even though your membership is expiring, you'll still be able to use the site, post to threads, log your training, and send and receive inspires as well as PMs.  Your membership gives you access to additional training plans and other features, bit the majority of the site is open to everyone.  (in other words, if you are still on BT, we'll be able to find you....  bwah, hah, hah, hah.     )

2010-08-10 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2780242

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

Hi everyone,

First I’d like to say thanks to Brian he’s been a big help to me in keeping me motivated and mentally on track. Those inspires really do go a long way. In general it was great to have a close core group to talk with. Even though we lost a few people in the beginning I think it worked out great.

I still have a few scheduled races my last one is Oct 2 so I’m going to be around for a while. I think everyone should still hang in there and keep their logs up to date here. I think it is one of the most impressive features of this site and IT’S FREE!

I’ll be checking in on this thread on a daily basis for a while.

2010-08-11 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2780242

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

Hey Brian,
I have a question for you if you're still willing.

You've been commuting to work since mid-April. Seeing as how you are down with your experiment now how about a quick rundown on commuting on a bike. A few question I have:

Do you have a shower available at work?

Do you carry some sort of backpack with stuff? (Clothes, lunch etc.)

Did you worry much about the weather? I know the heat got to you one day but what about rain?

Edited by acv 2010-08-11 1:26 PM
2010-08-11 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3037480

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: RE: BHannahs's Group - FULL!

acv - 2010-08-11 11:25 AM

Hey Brian,
I have a question for you if you're still willing.

You've been commuting to work since mid-April. Seeing as how you are down with your experiment now how about a quick rundown on commuting on a bike. A few question I have:

Do you have a shower available at work?

Do you carry some sort of backpack with stuff? (Clothes, lunch etc.)

Did you worry much about the weather? I know the heat got to you one day but what about rain?

Adam - By the way, I like the new avatar!!

Here are a few of my commuting observations and approaches...

I don't have a shower at work.  I brought in a washcloth, towel, and toiletries.  When I arrived at the office, I would use a sink to wash off, dry out, and freshen up before getting dressed in work clothes.

I used a backpack, but only to carry my laptop and lunch.  For my work clothes, towel/washcloth/toiletries, and riding clothes for the way home, I brought in a gym bag the day before I planned to commute and kept it in a filing cabinet.  The gym bag would stay at the office on the ride day and I took it home the next day when I had the car.  The intent was to avoid riding with anything that wasn't absolutely necessary.  It turned each commute into a three day process (bring stuff in on day 1, ride on day 2, and take stuff home on day 3).   It may not have been the best or most efficient system, but it worked pretty well for me.

Even though we don't get much rain, I did worry about the weather.  The wind and heat can be nasty on some days, and I tried to avoid riding on those days.  At the beginning of the week, usually on Sunday, I would check the weather at both the office and home for both high expected temperatures, possibility of rain, and possibility of high winds.  I would also look at my calendar to see if I had meetings scheduled toward the end of the day.  (the later I had to wait to head home, the more traffic I would run into and the more aggressive the drivers got).  Taking the weatehr and meeting schedules into consideration, I would select the best day of the week to do it, and planned for it.  I was fortunate enough that I didn't run into a situation where I had to cancel a ride home after getting to the office, and VERY fortunate I never had a flat or mechanical during a ride.  I did flat once,  but the tire flatted in the work parking lot and I was able to go out and change the tube during the day.

I know it sounds like a lot of trouble, but I am a planner by nature, and enjoyed it.  It gave me something to look forward to each week.   

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