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2010-06-28 1:36 AM
in reply to: #2947058

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Awesome job on the PB! 1:30' is a lot of time to cut off.

As for the Shot Block flavor question of last week, at this point I've tried them all. Well, most of them. The strawberry is super sweet, almost nauseatingly so, while I've heard the margarita flavor is salty. So far, my favorite is lemon-lime since it's a good balance between the two I just mentioned. Tropical berry is a little sweeter than lemon-lime, but also has more flavor.

And they're super easy to stomach and also very non-messy, as compared to gels. But you do have to eat three of them for every one gel to get the same nutrition.


2010-06-28 1:53 AM
in reply to: #2947392

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, Louisiana
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Thank you so much for your comments following yesterday's brief race report. And sorry for the long race report of today. You can skip the psychoanalysis and go to the condensed results at the end.

As for today, the sting of yesterday has worn off, as long as I keep my mind off the bike portion of the race. That part's still pretty raw.

Oh, and last night we had an end-of-season party for a softball league I'm in. Of course my body marking hadn't washed off completely (not like I tried all that hard ) so people kept asking why I had "622" Sharpied onto my arm. They were pleasantly surprised and impressed that I did a tri that morning.

And the best part was when this super cocky guy on my team found out the distance. "Oh, you did a tri? How long was it, a sprint?" Nope, an Oly mofo. His jaw literally dropped. Awesome!

Lastly, as of 10:45 pm last night, my soul is complete. At least that's the text I sent to a friend. So apparently it didn't take all that much for it to heal. Just a few beers and some good company.

2010-06-28 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2947406

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Sorry to hear the race was a struggle for you. You toughed it out and made it through. I'm sure you'll be much stronger the next time you try an Oly.

That's good to hear your soul is mending. They can take a beating in any distance I am sure. Mine always seems the most frail during the swim and I'm a fairly strong swimmer yet it was in those 15 minutes on Saturday that I felt the worst. Twice I had to stop as I swallowed too much water and coughed it up.

Great vindication on telling the guy it was an Oly you did! That must have made you feel better when his jaw dropped.

We are in the same boat of taking some time off from training on a structured plan and intend on doing an oly this year. My plans are for one in late August and another in mid September. At this point that will be a new struggle in mental toughness for me. You'll be all the tougher because of what you've already done. It's a distance that may be popular with tri people but for those who just jump in and do a handful it is not a friendly distance.
2010-06-28 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

My race report is forth coming. I'm back at work today, digested some more of the results (bumped to 72nd which was also my bib number but dropped in AG to 12 of 20).

I'll be working on it a bit over the course of the day. The more I think about it the more I think a 1:40 or 1:45 was within my grasp and I didn't reach for it.

Thanks everyone for the comments. It is appreciated. However, my legs feel worse today than they did during the race or after.

2010-06-28 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2947058

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


You had a race, too? Ack! How did I miss that........or did you just kind of sneak it in there? Where was it? And distance? And? And?

Anyhow --- until further details surface --- congrats on the PB-by-a-considerable-margin!

2010-06-28 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2947596

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Wow, I see the posts grew overnight, and I now have more work cut out for me! I will wrangle my way through them as quickly as I can......but Lynn has the day off today so she will recruit me for various tasks and functions. I will try to get caught up by tonight, at least in terms of responding to everything that has been posted in the past 2-3 days.

My Tupper report will be tomorrow, probably. I still feel great about how I placed and all, but a very strange combination of feelings towards the event itself. I am miffed yet again at how poorly they treat the sprint crowd as compared to the half-iron folks, as well as to the amazingly shabby measurement of distances. On the other hand, they are struggling to remain an old-school type of event in a new-school world of triathlon, and I'm not sure they can survive like this. Each year I've done Tupper I've had these feelings, but the last one really resonated on Saturday. Maybe I'll put all of this into the race report, or maybe somewhere else, or maybe just tuck it away and forget about it.

Anyhow, later for all of this Tupper Lake stuff!

2010-06-28 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2947614

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Any bright ideas on where your race results are? Every time I click on results, I get the ones for 2009 (and what is the refetrence to apple raspberry jam???). maybe I have to brush up on my resourcefulness!

2010-06-28 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2945920

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Really fine job at Welland, my man! You finished in the top third overall, in just your second triathlon -- decent!!!

All the componenets went well for you, with another strong swim, an awesome bike, and a goal-breaking run. That the calf did not respond well to all of this is a definite downside........but sometimes that is the risk of pushing hard in a race (or a workout, for that matter). I have yet to figure out a way around this, and about the best I can do is hope beforehand, and then count on myself to manage things if they get bad during the activity itself.

Have you said that one of your possible venues for a HIM next year would be Welland? (I know you're htinking about Steelhead.) I would most definitely support that for you! The regular course traditionally is one of those "flat and fast" ones, with good pavement and all, and I guess you found that out for yourself. But looking at those times for the half-iron -- WOW!! So, if you want to kind of "ease into" your first half-iron, Welland would be the perfect choice. Plus, you have the knowledge of at least part of the course from what you did on Saturday. But I'm getting ahead of myself, huh?

What did you think of the swim -- both the setting in the canal and the time-trial start? I think I read that the starts would be based on bib #, and if so that put you in a perfect spot -- 72nd out of about 240, was it? That gave you lots of people to reel in, but way, way before the clutter of swimmers developed.

How is the calf today? And where exactly is it bothering you? Is it limiting your daily movements at all?

2010-06-28 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2947704

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN again -

Looking at your swim and bike pace compared with the guys ahead of you in your a.g., you are RIGHT in the mix of them! I think there were four guys who placed ahead of you that you out-biked, and three or four that you out-swam. That is really encouraging! In fact, with the exception of the guy who won your a.g., who had the monster bike split at 39kmh, you were within spittin' distance of the rest. And if you are feeling now that the 650 is not the best size for you, imagine what might happen if you found your way onto the optimal bike?!?

2010-06-28 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2947725

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

SHAUN once more -


Zoot shoes haven't worked for me, and I've tried a few pairs. I tried one pair in '08, the first season they appeared, and I couldn't make them work without socks -- blister problems! Then I tried two pairs last year, and the same thing happened. I liked the feel of running in them....but couldn't solve the potential blister problem.

My thought is that they are a "sloppy" fit, but I don't mean that as a negative. I didn't hang around with them long enough to test this fully, but I tink the only way they could work for me is if I sized-dwon when buying them. There just seemed to be a lot of loose volume there, and I think my feet had too much room in which to move around.

One change they made from year one to year two was in the sockliner, which was very rough in year one and tried to chew up the bottom of my feet. The blister problems that threatened with the year two models were elsewhere, thanks to an improved sockliner.

Anyhow, no two feet are the same, and yours might do really well with Zoot. They go on quickly, to be sure, and they are light and responsive. But if running sockless is a goal for you (and I know it is), then proceed cautiously!

2010-06-28 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2945882

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
LadyNorth - 2010-06-26 6:22 PM
Had a great 5k - I think my official pace was 9:12.

My Garmin said my pace was 8:58 cuz it measured 3.2 miles - I think the Garmin was right - it was pretty crowded and I was running wide.

Obviously started to fast - splits were 8:43, 8:55, 9:20

But makes me feel much better after my horrible 10:50 pace at my last tri.

Got 2nd in age group - around middle-of-the pack overall.

Had a blast - saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in awhile - got a hot pink hair extension and some pink shoelaces.



2010-06-28 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2945565

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
stevebradley - 2010-06-26 12:18 PM ACK! No updates from the other three?? I'm here quickly, but will return this evening. Mine went well: 11/117 overall 1/4 M60-64 (the other three way back!) 55th in swim 10th in bike 15th in run More later! I'm running on fumes and/or adrenaline....and we still have a few hours of Fringe shows this afternoon and this evening. And then it's up before 5 tomorrow to do another shrike/grassland survey. Is there no rest for the wicked? MANDY!!! You all set?? DENISE! KASIA! SHAUN! Waiting word on your races (I'm not getting any younger, you know! )

That's just so damn impressive!  Way to go Steve.  Really inspiring!
2010-06-28 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2945920

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
smarx - 2010-06-26 6:53 PM

Hey all,

Thanks for the well wishes and mojo!

Overall 73 of I don't know. (wearing bib #72 missed out on placing as my bib number by 30 seconds or so)
9th in AG of I don't know.

Pack around the results was huge and I had somewhere to be so I didn't get to jot down any notes or take home a copy of the results.

What I remember otherwise of results is:

14:12 on the swim for 1:54 pace. I felt like I was flying catching people maybe they were all flying past me...

35.1 kph or 21.7 mph on the bike over 30k/18miles. Flat and fast. Great great pavement. Passed lots of people only got passed by 5 people or so on tri bikes much more expensive than mine.

Run was 39:07 or something like that. I broke my 40 minute goal for 7.5k.

However now my left calf is really hurting me. Down low in almost or maybe it is the achilles. Not good. Right now I'm thinking 1-2 weeks off from running and then taking up the Newton's training regimen of 1-2 mile runs at a time.

Cool side point of a Mississauga tri store had Zoot Loonies there. Awesome looking shoes for the truly patriotic Canadians. (For those who don't know Canada uses a $1 coin that has a Loon (similar to a goose, Anne/SteveB, correct me if wrong) on it and it is affectionatly known as a Loonie). If I knew Zoot running shoes worked for me, I would have bought them on the spot.

Ever since I've been eating, sleeping and drinking. Finally feel full 10 hours later and almost awake.

Sounds like a pretty fine race.  Congrats!
2010-06-28 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2946565

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-06-27 1:22 PM

Hi guys -  LADU race report:

ladu logo

There were so many things that were great about this race, it is really hard for me to figure out a place to start.  Exceptionally run, and thoughtfully planned, this is a race I definitely will come back to. And next time I am bringing friends.   

It is kind of cool that this race was put on by a museum.  Along with awesome detailed race maps, the swag bag included a historic guide of the course (along with all kinds of goodies).  The volunteers were amazing, there was a smiling flag waving, encouraging volunteer on every corner.  There were also plenty of water stations and the post race food was great. 

On to the race report....

Setting up Transition

I mention this because it was weird not having swim stuff.  Or really needing a towel.  It just didn't feel right - I kept going back thinking I forgot something.

Run 1 - 2.6 miles - 20:36 ~ 7:56/mile

I can't believe I ran that fast either.  Leg felt good. Great course.

It dawned on me that my age group was small (7) and that I might actually place in my AG since I was pretty sure I was within a minute of the leaders. 

Bike - 14 miles - 1 flat tire - 1:08:47

Yeah, that sucked.

I was hammering on my bike, feeling strong, passing people, and feeling really good. All of a sudden, about 2.5 miles into the ride, I noticed my tires were really loud.  I thought at first, "Gee, this is loud pavement."  Then I looked down, and my rear tire was flat. Crap.  There goes my chances of AG placement.  Off the bike, flip it over, dumping out my hydration (Aerobottle).  

Triathetes/bikers/duathletes/people are awesome.  Everyone that went by me asked if I had what I needed or if I needed help, then offered condolences.  That was really cool of you guys, thanks.

I grabbed my kit and took off my rear wheel, ripped out the tube, found the problem (little sharp thing, why do you hate my tire so?? WHY??).  Changed the tube, and got my tire back on.

I covered every part of my body in bike grease in the process.  I wasn't sure what to do with the blown tube, not wanting to litter and leave it there, but it wasn't going back to where I got the old one from easily (Why won't you go to your home little tube? Don't you know where your home is?).  I was rushing and stupidly tied it to to my rear water bottle cage.  I made sure nothing was hanging off and took off. 

Yes, I know, right there in black and white is proof that I am not very smart.  I was just thinking about getting going.

I pushed as hard as I could on the rest of the bike course, but I am not Chrissie Wellington, and you I just can't make up that much time.

About 2 miles away from finishing the bike, (some of you could have predicted this, I am sure) that tube decided to unwrap from my rear bottle cage and wrap itself tightly around my rear cog set.  Yes, I am an idiot and that was completely my fault, I shouldn't have put it there.  

The knife on my mini-leatherman took care of the issue, and I left the tube there, next to an empty pack of cigarettes, a few bud cans, and a pair of sexy pink sparkly undies.  I mention the undies because I actually paused in my ripping up of the tube and thought to myself, "I bet those things could tell some stories." 

I hopped back on my bike and finished the ride.  I noted on my bike computer that my actual riding time was 47 minutes (where I had hoped my time would be), so I spent about 20 minutes screwing around with tires and tubes. 

Run 2 - 3.1 miles - 26:05 - 8:52/mile


I was a bit bummed about the whole bike thing and ran the start of this with my head in the clouds.  La la la la out for a jog. Oooooo pretty river... I finally decided I should run harder, and I think the second part of this run was much faster than the first part - which is as it should be I guess, except to say I was a total dub for the first mile and I know it.  Again, no leg issues. 


When people saw I was covered with grease, the light came on and they said, "OH! You are that girl who got the flat! That sucks!"  I thanked them kindly for acknowledging the suckage. 

What was interesting to me is that most of these folks said one of two things:

  1. I don't know how to change a flat, I would have been screwed.
  2. I would have quit and started walking back.

I kind of don't get the first one. 

As for the second comment, I don't see the point of quitting over a diddly flat really, I mean, how do you know you can finish if you quit just because things don't go exactly as planned?  Adjust! Fix it. Do what you can.

Oh, and the age group thing.  I came in 4/7.  The woman who came in first beat me by 18 minutes, two minutes less than the time I spent screwing around with tire/tube stuff.  So I probably would have had her by about 2 minutes without the incidents.  Oh well, next time I am going for it!

Damn Flats!!!!
2010-06-28 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
Hey all!

DENISE - Awesome 5K pace!  Congrats! 

TRACEY - PB!! Great pace, great job you must be so excited!! WOOT

SHAUN - Great job at Welland!  Calves suck. Get a PT (who checks your stride on a treadmill) or a sports doc to look at them pronto.  Foam roller and the stick are pretty awesome too.  AND ART ART ART!  I love ART.  I call my ART guy Dr. Fabulous cause he helped me run again.

STEVE B - WOW!  You are collecting 1st place awards!! I am so impressed, you are awesome.

KASIA - Way to pull though, congrats on a solid race.  Chin up, shake off the icks (that is icky feelings) - you are a rock star in my book.

Thank you all for the support on the flat.  Glad I had some practice, it  might have taken me longer otherwise.  I found the gash in my tire last night, looks like I ran over something nasty and sharp.  Kevlar tires too.  I think I am going to get a new one, there are these wires poking out that don't look tube-friendly...

I might be absent much of this week from the Groovies - Mom has an operation to remove a tumor from her arm tomorrow (not cancer, but causing nerve damage so it must be removed) then work is again, crazy.  I will check in when I can! 

Anyone racing this weekend? 


2010-06-28 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2948345

Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
manfarr1974 - 2010-06-28 1:23 PM Hey all!

I might be absent much of this week from the Groovies - Mom has an operation to remove a tumor from her arm tomorrow (not cancer, but causing nerve damage so it must be removed) then work is again, crazy.  I will check in when I can! 

Anyone racing this weekend? 



Hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow for your Mother.  

Enjoyed your race report, as usual.      

I'm doing my 1/2 iron Aqua/bike this weekend and keep thinking that my time is coming when I am going to have to change a flat in a race.    I have practiced a few times, but just don't seem to have the knack for getting the back wheel on easily.  

Looking forward to your return.  

2010-06-28 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2559115

New user
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Welland Triathlon - June 26th, 2010

750m swim
30 km (18 mile) bike
7.5 km (4.6 mile) run

Total time 1:50:05 (winner 1:27:41, AG winner 1:31:58)
Overall 72 of 269 entrants, 234 finishers
AG (30-34) 12 / 20

Like Kasia, this is for me and for you so its probably a bit long and laboured and I might (probably) jump around a fair bit and it might be hard to follow. I already posted a short re-cap but here is the long and drawn out version. Enjoy if you get all the way through it!!

Pre Race Day
Drove to Welland on Friday afternoon. Went to race site after dropping stuff off at my parents. Drove the bike course and road the run. Talked to some of the volunteers and saw the two people I know from Michigan doing the HIM on Sunday. Bike course is flat with pretty good pavement overall. Run was mostly flat with some spots of 10' elevation changes in 10' or so distance. Glad I saw both the bike and run. Pretty nice course.

Biggest dislike is the 425 meter/yard run to transition from the swim with some of this being across gravel.

Planned to wake up at 5 with transition opening at 7am. Got up at 6 and took longer than I wanted (yes, I will be the guy who is late to his own funeral) and got to the race site at 7:10am. Parked, registered, got marked and then went to get my bike and gear. I like the shirt. Growing up in the Welland area near the Welland Canal holds a place in my heart. So when the shirt has one of the canal locks partially opened I instantly liked the shirt. I'll try and remember to take a picture for you guys. (For reference a lock in a canal is basically a section where they control the water level to raise or lower the boats.)

Weather was overcast and low to mid 70's. Perfect temps for me! Sprinkled a bit on the ride and run. Not a real down pour by any means.

Whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and 2 cups of coffee.

Vendors with stuff to look at. Talked to a woman with a IMSG hoodie on that completed the course. She said one of the toughest around. She does recommend IMLP or for my training on mostly flat lands IMF or IMA. A Du/Tri strore from Mississauga was there with Zoot Loonies. I would have bought them on site if I knew that Zoot shoes worked for me.

Setup/Warm Up
Easy peasy…Towel, shoes, hat, sunglasses, helmet. Not much here. I keep it simple. Although I already knew the course from the water to the transition (425 meters/yards), I walked it again. Went for a ~130 yard swim to get used to the water. One of the few people with no wetsuit. Different start to the race based on the canal being for boats and not so much for beaches. The start is in the water next to a small lookout/fishing pier. The exit was close and they pull you up onto a pile of pea gravel and up a hill across the timing mat you go. Not the best stuff to run up. Left sandals near the exit of the chute.

Sipped on half bottle of Gatorade. (forgot a 2nd bottles worth of Gu Brew powder)

Swim 14:21, 1:54/100m, 85th
Start in the water on a time trial basis. Much easier than having 300 people head into the water at one time. Got going no problem. Felt like I was passing lots of people or maybe they were passing me. Not sure which. Sighting was spot on every 4th plus breaths. Amazingly straight as far as I could tell. I felt like I was doing well with a good pace. Now that I look at the results I obviously went slow…much slower than I thought I would. I should have been around 12 minutes or 1:35 pace. Had to stop twice to cough out some water I swallowed. I had one or two of those 'what were you thinking' moments during the swim.

Run to T1 2:50, 425 meter run
Next time there is a run like this I will have running shoes with me and not sandals. Kind of a jog but not really. Main reason for sandals was the 50-75m of gravel to run across.

Transition 1 0:57
Not sure how I was this fast. Sun glasses on, helmet on, shoes on, bike off the rack and out.

Bike 51:19, 35.1kph (21.8mph), 44th
To start had trouble mounting. Didn't feel with it enough to do my version of a flying mount. So I stopped threw a leg over and had feet slip off pedals twice as I was trying to go. Clipped in once moving. Not the greatest start. Got going and felt good. Got on the open road and was regularly passing people. Felt great to be passing people. Let everyone know I was coming and offered words of encouragement to most people, especially those who were either breathing hard, labouring hard or not on the best of equipment. Got a few comments back like 'Me? Your'e the one who passed me, you're looking good!!', 'Show me some leg' and from one guy passing me 'I've been chasing you for 15km slow down next time'. Only got passed by 6 or so people. Felt great knowing I was going that fast. However, on the way out I got thinking 'man that is a lot of wind noise. Way back should be easier on me. Will pick up the pace.' Then about half way into it I realized there was no wind and it was all speed wind noise. So I kicked it up another gear on the way back and really tried to hammer it out. No flying dismount. Was pretty close to the guy in front of me and didn't feel like causing a scene.

I need to work on bike handling a bit. At the turnaround I went wide and into the gravel. Then at the 2nd to last turn I went way wider than I should have.

All in all, had more to give. Should have been able to get another minute or two.

Biggest issue was GI related. Never had a problem drinking and eating a gel before. I mixed the drink 1/3 stronger than recommended and had a gel after halfway through. Gel did not stay were it was supposed to for long. Just kept hammering through hoping for no lingering effects. (wondering if related to my drinking too much canal water…)

As for Mandy's comment about having people offer to help, there were two people I passed on the side of the road. Offered them both hep and supplies. No takers.

750ml of Gu Electrolyte Brew - 4 scoops in bottle instead of recommended 3
1 Gu Gel

Transition 2 1:12
Trouble with socks.

Run 39:37, 5:17 min/km (8:30 min/mile), 131st
So, this was 2.5km longer than my last tri run yet I this pace was faster (8:45 min/mile at Hawk Island). Some slight discomfort in my calf/shin, nothing major during the run. Started out relatively fresh off the bike. Heart rate was up there and breathing was a bit heavy but not laboured. Settled into a comfortable pace and told myself at the turnaround to pick it up. Got to the turnaround and was thankful just to be that far. Then told myself to pick it up after 4 km….Then it was after 5 km….I think I did at this point. Picked it up again after 7km and then was almost sprinting to the finish trying to get ahead of a girl in front of me alas someone told her I was coming and she took off. Some good pictures of the finish though. Near the finish I heard someone yell 'Go Shaun'. No idea who this was, did not even get a look at them. Crossed the finish and mom and aunt were right there. Then the people that yelled at me appeared and it was the two women from MI doing the HIM. So that was cool to have my own cheering section.

Post Race
Realized I did not have a sock up high enough and I tore through a layer of skin again on my left ankle where the top of the shoe is.

Got some food, took a look at some of the vendors goods. Chatted with some random people. Hung around for awards and see if I won anything in the raffle. Alas, no freebies this time. I did buy two packets of Infinit 'Ride' formula to try and I signed up for them to propose a mixture for me.

Funny story, my mom and aunt see this guy walking a Cervelo P3 with a Zipp front wheel and a disc rear. Someone made a comment about it looking expensive, so I told them that is what I was asking for for Christmas. They asked how much and I told them only $3500 for the bike and $2000 in wheels. Somehow, I don't think I'll find a P3 under the tree! (It was worth a try though!!)

Went home and slept and ate like it was nobody's business. I could not imagine what I'd be like after an Oly, HIM or worse.

Post-Post-Post Race (ie. Monday)
Left calf is tight. Both shins are tight. Location wise right now, both legs have a tightness/soreness wrapping from around from the back to the front on the inside (as if where the legs would touch each other) at about the point where the calf/achilles meet, when I walk. I'm sure my walking looks a bit laboured but no comments. Also, my right arch is sore which I have never had before.

Overall thoughts on the race
Would do again, in fact strongly looking at this event being my first HIM in 2011. Great in between sprint and oly course for those like me trying to figure out what distance they really are going for. I thought Multisport did a good job with the overall race. Only issue is with entrance and exit when there are available 'beach entrances', however parking, venue, etc all become compromised.

Edited by smarx 2010-06-28 1:53 PM
2010-06-28 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2945882

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!


Well, you started a bit too fast, maybe, but I think that can turn out to be a valuable training tool - especially if improving your 5K time is a goal for you. To wit:

Next training session, aim for 8:50 for each of the first two miles --- and then see what happens in the third mile. if you want to spice this up, you can back off for the first part of the final mile and then pick up the pace for the finish, or just carry through that final mile as bext you can. If you do this a few times, the time for the third mile should come down.

At Komen, did you feel lousy for the final (9:20) mile, or did your pace just nicely slow?

8:43 for the first mile is super, and 8:55 for the second one isn't really that far off; so, it too is good. Losing 25 seconds on the third mile may seem like a lot, but I know you'd love to have a nickel for every person who had a similar slowing-of-pace at the end of a race. VERY few people pace well consistently, and learning to pace is a work-in-progress, regardless of whether you've been doing this stuff for a short while, or seemingly forever.

I think your numbers from Komen are great, and they give you something concrete to play around with. Have fun!!

2010-06-28 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2947392

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

My former coach used to say that once a person DNFs, it makes it immensely easier to do so again....and again...and again in the future. So, aside from all the other lessons that will sift out from LL2L, the most important one is the one that saw you make your way to finish the thing. Whether it was you taking astep back from the edge on several occasions, or the fact that your roommate (Magdelana?) waited for you in T2, it all worked to keep you going. Believe me, at some point you will look back on this and feel immensely proud of yourself for perservering!

There are those days in which It just doesn't work, and the voices in your head begin to work thier evil on you. A friend of mine, Rena Rubin, used to say "TCVL" -- which is The Critical Voices Lie -- and they can just really get going in a race when actions don't seem to be up to the expectations -- or even the hopes. If we were to re-read all of your posts for the past 4-6 weeks, I think a recurring theme would be that you felt pretty good about the bike. You'd had some decent rides, and while there were concerns about the actual race course, I think you felt that at the very least the reide would be okay. But for whatever reason, early on you knew it wasn't going to be your day on the bike.

My best guess is that you shot a lot of yourself on the swim. Unless I'm mistaken, that's the longest straight swim you've done, isn't it? So, putting that effort - exerting that energy - before a very tough first 15 miles of a 30-mile bike.......that will sap a lot of people, to be sure. If you are a kicking swimmer -- that is, you rely on a kick for much of your propulsion -- then that will take a lot out of the bike legs; I think you now have a good idea of what that feels like, huh? It is one of the reaons why I kick very little on the swim, just to save as much of my legs as possible for the bike and run. But that's for another time and place!

"Powerless to change the situation" is a great way to describe what happens when one "bonks" or 'hits the wall", and while I think you did that emotionally, I don't think it happened to you physiologically. It really does sound as if you did the nutrition just right, and that the demons were working your mind and not your muscles. But that feeling of being powerless to change the seeming train-wreck of a race gone bad is pretty awful, and all I can tell you is that I empathize with you, having been there a couple of times myself. (That's also for another time and place.)

The way the race organizers handled the end of the race is atrocious, and given that this race has a good reputation, I am very surprised. When you have the energy to do so, a note to the RD might help both of you. A guy in my other group had a similar experience at a HIM in Nevada last year, and I will try to find where his report is and tell you how to get to it. Not that that will help you feel any better about feeling abandoned out there on the run on Saturday, but......

It is perhaps telling that you felt you had the legs for the 10km, which suggests that if your head had been in a better place on the bike, you would've had a better ride; that is, you had more to expend on the bike than you ended up using. BUT........that sort of occurence is one of the many take-home lessons that happens at any race, to one degree to another. There is always second-guessing that happens, along with a fair bit of head-scratching that goes into trying to figure out why the wheels came off when they did and to the extent that they did. That might go on for a while with you and the LL2L bike.

It is good that you want to conquer an oly by the end of this season, and that sure tells me that your spirit is tough and rebounds quickly! Many people might just tuck tail and run, but I think within a few days you will start trawling for an oly in Oct or Nov. Which brings us to........

Please no kudos to me (I can't speak for SteveA) for making it through HIM and IM. As I've told you before, they are just another race. Sure, they require a different skill set and mind set and madness set AT THAT TIME, but ultimately it's just about pushing through whatever the given distance is on the given day. Like everybody else, I went through all of the baby-steps angst -- the first one mile run, and seeing six miles as impossible; the first 100 meters in the pool, and figuring that 1000 metes couldn't ever happen; the first 10-mile ride, and not being able to see 50 as attainable in this lifetime.

The trick is to just keep working away at it. As I've said before, I did 5 sprints before jumping up to a half-iron, and those were invaluable to me as preparation for the HIM. My training was March to August of '00, and then three sprints to finish out that season, and then training in the off-season and beginning '01 with a sprint in June and another in early July.....and then not doing the first half-iron (Timberman) until the middle of August. But throughout all of that, it was baby-steps --- improvements and increases in small increments.

The unstructured work you see ahead for you right now is perfect, and stick to that for several weeks at the very least. I strongly recommend trying to get in one or two sprints beteen now and the oly, however, just to work on your skills and to get some of your confidence back. Sprints are great for isolating specific things to work on, and the more of that you do the more ready you will be for the longer stuff -- of which an oly definitely counts!

Finally, for every one of you in Boulder, there are thousands of people who couldn't/wouldn't get their body and mind through what you got yours on Saturday. You KNOW that, but now you just have to keep in the forefornt of your mind so that every time the critical voices start to lie, you'll have a seamless argument to counter them with.

Finally-finally, your race report is superb - again! - and as I said with the last one, make sure you keep a copy of it in some safe place. Don't let it too far out of your sight, or out of your mind!

Edited by stevebradley 2010-06-28 5:09 PM
2010-06-28 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

I should add that my final .2 (my Garmin measured 3.2 total) was 8:43

So this is how it went.  Based on my training, I was pretty sure I could do a 9:30 pace but I wanted to see if I could do a 9:20.
When I start a race, I don't look at my Garmin 'til I get into a steady pace (after maneuvering around people).  When I 1st looked at it (around 1/4 mile), I thought it said 9:36 and I was a little disappointed.  When I looked at it again (probably around 1/2 mile), it said 8:40, so I knew it was probably 8:36 instead of 9:36 the 1st time.  And I thought "Boy, I won't be able to keep this up".  But I didn't want to slow down to 9:20 so I said to myself "Just go for it".  Didn't slow down too much the 2nd mile.  I am ashamed to say the 9:20 pace for the 3rd mile was because I stopped and walked twice (Shame on me).

I think part of the reason I didn't push it more the final mile is because I knew who my competition was and knew I could beat most of the others easily but not come close to the one who took 1st in age group.  Kathy Peterson is 67 and runs a sub 8 5k - she's fast.

But I'm glad this happened - now I'm going to work towards an 8:50 - I think that's doable.

I'm sure this improvement is due to the speedwork I've been doing lately.  5-10 30 sec speed spurts once a week in a 3 mile run.

I just hope this translates to a decent run in my next tri.

2010-06-28 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2947398

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Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2010-06-28 2:23 AM


Your attitude towards racing is infectious. Especially the smile. I used that strategy yesterday and every time I saw a photographer, I smiled even if I was crying on the inside. So when the pics come up, I better have a good one on the bike.

And wow, your run time was amazing! Congrats on a great race and near-AG placement.



I think you meant to address this to Mandy, but I'll go ahead and continue pretending that someone is complementing me on my run time!


2010-06-28 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Love your race report. As much as you feel disappointed by your experience, it sounds like you learned a lot from it (nutrition, etc). And most especially that you felt you could run the 10k after the swim and the bike. For me personally, I know the run in an Oly race would be the most difficult. And great job on the swim by the way!

I agree with you that the disappearance of the race organizers from the course before everyone finished is NOT cool. You're right, you paid just as much as the next guy to participate so you deserve the same consideration.

Congratulations on NOT being a DNF. Considering how close you were to bailing, I think this is an accomplishment in itself. You were able to dig down deeper and find the motivation to keep on going! (And I'm sure doing the run portion with your roommate was a big boost too!)

Great job!


2010-06-28 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2947406

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Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
augeremt - 2010-06-28 2:53 AM

And the best part was when this super cocky guy on my team found out the distance. "Oh, you did a tri? How long was it, a sprint?" Nope, an Oly mofo. His jaw literally dropped. Awesome!

That's my favorite part of the story.

2010-06-28 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2559115

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Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!

Peterborough, right?  That's going to be a REALLY long time on the bike.  I know my bottom wouldn't be able to handle it.  What's the hardest part for you when you're on the bike that long?

2010-06-28 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2947058

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Carver, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: GrooveTime!group - CLOSED!!!
lufferly - 2010-06-27 9:16 PM

MANDY, great job on the race ... bummer about the flat, and you still almost placed in your age group despite it, and would have had 1st without.  And, I'm ashamed to say, my response to you would have been #1.  I know ... it's on my "to do" list, along with kagillion other things! 

KASIA, we are all hoping things were looking better for you this morning.  I thought about you during the run portion of my race today when it was so hot and I just wasn't feeling it.  You gave me the inspiration to work a bit harder.

TRACEY, keeping my fingers crossed about the neuromas!  Good job on your runs!

Came in 14/18 in my AG in my race today and had a PB cutting 1:30' off my previous time on this course.  My pool swim sucked, started off badly when the woman in front of me didn't go when they told her to and went about 2" before they called me to go ... ugh, 50" slower on my swim this time around.  More to come later, after a good night's sleep.

Hope everyone has a good week!!  Looking forward to a short work week myself.



Awesome job on the PB! I'm sorry, I totally missed that you raced this past weekend. Shaving 1:30 off a sprint - that's pretty darn awesome!

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