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2007-01-11 3:00 PM
in reply to: #649977

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
thanks for the advice. I'm trying to keep my carbs around 65% and protein around 25% and the rest using healthy fats. I got these numbers using the Carmicheal Training System.

I should have been clear about the tortillas...i like flour! Yeah, i know, corn is better. But, its a sacrifice i'm willing to make. =) Thanks for the daily inspiration...

2007-01-11 3:02 PM
in reply to: #651151

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Also, could you give me a sample menu of the foods you eat. Thanks.

Hey! where's Felix? I hope everything is cool...
2007-01-12 6:44 AM
in reply to: #649977

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Here's a sample meal:

(Once again, this is if I'm training the scheduled number of hours, which I'm not)


Lunch: 2 fat / 3 fruit / 3 meats / 2 veggies / 4 carbos =

90 grams of grilled chicken (3 servings of meat), 2 cups of toss salad (2 servings of veggies),  oil/vinegar dressing (2 serv. fat), 1.5 cups of whole-grain rice + 1 slice of whole-wheat bread (4 servings of carbos),  1 glass of orange juice + 1 medium-sized fruit (3 servings of fruit).

I know it's a lot of food. For you training plan, I would definitely lower the carbos to 2 servings (1 cup of rice, pasta or 2 slices of bread), maybe the protein also to 2 servings (60gr.) and the fruit to 2 servings also (1 glass of fruit juice + 1 small fruit).

The important thing is to keep it balanced. The above sample doesn't include dairy products, but I do have them in both breakfast and dinner.

I would suggest to start making little changes. Change whole milk for skim or non-fat milk, broil or bake instead of fry, fruit instead of candy, water or juice instead of soda. There's even whole-wheat tortillas!

Also, yeah, where is Vic???

2007-01-12 8:07 AM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hi guys,

I am here again. Unfortunately I haven't been able to write or exercise since I am taking my final tests... I have been waking up at 6:00 am to go to work and class, and I return home almost 11:00 pm. After thatI have to pay bills and take care of my family, so I don't think that it is a good idea to exercise at 1:00 am : )

Next week is going to be less complicated, so I am planning to start (oficcially) this SAT. Thank god after FEB 10 I will be free.....

I am eating well and I have my doctor's appointment for JAN 19. I will start working out tomorrow.

I hope that you don't get mad or dissapointment.

Your friend,


PS1: Thank you both for worrying about me.

PS2: Drago, How is your back?
2007-01-12 8:39 AM
in reply to: #651886

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Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Hey Vic,

Not mad at all and much less disappointed, my friend!!!

Triathlon training, at any distance, takes up a lot of time. I usually find myself carrying a car full of training clothes, setting up the bike trainer at home for a short 30min ride and doing stuff like that to try to squeeze some workouts in. Obviously, working out at 1am under the conditions you're going through right now is counterproductive. The good thing is that I'm sure once you get some time to do so, you'll do great, especially with your swimming background!  

Remember, this is supposed to be FUN. No pressure from me or anyone else for that matter at all. It's all you. I'm here to help you, encourage you and orient you, where possible.

To me, training in general has become and continues to be a lifestyle change. I'm constantly learning new stuff and making adjustments to keep getting better.  You'll find that many of us still struggle with balancing life, studies, family and training. But that just keeps it interesting!

What I do recommend is to try to log something everyday, even if you don't workout. Write about how you feel, your goals, life in general or whatever comes to mind. I know the logs and the BT community have been great tools in getting me to the finish line of my tris.

BTW, I put some comments on my log about my back; still waiting.

Edited by dragoman 2007-01-12 8:41 AM
2007-01-12 10:29 AM
in reply to: #632505


Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Would like to join your group. First time training for a tri. Have run a few marathons under 3.48. Not a good swimmer. WOuld like to be ready to do a sprint in a couple of months. Look forward to all your advice.

2007-01-12 11:54 AM
in reply to: #652107

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Welcome aboard Jack,

First, try to add me and the other guys in this group (Vic, John) to your contacts on your blog. My advice is blog as much as you can every day, even on non-training days: training, nutrition, mood, etc., and give and take advice, encouragement and inspiration to and from the other group members. Ask me all the questions you want

Second, set an exact date and venue for your tri. That way, you'll know exactly how much time you've got left to train.

If you don't already have one, choose a training plan. This site has excellent programs.

As a runner, a fast one I may add, you'll be saving the best for last in a tri...which is always a good thing + you've already got significant endurance which will carry forward onto the other two sports. 

With regards to your swimming, my advice is the same as the one I gave to John a few posts back: read Total Immersion and find someone experienced to take a look at your stroke. Swimming is technique intensive, so going solo does not always work. A master's group is always a good option.

As of this week, we're posting AT LEAST three tri-related goals for each week, so feel free to add yours. (See above posts). 

Once again, welcome.


2007-01-12 12:24 PM
in reply to: #652278

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Welcome Jack!

I'm a rookie to endurance you're going to see lots of questions from me posted here. So, tell us about yourself.
2007-01-12 12:32 PM
in reply to: #651932

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Glad to see your post my friend. I can understand the hard work it takes to balance school, work and a marriage. It is not for the meek. I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. I'm still waiting to get accepted into pharmacy school...but i know i'll get in.
2007-01-13 7:36 AM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Have a great weekend, guys!

I hope to see some workouts logged and have questions asked during the week.

Remember to review and update your goals on Monday!


2007-01-14 11:28 AM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Well, i hadn't weighed myself since before Thanksgiving. I was around 225 pounds(102.3 Kg)...but since i was low-carbing, i had very little energy. During the holiday's, i regressed to my old habits and gained some weight...some of this weight was water, since carbos hold water and usually thats commen after getting off a low carb diet. Okay fast forward a couple of weeks and here i am. I am feeling energetic for my workouts...i feel like i'm getting leaner. My clothes are actually feeling looser. BUT, when i weighed myself this Sunday morning...i was weighing 236(107.3)! I guess its possible to gain that much weight over the holidays...but damn! Should i continue with my 2600 calorie per day (65%carb,20%protein 15%fat)? Should i decrease my carbs some...maybe a 40-30-30 type of diet? My goal for race day is 200 pounds. I think i'm going to continue with my plan, but i'll be weighing myself daily. I'm even taking my scale with me on the road...for consistency. =) But i would like to hear everybodies opinion. Thanks.

Here are my goals for next week:

#1 Finish reading Total Immersion Book
#2 Lose a minimum of 4 pounds this week.
#3 2 sessions of yoga/pilates to work on core.

2007-01-14 5:28 PM
in reply to: #653303

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hi, Félix.

I'd like to join the group -- if everyone is ok with adding a little estrogen to the mix. :-)

BACKGROUND: 36 YO, live in Washington, DC. Am starting my first year at a new job that doesn't require travel, so I'll have time for myself (including fitness). Yay!!

OBJECTIVE: Complete a Sprint Tri in May of this year in Napa (along with some girlfriends from the West Coast). I'm generally competitive so having a goal will really help get me back into good shape. This will be my first mini-Tri.

SPORTS/FITNESS BACKGROUND: Have played many competitive sports. Was quite a swimmer as a kid, but the desk, mouse and car have taken over. So, I'm starting pretty much from ground zero. Need to lose about 20 lbs along the way (is my guess), but improved strength, flexibility, fitness, tone, etc. are the real measures. I have a personal trainer 2x/week for weight training. Belong to a gym, have a skin-suit (from diving, will it work?), but need to buy a bike... and any other necessary equipment.

GOALS FOR THIS WEEK (a little presumptive, but just in case...):
--Keep tracking nutrition & workouts (am using
--Research and buy a bike
--Work-out (cardio) 6 days/week: mix running, swimming, stationary bike (30-40 min ea day)
--Work-out (weights) 2 days/week (1 hour ea.)

I'm open to any and all recommendations, feedback, etc. Thanks so much.

2007-01-14 8:31 PM
in reply to: #645869

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
dragoman - 2007-01-08 9:35 AM

1. Start eating like an athlete again. Doing a little better than I expected!

2. Complete all 11 scheduled training sessions. I'm sidelined.

3. Get maintenance done on both bikes (MTB and road). My trusted LBS has been closed.

4. Re-read Total Immersion. Started; I'm on Chapter 4.

5. Get new batteries on my heart-rate monitor and strap. Since I CAN'T train, I've no motivation to do this.

This was a hard week mentally for me since I got injured last Monday. I'm waiting for a diagnosis next Tuesday to see if I can at least start swimming, physical therapy, yoga or whatever. I need my endorphin kick!  

Goals for this week:

1. Eat like an athlete (even it means having to eat like an injured or recovering athlete).

2. Continue to read TI.

3. Get maintenance done on both bikes (MTB & Road).

4. Blog as much info as I can (nutrition, resting heart rate, weight, etc.)

Let's see your goals, people!


Edited by dragoman 2007-01-14 8:33 PM
2007-01-14 8:55 PM
in reply to: #654257

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Welcome Heather!

I love the attitude, motivation and goals.

You're on the right track about weight loss Remember that muscle actually weighs more than fat, so your best indicator is body fat percentage. I get my nutritionist to measure my BF every few months.

I'm not really sure that your diving suit will work for tri swimming, but it sounds like a good question to post on this site's Triathlon Talk forum. My guess is that it probably wouldn't work as well as a specialized wetsuit. I've never used one, but then again I live in the Caribbean.

I would definitely recommend following a specific tri training plan AND continue doing weights twice a week, trying to engage the most important tri-specific muscle groups. A few posts back I gave Vic a sprint triathlon plan and a strength training plan. Something along those lines would work perfectly; however, this site has a number of great plans to choose from.

What price rance bike are you looking for? Maybe I can help there.


2007-01-15 2:57 PM
in reply to: #645294

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Hi, I'd like to join the group as well.

Background info: forty three year old male from Chicago - just started back getting into shape ( isn't round a shape?) currently at 205 - would like to be about 185 though have been down to 167

years ago i was a diver for almost 10 years - competed at national level in college. swimming is pretty easy for me - relatively efficient - 30 - 35 strokes per 50.

no idea about biking - need to get one (which one? road or tri?)

running is tough and what I am spending most of my time working on - i realize my runs are what others do for a warmup, and that my pace is very slow but it is improving.

at this point i am trying to work up to 6 hours a week - it is difficult to balance work, 10 hours a week commute and parenting.i am trying to strength train at least 2x a week, preferably 4. Normally work out for an h our in the evening aftre making dinner for every one else, and and occasionally strength train in the morning. Swim on Saturday mornings when I can.

Biggest probelem is patience with myself and the slow progress in the run.  I have no illusions at this point of an oly or an IM, just sprint would be fine for  now.

I just don't want to be last.





2007-01-15 3:11 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Hi guys,

I have bad news. I am sick, very sick. My wife is sick as well. I think that this is going to be a long week for me (I hope that the virus just last a week) . I don't think that I am goign to be writing a lot. I guess that I least I am goign to lose some weight...

Well, take care.


PS: Yesterday I went to Oleta Park and I was biking with Kristina (wife). They have roads for mountain biking. It was fun. We were biking for almost 3 hours. Highly recommended...

2007-01-15 3:29 PM
in reply to: #655359

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Vforte - keep hydrated and keep the faith!

Some nasty virus went around my office last week  - about 48 hour bug.  hang in there!

2007-01-15 3:54 PM
in reply to: #655337

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

Welcome Dave!

A sprint tri is a great place to start; however, I must warn you: serious tri addiction may follow.

It's great to have a target weight, but like I said in previous posts, lowering body fat and gaining muscle should be our goal. So bf percentages are more accurate for athletes than just weight.

Road bike vs. Tri bike? A tri bike is very much similar to a time-trial bike, it kicks butt on flat terrain and it's geometry is supposed to help save your legs for the run. That being said, I prefer a road bike with clip-on aerobars. I generally ride on hills and rolling terrain in training and find that a road bike offers better handling and climbing and a more comfortable position.  I haven't been sold yet on the arguments that tri-bikes are significantly better for beginners. It's your call, ask questions at your LBS and tri shops.

Run improvement. Keep plugging away at the run. The most important thing is that you wear proper running shoes, suitable to your type of foot, and don't increase distances or speed more than roughly 10% per week. Running on soft surfaces helps save the knees and prevent overuse injuries.

My biggest advice to you is find a tri-training plan. This site is filled with great programs. Only specific training will help you meet your specific goals! You can also mix in strength training along the way, but remember that activity should complement the big three (swim, bike, run) and it's always better to skip a lifting session than one of the 3.

If possible, read the previous posts of this forum. Ask as many questions as you'd like (technical or non-technical) and keep an active blog!


2007-01-15 4:09 PM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - FULL

So, the group's full!

Here's a little summary of its participants:

bruyere: Heather, female, 36, doing a sprint in May.

vforte: Vicente, male, 31, married, doing a sprint on May 6th.

marburg99: John, male, 35, doing a sprint and an oly.

jack carvalho:

dave01101: Dave, male, 43, training for a sprint.

dragoman: Felix, male, 34, racing on July 29.

Make sure you've got everyone in your "contacts" on your blog: inspire, encourage, ask questions. If possible, read a few posts back to see what's been going on in the group so far.

Vic, recover quickly. It sucks to lose weight from being sick because a lot of that weight is muscle mass also. I absolute love the trails al Oleta; IMO, they're the best in all S. Florida!  

Ok, TRIATHLETES, let's do some swimming, biking, running, lifting, etc.!

2007-01-15 5:16 PM
in reply to: #632505

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - FULL
Hi Felix and John and Welcome Bruyere, Dave and Jack.

My two goals this week:

1) Watch what I eat. Just Healthy food and soup for sick people : (

2) Get well.

Take care,

2007-01-15 6:51 PM
in reply to: #654430

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Thanks, Félix.

I would LOVE any suggestions that you might have on the bike. I've received mixed, and would love to add yours to the mix. The rec's seem to be...

Go for a tri bike ($1200-1500) cuz it's worth it.
Go for a hybrid bike (since I'm not really about performing yet, just completing - ha!), and maybe get a few "tri" upgrades (not even sure what this means, but I'll find out).

Also, I'll be training in DC but racing in Napa. So... do people just rent bikes when this happens? Any ideas on how to find the right kind of bike to rent? Should I be renting what I've been training on, or something close? Or, if I buy the big-daddy bike, can I actually take it with me on the plane, somehow? Or is that just crazy-talk.

Ok, enough questions for now. I'll do some searching on this site for answers, too. Thanks in advance for any input you may have.


2007-01-15 9:12 PM
in reply to: #655623

New user

Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN
Thanks for the inspiration and also for the advice on nutrition Felix. You rock. I hope both you and Vic recover quickly. I know whats its like to be sidelined...No fun!

Welcome Heather,Jack and Dave! We've got our lets get crackin.

Heather, I havent decided on a road or tri bike either...i'm leaning towards a tri bike...since i ride mainly on flat roads. I am going to be test riding bikes all next week. We should compare our research.

2007-01-16 8:28 AM
in reply to: #655767

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - OPEN

I hate to say it but price point plays a big factor in my bike choice, i can get a nice road bike - which i think might be better for me training than a tri bike - at a much lower cost.

'Course right now it is a bit tough to ride in Chicago.

Edited by daveo1101 2007-01-16 8:30 AM
2007-01-16 9:06 AM
in reply to: #632505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - FULL

This is the link to a great article on the difference between road and tri bikes. I'd still prefer a road bike with a tri setup (aerobars, seat adjustments) because I ride more hills and go on lots of group rides. But if I could afford both, I'd probably go for it!

Hope this helps.


2007-01-16 9:49 AM
in reply to: #656133

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: dragoman's group - FULL


That is a great article, i've read it a few times. being here in suburbs of chicago - not too many hills . but it has been a long time since i've been on bike other than my too-small mountain bike, i think for sprints a road bike may be fine as the distances are not so great, If i seriously get bitten by the bug then i can always get a tri bike in the future (2-3 years??)

Edited by daveo1101 2007-01-16 10:16 AM
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