General Discussion Triathlon Talk » how young is too young? Rss Feed  
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2012-06-26 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4280575

, California
Subject: RE: how young is too young?
ratherbeswimming - 2012-06-26 5:49 AM

I've been a competitive swimmer since age 5. I'm now 26.

Swimming 5x a week for the summer session isn't necessarily a recipe for burn out. I swam 5x a week every summer. I didn't swim in the winter until high school - and then, I swam summer and winter. I went on to swim in college. I've competed in masters a few times since then. I love every single season! Senior year of college I started to feel the twinges of being burnt out - I worked with my coach on keeping me sane and happy for my last season, and I was competing in Masters Nationals by the year after graduation.

Swimming also isn't guaranteed to ruin your shoulders. I struggled a bit in high school and college with some pain - never really found the cause, but found ways to manage it (stretches, chiropractor, ice). I wouldn't for a second trade one of those swim seasons for anything. My shoulders are function and fine, with the exception of an occasional ache after a long (3500+ yd) swim session.

The big thing my parents did was let me choose. Every year it was "Elaine, are you sure you want to swim this year?" and I answered yes. 

So, please don't be discouraged by what people are saying. Let your kid guide her athletics - just be certain that who is coaching her has some idea what they are doing. 

I love swimming. Some of my proudest moments happened on a pool deck

Part of it is making sure your kids pay attention to what their body's telling them.  Encourage them to speak up if something hurts, rather than just working out through it.

I knew two guys with shoulder problems in high school.  One was a backstroker.  The other was our water polo goalkeeper -- apparently blocking hard shots out wide isn't great for your shoulder... who'da thought?

Both were able to correct it with rest and PT and didn't let it get so bad that they needed surgery.  I attribute part of that to good coaches who didn't penalize them for injury downtime.

2012-06-26 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4281198

Subject: RE: how young is too young?
Left Brain - 2012-06-26 1:29 PM

gsmacleod - 2012-06-26 12:14 PM  I wouldn't worry about the growth plate issue; all of the recent literature I have seen on the subject suggests that the growth plate damage that running was feared to cause do not seem to happen. There are very good reasons to not have children and youth running longer distances but growth plate damage doesn't seem to be one of them. Shane

Our family Ortho Doc would disagree with you....and he's a good one.  Osgood-Schlatter disease is one of the biggest knee problems in children.  One of our girls suffered with it for years.  Any sport that entails continuous running for kids carries a risk.  And while the condition itself may not cause any permanent damage....there is always a cost somewhere when it comes to injury.  My son had problems with the heel growth plate when he first started running.....we had him quit for a year. 

 I think you are spot on with your starting age though......12-13 is right for kids to start handling some "training".


Anecdotal experience =/= scientific research studies.


Is it healthy for kids to run really long distances? No.  Is it healthy for them to learn how to run and enjoy themselves playing games?  Definitely.

2012-06-26 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4280187

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Subject: RE: how young is too young?
I think the key is letting the kids dictate the pace. My daughter at 7 can run 5 miles. Some days she will some days she wont. Just accept that if you run together it will be a bit slower and they they will dictate the time. once they get uncomfortable they will let you know and either walk or just flat stop for a few. I let mine know I was proud of her and that it was ok. My daughter is now in gymnastics 3 nights a week, but she still LOVES to run! 
2012-06-26 8:45 PM
in reply to: #4280187

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: how young is too young?

thanks for  your comments everyone. she's also into gymnastics, but we took the summer off for swim team (4 days a week).  I find it encouraging that she asked to watch the olympic swim trails last night (i'm partial to swimming) and she was pretty impressed with the platform diving the other night as well.

I'm in the let her do what she enjoys camp, but I can see a possible future in it for her.


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