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2012-02-08 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey guys and gals ...

Yesterday (Tuesday) I swam another 1920m ... I don't do intervals because I have no idea what I am doing - I just churn out the freestle.   Did the first half mile in 17 minutes ... second half in 15:40 ... then did a few more laps for good measure.

Planned to run after but it was so nice I got my race bike out and after I had it all prepped I really had little time before I had to pick up my boys so I just took the bike out for just a few blocks and saw my Cateye battery was dead - ugh ... just another expense.

Had today planned as my yoga day but suffered a mishap today at work ... got my left leg forcibly pinned between a moving conveyor and a wall ... have a saucer sized bruise on my left quad that is swollen and painful.  Just thankful it was not my knee and I am hoping with Ibuprofin and ice I will be good.  Will adjust my plans for tomorrow and try to swim again - may not have much of a kick but I can't take 2 days off in a row.

Have a 10k trail run at race speed planned for Friday - as I am gimping around now I am thinking of just trying for a slow paced training run and see if I can cover the distance - my wife has said no but will defer if I give her the "this is what men do" talk - she'll just call me some names and let me do my thing.

On a positive note I got my "new" used bike ...

Felt SC1 60 cm scandium road bike with a Shimano Dura Ace 7800 ten speed group set.


Shimano Dura Ace 7800 175 mm double chain ring crank set with 11-23 cassette

Felt carbon 6061 44 cm road drop bar. 

Easton Velomax Orion II 700 wheels

Felt carbon seat post with Velo saddle (aluminum rails)

Two Profile Design carbon water bottle cages

Felt ST-22 110 mm aluminum stem

The same bike was used in the 2005-2006 season by the Colavita Pro Cycling Team.


2012-02-08 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Paul, Congratulations on your new steed.  You can tell your wife that you are only going to go out for a short 10 min. run and if you feel fine you will run a little longer.  If not, then you'll come home.  If you don't feel right after 10 min. then you want to stop anyway to let your leg heal.  If you feel fine, well then there's nothing to worry about.  

I had a fantastic run this evening.  Nice easy pace, 4.5 miles, achilles is felling great.  All is right.  Sleep well my friends.  

2012-02-08 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley, good luck with your 5K.  You’ll do great

Paul, congrats on your bike.  That’s looks like a greasy fast bike.

Scott, it seems it’s been a good week to be running again for both of us.  Today I actually ran for about 30 minutes (with an additional 10 minutes of walking interspersed) with NO CALF ISSUES!Smile  I was deliberately slow (probably 12 min/mi.) But I did it and I felt great.  I was smiling the whole way.  I don’t know how far I went because I just ran a trail by my hotel.  I’m looking forward to slowly increasing my endurance again.

As for the food temptations and guilty pleasures, it is the evil demon season of the dreaded…GIRL SCOUT COOKIE.  It’s probably good that I’m traveling so much.  It keeps me away from the temptation.  I might just sell my soul for a box of Thin Mints and Tagalongs.Laughing

I sure appreciate all in this group and your inspirations!

2012-02-08 9:46 PM
in reply to: #4037062

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Paul, it is always an exciting day when you get a new set of wheels under you. I bought a new (used but new to me) road bike last summer and that is why I am in this mess!!! The feeling of movin' fast under your own power got me interested in triathlons! I am wanting a tri bike so bad but it is not in my budget for awhile. want list for tri gear is growing everyday! 

I hit the pool today and almost swam a mile. I just calculated it and found out I was 3 laps short!!!!  It took me quite awhile with some rests but I needed the endurance. It felt pretty good to cover the distance but need to keep bringing my time down. I am going to keep adding distance but also working on efficiency. It is improving. 

I know some of you have those fancy garmin gps watches. Does anybody beside me wear the old school Timex Ironman Triathlon?? 

Craig, thin mints are good for you!!!!!!!! 

Edited by ahutson 2012-02-08 9:52 PM
2012-02-08 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Ashley, I know the feeling of wanting a real tri bike.  Oh well, delayed gratifcaiton is good for you, or so I tell my children. I'm just looking forward to riding my used/borrowed road bike now that I installed aero bars.

Timex Ironman?  I wish!  I only have a Timex HR watch.  However, I must admit, I was looking at GPS watches on the internet last night.  Maybe as a reward for completeing a couple of Oly's.  Or maybe the Tri bike instead.  No, the watch will be easier to hide from the wife.  Do you suppose she'd believe I borrowed a Tri bikeInnocent.

I may drive to the bad part of town to see if I can find a dime bag of thin mints!


2012-02-08 10:40 PM
in reply to: #4037158

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Please...the Ironman Triathlon is $35 at Wal-mart! I see the scuba diving shirt in your picture! As a fellow diver, I know that ain't a cheap hobby either!!! My other hobby is 17' with a 90 Yamaha on the back. If I got rid of that, I could have a very nice tri bike. With twins on the way, it might be a good idea. I would get more use out of a bike right now. My boat is my long term baby. When we move back to the coast, I'll be set. Nothing like catching redfish on the intercoastal waterway.....good eatin'.

2012-02-09 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Good morning peeps...

Got up early this morning so figured I'd go longish. Finished 10.25 miles by 6am, walked the dogs, and still have some time for a little leisure before heading to work. A solid run on a course with some long gradual climbs. Those always drain my legs the most.

Add me to the group of really needing/wanting a tri bike. I haven't had my road bike for a year, and I'm trying to figure out how I'll squeeze another out of the budget. I still have windows to replace on the house, a new front porch to construct ... hmmmm ...

Ashley: I ran with my timex for a very long time ... and usually only used it for the track. Most of the time I just ran without anything and would glance at the clock before leaving and upon my return. I never logged my miles. I resisted the Garmin for a very long time, knowing how obsessive I'd get about it. I finally got it when I became serious about really holding myself back on my recovery runs. I started training with heart rate data and the Garmin became a good tool. I do miss my "naked" runs where I'd just go out and run by feel ... I get too freaked out if my miles don't get logged by Garmin now. Not a great feeling, but the trade off is I have a lot of great information in my logs now.
2012-02-09 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good afternoon team.  Feeling great from my run last night.  No ill effects.  I will have an easy trainer rider this evening as we are in an "unload" week and next week is the last round of power testing.  I am feeling stronger and can't say enough good things about Jorge's cycling program.  

I used a timex watch in the pool for a long time.  Now with the 910xt it records so much information about my swim, I've been using that instead.  

Keep up the great work.  One day closer to racing season!

2012-02-09 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4038238

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
After reading your posts, Troy and Scott, I was hoping to enjoy the 5K. I don't want to upchuck or dry heave if it means doing it right.
2012-02-09 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4038371

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

ahutson - 2012-02-09 1:47 PM After reading your posts, Troy and Scott, I was hoping to enjoy the 5K. I don't want to upchuck or dry heave if it means doing it right.

I'm only being slightly tongue in cheek about that part.  You should enjoy your 5k.  I've been doing that at the end of races since high school.  I just try to push most of the time within a race so that by the time I reach the finish line I have nothing left.  For a brief moment I wonder why I do it, but then very shortly after I am exhilarated.  Sorry to plant that unnecessary seed.  I'm sure you will do it "right" for you.  

2012-02-09 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4038371

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

ahutson - 2012-02-09 1:47 PM After reading your posts, Troy and Scott, I was hoping to enjoy the 5K. I don't want to upchuck or dry heave if it means doing it right.

Yeah ... I'm like Scott in this regard. Some twisted measure of effort exerted. Mine also started in HS ... 

I'll heave at the end of a good track workout too.  

But, no ... that's not the true measure of success. That is measured internally by how you feel and how you define enjoyment. So pay me no mind and run YOUR race ... you're out there running it. That, in and of itself, is absolute success. 

2012-02-10 8:56 AM
in reply to: #4038402

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Morning tri techies!! 

Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. Anybody hurl?? lol  It was around 30 degrees yesterday so I hit the gym for a brick workout on the stationary bike/treadmill. I rode 9 miles and ran 1. It was a 45 minute workout (35ride/10 run). I wasn't too jazzed about it but it was a workout. 

We are expecting snow today but I might thrown on the shorts and try to run 3.75 to 4 miles. We are heading to FLA next week and I am wondering if it worth hauling the bike. 

What does everyone have planned for the weekend workout wise?? You can share your non-workout plans as well! 

Train safe today!

2012-02-10 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Mornin' peeps!

Had a date night last night with Marianne ... went to see a play. I didn't get to bed until 11pm, so I knew I'd be cancelling this morning's early morning session. I'll either head to the pool after work or go home and spin on the trainer. I'll decide at the end of the day. My coach isn't going to be there, and my Master Swim teammates don't tend to show up on Fridays (good for me, as I get tons of 1:1 focus), so I'm leaning toward the spin.

In my other life, I'm a dry stone waller (stone walls, walkways, etc. without the use of mortar). I used to have my own business, but I returned to Higher Ed. administration for a more secure paycheck when the economy tanked (and my girls now get free tuition, so I'm here for the next 6 years). Anyway ... I put on workshops with another stone mason all winter long for home owners wanting an introduction to the craft. I've got one tomorrow, which will also interrupt my training.

Sunday, I'll take my long run into the 18 mile neighborhood. It's looking to be mighty cold, so that'll take some positive self talk. 
2012-02-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Good morning.  Ashley, thanks for the concern.  There was, in fact, no hurling today.  But the day is still young.  Wink

I have a longish run this evening.  I will try to go 50 min.  That will be the longest since my injury, so I'm looking forward to see how the wheel responds.  I hope everyone has a great day of training.  

2012-02-10 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4039813

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
Hello! For workouts: I'm running tonight, yoga on Saturday and a 6 mile run on Sunday. Otherwise, not much.
2012-02-10 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3947465

Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed


Today, trained beginning and end of work day, 6.30am hit the gym for 18 km exercise bike ride then some weights, then after work hit the pool and did 1000m swim in 24 mins. My Tri is a sprint, so timed my 750metre swim and roughly 18 was the time. Swimming is not my strong point so quite happy with that and didn't stop during the 1000metre swim.

Training going well, feeling  fitter and enjoying the training, really see the benefit of the training log so will be able to post my monthly totals this month.

Have a good training weekend


2012-02-10 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Ballston Spa, New York
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey everybody! Had a pretty good week of training. Missed my Thursday night pool workout however as I had to go along with my wife to attend a meeting at my son's school. Family first and training second will score me some points in the long run. I am going to attempt to get back to running on Monday. It will have been 4 full months since the PF flair up. I think I feel ready. I just need to take it extremely slow and extremely short. I'll check back in soon to let everyone know how it goes. 


2012-02-10 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Booyah!  50 min run in the book.  I took it really really slow and easy.  Felt great.  When I was done I felt like I could do it again physically.

Tim, I can't wait to hear how it goes.  Run so slow you would be embarrassed to have your grandma see you.  That's how it was said one time on the boards, and I always liked that.  Anyway, that was my approach to getting back at it.  Good luck.  

2012-02-10 8:26 PM
in reply to: #4041418

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Tim, good luck with getting back on your feet. What were you symptoms of PF? What should we be on the look out for?

Scott, I have never run for 50 minutes so good job. Glad it felt good. I am closing in on 50 minutes. I ran 40 minutes on the treadmill today at 4.25 miles. 

Tomorrow is a swim day. I'm going to go for a mile. I hope everyone has a good weekend of training. 

2012-02-10 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Lake Forest, CA
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Scott, great job on the 50 min run.

Tim, like Scott said, take it “so slow your grandma would be embarrassed”.  I recently tried to comeback too fast from an injury and set myself back.

Today was definitely the hardest day I’ve had to motivate myself to train.  All the business travel had me as exhausted as I’ve ever been the last 48 hours.  This afternoon I forced myself out for a 30 minute slow run.  It wasn’t pretty but at least I got out there. 

We have a very busy weekend including a baseball tournament for my son and a couple of dinners.  Going to try to swim and get on the road bike this weekend but it’s going to be tight.

Have a great weekend everybody.


2012-02-11 5:27 AM
in reply to: #4041418

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed
rsmoylan - 2012-02-10 8:55 PM

  Run so slow you would be embarrassed to have your grandma see you.  


      Haha! I run like that all the time. My 6 miles this weekend will take me almost an hour and a half-and I'm getting faster. It actually used to take longer than that.

      Good luck with the running, Tim. Hope it goes well!

2012-02-11 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Took Wednesday-Friday off due to my leg injury - this may be the biggest bruis of my life and the coloring now is turning a nice sickly green ... but today I came back with a vengence and had one of my best workouts ever.

Have the Brooklyn Bun (20k bike - 5k run) coming up in April so I figured ... let me bang out the Bun!  Set up for my transition and hit the bike - no pain at all on the bike so I hunkered down and went all out.  Drenched in sweat by mile 4 and finished the 12:48 in 32:06 - humming along at 23mph --- how I wish that could be maintained for longer distances - when I did this same course for 28 miles my legs failed me the last few loops on the uphills and my pace dropped to around 18mph but with only 12 and a half miles I seemed to power through. 

I couldn't run a full 5k - I wanted to but getting off the bike I had jelly legs and each time I attempted to pick up pace my leg was throbbing.  This was my first effort at trying to run at race pace and I am honestly surprised I was doing so well, the first two miles I looked to be on pace to actually run better than my best 5k and that was AFTER a bike (wth??) ... but then I crashed, gasped, and plodded to the 3 mile mark at 25:53 ...

Looked it up - did 28 miles here at 1:35 so this is a big improvement (wish I knew my splits) ... but with these kind of resuts - and still 2 months left to train I am hoping for a top 30 overall finish ... no chance at an age group podium if the same guys race from last year and with a time trail start I will have to focus/count on how many people I pass to guage my competitiveness but I am stoked to see improvements from last year laready and the season has not started.

Should be frightfully cold tomorrow but I am hoping to get a dawn 5 miler in ... hope everyone else had a great day!

2012-02-12 7:26 AM
in reply to: #4042319

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Brunswick, Georgia
Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

BigPaul, way to go on battling through the bruise! Anytime you make it through a accident in a manufacturing facility and come out with a bruise, it is already a good day! 

I hit the pool last night for a short but big milestone/goal workout! I swam my first 1/4 mile with no rests!! Did it just under 8 minutes!I was super excited!!! I was concentrating on a slow steady pace to finish and I did it.  My first race coming up 3/25 is a 1/4 mile swim so I need to keep bringing the time down.

Heading down to jacksonville, fl for the week! I am so excited to be hitting the warm weather!! I have a 5K next Saturday down there so I am pumped for that as well!

42 days until I am officially a triathlete!

Edited by ahutson 2012-02-12 7:27 AM
2012-02-12 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

good morning everyone--

i am proud of myself today.  It was bitter cold here in northern virginia, about 20 degrees and much colder with the wind chill factor.  I didn't exercise yesterday due to weather so I forced myself out the door this morning.  I sort of did a duathlon since they were having one today where i used to live, where the weather today was about 85 degrees.  I ended up doing 60 minutes running (almost 6 miles), then jumped on bike for about 40 mins (this was the worst due to the wind chill factor), then did another 30 mins (about 5 k).   All in all about 2:20 of exercise. 

Hope everyone had a good weekend

keep up the good work!!!

Pete R

2012-02-12 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3947465

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Subject: RE: Scott's Mentor Group-Closed

Badass Pete ... I did my taxes, painted a room in my sister's apartment and went to a prty for my 2 year old neice where I ate like a slob ... could not weather the cold two days in a row ..

Early morning swim is in order - and hope to make it a brick but it is sooo cold today here in NY and should be colder tomorrow ... may have to do a "gym brick" which is so not the same thing but at least I will be going through the motions right?

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