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2013-03-21 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4668837

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-03-21 11:39 AM

March Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Jax               4755          95.79          45.52         15:18:48   My girl!!!!

Dave               0           190.00         17.00         14:16:05  

TJ                3937         145.84          21.80         12:50:07   Makin' his move!

Yvonne         1525          40.90          40.10         12:06:50  

Joe               9150         34.94          37.00         11:42:16   Very strong week!

Mike                0               0              50.80        09:29:21 

Melody             0           10.00           20.59         05:22:25  

Sarah              0            32.00            3.52         02:40:06  

Charlie             0            14.67           6.20          02:06:11   Where are you Charlie??

Tom                 0             8.16             0             00:30:00  

Bill                   Injured Reserve - How's the recovery?

Chrispy            Get to it!     


Upcoming races:

3/23 - NC Half Marathon - Yvonne - She's gonna smoke it!!!!

3/23 - 5K - Melody **1st ever** Adrenaline is going to make you faster than you thought!!

4/6 - Smithfield Sprint - Yvonne

4/7   - April Fool's HM - Tom - You hanging in there?

4/7   - Gatorade Sprint - Chrispy - better get back to work Wink

Man, TJ you passed me! I better get at it, maybe my half marathon this weekend will do it!

2013-03-21 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4668720

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-21 10:45 AM

So I'v got my first 5K coming up this Saturday! I am super excited and nervous!!

There is a 70% chance of rain- I am really hoping the weather holds off for the race.

I really wanted to be at a 10 min per mile pace by this race but I am just not there...  unless the fact that I will be running in the morning (and I AM a morning person) instead of after work and maybe some adrenaline from the race give me a slight advantage.

My feet have been killing me but I am not going to think about that now- its just 5K- I am doing some research (bunions) and have quit wearing all cute shoes to work Tongue out

My 15 YO son will be racing with me. He is running 5:54 consistently in the 1600 in track so I am hoping he will do well.

The 10K part of this race is a qualifier for some bigger races and there are some very fast runners from Kenya that come in. 

I hope we get to run (the weather does not stop us) and hoping I do well- but most of all excited to finally meet this goal of doing a 5k- I set it several years ago and kept putting it off.

Also I will be exited to get this behind me so I can really focus on training for my first Tri June 1. I am using a plan from the book  The Woman Triathlete by Christina Gandlolfo.  There are a lot of bike/run bricks through out but no swim/bike bricks(not sure why) I start swimming Monday I hope Laughing



Good luck good luck good luck good luck!!  You GOT this!  The first race is amazing so ENJOY the accomplishment!

2013-03-21 6:41 PM
in reply to: #4669402

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed


Man, TJ you passed me! I better get at it, maybe my half marathon this weekend will do it!

Good luck Yvonne!!!   I love HMs.  The perfect distance!  Can't wait to hear about it!

2013-03-22 8:47 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Melody and Yvonne!!!!


I hope you're both getting psyched up for tomorrow. We're all thinking about you!!!

2013-03-22 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4669402

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-21 2:24 PM
Sarah73 - 2013-03-21 11:39 AM

March Totals:

                   Swim         Bike             Run            Total Time

Jax               4755          95.79          45.52         15:18:48   My girl!!!!

Dave               0           190.00         17.00         14:16:05  

TJ                3937         145.84          21.80         12:50:07   Makin' his move!

Yvonne         1525          40.90          40.10         12:06:50  

Joe               9150         34.94          37.00         11:42:16   Very strong week!

Mike                0               0              50.80        09:29:21 

Melody             0           10.00           20.59         05:22:25  

Sarah              0            32.00            3.52         02:40:06  

Charlie             0            14.67           6.20          02:06:11   Where are you Charlie??

Tom                 0             8.16             0             00:30:00  

Bill                   Injured Reserve - How's the recovery?

Chrispy            Get to it!     


Upcoming races:

3/23 - NC Half Marathon - Yvonne - She's gonna smoke it!!!!

3/23 - 5K - Melody **1st ever** Adrenaline is going to make you faster than you thought!!

4/6 - Smithfield Sprint - Yvonne

4/7   - April Fool's HM - Tom - You hanging in there?

4/7   - Gatorade Sprint - Chrispy - better get back to work Wink

Man, TJ you passed me! I better get at it, maybe my half marathon this weekend will do it!


I passed you while you are on your taper. Doesn't really count and it won't last long. Cool I'm excited for your HM. Have fun and enjoy it. It's so rewarding to feel your training pay off. Cash it in! 

2013-03-22 10:32 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Good luck Yvonne on your HM tomorrow!!!!

If I feel the least bit wimpy I am going to think of you & your race & remember I could have 10m more to go!!

Still 80% chance of thunderstorms- I got an email today they may cancel, but wont decide until around 5am and I need to be on the road by 4am. Oh well hoping the rain holds off but this is pretty close to where I am doing my Tri in June so I plan on scoping the course out and hopefully booking a little cottage for that weekend AND finding a LBS as my small town (with only one grocery store, 2 dollar stores, & CVS) has none. 

2013-03-22 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4670294

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-22 10:32 AM

Good luck Yvonne on your HM tomorrow!!!!

If I feel the least bit wimpy I am going to think of you & your race & remember I could have 10m more to go!!

Still 80% chance of thunderstorms- I got an email today they may cancel, but wont decide until around 5am and I need to be on the road by 4am. Oh well hoping the rain holds off but this is pretty close to where I am doing my Tri in June so I plan on scoping the course out and hopefully booking a little cottage for that weekend AND finding a LBS as my small town (with only one grocery store, 2 dollar stores, & CVS) has none. 

Melody - Where in Alabama do you live? My parents live in Montgomery, and I went to high school and college there. I am in Ocean Springs, MS now, only about 45 minutes from Mobile. Bad storms coming through here tomorrow, too! Hope it doesn't cancel your race. Please be careful, there's a high chance of tornadoes with this one!

2013-03-22 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4669402

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-21 3:24 PM

Man, TJ you passed me! I better get at it, maybe my half marathon this weekend will do it!

Yvonne - the good news is that if you go really slow, your total time for the month will go up!! Just think about that if you have to take a few more breaks than planned Wink

2013-03-22 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4670347

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Sarah73 - 2013-03-22 10:55 AM
Meljoypip - 2013-03-22 10:32 AM

Good luck Yvonne on your HM tomorrow!!!!

If I feel the least bit wimpy I am going to think of you & your race & remember I could have 10m more to go!!

Still 80% chance of thunderstorms- I got an email today they may cancel, but wont decide until around 5am and I need to be on the road by 4am. Oh well hoping the rain holds off but this is pretty close to where I am doing my Tri in June so I plan on scoping the course out and hopefully booking a little cottage for that weekend AND finding a LBS as my small town (with only one grocery store, 2 dollar stores, & CVS) has none. 

Melody - Where in Alabama do you live? My parents live in Montgomery, and I went to high school and college there. I am in Ocean Springs, MS now, only about 45 minutes from Mobile. Bad storms coming through here tomorrow, too! Hope it doesn't cancel your race. Please be careful, there's a high chance of tornadoes with this one!

We will keep an eye on the weather and i guess celebrate sleeping in if necessary Undecided Why are tornadoes so much worse than they used to be??? or is it just more exposure of the bad ones?

I live in Evergreen- it's off 65 1/2 way between Mobile and Montgomery. The race is in Mobile- the Azalea Trail Run

2013-03-22 11:25 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Thank you for all the well wishes! I'm extremely nervous Embarassed It's not till Sunday morning and they are also calling for rain and 15 mph winds....seriously?!?


On a totally unrelated note, I don't know what possessed me to think I could have 13 girls sleep over tonight for my daughters birthday! I think I thought originally, I'll be in taper-mode, no sweat.  Um not! This party is stressing me out and I've been running around like crazy for it! Luckily, my mom and MIL are in town, I'm going to put them on watch tonight so I can sleep! LOL, I haven't told them yet, shhh


Have a great weekend everyone!



2013-03-22 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
It's a weekend full of challenging 13's huh Yvonne?

2013-03-22 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4670294

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-22 8:32 AM

Good luck Yvonne on your HM tomorrow!!!!

If I feel the least bit wimpy I am going to think of you & your race & remember I could have 10m more to go!!

Still 80% chance of thunderstorms- I got an email today they may cancel, but wont decide until around 5am and I need to be on the road by 4am. Oh well hoping the rain holds off but this is pretty close to where I am doing my Tri in June so I plan on scoping the course out and hopefully booking a little cottage for that weekend AND finding a LBS as my small town (with only one grocery store, 2 dollar stores, & CVS) has none. 

Rock it!  If there are thunderstorms I still fully expect a race report.  If you are the only one running you're gauranteed a podium spot!

2013-03-22 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4670422

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-22 9:25 AM

Thank you for all the well wishes! I'm extremely nervous Embarassed It's not till Sunday morning and they are also calling for rain and 15 mph winds....seriously?!?


On a totally unrelated note, I don't know what possessed me to think I could have 13 girls sleep over tonight for my daughters birthday! I think I thought originally, I'll be in taper-mode, no sweat.  Um not! This party is stressing me out and I've been running around like crazy for it! Luckily, my mom and MIL are in town, I'm going to put them on watch tonight so I can sleep! LOL, I haven't told them yet, shhh


Have a great weekend everyone!



I know you're going to do great, and crossing that finish line is going to be an awesome feeling.
2013-03-22 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Good luck this weekend Yvonne and Melody (and anyone racing that I missed)! Looking forward to hearing about it.
2013-03-22 9:20 PM
in reply to: #4670422

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Ybeal - 2013-03-22 11:25 AM

Thank you for all the well wishes! I'm extremely nervous Embarassed It's not till Sunday morning and they are also calling for rain and 15 mph winds....seriously?!?


On a totally unrelated note, I don't know what possessed me to think I could have 13 girls sleep over tonight for my daughters birthday! I think I thought originally, I'll be in taper-mode, no sweat.  Um not! This party is stressing me out and I've been running around like crazy for it! Luckily, my mom and MIL are in town, I'm going to put them on watch tonight so I can sleep! LOL, I haven't told them yet, shhh


Have a great weekend everyone!




Yvonne  good luck on Sunday!!!  Can't wait for details!   just go ahead and run it now so we can all hear about it sooner.   Tell all the kids you are going out for Ice cream or something.

2013-03-23 6:01 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Stupid birthday party, I got a whole five hours sleep last night, sigh at least the half is not till tomorrow morning. So I have a confession. I'm a fair weather runner, whew I said it! If the weather is nice, I run. If not, well I can do it another day. The problem with this non-hardcore attitude, is that if race day rolls around, like tomorrow, I may not know how to dress for it. They are saying 100% chance of rain tomorrow the entire time I will be running, and 37-42 degrees. What should I wear? I have nothing remotely waterproof, should I get a light weight windbreaker or something to keep me somewhat dry? Keep in mind I'm slow so I will likely be out there 2.5 - 3 hours. Or just wear what I normally wear, dry fit t-short with long sleeve one layered over, and resign my self to being soaked the entire time?Tia!

2013-03-23 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4671276

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Ybeal - 2013-03-23 7:01 AM Stupid birthday party, I got a whole five hours sleep last night, sigh at least the half is not till tomorrow morning. So I have a confession. I'm a fair weather runner, whew I said it! If the weather is nice, I run. If not, well I can do it another day. The problem with this non-hardcore attitude, is that if race day rolls around, like tomorrow, I may not know how to dress for it. They are saying 100% chance of rain tomorrow the entire time I will be running, and 37-42 degrees. What should I wear? I have nothing remotely waterproof, should I get a light weight windbreaker or something to keep me somewhat dry? Keep in mind I'm slow so I will likely be out there 2.5 - 3 hours. Or just wear what I normally wear, dry fit t-short with long sleeve one layered over, and resign my self to being soaked the entire time?Tia!

Seems like you're going to be wet the whole time.  Even if you had something waterproof, you'll be out there long enough that it wouldn't protect you the entire race.  Make sure you have a hat.  Keeping your head and face relatively dry will be important.  Sitting in my kitchen right now, 37-42 sounds chilly...but when you're running for 2+ hours, it's not really that cold, so don't over-layer.  You'll warm up quickly and will be surprised that you're not freezing.  Now that said, have a plan to get out of the wet clothes RIGHT AWAY after you finish.  I find that if I keep the wet, cold clothes on when I'm done, I get cold to the bone for the rest of the day and just can't shake it.

Hope you can get some rest this afternoon and tonight!!  GOOD LUCK and can't wait to hear the details!!


2013-03-23 8:45 AM
in reply to: #4571585

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

Finally hitting the bike OUTSIDE today.  It's a bit cold for a ride...low 40s...but I have GOT to get outside and see how I feel on the actual road.  It's a recovery week for me, so I'm just scheduled to do 30 minutes on the bike and then a 30 minute run.  I'm so cold natured I know I'm going to be freezing on the bike, but I really need to do it.

So, we're getting a spring snow storm tomorrow and Monday.  6-10 inches of snow.  UGH!  But, week after Easter the family and I are headed to Gulf Shores for a week.  CH and I are going to take our bikes, so we'll get some saddle time there.  The first "A" race of the season for me is just 3 weeks away!!!!!!!!   I have butterflies right now just thinking about it!

Happy weekend everyone and my thoughts are with you Yvonne and Melody!!


2013-03-23 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4671341

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-23 6:45 AM

I'm just scheduled to do 30 minutes on the bike and then a 30 minute run... 

Among the reasons non-triathletes think we're crazy: we use words like "just" or "only" before describing the 30 minute bike and 30 minute run we're about to do.

2013-03-23 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4671339

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-23 8:42 AM

Ybeal - 2013-03-23 7:01 AM Stupid birthday party, I got a whole five hours sleep last night, sigh at least the half is not till tomorrow morning. So I have a confession. I'm a fair weather runner, whew I said it! If the weather is nice, I run. If not, well I can do it another day. The problem with this non-hardcore attitude, is that if race day rolls around, like tomorrow, I may not know how to dress for it. They are saying 100% chance of rain tomorrow the entire time I will be running, and 37-42 degrees. What should I wear? I have nothing remotely waterproof, should I get a light weight windbreaker or something to keep me somewhat dry? Keep in mind I'm slow so I will likely be out there 2.5 - 3 hours. Or just wear what I normally wear, dry fit t-short with long sleeve one layered over, and resign my self to being soaked the entire time?Tia!

Seems like you're going to be wet the whole time.  Even if you had something waterproof, you'll be out there long enough that it wouldn't protect you the entire race.  Make sure you have a hat.  Keeping your head and face relatively dry will be important.  Sitting in my kitchen right now, 37-42 sounds chilly...but when you're running for 2+ hours, it's not really that cold, so don't over-layer.  You'll warm up quickly and will be surprised that you're not freezing.  Now that said, have a plan to get out of the wet clothes RIGHT AWAY after you finish.  I find that if I keep the wet, cold clothes on when I'm done, I get cold to the bone for the rest of the day and just can't shake it.

Hope you can get some rest this afternoon and tonight!!  GOOD LUCK and can't wait to hear the details!!


I would bring some of those chemical hand warmers for before the race along with a black garbage bag you can cut holes in and wear before the race to keep dry until the race starts. I would bring more hand warmers for after the race and get out of the cold wet cloths as soon as possible.

For that kind of weather, I wear a thin under armor top as a base layer, then a long sleeve tech running shirt then a loosely fitting wind breaker. Even if it isn't raining! you won't be dry due to sweat, but I hate being cold. I open and close the jacket zipper to adjust my temp. I wear running tights for that temp.
2013-03-23 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4671419

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
jmholzman - 2013-03-23 12:11 PM
DaDooRunRun - 2013-03-23 6:45 AM

I'm just scheduled to do 30 minutes on the bike and then a 30 minute run... 

Among the reasons non-triathletes think we're crazy: we use words like "just" or "only" before describing the 30 minute bike and 30 minute run we're about to do.

LOL...that is so funny and so true!  I wound up stayiung on the bike for felt so good outside and just awesome to be on the actual road, I didn't want to stop.  So I punted the run!  Now I can enjoy the rest of my Saturday and my off day Sunday.  Although, with 10 inches of snow on the way, I may have to take a turn or 2 with the shovel!

2013-03-23 5:00 PM
in reply to: #4571585

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Roll Tide!!
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed

I did it!!!!! It was awesome! 

We had a GREAT time at the race- the run was absolutely  beautiful and no rain!!!

I ran the 5K in 32:56 which made me 16 out of 106 woman in my age group!I really wanted my time under 30 but it will have to be next race. I sprinted the last 1/4 mile and felt great when I crossed the finish line. 

My 15 YO son ran it in 22:08 to come in # 6 in his division running at an amazing 7:12 pace!!!He runs the 1600 in track but only because the football coach makes the whole team do track (small school)- he had never run 3 miles before. He enjoyed the race and wants to do more. I cant wait to see what this boy will do if he actually trains!!

A few things for next time: I did not realize they count your time from the gun and not the chip- this added 33 seconds to Nathan's time and a full minute to mineFrown I saw some who only had 1 second difference between their chip time and the 'counted' time. How is this accomplished? Not everyone can line up first.

They instructed us to line up with the fastest at the front, etc. I left Nathan near the front and went about middle ways. There were so many people that were hard to get around who were just walking in front of me. I would say just getting around people in the beginning added time also. I will start further forward next time!!

AND I need to find a way to get over an aversion to porta potties because I think I could have run a little faster had I not had a FULL bladder before we ever took off!!!  

All and all it was a great day made even more special since I got to run it with my son!!!

Edited by Meljoypip 2013-03-23 5:14 PM

(ATR BT.jpg)

ATR BT.jpg (88KB - 17 downloads)
2013-03-23 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4671625

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-23 6:00 PM

I did it!!!!! It was awesome! 

We had a GREAT time at the race- the run was absolutely  beautiful and no rain!!!

I ran the 5K in 32:56 which made me 16 out of 106 woman in my age group!I really wanted my time under 30 but it will have to be next race. I sprinted the last 1/4 mile and felt great when I crossed the finish line. 

My 15 YO son ran it in 22:08 to come in # 6 in his division running at an amazing 7:12 pace!!!He runs the 1600 in track but only because the football coach makes the whole team do track (small school)- he had never run 3 miles before. He enjoyed the race and wants to do more. I cant wait to see what this boy will do if he actually trains!!

A few things for next time: I did not realize they count your time from the gun and not the chip- this added 33 seconds to Nathan's time and a full minute to mineFrown I saw some who only had 1 second difference between their chip time and the 'counted' time. How is this accomplished? Not everyone can line up first.

They instructed us to line up with the fastest at the front, etc. I left Nathan near the front and went about middle ways. There were so many people that were hard to get around who were just walking in front of me. I would say just getting around people in the beginning added time also. I will start further forward next time!!

AND I need to find a way to get over an aversion to porta potties because I think I could have run a little faster had I not had a FULL bladder before we ever took off!!!  

All and all it was a great day made even more special since I got to run it with my son!!!

Yay!!!!!!!!!  So glad to hear you had such a good experience!  GREAT JOB and now you are officially hooked, aren't you?!  And that's a good time and super division finish!  Awesome!!  Enjoy your accomplishment!!

2013-03-23 7:09 PM
in reply to: #4671625

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-23 3:00 PM

I did it!!!!! It was awesome! 

We had a GREAT time at the race- the run was absolutely  beautiful and no rain!!!

I ran the 5K in 32:56 which made me 16 out of 106 woman in my age group!I really wanted my time under 30 but it will have to be next race. I sprinted the last 1/4 mile and felt great when I crossed the finish line. 

Great job!
2013-03-24 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4671625

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Closed
Meljoypip - 2013-03-23 5:00 PM

I did it!!!!! It was awesome! 

I am soooo excited for you!!! You did AWESOME!! Great pic of you and your son.

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