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2010-06-23 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Love your Escape photos - I like the smiley ones on the bridge.  Capstone seems to do a great job - lots of good photos at Escape and Pirate.


2010-06-23 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2938204

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-23 5:50 AM STEVE again - In general, are you feeling in line with Vineman? Are you and it on separate pathways leading to Perfect Convergence? July 18, yes?

I THINK things are starting to come together.  It's been a good few days of training.  Saturday's ride was a duplicate of the week before - albeit an hour faster.  60 miles in 3.5 hours, with just shy of 3,000 feet in climbing.  Then the afternoon run - 30 hard minutes up Dixie Canyon, then some drill work while I waited to meet my wife and her friend at the top (some intervals up the last steep pitch, high knee work, skipping, etc.).  Monday's good swim.  And yesterday, something clicked on the trainer brick.  18.1 mph avg for 45 minutes, then 3 miles at a 7:20 pace up Dixie (20 minutes total).  I was suffering right on the edge for the whole thing, but at the same time, felt strong.  No foot slapping, calves felt good.  So, I think I continue to turn that corner.

Focus for the next 9 days is going to be bike/run intensive, as we head to Belize on Friday the 2nd, and I won't be able to ride until just before Vineman.  So I'm going to really work to get in the mileage this week and next - lots of brick work.  LONG training day on Saturday and Sunday (swim/bike/run at PCH) and then the quasi-taper from there.  I'm hoping to get in some trail work on the trip, and plenty of OWS during the beach stay. 

Reality is setting in that Vineman likely won't be as great a time as I would have hoped for.  After Showdown with all of it's climbing - I thought I could cut some good time off that performance at Vineman.  I think I'll be shooting for a very similar time to Showdown unless I continue to improve quickly in the coming 2-3 weeks. 
2010-06-23 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Belize - wow! - I'm envious - At least, you shouldn't have any trouble getting swim workouts.

2010-06-23 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
SteveB, Anne, Mandy,

Hope none of you were afected by the earthquake today.

I'm sure Steve and Lynn felt it though as the epicenter was 61km (38 miles) north of Ottawa. Lynn I believe works near or in Ottawa and they live about 60 km away in Casselman.

I did not feel anything down here in MI. But apparently Windsor which is 30 miles from me did feel it.

Edited by smarx 2010-06-23 1:39 PM
2010-06-23 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2938845

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-23 11:53 AM

TRACEY again -

A few thoughts on your foot and the podiatrist:
(1) Do you think he's one of those guys who feel that we athletes "bring this on ourselves"? That might explain why he hurried you through the session.
(2) I have heard that sometimes it takes several injections before something positive happens......but that was not the case with me.
(3) As you said a few weeks ago, if these things get too advanced, nothing much will shrink them down to a manageable size; at least, that's the case with many neuromae.
(4) I share your concern about anti-inflammatories*, although a 10-day trial might be okay. I say that with the thought in mind of managing the thing for the rest of the season, and with an eye towards surgery in the off-season.

* I do not have a very addictive personality (well, I race too much........ ), and I guess that is part of what is behind the fact that I am probably the only adult my age that you know who has never been drunk or stoned. BUT, back in '95 I went through a couple of months where I had bad earaches and the fairly-frequent nasty headache, and to ease my misery I took aspirin -- which I had done all my life for various problems, and with no adverse effects. I didn't keep track of how many I took, but I was doing enough to "manage" the ear and the head. If either of those hurt at midnight before I went to sleep.....I took an aspirin or two; I didn't even think about things such as "empty stomach".

At some point a few months into this regimen, I began to feel constant "hunger pangs", and eating didn't minimize them.. This came to a head one evening when I felt a "pop" in my stomach.....and then a few days later started having bloody bowel movements. By now I think you know where this is going, and the end of it was having to rush into emergency with a bleeding ulcer, and that led to a couple of days in the hospital and an endoscopy.

The lesson there was that addictions can be mighty tricky things, and in hindsight it was clar that I had developed an addiction to aspirin. It wasn't a craving or a clinical dependency....but as a "management tool" it sure caught up with me quickly and dragged me along for an unplanned-for ride! I am constantly aware of my stomach, always on the lookout for any sign that things are not right. There has not been a recurrence, but then again I have not had an aspirin since early '95. I eschew acetosalicylic acid (I know I have misspelled that), but can handle Advil okay. And anything with acetaminophen in it is fine.

Long story, but just in support of your concerns about getting hooked into anything that is potentially harmful to the stomach (or liver, for that matter).

My podiatrist has never struck me as an "athletes do it to themselves" kind of guy, but he always seems to be in a big rush. Another thing is that from the looks of my waiting room company, I don't think he sees many athletes. All the other patients are at least 65+ (no offense to anyone approaching that age in the group!) But you know what I mean, they are 65+ and have diabetes and other vascular conditions that require the care of a podiatrist. But I happen to know that he's a sports medicine specialist as well, so I assume he knows what he's talking about.

Your story about your aspirin experience reminds me of something that happened to my husband a couple years back. He is also one who NEVER takes anything for anything, but a doctor put him on large doses of an NSAID for a shoulder injury. This led to the same symptoms you described. He thought he had some kind of stomach bug until he realized it was the medication. Luckily for him, the symptoms went away when he stopped the medication and there was no major damage done. Since then he's always on me about popping the Aleve, Motrin, etc.

By the way, the Newtons are here! I couldn't wait to try them so I hopped on the treadmill and tested them out. They feel pretty good! They're so light and comfy. My other shoes seem like real clunkers compared to them. I only gave it about a 5 minute run but tomorrow I'll probably do 20 or 30 minutes (on the treadmill). My only complaint: the laces are too short for my wide feet. That's usually the case for me with all shoes. I like to double-knot my laces so they don't come untied, but there's barely enough for me to tie them even once. I usually skip one row of lacing just over the middle of my foot to make extra room for the widest part of my foot, so once I do that there should be just enough lacing to tie them once securely.

2010-06-23 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2938897

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
latestarter - 2010-06-23 12:04 PM SHAUN,

Good luck at Welland this weekend!!  I'm thinking we might drive down to watch to the event.   It would be fun to cheer you on.    If we do, I will make sure I track you down.  

Thank you!! That would be very cool if you guys come down. So far the audience looks to be my mom, aunt, mom's friend, maybe my little cousin and two women from MI going up to the HIM on Sunday.

I'm ready for it and looking forward to it.

If you want I can send over my cell number so you have it. I plan on picking up my packet Friday night so I should have my number. I'll try and remember to post it so you will have it.

2010-06-23 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2939349

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


First I heard about it was 15 minutes again, listening to the raido channel that is blaring for people gassing up thier cars at my local gas station. They say it has messed up VIA rail service some, and I'll see if there is any kerfuffle in Ottawa when I head in there shortly for yet another dose of the Fringe Festival.

I don't know why I didn't feel anything, but maybe ----- no sense, no feeling?

2010-06-23 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2939579

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Desperate times call for desperate measures? It sure isn't optimal, but I can usually survive it okay. I keep telling myself that it's the quality of sleep the night before the night before that matters.....but that doesn't always lead to a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed few hours before the race!

I used to be a real "road warrior", doing insane drives to and from races (remind me to tell you about Atomicman, or Muncie, or a few others sometime!), but my ability to do that with seeming impunity has declined dramatically in the past tow or three years. It's kind of frightening, and depressing, but on the other hand it really IS more sensible to avoid moronic drives if at all possible. I think.

2010-06-23 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2939595

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Treadmills aren't the best thing for the true Newton experience, so if you can venture outside in them, do so. Remember, the 60-day trial period is on them! Of course, it's best to take them on a "clean" road just for the sake of decency and fair play and not wanting to abuse their generosity, but I'm sure you've got lots of those around you!

Somewhere on th website they have a blurb about treadmill running, and they give a reason or two why treadmill running isn't the best way to use them. No harm can come from 'mills, but they don't encourage the full use of the lugs and the Active Membrane technology. I think they say that hard surfaces engage the technology most effectively.

Have you tried your speed laces with them? And I only bring my laces up to the frontmost of the holes that are in the little plastic piece, and have even experimented with not even using that hole.

Have fun with 'em! (And that green color isn't all THAT it? )

2010-06-23 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2939595

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-23 1:10 PM DENISE - Desperate times call for desperate measures? It sure isn't optimal, but I can usually survive it okay. I keep telling myself that it's the quality of sleep the night before the night before that matters.....but that doesn't always lead to a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed few hours before the race! I used to be a real "road warrior", doing insane drives to and from races (remind me to tell you about Atomicman, or Muncie, or a few others sometime!), but my ability to do that with seeming impunity has declined dramatically in the past tow or three years. It's kind of frightening, and depressing, but on the other hand it really IS more sensible to avoid moronic drives if at all possible. I think.

had to laugh when I read this.  I tend to agree with you that it's the sleep 2 nights before that really matters.  What impresses me the most is your driving BACK after the race.  That has to be an unpleasant experience - even more uncomfortable than the race itself - plus the BONK factor.

I'm planning on driving back 7 hours or so right after Vineman, and NOT looking forward to that experience.  Both for being tired, and also for the fact that my wife and her friend are most likely to be a BIT tipsy at the start and then sleeping for hours 2-7!  It is Vineman after all!  LOL.
2010-06-23 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2939349

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-23 2:38 PM SteveB, Anne, Mandy,

Hope none of you were afected by the earthquake today.

I'm sure Steve and Lynn felt it though as the epicenter was 61km (38 miles) north of Ottawa. Lynn I believe works near or in Ottawa and they live about 60 km away in Casselman.

I did not feel anything down here in MI. But apparently Windsor which is 30 miles from me did feel it.

I was driving through town and stopped for a red light and alll of a sudden my car started moving/lurching from side to side and forward  - not crazy, but enough to freak me out and wonder what what going on.   My first thought was Oh! Oh!  I think I need a tune up - something wrong with the gas line?    It never happened again, and when I got home, Ken said my brother had called from Oshawa all hyped up about them feeling the shaking.    Ken didn't feel anything at home, though. 

2010-06-23 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2939616

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-23 4:19 PM


Treadmills aren't the best thing for the true Newton experience, so if you can venture outside in them, do so. Remember, the 60-day trial period is on them! Of course, it's best to take them on a "clean" road just for the sake of decency and fair play and not wanting to abuse their generosity, but I'm sure you've got lots of those around you!

Somewhere on th website they have a blurb about treadmill running, and they give a reason or two why treadmill running isn't the best way to use them. No harm can come from 'mills, but they don't encourage the full use of the lugs and the Active Membrane technology. I think they say that hard surfaces engage the technology most effectively.

Have you tried your speed laces with them? And I only bring my laces up to the frontmost of the holes that are in the little plastic piece, and have even experimented with not even using that hole.

Have fun with 'em! (And that green color isn't all THAT it? ;) ;) )

Not a bad color at all! I'll be taking them out on the road on Friday.

I'll have to check out the website for that info on treadmill running. Only because I see myself doing more treadmill running this summer since I HATE running in the heat (more than I hate running on the treadmill and staring at my basement wall...)

Edited by thall0672 2010-06-23 5:42 PM
2010-06-23 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2938968

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-23 12:25 PM ANNE - Thank you ---- and another first place IS the plan! Mostly, though, I'm after some time gains. I did it as an informal aqbk in '06 and as the full thing in '08. My swim times were 18:18 and 19:01, and bike times were 59:52 and 59:16. I am REALLY gunning for a better bike time, but the swim has me worried. My last couple of swims have been quite crappy, I don't really know why. In '08 I had my worst-ever oly run, at 50:29; I just felt clunky for the whole darn thing. I ended up 1/7 in the a.g......but it sure wasn't on the strength of a scintillating run! My goal is to ride the bike very hard and then push the run to its limits. The good test here is that it an oly run after a less-than-oly bike --- a challenging bike course, but still less-than-oly-length --- so it will involve a mindset that is aiming for a 10km tri-run, but after just 18.6 miles on the bike. So, mind over matter, or mind over misery. A downside is waking at about 2:45-3:00 to drive there and arrive before 6, where they're holding a spot for me until then. Another reason for going all-out down there is that the race fee is $145US, which is steep for a sprint-olympic "hybrid" and that better demand an effort on my part! But weariness might be a contributing factor, but i hope to arrive at 6, get set up, and return to the car for a 30-minute power nap. Yaaaaaawn! We'll see how it plays out! How's the knee feeling, post-Guelph?

After the morning chores and yard work wasn't feeling the greatest - low back really hurt and the knee was still acting up.   It feels/felt like it was out of alignment; a sharp pain; while laying on chesterfield I was moving my leg sideways and it was like my lower leg below knee was separated from upper leg - not painful though.  Strangest feeling.   Did this sideways movement 4-5 times and then the 'separation' was gone and my leg felt like one unit and when I stood up the knee pain was gone as was the lower back pain. 

I have had 3 different practitioners say that my knee ligaments/tendons were loose/stretched causing the knee to get misaligned, especially when walking/running on uneven ground.   Apparently, given time they will tighten up again which I think has been happening because until a week ago, the knee was feeling very stable.   The beach running and running up the hill several times must have irritated things and then sitting on my knees Saturday night may have overstretched the ligaments again.   Biking on Sunday with the knee misaligned probably didn't help.   At least I am learning what to do to correct the problem when it happens.  

Have my 8 week osteo checkup tomorrow, so will see what she has to say about this.  

Cold is still lingering in the throat/chest.  

That will be an interesting race for you.   The bike will feel pretty short.   You are a real Ironman to me - you have no trouble pushing the limits and seem to have boundless energy.  

However, I agree with Denise about getting up that early and driving to a race.   I thought I did good getting up at 4:00 on Sunday.      

BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-06-23 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Fresh off the press, it's official!!  There will be an Ironman in The Woodlands Texas next year ... May 21, 2011!


2010-06-24 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2940338

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-06-23 10:13 PM Fresh off the press, it's official!!  There will be an Ironman in The Woodlands Texas next year ... May 21, 2011!


Very cool Lisa!!

For me just to be able to go and watch an IM I'd have to head over to Wisconsin or Lake Placid, NY. Would be interesting to be that close to go see one.
2010-06-24 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2940338

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


So I took a look at the Ironman Texas website and noticed they were using Ironman PERFORM sports drink that is from the PowerBar folks.

Listed as (per 8oz of fluid)
70 calories
Sodium 190
Potassium 10
Carbs 17
Sugar 10
Protein 0
magnesium 2%

Also last night on Modern Marvels was an episode on soft drinks with a small amount of time on Gatorade. Interesting story behind the product (Florida Gators football team suffereing from dehydration and the school Dr.'s came up with Gatorade). Their comments were that sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium all play a role. I've never seen any of that listed on their bottles and I just checked, no mention on the website...

2010-06-24 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2939752

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


It was a week ago, the 17th!!

Happy whatever-you-are, Tracey! (I know, but i'm not saying unless she gives me permission!)

Edited by stevebradley 2010-06-24 8:58 AM
2010-06-24 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2940906

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Moronic Drives right after races:

-- Two times back from Eagleman half-iron, Maryland, 10 hours
-- Point-to-Point Triathlon, half-iron, Maryland, 10 hours
-- Columbus Marathon, Ohio, 11 hours
-- Chicago Triathlon, 11 hours
-- Muncie Endurathon (half-iron), Indiana, 13+hours
-- and the grand prize winner......

Atomicman half-iron, near Knoxville, Tennessee, 2003. I bonked on the run, had a rough race overall, hung around for about an hour and then headed back home. I had taken off the Friday to go down, but felt I also couldn't take off the Monday. So, I was on the road at about 2pm, needing to be at work by 8am. The pressure was on! With the benefit of two 20-minute power naps, I rolled into work at 8:10. I was an awful teacher that day, showing a movie, maybe two. And it was about the same the hext day. By Friday I was maybe back to normal, but probably not. That was a very painful week!

Have a grown wiser with age? Um.........

2010-06-24 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2939770

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Seriously, it's not a bad time at all for a rest week en route to Vineman. You've upped your workload quite a bit recently, so a rest week is in order, more or less. And then when you get back from Belize, you'll be all primed for your final prep for Vineman! Perfect!

Mostly, it's very encouraging that your run legs are back, and also that your duplicate bike ride was so much faster than the first time. You've clawed your way all the way back, baby!

2010-06-24 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2940016

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You DID do well getting up at 4am, which is no mean feat at all!

I've read about how livestock can sense an earthquake quite a while before it happened -- maybe that's what your leg was doing! Misalignment of tectonic plates, misalignment of bodily joints........makes sense to me!

In all seriousness, that must've been very disconcerting for you. I'm sure you were hugely relieved when it all resolved itself. Whew!

I find that nowadays, the smallest wonk or niggle raises alarms that It Will Be Forever. Know the feeling? It must be a special strain of paranoia that affects older athletes. I have it in spades.

Thank you for the compliment! Overall, I have a goodly amount of energy, and I seem to be able to recover and rebound from races and hard efforts quite well. The back-to-back of Escape and Pirate seemed to go well, and I have another I am looking at for Aug 14/15. I know I should race less than I do, but I keep scheduling them as if there is no tomorrow. (Uh, see previous paragraph?)

I think I've mentioned this before, but the bigger problem for me is the mental aspect of "putting on my competitive face". I really felt that towards the end of last season, just showing up at races and trying to figure out who my competition was and how hard I would have to work to beat them. That was a caution for me during the off-season.....but as the months progressed I stopped thinking about it so much, and here I am -- up to my eyeballs in planned races!

2010-06-24 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2941013

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

ANNE again -

And sometimes the energy levels just aren't what I would hope them to be. A persistent problem so far this OWS season is that I seem unwilling to push harder paces in my training. Maybe that's due to being in open water 4 or 5 times a week, but I'm wondering if it is something else. (What, I don't exactly know.)

Yesterday I did a fairly fast and quite hilly 11km run, and then launched right into a hard-paced ride ----- but it took me close to 8km before I began to feel that my legs (especialy the quads) were up to the effort. I had done a hard 35km ride the day before, but that shouldn't've drained me. And yet, along with the 11km run right before, I had trouble feeling real strong on yesterday's ride, which lastee jut an hour. After it, I was quite taxed, and could still sense my breathing being compromised a little a couple of hours later.

So, it's a swim today, and nothing else. And for tomorrow, maybe just a leisurely 45-minute ride to feel loose for Tupper on Saturday.

Maybe I'll have a nap now!!

2010-06-24 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2940620

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


An odd thing about the Ironman corporation is that they have often had off-the-beaten path products as the ones they endorse and allow to have booths at their events. PowerBar may be ubiquitous, but my guess is that the Perform drink will NOT be. That is, you can;t get it at the corner store. It will be much like the Gatorade Endurance formula in that respect.

Maybe that is what the guy was referring to when he mentioned those goodies in their formulations, the more special Endurance one?

For a while, Ironman evets touted Amino Vital, which was weird in a lot of ways. They have bonded with Newton, and even though I am a Newton guy to the death, it isn't a shoe for everybody! Plus they're expensive, plus they can't be found in 99.99999% of stores that carry quality running shoes. They also bond with K-Swiss running shoes, but as with Newton they are very hard to find.

Go figure!!

2010-06-24 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Run yesterday was not quite as good as I had hoped.  60-minutes at 7.66 miles / 7:50 pace.  Was really hoping to cover 8 miles in that time, but the wheels started to come off a bit toward the end, I'm sure my pace the last mile was closer to 8:50.  Was pretty light headed after the run until I got some food in me.  But, still an improvement, and I feel OK today - slight residual fatigue.  Will do a good spin tonight, maybe some interval work and play Friday by ear.  Saturday is going to be a long day, so I may take it easy on Friday to prep for it.  I have to keep reminding myself, now that I'm feeling a bit stronger, that rest is part of the training.  LOL.
2010-06-24 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

So Steve - what time do you have to get up for Tupper Lake?

2010-06-24 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I'm sitting here trying to think of what I need to bring for my 5k Saturday and then I realized - NOTHING.  Just dress and go.
A lot simpler than packing for a tri.

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