BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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2011-04-19 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3454766

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again
I second that, run should have been spelled with 4 letters. I enjoy a relaxing swim and biking on trails. Actually an easy run through woods isn't bad.

2011-04-19 5:12 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again


Awesome RR. Made me laugh quite a bit. Great job on rolling with the punches (rude awakening, cancelled swim, high wind). Goes to show how attitude and positive outlook can affect a situation. Congratulations.

2011-04-19 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Hey Gary, great to meet you at NOLA.  If you still have room for one more, I'd love to join.




2011-04-19 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3455776

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again
ransick - 2011-04-19 9:28 PM

Hey Gary, great to meet you at NOLA.  If you still have room for one more, I'd love to join.




Mike - it was great meeting you at NOLA.  Hope your race went well.  Would love to have you join the group.  Just post an intro (look to the first page or two of the thread to see the format).

To answer my own question my favorite workouts are intervals on the bike and in the pool.  I would love to be a fast swimmer some day.

2011-04-19 9:50 PM
in reply to: #3455793

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Thanks Gary, I'm in!  Will do an intro this week.  Drove 10 hours home today and have to work tomorrow.

2011-04-20 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3455811

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Ok, here is my background info. 

NAME: Ransick - Mike

I've always been a casual jogger and mountain biker, but never consistent.  I was slowly putting on a couple pounds a year and got to the point I needed to lose some weight.  Without a goal, I just don't train consistently.  Two years ago a friend talked me in to running the St. Louis half marathon in April 2009.  I had never run more than about 5 miles, so this was a good, but achievable, goal.  Once I accomplished that, I decided I wanted to do a Sprint triathlon.  The only problem was I was not a swimmer (like a lot of beginners).  I went to the pool 3x a week and almost gave up because it was so humbling and humiliating.  I decided to stick it through and figured I could do a late season tri.  I was wrong!  Some people have swimming breakthroughs in a matter of weeks or a couple months.  It took me six months but I did it!  So in 2010 I did my first tri and it was amazing.  The best way I can describe it is that it made me feel alive.

45 years old, married for 23 years.  My wife and I have a 19 year old daughter, a 14 year old son, and a few dogs and cats.

Just finished my first HIM (NOLA 69.1) and followed a Gale Bernhardt plan.  I have my first Oly in May and I'm working on figuring out my 4 week plan to get there.

2010 RACES: I did 2 half marathons and 5 sprint triathlons.  I planned to do an Olympic triathlon, but was sidelined due to a shoulder injury. 

2011 RACES:  NOLA, a couple Oly's then a late season HIM

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm 5' 7" / 160 lbs (down from my all time high of 185).  I would like to lose a little more.  I don't really care what the weight number is, but I don't like ordering a size up in tri gear gear

2011-04-20 10:14 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Hello Gary and to the group, my name is Rob and the story goes something like this.

Story: I started running in LA (why I have no idea) and got into several 5k's and liked the atmosphere. Did the Boulder Bolder in 09, and got hooked.

Status: Now that I'm single and back down in Monroe, LA I'm training for something new.

Training: Right now I'm just doing a hodge-podge of things. Swimming 3-4 times a week, running 3 days a week, biking 4 days and strength training just once a week. I am training for my first TRI in May in MS just southeast of Tupelo called "King Of The Hill".

2011 Races: Did 2, 1/2 marathons last year, the first was the Jazz marathon in N.O. This year I plan on running the Boulder Bolder 10K again, the Disney Wine and Dine 1/2 marathon and the Savannah Rock-n-Roll 1/2 marathon.

Weightloss: Well thats a bit of a tricky one cause I don't know what I started at. haha but I'm down to 171(ish).....

One question I do have is; I feel wore out at the end of the week from training (mostly) for the TRI and I was wondering if I am over doing it considering I've never done one before. The swim is generally about 2200 yards (just over a mile), the run average 3-5 miles and the rides are 3 miles through the week with a 20 mile on Friday. I take off Thursdays and Sundays.

Edited by Dub_Z 2011-04-20 10:24 PM
2011-04-20 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Mike - thanks for the post.  Read your RR, great stuff and welcome to the group.

Dub_z - Welcome!  Another Lousiana person!  I am just south of Baton Rouge and Shelly is in Hammond.  On your training are you using a plan that you created or someone elses?  Also, do you ever have cut back weeks?  After your day off do you feel recharged are still tired.  It could be over training, nutrition, or simply you are building endurance.  I am a bit of a conservative on this as overtraining and constantly feeling worn out could lead to injury.  If you can answer my questions (and the group may have some) we can work on this.

Mike and Dub_z (along with David) we have an IM challenge with two teams for April.  Care to join?  The first two weeks of May will be team challenges with a twist.

2011-04-20 11:23 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Just want to say hi to the new members of the group. Sorry I haven't been on much this week. We have family in from Buffalo and with that, work and training- I barely get to the computer. 

Gary and MIke- I loved your race reports. Thanks for sharing.

Hope to get a little more free time after this weekend. Happy Easter everyone.


Athleta Iron Girl New Orleans- May 22- sprint

2011-04-21 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again
Finally contributed 4 miles to my team last night! Do I need to post it here or putting it in my training log good enough? Two grand children here from Miami the past two weeks, so my time has been very limimted. Hope to put 5 miles on the mountain bike tonight, extra count for pulling the grand children behind me? I can't believe how joining this group and reading the posts have helped my motivation! I was just about to give up the dream of a Tri this year. Now I am thinking 3 sprint distance.
2011-04-21 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

If you have room for any more I'd love to join.  I was in a mentor group this winter, we decided not to do it again and I thought that I was fine with that, but now realize that I'm driving my family crazy with all of my never-ending talk about my training/races/injuries/everything.

Let me know if you still have room and I'll post more tonight after work.



2011-04-21 4:36 PM
in reply to: #3459590

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again
elizabethk - 2011-04-21 4:27 PM

If you have room for any more I'd love to join.  I was in a mentor group this winter, we decided not to do it again and I thought that I was fine with that, but now realize that I'm driving my family crazy with all of my never-ending talk about my training/races/injuries/everything.

Let me know if you still have room and I'll post more tonight after work.



Definitely room available!  Looking forward to the post!

2011-04-21 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Name:  Elizabeth

Story:  did my first tri about ten years ago in grad school in Boulder, graduated, moved to Jackson Hole Wyoming and spent the next 8 years skiing and playing in the mountains.  Had twins, moved to Boise, and completed 2 oly tris last year.  I swam through HS and college (Div 3) so thats definitely my strength.  I also have a great group of running friends so I enjoy running too.  Biking is definitely my weakest - I love the ease of just putting on shoes and going for a run.  I hate all of the prep involved with biking (yes, I'm a bit lazy in that regard) but enjoy it once I actually get my butt in the saddle.   

Family status:  Married for 7 years with almost 3 year old twin boys.

Current training:  As much as possible - I'm tentatively signed up for a HIM in June.  I work full time but go to the Y every day at lunch to run and swim and I try and ride the trainer at home several mornings per week.  My biggest limiter is (like everyone) time.  I've been focusing on running this winter and just finished a great HM.  And on the weekends I get to bike or run one afternoon at naptime and my husband gets the other day. 

Races:  Just completed Race to Robie Creek - a HM, 9 miles straight up a mountain pass and 4 straight down - I'm very proud of myself for completing this.  If I can stay injury-free then I'm also doing Boise 70.3 (my first HIM), a couple of local olys this summer, and then a destination marathon in the fall with my girlfriends, location TBD (also a first).

Weight loss:  Very fortunately and due to good genetics, not an issue for me.

Goals:  Complete the Boise 70.3.  Get in at least 5 3plus hour rides between now and Boise and at least 2 early morning trainer rides per wk.  I know that my training is not where I want it to be for a HIM, but I have to set my ego aside and know that I wont be as fast as I'd like but that I'll be able to complete the distance.

I look forward to getting to know everyone.


2011-04-22 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3257002


Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

I would like to join your mentor group. I'm 41 and have been trying to get back into shape. I currently participate in a boot camp type of expercise program 2x week and strength training. I felt like I needed a goal to aspire to so I entered a sprint triathlon for this summer.  My wife intends to train with me and a coworker has also entered.  I'm hoping to get hooked as many people do in the sport but mostly I just want to feel better physically and mentally.


2011-04-22 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Elizabeth and Ted - Welcome!!!

The only requirement I have is to try to contribute to this thread as much as you can.  We learn from each other and that only works if everyone is active.

Today was my last day at my current job.  I am taking next week off and then I start my new job.  Sad and excited at the same time.  Tomorrow I am restarting my workouts after taking this week off to recover from NOLA.  Does look like Austin 70.3 will be my next target.

My plan is to do work on my cycling in May and then start another 1/2 HIM plan in June.

2011-04-22 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Gary -  Enjoy your week off!  I hope that you're going on vacation someplace fun or at least able to get in some good long rides. 

Fingers crossed that the weather here stays nice for a long ride for me this weekend - my riding window is very limited and the weather here has been HORRIBLE this spring. 

2011-04-22 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3457892

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Thanks for getting back to me on this Gary.

   I am doing a plan that I have created, haven't read anything to creat it. Just want to work on what could be the weak part of the TRI and thats the swim. I can ride and run for the most part but I dont want to struggle to much on the swim. On Thursdays I feel pretty good about taking hte day off and Fridays are my hard training days. I generaly do 1 mile swim, 5-6 miles on the track and 20 on the bike all back to back.

The nutritional part is or was going well. I just got braces a month ago and that has cut back on some of my regular foods. ie apples, carrots, steak. But the good thing is I still drink plenty of foods or nutrition. I cant say that without laughing, drinking my food. I took a body fat test a few days ago and the result was 11% so it could be that I'm just wearing myself down. And like you said that could lead to injury which is ever good.

Sure, joining th IM challenge sounds fun and interesting. Let me know what I can do!

2011-04-23 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

How is everyone doing?  I took the week off after NOLA and have my first Olympic distance tri in 4 weeks so I plan to get back at it today.  We've been having a lot of storms so I'll see if I can sneak a ride and run in between them.  If not, it's trainer and treadmill.

Gary, I never answered you about the challenge.  Sure I'm game.  Just let me know what to do.


2011-04-23 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again
I have been AWOL from this group for about a week and half....Work got in the way. I should be good again for a couple of weeks. It looks like I am going to have to change my races this year. I was going to do the KS70.3, but I won't be ready on the bike. Run and Swim are ahead of the game, but the bike totals for March and April is only 47 miles. That ain't going to cut it.
2011-04-23 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3257002

New user

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

I just stumbled upon this program and would love the support. Gary- Please take me!

NAME: Denise

STORY: I am approaching 38 yrs old and was a smoker for over 20 years (16yrs old! ick.).

In 2008,  while still smoking, I trained and rode in the Pan Massachusetts Challenge, a 1 or 2 day (depending on which you choose) bicycle event to raise money for cancer.  How ironic.   I rode the 1 day, century ride.   It was an unbelievelable experience, but also made me realize I needed to stop and seriously think about my own health.   My family has a long history of cancer. I rode that ride for my mom who had died of breast cancer only a few years before.  What was I doing to myself?  I was able to kick the habit for good on October 19, 2009.

So, I quit smoking and started running and practicing yoga in addition to cycling to keep my mind occupied. I feel fantastic, but am looking for that extra push. I am in a huge competition with myself. I feel I have the run and bike part down enough (FOR NOW- I'm always up for getting faster and stronger!)'s the swim.....ugh.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, no children. Unless you count 3 chihuahuas.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I run ~3 miles every other day. Have done a few 10k's the past month.
I have yet to get on the bike aside from on the trainers (boston's weather has been a bit on the brisk side). Hopefully I can open the pool beginning of May and jack up the heater. My first Tri of the season is June 4. I need to get in!
I also do yoga a couple days a week for cross training.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This year so far I've done 2 10ks and a 5miler. I have another 5miler coming up in a couple of weeks (may 7). I am doing the Falmouth Road Race in August (7miles), and have signed up for a half marathon in Newport RI in October.

The only TRI I have on the books thus far is June 4, but there are others that are sparking my interest!

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really a goal, I try to eat well, but I also don't really concern myself a great deal with what I eat. Luckily, I have a pretty good metabolism.

I think that's the goods for now. Hope to be able to join the group and share support, tips and experiences!



2011-04-23 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Quick swing by.

Randy - probably a good decision, I am really finding that the key to a good 70.3 is being strong on the bike which makes the run a lot easier. 

Denise - Welcome!  Definitely welcome to join.

Back later!

2011-04-23 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Training logs are updated. Trying to focus on the bike (getting into shoes while on the bike, getting out of shoes while on the bike, etc). Also started learning flip turns at the pool. That will take a while but just like everything else in the pool the more you practice easier it gets. I was reading some of my old training logs and forgot I typed up a race report for my first triathlon I did back in September. Forgot to put it on this site when I joined so I entered it a couple days ago. Link is below:

2011-04-23 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Gary.   I wanted to see if there is space for one more?   I have already run my first Oly, but still need a lot of help and mentoring.


Tracy Beck

2011-04-24 5:46 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

Tracy - Yes we have space.  Please post an intro and join the fun!

All, thanks for joining or remaining with the group.  I have been part of LRR's mentor group for awhile and what I have learned is that the collective knowledge of the group can be amazing.  Participation and the desire to improve are the only requirements for this group (the occasional set of cookies to me wouldn't hurt either!).

2011-04-24 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open again

NAME: Tracy

STORY: 36 yrs, Male, and a Smartalic.  Very much a Tri rookie.  I discovered in the army that I was a natural runner, even while I smoked two packs of reds a day.  Arrogance led me to keep smoking, until running become less & less.  I have not had a smoke in two years.  I started running again, and gained a lot of weight (that's a good thing..since I was always the skinny guy). I have always wanted to try a tri..but afraid of the swim.  I have been lazyly training for the last six months without a lot of consistency.  I completed my first Oly last weekend at the Rage in sage.  The swim was HOOORRRible, and my legs were shot after the ride.  So.  I have a lot of ways to go.  I did finish due to stubborness.

Oh. yeah.  I discovered that I am a celiac.  Which for those of you who don't know.  It means that I am highly allergic to glutin or better known as wheat, oats, and barley.  Basically.  I am not supposed eat or drink the majority of good tasting things in life; including beer....

FAMILY STATUS: 2 kids & a very supportive wife.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I try to train every day with the plan from the site.  But - I am pretty lousy  with making the time.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I just finished the Rage in the Sage Oly, and the Rock& Roll HM in Dallas before that.  I have not really focused on planning out any more races.  I want to focus on a better swim first.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really a major focus.  I am coming in at a healthy 201.  I would like to get leaner ofcourse..but I not that vain in the grand scape of things.

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