BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-02-23 8:25 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Suzie471

Felt like I had a good week. Still trying to fit workouts in with my work and husband. Managed to make it to the pool twice, ran 3 days and biked 3 days and got strength training in for 4 days. The weather just hasn't been cooperating, I just can't bring myself to run in this bitter cold weather. If it wasn't for my running group, I wouldn't be running at all outside. I'm getting tired of the treadmill and getting more tired of my bike trainer. I'm starting to wonder if we will be seeing warmer weather any time soon?

Food wise I have been doing good. Logging everything on MFP and haven't been cheating on any logs or meals. Down 1.5lbs this week and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm a great meal planner and I have everything cooked and ready in portions for my upcoming week. Althought I've been doing well, I still feel like I'm not doing enough and that I will not be ready for my first Sprint Tri in Alpirl. I'm staring to feel discourage. Not sure if it's the weather or lack of sleep on my part. I just feel tired and wondering what I should be doing different? I just want to feel more confident.

I agree with you Suzie, the weather, I am really over the biter cold.

It sounds like you are having a great week of working out. And GREAT job down 1.5. That is super great!

I don't know what sprint you are doing in April but if you are doing all that you are I would think you will be ready. Will April be your first sprint? Are you looking to finish or to be competitive? Mine is the end of June and I want to finish smoothly. I want to use it as a start for more. I want to make it through the transitions, and each part without feeling like I am going to die. I have done several half marathons and by mile 9 I am done running. I am hoping the sprint will not make me feel like that.
Don't know if this helps. But I have faith in you.

2015-02-24 2:19 PM
in reply to: Lizfuze

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Lizfuze


You brought up a lot of good points. I thought It was important to go from bike to run as fast as I can without resting between because that will be what we are doing during our event, but, if I take more time to rest and recover between maybe I will have a better workout for each

So, thought. Are you working out multiple times a day? Swim in the morning. Bike or run in the evening? I have been doing whatever workouts that are scheduled at the same time and always after my long work days.

Honestly until it warms up I don't think I can get up any earlier and especially get in a cold pool. Maybe run and bike when it is warm out.

Sounds like people are really doing great. I have been asking around at my Y. Master swim starts next Sunday I am going to try that for any pointers, and I talked with a local bike guy that will help fit me with a bike that should work well for me.

I registered for a 5K next month and put a bike tour on my planner for May. I saw where my sprint has opened registration now. I'm a little nervous yet so didn't register

Everyone have a great week of training. You are all very inspiring

You are inspiring too! Whoever you are! can you make yourself a signature so we can see who you are? Good luck at the masters swim. that's awesome. And the 5k! whoo hoo! And just register for teh sprint! do it'. you'll feel exhilarated!
2015-02-24 2:25 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Suzie471

Felt like I had a good week. Still trying to fit workouts in with my work and husband. Managed to make it to the pool twice, ran 3 days and biked 3 days and got strength training in for 4 days. The weather just hasn't been cooperating, I just can't bring myself to run in this bitter cold weather. If it wasn't for my running group, I wouldn't be running at all outside. I'm getting tired of the treadmill and getting more tired of my bike trainer. I'm starting to wonder if we will be seeing warmer weather any time soon?

Food wise I have been doing good. Logging everything on MFP and haven't been cheating on any logs or meals. Down 1.5lbs this week and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm a great meal planner and I have everything cooked and ready in portions for my upcoming week. Althought I've been doing well, I still feel like I'm not doing enough and that I will not be ready for my first Sprint Tri in Alpirl. I'm staring to feel discourage. Not sure if it's the weather or lack of sleep on my part. I just feel tired and wondering what I should be doing different? I just want to feel more confident.

Suzie, someone made a great suggestion, when you are training you need to consider building in more calories. IF you are working out right when you wake up, have a snack, half a granola bar or something to put some fuel in your tank. Eat some lean protein to help with muscle recovery and loads of water. Hang in there. April seems close but it's at least 5 weeks away. Where were you 5 weeks ago? Look how much progress you've made. Chin up, Suzie, maybe work on some speed drills to change up your routine and make you feel like your'e doing more 'gearing up' for a race, rather than endurance? Hang in there, i hope your confidence comes back around. You're kicking butt. keep it up~
2015-02-24 2:29 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so very much for your condolences. I'm doing really well. Last week I gave myself a pass. this week i'm back at it. I'm signing up for a 5k with my husband in a few weeks so I'm working on my running speed and biking endurance. I'm putting swimming on a back burner until my mom heads back to florida after the funeral services in a few weeks. (I was a competitive swimmer all childhood.) on my treadmill workouts I feel weak, man really weak. I don't expect to 'place' in my races but I don't want to just 'do' it. I want to kick butt. How can I do that? any ideas?

i need to figure out how to 'train' on my bike trainer. any suggestions without spending any more money?

I'm really inspired by what everyone is doing. It's a really awesome group to have stumbled upon. i'm in awe of you all!
2015-02-24 3:40 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so very much for your condolences. I'm doing really well. Last week I gave myself a pass. this week i'm back at it. I'm signing up for a 5k with my husband in a few weeks so I'm working on my running speed and biking endurance. I'm putting swimming on a back burner until my mom heads back to florida after the funeral services in a few weeks. (I was a competitive swimmer all childhood.) on my treadmill workouts I feel weak, man really weak. I don't expect to 'place' in my races but I don't want to just 'do' it. I want to kick butt. How can I do that? any ideas?

i need to figure out how to 'train' on my bike trainer. any suggestions without spending any more money?

I'm really inspired by what everyone is doing. It's a really awesome group to have stumbled upon. i'm in awe of you all!

So good to see you back with some FIRE!!!!! I am so impressed.
I don't know about training on a bike trainer...honestly, I just get on and plod methodically along for however my training plan tells me too. It's horrible really - my trainer is in my dark, smelly unfinished basement that we use as a storage room. It's just me, a bunch of boxes and bikes along with the 3 furnaces and 3 water heaters for the building. I can't wait for all this snow to melt and the sun to come out! To get through the bike sessions I watch bad TV on Amazon Prime

2015-02-24 8:23 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Sorry yall I've been swamped at work, I'll read and catch up in the morning??

2015-02-24 10:39 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Thanks Michelle, Liz & Colleen

I think I am just feeling a little stressed knowing that I only really have the month of March left for training and the weather has just been awful here for me to get my bike out and also to run. I know that I never will be fast in my swimming and I have been working on that, but I wish I could be more confident in my swimming. I have done a Sprint Tri last year and I am only competitive with myself and what goes on in my head, LOL! . I would just like to see a little improvement. I am ok with bringing up the rear, I just want to stay in the right frame of mind and keep a "Happy Heart" while I do it. I think I would feel so much better if I could just get outside and ride and run some.

You guys are so right about eating enough to fuel your body. I do watch what I eat and I think I am doing a pretty good job at getting enough in. Some days are always better than others of course Part of my problem I think is just that I work strange hours, 3p-5a and with working out sometimes I don't make sleep a priority. My husband gets on me all the time about not getting enough sleep. I need to work on that.

Thanks for all you encouraging words! It really does help keep me motivated and I Love reading how all of you are doing to!!
2015-02-25 7:08 AM
in reply to: Gabby'smom

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Gabby'smom

Todd, (or other experienced Turtles)

I am using the zero to 1650 swim program as my swim training. Spend two weeks getting up to par to start the program and will start the second week of the program this week. Is this sufficient training for my first tri or should I be doing a more focused training? I felt like I needed a good base prior to doing anything more specific, but don't want d-day to arrive and not have trained sufficiently. I am just plugging in the days of zero to 1650 into the swim days of my training. Using a sprint plan from "Your First Triathlon" by Joe Friel.


Michelle, you are doing great and yes if you go with the plan I can not see any reason that you would not be very ready for a sprint distance when that day arrived. Like I said before just make sure you can safely swim the distance of your race a few times leading up to it to ensure you can and to go into it with the confidence that you can / have.
2015-02-25 7:15 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so very much for your condolences. I'm doing really well. Last week I gave myself a pass. this week i'm back at it. I'm signing up for a 5k with my husband in a few weeks so I'm working on my running speed and biking endurance. I'm putting swimming on a back burner until my mom heads back to florida after the funeral services in a few weeks. (I was a competitive swimmer all childhood.) on my treadmill workouts I feel weak, man really weak. I don't expect to 'place' in my races but I don't want to just 'do' it. I want to kick butt. How can I do that? any ideas?

i need to figure out how to 'train' on my bike trainer. any suggestions without spending any more money?

I'm really inspired by what everyone is doing. It's a really awesome group to have stumbled upon. i'm in awe of you all!

Colleen, so glad to see that things are starting to level back out for you. As far as the run training for the 5k just stick with your training plan you are on and go run it the best you can on that day. Remember you are not training for a 5K you are training for a Sprint that has a 5K at the end of it. You can kill yourself on the run training leading up to this 5K, but then other disciplines will suffer and you may increase your chance of injury. For the bike, I am like most I just ride with resistance and watch TV, but if you are looking for a workout that will not cost much then grab a Sufferfest Training Video. Everything I have heard is that they are killer and I know I have seen them on sale for $10.00 at times and people sell them here in the classifieds pretty often.
2015-02-25 7:26 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Suzie471

Thanks Michelle, Liz & Colleen

I think I am just feeling a little stressed knowing that I only really have the month of March left for training and the weather has just been awful here for me to get my bike out and also to run. I know that I never will be fast in my swimming and I have been working on that, but I wish I could be more confident in my swimming. I have done a Sprint Tri last year and I am only competitive with myself and what goes on in my head, LOL! . I would just like to see a little improvement. I am ok with bringing up the rear, I just want to stay in the right frame of mind and keep a "Happy Heart" while I do it. I think I would feel so much better if I could just get outside and ride and run some.

You guys are so right about eating enough to fuel your body. I do watch what I eat and I think I am doing a pretty good job at getting enough in. Some days are always better than others of course Part of my problem I think is just that I work strange hours, 3p-5a and with working out sometimes I don't make sleep a priority. My husband gets on me all the time about not getting enough sleep. I need to work on that.

Thanks for all you encouraging words! It really does help keep me motivated and I Love reading how all of you are doing to!!

Suzie, you will get it all figured out and sometimes you just may not be able to get it all in, that's life / family / work. I understand the screwed up work schedule for the past and am about to start back at it. Mine in a month will be to work 12 hrs each on Wed. Thur. the first week and then 12 hours each on Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat, and Sun. I will do two months on this on days 5a-5p, then two months on nights 6p-6a. Oddly enough right now I'm exicted to get back to this from 8-5 because I think of the week days and what all I can get accomplished while the wife and little one are at school.

For the swim and I have said this before, but what I have found that keeps me motivated and still able to see even the smallest improvements is this. Ever other week or so set a time depending on your current skill level that you will swim not stop. Example this Friday swim for 15 minutes only stopping if you need to and see what your total distance is. Then training like normal for the next two weeks and complete the second week with another 15 minute swim doing the same thing and compare distances. I have found this to be a very real gauge for me and even if my distance did not improve I was able to notice that I stopped less often or felt fresher at the completion. Always remember that not all improvements come by way of the clock / distance, some come mentally, cardio wise, and the like. I have now left mine at the 30 minute mark which i know I can swim non stop and still check it every once in a while or test with a 1.2 mile swim a couple times when leading up to half ironman races.
2015-02-25 7:36 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Well it really seems like all of the Turtles are doing great and really starting to come into their own so to speak. I love how fluid this group is and the way that everyone is giving their experience and thoughts on topics / questions that people post. When it comes to this I always think of what one of my daughter's teacher said when we were discussing her at a parent teacher night. He advised that at the start he would have a problem when showing how to work out a math problem and she would always throw out another way. He advised that he would jump on her a little and tell her to do it the way he told her. He said that he then watched her one day when this happened and saw her explaining her way to another student she was helping. He said he went over and was about to confront her about it when the other student told him that she now understood how to work the problem. He said that he took a breath and really stopped to look at what she taught the other student and realized that it was not flawed and was an acceptable way to do it. He advised us that after that day he would listen to what she said and as long as it was not flawed would give her way of doing it becuase he realized that some of the kids took to her way and others his.

Again, thank you all for making this a great group and a joy to be a part of.

2015-02-25 9:00 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Well, I am plodding away on my 12 week training plan and generally doing OK. I am still worried about my swim. Yikes! I feel like progress is mm at a time. I have been primarily working on my freestyle, and I really can't do more than 50 yards continuous freestyle. Yesterday I decided to try a different strategy, and I did 4 x 100, alternating freestyle and breast stroke every 25, but making myself keep going. Then I did 100 with the pull buoy, another 2 x100 alternating freestyle and breast, and finished with 100 breast. I am hoping this will help build my endurance and that I can alternate with work-outs where I really work on technique and drills. My hope is that I'll get to the point where those alternating strokes go away and it's all this a crazy approach? I really need to get on the ball and sign up for some lessons.

Any advice welcome...
2015-02-25 10:50 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so very much for your condolences. I'm doing really well. Last week I gave myself a pass. this week i'm back at it. I'm signing up for a 5k with my husband in a few weeks so I'm working on my running speed and biking endurance. I'm putting swimming on a back burner until my mom heads back to florida after the funeral services in a few weeks. (I was a competitive swimmer all childhood.) on my treadmill workouts I feel weak, man really weak. I don't expect to 'place' in my races but I don't want to just 'do' it. I want to kick butt. How can I do that? any ideas?

i need to figure out how to 'train' on my bike trainer. any suggestions without spending any more money?

I'm really inspired by what everyone is doing. It's a really awesome group to have stumbled upon. i'm in awe of you all!

Welcome back!!!

Not sure about bike trainer time myself. I've just been trying to increase the time and distance each time I use it (other than the past few times). I'm calling it....."increased seat time"....... . Best of luck in your return to training!!
2015-02-25 10:52 AM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Hi Todd and everybody, I have some questions about GPS watches. I have never worn one, I use my phone for music, intervals and time. I have a fitness wearable to track calories, steps, sleep, etc. So, what do the GPS watches do for you? Whats good, whats bad?
2015-02-25 11:12 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by allan_c

Well, I am plodding away on my 12 week training plan and generally doing OK. I am still worried about my swim. Yikes! I feel like progress is mm at a time. I have been primarily working on my freestyle, and I really can't do more than 50 yards continuous freestyle. Yesterday I decided to try a different strategy, and I did 4 x 100, alternating freestyle and breast stroke every 25, but making myself keep going. Then I did 100 with the pull buoy, another 2 x100 alternating freestyle and breast, and finished with 100 breast. I am hoping this will help build my endurance and that I can alternate with work-outs where I really work on technique and drills. My hope is that I'll get to the point where those alternating strokes go away and it's all this a crazy approach? I really need to get on the ball and sign up for some lessons.

Any advice welcome...

Catherine....what you described above makes a lot of sense and it seemed to work well for you. Now, I'm still a newbie at swimming as well. Spent most of last year just trying to improve and still trying to improve. So you can certainly take anything I might say with a grain of salt.....I looked through some of my old practices and came across this one. Perhaps you could use some or all of it; modify it in anyway you'd like. But, it did give me some structure and organization to my time in the pool.

So here goes....(some terms-"drill" was just making sure having my head down, to keep my butt from dropping, high elbows,breathing technique etc, drill is unique to what anyone needs to concentrate on; "best stroke" is just that, whatever my best stroke looks like; "ri" is rest intervals.) Oh, and on my warm up, the early lengths I'd walk a portion and swim a portion just to get loose. Consider that as well.

200 warm up; Warm up set - 8x25 drill @15 sec ri; 8x25 best stroke @15 sec ri; Main Set - 300 pull buoy in a little over 8:00; 2x75 swim @20 sec ri; 4x25 swim @15 sec ri; 2x25 very easy-ok to walk some here. Rest then repeat the Main set. Cool down - 100 ok to walk some here too.

I think that's around 1900 yards; try at least some of it; time can be an issue as well I'm sure. Other practices can have longer sets without the pull buoy; I'm backing off kick board sets since the bike trainer gives my legs a tiring workout.

I hope this helps.

Edited by 2NewKnees 2015-02-25 11:13 AM
2015-02-25 11:46 AM
in reply to: Team-S

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Team-S

Hi Todd and everybody, I have some questions about GPS watches. I have never worn one, I use my phone for music, intervals and time. I have a fitness wearable to track calories, steps, sleep, etc. So, what do the GPS watches do for you? Whats good, whats bad?

For me it is the ability to have an accurate distance, time, but more importantly most can tell you up to the second what your average pace for the current mile is. I have an issue with starting out way to fast in my runs and the average mile pace tells me where I am and I adjust accordingly. Add in the fact that most will give you HR data if you have the strap, which helps you pace and then a detailed map of your run with elevations and full breathdown when you download them. Understand I am speaking from using a Garmin 305, 310, and now 910, but have not used the newest 920. The other thing with a GPS watch like a 910, you can use it in all three disciplines to track. A 910 can tell you your stroke turnover rate as well as distance in open water. If you add a cadence / speed sensor on your bike it will give you that data plus all the same stuff from the run (elevation, distance, actual map, Hr date if wearing the strap). It is what your fitness tracker is not, it will give you the breakdown of your actually workout in the disciplines for tracking / montoriing of them. The 910 and up also allow for 4 scenes to display at once so you can set it to constantly view whatever data is most important to you for each discipline. If your curious go on you tube and watch some review videos on the Garmin 910 xt and 920. There are other companies that have watches like this but I've never used them.

2015-02-25 1:07 PM
in reply to: #5078752

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Hello everyone, ( this is long)
This is the new drills I am working on plus what I have already learned.
Warm up150yd kick board( I feel like I'm crawling with this but I feel it will work out in the end.) yes my quads feel heavy after a previous day on the bike.
50 yd each side side stroke( one arm out on a kick board the other on my thigh while I flutter kick)
150yd Freestyle
50 fist drill (hand like loose fist). This is to work on the power in my forearms.
50yd zipper drill( arm comes over then down to side, once it gets to my thigh I run my hand up my body(zip it up)and then reach and pull again. Both arms
50 yd new drill 6 in front
On my side one arm out the other on my leg. Flutter kick 6 times roll onto stomach face into the water blowing out( when you roll the arm on the leg comes over and both hands are out straight like superman). Flutter kick 3 times then roll to the opposite side. This is to help get the head and arms positioned right for the breathing.
50ydNew drill- I think it is called out in front you do freestyle but when you bring your arms to the front you put your hand into the water with more purpose and pull. This is to work on the power in the pulling hand/arm. Alternate as you swim with both hands.
Cool down
100 yd freestyle
I hope I wrote that so it is easy to understand.
As far as the bike goes. There are drills too. I will talk to my husband as to what they are.
I have been doing a warm up on an easier gear for 5 minutes then change to a harder gear. I keep my cadence between 75-88. I also watch my heart rate and try to keep it at a a good burn. This has been hard with my cold and my other workouts.
Yesterday, I added in a strength program of upper, lower and core workout. My trainer helped me to put together something that worked more than one muscle group at a time. This is good because she wants me to do this 2x a week.
Someone asked if I do my workouts back to back to be like a brick training. I do them like that only because of time in my schedule. When I have time I notice I can get a stronger workout in with a few hours between sessions.

I have to say I was feeling tired last night and feeling like I didn't want to workout today. . I got my bag set up last night and set out dishes for breakfast and my water bottle and tea cup. I got up this morning and my brain went into autopilot. There weren't any negative thoughts in my head. It was just my rhythm. I was a bit tired in the pool but I felt my body getting it. Slowly slowly, I have actually made it across the 25 yd (pool length) without stopping. That is my goal. I normally stop 1-2 times. I also rest after each lap 30-60 seconds.
I got an adjustment with the chiropractor today and I'm so excited I have an hour and a half massage today!! I can't wait.
I was showing my muscles to my children. My youngest told me to do like this ( gun show, show off my arms). I laughed then I looked down and realized some muscles from cooking were beginning to come back. I can see my quads starting to show through my "winter coat" (layer of extra fat).
I have dropped 1.8% body fat, when I checked in with my trainer. The scale is not my friend anymore but I love my tape measure. Tomorrow is my rest day. Keep up your hard work everyone!
2015-02-25 1:46 PM
in reply to: #5096104

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
I spoke with my swim coach about food intake, calories and the extra workouts. She has done triathlons before she said. Eat 1200 calories then if you burn 600 calories eat a total of 1800 calories. Basically eat what you burn. She said to do that for a week and see how that feels. It is a juggling act to eat enough. I try to eat more carbs before and heavier on protein after. For me I do a recovery shake( from p90x) I my water while I'm in the pool. That helps to keeps going. Sounds like you have already figured out what works. That is great!
2015-02-25 7:06 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Originally posted by Lizfuze


You brought up a lot of good points. I thought It was important to go from bike to run as fast as I can without resting between because that will be what we are doing during our event, but, if I take more time to rest and recover between maybe I will have a better workout for each

So, thought. Are you working out multiple times a day? Swim in the morning. Bike or run in the evening? I have been doing whatever workouts that are scheduled at the same time and always after my long work days.

Honestly until it warms up I don't think I can get up any earlier and especially get in a cold pool. Maybe run and bike when it is warm out.

Sounds like people are really doing great. I have been asking around at my Y. Master swim starts next Sunday I am going to try that for any pointers, and I talked with a local bike guy that will help fit me with a bike that should work well for me.

I registered for a 5K next month and put a bike tour on my planner for May. I saw where my sprint has opened registration now. I'm a little nervous yet so didn't register

Everyone have a great week of training. You are all very inspiring

You are inspiring too! Whoever you are! can you make yourself a signature so we can see who you are? Good luck at the masters swim. that's awesome. And the 5k! whoo hoo! And just register for teh sprint! do it'. you'll feel exhilarated!

Ok I have attempted to make a signature. Set a goal. Reach it. Repeat. Liz. Fort Wayne indiana
2015-02-26 11:22 AM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by 2NewKnees

Originally posted by allan_c

Well, I am plodding away on my 12 week training plan and generally doing OK. I am still worried about my swim. Yikes! I feel like progress is mm at a time. I have been primarily working on my freestyle, and I really can't do more than 50 yards continuous freestyle. Yesterday I decided to try a different strategy, and I did 4 x 100, alternating freestyle and breast stroke every 25, but making myself keep going. Then I did 100 with the pull buoy, another 2 x100 alternating freestyle and breast, and finished with 100 breast. I am hoping this will help build my endurance and that I can alternate with work-outs where I really work on technique and drills. My hope is that I'll get to the point where those alternating strokes go away and it's all this a crazy approach? I really need to get on the ball and sign up for some lessons.

Any advice welcome...

Catherine....what you described above makes a lot of sense and it seemed to work well for you. Now, I'm still a newbie at swimming as well. Spent most of last year just trying to improve and still trying to improve. So you can certainly take anything I might say with a grain of salt.....I looked through some of my old practices and came across this one. Perhaps you could use some or all of it; modify it in anyway you'd like. But, it did give me some structure and organization to my time in the pool.

So here goes....(some terms-"drill" was just making sure having my head down, to keep my butt from dropping, high elbows,breathing technique etc, drill is unique to what anyone needs to concentrate on; "best stroke" is just that, whatever my best stroke looks like; "ri" is rest intervals.) Oh, and on my warm up, the early lengths I'd walk a portion and swim a portion just to get loose. Consider that as well.

200 warm up; Warm up set - 8x25 drill @15 sec ri; 8x25 best stroke @15 sec ri; Main Set - 300 pull buoy in a little over 8:00; 2x75 swim @20 sec ri; 4x25 swim @15 sec ri; 2x25 very easy-ok to walk some here. Rest then repeat the Main set. Cool down - 100 ok to walk some here too.

I think that's around 1900 yards; try at least some of it; time can be an issue as well I'm sure. Other practices can have longer sets without the pull buoy; I'm backing off kick board sets since the bike trainer gives my legs a tiring workout.

I hope this helps.

Thanks Bill! This looks good - I will give it a try.

2015-02-26 11:24 AM
in reply to: nekomidori

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by nekomidori

Hello everyone, ( this is long)
This is the new drills I am working on plus what I have already learned.
Warm up150yd kick board( I feel like I'm crawling with this but I feel it will work out in the end.) yes my quads feel heavy after a previous day on the bike.
50 yd each side side stroke( one arm out on a kick board the other on my thigh while I flutter kick)
150yd Freestyle
50 fist drill (hand like loose fist). This is to work on the power in my forearms.
50yd zipper drill( arm comes over then down to side, once it gets to my thigh I run my hand up my body(zip it up)and then reach and pull again. Both arms
50 yd new drill 6 in front
On my side one arm out the other on my leg. Flutter kick 6 times roll onto stomach face into the water blowing out( when you roll the arm on the leg comes over and both hands are out straight like superman). Flutter kick 3 times then roll to the opposite side. This is to help get the head and arms positioned right for the breathing.
50ydNew drill- I think it is called out in front you do freestyle but when you bring your arms to the front you put your hand into the water with more purpose and pull. This is to work on the power in the pulling hand/arm. Alternate as you swim with both hands.
Cool down
100 yd freestyle
I hope I wrote that so it is easy to understand.
As far as the bike goes. There are drills too. I will talk to my husband as to what they are.
I have been doing a warm up on an easier gear for 5 minutes then change to a harder gear. I keep my cadence between 75-88. I also watch my heart rate and try to keep it at a a good burn. This has been hard with my cold and my other workouts.
Yesterday, I added in a strength program of upper, lower and core workout. My trainer helped me to put together something that worked more than one muscle group at a time. This is good because she wants me to do this 2x a week.
Someone asked if I do my workouts back to back to be like a brick training. I do them like that only because of time in my schedule. When I have time I notice I can get a stronger workout in with a few hours between sessions.

I have to say I was feeling tired last night and feeling like I didn't want to workout today. . I got my bag set up last night and set out dishes for breakfast and my water bottle and tea cup. I got up this morning and my brain went into autopilot. There weren't any negative thoughts in my head. It was just my rhythm. I was a bit tired in the pool but I felt my body getting it. Slowly slowly, I have actually made it across the 25 yd (pool length) without stopping. That is my goal. I normally stop 1-2 times. I also rest after each lap 30-60 seconds.
I got an adjustment with the chiropractor today and I'm so excited I have an hour and a half massage today!! I can't wait.
I was showing my muscles to my children. My youngest told me to do like this ( gun show, show off my arms). I laughed then I looked down and realized some muscles from cooking were beginning to come back. I can see my quads starting to show through my "winter coat" (layer of extra fat).
I have dropped 1.8% body fat, when I checked in with my trainer. The scale is not my friend anymore but I love my tape measure. Tomorrow is my rest day. Keep up your hard work everyone!

Thanks for sharing your swim work-out. Looks good - I'll have to try this one too!

2015-02-26 11:32 AM
in reply to: allan_c

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Small Victory today! I did a run-swim work-out this AM. The run felt great...first one in a while where I wasn't counting the seconds until I reached my time. I went to the pool feeling like Iw wasn't up for a hard swim, but decided to push myself. I did and easy 50 breast w/o then started my 4x100 set with 30sri (down from 45s ri at my last work-out). I alternated 25 mfree/25 m breast. Then I did 100 with the pull buoy. My plan was to do another 4x100 with alternating breast/free, but I decided to push myself. The first 100 I did free/free/breast/free and felt pretty good, so the next 100 I did all free. This is the first time I have ever been able to do 100 free without stopping. I feel like my consistency with the swim work-outs over the last several weeks is paying off. I even feel like the free might be getting easier than the breast, as I think I am getting into a better rhythm with it. I finished off the last 2 of the 4x100 with free/free/breast/free and then free/free/breast/breast. It felt great!

Here's my question for folks. My training plan has me doing a light week 1 in 4 weeks. When I looked at the schedule for next week it seemed ridiculously light, and since I am only up to 25 min run, 900 y swim, 35 min bike (not all together), wouldn't cutting back right now be too soon? Should I really do a light week already? My major hurdle is building an aerobic base, and I am afraid I will lose ground in that realm if I cutback to the degree my training plan suggests (for instance, back to 10 min run).

I would love to hear your advice on this one!
2015-02-26 12:47 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Great question Catherine. Have been thinking about the same thing myself. I guess are bodies are still being pushed in the whole scheme of what they are used to even if it isn't a lot when we think about where we are headed. I have been like you and afraid to ease off for a week in fear of losing ground.

2015-02-26 1:14 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED
Originally posted by allan_c

Small Victory today! I did a run-swim work-out this AM. The run felt great...first one in a while where I wasn't counting the seconds until I reached my time. I went to the pool feeling like Iw wasn't up for a hard swim, but decided to push myself. I did and easy 50 breast w/o then started my 4x100 set with 30sri (down from 45s ri at my last work-out). I alternated 25 mfree/25 m breast. Then I did 100 with the pull buoy. My plan was to do another 4x100 with alternating breast/free, but I decided to push myself. The first 100 I did free/free/breast/free and felt pretty good, so the next 100 I did all free. This is the first time I have ever been able to do 100 free without stopping. I feel like my consistency with the swim work-outs over the last several weeks is paying off. I even feel like the free might be getting easier than the breast, as I think I am getting into a better rhythm with it. I finished off the last 2 of the 4x100 with free/free/breast/free and then free/free/breast/breast. It felt great!

Here's my question for folks. My training plan has me doing a light week 1 in 4 weeks. When I looked at the schedule for next week it seemed ridiculously light, and since I am only up to 25 min run, 900 y swim, 35 min bike (not all together), wouldn't cutting back right now be too soon? Should I really do a light week already? My major hurdle is building an aerobic base, and I am afraid I will lose ground in that realm if I cutback to the degree my training plan suggests (for instance, back to 10 min run).

I would love to hear your advice on this one!

It was all your "altitude training" on the slopes last week - that made everything easy/great today!!!

Do you "trust" the plan you are on? You get stronger through rest/recovery. Don't think about it as "I am only up to" but think about it as from where did you start? The plans usually do 2 to 3 weeks of progression and then recovery. Now if you are feeling good right now, then maybe split the difference -scale things back to 75 or 80% of what you did this week. Another option I have seen in a cycling plan I found "decades ago" is the that when you are in the building mode your "recovery week" is a repeat of week 2 of the cycle.

As you progress down the road - there may/will be times you are looking forward to your recovery weeks - as early as Tuesday or Wednesday before hand.
2015-02-26 2:55 PM
in reply to: allan_c

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Southern Norway, Vest-Agder
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED

Originally posted by allan_c Small Victory today! I did a run-swim work-out this AM. The run felt great...first one in a while where I wasn't counting the seconds until I reached my time. I went to the pool feeling like Iw wasn't up for a hard swim, but decided to push myself. I did and easy 50 breast w/o then started my 4x100 set with 30sri (down from 45s ri at my last work-out). I alternated 25 mfree/25 m breast. Then I did 100 with the pull buoy. My plan was to do another 4x100 with alternating breast/free, but I decided to push myself. The first 100 I did free/free/breast/free and felt pretty good, so the next 100 I did all free. This is the first time I have ever been able to do 100 free without stopping. I feel like my consistency with the swim work-outs over the last several weeks is paying off. I even feel like the free might be getting easier than the breast, as I think I am getting into a better rhythm with it. I finished off the last 2 of the 4x100 with free/free/breast/free and then free/free/breast/breast. It felt great! Here's my question for folks. My training plan has me doing a light week 1 in 4 weeks. When I looked at the schedule for next week it seemed ridiculously light, and since I am only up to 25 min run, 900 y swim, 35 min bike (not all together), wouldn't cutting back right now be too soon? Should I really do a light week already? My major hurdle is building an aerobic base, and I am afraid I will lose ground in that realm if I cutback to the degree my training plan suggests (for instance, back to 10 min run). I would love to hear your advice on this one!

Great work, Catherine! The feeling of progress is thrilling. I've upped from one to two swim sessions a week for two weeks, and I am allready feeling that I am making progress. Last workout I did 10x100 and 10x50. I have never done so many 100s in a row, so I have hope to soon be able to up that to for example 5x200. If we keep it up, before we know it - we'll be doing 500 as easy as nothin' :-)

My bike has finally been shipped from the online store, and today I went to a local shop and got me a pair of biking shoes. Still pondering the name of the bike tough, but  I've allready named the shoes. The left shoe is "One" and the right is "The Other". It will help me remember to pedal ... well you get my point :-)

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date : September 8, 2008
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When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
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Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
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First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
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For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
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This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
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This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.