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2007-01-04 8:36 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I missed that there were a few questions for me in previous posts. Here are the answers:

A bit about me -- I spent 5 years in a relationship that left me a miserable, unhealthy version of myself. I allowed someone to guilt me into giving up the things I love. When my grandmother died I realized that her last vision of me was fat, miserable, and a shadow of my former self. So I decided to take 2006 and reclaim what was left of the joyjoy everyone knew and loved. It was tough convincing myself that I was worth all this effort, but I am blessed to have amazing people in my life that wouldn't allow me to give up on myself a second time.

My inspiration comes from the realization that I am deserving of every thing I get from being competitive and taking care of myself. Every mile I run, bike or swim is for me and for those who helped me fight to get myself back on track.

I am from the DC area, born and raised.

Right now I am havng trouble going from afternoon to morning workouts. So far this week I have overslept each day. Hopefully tomorrow will be different.

2007-01-04 11:27 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
joy, I hope that our team here will be able to help you succeed and become the joyjoy everyone knew you as. I think you came to the right place with the right people. (fate, perhaps?)

Ty, the cave run is fun. Its nice and warm (70 degrees) all year round and its for Easter Seals. We have a pretty large following now that its in its 25th season! Its just a 5K (or for those really ambitious a 10K). Our office sponsors two teams for every running/cycle race the city offers. Its a pretty sweet deal to get people motivated!

2007-01-05 11:09 AM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL


You're all getting out there and getting workouts in.  I think some of you have been pleasantly surprised with your success already.  At least that's my take.  You guys are awesome, and inspiring me to train more effectively already. 

Several of you have even been brave and LOOKED at the pool!   Others have actually put on a bathing suit and got in.  GREAT.  Keep it up!

Get yourself into a good training pattern... someone once said 21 days a habit makes.  There is a lot of truth to that -- Force yourself to get a workout in for at least 21 days, and you find it gets much easier.  One friend of mine, after about 2 weeks of training, missed a couple days.  His comment -- "MAN, I Feel Guilty, I didn't get it in".  Now, lest you think I was putting undue pressure upon him. I didn't,  basically said.  OK -- we swim at 6;00 if you can come -- glad to have ya, if not -- no problem...   He Came.   Best and worst part of that.   First race, I beat him by about 6 minutes, next race 30 days later, beat me by about 3 minutes --- Progress can happen fast!  ( the fact he's in his 30's and I'm in my mid 40's may have had something to do with that!  haha

Your workouts look great and you're we'll on your way! 

Next step -- Find a triathlon in the May-June (earlier if your comfortable) and get registered. Nothing firms committment like putting money on it!  Plus -- many races fill very fast.  There is one here that registration opened on New Years day...  And FILLED with 1600 racers in 19 hours!   Don't procrastinate!  This sport is growing fast, don't get left in the dust! 

 Keep it up, Team!  Keep inspiring each other, and most important -- HAVE FUN!   You're all AWESOME!

2007-01-06 10:14 AM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Hi Team!

I just registered for my first TRi, so I feel really commited now. I signed up for the Lifetime Fitness Tri in mid-July, but am going to try and look for a smaller one for May/June.

I ordered a swimsuit online about three days ago, so I'm waiting for it to arrive, and then I have absolutely no excuses to get into the water and try to swim. The pool at my gym is an olympic-sized pool, so I think if I can swim one length without stopping I'll be very happy.

Also, I've been thinking about getting a DVD for either strength training, or pilates/yoga. I'm not sure which way to go. Maybe both? I have a hard time getting into the weight area in the gym, as it is always packed and a lot of waiting for equipment; plus, honestly, it's a bit intimidating. I just feel like I should be doing some strengthening exercises, and right now there are only a few things I do. I welcome any suggestions!

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend!

2007-01-06 12:26 PM
in reply to: #644626

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Kris Marie,

I have several pilates DVDs, I would recommend any of the body band workouts from Ana Caban ( or the Pick Your Spot pilates by crunch fitness. I wasn't all that impressed by the Windsor pilates stuff, but you might have a different experience. is great resource for workout videos.

2007-01-06 9:20 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
okay.....frustrating day.

1. excited about getting to the pool and some swim instruction!
2. drive 20 mins to high school pool where class is hosted.
2. wrong directions to school, arrive late
3. lost in the school finding pool (its a big high school)
4. get to pool only to find out the class was cancelled
5. drive home 20 minutes

and it was the only time I planned today to get some exercise in.


Edited by kcguy 2007-01-06 9:21 PM

2007-01-06 11:58 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL


GREAT, FANTASTIC, AWESOME job this week -- You're a doing super -- let's keep the enthusiasm high!  You're inspiring each other, and logging your workouts well.  Super!

CONGRATULATIONS to KrisMarie for getting registered for the Lifetime Fitness Triathlon!  I ran that race last year and it's AWESOME!  GREAT JOB!

Congrats to others for getting swim suits ordered, getting in the pilates and or yoga ( neither of which I have ever tried.....  but then, I'm about as fliexible as a 2x4 board!   )

Kristen asked a question on my blog about a BRICK.  What is a brick.  Well to some it's an acronymn (sp) meaning Bike Run ICK!     Others equate it with pain. but what a brick really is, is a workout in which you do two of the three disciplines within that same workout (not like a swim in the morning, and a bike in the afternoon).  As you can imagine, it's good to practice doing the disciplines back to back, and it helps you adjust your body to the changes.  It can also be good for practicing "transition". 

Transition is as it suggests, the activities involved changing disciplines.   You'll hear triathletes say things like -- "My T-1 was terrible, but I did ok in T-2. "   T-1 or Transition 1 is typically the transition from the swim to the bike.  T-2 or Transition 2 is typically the transition from the bike to the run.   Transition is an important part of a race, and is frequently overlooked.  We'll focus more on transition later in getting ready for our races, for now just keep it in mind. 

Just another little housekeeping note.  Nothing major.  Many of you are replying and commenting on each others blogs by the means of the inspire me's!  That's GREAT  Keep it up.   Here's the housekeeping detail -- When you click on "reply" in an inspire me, it posts the reply in that blog.  For example, if I click "reply" in the post by Nezza in an inspire he has put in my blog,  it will post in my blog.  If I click on "blog" in that post by Nezza, it will copy as a quote the note he placed in my blog, in his blog, and take me there to complete my reply.  This is a good way to reply to each other!   Both methods are great, but just wanted to make you aware of the differences.   Try it, and you'll see how nice it is....

Meantime, let's continue this next week what we've been working on this week.  Get ourselves started, and move along.  If you want to push a little harder, go for it!  Nothing wrong with that. 

One other thing.  In endurance sport training, rest is as important as the workouts.  I would suggest that each take 1 day a week and designate it as a rest day.  This allows your body to rebuild and get ready for the next week of increased activity.  If you're training 6 days, you should make your workout around the middle of the week a "recovery" type workout.  Still workout, but make the effort a bit less.   Many triathletes will also take a recovery week 1 in every 3 or 4 weeks, where the intensity is reduced.  Still workout, just not as intensly.   As you plan your workouts, you'll want to keep that in mind!

Now -- have a great week, and keep on doing what you're doing -- You're all a great inspiration!


2007-01-07 9:06 AM
in reply to: #633210


Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I can;t believe how much swim training you're managaine to put in at the moment - unbelievable! Especially seeing how hard I found my swim this week. How long has it taken you to reach this level?

2007-01-07 11:33 AM
in reply to: #645204

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL

nezza - 2007-01-07 8:06 AM I can;t believe how much swim training you're managaine to put in at the moment - unbelievable! Especially seeing how hard I found my swim this week. How long has it taken you to reach this level? Neil

Good question, Neil.  I've been swimming an average of about 3 times a week since I started Tri training about 16 months ago.   When I started, I was like most.  Swimming 50 yards without stopping to rest was the norm.  For the first several weeks my workouts averaged between 500-800 yards, and I was beat!  My training buddy (a collegiate competitive swimmer) worked patiently with me over that first few weeks.  Inside of about 6 weeks I was doing about 1200-1500 yards per workout.  Now, I average just under 30,000 yards a month.  Some have called me a "fish", because I do swim a lot.   But I've come to really enjoy it, and the benefits are great!

I'm still not fast as a swimmer (speed improvement is one of my MAJOR goals this year), but the cross training swimming provides has helped me immensely in the other two disciplines, particularly the run.

How to build up..  Well, work until you get 50 yards comfortably with minimal rest between each 50 (10-15 seconds).  At least once a week, for now, try to increase your non-stop distance by double the previous week for at least 1 repeat.  So this week you do 50 non-stop, next week,  at least 1 100 non-stop, the next  --1 200 etc-- until you can get to about 5-600 non-stop.    Now, the best way to increase your yardage without rest --  RELAX!  Don't worry about speed.  That will come.  The key to successful swimming is to be relaxed in the water.  You'll work hard, absolutely, but if you keep relaxed your form will improve and become more efficient!    I've learned that the more tense I am, trying to make a specific time goal, or something, the SLOWER I tend to go.  It's amazing.

Great question, Neil!  Everyone else!  Have a great week!  You are all Champs!


Edited by UTTriman 2007-01-07 11:50 AM
2007-01-07 11:45 AM
in reply to: #644626

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL

KrisMarie - 2007-01-06 9:14 AM Hi Team! I just registered for my first TRi, so I feel really commited now. I signed up for the Lifetime Fitness Tri in mid-July, but am going to try and look for a smaller one for May/June.

CONGRATULATIONS KRISMARIE!!!   That's a critical step -- COMMIT!

Everyone -- have you picked out your first triathlon?  If not -- Make that a goal this week to identify the first TRIATHLON you will do.  I would suggest that you look in the April-June time frame.  I know 4 months seems like not very much time, but I know you can all do it!  When you've got the race picked and you're registered, well, its do the race or flush the cash! 

Let us all know what race(s) you're looking at!  We'll all be there with ya supporting you!



2007-01-07 12:43 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Thanks for the DVD suggestion, Joy! I think I saw that "Pick Your Spot" one at Target, and it looked pretty good. I will probably pick that up. I also checked the group-fitness schedule at my gym, and there are a few classes that might work well with my schedule.

I have never exercised twice a day (I was planning on trying to cram everything into one workout), but I"m beginning to see from all of you that it might be necessary to get the most benefit. So, maybe a strength/pilate class or DVD in the morning and then cardio in the afternoon. I'm just going to have to see how it works out best once I start swimming. Incidentally, I thought my suit was going to arrive yesterday, but it didn't and I'm starting to get really antsy about it. I want to just get this over with!! Every time when I first look at the pool, I get a pit in my stomach.

Danny, that is really frustrating about your planned swim. That just flat out stinks and I'm sorry that happened after you got all prepared to go. I guess the good thing is, now you know where it is at least for the next time.

I feel more motivated now that I've signed up (and Brett as you know that LTF Tri is not cheap for some reason), but that was just clicking some buttons to register. Now comes the hard part . . . .

2007-01-07 12:59 PM
in reply to: #633210

Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I'm aiming for the Motor City Tri in Detroit, Michigan on June 24th. I haven't registered yet...but will do within the next two weeks.
2007-01-07 10:31 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I'm looking at the Flint Hills Tri, June 2nd in Manhattan, KS. You have to register with a approx. swim time so that they can put you in the right seed for the age groupers when we start. Since I haven't touched the pool yet, I will probably hold off to register for that one for a bit.
2007-01-08 9:46 AM
in reply to: #633210

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Danny, I hear ya, sometimes workouts dont go as planned. And I agree with Kristen, these Tri's are expensive. I am saving my sheckles to sign up for my race in May. Also, Neil I agree with Brett, swimming just takes time. I swam competitively in HS (25 years ago) and even now when I hit the water I remember to relax and just enjoy the stroke. As my wife always says, You are doing more than you know.

I think my workouts are going well. However, I want to know what the thought is on strength training. I think I am going to add some lifting to my exercise this week and see how I feel. Does anyone else feel this way? I love doing the cardio of running swimming biking and all but sometimes its good to just lift and feel a good pump. Also, is anyone taking any supplements, I drink a protein shake every now and again after working out but I have no idea what I should be doing.

Good luck to everyone on week 2!
JoyJoy this is your week!

Take care,
2007-01-08 10:41 AM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL

Neil --

Great question on strength training.  This is an area I need to do better at myself.  I'm starting a strength routine as we speak.

The key with strength training and triathlon is not to BULK up --  If you want to play football, or be a professional body builder, that's one thing, but a triathlete needs core strength, as well as endurance.

In the past when I've done strength work, it's been core focused.  Lots of crunches, situps etc.  When working with weights, do higher reps with lower weights.  Still builds the strength, but increases endurance.  For example, instead of the typical 3 sets of 10 reps, do something like 3 sets of 20 reps.  You will likely need to reduce the weight by 20% or so.   It's kinda (ok for me a LOT) tough, and you'll definately feel it, but your endurance will improve.  I was able in about 2 months to increase my lifting capacity about 15% when I did the strength work last winter.

Hope that helps everyone.  Go out there and have a great training week!



2007-01-09 2:43 PM
in reply to: #645996


Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Hey Ty,

Thanks for the advice. After yesterday's swim I'm hoping that 2/3 swim sessions per week should see me right for my first event.

In the UK the swim leg for most triathlons seems to be about 400m which looks quite do-able. However, I'm thinking about having a session in an endless pool (although not until the advice is going to consist of more than "try to swallow less water").

Mainly, I'm concerned that after the swim I'm going to be too worn out to do the rest of the event, hence needing to improve my efficicency.

And, having done 20-odd km today (including an 11 hour break in the middle!) I'm sure I need to fit some bricks in somewhere along the line.


2007-01-09 7:33 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I think you guys sent some good vibes my way. So far I am feeling energized and really look forward to my workouts. Tomorrow morning I am hoping to get in the pool before work and then go for a short run at lunch. I can't imagine it getting any better than this.

I am still looking for another event between my 5k and the sprint triathlon. I may try for a cycling event like the Tour de Cure or an MS 150.

I want to return the favor, so here are some happy vibes out to all of you. *****happy vibes*****

Edited by joyjoy 2007-01-09 7:38 PM
2007-01-10 11:56 AM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL

Well JoyJoy, your good vibes were received by your mentor today!  THANKS!!!

We all set goals for this month for ourselves, right?   Well, I did the same thing. (Can't ask you all to do anything I wouldn't!)  Made one goal that I thought would be a real stretch, because I've been struggling so much with speed in the pool lately.  Guess you can figure out what's coming! 

One of my swimming goals this month was to make at least 1-100 yard swim in 1:40.  That would have tied my PR (Personal Record).   During my swim this morning, well, goal accomplished.  Not only did I accomplish the goal, I shattered it. 1:38!!!  WHOO HOO!   I'm pretty excited about that!  A NEW PR!!!

Thanks to all of you and your support.  I may be the mentor, but you're all helping me be a better triathlete as well.  When you ask questions, it's causing me to focus on what I'm doing, so that I can answer with at least a somewhat intelligent response! 

Thanks again Gang!  You're all awesome -- Let's ALL make ALL our goals this month -- I know we can do it.  As Tony the Tiger say's   "YOU"RE GREAT!!!"

2007-01-10 12:52 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL

Hey everyone, just stumbled on to an article that I think has some excellent, sound advice for the up and coming triathlete.  You might want to take a read of it.

Feedback and comments welcomed!



2007-01-10 5:22 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Brett -- Congratulations on your new PR! That's awesome!

You ALL have been very inspiring to me. I got to the gym today and felt kind of . . . blah, not necessarily bad, but just not invigorated. Then I thought of you guys -- how some of you get up so early to work out -- or do two workouts a day -- or bike to work every day --- plan your diets -- do yoga --- all of it: I can truly say it motivated me and made me feel better about being there.

That article was interesting and there are a few things in there I've been thinking about lately -- namely, the nutrition, the pace and intensity of my workouts, and rest.

The Nutrition: I'm the first to say, I hate to cook -- so, I don't. Consequently, I end up getting a lot of pre-packaged food that is highly processed. It's not that I don't like eating healthy -- I just don't do it enough. Today at the grocery store I really tried to make an effort to buy foods that are less processed. I bought fresh baked bread, meat from the deli, fruits, and even tried the "natural" chips (they only have potatoes, sunflower oil, and sea salt in them, as opposed to the 2 million ingredients you find in regular chips). It's a small step, and hopefully I'll get better about picking the right foods, but I'm definitely becoming more aware of it now.

The Intensity: That article talked about being caught in the "medium" workout cylcle, and thus getting mediocre results. I feel like that a lot with my running. After my first few bike workouts I felt like I really got a good workout. I don't feel like that with my running. It's not that it's easy for me to run; I'm just used to it, and it feels . . . comfortable. I think getting into swimming and biking will help a lot, and I'm going to start focusing my running more on speed than distance and time.

Rest: I think this is one of the most overlooked aspects of training. When I ran my first marathon, I had no clue how to train correctly. So, I made the mistake that a lot of runners do when they start out on their own, I forced myself to run when I should have been resting. Every day, it was a very methodical, even-paced run, with no real challenges. I would feel guilty if I took a few days off, so I ran through subtle signs my body was giving me to "back off." I ended up running that marathon with pretty severe tendonitis in my knee and with a knee wrap on both knees. Not fun. I guess it taught me to listen to my body, and I'm getting better at it, but it reminds me of something one of my running friends used to say, "The feedback your body gives you is the best training tool you will ever own; listen to it!"

Have a great training week all and thanks again for the motivation!
2007-01-10 7:18 PM
in reply to: #633210

New user
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
Brett - congrats on that PR. That is amazing and had to make your day.

KrisMarie - I have a crazy job and have had the hardest time trying to make sure I eat right. Cooking isn't always an option for me with my schedule. I make it work by eating a lot of salad, you can always top it with canned tuna, or chicken. Check out your stores salad bar, you might be amazed at what you find.

I have a swim question. Is it possible to backstroke the swim portion of my triathlon? I can swim the freestyle, but my backstroke is much stronger. Just curious, I am going to keep working on my freestyle.

Edited by joyjoy 2007-01-10 7:23 PM

2007-01-13 3:56 AM
in reply to: #649922


Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I've been told that backstroke is not allowed in most races in the UK because it can be confused with the distress signal you gie to the lifeguards if you're in trouble - but I don;t knwo if that'#s just in open water or if it includes pools as well

Have a great weekend everyone

2007-01-15 12:49 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I also have another swim question, its more equipment related. Brett, have you/do you train with fins or hand paddles? My instructor mentioned something about using a few of those.

She has pretty much determined I have no kick and use WAY too much arm (which is pretty normal?) among other things. She broke down the stroke for me and there are alot of technical things to work on.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We got iced in over this way.


Edited by kcguy 2007-01-15 12:50 PM
2007-01-15 12:51 PM
in reply to: #633210

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Roeland Park
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL
I also forgot to ask. How soon is too soon to do another race? There is a tri that I would like to participate in at the beginning of July after my first race the beginning of June.


Edited by kcguy 2007-01-15 12:55 PM
2007-01-15 12:56 PM
in reply to: #655125

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: UTTRIMAN's Group - FULL

kcguy - 2007-01-15 11:49 AM I also have another swim question, its more equipment related. Brett, have you/do you train with fins or hand paddles? My instructor mentioned something about using a few of those. She has pretty much determined I have no kick and use WAY too much arm (which is pretty normal?) among other things. She broke down the stroke for me and there are alot of technical things to work on. Hope everyone had a great weekend! We got iced in over this way. d

I don't use fins, personally.  My coach has made me learn to kick without them.  There are some fins called "zoomers" that are good because they make you work and thus don't become a crutch. 

Hand Paddles can be good for form, although I don't use the "traditional" ones.  My coach has me using some new fangled things-- just came out -- called "Forearm Fulcrums" -- made by Finis.   They are really great for working on correct arm postion in the stroke.  It's helped my stroke a lot.

Paddles can be good as well, but consult with your coach on proper size.  I understand that if you get too big or too small they can contribute to injuury.

Hope this helps!


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