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2011-01-26 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3322573

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
nickih - 2011-01-26 11:20 AM

Hey there is there still room in this mentor group. I'm a 29 year old(well 29 tomorrow)  mother of a four month old. I completed two tat's in 2009 and well last year i was prego and exercised but did not race as somebody came at the end of the season( does that count as a marathon). This year I have set up the lofty  goal of completing an olympic tri in wasaga beach in sept. Currently Im in the shape of a beginner again since well I havent managed combine motherhood effectively yet, go for a walk daily.

Sure, why not. We have room for one more. Now that you've set the goal have you picked the race? I always say put your money down on the race. Get registered for the event. Once you've done that it's no longer an option in your head! Please be sure to update your training log on this website. That is where I go and look at your workouts. If you have questions that everyone can benefit from post them on this thread. If you need an immediate answer or want to ask privately then just send me a message.
Welcome to our group.


2011-01-26 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Heather - I started logging my training, but wasn't sure if I had to set anything so you can see it?

and a followup to my previous posts. After running continuously for 20 minutes and swimming continously for 20 minutes - I'm feeling really cocky... do you think I could do the mini-sprint in February after all? How would I tell for sure? I don't want to be too aggressive, but it sure would be fun to DO something rather than just think about it all the time...

2011-01-26 11:55 PM
in reply to: #3323495

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
bakerswife - 2011-01-26 4:51 PM Heather - I started logging my training, but wasn't sure if I had to set anything so you can see it?

and a followup to my previous posts. After running continuously for 20 minutes and swimming continously for 20 minutes - I'm feeling really cocky... do you think I could do the mini-sprint in February after all? How would I tell for sure? I don't want to be too aggressive, but it sure would be fun to DO something rather than just think about it all the time...


Go for it!  
2011-01-27 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3323884

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Go have fun! Thats what its all about. Good luck!

2011-01-27 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Well registered for the RIT tri-a-tri and the kick cabin fever tri. both indoors. I did both last year, 4/6 weeks after surgery, so I hope to improve my times this year.
2011-01-27 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3324502

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Go for it!! Have fun ad let us know how you make out.

2011-01-29 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3324502

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
megan_four - 2011-01-27 10:19 AM Well registered for the RIT tri-a-tri and the kick cabin fever tri. both indoors. I did both last year, 4/6 weeks after surgery, so I hope to improve my times this year.

Megan - Good for you!

And you are an inspiration to me... since you said you did this indoor tri 6 weeks after surgery (!) my whimpy fear of only having 6 weeks of training behind me was no excuse. I signed up for the indoor tri - only the mini-sprint distance - and have resolved to go only as fast as I feel comfortable. My goal is to finish it uninjured ...

Thanks everyone!

2011-01-29 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3328330

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Good for you Mary! Finish uninjured and have fun! If your not having fun, why do it? I know you will do great!

2011-01-30 2:54 AM
in reply to: #3323495

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
bakerswife - 2011-01-26 6:51 PM

Heather - I started logging my training, but wasn't sure if I had to set anything so you can see it?

and a followup to my previous posts. After running continuously for 20 minutes and swimming continously for 20 minutes - I'm feeling really cocky... do you think I could do the mini-sprint in February after all? How would I tell for sure? I don't want to be too aggressive, but it sure would be fun to DO something rather than just think about it all the time...


Mary I can see you training log just fine. Keep up the training and logging. It's not just for me it's for you too! Of course you can do a mini-sprint in February. Go for it and give yourself a baseline from which to improve on. You will be so proud of yourself and just think of the people around you that you could inspire! Let me know if you have any questions and good luck!!

2011-01-30 2:56 AM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hi ladies! I just wanted to let you know that this week I will be on here very minimally. My husband and I are leaving for Cancun this morning and we will return on Thursday night. I will check in on your training logs and questions on Friday so keep up the good work!!

2011-02-03 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3329086

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hey there ladies. I'm probably not the only one with this problem but struggled with part of tri for a long time. Its called the running. I can run for like 1 km and then seem to run out of steam and then walk for a bit and start again. I wanna keep running and stop the stop go thing. Im not getting the so called runners high Ive heard of here. I posted this here cause I just cant be the only one.

2011-02-03 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3338296

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
yea have that problem too. i just started with a distance, and stuck with it till it got easy, then moved up a bit at a time. I found training on the stair climber has really helped with my running distance and time. (I can rock the stair climber! To bad I still don't rock the run.)

still working on it. good luck.
2011-02-04 1:16 AM
in reply to: #3291778

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
I HATE running too, you are NOT alone!
2011-02-06 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
aagghh! was sick for over a week, and gained weight and got fluffy! not fair, thighs got bigger   i have a hard enough time finding jeans to fit in the first place.

ok done . back to regular work outs monday.

hope every one had a good weekend. Heather hope you had a good trip last week.
2011-02-06 11:20 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hey Ladies! 

Go Green Bay!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I am ready for awesome week of training, and I hope you are too! 

2011-02-08 9:47 PM
in reply to: #3342403

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Meagan dont be so hard on yourself. Your working out it can only get better. Remember this supposed to be fun, I know thats those of us that have a competive edge. 
Heather hope you had an awesome time on your holidays. Yahoo for the packers!! Well just checking in. See how everythings is going. 

2011-02-09 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3291778

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hey Everybody! The trip was FANTASTIC!

Let's set some weekly goals or contests or something. I can tell i need to make training more fun for you ladies! What are some of your ideas or thoughts? Let's hear 'em! For example we could have a weekly mileage or hours of training contest?
2011-02-09 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
I'm with you nickih...go Pack! Yahoo. Great game and very delighted as an aspiring cheese-head that they won. Wisconsites *can* be so sad when the packers lose.

Been training for my mini-sprint this weekend. I added in some bike work and realize that might be a tactical error - to have worked mostly on the running and swimming. The bike is the longest part. Oh well - we'll see how I do.

I've been glad that I have a gym to do the workout in - its been wicked frigid here in MN. I think about you Jacyln - you're in California right? It must be sort of nice to have no winter to fight. This one has been a long one. Megan - i hope you are feeling better now. Sick is no fun.

Edited by bakerswife 2011-02-10 7:48 AM
2011-02-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3347734

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
No matter how cold it is like to workout side. Still well trying to run outside. Cycling ive been doing on the trainer, since it aint safe lately snow snow and more snow.  So Im truly proud of myself lasting 1 hour on the trainer not going anywhere watching the wall. Maybe I need to get something watch while Im riding. Some ideas for inspirational picture people? Thanks 
2011-02-11 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3291778


Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
LOVE the idea of most mileage, etc for those of us who are competitive!!Tongue out  This week has not been the best for me for training between sick kids and snow days - I have only done exercise videos - no running, swimming or biking.  But that's better that nothing, right!!   Hope y'all have a great weekend!!
2011-02-12 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Hi everybody - I just wanted to say that I woke up yesterday morning with a fever of 102... So I'm not doing my mini-sprint this weekend. Feel like I've been hit by a truck. Can't believe it - especially since I cannot remember the last time I was sick. Super disappointed....

But I want to say thank you to everyone for the support! Hoping that I'll be back on my feet in no time... but for now - it's plenty of fluids.


2011-02-13 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3351707

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Well that totally sucks bakerswife. Take good care of yourself and hopefully your feeling better soon. Maybe there is even a race in btw the one you planned now and the next one. That you can do. but get feeling better
2011-02-13 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3291778

St. Paul
Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Thanks Nicki - feeling less like run-over-by-truck but now I have the cough. But I'm wondering - if anyone has some ideas about how to re-start after being slammed by illness. I think Megan - you've been thru this, right? I would imagine that I'll just go and do what I can in each sport comfortably the first week and pick it up as possible.

Just wondered tho.
And yes- there is another mini-tri I could do - plus I found a tri just for beginners locally, I might add to the mix.

2011-02-13 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3352831

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
as for post sick. last week i took it real easy, 30 min walk. mostly with that caugh, take it slow. i took the week off from the swim. if your cold/flu is any thing like whats going around here, dont underestimate it. Tomorow i will start back with the pool, and start running again.

listen to your body, if your tired, back off. dont stop, but slow down. i'm a firm believer in sleep being the best thing when sick, liquids next, then food. (though food is first priority when healthy)

hope your feeling better soon bakerswife!

ps. i once did a mini tri with a respitory infection, could barely breath and was coughing up some pritty yuck stuff by the end of the run. (not recomended. i went home and slept the rest of the day)

Edited by megan_four 2011-02-13 3:38 PM
2011-02-14 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3291778

Subject: RE: Heather's Women Only Group - FULL
Ok slightly off subject. Got up this morning, did light core work out, went for walk/run with my mom and bf like normal. run went well. Came home, and my friend (male) sent me flowers and chocolates! Can't stop with the silly school girl smile. Getting ready to go swim for lunch.

ps. its in the 40's in WNY! I wore shorts to the gym this morning.
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