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2010-06-25 6:55 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Good luck to everyone this weekend!!

2010-06-25 7:18 AM
in reply to: #2931496

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Work has been crazy nutso this week. Ack.  Sorry I have been a no-show!  Embarassed

ANNE - great race report - hope those knees get better soon!!  Where is that dismount picture?

LISA - IMTX!! That is awesome! Good for you!  I am hoping to be an Ironwoman next year too (IM Lake Placid)

KASIA - Good luck at Loveland this weekend!

STEVE B - WOOT! 1st Place at Tupper Lake! Yea yea!

SHAUN - Good luck at Welland! Hope you feel great!

DENISE - Rock that 5k!  Hope the neroma behaves!

Uhhhh Earthquake? I didn't notice one here.

I am racing the LADU this weekend - Duathlon - 3 mile run, 14 mile bike, 3 mile run.  Hoping the run works out ok!



2010-06-25 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hope everyone has had a great week and is looking forward to the weekend!

STEVE B, those are some crazy drives to your races.  The farthest I've gone was to Memphis for the St. Jude's half marathon and that was by plane!  Good luck to you at Tupper Lake ... we are all expecting no less than 1st place once again, pressures on!!

STEVE A, sounds like the training is coming together. Hope that you'll have a great time in Belize next weekend!

DENISE, good luck at your 5K this weekend. This would be the weekend that we use to travel up that way for our vacations.  Should have planned better this year and I could have joined you!  And great job on the bike handling skills!

ANN, crazy about the earthquake.  Did you get any of the bad weather that same day?  My friends had the earthquake in the morning and a tornado warning that night.  Hope that your cold is getting better.

TRACY, Happy Belated Birthday!!  Keep us posted on how the Newton's are working out.  Have you registered for you next race?

SHAUN, good luck to you at Welland!  I'm excited about Ironman Texas which will be about 15 minutes from my home.  Looking forward to volunteering and watching the last athletes come in . 

KASIA, best of luck to you on your oly!!  Can't wait to hear how things go.  Just curious as to what flavor Shot Blocks that you tried.  Have fun.

I've got a sprint race on Sunday.  Third time to do this particular race, so hoping to better my time again.  Calling for 76 degrees race AM with temps to 96 (feeling like over 100).  Last year it was 95 degrees on my way home from the race as we were having record highs.  I'm disappointed because 3 of my 4 friends (ages 22 to 30 and first timers) who were planning on doing the race have backed out Undecided.  Planning a trip to NYC next weekend to visit my daughter and catch an off-Broadway show that she's in ... should be fun!

2010-06-25 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2942703

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-06-24 8:15 PM

I'm sitting here trying to think of what I need to bring for my 5k Saturday and then I realized - NOTHING.  Just dress and go.
A lot simpler than packing for a tri.


You're going to keep feeling like you are forgetting something!  Have a good time!!

2010-06-25 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2923998

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-15 6:17 PM LISA (lufferly, that is) - VERY intriguing! Wasn't it Memorial Hermann Healthcare that took over corporate sponsorship of Lonestar, the one out of Galveston? Keith Jordan, RD par excellance, was the original person behind Lonestar (he's also Timberman and Mooseman and Longhorn), and if he's willing to climb into bed with MHH, they HAVE to be good people and very supportive of triathlon; Keith would accept nothing less! I will have to follow that and see how it unfolds. Keith has been kicking around the idea of a full iron for many years, so I can see this as having him down there (where his in-laws live, near Houston) for Lonestar at the end of April, and then hanging around and getting the iron set for a few weeks later. it would be around Memorial Day, yes? Of course, that's assuming that he is behind this, somehow, someway. Let the speculating begin!

STEVE B, I can finally answer your question!!

From KEJ:

Yup, I'm the RD Really excited about creating this event.

It's going to be awesome!!! The bike course will be great, as will the run,venue, and a unique swim
Regarding aid stations: they'll certainly be every 10-12 miles on the bike....

Obviously, we've been tightlipped about everything, but the planning for this has been going on for quite some time.

Was in the Woodlands for meetings yesterday, and drove the bike course again, to start the work on volunteer and aid station placement.

Truly, this is going to be a GREAT event. The venue and courses will be fantastic!

Now, off to Galveston for the day, to work on some IM 70.3 TX stuff

Get ready to sign up on Friday!

Edited by lufferly 2010-06-25 7:36 AM
2010-06-25 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2943094

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

WHOA! Big weekend just ahead!!

Saturday, 26 June

11th Annual Komen Brainerd Lakes Race for the Cure
5km run
8:45am CT

Loveland Lake to Lake Triathlon
6:30am MT

Welland Triathlon
8:30am (time trial start) ET

ME --
Tupper Lake Triathlon
8:00am ET

Sunday, 27 June

LADU (Lewiston-Auburn Duathlon)
8:00am ET

2010-06-25 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2943247

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Logo Freaks! Check out the race logo for Mandy's race!

2010-06-25 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2940956

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Glad you're back (you had me worried!), and thanks for the reminded about LADU, which I had forgotten about when I did the preliminary announcement a few days ago. All set and ready to roll??

2010-06-25 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2943076

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


About Ironman Texas -- very reassuring to hear that Keith is the RD. He's just about the best of the best!

About Tupper -- I shall do my best!

About IMTX again -- He's been bugged for years by his New England faithful to RD an iron, and he's always said that it'll be either that or his family; I sure hope it hasn't/doesn't come to that! The NE faithful won't be thrilled that his long-awaited iron is going to be in Texas....but i guess they just weren't specific enough in their requests and pleas!

2010-06-25 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2940906

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-24 9:57 AM


It was a week ago, the 17th!!

Happy whatever-you-are, Tracey! (I know, but i'm not saying unless she gives me permission!)

I have no problem admitting to being 25! Just kidding... I'm 38.

2010-06-25 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Good luck to all the racers this weekend!

Edited to say, especially to Kasia, who I believe is doing her first Oly??

Edited by thall0672 2010-06-25 1:40 PM

2010-06-25 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2942703

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


I haven't done a striaght road race since Oct '07, i think, but it was a real luxury to pack next to nothing. Duathlons aren't too bad, minus all the swim stuff, but they can't compare to a shoes-and-top-and-bottom-and-cap road race!

As for Tupper, I have my first alarm set for about 2:50. I have to leave the house by 3:30 just to make sure I'm down there by 6:00. Leaving at 3:30 should get me there by about 5:45, but sometimes the border can be a nusiance. It should be fine at that hour, but one never knows for sure!

Enjoy the presence of the other peers in your a.g. -- we're a vanishing breed!

2010-06-25 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2944304

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You and my mom both! She was 25 for the longest time!

2010-06-25 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Ha, MANDY, just to clarify ... I will NOT be doing IMTX but will definitely be there volunteering!  Good luck on your Du this weekend and have fun!

2010-06-25 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2944289

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-25 1:35 PM LISA - About Ironman Texas -- very reassuring to hear that Keith is the RD. He's just about the best of the best! About Tupper -- I shall do my best! About IMTX again -- He's been bugged for years by his New England faithful to RD an iron, and he's always said that it'll be either that or his family; I sure hope it hasn't/doesn't come to that! The NE faithful won't be thrilled that his long-awaited iron is going to be in Texas....but i guess they just weren't specific enough in their requests and pleas!

STEVE B, when you get a chance, you should check out the IM Texas thread (actually the Newe IM in Woodlands thread) on the Texas forum, specifically discussing Keith's wife's thoughts on all of this.  Guess you NEers should have been more specific!

Edited by lufferly 2010-06-25 1:49 PM
2010-06-25 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2944325

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-06-25 2:46 PM Ha, MANDY, just to clarify ... I will NOT be doing IMTX but will definitely be there volunteering!  Good luck on your Du this weekend and have fun!


HA! Cool.  That is awesome that the race is going to happen and that Keith is the RD.  I just can't get ready for the swim that soon (with my pool issues) or else I would consider signing up for that one.

2010-06-25 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Wanted to tell you that I ran 2.6m today in the Newtons and I have to say, so far so good! I didn't feel any noticeable discomfort that seemed to be a result of the change in running form (of course maybe I'll feel it later). I felt some tiredness in my calves but I always get that when I run, so I'm not too worried. The neuroma didn't bother me at all, but that could be the result of the new medication I've been taking since yesterday (Relafen). This might totally be a psychological thing because of my expectation that the shoes might make me run faster (after all, the cardboard inserts that come in the shoes say "Run Faster",) but I think I really did run faster! It was flippin' hot out there, and I did have to take some walking breaks in the second half. But even with the breaks my pace was about 12:30. This compares to my best 5k pace of 11:45, and my pace from Escape of 12:08 (both of which I ran throughout). So with walking breaks, 12:30 is pretty decent. That leads me to believe that improved form was making me run faster when I did run.

Still not too sure about whether I'm going to do the 10k on July 4th. Donna has signed up for the race though, so the pressure's on! I know I could finish it with walking breaks I'm sure, but I have to see how the neuroma behaves between now and then. I'd also like to get some longer runs in to prepare myself.

2010-06-25 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2943262

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-25 9:34 AM MANDY - Glad you're back (you had me worried!), and thanks for the reminded about LADU, which I had forgotten about when I did the preliminary announcement a few days ago. All set and ready to roll??

Sorry to worry you - work kept me away from Groovin this week. 

Good luck all!

2010-06-25 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Even though I live in the Minnesota boonies, we have a lot of lakes so there's quite a few tris close by.  I have 4 more tris this season and the driving distances are: 1.5 hr, 45 min, 30 min, 30 min. 

2010-06-25 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2943247

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-25 6:31 AM WHOA! Big weekend just ahead!! Saturday, 26 June DENISE -- 11th Annual Komen Brainerd Lakes Race for the Cure 5km run 8:45am CT KASIA -- Loveland Lake to Lake Triathlon 1500meters/30miles/10km 6:30am MT SHAUN -- Welland Triathlon 750meters/30km/7.5km 8:30am (time trial start) ET ME -- Tupper Lake Triathlon 0.6mile/18.6miles/6.2miles 8:00am ET Sunday, 27 June MANDY -- LADU (Lewiston-Auburn Duathlon) 3miles/14miles/3miles 8:00am ET

Kick but everybody!!!!
2010-06-25 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2944392

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Back from another evening at the Ottawa Fringe Festival, adn now off to bed; it would be good to get at least four hours of sleep!

Big thoughts to DENISE, SHAUN, and KASIA tomorrow. For KASIA, especially -- enjoy the vibe, dig the sights, and pace yourself so as to stay comfortable and happy.

I expect to be back sometime tomorrow, but if not.....MANDY, rock awhile at LADU, you!

2010-06-25 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2944334

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Later, you all?

And Lisa -- where is that thread, exactly? Does it suggest that Keith's wife (Claire, i believe) is none too pleased? I'm sure it's her family who live in the Houston area, but it may be some other relatives of Keith's. (I'm diiging back into my memory bank for this one.)


2010-06-26 1:48 AM
in reply to: #2938101

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-23 5:54 AM


I never thought of the bike and a crash in regards to insurance. My concern was more theft than crash. My only comment would really come from if it was due to a driver's fault then wouldn't it then go against them?

As for the saddle adjustment, look at the rails on the saddle and the one side, usually I think the right side if you were on the seat will have graduations on it with a 0 at the back and then positive is towards the nose of the saddle or handlebars. Or at least all the saddles I've dealt with have been this way.

As for adjusting it, I do not know what the seat post bracket looks like on your bike so I can't help you there too much. On my mtb (which is a Gary Fisher, owned by Trek and has a Botranger seat post), there is a bolt on the front side and the back side of the post. You'll need an allen key 4mm or 5mm for this. Loosen those off and you can slide the saddle forward and back. This also is how the angle is adjusted. You want the saddle level to the ground (eyeball it or use a small level, you'll know if it is too far one way or the other. I believe I read somewhere that women may want it at most the nose pointed 3 degrees down.). My Cervelo on the other hand has 2 bolts under the front of the saddle. One being a 3mm and the other 5mm. The 5mm is the clamp which allows forward and aft movement and the 3mm locks in the angle.

Hope this helps!

Another point that I've learned is that not all saddles are the same when it comes to positioning. The original one was at -4mm but the wings on the back side of that one may be further back or forward in relation to that position on the rails. Does that make any sense?

In my case, the original saddle my Cervelo came with, I had it pushed all the way back and felt like I could use more room. I put a different saddle on that the was not much different in overall length and I had to move the saddle forward a decent amount to not have the feeling of being too stretched out. Does that make it more clear?

That is too bad the LBS guy didn't spend any more time on it than he did. I wonder if he recognized you bought the bike there or not. I would play with it to get it roughly right before going in for the follow up fitting, but I am a tinkerer and am interested in seeing what the results are from the changes I make. It'd be interesting to have a PowerTap so I could see in numbers (I'm an engineer and on of our tag lines is 'In God we Trust. All others bring data.')

I'm having my own fit issues with the saddle, mainly due to the angle adjustment on my bike. IMO its a rinky dink way to do it that Cervelo decided on (its a 2001 bike, so I hope this has gotten better). I have been playing with moving the saddle forwards and back and I can't get the angle adjustment to stay where I need it. The bike is still very rideable but one small incrmental change could make a huge difference especially as mileage goes up.


Thanks, dude! I'm on saddle number 3 and I don't think this is the one either, so I'm sure there will be lots of tinkering going on in the future. The LBS guy who put the saddle on for me was just a mechanic and not a fitter, so I don't think he was paying too much attention. You're right, the two saddles I've bought have had the graduations on it, but not the stock saddle that came with the bike. So it may've been hard for the LBS guy to gauge how far to move it forward/back, especially since it was busy when I went in (my fault on that one...I should've chosen a rainy day). I just needed something different quick.

I can definitely see what you're saying about the fit being specific to the saddle, with differing wings, thickness, etc. This last one I bought is taller than the stock saddle, so I've had to lower the seat a bit to have the same seat height. So it's looking like I may need to get another fitting after I find a saddle I like. I was hoping to wait on the saddle til I was ready to get a more aggressive riding position and get those fitted at the same time, but obviously that hasn't happened. So I may tinker on my own with the fit for now (which should force me to learn a bit about my bike) and go in for the formal follow-up at the end of the summer or maybe even next season for a different riding position. I understand enough about feeling stretched out, etc that I can move those things around for now.

As for insurance, I didn't think to insure the bike from crashes til someone posted a thread on the tri forum here at BT. I probably won't do it since it's $180 a year, but it was worth asking. Your comment is totally spot on in that I don't actually plan on breaking my bike by falling over at the intersection, so the likelihood of me needing that kind of insurance is slim.

2010-06-26 1:51 AM
in reply to: #2943247

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Good luck tomorrow (or actually today) DENISE, SHAUN, and STEVEB!!!

Thanks for the shoutouts. It is indeed my first Oly and even though I'm not too nervous, I still can't sleep. And I'm hungry. I may go make me some pasta or something to pass the time. Til tomorrow, GrooveTimers.
2010-06-26 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2945251

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


No updates from the other three?? I'm here quickly, but will return this evening.

Mine went well:

11/117 overall

1/4 M60-64 (the other three way back!)

55th in swim
10th in bike
15th in run

More later! I'm running on fumes and/or adrenaline....and we still have a few hours of Fringe shows this afternoon and this evening. And then it's up before 5 tomorrow to do another shrike/grassland survey. Is there no rest for the wicked?

MANDY!!! You all set??

DENISE! KASIA! SHAUN! Waiting word on your races (I'm not getting any younger, you know! )

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