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2011-05-03 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3479610

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Rant: I'm really getting tired of cyclists in this town
SoberTriGuy - 2011-05-03 8:17 AM

I had a "Cyclist" come tearing through an intersection on my left side when I was making a left turn.  no helmet on this guy either..  I was tempted to follow him and give him what for.

Towns by me actually give tickets (I think they are $65.00) for not stopping and putting a foot down at stop signs.  You may proceed at a red light if you are not heavy enough to trigger it..

Around here we call them "scofflaw bikers" and they are the bane of every legal cyclist in Seattle and the greater area. the cars hate them, the other cyclists hate them, pedestrians hate them - some of the mare even Bike messengers and somehow thing that excuses them to get away with anything. they do occassionally get tickets but our reduced police force is usually to busy to do it unless it was something done very blatently in front of them.

A local town though, Mercer Island, is NOTORIOUS for giving tickets to cyclists who do not obey the law, do not stop at stop signs or lights, speed (lots of hills on the island), and even not signaling a turn. Some cyclists still do not learn though. Some tickets do get thrown out however as state and local law only defines stopping as coming to a complete stop. There is no requirement to stop for x number of seconds, to put your foot down, or anything else. So if I come to a stop sign, I can track stand for my stop and go when it is my turn.

2011-05-03 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3474958

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: Rant: I'm really getting tired of cyclists in this town
Are these local riders or riders coming to train on the course (both?)?  If they are local you can try writing the local bike and tri clubs mentioning your concerns about safety and the poor image bicyclists are getting throughout the community becasue of actions like this. 

If you can write the club president and give examples of seeing offenders with their club kit on that will certainly grab their attention and it will be mentioned.  It may not help too much but it should help some, at least on club rides.
2011-05-03 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3480160

, California
Subject: RE: Rant: I'm really getting tired of cyclists in this town

I see this type of thing in Seattle also.  Try riding out of the commercial district toward the I-90 bike path.  You'll see cyclists not stopping, riding into oncoming traffic, anything to avoid waiting at lights.

One time while I was biking I watched a guy make a left on red through (spaced out) oncoming traffic onto Dearborn.  After the light turned for me, I chased him down and said something like "why don't you wait next time - you get drivers angry at all of us".  Not sure if he cared or not.  But I think they're more likely to listen to another cyclist than to someone in a car.

2011-05-03 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3478936

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: Rant: I'm really getting tired of cyclists in this town
madkat - 2011-05-02 9:35 PM

My bike is my main mode of transportation. For the most part, I obey all the rules of the road*.

It annoys me beyond measure when I see cyclists doing dumb and dangerous things, and generally being a *** in traffic. Although I have never heard of the police stopping cyclists around here, I know people who have been ticketed in other local communities.

Our local cycling community is relatively strong, and Sonoma County is a great place to live as a cyclist. The bike coalition is active in educating riders and that may play a part. I wouldn't mind seeing tickets given out to folks riding incorrectly (blowing stops, going the wrong way, talking on their cell phone, etc.).


*I treat neighborhood stop signs as yield signs. I treat my neighborhood stop light as a stop sign, as it has been proven to me to be unresponsive to my bike. Out on the main roads, I stop and wait at all signs and lights.

This is actually the law in Idaho. You don't have to stop at stop signs. You do have to slow and yield to other traffic according to normal stop sign rules, but if there are no other vehicles or it is your turn you can proceed without stopping.

Stop lights on the other hand require a stop unless you are turning right or left onto a one way in which case you don't have to stop.


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