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2007-06-26 9:07 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I just stick with the girlfriend who runs track. She understands. But whenever she stops by my place and "What it Takes" or "Ironman Live" is running on my computer I get a big..."Ahhh Triathlon." (I'm one of those kids that just puts the movies in my Media Player and leaves it on repeat.) I'm sure sooner or later she'll lock my bike to some light post and I'll have to get rid of her, but until then I'd say the physically active opposite sex works for me. (She's a little cute too)


2007-06-26 10:36 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Hey guys, I just signed up my Noah, age 9 for his first triathlon in Pleasant Prarie August 18. He did his first duathlon in May and loved it and wants to do a TRI's only a 100 m swim, but it is in a lake, and he's not much better than a dog paddle currently. I hope to get him some private lessons in the next week or so. And of course, take him out in the lake with me eventually. He's just so darn skinny, that he doesn't float well. Do they make wetsuits for little kids, or is that ridiculous? Can you rent one for a skinny 50 pound kid? I suppose it's just not very far....but to him, it may seem like a HIM swim distance for me......and I want his first tri experience to be as rewarding for him as his first du was! He's a big part of why I"m doing all this. I figure he's got a lot of his dad's chemistry and could easily be called a bit hyperactive. He does great in school, though. But I want him to learn healthy ways of coping with all that energy he has and hopefully keep him from finding alcohol, etc. to try to calm himself down and create happy chemicals. There's family alcoholism on my side of the genetic fence, too. And now days there are soooo many more drug choices than when I grew up. I just knew that the stuff you inhale is a no-no (well, okay I did go to college, but the stuff never did anything much for me......). Any of you get your kids involved in tri's?
2007-06-27 12:48 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Well, after finally lugging the air conditioners out of the basement and getting them into the windows upstairs and down (gotta love duck tape for all the crevices!), it is still really hot in my house tonight. So I waited till my kids were all asleep and then tried to do my long run. The good news is that I managed my first successful negative splits. The bad news is that I could only manage 4 miles of them and I cheated a little. I ran .75 mile intervals with a .25 walk, but just increased the mph with each interval. The other bad news is how pitifully slow I had to start to manage the increase in speed. And then my right hamstring and calf started meaowing loudly at me, so I quit at exactly the one hour mark. And took 6000 mg MSM for the inflammation and iced (currently) which I almost never do because I'm superwoman and lazy.

It's nights like this that make me think perhaps I'm NUTS to think I'll ever pull off a full IM........ or even a marathon, even if I am signed up and WANT that medal! And want to impress upon my kids that this stuff is important and worth it......It IS worth it, isn't it????????????? And it DOES get easier, right? Like next week, I hope......anyone have a working crystal ball? Do you all see my crazy goals materializing some time in the next decade??????

Well at least you all made me really happy that I have no stinking man to get in my face and challenge me on this stuff! I can do whatever I want--hah!! (no, it's not going so well on match.....I think they are all a bit weirded out by this old lady tri I seem to attract the Nigerian scammers and really old fat dudes or dudes that can't spell and barely completed high school...although some of the UK dudes winked at me and even an Italian dude as in he actually lives in Italy.....but the ironman dude didn't think he could fit me into his training schedule with me living 2 hours away......typical!) Hrrmphff.

Dave, do you ever feel like "Dear Abby" on here?
2007-06-27 1:29 AM
in reply to: #801094

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Ken - I can relate buddy. My wife has been trying to be OK with it becasue she can see that it's important to me, but I definately have to be careful how much I talk about it with her. I would suggest that you find a new subject to chat with her about and use the forum when you want to talk tri. Also, while I give you credit on the nuts it mut have took, did you really think you could go out for a swim on Mothers Day and not catch crap? You screwed up here big time and acording to the laws of women, she is technically allowed to hold it over your head for the next 3 - 5 years, especially on Mothers Day. We have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter and a baby due in September so I can also understand the need to fit in family time and training time. I find myself trying to get up earlier and earlier on the weekends so that I can train before anyone else gets up. I thik I have my wife talked into to trying a marathon and she is pretty excited to start running after the baby and so I'm holding my breath that she will get into the tri thnkg and we can do it together. Maybe you should see if your wife would like to go with you for a couple "easy" training sessions one day, maybe she'll like it? Good luck and just a hint, don't go out and train on her birthday!
2007-06-27 8:57 AM
in reply to: #862039

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Timo - 2007-06-27 1:29 AM  Also, while I give you credit on the nuts it mut have took, did you really think you could go out for a swim on Mothers Day and not catch crap? You screwed up here big time and acording to the laws of women, she is technically allowed to hold it over your head for the next 3 - 5 years, especially on Mothers Day.
Oh, trust me, It was not the smartest thing I have done but had I not done it, I would have had issues in my first race.  I actually talked to her about it a month before hand and she said it was okay as long as I came home right after it was over which I agreed to.  I explained to her that I was really worried about the swim and this could be my only opportunity to swim with a group before my first race.  Well when I showed up to swim and they started I completely paniced but luckily was wearing a wetsuit.  It actually took my about 25 minutes to swim 800 meters, most of which was on my back.  I proceeded to drag my butt out of the water and after a few minutes of yelling at myself I tried again with a nose plug and swam the 800 using front crawl the whole way.  I then meet a few BTers over the next few weeks to make sure I was in fact okay in the OW.  My first race would have been bad had I not done this and as much crap as I will get (and deserve) I probably would have drown in my first race had I not done it especially since it was non-wetsuit.  Trust me, had I done OWS in the past I would not have done it but in the interest of her not wanted to collect life insurance I thought it was a good idea and would do it over again, but will never do it in the future.
2007-06-27 9:55 AM
in reply to: #861876

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Miler - 2007-06-26 9:07 PM I just stick with the girlfriend who runs track. She understands. But whenever she stops by my place and "What it Takes" or "Ironman Live" is running on my computer I get a big..."Ahhh Triathlon." (I'm one of those kids that just puts the movies in my Media Player and leaves it on repeat.) I'm sure sooner or later she'll lock my bike to some light post and I'll have to get rid of her, but until then I'd say the physically active opposite sex works for me. (She's a little cute too) MT
If I was dating now, I would definately date athletic types.  I normally never dated athletic girls in the past, only one that I can think of.  She was an all-american in track and is now a lawyer, I would have been able to do anything I wanted since she probably makes all kinds of money and works all the time.

2007-06-27 3:16 PM
in reply to: #862308

Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-06-27 9:57 AM

Well when I showed up to swim and they started I completely paniced but luckily was wearing a wetsuit.  It actually took my about 25 minutes to swim 800 meters, most of which was on my back. 

This was exactly how my first, and only so far, trialthlon OWS went.

Still unable to get in any workouts due to my work situation. Hoping that I can resume my training next week!!!!
2007-06-27 4:56 PM
in reply to: #862027

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-27 12:48 AM It's nights like this that make me think perhaps I'm NUTS to think I'll ever pull off a full IM........ or even a marathon, even if I am signed up and WANT that medal! And want to impress upon my kids that this stuff is important and worth it......It IS worth it, isn't it????????????? And it DOES get easier, right? Like next week, I hope......anyone have a working crystal ball? Do you all see my crazy goals materializing some time in the next decade??????

Pene, I commend you for working hard toward your goals.  You have a very strong desire to achieve them, and that's what it takes.  I think your amazing for juggling your own business, 3 kids by yourself, and triathlon training.  I don't think I could do it.  I have a pretty easy 9-5 job, no kids, and I barely get by. 

If you think you're over-trained a little, then you should rest and perhaps we should re-evaluate your training plans and maybe your short term goals.   I'm as impatient as you when it comes to seeing improvement and trying to attain performance goals.  However, we'd both do well to try to adopt a more lifelong perspective.  (You did mentioned that you wanted to be doing tris when your 90, right!?)  When you think that you have your WHOLE LIFETIME to achieve your triathlon/sport goals, you can take on a new fresh perspective that doesn't place as much importance on this month or even year!

Try to love the journey, not just the destination!

Let's keep talking as motivation and goal setting/seeking is such a big and important part of triathlon.   

2007-06-28 3:41 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Dave, thanks for being so willing to help me out! I think I'm doing a tad better. I notice when I miss out on sleep, it is way bad for me! Sleep is when all the muscle repair and strengthening occurs. I know this, and yet at times I'm so hungry for some "alone" time to just focus on whatever without a thousand interruptions, that I sacrifice sleep for that. Not good. I've got a funky hamstring deal going on where it feels like there is something dripping down my right leg at times, but it isn't. Maybe a tear inside with blood dripping down inside? I don't know. I can walk okay and today I swam a long OWS and it was fine, then did 20 miles on the trainer as I didn't trust that leg to go out somewhere and get stuck with an injury in the middle of some road somewhere. I did fine, so I think I'll try for more miles tonight. Had to go pick up my kids as the babysitter is going on vacation and only could take them for a few hours. But I'm not going to run until that leg feels wonderful again. Not worth it. Even if I am only like 3 miles from my last month run total and it is BUGGING the crap out of me to not do at least as much as last month...... know what I mean here? I'm lower in yardage for the swim too, but that's because ALL my swim this month was OWS. So, that part doesn't bother me quite as much.

I'm trying to reframe all this and realize that patience is a virtue and I can't expect to be as fast as the people that have been doing this for years and have less age and fewer health problems. My neuroendocrine system is weak. I was almost dead a few years ago, so what the heck do I expect? And my overtraining might not seem like it to the rest of the world, as I'm not an ultramarathon double or triple IM superchick pro, but for ME, it was too much. And I have to just try to slow down a bit, but not quit. Tricky business. Too easy to just quit. So, I'm trying to remember the reasons I decided to do this stuff, and try my best to see the progress, as slow as it is. I'll be okay. Don't worry. But I agree, I might have to miss a few events this summer.....
2007-06-28 3:52 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I think I'm having post race lack of motivation. I even tried going out on my bike for run yesterday. I don't know if you guys know this, but you can ride a bike without bike shorts, no jersey, and ride around without your hands on your handlebars. It just sucks having to go back into training after the high of a race. Any suggestions, tips, does anyone want to finish my season for me. Let's hope this gets better or I'm not even going to get my cross country volume in. Let alone, Ironman volume. Gew, this sucks.

2007-06-28 4:04 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Matt, easy does it! You just put out a tremendous effort for this past race--I mean, FOUR HOURS A DAY plus work and a girlfriend thrown in there somewhere--just what do you expect? Of course, now that the main race is over, your body wants to shut down and repair! So let it do it's job!! Sleep in, eat pizza and ice cream, spend time with your lady, GO TO A MOVIE! Just vedge! It's okay! You are already pretty much THERE for IM, so relax. I know a fellow (my age) who has been doing tri's for quite awhile, but just did IM AZ and only did one 55 mile bike, one 40 mile bike, and a 10 mile run in prep and finished in about 12 hours! He could get away with it because his engine is built and he's in great shape! You are too, so it will be fine.

There, that's your pep talk. I only give out one per customer

2007-06-28 4:09 PM
in reply to: #865006

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-06-28 3:52 PM I think I'm having post race lack of motivation. I even tried going out on my bike for run yesterday. I don't know if you guys know this, but you can ride a bike without bike shorts, no jersey, and ride around without your hands on your handlebars. It just sucks having to go back into training after the high of a race. Any suggestions, tips, does anyone want to finish my season for me. Let's hope this gets better or I'm not even going to get my cross country volume in. Let alone, Ironman volume. Gew, this sucks. MT

Yes, post-race let down is real and common, unfortunately.  Typically it hits me hardest when I don't have another race or another big race planned.  But, you have IMWI is less than 3 months!  Try to look forward to this race.  It's supposed to be awesome with all the crowd and spectator support.  This is going to be your first IM.  You only get to become an Ironman once!  This could very well end up being one of the most exciting times or your life!

Also, try to ride or run in a different location.  This always helps me get out of a funk as I often get bored of riding and running in the same spot all the time.  Do some route research online tomorrow and find a new, exciting ride for Saturday.  Even if you have to drive 1-2 hours to get to some good new route, it'll be worth it since hopefully you have a little extra time on the weekend.

Sometimes, it helps me to forget about "working out" or "training" and just go out there and have fun.  Don't user your watch/cycle computer/HRM.  Just ride and/or run for fun!   That's what this sport is supposed to be about anyway.  It is very easy to get caught up in nitty gritty details of training schedules, performance improvements, weekly hours, etc, etc.  Sometimes we need to take a step back and remind ourselves to have fun!

Thanks for sharing, Mattt.  Keep posting and let us know how the IM training is going.  I know Pene is very curious as she hopes to do IMWI 2008.  (There's also an outside chance I might register for it too!)


2007-06-28 4:13 PM
in reply to: #865029

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-28 4:04 PM Matt, easy does it! You just put out a tremendous effort for this past race--I mean, FOUR HOURS A DAY plus work and a girlfriend thrown in there somewhere--just what do you expect? Of course, now that the main race is over, your body wants to shut down and repair! So let it do it's job!! Sleep in, eat pizza and ice cream, spend time with your lady, GO TO A MOVIE! Just vedge! It's okay! You are already pretty much THERE for IM, so relax. I know a fellow (my age) who has been doing tri's for quite awhile, but just did IM AZ and only did one 55 mile bike, one 40 mile bike, and a 10 mile run in prep and finished in about 12 hours! He could get away with it because his engine is built and he's in great shape! You are too, so it will be fine. There, that's your pep talk. I only give out one per customer

Pene is right.  By all means, take some well earned down time after your race.  Take a week or so of unstructured,  easy, short sessions along with plenty of rest and pizza and girlfriend time.

Then you can try my other suggestions to get you back in the groove.  

2007-06-29 9:11 AM
in reply to: #865006

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Mesquite, Texas
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Miler - 2007-06-28 3:52 PM

I think I'm having post race lack of motivation. I even tried going out on my bike for run yesterday. I don't know if you guys know this, but you can ride a bike without bike shorts, no jersey, and ride around without your hands on your handlebars. It just sucks having to go back into training after the high of a race. Any suggestions, tips, does anyone want to finish my season for me. Let's hope this gets better or I'm not even going to get my cross country volume in. Let alone, Ironman volume. Gew, this sucks.


Hey Matt, I haven't done a Tri (yet) but I know from experience after my marathons, I felt the same way. Just go out and have fun. If you let the feeling over take you, it takes a while to get back into gear. The key is to "go out" and do something to keep active even if it isn"t a "training" activity, it keeps the fire burning. The feeling will pass and you will be fine.
2007-06-29 10:11 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I went out to a Bix 7 training run last night (Bix at 6), and ran with a family friend who I met out there. I figured taking it his pace for the night would be excellent. I had a great time just chatting it up, and I didn't even look at my watch until the finish line (we just run the actual bix course). I ran it in an hour, which was perfect because thats what my plan is for Thursdays. Usually I have to run for awhile after those training runs to get all my time in. Afterwards I went home and followed the response to my "Dear Pene" column, and had pizza and beer (Which hasn't happened for as long as I can remember. It felt good, and still got my training in. I get to go up to the Wisconsin Dells this weekend for my Grandparents 50th. Do some Fun! swimming and I'll still do my long run, but I'm feeling pretty good. Thank you for all your encouragment group! Yeah DG!
2007-06-29 3:57 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
I've been online all day waiting for my LSAT score, and I keep checking this thread to get my mind off of it, but no dice...

You all must be at work being productive.

2007-06-29 4:02 PM
in reply to: #866616

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Flower Mound, TX
Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL

Miler - 2007-06-29 3:57 PM I've been online all day waiting for my LSAT score, and I keep checking this thread to get my mind off of it, but no dice... You all must be at work being productive.

I'm at work, but definitely not being productive! I swam this morning a little bit, and ran about 3.5 miles at lunch, and now I'm really pooped for some reason. I think it's b/c I'm bored more than anything else. I'm hoping to get some good rest this evening as I'm going to try to do 90 tomorrow!

Glad you're feeling a little better, Matt.

Edited by dgillen 2007-06-29 4:05 PM
2007-06-29 8:23 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
Yeah, I was at work all day and barely got a lunch.... realized that I'd left my computer online all day, but I wasn't actually present....

Well, Matt, Law School, huh? That figures--brains and brawn! Good for you. My brother went to UW Madison Law School and now practices in Superior. He loves it and is actually a decent, honest lawyer (they do exist!). Maybe by the time you get out, he'll need a partner---you never know! There, that's a freebie pep talk

I should have been a lawyer......($$$$$)
2007-06-30 3:14 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
This rain is a beating. It's hard to get motivated to train when every time you look outside it's raining. How does anyone in Seattle ever get ready for a triathlon?

On a more positive note, I can already see some small effects of the running coach. If I can implement everything he's showing me(and we haven't even started working on strength yet) I'm going to be shaving a lot of time off my run.
2007-06-30 4:05 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JB--good for you on finding a running coach! I've actually been considering finding one, not just for running but the whole cabang. But, where do you find one in one's area? I tried a general google search and got nothing. Been reading some IM stuff written by a T3 coach, Dara Wittenberg, and bookmarked it all. It's on the articles section here on BT--good stuff on what to expect for a first IM. Did you guys know they have wetsuit strippers, showers and changing tents in T1? And maybe everyone else knew this, but you have to finish the swim in 2 hours 20 minutes and the bike and swim in 10:30 or you are DQ'd. She also does a step by step nutrition during the race plan and talks about a bunch of useful stuff! Makes me almost hyperventilate as it sinks in just exactly what I'm shooting for here! You must check in two days prior to the IM too. I didn't know that. And she says to do a brick the day before the race and do the morning OWS each day. Anyway, it is very technical stuff, this IM training. I think it is a bit beyond what I can do myself. Especially since I tend to feel really funny at times when I'm pushing things a bit.

So, is it adequate to get a coach who lives in Florida and just do online or phone coaching? Or is it WAY better to search until you find a human that you can train with one-on-one without needing a bunch of frequent flyer miles?

Also, some of us on Prof40's group are considering Nice France 2008, or at least there is talk of a group IM endeavor there! It's only like $400 to get a ticket to France. And you can literally sign up there THE DAY OF the IM race (or a day or two before or whatever). Might be an option for me as I won't have my marathon completed when I'm supposed to sign up for IMMOO. I'll extend the invite to DG group here! Must stay over Monday for a post IM party though But I can't speak French at all, even though I tried some in college. Ich kann Deutsch sprechen, aber nicht so gut. But all I remember of Francais is Zoot Alor (and I don't even know if it's spelled that way).

Must go eat the first corn on the cob of the summer now
2007-06-30 7:51 PM
in reply to: #867220

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JBrashear - 2007-06-30 3:14 PM This rain is a beating. It's hard to get motivated to train when every time you look outside it's raining. How does anyone in Seattle ever get ready for a triathlon? On a more positive note, I can already see some small effects of the running coach. If I can implement everything he's showing me(and we haven't even started working on strength yet) I'm going to be shaving a lot of time off my run.
Amen, I thought it was not supposed to rain in Texas!! Oh well, if it was 100 deg I would be complaining too.

2007-07-01 7:16 AM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
F*CK!!! My goddamn alarm didn't go off this morning, so I missed out on my last chance to hit an OWS before the race. F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK
2007-07-01 12:39 PM
in reply to: #801094

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL


 I attempted to measure my sweat rate today let me know if I did it right and what it means. 

My pre run weight was 206.4 and post race was 201.2 or a loss of 5.2lbs and I drank 64 oz (4lbs of gatorade) so my total loss was 9.2lbs in 80 minutes which is about 1.88 oz a minute (113 oz an hour).  Does that seem right.  Seems really high.  How much should I drink an hour to not get dehydrated?

2007-07-01 3:12 PM
in reply to: #867742

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
kproudfoot - 2007-07-01 12:39 PM


I attempted to measure my sweat rate today let me know if I did it right and what it means.

My pre run weight was 206.4 and post race was 201.2 or a loss of 5.2lbs and I drank 64 oz (4lbs of gatorade) so my total loss was 9.2lbs in 80 minutes which is about 1.88 oz a minute (113 oz an hour). Does that seem right. Seems really high. How much should I drink an hour to not get dehydrated?

It's worth considering that it was muggy as hell today, so you're probably going to sweat more than an average day.
2007-07-01 4:21 PM
in reply to: #867851

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Subject: RE: David Gillen's Group - FULL
JBrashear - 2007-07-01 3:12 PM
kproudfoot - 2007-07-01 12:39 PM


I attempted to measure my sweat rate today let me know if I did it right and what it means.

My pre run weight was 206.4 and post race was 201.2 or a loss of 5.2lbs and I drank 64 oz (4lbs of gatorade) so my total loss was 9.2lbs in 80 minutes which is about 1.88 oz a minute (113 oz an hour). Does that seem right. Seems really high. How much should I drink an hour to not get dehydrated?

It's worth considering that it was muggy as hell today, so you're probably going to sweat more than an average day.
Yeah, it was definately a little muggy, but I typically sweat like a pig anyways.
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